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The Book Of Martyrs by John Fox - 1840 and 1844






The Book Of Martyrs by John Fox - 1840 and 1844




2010-11-03 (by UR-Djavu)


Book Of Martyrs by John Fox - Compilation - 1840 and 1844 Html ready - dated 1844 open the page below in favorite browser. index_Book-of-Martyrs_by_John-Fox.htm PDF version also included - dated 1840. Fox\'s Book Of Martyrs Compilation OR A HISTORY OF THE LIVES, SUFFERINGS, AND TRIUMPHANT DEATHS OF THE PRIMITIVE PROTESTANT MARTYRS FROM THE INTRODUCTION OF CHRISTIANITY TO THE LATEST PERIODS OF PAGAN, POPISH, AND INFIDEL PERSECUTIONS EMBRACING, TOGETHER WITH THE USUAL SUBJECTS CONTAINED IN SIMILAR WORKS The recent persecutions in the cantons of Switzerland; and the persecutions of Methodist and Baptist Missionaries; and the narrative of the conversion and imprisonment of Asaad Shidiak, a native of Palestine. Likewise a sketch of the French revolution as connected with persecution. COMPILED FROM FOX\'S BOOK OF MARTYRS, AND OTHER AUTHENTIC SOURCES TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I. HISTORY OF CHRISTIAN MARTYRS TO THE FIRST GENERAL PERSECUTIONS UNDER NERO Martyrdom of St. Stephen, James the Great, and Philip Matthew, James the Less, Matthias, Andrew, St. Mark and Peter Paul, Jude, Bartholomew, Thomas, Luke, Simon, John, and Barnabas CHAPTER II. THE TEN PRIMITIVE PERSECUTIONS The First Persecution Under Nero, A. D. 67 The Second Persecution Under Domitian, A. D. 81 The Third Persecution Under Trajan, A. D. 108 The Fourth Persecution Under Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, A. D. 162 The Fifth persecution Commencing With Severus, A. D. 192 The Sixth Persecution Under Maximinus, A. D. 235 The Seventh Persecution Under Decius, A. D. 249 The Eighth Persecution Under Valerian, A. D. 257 The Ninth Persecution Under Aurelian, A. D. 274 The Tenth Persecution Under Diocletian, A. D. 303 CHAPTER III. PERSECUTIONS OF THE CHRISTIANS IN PERSIA Persecutions Under the Arian Heretics Persecution Under Julian the Apostate Persecution of the Christians by the Goths and Vandals Persecutions From About the Middle of the Fifth, to the Conclusion of the Seventh Century Persecutions From the Early Part of the Eighth, to Near the Conclusion of the Tenth Century Persecutions in the Eleventh Century CHAPTER IV. PAPAL PERSECUTIONS Persecution of the Waldenses in France Persecutions of the Albigenses The Bartholomew Massacre at Paris, &c. From the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, to the French Revolution, in 1789 Martyrdom of John Calas CHAPTER V. AN ACCOUNT OF THE INQUISITION An Account of the Cruel Handling and Burning of Nicholas Burton, an English Merchant, in Spain Some Private Enormities of the Inquisition Laid Open by a Very Singular Occurrence The Persecution of Dr. Aegidio The Persecution of Dr. Constantine The Life of William Gardiner. An Account of the Life and Sufferings of Mr. William Lithgow, a Native of Scotland Croly on the Inquisition CHAPTER VI. AN ACCOUNT OF THE PERSECUTIONS IN ITALY, UNDER THE PAPACY An Account of the Persecutions of Calabria Account of the Persecutions in the Valleys of Piedmont Account of the Persecutions in Venice An Account of Several Remarkable Individuals Martyred in Different Parts of Italy, on Account of Their Religion An Account of the Persecutions in the Marquisate of Saluces Persecutions in the Valleys of Piedmont in the Seventeenth Century Further Persecutions in the Valleys of Piedmont A Narrative of the Piedmontese War Persecution of Michael de Molinos, a Native of Spain CHAPTER VII. AN ACCOUNT OF THE PERSECUTIONS IN BOHEMIA UNDER THE PAPACY Persecution of John Huss Persecution of Jerom of Prague Persecution of Zisca CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL PERSECUTIONS IN GERMANY General Persecutions in Germany An Account of the Persecutions in the Netherlands CHAPTER IX. AN ACCOUNT OF THE PERSECUTIONS IN LITHUANIA AND POLAND CHAPTER X. AN ACCOUNT OF THE PERSECUTIONS IN CHINA AND SEVERAL OTHER COUNTRIES An Account of the Persecutions in Japan Persecutions Against the Christians in Abyssinia or Ethiopia Persecutions Against the Christians in Turkey Persecutions and Oppressions in Georgia and Mingrelia An Account of the Persecutions in the States of Barbary Persecutions in Spanish America CHAPTER XI. AN ACCOUNT OF THE PERSECUTIONS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND PRIOR TO THE REIGN OF QUEEN MARY I. CHAPTER XII AN ACCOUNT OF THE PERSECUTIONS IN SCOTLAND, DURING THE REIGN OF KING HENRY VIII. An Account of the Life, Suffering and Death of George Wishart, &c. CHAPTER XIII. PERSECUTIONS IN ENGLAND DURING THE REIGN OF QUEEN MARY The Words and Behaviour of Lady Jane Upon the Scaffold John Rogers, Vicar of St. Sepulchre\'s, &c. The Rev. Mr. Lawrence Saunders History, Imprisonment, and Examination of John Hooper Life and Conduct of Dr. Rowland Taylor, of Hadley Martyrdom of Tomkins, Pygot, Knight, and Others Dr. Robert Farrar Martyrdom of Rawlins White The Rev. Mr. George Marsh William Flower The Rev. John Cardmaker, and John Warne Martyrdom of Simpson, Ardeley, Haukes, and Others Rev. John Bradford, and John Leaf, an Apprentice Martyrdom of Bland, Middleton, Hall, Carver and Many Others John Denley, Packingham, and Newman Coker, Hooper, Lawrence and Others The Rev. Robert Samuel G. Catmer, R. Streater and Others Bishops Ridley and Latimer Mr. John Webb, John Philpot and Others Martyrdom of Rev. F. Whittle, B. Green, Anna Wright, and Others An Account of Archbishop Cranmer Martyrdom of Agnes Potten, Joan Trunchfield and Others Hugh Laverick and John Aprice Preservation of George Crow and his Testament Executions at Stratford-le-Bow R. Bernard, A. Foster and Others An Account of Rev. Julius Palmer Persecution of Joan Waste Persecutions in the Diocese of Canterbury T. Loseby, H. Ramsey, T. Thirtell and Others Executions in Kent Execution of Ten Martyrs at Lewes Simon Miller and Elizabeth Cooper Executions at Colchester Mrs. Joyce Lewes Executions at Islington Mrs. Cicely Ormes Rev. John Rough Cuthbert Symson Thomas Hudson, Thomas Carman, William Seamen Apprehensions at Islington Flagellations by Bonner Rev. Richard Yeoman Thomas Benbridge Alexander Gouch and Alice Driver Mrs. Prest Richard Sharpe, Thomas Banion and Thomas Hale T. Corneford, C. Browne, and Others William Fetty Scourged to Death Deliverance of Dr. Sands Queen Mary\'s Treatment of Her Sister, the Princess Elizabeth God\'s Punishments Upon Some of the Persecutors of His People in Mary\'s Reign CHAPTER XIV. THE SPANISH ARMADA The Destruction of the Spanish Armada A Conspiracy by the Papists for the Destruction of James I, Commonly Known by the Name of the Gunpowder Plot CHAPTER XV. RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE PROTESTANT RELIGION IN IRELAND WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE BARBAROUS MASSACRE OF 1641 CHAPTER XVI. THE RISE, PROGRESS, PERSECUTIONS AND SUFFERINGS OF THE QUAKERS An Account of the Persecutions of Friends in the United States Proceedings at a General Court in Boston, 1656 Proceedings at a General Court in Boston, 1657 An Act Made at a General Court at Boston, 1658 CHAPTER XVII. PERSECUTIONS OF THE FRENCH PROTESTANTS IN THE SOUTH OF FRANCE, DURING THE YEARS 1814 AND 1820 The Arrival of King Louis XVIII at Paris The History of the Silver Child Napoleon\'s Return From the Isle of Elba The Catholic Arms at Beaucaire Massacre and Pillage at Nismes Interference of Government Against the Protestants Letters From Louvois to Marillac Royal Decree in Favour of the Persecuted Petition of the Protestant Refugees Monstrous Outrage Upon Females Arrival of the Austrians at Nismes Outrages Committed in the Villages, &c. Further Account of the Proceedings of the Catholics at Nismes Attack Upon the Protestant Churches Murder of General La Garde Interference of the British Government Perjury in the Case of General Gilly, &c. Ultimate Resolution of the Protestants at Nismes CHAPTER XVIII. ASAAD SHIDIAK Narrative of the Conversion, Imprisonment, and Sufferings of Asaad Shidiak, a Native of Palestine, Who had been Confined for Several Years in the Convent on Mount Lebanon Public Statement of Asaad Shidiak, in 1826 Brief History of Asaad Esh Shidiak, From the Time of His Being Betrayed into the Hands of the Maronite Patriarch, in the Spring of 1826 CHAPTER XIX. PERSECUTIONS OF THE BAPTIST MISSIONARIES IN INDIA, DURING THE YEAR 1824 Account of the Scenes at Ava During the War Removal of the Prisoners to Oung-pen-la - Mrs. Judson Follows Them CHAPTER XX. PERSECUTIONS OF THE WESLEYAN MISSIONARIES IN THE WEST INDIES Case of Rev. John Smith Persecutions of the Wesleyan Methodists in St. Domingo Persecutions at Port au Prince CHAPTER XXI. PERSECUTIONS IN SWITZERLAND FROM 1813 TO 1830 Persecutions in the Pays de Vaud CHAPTER XXII. SKETCHES OF THE LIVES OF SOME OF THE MOST EMINENT REFORMERS John Wickliffe Martin Luther John Calvin Agency of Calvin in the Death of Michael Servetus Calvin as a Friend of Civil Liberty The Life of the Rev. John Fox Errors, Rites, Ceremonies, and Superstitious Practices of the Romish Church CHAPTER XXIII. SKETCH OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION OF 1789, AS CONNECTED WITH THE HISTORY OF PERSECUTIONS Massacre of Prisoners Death of Louis XVI and Other Members of the Royal Family Dreadful Scenes in La Vendée Scenes at Marseilles and Lyons The Installation of the Goddess of Reason Fall of Danton, Robespierre, Marat and Other Jacobins


  1. John-Fox
  2. Martyrs
  3. History
  4. Protestant
  5. Religion
  6. Christ
  7. God

Files count:



57.19 Mb

