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Hidden and Dangerous 2






Hidden and Dangerous 2




2007-08-26 (by graphi)


Hidden And Dangerous 2 (PC Game) Enjoy! Uploaded by Graphi 26-08-2007

Files count:



2260.31 Mb




=Post@L= (2007-08-28)

nice of you to post a nice game but next time seed 100 % instead of 19%

graphi (2007-09-02)

Currently it's 100%
You have 19?
You need + 81
I think 19 + 81 = 100%

AlienHand (2007-09-02)

I fail to see any CD key - anyone got one?

graphi (2007-09-08)

The CD-key is included within the torrent!

=Post@L= (2007-09-14)

yup sorry, for my remark. It had been on 19 percent for a few days for me. So i thought seeding was stopped. But its ok now.

closeup536abc (2008-01-03)

Works with VISTA 32 bit? I get error msg "Bad Version engine:559 client:543".

Epp0 (2008-01-13)

Hi :) Where can I find crack to this game? (whitout spywere and stuf)

TLG_killer (2008-01-22)

bd very bad dont download ;P

starball (2008-02-02)

i´ve got a problem. i dont know what this means: To get the game working, simply mount or burn the MDS image files.
i would be very happy if someone could help me

WillM (2008-02-04)

I get error msg "Bad Version engine:559 client:543". Why?

Basse94 (2008-02-18)

starball download PowerISO and install then open up the map with the downloaded stuffs and double click on the yellow disc and press on the installation icon and install and the crack i hope u find in the file that u just copy into the installed place and make sure it gets replaced otherwise u have putted the crack in the wrong place when ur done cracking just play

Dann44 (2008-03-01)

Howdy, I'm having trouble with installation , the installation says there is a problem with Maps.dta, I went to the directory and tried to extract it but it said it was corrupt. Does anyone else have this problem? and if anyone does, is it correctable?

preetham (2008-03-08)

DB70-ED6E-C563-78FF / C194-82CD-6961-6FA5

chili_m (2008-04-20)

to willM and other..
I also had the problem with
"Bad Version engine:559 client:543"
First: Install DirectX9
If this dosen't work click on "autopatching" in the map were you installed HD2.
And of course remember to copy the crack file from the downloaded map over to the location where you installed HD2..

mahayoddha (2008-05-31)

Bad Version engine:559 client:543 error screwed me up... i m using win vista home premium... tried all possibilities... but this error persists... help some1...

sturmgewehr_44 (2008-06-02)

To get the game work you need the latest Crack-client. Below is a link to one:[ENGLISH]%20No-CD/Fixed%20EXE

hacker_tracker2 (2008-07-04)

this dosent work!

crizzyeyes (2008-07-24)

look, guys. the problem is that you are running Vista. Vista has a reputation for not working with anything not specifically made for it. install XP and you are winnar! If you got some factory-made POS with Vista pre-installed it's probably hardcoded on there, therefore you have screwed yourself. as for the guy with the corrupt install problem, I have no idea.
as for the guys looking for the crack and the cd-key... what the hell, man?

crizzyeyes (2008-07-24)

by the way, can someone tell me what the hell version the game is? it's not 1.05, because the patch doesn't work (thanks, graphi!) so, i'm basically downloading every H&D2 patch in existance trying to update this thing properly

Phanatic (2008-08-03)

mabe you guys should try the autopatcher in the install folder and stop whining??!

snjkv (2008-08-15)

Guys, please help me with this. I tried many things but didn't succeed. First I got the error "Bad Version engine:559 client:543". So, I copied the crack to the installation folder. But didn't work. Then I tried installing the enclosed patch. But it says that the patch is 1.06 but I need 1.05. I downloaded the patch 1.05 and tried to install it and it asked for 1.04. If I do not copy the crack to the installation folder, it is saying that there is no disk in the dirve though I mounted the image to the virtual drive.
So, those who really downloaded this torrent, installed it and are successful in running it, please help step-by-step. Do not criticise because I tried my level best to get it right. I am no software expert

snjkv (2008-08-15)

By the way, I tried the auto patch but at 16%, it aborted saying that the installation is corrupted.

snjkv (2008-08-15)

Sorry, the error is "Bad Version engine:543 client:552". I am running Windows XP SP2 with the updates. I also disabled kaspersky security temporarily. But no result.

darniel (2008-09-13)

Dann44 i have the same problem.. Can anyone please help.. What shall i do when is says maps.dta???????????

ProPoiss (2008-09-17)

@ starball
u need mount or burn the cd whit the deamon tools or power iso.

Jonesing (2008-09-26)

For those having trouble patching:
Once you have installed the game you will not be able to apply the 1.06 patch because it requires that you have 1.05 already installed. It's not worth downloading 1.05 because there are so many more recent patches.
You can use the auto updater if you like but I personally didn't bother. Fileshack has the latest 1.12 patch available and you can find the cracked exe on gamecopyworld.
Doing it this way it worked fine for me first time.

misnomer (2008-10-10)

hi..every body..Is there any game like hidden & dangerous.Its my favorite one.i m looking 4 exactly this type of game. exactly means third person squad based where i can play any roll.Not like battle field or advance warrior or call of duty..thnks

rajeevp (2008-11-14)

Game is working for me after downloading crack from[ENGLISH]%20Fixed%20EXE

select {Hidden & Dangerous 2 v1.0 [ENGLISH] Fixed EXE} AND DOWNLOAD THE CRACK

liudux123 (2009-02-18)

i need the padding files?????

Shungbat69 (2009-03-09)

I want to download Hidden and Dangerous 1 but there are 0 seeders on all the torrents.

MumtaMuhati (2009-07-27)

I keep getting an error messege:
Error 1311 Source File not found -
Any ideas on what I can do or did I just download a corrupted file?

Marantzano (2009-09-04)

misnoner try Mafia is the same producer and engine :D

jrkreye (2009-12-16)

good game..thanks

jim001 (2010-07-27)

I didn't play for a few months and got can't find cd key. May have been my fault running clean up programs. FOR THOSE WITH VISTA GO TO HOW TO GEEK. LEARN HOW TO DO DUAL OR MULTI BOOT OPER SYSTEMS. THANKS GRAPHI

Dappleblood (2011-04-04)

What is it with newbies and cracks?
What's the use of Google?
Google = When you have a problem, with anything, from how do I make a bomb, to how do I mount an iso, and anything in-between...

lovely143 (2011-09-22)

i got error "Bad Version engine:543 client:552". I am running Windows XP SP2.somebody help me....

vchattri (2012-01-08)

working fine on window 7 32bit.Just download crack and replace it in program files- hidden and dangerous.very nice game with low pc requirements

mohit99 (2012-03-30)

This game is not work properly...
I install this game but not run...
Some thing file are missing show...
Plz upload good torrent file ganme...

klm87 (2012-09-23)

F*** GameCopyWorld. If you use any privacy software at all the site doesn't work. They load so many trackers on your PC it's outrageous.

joky29 (2012-11-07)

I too got it working thanks to rajeevp.
Just follow authors instructions to install the game .. it worked fine on my windows 7 32 bit.
after installing, just get the crack from the site rajeevp mentioned.. replace the exe with the one sitting in the installed directory.
After this.. right click the shortcut in your desktop and set the compatibility mode to windows xp sp 2. and save it. now double click the shortcut and voila..

RESPECTit (2012-12-10)

hey everyone ive downloaded alot of games,i ran this on a intel 3930k rampage 16ram ssd 256 ,gtx 680sc,,but no luck,and it rans everything usually.all up to date..bad engine error,bla bla. is wot i get,
win 7 64bt,have downloaded the gamespy fix exe,but no go....
also tried it on a amd fx 8150 crosshair v formula,16ram,ssd 256,7950 3gb,,and still no luck,,,and that computers got 168 games on it,,,,all the new games you can get.but this one comes up with that error,,,,,any ideas wot is going on with this error,,,,can anyone help the ones on here with it ,,,,,thanks if you can..,..

RESPECTit (2012-12-10)

all sorted,,,got the 12 patch ,and used exe fix and its working fine on both,,,thanks for the game...

techwar (2013-07-02)

Any idea how to make it work on Windows 7? Cause I'm running it in compatibility mode for Windows XP SP3 and does no good

pbm92 (2013-11-10)

Are you looking for a patch?