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Are We Alone In The Universe? [AVI - Nibiru - Summerians - Anunn






Are We Alone In The Universe? [AVI - Nibiru - Summerians - Anunn




2007-09-28 (by lkobescak )


Are We Alone In The Universe? ----------------------------- Featuring: Zecharia Sitchin Is Modern Science Merely Catching Up With Ancient Knowledge? In a set of 6000-year-old stone tablets the Sumerians of Mesopotamia vividly describe cataclysmic planetary events which billions of years ago gave our solar system it?s current configuration, fashioning our own planet in the process. Sumerian records also mention the existence of an additional planet in our solar system referred to as Nibiru, which is currently unknown to modern science, and is the recorded home of our human ancestors, according to these ancient records. Eminent scientists agree that calculations tend to confirm the accuracy of the ancient Sumerian creation story. In the eighties, unmanned U.S. space probes photographed pyramids and other strange features on the surface of Mars, suggesting this was once the site of an alien space base. Join Zecharia Sitchin, author of Genesis Revisited and The 12th Planet, as we embark on an exciting journey into uncharted territory; a provocative reassessment of who we are and where we stand in the Universe. Run Time: 60 minutes To purchase this video, please visit: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Additional information on September 11th, NWO, the Illuminati and the great threat to you can be found at www infowars com or ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Files count:



379.60 Mb




 Knaster (2007-09-28)

What truth?

L.Jamf (2007-09-28)

THE truth, you know.

iaintnocop (2007-09-28)

just leave these pathetic little people alone, make them happy by letting them publish their TRUTH. You don't rebuke a mentally handicapped person by claiming he is a retard, you are nice to him and realize his limitations. Pat him on the head and say that he is a good boy and he will walk away happy.

 Knaster (2007-09-28)

iaintnocop thats what they did with Hitler and look what happened he fucked up a perfectly good government form.

iaintnocop (2007-09-28)

well, simplifying things is sometimes good for pedagogical reasons, but not in this case. At least I think so, of course I could be wrong about my feeling that these people more embarrassing than dangerous.

iaintnocop (2007-09-28)

oops my bad

 Knaster (2007-09-28)

Who is Harry potter?

iaintnocop (2007-09-28)

You don't know!! He was a Mesopotamian guy who made pots for Assurbanipal. Actually Harry is nickname, his real name was rhrrh, which vowelized became rahrarha and later harahray

 Knaster (2007-09-28)


carv (2007-09-28)

Zecharia Sitchin needs to read some Joseph Campbell and not take this ancient mythology literally...
I suppose he thinks that there actually lived a guy named Horus who had the head of a hawk? Or that an elephant gave birth to the Buddha or that Athena sprang forth from Zeus's cleaved scull full grown and in a full set of armour or that Jeebus walked on water... just before he turned it into wine?
If you like fiction dealing with Sumerian stuff check out Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash"... much more entertaining than Sitchin.

iaintnocop (2007-09-29)

Here's another tip: "The Mediterranean in the Ancient World" (a book!) by Fernand Braudel, sometimes lengthy and tedious and at other times just mind boggling, an it's just straight academic history. Fact is more suggestive than fiction. But fact, unlike Ikobescak's TRUTH, is a variable, which is quite nice actually. And Ikobescak, I don't think you are a retard, you are just a bit careless with problematic concepts and 'truth' is one of the most problematic of of all them.

milenko019 (2007-10-26)

You shouldn't flame this bc one you never know two mythology is one of mankinds oldest tradition and is interesting to study just like parapsychology and cryptology which are both looked down on by the mainstream sheep and their shepherds

 lkobescak (2007-11-05)

For more movies like this, check out my other torrents at:

bluecarvw (2007-12-04)

Have WE ALL become SLAVES??

Ordinatio (2008-01-07)

And, btw, the Sumerian gods were called the Anunna, the Anunnaki were only seven of the gods. An-unna-ki does not translate to heaven to earth. It translates "sky-god to earth-god." Why? Because Ki was the earth and the underworld. Almost all the Anunnaki lived not upon the earth, but inside of it in either the underworld or their own underworlds. So the whole alien theory is pretty bust.

 lkobescak (2008-01-29)

Interesting point, thank you for your analysis. I am kind of curious how this disproves any theory on them being looked at as gods either because of their technological superiority or because they were litteral fallen angels (Biblical sense). Some believe that some ET's may to this day have outposts underground on earth. Would it not be provide an ideal place to hide for long term observation outside of humanitys view? I'm not saying it is or it isn't whats happening, I just don't see how that concludes it an incorrect analysis.

Citizen_Cocaine (2008-02-12)

I saw this one on, they knew some weird shit about our solar-system like 6000 years ago and all sorts of other things, things that "we" or "discovered" didnt find out untill in the late 20th century thats seriously f-up. Strongly recommend it, even not if ur an "beliver". If someone knows about anymore documenterys about the Sumerians, plz post a comment, been loooooking!

fabribek (2008-03-06)

look for "planet x nibiru"

_Trauma_ (2008-03-10)

iaintnocop, why so hostile man? Their proposing an idea thats different from any you've ever heard, and you're scared to give it thought, perhaps? Maybe you're just, scared to think outside of the box for once? I mean we're not here to watch this and just believe it like sheep cattle, we give it thought as well, and we decide for ourselves, what we think is real and whats not.

dorinda (2008-05-08)

wtf? Ordinatio actually shows why it means gods that came to earth from the sky and then says it doesn't? What sort of twisted logic is he using? And carv shows he is talking about something without actually reading about it forst. Sitchin clearly states that the representations of the egyptian gods with art is consistenet with the entire way their language works. Their language is pictographic after all. And why is so strange that they would have named planets and other celestial bodies after gods? Don't we do that too?
It amazes me how people have such strong opinions about things they know squat about.

starchild007 (2008-11-16)

Nice documentary on the work of Sitchen.
A couple of the previous flame comments on this are very unintelligent. It's funny how denial causes one to act so silly.
Thanks for the upload

ltcmdrData (2009-05-23)

I feel bad for these poor, ignorant, closed-minded fools. keep being closed-minded and believe that there is a god, and that he controls everything. go back to your hillbilly shack and pray to your invisible man. "yeehaw we're gonna go fuck our sisters and drink moonshine and pray to something that doesn't exist, YEEHAW". dumbfuckers, WAKE THE FUCK UP. ignorant backwoods closed-minded hillbilly fucks, learn to be more open minded. shut the fuck up, sit the fuck down, and be quiet in your own little corner. oh, and while your at it, suck my fucking dick. poor fools, I actually feel bad for you.

beenthdonedat (2009-12-13)

Carv, your ignorance is astounding. So I guess that when the future generations in 1000 years or so find evidence of Hitler's existence, they should just chalk it up to the 19th century natives imagination? It is only a Myth in the narrow minds of people not able to understand that this was a HIGHER civilization with a profound knowledge of the Solar System and space, and of course our Earth, the same one we thought was flat a few hundred years ago.
FYI, re: Horus, the Annunaki wore masks to intimidate their slaves (humans) by hiding their expressions and emotions.
Yeah sure, maybe Sitchin should throw away 30+ years of research, in which he learned what your thick skull will never let your brain grasp, and his learning of ancient Sumerian (only a handful in the world can translate) to listen to you and read up on the author of your choice. Listen to your pedantry body.