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Games PC






2010-07-14 (by globeplus )


* Hello to all the users of emulated games on the pc ... * This is the ultimate emulation tool for the pc with 31 games systems in 21 emulators , never was so easy play so many emulated systems in so easy way with easy inclusion of games for any of the available games systems . * This is the missing tool for emulation on the pc . * * PLUS VERSION and definitive one , now on i can guarantee only small updates when it justifies in the emulation tool site : - MAME UI NOW HAVE THE 64 BITS OPTION INCLUDED AND BOTH 32 AND 64 UPDATED TO 0.138 U3 - DOLPHIN HAVE A NEW SVN REVISION 5870 (this emulator have revisions almost every day) - THE SEARCHER IS INCLUDED MAKING THIS VERSION THE DEFINITIVE VERSION OF THE GLOMULATOR , NOW ON MAYBE ONLY SMALL UPDATES WHEN IT JUSTIFIES SEARCHER : tool to find the latest versions of the emulators and games in nice sites for all the available games systems quickly as possible , this new included tool makes the GLOMULATOR + , the ultimate emulation tool for the PC . * AVAILABLE GAMES SYSTEMS : * - PANASONIC 3DO - COMMODORE AMIGA - ATARI JAGUAR - ATARI LYNX - ATARI ST - COMMODORE 64 - DOS BOX - DREAMCAST - GAME BOY ADVANCE - GAME BOY COLOR - GAMEBOY - PLAYSTATION 2 - MSX - COLECOVISION - NINTENDO DS - NES - FAMICOM - NINTENDO 64 - PC ENGINE - TURBOGRAFX - MAME UI - PSX - SNES - SEGA MASTER SYSTEM - SEGA GENESIS MEGADRIVE - SEGA GAME GEAR - SEGA CD 32 - SEGA 32X - WII - GAMECUBE - ZX SPECTRUM Author presentation at : http:// watch?v=Mh1U3h0hebU Video of Glomulator + : http:// watch?v=VTTj15y69-c Glomulator site : http:// glomulator. ***** enjoy ... *****

Files count:



240.87 Mb




 globeplus (2010-07-15)

The GLOMULATOR PLUS is the definitive version of the tool , after this , only small updates that can be getted at the mulation tool site that have a direct link with a button inside the searcher tool of the glomulator plus .nenjoy your glomulator ...

 globeplus (2010-07-15)

This comment it is just an honour thank you to all the guys out there that loosed many hours making better and better versions for the emulators , this tool is for all of you and no one deserve more this tool than the emulators makers but it is a real pleasure that everyone that like to play emulated games on the pc can have the pleasure to use them getting nice emulation in nice games systems . nTHANK YOU ALL AND GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP nIT UP THE GOOD WORK : of course that i?d love it to see games systems like PSP , XBOX360 or PS3 emulated nice on the PC but who knows the future ?n

 globeplus (2010-07-15)

This ultimate emulation tool is concebed for all the PC gamers in the same perspective that a xbox360 or ps3 user can get when use other games systems with special nice emulators in the consoles , in this case you are a PC gamer or maybe just a general emulated systems fan with your PC tool for emulation .Enjoy your Glomulator + ... happy gaming!!!n

 globeplus (2010-07-15)

The UPDATE 1 with an upgrade to one of the emulators and a small correction to a button is now available at thye emulation tool site , just use the searcher in your glomulator + then click in a square button in the left bottom corner inside the searcher tool then you will be direccionated to the tool site then click in the download section beside this update , a nice pack of cabinets images for MAME UI can be find too in this download section and a few more things .nEnjoy your glomulator + ...

shiverz718 (2010-07-15)

Ok Globe, I\'ll say it. The user interface is horrid.. It\'s way too crowded and the music and beeps aren\'t very pleasant. The purpose of the program - it works just fine; it opens up the emulator for the particular game system you want to play.nnIt\'s a good effort and you are a great uploader, just giving you my opinion.

 globeplus (2010-07-15)

To shiverz718 : i can?t be more disagree with yournopinion , you have lot of space for any of available games systems , it is just a matter to get used to the user interface and with a tool with all of this games systems certainly the available space for the interface make sense , for other side , this is a tool about games , so a nice informal way for all the games systems is perfect then you just select in your free wish what game system you want to play , more : make sense have a button explaining the emulator configuration , certainly make sense run the game system to the wished emulator and more than shore that is nice have a easy inclusion of new games no matter is the game system , so generally speaking certainly a very nice and appropriate interface , just a matter of a little practice that?s all and the FIRST TIME USER TXT included IS TO READ , not for decoration of the emulation tool , configure the glomulator emulators then it is ok to play around any of the available games systems and you have a searcher to help getting more easily as possible new games . Enjoy your Glomulator + , happy gaming ...

 globeplus (2010-07-15)


 globeplus (2010-07-15)

This new extra tool it will be the CHEATER and it will be include in Glomulator + , it will be available as an update at the emultion tool site , for the moment is only work in progress and i probably have a few hours of work in front but when it will be ready to download at the Glomulator site i will say here . enjoy your Glomulator + , happy gaming ...rnNOTE : of course cheats can be nice to play certain games in some games systems and remeber the player always have the choice to play the game without cheats ...

 globeplus (2010-07-15)

The new extra tool is called CHEATER and it will be included in the Glomulator + , for the moment is ork in progress with a few hours in front and when available i will say here and it will available for download at the Glomulator site .nNOTE : the cheats can be nice to play games more tough to play in some games systems and remember that the player always have a choice to play the games without cheats .enjoy your glomulator + , happy gaming ...

 globeplus (2010-07-15)

CHEATER to be available tomorrow , i need some more time to analise better some of the included possibilitys , i alreadt started the worked yesterday but i still have work in front and i have a few doubts , so probably tomorrow this extra tool to the gllomulator plus be ready . enjoy your Glomulator + , happy gaming ...

 globeplus (2010-07-15)

OK , Glomutor users is defined all the plan for the next work : THE GLOMULATOR GOLD version with a CHEATER included to come out later today , who have the PLUS can upgrade in the tool site to the GOLD version . enjoy your glomulator , happy gaming ...

 globeplus (2010-07-15)


 globeplus (2010-07-16)

Glomulator GOLD availability prevision : in 3 or 4 hours . Thank you .

 globeplus (2010-07-16)

Sorry , Glomulator GOLD for tomorrow for shore , really just small afinations and little adjustments to finish but i need the correct concentration to finish the details and i need to make my break now , after all was all day working to finish this extra tool , the work was perfect but long and tough and a little bit more work to finish , like i said in the start , tomorrow for shore , thank you for understanding . Enjoy your Glomulator , happy gaming ...

 globeplus (2010-07-16)

Hi , the Glomulator GOLD is now close with real a few hours of work in front , this comment just to give some generic information about the cheater extra tool , with the cheater the user will learn the generic work for using cheats and lot of the available games systems that is possible with a work with a little attention , with this cheater not only the user will get a more easy as possible general access to the use of the cheats but also a few games systems , the ones that was possible already have the cheats in a nice pratical way to be used , this is a deep research work that can always improve if a new useful thing is finded then with a small update it is easy to actualise the cheater with somthing new that is useful , this CHEATER is the normal upgrade consequence analising the all work in this ultimate emulation tool for the PC , why ? because we got first the nice game systems with nice emulation running ok with the front menu then we needed games games to play and maybe actualise the emulators then we got a searcher integrated and after having the games systems running fine and games we probably want cheats to help play tough games to be played in some games sytems , games that welove to play but looks borring and tough playing without extra help , why ? because we are concentrated hard on the game with real pleasure and we want to keep going but at a certain point of the game the lives not too much and maybe we loose and we want to keep playing because we are loving neeing playing the game , WHAT NOW ? WHAT`S THE SOLUTION ? we get cheats that work with the game and then maybe we can keeping pplaying that nice game that we really love it to finish ... Ok , my friendly users the CHEATER can be useful for many games in some games systems but if you are playing a game that you feel that the cheats not really needed because you get the sensation that you can manage the gameplay ok , so in that ones you can play in the normal way , what i mean is you don?t need to be obececated to play every single game with cheats , that depend on the game that you want to play . All right , that?s all and the Glomulator GOLD with a CHEATER it will be available today . Enjoy your Glomulator , happy gaming ...

 globeplus (2010-07-16)

GLOMULATOR GOLD in an hour , here is the video of the new version of the Glomulator showing the Cheater in action

 globeplus (2010-07-16)

Please use the emulation tool site to watch the video of the new version of the Glomulator . Thank you .

 globeplus (2010-07-16)

GLOMULATOR GOLD ON THE NEXT HOUR !!! enjoy your glomulator , happy gaming ...

 globeplus (2010-07-17)

UPGRADE TO THE GLOMULATOR GOLD NOW AVAILABLE (40.71 MB) AT THE EMULATION TOOL SITE . enjoy your glomulator , happy gaming ...

tibrusjer (2010-08-09)

Great that you have combined most game systems in a program, but the user interface is too crowded with unused buttons and bleeps..
And your program just servers as a hotkey function to the real emulator softwares..
Wished for a more robust program, with more build-in functionality.
Last but not least, you should listen to the users of the program, shiverz718 wrote that the UI wasn't good at all, and I agree.
Good concept, but you need to redesign the UI.
Btw, experiencing some minor lag in the UI too 'cause of the overcrowded button layout.