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Final Fantasy VIII MultiDisc Eboot NO FREEZES [slothington]






Final Fantasy VIII MultiDisc Eboot NO FREEZES [slothington]




2008-08-01 (by winstonj)


This is my first time creating a torrent so I apologize if I didn't do something right... I have been struggling for a few months to find a way to get Final Fantasy VIII to work properly on the PSP. I'm sure anyone that has tried it knows the freezes when casting magic and or drawing magic. I created this MultiDisc EBoot and upgraded to 3.90m33. I've tried literally everything else and this was my last shot at getting it to work.. it works extremely well, no freezes (not even on the dreaded Comm Tower boss fight, or Diablos Gravija!!). Make sure when you start it up to change your disc read speed in the options to FAST to avoid freezing during several FMV sequences. This hasn't happened to me, but i've read it's possible. If it does freeze during one of these, especially the opening FMV sequence, try booting it up with 3.71 popstation and maving a save file just past the beginning. But I didn't have that problem at all. I was so glad I can finally play this game without freezes that I had to upload it. Hope you enjoy it!

Files count:



2110.04 Mb




winstonj (2008-08-02)

I apologize for the initial upload speed, I'm going to try to make it faster, but it's worth the wait to get a working copy of this game..

fulper (2008-08-02)

getting my psp on monday was just checking out the collection available, thanks for the up :D

winstonj (2008-08-02)

if there are any other games you'd like me to make a multidisc eboot version of let me know and i will..

winstonj (2008-08-02)

The grandia choppy voice glitch is a problem with the emulation of the game i believe- my version does the same thing. i have an undub version of Star Ocean 2 that works perfectly.. i'll have to look into Star Ocean 1. FF8 is one of the only games that pretty much everyone has had horrible problems with no matter what they try, just glitches of psp trying to run it. This version i uploaded is the only one i've seen that works, and i had a similar problem with Chrono Cross (freezing, etc) and lots of other people were having similar issues. a MultiDisc eboot using current popstation for chrono cross works perfectly, i beat the game with no glitches or freezes whatsoever. Let me know if you want the link to that eboot.

winstonj (2008-08-02)

while playing through this copy, my game froze during one of the FMVs as I said it might (Sorceress Parade at end of Disc One) - I switched over to 3.71 Popsloader, the video worked fine, then saved and switched back to the normal 3.90 to continue playthrough. just thought i'd let you all know what to do in case it happens to you also.

Necroclysm (2008-08-04)

I dont suppose its possible to split this into Disc 1+2 and Disc 3+4?
Just barely wont fit on my memory stick -.-

winstonj (2008-08-04)

unfortunately, it's the fact that it is a multidisc version of all four disks in one file that makes it work without freezing. If you want me to try creating a two file version (discs one and two, and three and four) anyway, I will be happy to give it a shot and upload it after this finishes, but i can't guarantee it'll work. if you live in the united states, places like Best Buy frequently have sales on 4gb memory sticks for around $30. Just make sure to look in the regular memory card section, not the PSP section (they jack up the price of a Memory Stick Pro Duo in the PSP section even though it's the same thing).
I've played further into the game and the FMV freezes happened again- once again, switching to 3.71 popsloader just for the FMV segments has fixed the problem. Sometimes the game just sits there, still being able to move around and everything but where the FMV is supposed to trigger it won't unless youre using 3.71 for that segment. I recommend switching to 3.71 for the entire Balamb/Galbadia Garden fight segment, as there are tons of FMVs during that scene. It's safe to switch back to 3.90 as soon as you reach the save point inside Galbadia Garden. Here is a link explaining how to use Popsloader:

Necroclysm (2008-08-04)

Any downside to just running it in 3.71 constantly? Other than the extra features 3.90 provides of course.

Necroclysm (2008-08-04)

Whoops, wtb edit button.
And I will see if I can grab another memory stick :p
I just got the 2 gig recently, as there wasnt much use for one bigger, since the only things that wont fit are multidisc eboots, and I never use them.
But it might be worth it just to play FF8 again :)

winstonj (2008-08-04)

yes one of the big downsides playing it in 3.71 mode all the time i've noticed is that it is extremely slow, especially while moving through the junction menus, which gets rather annoying, also it is likely to freeze which is the whole reason i wanted to move away from using it in the first place. but if you just use 3.71 to get past major FMV sequences then save and switch back to 3.90, gameplay is really quite good. it may be a little tedious, but being able to play this game on the go is worth it for me..

winstonj (2008-08-06)

Now that there are complete copies floating around, please let me know how it works and if you want me to make anything else. Please seed as long as possible. thanks!

berloga (2008-08-13)

I have 3.90m33-3
I tryed evrything!
Put eboot file in game folder, game150,
dosen't even show in xmb!
WFH could be a problem?

berloga (2008-08-13)

I get it!

winstonj (2008-08-15)

those who have tried it: is it working ok?

raithe130 (2008-08-27)

Hey winstonj, much thanks for this eboot. I've been looking for a FFVIII eboot. I've played through this to about the second disc and just wanted to let you know that this works very well. =) As you said, it only freezes at a few fmv spots but changing the popstation version gets me by. Thanks again.

Skyfallaks (2008-08-27)

Yeah works fine on my 3.9 m33 when I use popstation or what is that thing called to use different... Well anyways 3.71 works fine, had the opening FMV's music a little slow and then some color failures there like you described FMVs to have. I've played it for a while and I haven't encountered any other bugs than that one where you use your menu and go to the junction and from there to GF. For some reason it slows down here and yeah it is really slow... Sometimes the battles begin with a slight skip, but I guess it's the backround or something since it almost never happens.

johnc91 (2008-08-31)

hey is this torrent NTSC or PAL?

bloodfia (2008-09-06)


jammerboi (2008-09-11)

hope u'll be my savior..could you pls upload a version of crono cross with no glitches/hang up at all?plss ive try a lot of crono cross torrent. when im in 2nd disc fighting with the boss after obtaining the 3 triangles in the sea of eden..the game freezes after i defeat that very much disappointed..=( ill download this ff8 also, hope it works well.. and could you pls upload also legend of dragoon..the torrent ive downloaded freezes also after fighting last boss in disc 2..=( hope to hear ur comment bout my suggestions..tnx in advance..=)

-fry- (2008-09-13)

Anyone get this to work on the newset firmwares?Its freezes after selecting new game for me on 4.01 m33-2

jammerboi (2008-09-13)

lysergic.acid ive downloaded star ocean 2 and it works fine. u can download it at

Dragedo (2008-09-21)

i really hope this ones gonna work for real. i spend about 4 WHOLE days trying to get a ff8 version running. and all i got is a version that just likes to piss me off. whenever it seems to be running smooth it freezes. most of the times while drawing (which kinda gives me the rest cause i want to get those stupid magics)

Dragedo (2008-09-22)

seems like its working all fine except for thos FMV parts. i tried that pops thingy that winstonj mentioned but if i start the game and choose 3.71 pops nothing further happens (the screen doesnt change from the selection screen and i cant do anything else either). and i installed it like its written in the guide that winstonj mentioned.

mikox04 (2008-10-14)

how do i change popsloader??
err sorry for asking xD
while i hold L and start the game the popsloader menus are not showing up pls help :D

winstonj (2008-10-19)

jammerboi: i will be happy to show you the ChronoCross version that i have. I have beaten the game and it works fine.
to the last poster, if i'm not mistaken you hold R to get to the popsloader menu once it's installed.

hateinu (2008-10-27)

hey yeah can u plz upload legend of dragoon if at all possible

EvilCris (2008-11-06)

how do you get to popsloader 3.90 ? I only have 3.00 - 3.72 >.< I really wanted to play this game but all the hang ups is driving me nuts :( am using 3.90 M33-3 and also a 3.95-Gen both having troubles.. I tried everything I can in my power any Knowledge I had in trying to make the game hassle free but none of them is working :( winstonj.. need a hand here. I can't make it to disk two >.

WarpedLogic (2008-11-06)

Hi I downloaded this and the other version that freezes when you use magic :(, but I can't seem to get this to run as when I put it into the GAME folder it says Corrupted Data and if I get it to work will I be able to use my save point.

EvilCris (2008-11-08)

PLEASE SEED AM 73% I promise to seed for a week, just let me finish >.

jammerboi (2009-01-07)

hello winstonj..hows it goin? i hd finished this game..tnx a lot..even thou there a lot of hang in disc 3, jz always use the 3.71 pops whenever there are lots of fmv specially disc 3..have you come up with crono cross and legend of dragoon? tnx

jammerboi (2009-01-07)

hello every one..

RaVi87 (2009-01-08)

Hi, I'm having a really big problem. I've downloaded this and 3 other versions of FFVIII and everytime the same thing happens.
I put it in the game-folder, and it shows up as "Corrupted Data" and I can't load it, nor select pops-version.
I find it wierd seeing as I've played several other PSX-games, including FFVII.
I'm using a PSP-slim with 3.90M33.

Tsuris (2009-03-12)

Downloading now, hope it works better than my attempts, will verfiy the main problems (fmv, fire cavern boss fight, zell burning rave, and quistis) when I get the chance, in the mean time, May I ask winsonj, what software you use for multiboots? Thanks for your work and your time, Tsuris

Tsuris (2009-03-13)

Side note for those having "corrupt file" issues, the name
Final Fantasy VIII MultiDisc EBoot [slothington]
is too long, works if you change the name to
Final Fantasy VIII
(with or without spaces, shouldn't matter. I tried testing characters, the [ is not the problem.

Tsuris (2009-03-15)

I can confirm that quistis limits and zell burning rave (still on disc 1) have so far not caused any problems in popsloader 3.90 on 5.00 m33-6, they caused immediate freezes in every other release I have tried. I might also recommend, the manual for each of the PSX final fantasy games is now available at:
and winstonj, could I ask you for a remake of this one with a SND0.AT3 file, I have one that fits this game.

jammerboi (2009-04-19)

winstonj r u still there i thought youll gonna post crono cross and legend of dragoon?=(

Admiwal (2009-06-03)

Hey Winston. Just wondering what Game ID you used for this?
I already have a save file but unless I make a folder with the correct game ID (the one you used) I'll have to start from the beginning.. Which I'd rather not do after 4-5 hours of collecting good cards :P

winstonj (2009-07-27)

i apologize, i have been away from checking the torrent for a while. If there is still interest in posting ChronoCross i would be glad to oblige.

Link0373 (2009-08-19)

What ID did you use??? The original or the other one. Pleas elet me know cause I have to restart my game and im too far into it, to want to start over. BTW I will be seeding this =D

Link0373 (2009-09-09)

The game works fine, laggy in some FMVs but it cant be avoided. Im on Disk 3, in scenes where the player can move while the background is a FMV the game CAN freeze, i recommend switching to POPS 3.80 or 3.71.
No freezes in Diablos fight =D
No freezing when using magics or limit breaks (Zell).
BUT so far im in disk 3 and the game gets laggy throughout the game (only in disk 3) im going to try the FAST disk speed to see if that fixes it.

ryder62 (2009-11-09)

how can you change the icon0, icon1, pmf and gameboot

catnip. (2009-11-13)

I'm pretty sure that if this gets me past the dreaded rinoa's-face-freeze at the dance on disk 1, I'll die from happiness. xD
I've been trying to get past it for the last 2-3 days..

crisdine (2010-02-26)

it won't work for me :( do we really need pops? my psp's gen c 5.0. :(

sandwhich (2010-09-14)

Yeah my psp isn't even seeing the damn file. it's in the game folder but nothing.

sandwhich (2010-09-14)

ok got the game to be visible but when I select a loader it just goes black...

sandwhich (2010-09-14)

alright well....the fuck is wrong with this damn thing I fix one problem then another presents itself.

sandwhich (2010-09-14)

can run it with regular flash until I click new game...

Yokosho (2011-10-12)

Is this a popsloader version?

Yokosho (2011-10-12)

My copy goes black after i click new game an im running on a 9g psp 3000 with 6.60 pro-b9 firmware pls help

MorinoKurotsuki (2012-04-04)

Hi everyone, hope there is a way to fix this. I got a psp fat with 5.50 GEN-D and I am now at disc 3 in the Lunar Base.
The problem happened just after the FMV of the lunar cry (when we see monsters getting on earth from the moon).
Some pops make the game bug after the video (image doesn't freeze, but there is no sound and the controls don't work anymore) and some other pops make the game freeze just before this video. And the older pops can't even run the game... -_-
Haven't had any problem in the game so far, I bet I'm lucky, but I would prefer the game to bug in the beginning instead of near to the end.
Is there someone who got at this point in the game? and have you been able to get past it? I'd like to be able to finish my well started game. Thx for your help, if there is any help possible with this.

MorinoKurotsuki (2012-04-04)

Finally got it past the Lunar cry! :-D
I don't know if I forgot something to do while I was on 5.50 GEN-D full, but anyway I installed CFW 5.00 M33-6 and I used pops 3.72 and I changed disc speed to Fast. And it works!
So if anyone gets a problem at this point in the game, might be a solution to consider. I have a psp fat 1001.
Good luck everybody with this great game! ;)

kayee123 (2012-05-14)

lol thanks MorinoKurotsuki i had the same problem and your advice worked perfectly!
i have a psp slim 5.50 GEN-D3
but having minor lag issues when junctioning GFs while on the 3.72firmware (only).

BlueMFG (2012-11-24)

I keep getting a black screen when i start this up! I have a psp slim 5.00 m33-6 and im choosing 3.71 pops. It starts off with the health warning and help stuff then i choose my pops. As i said i chose 3.71 pops. After i choose it, it just goes to a black screen.


1. Final Fantasy VIII MultiDisc EBoot [slothington]/EBOOT.PBP 2110.04 Mb
2. Final Fantasy VIII MultiDisc EBoot [slothington]/readme.txt 17 bytes