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Adobe Creative Suite CS5 Design Premium [Mac]-[CyberPiraten]




Software Mac


Adobe Creative Suite CS5 Design Premium [Mac]-[CyberPiraten]




2011-04-20 (by Cyberpiraten)



////\\ //// \\ ////// \\\\\ \\\\\ //\\\\\ // \\\\////////// // // \\// // // \\ \\ \\ \\ // // \\ \\ //\\ /\ \\ //\ // \\ // // \\ ///// \\ // \\// // \\ // //==\\ /\ ///// //\\// \\\\ // ///// \\\\\\\\\ \\ \\ // \\ \\// \\ /\ \\\\\\\ // \\/ ======================================================================== -- High quality -- EXCLUSIVE! Serials and Instructions is inside torrent. Release Name: Aodobe CS5 Design Premium Release Year: 2010 Release Type: Digital medial creation and editing Release By..: CyberPiraten Exclusives Platform....: Mac Os X System......: 32 and 64-bit Developer...: Adobe System. Language....: English Website.....: What's Inside: -Photoshop CS5 Extended -Illustrator CS5 -InDesign CS5 -Dreamweaver CS5 -Flash Professional CS5 -Flash Catalyst CS5 -Fireworks CS5 -Acrobat X Pro -Bridge CS5 -Device Central CS5 Seeding and Positive comments are highly appreciated. You just got to walk out like you own it.... Enjoy the movie!


  1. Design Premium

Files count:



3585.35 Mb




 polisdavid (2011-04-21)

No seeds?

SimpleSim0n (2011-04-21)

"Seeding and Positive comments are highly appreciated.
You just got to walk out like you own it....

Enjoy the movie! "
What movie retard?

 Cyberpiraten (2011-04-21)

Oh, that wasen't suppose to be there.. I copied the outlook from a movie ^^,
I'we lost my power over the night, back on seeding now! :)

pryingeyes (2011-04-21)

There's very little point to DLing 3.5 gigs through a torrent, including apps you may not need, when the individual apps are readily available at high speed from the Adobe website. Then all you need is the keygen from this site, which is a very small file.

pryingeyes (2011-04-22)

Once again, people...THINK for a minute. The individual apps are available for free downloads from Adobe, and then all you need to do is download the very small keygen file from TPB. So it's your choice: download 3.5 gigs including files you don't need, with one seeder and 150 leechers (so you'll be here for a week), or go to adobe, download what you need at far, far higher speeds, and then download the keygen from this site in less than a minute.
Your choice...

NaZa75 (2011-04-22)

I'm sorry but i'm not agree with you guys ! CyberPiraten always do great job and also have links for the individual software. Most of the time he have a lot of seeders ( look at the other torrent he have ) and i can download it as fast as on adobe website.
CyberPiraten always put a file with all the instructions too.
So if you want the all Creative Suite downloaded at one time thats a good option.
Anyway you can't blame someone who do great job and give free stuff to people !
Keep on going CyberPiraten ! Thanks for the good job !

Hedkandi006 (2011-04-26)

Hello Mate,
thanks for making Adobe Creative Suite CS5 Premium for Mac available. I have downloaded everything successfully. Following the instructions I have installed Creative suit, but It asked me for a serial number straight away ( other than in your instructions) I put the first from your after Effects No's in, which was accepted.
Than I opened up Terminal and copied sudo
/etc/hosts into Terminal. Nothing happens. When I press return/enter a warning window pops up, about inappropriate use of Terminal. You instruct to paste all the Numbers shown in the instructions in-between localhost and
broadcasthost .
These numbers do not show up in terminal, so I don't understand where to paste them. Could you please explain ? Sorry to bug you, but I have know idea of all this ,-(
Your help would be very much appreciated, need to do work tonight and need photoshop desperatley. Cheers, A.

 Cyberpiraten (2011-04-26)

Thanks mate, appreciate it! :)
Try just to put the whole text into the host file... that might work :)

Hedkandi006 (2011-04-27)

If I do that, how will I know that it has actually worked, meaning how can I be sure that Adobe can not track me ? I need a version which allows me to be online while I work.
Looking fwd to hear from you,

 Cyberpiraten (2011-04-27)

You will always be able to surf on the internett and sutch as that, it's only for so that adobe won't "update" itself so that the serial will be invalid.
If you have add'ed all the text into the host t should be okey, if it work's the serial will be valid. You could re-open the host file when you have saved and all that, if the text is there you have done right :)

Hedkandi006 (2011-04-27)

Cheers mate,
I hope Adobe won't knock on my door...
Many thanks for your help!

leea1 (2011-04-27)

It gives me this!
Exit Code: 7
-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
- 0 fatal error(s), 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
ERROR: Unable to locate volume for path.


emillo108 (2011-04-29)

Now the CS5.5 is put on the adobe site, you can download the trail version of CS5 here:

(useful if no sufficient seeds)

Dashiko (2011-05-01)

They say i require a serial number, but i could not find any serial in the torrent.
Can anyone help?

Dashiko (2011-05-01)

I need a serial number to install this. Can anyone help?

 Cyberpiraten (2011-05-01)

serial can be found inside the "Instructions" text file.

renaves00 (2011-05-02)

Help me please, i installed the programs but adobe wants the license, i pasted the serial numbers but it doesn't work, the instructions said that i have to paste the host but how can i do that? because i can't find the host file or what do i have to do?
Help me!!!
sorry for my english, i speak spanish

 Cyberpiraten (2011-05-03)

que es necesario introducir EL Text in terminal de el, 'entonces' El Archivo de acogida si abrira Para usted.
Conozca ALGUNOS chicos en Espana: D ?Donde vives? ^^,

macnoob94 (2011-05-03)

im having the same problem as Hedkandi006. im such a noob hahaha what do you mean by "host file"?

 Cyberpiraten (2011-05-03)

In the instructions you'we been told to open the "host file" by copy and paste into the Terminal, then the host file will open and you do your job. ;)

leea1 (2011-05-04)

help i dont know my password won't let me access it (terminal sudo

applemac1 (2011-05-04)

Cyberpiraten, firstly have to say thanks for a great torrent. I to have a problem with this. Im familiar with entering in the terminal and had no issues whatsoever with doing this. However under the installation instructions no 6 says Run after effects and enter the serial from below. What I can find is where is After effects, I dont see it in the package of downloads?

geekyfun (2011-05-06)

help please, i am a beginner in it, can you just explain the whole installation process , & what is host file actually , plzz!

deeess (2011-05-08)

My host file looks exactly like it's supposed to BUT after following all the instructions (and I started from scratch, erasing my hard drive and everything since it's pretty new), including installing as as trial, after I enter a valid serial (I get the green check mark) and hit "continue," it goes to the activation page. Am I just supposed to click "close" instead of "continue" after the serial is accepted as valid? When I open PS, the Adobe Application Manager opens after it with the PS trial window that gives me the option of entering a serial number or continuing the trial. Is this what it's supposed to look like or is something still not working?

 Cyberpiraten (2011-05-08)

Your suppose to enter the serial and continue, then but just DON'T make a ADOBE ID.
If i miss understand you just scream out and I'll get back to you :)

deeess (2011-05-09)

Hi Cyberpiraten, you understood perfectly. However, when I press continue and it gives me the page requesting the Adobe ID, what do I do then? My choices are to press "back" or "next" and if I click "next" without an Adobe login, then it gives me a warning "Please provide your Adobe ID." Where do I go from here (host files correctly updated, serial number is correct, etc.). By the way, the "deactivate" in PS is greyed out, so I can't select it. If you can give me some help, I would be very appreciative. Thank you.

deeess (2011-05-09)

I also posted a question on your other UL for PS, maybe it better explains what I don't understand.

mrjayargh87878787 (2011-05-09)

I have the same problem,
Everything is fine, serial works fine then it takes me to the adobe ID screen, i have no other option than to put in a adobe ID, there is no 'skip this step' or 'next'
even when i do put a adobe id in, it still doesn't work.
Please help!

mrjayargh87878787 (2011-05-09)

After you type in the serial and it is accepted you click next and it takes you to the activation page where it then asks you to enter your adobe ID.
It doesn't give you any other option like 'skip this step' and you cant press next until you enter your adobe ID and even if you do it just fails and then closes down.
Please help!

isiblumberg (2011-05-14)

Guys, after all of Cyberpiraten instructions, the serial number that worked for me was: 1325-0365-5929-6118-8817-8422. I went to look for serial numbers in Google and just copied and pasted that one. And it worked. One thing I have to tell you, after you put in Terminal the line "sudo
/etc/hosts" PRESS ENTER. Then after that it asks you for a password. Type in your computer password without making any mistakes since it won't show you what you type. After you put in the password, PRESS ENTER. It will open the "Host" file thing where you can paste the entire file Cyberpiraten has named: "This is how your host file should look" Paste everything in that file in your host file exactly as is. Then (command s) save. Then open one of the programs and enter that serial or maybe another that can work for you. I did have to create an Adobe ID --- course was my hotmail account and a fake name. Hope this helps.

 Cyberpiraten (2011-05-14)

Now what's up with the ADOBE ID...
You DON'T need to create one if you don't want to...
Just exit the window, skip this step or whatever you could do and it will be okey! ;)

ToxicSovereign (2011-05-16)

Hey Cyberpiraten, I need help with this. When I paste the command on the Terminal it gives me a security warning about an incorrect command. HELP ME! please.

deeess (2011-05-18)

@Cyberpiraten That's what I've done (exited the activation screen), but every time I open PS (which is what I'm using mostly), a screen pops up showing me the countdown to when my free trial expires and giving me the choice to either continue as trial or enter serial number. I entered a serial number when I first installed the program (after following the activation blocker instructions). Is this normal and will the window just eventually go away?

Mista-Mike (2011-05-20)

Works flawlessly!
My only question is: can we install the Adobe updates or will they blacklist the serials and stop the programs from working like on Win7?

perrul (2011-05-25)

Works like a charm, whoever says it doesn´t work should learn to follow instructions. Cheers!

hugoseppl (2011-06-01)

could anybody please tell me what language this is? is it multi? or just english

klarose518 (2011-06-02)

I need guidance! This is the first anything I've ever dled.... so, I did everything straight through to "save" and then it came time to open a program to put in a serial # and I can't find any of the programs... The little red disk icon is on my desktop and when I open it it has adobe cs5 design premium and the cs5 read me but when I open the first one it has a lot of folders, but none of them are the actual programs.... and when I try to install adobeAIR it says it already exists... but I'm not finding anything anywhere on my comp for that or for After Effects or anything else for that matter... did I miss something? Where am I supposed to be putting in the serial numbers??
Sorry for the annoying newbie questions, but we all have to start somewhere, right?!

sweetndirty (2011-06-05)

hee gasten, bedahankt! gen vuiltje aan de lucht, lekker aan het updaten ook naar 5.5 en FCP7 aan het ophalen. Keep up het goede werk!

sweetndirty (2011-06-05)

ik kan Acrobat X Pro nergens vinden, ook niet als ik de installer opnieuw draai... enig idee?

pakalala (2011-06-07)

same problem as deeess. can't figure out how to not enter/make an account. sorry for the kookness but could someone knock some wisdom into me pretty please?

facultyme (2011-06-18)

Hi, I'm having a problem with activating the programme with my Adobe ID. The serial number i was given works fine, but then in the next window, I am asked to enter my Adobe ID and I do, but it doesn't work. Anyone able to help me? This is my first time doing this, so I'm unsure if I made some sort of rookie mistake. :)

elehcam (2011-06-22)

WORKS PERFECTLY! I didnt have after effects to open and enter a serial but it didnt seem to matter. THANK YOU :) !!!!!!!! muah!

mmkthnx (2011-06-25)

I'm a newbie at this as well, please forgive me but I'm not sure if I did something wrong. Right at the end of the instructions, it tells me to run After Effects, but I cannot find the program. So I tried to open a different program (like photoshop) and put the serial through there instead. The serial showed up with a green checkmark, but it still asked me for the Adobe ID. There was nowhere that allowed me to do the "Skip this step" like I would normally see when dling the trial. Cyberpiraten or anyone else, please tell me what I've done wrong?

LeNapoleon (2011-07-07)

I only need adobe audition for the mac.....anyone???

coxndix (2011-07-08)

The dmg is not being recognized by my computer "disk image could not be opened" any solution?

americanpsycho (2011-07-09)

Wait... sorry, I'm confused.
I've downloaded everything and run the DMG. Now do I install everything and before I run any of the installed programs go into terminal and paste that code OR do I do that before I even run the installer?

 Cyberpiraten (2011-07-11)

do what you feel for.... I use to do
1.install as trial
3.Do the hosts
4.Open and enter serial.

ozmion (2011-07-11)

hElLo People, i diD a frEsh Install Of MAC OS X LioN on My MB, And I waS installing thIs versiOn of AdoBe on My systEm, anYways, whEn i ClicK on The TermInaL anD copy pasTE thE "sudo" inFo, it asKS for a PassWord, I enTer thE password aND soME sorT oF erroR comEs Up!!! How Do i RetreiVe the Host filed so That i CaN cOpy And pasTe the activation bLockEr inFo?!?!?!? caN soMeoNE plEaSe hElP!!

ozmion (2011-07-11)


ozmion (2011-07-11)

2011-07-11 12:35:21.095 TextEdit[560:5c13] PersistentUI: LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL() failed at inserting URL file://localhost/etc/hosts
ThaTS the messagE i Get!!!

kohlerl (2011-07-22)

I was having the same problem as you. Just upgraded to LION and got the same "error" message. I'm in no way a computer genius like most of these people. I know how to follow these directions and search the net, that's about it.
the solution I came across (somebody can tell me if this is legit or not):
in terminal type in sudo pico /etc/hosts and hit Return
this should bring up a nano that looks exactly like what Cyberpiraten has in his instructions. Copy and paste to look exactly like the he mentions in his .rtf file.
Hit Ctrl O to save.
I've yet to run a program because I want to find out from someone if this will stop the call to Adobe. Feeback welcome.

kohlerl (2011-07-22)

The applications all work with the solution I mentioned. What I'm concerned with is turning back on my Wi-FI for fear that the programs will try to contact Adobe. Here's goes nothing I suppose.

ozmion (2011-07-22)

I wiLl trY it oUt anD alSo posTfeedbAck

yeeyeeyeeyee123 (2011-07-23)

Dowloaded CS5 then downloaded LION but every time I try and get into CS5 it says I need to run JAVA RUNTIME
"To open “Adobe Photoshop CS5,” you need to install a Java runtime, but you are not connected to the Internet."
Help me out Cyberpiraten
Ps your cool!

siiaan (2011-08-02)

I've downloaded everything but it won't let me edit the original host files, says i have to make a duplicate?? so i make the duplicate and add the text and then put in serial and it works but then when i restart and open adobe it says serial is invalid?!? please help, i've spent hours trying to get this to work! x

nomyiw (2011-08-10)

I, too, have upgraded to Lion and am now having issues with the Suite.
When running the Terminal I get the error messages but the "hosts" file still opens. But, it is locked, preventing me from editing it. Oddly enough, it still shows the activation blocker info in the document. ANY AND ALL HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!

CrystalBella89 (2011-08-14)

Hey guys,
I had the same problem with the adobe ID.. I installed it with a serial number and an adobe ID I made, restarted my computer, run the hosts and when I opened any of the programs it would come up with the serial number, then prompt me for my adobe id again.. I'd put it in and it wouldn't work. It couldn't access my subscription?
Just so happened I had previously downloaded CORE keygen for CS5. I opened up CORE, patched the program and generated a serial number. I put in this serial number and it worked. I opened the next program and it asked me for adobe ID again, which it allowed me to just skip and no problems since!
Hope this helps those with the same problems..
Thanks so much cyberpiraten for your awesome torrents and activation blockers.. Before downloading your dreamweaver torrent I had never done any torrent stuff before and it was so easy (once I googled what terminal was!! HAHA). You're a legend!

CrystalBella89 (2011-08-14)

Hey guys,
I had the ADOBE ID problem.
I got the torrent & ran the dmg file.
I installed adobe creative suite using a serial number and an adobe ID I had made.
I restarted my computer & ran the hosts.
When I opened the first program, it came up with a screen asking if I wanted to use the serial number or trial. I put in the serial in and continued. It then asked for my adobe ID which I put in. Then it tried to authorize it, which didn't work of course. Came up with the error "cannot begin your subscription" or something like that.
I read through here and realised I probably shouldn't have put in the serial number when installing.. OOPS. But I really didnt want to uninstall and begin again..
I had previously downloaded CORE keygen for CS5. I can't remember where I got that torrent, but I can look for it.
I opened CORE up and clicked on 'patch program' and then generated a serial number for creative suite 5.
When I opened up a program I put this new serial number in, and it worked.. didn't ask me for an adobe ID.
I opened the next program and up it came asking for an adobe ID.. (crap!) BUT it had a skip button on the bottom.. so I skipped and TA-DA!
No problems since and complete access to all the programs.
Hope this may help someone else out there.
A big big big thankyou to cyberpiraten for the awesome torrents.. before downloading your dreamweaver one yesterday I hadn't done torrent stuff before that had worked (a part from CORE which I had no programs to use it on!). You are a legend, and how you do the activation blockers is beyond me, but THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!! :)

CrystalBella89 (2011-08-14)

oh shoot my bad for the double post.. didnt think the first one worked. hehe.

CrystalBella89 (2011-08-14)

Me again.
Interestingly enough I just installed them all on my macbook which had no previous adobe applications/didn't have your dreamweaver torrent installed and your instructions worked completely fine.
Thanks again :L

mayo1984 (2011-08-25)

Hi Cyberpiraten and anyone else,
I can't find the 'Terminal' application, so I wont be able to open it and paste the text in it. I have no idea. Can you explain it to me in 'baby-ga-ga language' because I'm not doing this very often!
This is what I did untill now:
1. Clicked Adobe CS5 Design Premium.
2. Click: Install (this took me about 25 minutes or so)
3. Click: Accept
4. Fill in Serialnumber/ trial (I chose the first one in the instructions.rtf file)
5. Then Adobe is checking my account and gives me the option: 'make an Apple ID' or 'fill in your e-mail'. I tried to skip this option but it doesn't work. I choose to add an Apple ID with a fake emailadress. (because I can't do anything else!)
6. I installed every program in my applications folder.
I couldn't find the 'TERMINAL' application at first, because you won't see it untill you installed.
7. If I try 'home-icon' > applications (it's an empty folder)
8. If I try Macintosh HD > Program >texteditor (this looked like but I got nothing)
9. or Macintosh HD > program > Applescripteditor. (nothing too)
10. or Macintosh HD >program >Helpprogram > Terminal ??? Is this it?
11. So I opened the Terminal black box.
12. Then you say: “Paste the the following text between localhost and broadcasthost” Well..there is no such thing as localhost and broadcasthost to find in the Terminal.
9. You say: Run Adobe After Effects. There is no After Effects? So...I opened Illustrator, to try.
10. Enter serial number. (chose the one from the top. It worked.)
11. Then you'll get: Enter your Adobe ID. I tried option 1: skip it. (doesn't work) option 2: entered my fake ID.
12. Adobe says: “Try again”. We are unable to start your supscription for adobe creative suite 5 Design Premium blabla. Choose close and re-launche your product.
The end. Can you help me please? It would be awsome. I googled my ass off to find out how to make this work! Thanks a lot.

Pratox (2011-09-05)

Hi There,
I was successful in installing this release.
However, I used a sightly different method to make it work:
1. When installing, unplug you ethernet cable or shut the wifi down.
2. Install with a Key (whichever)
3. Open the finder and on the "Go" menu select "Go to Folder". In the box, tip "/etc/"
4. A Finder window window should open showing lotta files. Scroll down until you find "host"
5. Copy the host file to the desktop
6. Edit it as mentioned in the instruction file (127.0.01 xxx)
7. Rename the original host file by whatever you'd like (ex: -> It will ask you for permission and you'll have to enter your admin password
8. Drag & Drop the modified host file (the one on the desktop) to the finder (it will again prompt for password)
Restart your computer
Job done, no need for activation, works straight away!

dman455 (2011-09-16)

2011-09-16 18:18:07.205 TextEdit[361:7d13] PersistentUI: LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL() failed at inserting URL file://localhost/etc/hosts
I get this message as well, what am I doing wrong?

dman455 (2011-09-16)

!!! THE SOLUTION !!! (Thanks Pratox)
1. When installing, unplug you ethernet cable or shut the wifi down.
2. Install with a Key (whichever)
3. Open the finder and on the "Go" menu select "Go to Folder". In the box, tip "/etc/"
4. A Finder window window should open showing lotta files. Scroll down until you find "host"
5. Copy the host file to the desktop
6. Edit it as mentioned in the instruction file (127.0.01 xxx)
7. Rename the original host file by whatever you'd like (ex: -> It will ask you for permission and you'll have to enter your admin password
8. Drag & Drop the modified host file (the one on the desktop) to the finder (it will again prompt for password)

8feet (2011-09-18)

Ladies and gents. When writing to the /etc/hosts file from OSX Lion use this command instead of the one in the readme:
sudo nano /private/etc/hosts
copy past all the addresses that you find in the readme just like it says
When finished contol-o (not command-o!) to save followed by enter to save to the same directory. Control-x to leave the nano editor.

pravspazz (2011-09-20)

Could someone please help me. When I open Illustrator it asks for a serial number and none of them are valid!

pravspazz (2011-09-20)

SOmeone HAAAALLLP !! ASAPP!!! SErials aren't wworking for me... and I'm new to this whole MAC thang... So frustrated grrrrr

dman455 (2011-09-21)

It works great. Besides on thing. IT CRASHES.
Illustrator CRASHED about 5 times this evening. Anybody know what's wrong?

gundaboss (2011-09-23)

Cyberpiraten, when I paste sudo
to my terminal application, i get this error message (after putting in my password and pressing enter)
2011-09-23 02:29:53.771 TextEdit[4404:2107] PersistentUI: LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL() failed at inserting URL file://localhost/etc/hosts
Please help! I'm grateful for all your effort so far and sorry to be another person bothering you.

imOusy (2011-09-23)

W.O.R.K.S.| L.I.K.E. | C.H.A.R.M. ^^ Thanks man!

OutMiiMynd (2011-09-27)

Hey @Cyberpiraten
I had NO problems installing and installing on my MB... however now that I am attempting to share the wealth and give the programs to my friend he is having trouble getting it to work. We have followed the instructions to a T and for some reason when it gets to the point where we have to put in serial numbers it gets fishy.
After the serial is accepted it requests an Adobe ID... we've entered an old one and also created a NEW one and for some reason it keeps telling us to "TRY AGAIN We are unable to start your subscription for Adobe (blah blah blah)." It wants us to close re-launch but we get the same answer every time!
Help Please! LoL

marquisdupre (2011-10-03)

Ok, I have downloaded each of these from separately because I don't need or want the entire package - and have followed directions on installation as a trial, etc. Everything worked fine, but upon a restart, now all of my downloaded applications ask for a password again, and an apple ID and then when I put in a valid number and apple ID, it says it cannot start my subscription! I have seen others posting, but no solutions on how to bypass this and have it stop asking for my serial number. I used the blocker and everything worked find until I restarted my computer. I am running OS 10.5.8

miadris4 (2011-10-14)

Finally I did it!! I followed the steps by 8feet, thanks a looottt! also, you can visit this website, they explain everything for dummies :)

miadris4 (2011-10-14)

Now, when I open any program, it keep asking for serial!! what should I do????? PLEASE HELP!!

gizzmoony (2011-10-17)

Downloaded and installed without any problems and it starts working like magic typing the first posted password. But after a few logins, it tells you the password is not valid. I am gonna try the other passwords see what happens...

gizzmoony (2011-10-17)

Ok. It works. Second serial number on the list made it happen. Thanks Cyberpiraten. Great job.

bpdingo (2011-10-22)

many thanks Cyberpiraten!
the easiest way to crack (OSX Lion especially) is with the CORE Keygen. Follow the read me.txt file and you will have a completely working CS5 without editing any files in Terminal, which in OSX Lion's case won't even work.

gblguy222 (2011-10-22)

Worked like a champ!! Nice work C-P! Only one thing..I do not see Acrobat Pro. Am I missing something? TY

gblguy222 (2011-10-24)

the serials worked great for me. I used the second one and everything fired up like suppose to. The only thing is I don't see Acrobat X Pro as described. Any idea CyberPiraten why I didn't get ACB Pro in doewnload??

caution74747 (2011-11-10)

Please Help me!
I'm new to mac's
i have done EVERYTHING 5 times in the terminal i had to do what 8feet said as it came up with the same error message as most others instead of the Host stuff.
i have restarted my computer but every single time when i try to open any of the app's it says I need Java runtime....
i don't know what i'm doing wrong, I know how to follow instructions but I'm totally at a loss and I'm not buying everything again coz ADOBE are pricks and won't let me transfer from my PC to my MAC
please help me

caution74747 (2011-11-11)

anyone? please?
Do I need to install Java or what?
@cyberpiraten please help me WTF am i doing wrong?
am i pasting the code in the wrong spot? i pt it between the host and broadcast host like it says but when i look at what it should look like you have it at the bottom so i tried that and still getting the java runtime message.

ej1616 (2011-12-11)

Ugh. Man, I can't get this to work. Tried everything suggested in previous posts:
I uninstalled all adobe products and used an adobe cleanup tool to remove all adobe files.
Then I installed this. I used the KeyGen patch, then the keygen serial. The serial works, but then it asks for an adobe ID. I've tried making a new one as well as using an old one I've had and none of them work.
How do I get it to skip the Adobe ID?
I've also tried the serial numbers in this torrent, but they also get the Adobe ID required and I can't by it.
Any ideas?

karlocool (2011-12-13)

Same problem too, it ask for adobe ID and cannot activate the product !!!!! HELP PLEASE

FlyDread (2012-02-10)

Hey Thanks a Billion Bro for everything. I just have a Question or 2. I don't Know if Im doing something extremely wrong or extremely right.
Let me start by saying i first got photoshop through some elses torrents through a lot of trial and error. I once Got a program named Blockade. It was supposed to Block adobe from connecting to my cpu. Now When i Downloaded Your torrent, I Don't see any to follow the rest of the steps. I simply install and then put in the 1st serial number. It works every time.
Now Am i supposed to be doing something after i get the app because i tested a few it runs fine. is it my Blockade thats making this work without Steps 4, 5, and 6 or am i at Risk

FlyDread (2012-02-10)

What i wanna know if i do the block successful once with AE does it work for all other Apps

prasaw (2012-02-25)

Pls tell me wr is this 4th step in Mac.
4. Paste the the following text between localhost and
pls advice bcos i install this CS5 but whn i m opening my software like Flash every time ths adobe manager is opening & asking new serial number. Pls tell me wt to do asap.

prasaw (2012-02-26)

Is it a trial version or full version? anyone can tell me.
I fallow all instruction as per u. but i stuck in step 6.
pls tell me how to run 'After Effects'?

pais_ley (2012-02-28)

I need some serious help please!
First of all, do I install Adobe first and input the serial number etc. Or do i run the steps in terminal first. I am encountering issues with terminal, it gives me an error message when i put in the line as directed, and then my password. I am completely useless when it comes to this stuff, someone please help! I am running on a MacBook Pro if that makes any kind of difference. Thank you :)

prasaw (2012-02-28)

Hi pais_ley
first u hv to click on install. thn u hv to go in Applications in ur Macintosh HD. thr in end u will find Utilities folder. in tht ur Terminal is thr in end.
open tht cutpest as per the instctn. put ur password.
One more textbos will open in tht u will find 12xxxxxx & 255xxxx number. btwn this number pest all text wch ty said. & thn start ur installetion.
Is it fine for u.
Someone pls tell me is it trial version or full version?

i_steal_media_hohoho (2012-03-07)

Woooah, getting over 2mg download!!

braymcd (2012-03-23)

Okay, I have the files downloaded, and I opened my hosts file is locked, and I cant unlock it by clicking on the top- my only choice is to create a duplicate. Is there a way around this?

Gold_Bar (2012-03-30)

I've downloaded and successfully installed the creative suite on my Macbook Pro. My question is that when it adds all the programs to the Launchpad, it also adds uninstall programs for each and every program to the launchpad. How do i remove those? i can't seem to remove them without actually uninstalling the programs. Ive tried to go to Applications folder and delete them from there, but no luck :(

stijn1235 (2012-04-10)

I have download the torrent, installed it correctly (I guess) but the last point of the instruction is " run adobe After Effects "
I have googled a lot, and came to a conclusion that adobe creative suite cs5 premium doesnt contains After Effects
I have tried to do the same with photoshop for complete the serial but, it doesnt work :/
can someone pls help me? :)

GRobinzon (2012-04-12)

NO ACROBAT!!!!!!!!!!

erinnnnn (2012-04-14)

works fine until i turn the wifi on it asks for a new serial number... whats going on with it?

captainsmee (2012-04-20)

Thanks for sharing, your time and efforts are highly appreciated.

faykat (2012-06-06)


pappag60 (2012-06-10)

Doe you have a generator for CS6 master selection suite?

will521 (2012-06-20)

I am not able to install the adobe suite. I get to the part where you have to paste the path into the terminal but i keep getting this error:
TextEdit[1899:490b] NSTrackPersistentURLs: LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL() failed at inserting URL file://localhost/etc/hosts (/etc/hosts)
can anybody help me???

Alimahsoomi (2012-09-23)

i just wanna thank u for this

martinsaaby (2012-09-25)

Hi Cyberpiraten
I cant get access to now. Is that because i blocked those thing in the terminal?
If it is, how to remove the blockage?

atgcrash (2012-11-15)

Hi, I cant find the document/map with serial codes. Where is this located?
Please help.

piratelux (2012-11-27)

CYBERPIRATEN I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE!!!! Hi, I downloaded this torrent along with your Adobe After Effects CS5 [MacOSX64]-[CyberPiraten] torrent and I used the serials you listed in the instructions. The problem is each time I put a serial in for one program the other program serial becomes invalid. For both torrents I put exactly what you said in the host, but I have 2 hosts instead of one. The torrents work it's just i have the AE one seperate with this one and the serials keep becoming invalid. Please help and thank you so much for offering this! It'll help me with my classes!

aclakers2 (2013-01-29)

First off thank you very much for the upload. Your awesome. I am having trouble here.. I installed and followed the instructions not to run the program. when I copy and paste the words to terminal this is what it says....
2013-01-28 21:48:29.892 TextEdit[5040:810f] NSTrackPersistentURLs: LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL() failed at inserting URL file://localhost/etc/hosts (/etc/host
please help? I would really appreciate it. thanks if its easier to email me

jahnevieve (2013-09-01)

Thank you!!
I first successfully installed this on my old macbook pro, but it recently died.
Now I'm trying to get this to work on y new Imac and I just can't get the activation blockers to work.
Anybody can help or has an idea what I can try to do?


1. Adobe Creative Suite CS5 Design Premium [Mac]-[CyberPiraten]/DesignPremium_CS5.dmg 3585.34 Mb
2. Adobe Creative Suite CS5 Design Premium [Mac]-[CyberPiraten]/iNSTRUCTiONS.rtf 5.14 Kb
3. Adobe Creative Suite CS5 Design Premium [Mac]-[CyberPiraten]/This is how your Host file should look.rtf 2.14 Kb