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P90X Xtreme Workout Series COMPLETE PACK DVDrip Xvid(no RARs)
Video Movies
P90X.Xtreme.Workout.Series.COMPLETE PACK.DVDrip.Xvid(no RARs)
2010-11-11 (by gfmickel)
Complete Workout Series without those damn RARs :-)
Files count:
8040.39 Mb
codysabath (2010-11-20)
thank youbrowneyes30 (2010-11-21)
Thank you! This is awesome! :)GhostTeam2 (2010-12-05)
Excellent quality! Thanks!wulfy1978 (2010-12-08)
why can i not get anything going for this torrent? no seeders showing on list wtf?!Kidd_er (2010-12-21)
how come I can only listen to the audio when I open the files?Kidd_er (2010-12-21)
on utorrent im at 100% but it says its still seeding and when i open the files I can only listen to audio. do i have to wait till its totally done seeding for the video to work?st1ah (2010-12-23)
can someone help me with this?Totbot3000 (2010-12-23)
For the people only getting audio, you have to get a player that can play AVI files. I use Vuze to download and playback. Hope this helpedst1ah (2010-12-23)
can someone please seed me?!?!?!jeaflea (2011-01-04)
I will try this one! Tanx a lot!jeaflea (2011-01-04)
I will try this one! Thanx a lot!spydrz (2011-01-05)
it says theres alot of seeds ,,, but the download wont start in utorrent ,,,says theres 0 seedsraydiobaby (2011-01-06)
Thx gfmickel. I have been looking for this program.@ spydrz, TIXATI is way easier than utorrent. (my opinion)
spydrz (2011-01-08)
thanks raydi ,,ill try downloading with U 1 more time only cause i got my proxy going through it..maybe it'll work this time ..if not ill try the one you suggestedsinophil05 (2011-01-11)
many thanks gfmickel.spydrz (2011-01-12)
trying again,,,i know theres seeders it says 610 here but when i download it ,,,says 0 seedersraydiobaby (2011-01-15)
@ Spyd. Hope it all worked out 4 ya. Nothing worse than downloading for 2 days only to be disappointed. But I have no complaints about none of this. A freebie is a freebie, I dnt care who walks their ass across the screen! 8)phatwarez (2011-01-22)
Thanks.BGrizzly (2011-01-24)
Awesome complete set. Excellent video and audio. Now I guess I just need to find the books that go along with it and do it.Thank you
rholdanyabut (2011-01-26)
many thanks for the share..cowgirlcutie44 (2011-01-27)
im new to do i go about downloading from herecipython (2011-01-30)
Thanks gfmickeldroid29 (2011-02-02)
Thanks! Works Great.pwulf (2011-02-04)
Thank you so much! keep it up :)betterwithtoast (2011-02-06)
can someone help me please I'm new to thisbetterwithtoast (2011-02-06)
Can someone help me pleasebetterwithtoast (2011-02-06)
can someone help me pleaseericksonr07 (2011-02-10)
what program would i need top play this on a mac?ELROXER (2011-02-19)
miro to play any file on macGetz0 (2011-02-19)
Thank you very much!!! YOu rock!!!Gothixxx143 (2011-02-26)
A/V 9/10 good work keep it up!jessjess5 (2011-03-09)
Unbelievable, THANK YOU!! ★★★★★milfreak (2011-03-10)
Finally, I found it! Thank you so much! I about want to cry!silv007 (2011-03-19)
The best worksheet to use with this is
gusdy (2011-03-20)
Thankskay94 (2011-03-23)
Great keep it up A10V10GluMaster (2011-03-24)
seed people seed!! please!!mrcyber (2011-03-29)
Many Many Thanks in advance for all your efforts uploading.renegade3552 (2011-04-03)
I only could max out at 1.0Mbps. Kind of sad since there are 1237 (+ or -) seeders! I have a 25 Mbps up and 25 Mbps down too. I will seed at the max for as long as I can. Great torrent, gfmickel.ClasssicKxD (2011-04-14)
how come i dont see the video ???topherschout (2011-04-18)
I'm so motivated and a little frightened. Thanks for sharing I hope this does the trick!anorka539 (2011-04-18)
is it in Pal (europe) or in NTSC (US)???steelersno1 (2011-04-20)
Just saw the infomercial. Worth a try. Thanks for the up gf.modaatomica (2011-04-21)
please seed =)bayboo (2011-04-29)
Good quality, ty!sillykumquat (2011-05-02)
This shit is intense.. Thanks!bodgit (2011-05-05)
Tks A/V 9.5/10sevra3 (2011-05-15)
Will VLC work? I don't remember if it plays avi filesJohnnyAction (2011-05-16)
good torrent. thanks.gotchaya87 (2011-05-23)
can I get some seeders please thank youDavio8 (2011-06-01)
4.5 Mbs, CRAZY FAST THANKSFinished downloading this whole thing in 30 min, thanks
JonnyPaine7 (2011-06-02)
Fuck i need to buy some weights but they're like 40$JymzJameson (2011-06-07)
hey johnny, too bad you can't torrent weights.casinoguy666 (2011-06-07)
its showing 1233 seeders but torrent won't start ?any ideas ?
Oathdynasty (2011-06-20)
Audio on the first 3 videos is badqazwsxedcrfvtgb263 (2011-06-20)
please seed!BattlingJason (2011-06-22)
Please seed.ge90 (2011-06-23)
please seed guyzTTNandR (2011-06-29)
@JymzJameson reminds me of this
:')skeppley (2011-07-05)
GREAT!!Thank You
LSUChiCub (2011-07-07)
I want to upload these onto my iphone, is there a program that anyone recommends to remove copyright protection to load into itunes?KBKingomKey (2011-07-19)
Im at 100% with 0 seeders would someone please seed? thanksmicsanchez21 (2011-07-20)
thanksconstatine01 (2011-07-29)
I am downloading as I am typing this. It hasn't actually started...but when it does...and when it finishes, I will be a happy, healthy, buff man : )SparklingHorizon (2011-08-05)
Fantastic, just what I needed!! Awesome rip! Thanks dudeAngelique_Assassin (2011-08-12)
Now maybe I'll get off my lazy ass!! Thank You so much!!!whizzerbike (2011-08-16)
I love P90X... The videos even have the Ab ripper X attached to the end :)Thanks gfmickel for the upload!
civilitary (2011-08-20)
@Jonny. THis might be too late but really all you need is some arm bands. Thats what I use but I would like dumbells. Plus not just one of dumbells will work you might need a set of 10s - 40s and that just cost to much for me. But on the bright side we're getting the workout free. These workouts is intense (atleast to me) so I'm pretty wore out without having weights. I recommend a pullup bar thoughTyMod (2011-08-21)
Thanks want to get in shape for next summer. Was working out for football but had to switch schools.Thanks a ton man!
knightmare420 (2011-08-28)
Seed Please slow download only getting 50kb/s ^_^DreamKush (2011-08-29)
at this moment i am barely downloading the videos im sure im not ready for the workouts but i need some workout ideas for weights.@jonnyPaine7, i know they are pricey just make your own, sounds low budget but they work one gallon container filled with water or if you want more weight fill it up with dirt or sand and your good and it works
BirthRight (2011-08-30)
If anyone is interested in P90X you'll love the Shakeology program that Beach Body (the same developers of P90X) has. They carry supplements to get healthy along with The shakeology Shakes which come in chocolate and green berry =] here's a link: gfmickel Thank you very much for the torrent! =D thumbs up to your hard work!
TyMod (2011-08-31)
From what I read about Insanity it truely is freaking crazy anf has alot of health risk. I'm not obese but I have Type 1 Diabetes and I'm wondering how crazy this one gets? I got issues as is, I don't need to goto the hospital because I passed out with low blood sugar... Any info would help. Just looking to loose 10 pounds or so.TyMod (2011-08-31)
to make this clear, I'm not like sickly or nothing so don't be like, oh you cant do it, im just wondering if I can eat before doing it without barfing my balls off afterwards from over doing it. Thats the biggest thing. If I can eat before doing it then all is good. :)sorry for the double post. Just want to know before downloading 8 Gbs. Thanks again...
BirthRight (2011-09-02)
@Tymod'Course you can eat before, however make sure it's a small amount of food, as the real part of this, is the diet after the workout as well... you see, with the muscle confusion that P90X is all about you're building all that muscle but in order for it to take effect you must then open your body to better nutrients... Shakeology helps with that and helps you lose weight and get healthy faster as well...
now back to your question, Yes P90X is pretty crazy, however INSANITY: THE ASYLUM is the next step ABOVE P90X, it's like this in simpler terms, P90X is highschool, INSANITY: THE ASYLUM is college. =P this torrent will help you of course in terms of getting fit, but you have to have a good diet included with it, just visit these websites and it'll show you everything you need to know about shakeology AND other things,
explore those websites and you'll find out even more, when to eat, what to eat, how to do the workouts etc! especially if you happen to sign up. you'll have access to all kinds of stuff! if it wasn't for Anthony, i'd be a stick in the mud doing my same old routine of laying in bed or on the couch and watching tv, WISHING I could do something
BirthRight (2011-09-02)
@Tymod'Course you can eat before, however make sure it's a small amount of food, as the real part of this, is the diet after the workout as well... you see, with the muscle confusion that P90X is all about you're building all that muscle but in order for it to take effect you must then open your body to better nutrients... Shakeology helps with that and helps you lose weight and get healthy faster as well...
now back to your question, Yes P90X is pretty crazy, however INSANITY: THE ASYLUM is the next step ABOVE P90X, it's like this in simpler terms, P90X is highschool, INSANITY: THE ASYLUM is college. =P this torrent will help you of course in terms of getting fit, but you have to have a good diet included with it, just visit these websites and it'll show you everything you need to know about shakeology AND other things,
explore those websites and you'll find out even more, when to eat, what to eat, how to do the workouts etc! especially if you happen to sign up. you'll have access to all kinds of stuff! if it wasn't for Anthony, i'd be a stick in the mud doing my same old routine of laying in bed or on the couch and watching tv, WISHING I could do something
BirthRight (2011-09-02)
sorry for the double post =\ but if you do need any questions answered, just contact him! =]mnalband (2011-09-04)
I need help.. I have a mac (lion) and I downloaded this program on utorrent. However, when I open it, it doesn't open on quicktime.. how can I make these work? also is it burnable on dvds? Sorry I am kinda new at time. Please either comment or email me at [email protected]. Your help is greatly appreciated :Dbling_soldier (2011-09-07)
@TyMod: Insanity is not that dangerous but it is really effective. If you are looking to loose 10 pounds then your better off doing something easy and calm. Insanity is more for getting the best out of your body. I am in the 7th week of insanity, i used to be 238 pounds before starting insanity, i never missed a workout and today i am 203 pounds and i can jump higher, i can bend much lower, i got muscles and much more stuff. Its really an extreme workout but i seriously doubt you'll faint while working out, you get enough rest and all so it won't affect you.TyMod (2011-09-21)
Being 15 and 5 '11 at only 190 pounds i considered normal in weight man, I played football until I got diagnosed and ofcoarse after I had to quit football I started gaining weight again. I got down to about 175 or so and was in good shape. Now I got more blubber then I have had in years lol I eat a good diet though. Wheat everything and small portions (can't eat much because of my diabetes.) So thanks for the help. I feel a little more reinssured now. :DMSPWizard (2011-09-22)
@mnalbandIt may be to late now, but I had the same issue with the season of My Little Pony. I had to download VLC and it played them just fine. It's completely free.
s.warwick (2011-09-24)
Just started downloading. Really appreciate all the effort uploaders go to. Thanx i try to leave things to seed as long as i can.TyMod (2011-09-26)
Downloaded, did it this morning. Really works you out :) Thanks man, amazing job. And it was nice without those DAMN RARS! lolFalls101 (2011-09-26)
Thanks for the upload gfmickel, time for me to stop being a lazy ass lol.dauts (2011-09-30)
HI, HOW DO YOU BURN THIS? IT'S ALL SMALL FILES. [email protected]dhaadheere (2011-10-01)
Many Thanks mate. Top Top Torrent. will seed for the next 2 days, so far only 1g seededmikeferr (2011-10-02)
i have never used this website and I am unsure how to download/watch videos on here. When I hit download it wants me to open it as LimeWire, which doesn't work. Any suggestions? Thanksdubya89 (2011-10-02)
@mikeferrdownload the program called utorrent
download the torrent from here and open it with utorrent
then watch the movies.. if you don't see the picture then try watching the movies with vlc media player..
schlierkamp (2011-10-08)
Thanks sooo much gfmickel!!!ladde44 (2011-10-09)
where can i find sharon stones sex tape can some one send me the link to [email protected] thank you good bless ! she have done some thing and have too bet back on it have too see it so pls send it the link ty ty !BitRott (2011-10-15)
"Awww how super!!!' all my lil hacker buddies are getting all ripped!! they must b those Anonymous fellows!!! hahaha.. im re downloading this as my POS Western Digital external decided to take a shit on me for the win! none the less! gfmickel ma man it works grate! im totally buff now. thanks!!! remember kids BitRot says "EAT YER WHEATIES!!" And tear down the NWO!!atryd (2011-10-25)
Works perfectly, Thankyou!korvix (2011-10-27)
fuckarounditis - read on leangains.comDsesma (2011-10-29)
Someone please explain to me why I can't get any of these to play in my dvd player?!Jthemighty (2011-12-18)
@Dsesma you need to covert the files I use convertXtodvd. works to perfectionBentleyToCold (2011-12-29)
Please Seed. Much Appreciated. Thanks!!BentleyToCold (2011-12-29)
Please Seed. Much Appreciated. Thank You!!roger58g (2012-01-08)
how do you seed?sbielz (2012-01-11)
@roger58g , depending on your torrent client, you just leave the torrent in the download queue after it finishes, then it seeds.stephny88 (2012-01-13)
PLEASE PLEASE SEED !!!! this is taking forever :( thank you in advance !macarony89 (2012-02-04)
completely awesome but i messed it up :S is says error and it's not seeding anymore really sorry :(... know how i can fix it??BgWienR88 (2012-02-20)
Thank you!bdellinger79 (2012-02-21)
If I burn this to DVD then will it play in a regular DVD player? Someone please email me at [email protected] and let me know.UnknownSender (2012-03-07)
Any idea where to get the nutrition guide for this? Would be appreciated.IzekielReige (2012-03-11)
Good shit man. thanks. +1 reptazzala31 (2012-03-14)
please seed this is taking forever thank you in advanceforever_jaded49 (2012-03-15)
Great video quality & sound. DVDs also play on my ps3. Had no trouble at all. Great download...thx.AppleHO (2012-03-16)
This have the documents?jerna89 (2012-03-20)
Please seed! Thanks! :)KittyQue (2012-04-08)
Thanks. I'll seed all day. Drink my kitties, drink.GZPZ11 (2012-04-09)
thank you very much gfmickel!hellabull (2012-04-27)
These are in .AVI and I get no sound when playing in Quicktime or they play slow in Real Player. Gonna have to get it somewhere else. It did download fast thou. Thanks seeders.bobdole95 (2012-05-22)
please seed, getting 10-100kbps88soso (2012-06-08)
plz seed.deadlyxxsinn (2012-06-28)
sqedule, ht tp:// the diet plan
deadlyxxsinn (2012-06-28)
opps my bad heres actual diet
deadlyxxsinn (2012-06-28)
lol and remove space in schedule link. OP PUT IN DESCRIPTION!reev92 (2012-07-04)
Thanks @deadlyxxsin, i took screenshots from the sheets, so people can save the images to their computer and dont need internet to acess it:Explaining variations - /JaPMGaaDi
Week 1 to 4 -
Week 5 to 8 -
Week 9 to 13 (final) -
reev92 (2012-07-04)
the first image link has a space, need to put it all together (just like the others are)zarzonis (2012-07-08)
Perfect torrent!!! My download speed reached its limit of 1,1mb per second!!! The workout programm is amazing!!! Download it now and you'll see for yourself!dmed28 (2012-07-12)
it wont seed . when will it seedDameGiggsy (2012-07-26)
Excellent. It's an early birthday gift for my brother - might do it with him even though I'm a girl. Good luck to all.Great torrent.
10/10 all across the board.
SandyN11 (2012-07-27)
Can someone seed me? It's taking forever :/austingmc (2012-07-28)
how do i burn this on a disc i got u torrent, itunes, vlc, media player an, an windows media player, but i can only view it on vlc i just wanna know how to put it on a disk please help im new to thisreev92 (2012-07-29)
@austingmclook for a program called "Convert X to DvD" it converts the videos to play on any DVD player
DashingWF (2012-07-30)
Can people please seed this for a few hours please? The download is taking forever!! :(humanoid_typhoon (2012-07-31)
please seed i really need thses videos tyhumanoid_typhoon (2012-07-31)
please seedhardone11 (2012-08-07)
Download 12 Week MASS BUILDING Workout here
SabbraCadabbra (2012-08-10)
Well done, sir/madam. Excellentẻpirateex (2012-08-13)
thank you! :-)hiro613 (2012-10-03)
thanks!!!kidgreek (2012-10-08)
sweet upload. thanks.417tampa813 (2012-11-22)
GREAT VIDEOS!!! LOve them!!mon_semblable (2012-11-22)
Amazing, thanks a lot! Great quality and incredible download speed.And thanks to silv007 for the Excel worksheets!
Mandapandabear (2012-12-12)
Whoever you are, you are amazing. Thank you so much for the upload!!!!!!!dcaldwell1212 (2012-12-18)
i need a seed please someoneBrunoUEA (2013-02-17)
For the complete documents and some BONUS! ;-)
Let's get ripped together!
Jay913 (2013-02-25)
Please seed! I really want to do these workouts!nasimbd (2013-03-12)
great torrent thanks for uploading . I will seed it .crimson85067 (2013-03-30)
boxcarracer944 (2013-04-02)
Only the first 6 workouts play on my xbox 360, even with and without the optional media update.dakriel (2013-07-12)
C'mooon! Someone seed!yourdad69 (2013-07-18)
seeds please?!syntaxed2 (2013-08-15)
Nice speeds seeders :)First time I maxed out my 100 line.
ashking93 (2013-09-09)
Thanks! Working :)pamcm (2013-10-11)
Works perfectly!!! Thanks so much :)satanx420 (2013-12-20)
Im in the process of ripping p90x3 so if anyone wants it if they could give me the instructions cause ive never uploaded a torrent before. i figure i get so much id like to give a little back so any advice would be greatfbird55 (2013-12-22)
Thank you!enaomi (2014-01-12)
please please please !! help me get this to download faster, im new to this torrent stuff but i think i should ask you to seed it/ please just help me out guys
enaomi (2014-01-12)
omg yes please keep seeding its picking up speed at 43% (:enaomi (2014-01-13)
Please seedenaomi (2014-01-13)
Please seed PLEASE PLEASEenaomi (2014-01-13)
At 100% but 0 seeders please guys seed begging you !enaomi (2014-01-16)
Guys please I need to start my diet on the 1st I just need people to seed this pleaseBillyBold (2014-05-21)
Thanks very much!firexninja (2014-07-08)
thank you!joemelr (2014-11-20)
hi guys do anyone have the NEW P90 2014? Kindly upload share.... Thanks!Files:
1. P90X.Xtreme.Workout.Series.COMPLETE PACK.DVDrip.Xvid-SCP/P90X.DISC.11.Cardio.X.avi 699.51 Mb
2. P90X.Xtreme.Workout.Series.COMPLETE PACK.DVDrip.Xvid-SCP/P90X.DISC.08.Core.Synergistics.avi 699.33 Mb
3. P90X.Xtreme.Workout.Series.COMPLETE PACK.DVDrip.Xvid-SCP/P90X.DISC.07.X.Stretch.avi 699.32 Mb
4. P90X.Xtreme.Workout.Series.COMPLETE PACK.DVDrip.Xvid-SCP/P90X.DISC.06.Kenpo.X.avi 699.31 Mb
5. P90X.Xtreme.Workout.Series.COMPLETE PACK.DVDrip.Xvid-SCP/P90X.DISC.02.Plyometrics.avi 699.30 Mb
6. P90X.Xtreme.Workout.Series.COMPLETE PACK.DVDrip.Xvid-SCP/P90X.DISC.01.Chest.Back.avi 699.17 Mb
7. P90X.Xtreme.Workout.Series.COMPLETE PACK.DVDrip.Xvid-SCP/P90X.DISC.03.Shoulders.Arms.avi 699.09 Mb
8. P90X.Xtreme.Workout.Series.COMPLETE PACK.DVDrip.Xvid-SCP/P90X.DISC.10.Back.Biceps.avi 698.96 Mb
9. P90X.Xtreme.Workout.Series.COMPLETE PACK.DVDrip.Xvid-SCP/P90X.DISC.04.Yoga.X.avi 698.93 Mb
10. P90X.Xtreme.Workout.Series.COMPLETE PACK.DVDrip.Xvid-SCP/P90X.DISC.05.Legs.And.Back.avi 698.89 Mb
11. P90X.Xtreme.Workout.Series.COMPLETE PACK.DVDrip.Xvid-SCP/P90X.DISC.09.Chest.Shoulders.avi 698.89 Mb
12. P90X.Xtreme.Workout.Series.COMPLETE PACK.DVDrip.Xvid-SCP/P90X.DISC.00.How.To.Bring.It.avi 174.86 Mb
13. P90X.Xtreme.Workout.Series.COMPLETE PACK.DVDrip.Xvid-SCP/P90X.DISC.12.Ab.Ripper.avi 174.82 Mb
14. P90X.Xtreme.Workout.Series.COMPLETE PACK.DVDrip.Xvid-SCP/P90X.nfo 1.43 Kb