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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords - Compl






Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords - Compl




2011-05-06 (by deep92)


Includes: - 4 ISO files to install the game. - A readme (also posted below) on how to get it working on Windows Vista and 7. - The latest patch. - A No-CD Crack to get it to run with Daemon tools. - A fixed Mss32.DLL file cause the original one is broken. - Backups of original files in case you lost them and want them back. You can also buy the game on Steam for like 10 bucks, if I'm correct. This works on vista and 7. And it's always nice to support BioWare, Obsidian Entertainment and Lucas Arts. Please seed it if you like it, or leave a comment down below. Note: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords can be found on my profile. - - - - - README.TXT A guide to installing Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic I and II on Windows Vista/7, by Deep92 aka Crowding. Contact: [email protected] /* */ - I actually do read this. 1 ) Load the CD(s) (either the actual ones, or an image/iso file through Daemon tools or alike). 2 ) Right click the disc and press "Explore" or "Open", so you can see the directories and files on the disc. 3a) Right click "setup.exe" and press "Properties". 3b) Select the compatibility tab on top and check "Run this program in compatibility mode for:". On the dropdown list select "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)". Also make sure you check the "Run this program as an administrator" box. *Note: If the option "Run this program as an administrator" is grayed out, it means you're already logged in as one. This fine, just leave it unchecked if this is the case. 4 ) Run the "setup.exe" and install as you would normally. (Obviously, do not run the game after installation) 5a) There is a folder called "Extras" in these files. Open this and look for "patch.exe". 5b) Run this as you ran the installer (step 3a and 3b) 6 ) Now, go to your installation directory. (Standard directory would be "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR" (Or "\SWKotOR2\"), I think) Right click it, press "Properties" and uncheck the "Read-only" box. (I'm actually unsure as if this matters, but it can't hurt to do it, now can it?) 7a) Look for a file called "Mss32.dll" in your installation directory (the root directory, possibly "\SWKotOR\"). Back this one up (either save it somewhere safe, or just rename it) *Note: A back-up is present in the "\Extras\BACKUPS\" folder you downloaded, just in case. 7b) Now look for a file named the same, in the "Extras" folder. 7c) Move this to your installation directory. When, and if, asked to overwrite, choose to do so. 8a) Go to your installation directory. Back-up or rename "swkotor.exe" (or "swkotor2.exe"). *Note: A back-up is present in the "\Extras\BACKUPS\" folder you downloaded, just in case. 8b) If you're using the original discs, use the "swkotor.exe" (or "swkotor2.exe") file in the "Extras" folder. If you're using the images provided with this download, which you probably are, then use the executable from the "No-CD Crack" folder. 8c) Again, move this to the installation directory. When, and if, asked to overwrite, choose to do so again. 9 ) Right click the new swkotor.exe (or swkotor2.exe) and choose "Properties". Again, repeat steps 3a and 3b on the compatibility tab. 10) Last, right click "swkotor.exe" (or "swkotor2.exe") once more. Choose "Send to > Desktop (Create Shortcut)". *Note: Important is that you ALWAYS start the game through the swkotor.exe (or swkotor2.exe, you know it by now, right?). The launcher.exe is what it usually starts it with, but it's not good after all your changes and such. Don't use it, just don't. That's it. You just succesfully installed your game. Please note that if you used the No-CD Crack, I am unsure of crashes that may occur while you play. The other one may or may not be more stable. I did not test anything, I just wrote this readme because the original posts were a mess. - - - - - - - - Special thanks to: Astrotoy7, member from the Lucas Forums - Original writer of the vista/7 fix walkthrough. Q, member from the Lucas Forums - The one that worked out the details on the above post. Added all the patches. A_Dead_Jedi - The author of the modified Mss32.dll file (Or at least assumed to be the author, at least he wrote the readme that came with it. You can find this in the Extras as well) Heavenspawn - The author of the No-CD Crack for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic An Unkown person to me - The author of the No-CD Crack for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Anyone else I forgot to mention, thanks for helping me and everyone out by either hacking, cracking, creating, breaking, stealing, giving, making, writing, posting, replying, uploading and/or downloading. I love you. Links: - The thread I used to create this guide. I think Q is still answering questions as of May 2011, but I'm unsure about it. - The place where I found the No-CD Crack. - - - - - - - - THESE DOCUMENTS AND FILES ARE NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, LUCASARTS, OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THE FILES AND DOCUMENTS IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES, NOR AUTHORS OF THE DOCUMENTS AND FILES ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER OR HARDWARE.


  1. Star Wars
  2. Knights of the old Republic
  3. kotor
  4. swkotor
  5. tor
  6. the old republic
  7. The Sith Lords
  8. TSL

Files count:



2952.59 Mb




Igorrrrrrrrrr (2011-06-19)

Thanks deep92 for all the effort! It's working fine!

NixoTT (2011-06-24)

Hey I have som problems with this.
I use windows 7 home and I have followed this guide step by step. I still doesnt work. I can create my character and watch the first cinematics, but when they end my game crashes. If I skip the cinamatics the game crashes too.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

forcecrush (2011-07-01)

Thank you for this torrent, I spent a lot of time trying to get this game working with Windows 7, but your version was the only one that worked. This is totally worth downloading, thank you again :).

shakesbeard (2011-07-02)

damn thing crashes after character creation

Kitkun (2011-07-02)

Um... a question. While I have yet to try this Torrent, I am wondering if missing audio is common in for the PC version? The other Torrent has an issue I think, as it sometimes skips through dialogue, and if it is a cutscene, it might cut out the audio of that cutscene. When talking to a party member, no text or dialogue appears for them, but it skips to where I would input my answer, and then skips there dialogue again and have me input again.
Is that just me (or the Torrent), or is it a common occurrence with the game? Thank you for you help.

shakesbeard (2011-07-03)

Its a great torrent if the only part of the game you like is creating a character and then having it automatically exit for you. !!THUMBS UP For this shitty torrent!! fuck you

shakesbeard (2011-07-03)

or maybe im the shitty one for not knowing how to do it. who knows

Deathsmind (2011-07-04)

@shakesbeard: your an idiot. Just go through all the steps and it will work. You actually have to know something about computers to actually be able to get stuff for free. You dont know anything you pay for your stuff
@deep92: thanks bro. Just downloaded and did every step you said to do and works perfectly. First time actually using pirate bay, was recommened this site by a friend and i love it so far thanks for the great game. Downloaded number 1 as well. Replaying them before SWTOR comes out.

MemphisAhn (2011-07-06)

Hey guys, thanks for taking the time to upload this, but like the others have said, I'm crashing after the first cinematic. Any suggestions? Has anyone figured the route of the problem yet?
I'll check back. Thanks all

MemphisAhn (2011-07-06)

^^Also I'm running win7 64

BrettL (2011-07-11)

every time, i get the torrent and mount the image just fine, but every singal time i try to install, it says "please insert the next disc with datacab3" and its no where to be found! helppp

BrettL (2011-07-11)

sorry, figured that part out. now after ive downloaded it, it says wrong disc.

wakiceyer (2011-07-13)

Hey I got a question so far everything is great but after every combat I get stuck and the only way I can move is to reload the saved data in game. Anyway to fix it or is it a game control XD

wakiceyer (2011-07-13)

have you ever heard of this problem? and I tried pressing space and stop combat and everything, ill mess around with the compatibility settings and stuff thanks so much :D

mattron89622 (2011-08-02)

I searched far and wide and this was the only one that finally worked. I followed the instructions to the letter and then updated my video drivers and that was it. I was previously using virtual PC to run the game in XP but then I found this torrent. Excellent torrent and superb instructions deep92, much admiration and respect.
System: Win7 64bit onboard radeon HD 3300 series

watchmexplode (2011-08-06)

Whenever I try to run the game, it always stops responding. Can anyone help me with this? I'm running on Windows 7

mwvolkma (2011-08-22)

windows xp
home edition
version 2002
service pack 1
pentium 4 cpu 3.00 ghz
512mb ram
will this work???

Doomshadow-HaX (2011-09-04)

what disc do i mount on daemon tools lite to play TSL?

Doomshadow-HaX (2011-09-04)

ban that shit called shakesbeard

acefighter2112 (2011-09-21)

when I try to install the game it still out fine but never asks for disc 2 it just goes straight to 100% and asks for disc 1. Am I doing something wrong? I use Vista.

RC_Ebooks (2011-10-12)

Issues with loading this, MagicDisk complains it cannot find files. Fix was to put all data cabs in a directory on harddrive and that smoothed out the process considerably.

RC_Ebooks (2011-10-13)

Put forward my best efforts and cannot get past the character build, I can tell it's a hardware compatibility issue. So does anyone know what TWEAKS need to be done to get this airborne on a little Asus 1005HAB netbook? The onboard gfx is the Intel 945 chipset. All EXTRAS folder options have been applied.
Also, is this strictly a multiplayer online game or more like Academy & Outcast? I am not interested in online/multiplayer stuff, too much a waste of ones time. Let me know, thanks!

RC_Ebooks (2011-10-13)

Does anyone also know of a cutscene player? I enjoy those!

Wythyr (2011-10-19)

I read in the post that all the patches are included but when I installed the patch, it updated the game to 1.0, or so it said.
Is the restored content mod also included in this?

Wythyr (2011-10-19)

Also, when I start up the game using the swkotor2.exe, I receive a message saying that the game has stopped working and then it just shuts down. I followed all of your instructions, so I don't know what the problem is. Have any ideas how I could resolve this?

TheLordOfChaos201 (2011-11-09)

Wat the hell people. i'm seeding 38kb and its only downloading 0.5 kb. u guys are so evil

picturewatcher1 (2011-12-07)

Hey guys. I was only wondering what version this game is. There are 1.0a, 10.b and 1.0c patches out there all over the place. I've read their patch notes, and they all fix a truckload of game bugs. If this version is 1.0, I should probably expect all those said bugs to still be here. Deep92, your thoughts?
Thanks for your time folks.

picturewatcher1 (2011-12-07)

EDIT: I've also found a 1.03 and a 1.03b patch on the net, again, fixing a host of game errors.
I was only asking because I'd hate to start the game, build a character, then get stuck somewhere and have to stop, patch and start the game from scratch. After all, the time is short and SW:TOR is almost out! lol

kontsnor (2011-12-15)

thx deep92 for taking the effort to write a good tutorial and sharing this torrent
I actualy know for a fact that this game would have worked perfectly if I didn't have windows 7..
it's not the fault of this torrent but of Bioware for not presenting a decent fix..
Good thing I didn't actualy buy it i guess..

DarthPhnx (2012-01-25)

I'm able to make my character and stuff but when it gets to the end of the beginning cut scene it crashes. Is there a way to fix that? I have Vista.

KIDWizdom (2012-02-06)

didnt get an extras folder

helenstephanou (2012-03-14)

Seed please :)

Mr.hatchetman (2012-03-25)

i hope this works........

nateq (2012-03-26)

Excellent torrent! This is one of the best I've ever downloaded. I actually bought the game online a few months ago, but it never came in the mail. This was a great replacement--possibly better than the original with the inclusion of the no-cd crack.
I'm a novice downloader, but I used Power ISO and followed the readme to the letter, and the game works perfectly. I encountered none of the problems below on my Windows 7 64-bit.

rndm94 (2012-04-08)

i'm running windows 7 and i'm having the crash problem after the character creation. my laptop and desktop are nearly identical except for the video cards and it ran fine on the desktop. my laptop has an intel chipset while my desktop has an nvidia.

rndm94 (2012-04-08)

oh, and my laptop is 64 bit while the desktop is 32

yesnohello (2012-04-29)

Hello, i followed the instructions step by step, but it doesnt work.
when i try to run it the game "stops responding"
i use W7 32...
One thing....The step when u r supposed to copy from the No-crack folder into the installation folder(?) it says "i can create a shortcut here, do you want to create a shortcut to desktop instead?" or something like that....? :c

seamus1995 (2012-05-05)

works for me thanks

duffman94 (2012-06-02)

im running windows xp and would like to know if this will work on my system. i have an intel pentium 4 2.80ghz. itd be great to know if itll work cuz im a huge fan of the star wars KOTOR games and would love to play it

vangogh9 (2012-06-25)

I'm having the same issues as others. I've tried all kinds of compatibilities, but I get get a message "KOTOR2 has stopped working" Does anyone know what I need to do? :)
I've tried re-installing it and I KNOW i'm following the instructions verbatim.
I've bought this game twice before, long story...I don't want to buy it again! :D
please help me.

zachwolf333 (2012-07-09)

I am trying to run it on Vista 32 and having the same problem as yesnohello. Am getting rather confuzzled about step 8. Not exactly sure what to do? Help? Please?

zachwolf333 (2012-07-09)

Fixed the step 8 problem. Was clicking and dragging instead of copying and pasting. But am now having the problem of it freezing after the prologue.

hopedeny (2012-07-20)

that is the most absurdly complicated process to simply run the game. made more so because half of those steps are completely irrelevant.

spopes232 (2012-07-23)

Hi deep92. I created an account in order to comment on the skill of your installation walkthrough and your compassion in dealing with torrent n00bs. My adulation may be due to insomnia...
Currently downloading at warp nine, and I'll comment again concerning the results of my installation attempts. I hope only that I will not succumb to n00bery myself...

spopes232 (2012-07-23)

Well, I return with sour news. I followed the instructions exactly, but when I try to launch the cracked .exe, it informs me I have inserted the wrong disk, which is the disk 1 .bin file you included. I have tried mounting it with both poweriso and daemon tools, and even burned a dvd-r just in case. Any advice would be warmly accepted. I'll keep troubleshooting away.

AngelusDawn (2012-08-23)

Followed the instructions perfectly and works like a charm under windows 7. Thankyou ever so much!

AxviddKnight (2012-08-28)

Dood totally having the same problem with the program crashing after the opening to the game >.< I wanna play so bad has anyone fixed this problem please let me know

Bammg1991 (2012-10-15)

I can't even get this to install.
1. I mount CD 1 and begin installing as Admin and in WXP (SP 2) and it gets to where I need CD 2.
2. I mount CD 2 and an error pops up and informs me that I have the wrong disc in the drive and that I need to remount CD 1. When I do that I cannot continue installing.
If I mount CD1 and CD2 at the same time it gets a bit further but gets stuck on: moviescredits.bif and sits there for as long as I let it. I haven't even gotten to CD 3 yet even though I'm sure the same problem will arise if/when I do.
I don't know if this is human error, compatibility issues, or a combination of the both, but it would be nice to get this working. Any help would be appreciated.

Bammg1991 (2012-10-15)

I can't even get this to install for me.
I've tried it every which way I can think of including the instructions but I have yet to get it past disc 2.
Any help would be appreciated.

Bammg1991 (2012-10-15)

It's just Disc 2 that continues to become a problem. I'm using Daemon Tools Lite. I unmount disc 1 and mount disc 2 and cannot continue.
I've tried this with 3 different torrents now and I'm still getting stuck on movies/credits.bik. Am I not waiting long enough? Is movies/credits.bik a large file?
Any suggestions?

Tintin714 (2012-11-05)

Registered just so I could say - THANK YOU! Excellent up. I see a lot of people are having problems getting this to work, but your instructions worked like a charm for me. Game ran nigh perfectly. Thanks again. (Windows 7, 32 bit)

mjbonuma (2012-11-13)

I did everything as said in the readme.txt here and still don't work. The game is still crashing after the creation of the character. Too bad, but I won't seed a game that doesn't work here.

gamesalot9 (2012-11-22)

It crashes after character creation. Running
Sony Vaio SVE15115FXS
Windows 7 64Bt
Intel Core i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50 GHz
Intel HD Graphics 4000
Can anyone help me? I tried patching it and doing everything else but still doesn't work.

Oxsyris (2012-12-28)

I have downloaded and installed a game that freezes after the prologue scene. I have to ask. Is it a compatibility issue? Mine is a windows 7. So is the problem that windows 7 too advanced for the game? Cause some say it works but others say not. So is there anyone who could help? If not, then I think this whole torrent is moot.

belving (2013-01-13)

I am using Windows 7 and cannot get this to work. I've followed the instructions completely, and made a few adjustments to the service pack, disabling sound, movies, etc. and nothing is working. Every time, I can create a character and then if gives me the "swkotor2 has stopped working" error. Can anyone help me with fixing this?

uszpdoz (2013-01-16)

it has problem with intel intergrated gpu

naate222 (2013-02-10)

for those of you having trouble with crashing after character creation the problem is ur drivers for directx and openGL. i have found no fix for this. when i got the first game working i couldn't get the second game working but some how when i installed windows 8 the second game was working and the first game wouldn't.

CocaLocaization (2013-02-25)

Hey there , I see that other commenters have installed it succesfully so I guess the files are okay ...but I really can't get past "inserting" CD 2 I tried mounting all 4 of them before beggining installation I tried un-mounting disc 1 and mounting disc 2 but NOTHING ever works ...please if you have any solutions contact me on this e-mail

Nix_Urens (2013-03-19)

it has a problem with Intel GMAs, or integrated graphic card....I'm running KotOR1 perfectly, but since I have integrated graphic card, Intel, I can't run KotOR2....checked everything, only way to play KotOR2 with Intel GMA is to buy it on STEAM for 9.99$, I'd rather buy new graphic card and download from TPB than give those morons 10 bucks just 'cause they were smart enough to make a patch and some other stuff...well, on the other side, no one else did....anyways, great torrent, downloaded KotOR 1 from you few days ago, great job on the instructions, works great, but, too bad for my GMA, it won't get the chance to render KotOR2, one of the best games ever...

Xlampaxloumpas (2013-07-15)

It worked perfectly! Thanks a lot. Guys! I also have Windows 7! But it works perfectly! (it doesn't lag but rarely it closes on its own. Right now I'm a level 10 Jedi Concular! Thanks again for this awsome torrent! And for those who complain: Follow the instructions exactly as it sais!

casper332 (2013-07-26)

It crashes after character creation, and i do have vista laptop with intel intergrated gpu, so i guess thats the problem?? thanks anyway deep92 great torrent with excellent instructions. too bad i cant play it on my craptop

Xlampaxloumpas (2013-08-20)

It's perfect! I finished the game (Concular 17 Level, Jedi Master 8 Level) without having any problems. People say they have problems. I just followed the instructions step by step exactly as it sais and they should be fine.

stormy78 (2013-12-10)

I logged in just to say thanks a bunch! I haven't played this game since its release in 2004. It runs just fine on my computer but gets bit laggy. I guess my graphics card doesn't like it too much haha. Thanks again!

naate222 (2014-01-28)

listen up you intel graphic card people heres how you make this game work if u have problems after 2 intro movies and it doesn't let u play as any characters at all.
The game will work if u have a clean version of windows with no accelerators or driver updates. but the second you update ur drivers or install an accelerator ur game will no longer work and ull only b able to play the first. Remember however that while u can play kotor 2 with a clean install of windows u can't play kotor the original game. so set up a partition for each game if u r hooked on both.

jalikcina (2014-06-11)

the game crashes after lucas art intro.... with instalation thought had no problem...the description is written perfectly

jalikcina (2014-06-11)

runnin win 8 btw

jalikcina (2014-06-11)

does that mean if i just reinstall windows it'll work?and does that apply for win xp...i read somewhere that guy installed xp on other particion just to play kotor...will that work?

Kapri25 (2014-08-26)

I do not know what I have done wrong but for me it is the same issue as most people. I get everything right until the intro movie after character creation. Then the game crashes. I followed everything to the letter and spent hours looking for solutions and following them. I have a head ache. Deep92, thanks but it seems like Microsoft and company does not really give a damn about their great games so unless someone knows a solution...please post it.

Appauling (2014-09-24)

The torrent installed perfectly, but whenever i hit "swkotor.exe" it just keeps saying "Please insert the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Play disc."
then i mount disc one using PowerISO and hit it again, but it displays the same message. anyone else have this issue? how do i fix it?


1. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords/CD1/Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords [English][CD1][].bin 746.77 Mb
2. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords/CD1/Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords [English][CD1][].cue 155 bytes
3. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords/CD2/Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords [English][CD2][].bin 751.44 Mb
4. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords/CD2/Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords [English][CD2][].cue 155 bytes
5. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords/CD3/Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords [English][CD3][].bin 751.44 Mb
6. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords/CD3/Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords [English][CD3][].cue 155 bytes
7. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords/CD4/Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords [English][CD4][].bin 660.71 Mb
8. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords/CD4/Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords [English][CD4][].cue 155 bytes
9. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords/Extras/BACKUPS/swkotor2.exe 13.17 Mb
10. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords/Extras/BACKUPS/Mss32.dll 365.50 Kb
11. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords/Extras/BACKUPS/README.txt 461 bytes
12. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords/Extras/No-CD Crack/swkotor2.exe 4.37 Mb
13. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords/Extras/patch.exe 12.23 Mb
14. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords/Extras/swkotor2.exe 11.76 Mb
15. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords/Extras/Mss32.dll 364.00 Kb
16. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords/Extras/readme for the Mss32 DLL.txt 2.57 Kb
17. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords/README.txt 4.64 Kb