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Lord of The Rings Battle for Middle Earth 2 Update and Crash Fix






Lord of The Rings Battle for Middle Earth 2 Update and Crash Fix




2010-08-08 (by CodaBrink)


Just an installer I made to get Lord of the Rings - Battle for Middle Earth 2 to work Since getting the game to work on my Win 7 computer was tricky, I decided to make a script so that others don't have to go through the same thing. This script also installs the latest update, and applies the NO-CD patch. Please comment on the torrent so that others can know that this isn't a virus. Thanks :) Coda Please enable DHT in your torrent client to download this, I didn't add any web trackers.

Files count:



28.57 Mb




CodaBrink (2010-08-10)

I take it no one has commented because you're all too busy playing Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth 2 because it's working now? :)
Let me know if it makes your game work too, I want to know.

reaphux (2010-08-16)

@ CodaBrink
cheers for the patch! totally works!
time-saver indeed. thanks heaps and appreciate it. registered just so i can thank you.

CodaBrink (2010-08-19)

Awesome! Thanks for the feedback!

Stark1276 (2010-08-24)

Hey it didn't work for me. I had downloaded the patch to try to play online and I figured that this would fix it but it didn't. all it does is go to the green screen when it first starts up and then stops responding. any ideas on how to fix? please help

CodaBrink (2010-08-25)

Windows XP, Vista, 7... Wine?

Stark1276 (2010-08-25)

i have windows 7 and the game worked before I use Daemon tools. and i got the 1.06 patch for the online play and I tried to use one of the other no cd cracks and now it doesn't work at all it just goes to the Lord of the rings screen right when you start it up and it freezes

CodaBrink (2010-08-26)

This torrent updates the game to 1.06 automatically, then applies the no cd patch, creates an Options.ini in your profile folder with default options and creates a folder in your profile called "Maps" so the game wont crash.
Have you tried fully removing the game, then just running the file from this torrent?

wtflolhehe (2010-09-24)

Can you make a fix for Rise of the Witch King too?

wtflolhehe (2010-09-24)

can you make a fix for rise of the witch king too?

wtflolhehe (2010-09-24)

rise of the witch king fix too please.

Nonisay (2010-10-12)

how to register? :o

Kasseopea (2010-10-26)

Doesnt work for me either, simply no effect. Something about game.dat screwing up...damn, wtf?

Donut3500 (2010-12-15)

Works great, saved alot of time. Thanks :D

budsatawny (2010-12-23)

Thanx man..Works with my Windows 7 Ultimatex64(that I got here also).........NO VIRUS, no need 2 worry!! Anyhow it fixed the splash screen freeze up!! Thanx again Coda!!

cisslayer (2011-01-08)

@Coda Brink
Thanks a lot for the the patch! I could finally start playing the game.
When I go to play Multiplayer, (LAN) I get a "Data Loss Error" suggesting the other client is running a modified version. (all comps have your patch)
Any suggestions?

Achilles295 (2011-01-22)

Wow. This worked. I couldn't get the game to launch and now it works fine. Thanks so much mate.

schefem (2011-01-27)

i just signed up to thank the uploader of this game patch, THANK YOU, I gave up on getting patch for 1.06 and been using dvd to get into game. NOT ANYMORE :) :) :)
But I am having the same problems with the 1st Battle of Middle Earth, without the "2", loading screen freezes on initial loading screen/window, can you use this patch and alter it to make no-dvd patch for origianl version of Middle Earth too? THANKS IN ADVANCE.

jonkit (2011-03-08)

great job, works awesome now. Thanks alot I can actually play the game.

donarthegrey (2011-03-13)

@ CodaBrink.
Did not work for me.
I have windows 7 ult, And i have the orginal game. I removed the game first and installed it again. Then used your fix but no luck. With loading the game it stops.
Do you know anything else to do?

CodaBrink (2011-03-16)

@donarthegrey Sorry man, I don't have any suggestions. It appears to work for most, but not all.

CodaBrink (2011-03-19)

I'm glad to hear it. :)
Right now I don't have the bandwidth to create any more fixes, otherwise I'd be happy to.

Metalheadme (2011-04-08)

PERFECT! Now I'll continu playin of you don't mind n_n

Tenchzen (2011-04-10)

@CodaBrink Ive used this to get BFME2 working im just curious what u did because i get all the same errors with EA Cracks when they use a Game.dat exp..(Splash screen then nothing) Same with BfME2 The witch king
Command and Conquer Generals. I only have problems with those games out of th 500 i cracked already. i even got assassins creed 2 working easier than this game so if u could tell me what the crash fix does so i can apply it to the other games as well.... thx btw thanks for this Torrent. I use Win 7 64 HP

Tenchzen (2011-04-12)

****For all who experience the splash screen then crash****
You must put the options.ini(Create a Txt file) into
C:\Users\username\appdata\roaming\my lord of the rings the rise of the witch king or my battle for middle earth(tm) II files
In the txt file copy and paste this into it
AudioLOD = High
FlashTutorial = 0
HasSeenLogoMovies = yes
IdealStaticGameLOD = High
Resolution = 1024 768
StaticGameLOD = High
SuppressCahPromo = false
TimesInGame = 0
Game will start with update and crack now flawlessly

didi11 (2011-04-12)

NAAIIZZ! thanks man, works.

winchester91 (2011-04-19)

when i'm patching it says;
"invalid or missing registry/INI entry"
n00b here, plz help

SHEePYTaGGeRNeP (2011-04-23)

I think i know why it doesn't work for some people ( including me ) the folder created in appdata is My Battle For Middle Earth 2 ... isn't the right folder if you dont install it in english.

SHEePYTaGGeRNeP (2011-04-23)

I fixed it for me, you must cut the file and folder in the by BFME2 folder that CodaBrink created and paste it in the folder created by BFME2 itself! I can play the game.

Chemic121 (2011-05-07)

wow man thanks it works before it was freezing but now its going big thanks :)

pacman112 (2011-06-25)

you my friend are an artist:p works prefect

ionlyknow (2011-07-26)

Thank you very much! Game kept on crashing on startup-screen, but with your fix it works like a charm!

Aidanferg97 (2011-08-05)

Can any-one tell me what to do when it says seeding?

CodaBrink (2011-08-25)

Aidanferg97 - Keep seeding, of course! ;)

this_is_deep (2011-09-01)

Aidanferg97 - & If you do not seed, we will know!! Mu ha ha ha ha ha ha (Evil Laugh!)

this_is_deep (2011-09-01)

10 on 10 DUDE! Awesome work!

dillon777 (2011-11-10)

omfg i love you.Seriously this game was part of my childhood and ive been trying to get this to work for years.and this works =)

geekychik (2011-11-25)

Thank you so much! I actually own the game legally, but nobody could tell me why it wouldn't run properly on windows 7 64 bit. Works like a charm now! Thank you!

MeIsGreat (2011-12-05)

Thanks Tenchzen and CodaBrink, works great now.

yusuf15 (2011-12-29)

this may sound nooby but, where do i install the update to?

CodaBrink (2011-12-29)

If you have the game installed, it will automatically detect where to install the game. Otherwise, just point it to the root of wherever you have the game.

yusuf15 (2011-12-30)


yusuf15 (2011-12-30)

i also have one more question. Do i need to register the game on EA?

Doomfarer (2012-01-08)

Awesome stuff CodaBrink!!
Thank you!!

o0dan0o (2012-01-10)

hey, "Missing or Invalid Registry/INI entry" up here. how would i fix this one? i have the game installed at "E:\Program Files\EA Games\The Battle for Middle-earth (tm)". please help me.

mabils.kumants (2012-01-14)

This thing will make the game worked but when we try to use this on network/lan game/ multiplayer it always says that we both using different patch but the both pc's are clone. one more problem whenever i play single player it is auto defeat every 3 minutes and 30 secs of the game .. CAN SOMEONE HELP ME ABOUT MY PROBLEM ? THANK YOU !

o0dan0o (2012-01-14)

hi, i installed this Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth from

the torrent only contains the first BFME and i wanted to update the game to have BFME2 using this one and when i open it, it says:
"Missing or Invalid Registry/INI entry"
can anyone please help me with this one? thanks!

CodaBrink (2012-01-15)

o0dan0o: This torrent only works for LOTRBFME2.

N112358 (2012-01-23)

Is the Rise of the Witch King expansion also running with this patch????????

CodaBrink (2012-01-24)

No, this torrent is solely what it is.

legendkiller1991 (2012-01-26)

same as many others, according to all 4 (YEAH 4) pc's we have running your crack each one has no problem finding eachother on the net. however, when attempting to join eachother.... we have no luck. according to the version of game (found in options menu) every pc is running a different version! thanks for the crack single player works great, havn't played this game in years and alot of us decided to get together for a game on it but as i say, no luck... any suggestions??? thanks again.

CodaBrink (2012-01-26)

Hey Legend, sorry to hear about your issues. I'll do some testing soon to see what you're experiencing and see if I can do anything about it.

alextfodor (2012-01-26)

Why i find a Trojan in game.dat? :((

Quewe (2012-01-28)

Im using Windows XP, I downloaded the game perfectly and got it installed. But when Im going to play a skirmish the game crashes at 97 % and I get the message saying "game.dat has had an unexpected error and has to shut down". So basicly, I wonder if this fix will fix my problem even tho I dont have Windows 7?
Thanks in advance

CodaBrink (2012-02-28)

@alexfodor It's a false positive. Antivirus companies do that a lot.

CodaBrink (2012-02-28)

@Queue - I really doubt it would fix your problem. You've updated to the latest version?

sattilol (2012-03-16)

Hey does this work on everygame of lord of the rings battle for middle earth 2 or only ur made version?

CodaBrink (2012-03-31)

yes, it works for the game you're describing.

alexpwn88 (2012-04-13)

Hey my download went great but when im playing multiplayer my fortress just destroys in like 3-5 min (i loose then), then i mean nobody is attacking it.I dont understand, please help me anybody !!!! =(

rg150 (2012-05-20)

Thankyou SO MUCH for this!
I tried a lot of different ways to try to get this game working and your little script thingy just made it work and updated it as well.
You have no idea how much hair you saved me from pulling out

irfex (2012-06-21)

Great torrent man eveything works just fine :))

CodaBrink (2012-06-26)

Thanks for the feedback guys. :) Glad I could help.

bish33 (2012-06-30)

I want to play this game without the internet not online but what can I do washes. Is there any way

totobone (2012-06-30)

nice work!!
i'm an expert when it comes to cracking pirated games (mounting , copying the crack , keygens)... lol... but my problem was when you start your game it freezes (not responding)....
then i found this! i had to register to make a comment and thank the uploader. THANK YOU!

emfytat (2012-07-08)

Hello, I have the same problem as Legend. It makes the game start, but when attemptin to join others online, its says that they have a modified version (or something,) so I assumse it no longer is patch 1.06, cause I cant join others who use 1.06. And when I dl that patch im back with the enter CD error. :/

totobone (2012-07-08)

can you please make a FIX for the WITCH KING! pls pls pls!... thank you again for this fix bye the way!

CodaBrink (2012-07-19)

@Totobone Maybe someday. :) Right now I'm pretty busy with other projects.

mlotys (2012-08-01)

It didn't work, the game keeps crashing on me.

darkfog29 (2012-08-02)

GUys PLzzzzzzzz help :///// when i start the game ! after 3 min and 30 seconds my fortress destroys and i lose! plz helpppppppppppppp meeeeeeeeeeeeee :////////

drakili (2012-08-14)

it didn't work :( it still crashes before it even starts, is it possible for you to fix this?

dragonz6182 (2012-09-30)

lol u a great man... really great cause u can make this application

shant12 (2012-10-06)

when i click on the updagte foler for update it says the old file does not exist what do i do?

Maltezerz (2012-10-07)

When I go to install the patch what file do I click on to install because i really want to play this game and your torrent seems to be the best out of the rest

ostensibly (2012-10-09)


lovelorey (2012-10-18)

Dl'd and Installed... Still asks me to insert my 'dvd rom'??

CodaBrink (2012-10-19)

lovelorey, what game you playing, mate? Likely not LOTRBFME2?

bigmasaquata (2012-10-26)


Kentaco (2012-10-29)

This worked like a charm easy to install and makes the game work perfectly thank you! :D

arre96 (2012-10-29)

Hey CodaBrink, should i crack it before i do this or not?

CodaBrink (2012-11-03)

@arre96 It takes care of that for you. :)

scottlive101 (2012-11-04)

Thank you so much! Fixed all of my probelms

tsipis (2012-11-24)

seed plz

tsipis (2012-11-24)


CodaBrink (2012-11-25)

tsipis, the seed ratio is fine. Your connection is bad.

wazorkor (2012-12-30)

@CodaBrink I'm having a bit of an issue, hoping your expertise could help me. I'm attempting to use your patch with CrossOver. When I open up your Fix, it asks for a destination folder in which I can browse and select. I wasn't sure where to save this and I tried a few options but was given the "insert CD" message upon opening the game. I'd really appreciate your expertise. Thanks

xLnz (2013-01-01)

hey, i wonder how i can play this game. I only got some files with this names:
what shall i do to play?

marlondb9 (2013-01-02)

Working 100% thankz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ariex (2013-02-14)

I can start the game without any problems but I can't seem to get patch 1.06 because in options the version number always change but it's always lower than 1.0 which mean I can't play online with others which have 1.06
Any solution?

BiOMeck (2013-03-22)

Fixed the stalled loading screen at start-up. I'm glad I tried this. Thanks Coda.

johndds333 (2013-04-15)

Thanks a Lot CodaBrink i have the game disc but it was to scratched to make it past the loading screen at the beginning and no other nocd crack worked but yours did so THANK YOU!!!

iamahuman (2013-04-18)

Avira said that the game.dat file had a trojan called TR/crypt.gen2 . Should I be worried? It wouldn't let me start the game so I disabled Avira and played the game.
Is it a real trojan or a false positive?

CodaBrink (2013-05-03)

There's no virus. People have been using this for over 2 years with no complaints of viruses. Avira is sending false positives.

Godeater2 (2013-05-16)

How do you play LAN with this?
We've installed the game on both computers using two DIFFERENT serials.
We've updated with this update.
We can get into the game, everything works fine, but when we try to join each other's rooms, it says we're using modified versions of the game. WTF?
We've been told NOT to edit game.dat in order to play LAN, but in order to even get the game to recognize that there is a CD in the drive -- you have to edit game.dat.
What the fucking fuck?

Barfdog22 (2013-05-19)

I need help I am pretty new to this and I kinda need a step by step walk through on how to install this update... noob here please help

antiox13 (2013-05-20)

is this really works for insert dvd rom problems?

antiox13 (2013-05-20)

wow it really works!! thanks your amazing!!!

Barfdog22 (2013-06-20)

I just need to know what file to choose after I start the update can anyone help me out here?

Nazgul31 (2013-06-21)

dude i played the game when it crashed in 3min 30 sec n the graphics were better.ur installer works but how do i fix the graphics i changed resolution in options.ini but still its pixelated.

poliviosbadlp (2013-07-03)

hi i have problem.This fix works fine but if i go to play singleplayer skirmish and more on next 5 minutes say defeat without reason.Why? I can't do anything. Plz help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IQ98 (2013-12-22)

Confirm this do not work. It just crash the game trying to start it.

D34D4554551N (2014-05-23)

i have been trying to get this game to work on windows 7 for around a year using different torrents and i had given up till i came across this.
i literally just made a tpb account just so i can say thanks and keep it up :D

pegasus92 (2014-06-09)

Great fix.. it worked for me!

sufiblade (2014-07-05)

Thanks! Finally something that works
Win 7 x64

QuestionFaith (2014-08-01)


semigod80 (2014-08-16)

On a Win7 machine game failed to start every time with a crash error.
This fixed it! Game runs smoothly now. Thank you!

Snowex (2014-09-03)

Works mate, thanks allot! :) Regardless of whether I like it or not, you get props for solving my aggravation

balb0a (2014-11-23)

Working perfect on Windows 7- 64bits. No virus! Thanks CodaBrink


1. Lord of The Rings Battle for Middle Earth 2 Update and Crash Fix/Install LoTR Update and Fix.exe 28.57 Mb
2. Lord of The Rings Battle for Middle Earth 2 Update and Crash Fix/Read This.txt 411 bytes