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VMware Fusion 3.0 + Keygen






VMware Fusion 3.0 + Keygen




2009-10-27 (by onefish2)


Get the Ultimate Windows Experience on Your Mac With VMware Fusion, run the most demanding Mac and Windows applications side-by-side at maximum speeds without rebooting. With over 50 new features and a new ultra-fast Migration Assistant for Windows, it’s never been easier to run Windows on your Mac. Run the Apps You Need on the Mac You Love Using a Mac doesn’t mean abandoning your Windows applications and devices. Ditch your PC and safely run your favorite Windows programs alongside Mac applications, and keep using your Windows-only devices on your Mac. Also optimized to offer the best Windows applications performance without impacting the power of your Mac, VMware Fusion delivers best-in class graphics support for Windows, including the latest Aero animations in Windows 7 and advanced 3D graphics for avid gamers. 2 Files in this zipped archive: VMware Fusion 3 keygen.dmg VMware-Fusion-3.0.0-204229.dmg Enjoy!


  1. VMware Fusion Mac keygen

Files count:



406.68 Mb




joshysquashy (2009-10-28)

Has anyone managed to grab this yet? Is this upload real? Perhaps someone else could seed it for us?

SirCrow (2009-10-28)

Yes it's real and works fine, 'm seeding ;)

modelcitizen (2009-10-28)

Thanks onefish, I'd appreciate an upload of just the keygen tho

hemu2712 (2009-10-28)

Awesome Release, I will Seed Now. Thanks For Upload.

onefish2 (2009-10-28)

Very nice.

hemu2712 (2009-10-28)

Hi Onefish, I just installed this application but it's not 64 bit but the original one is 64 bit. Can you please make sure.

ScreamingDeath (2009-10-28)

Program works as promised! I still don't get difference between this and 2.0.6 though except windows 7 compatible?

jb510 (2009-10-28)

Thanks... curious though why you would bundle the two dmg's together in a zip file so we can't download just the keygen... since anyone could easily download Fusion 3 build 204229 directly from VM Ware right now?

Inidra (2009-10-28)

Can't get keymaker to work... starts, but hangs - can someone pls grab the serial.

miknos (2009-10-28)

Thanks for sharing. I downloaded the trial waiting for the serial to arrive here in TPB. Can someone post the serial so I don't have to download it again?

onefish2 (2009-10-28)

Wow. So many nice comments. Thanks. Next time go find the Keygen yourself. It does not pay to do something nice and share.

miknos (2009-10-28)

At this time the torrent has more than 2500 known downloads. From all that, ONLY 3 are asking for the keygen instead (and not complaining). In my case because I already downloaded from vmware's website.
I have no doubt that (practically) everyone is very please with your upload, including me.
Again thank you.

miknos (2009-10-28)

The application IS 64bit. Check under ALL PROCESSES for vmware-vmx.

rajasal (2009-10-28)

Here is a serial generated from the keygen in this torrent:

SirCrow (2009-10-28)

Uuhhhm deleted my own Light Version, now it looks that VMware has removed it from there site.
Some know where i can get VMware Fusion 3 Light again?

mordors9 (2009-10-28)

Thanks onefish2. Great up. App and keygen both seem to work as expected.

SirCrow (2009-10-28)

Thanks Packhater :)
Uninstalled and installed the light version :)
But still got the menu option "Install McAfee VirusScan Plus" under the "Virtual Machine" pulldown, thought that the light version is without McAfee? :(

onefish2 (2009-10-29)

wad11656 - I do not see a setting to do that in 10.5.8.

dynamitesteel (2009-10-30)

Totally real... seeding too. Thanks dude keep up the great uploads!

Archaon59 (2009-10-31)

Thanks a lot !

pcorlatan (2009-11-08)

Works flawlessly with my unibody MB running snow leopard

takasta (2009-11-08)

works great, does anyone know how I can get a copy of windows and install it onto the mac? or do i have to use an original disc, ie. xp?

james2009 (2009-11-08)

works well!
I tried it with XP and Windows 7... I think I'm going to use the XP one, it's way faster.
I'm waiting to try The Sims 3 on it.. will let ya all know.

oxygens (2009-11-11)

Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge VMware Appliance (osx, win7, linux, anything that runs vmware):
Full game (NOT rip) with working cracks preinstalled, and other goodies:)

DutchBayer (2009-11-17)

Smooth download and very easy to setup. The complimentary MacAffee 12 month subscription is awesome too lol. Thx for the torrent onefish2

DutchBayer (2009-11-17)

Torrent a nice version of windows 7 or xp. Burn the .iso onto a cd/dvd using the Disk Utility. Then just use bootcamp to install windwows and you can use VMware fusion if u want to run both OS at the same time. Windows 7 and mac OS X dont run smooth with VMware though...I have a 4gb ram 24' Imac.

s_schwob (2009-11-21)


BeatsInc. (2009-11-30)

Great torrent! Works perfect! Great download!

greythorne (2009-12-10)

download from vmware website and just use the key from here to register, its much faster that way.

qral_hdr (2010-01-03)

works perfectly...How to run windows XP from vmware, Can somebody tell me please?

qral_hdr (2010-01-03)

anybody have any idea? why when I register with the activation code which I used from installation, it doesn't valid activation code. Does it happen to everybody?

MacEnstein (2010-02-24)

And use the KeyGen here !

leekoonteng (2010-06-01)

currently there is a new version, can i update to the new version and still be able to use it or i'll lose the crack?

PMontanaro (2010-07-31)

Guys, just warning you all that as soon as i opened this up for the fisrt time, it gave me a "Kernal Panic"
aka BSOD for mac.... but then it runs fine after that so dw if that happens

youwouldntstealacar (2010-10-16)

I am also wondering should I "register" the application? and should I "update" to the new V3.1.1? Or will that cause problems? Thanks

gFrenke97 (2010-10-17)

does anyone know if i can use this to windows? i want mac on it
now i have vmware wprkstation with mac os x leopard but its very slow ..

haraldosan (2010-11-28)

awesome seeders:D

haraldosan (2010-11-28)

DL at 1.48 MB/sec

stebblingur (2011-05-01)

is this the best win-on-mac app to play win games on or is there something better?

KyleLEX (2011-05-11)

this is the vmware fusion for mac right?

Dannieloco (2011-05-11)

^^ wow really??

sooshicat (2012-07-21)

For some reason when i open up the installer nothing happens...