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DARK SECRETS: Inside Bohemian Grove - Directors Cut (2005) DVDRip-XviD
Alex Jones - Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove - Directors Cut
2006-03-23 (by ReVIsed)
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None Dare Call It Conspiracy....Except Us.
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Alex Jones - The Order of Death
Tracker 1.......:
Tracker 2.......:
AVI File Details
Name...................: Alex Jones - Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove - Directors Cut
Filesize...............: CD1 701MB - CD2 700MB
Number of Audio Streams: 1
Runtime................: CD1 42:16 - CD2 49:26 Total 1:31:42
Video Codec............: Xvid (BVOP & NVOP)
Video Bitrate..........: CD1 2120 kb/s - CD2 1781 kb/s
Audio Language.........: English
Audio Codec............: AC3 Dolby 2.0
Audio Bitrate..........: 192 stereo CBR
Frame Size.............: 576x432 4:3
Subtitles..............: None (None on source DVD sorry)
Source.................: Original DVD
Ripped & Encoded by....: DissentingVoice
Since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of
Northern California. Members of the so-called "Bohemian Club" include Former Presidents
Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan.
The Bush Family Maintains a Strong Involvement. Each Year at Bohemian Grove, Members
of This All-Male "Club" Don Red, Black and Silver Robes and Conduct an Occult Ritual
Wherein They Worship a Giant Stone Owl, Sacrificing a Human Being in Effigy to What
They Call the "Great Owl of Bohemia."
Now, for the First Time in History, an Outsider Has Infiltrated Bohemian Grove with a
Hidden Digital Video Camera and Caught the Ritual on Tape. That Man is Alex Jones,
the Exclusive Digital Video is Just Part of His Shocking New Documentary:
DARK SECRETS: INSIDE BOHEMIAN GROVE (Directors Cut off the new combo DVD)
If there is enough interest I will up the whole DVD VOBs of this combo DVD when
the month passes and my BW counter resets with ISP ;) Enjoy.
Please help The Swarm Survive SHARE at LEAST a 1:1 Ratio and Enjoy Peace of Mind ;)
--------------------- + ----------------------
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
¬ ¬¬¬¬ ¬¬¬¬ ¬
v1.0 [2004]
Files count:
1402.07 Mb
Knaster (2006-03-30)
why can't i join a secret society :( i wanna be a shadow man too :)Osaka (2006-10-29)
Drop the smilies... it's not funny.simba7777 (2007-07-25)
This is basically what happens in the ceremony:The whole ceremony takes place underneath a 10m concrete Owl.
Bell ringing
Priest: "The Owl is in his leafy temple. Let all within the Grove be reverent before him.
Lift up your heads, oh ye trees and be ye lifted up ye everlasting spires for behold! Here is Bohemia's shrine and holy are the pillars of this house."
Bell rings once.
Priest: "Weaving spiders come not here!"
Bell rings once.
first priest leaves.
High priest comes with two helpers and other people carrying torches.
high priest: "Hail Bohemians! With the ripple of waters, the song of birds, such music as inspires the sinking soul, do we invite you into Midsummer's joy. The sky above is blue and sown with stars. The forest floor is heaped with fragrant grit. The evening's cool kiss is yours. The campfires glow. The birth of rosy fingered dawn. Shake off your sorrows with the city's dust and cast to the winds the cares of life."
Helper 1: "But memories bring back the well-loved names of gallant friends who knew and loved this grove. dear boon companions of a long ago."
Helper 2: "Aye! Let them join us in this ritual! and not a place be empty in our midst."
High priest: "All of his battles to hold in this gray autumn of the world or in the springtime of your heart. Attend our tale."
Helper 1: "Gather ye forest folk and cast your spell over these mortals! Touch their world-blind eyes with carrion (cariunnest??). Open their eyes to fancy."
Helper 2: "Follow the memories of yesterday and seal the gates of sorrow."
Helper 1: "It is a dream and yet, not all a dream. Dull care in all of his works harbored it. As vanished Babylon and goodly Tyre, so shall they also vanish."
Helper 2: "But the wilding rose blows on the broken battlements of Tyre and moss rends the stones of Babylon. For beauty is eternal and we bow to beauty everlasting."
High priest: "For lasting happiness, we turn to one alone. and She surrounds you now, Great nature. Refuge of the weary heart. And only found Her breasts that had been bruised. She has cool hands for every fevered brow and dread less silence for the troubled soul. Her councils are most wise. She healeth well. Having such ministries as calm and sleep. She is ever faithful. Other friends may fail, but seek ye Her in any quiet place. Smiling, She will rise and give to you Her kiss. So must ye come as children. Little children that believe don't ever doubt Her beauty and Her faith. Nor deem Her tenderness can change or die."
Music plays.
Man with torch on the left of the Owl: "Bohemians and Priests! The desperate call of heavy hearts is answered! By the power of your fellowship Dull Care is slain! His body has been brought yonder to our funeral pyre to the joyous pipings of a funeral march."
High priest: "Our funeral pyre awaits the corpse of care!"
Music plays and boat arrives with the corpse of care. Corpse is placed, on the ground, in front of high priest.
High priest: "Oh Thou, thus ferried across the shadowy tide, in all the ancient majesty of death. Dull Care, ardent enemy of beauty. Not for thee the ??? forgiveness or the restful grave. Fire shall have its will of Thee! and all the winds make merry with Thy dust! Bring fire!"
Music plays. The corpse is placed under the Owl. People with torches come running.
The Corpse starts laughing.
The Corpse: "Fools!"
Loud explosion.
The Corpse: "Fools! Fools! When will ye learn that me you cannot slay? Year after year you burn me in this grove. Lifting your puny shouts of triumph to the stars. When again you turn your faces to the marketplace, do you not find me waiting, as of old? Fools! FOOLS! Fools to dream ye conquer care!"
High priest: "Say thou mocking spirit. It is not all a dream. We know Thou waiteth for us, when this our sylvan holiday has ended. We shall meet Thee and fight as of old. And some of us prevail against Thee. And some Thou shall destroy. But this, too, we know: year after year, within this happy grove, our fellowship bans Thee for a space. Thine malevolence which would pursue us