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God Wants You Dead
God Wants You Dead
2009-03-01 (by justsomekracker)
God Wants You Dead, by Sean Hastings and Paul Rosenberg
Files count:
4.24 Mb
FurryHamster (2009-03-02)
That is because there " God " is the devil .Christ God all-mighty , wants you to live and multiply . To rule all creation in His most glorious Holy name .
justsomekracker (2009-03-02)
Wow that comment made me laugh. I love how the christian god wants you to give up so many of the pleasures in life just so you can go some place that doesn't exist. That makes total sense.FurryHamster (2009-03-02)
Don't you worry filth , you will not be going to Heaven . Christ is God of all there is . Either you accept him or not is besides the point . He is you God , and he will judge you according to your deed you dog . You don't have to give up anything you moron , but you do have to do things in a certain way . You want to be depraved and a sinner , go right ahead . You will go to be with you father the Devil . You will have reason knocked into you stupid apostate skull when you burn , don't you worry about that .FurryHamster (2009-03-03)
You disappoint me ! I though that from all these apostates here you were the smartest . You already do not believe and obey him , regardless of what you call him you still end up in hell unless you repent .He died for our sins on the cross , and you reject him . And off course you forget that is he eternal , he is beyond time . He died as a human , he died as sin , for sins he did not commit . he is the very absolute definition of Immortality and Eternity ! And you accuse him of been and hypocrite ? Come on , you can come up with better stuff then that !
And speaking of multiplying himself , you forget that God is three distinct persons that are at the same time one : The father , the son and the holy spirit . His nature is totally beyond a little worm like me but he did multiply according to you definition . The Son was born from the father before the creation of time . Review the Nicaean creed for Christ 's sake .
I expect better from you !
justsomekracker (2009-03-04)
Actually Christ died on the cross because he was an ass hole who lead people to believe a bunch of bullshit lies that have corrupted million of people world wide. Why don't you worship Joseph Stalin or something, at least he could accept the fact he was an ass hole.FurryHamster (2009-03-04)
To JustSomeApostateExcremetChrist died on the Cross for you . You want to reject him ? Ok , do so . Hell will accept you , no problem , no questions asked . You are filth like the devil and you clearly spew his verbal filth . You will share his fate .
Speaking of Joseph Stalin , i am sure that you will meet him in hell . I hope he provides pleasant company for a depraved shit like you .
Go die Apostate Filth .
justsomekracker (2009-03-04)
Christ did not die for me. He died because people were tired of hearing about his bullshit. The Romans were tired of his lies and bullshit so they killed him. I would suggest somebody kills you for spreading your filth, but you would take too much satisfaction from dying for your bullshit beliefs. So why don't you pull the fucking bible out of your ass and learn some common sense. I dare you to read a GOOD book on evolution, and tell me you honestly believe it doesn't exist. If you can still believe your bullshit religion after that no problem, but at least have an open mind about the ideas and opinions of others. god will condemn you to hell for not treating the ideas of others with respect anyway you stupid fuck.FurryHamster (2009-03-05)
He did die for you , if you feel necessary to curse him for it then do so , but he will not be kind to you . The people loved him , the small minority of Jewish religious leaders hated him because they deviated from the true path and refused to change . The Romans were only the instrument nothing more . Read your history again .Either i live or die is does not matter , the Word will survive and will continue to be preached . There are more then a billion Christians and we are not going anywhere . The Muslim faith is on the ascendancy and growing rapidly . So much for you godless universe ! It is you who are the minority .
There are no good books on evolution because it is a farce , it makes good sci-fi novel material . I have been to college and i know much about it . It did not impress me in the least although the idea of things changing is marginally interesting .
An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and un guarded . Just waiting for the enemy to poor shit inside . No , i will defend my mind well . You could trow a rock at me and crack my skull but no argument will ever do anything against my faith . I cannot prove this to you but i can read 1000 heretical books and still be as strong in my fate as ever .
The ideas of others are not the problem , have any ideas that you like as long as it does not contradict with Gods words . Research any field you want as long as you do not call God a lier . The crap that you spew against Christ does not come from you but from the devil , that is why i find it pointless to curse you any more . You are tool and don't know it .
God might condemn me to hell but he will not do so the reasons you specified . Like i said , there are not your ideas but the devils . I will respect you and your ideas if they do not mess with God's message . Architecture , technology , sports . . .anything , no problem there . Have as many ideas as you like . God's word should not and will not be infringed upon .
justsomekracker (2009-03-05)
Since we're being civil now, how can you not believe in evolution when you have taken college classes???? You think natural selection is a bunch of bullshit? That's ridiculous! You must have seen the changes present in populations throughout their existence... evolution doesn't just relate to humans (as we did away with natural selection by simply altering out environments) but all creatures. So to not believe in the evolutions of any species is just ignorant, I'm sorry. But it's good you found an idea you can feel so strongly for and I respect that. Like I said in my other posts you can believe what you want, just don't go condemning others for not sharing the same beliefs, as that just makes you ignorant. I accept the fact that you are a christian and that doesn't bother me. They're nice people when they don't shove their beliefs in my face and bash on mine.I just want to peacefully coexist with people, that's it.
FurryHamster (2009-03-05)
The key point of Evolution is the assumption ( as false at it may be ) that God was not the Creator of Man , therefore it goes on to the conclusion that God does not exist and that his teaching were made up by people for various reasons . Which is exactly what the devil want you to believe in order to damn you . Without Christ you are not getting into heaven , if the devil can convince you that Christ did not exist or that he was some idiot with messianic ideas then you don't believe in Him . If you don't believe you are fucked ! the devil just sits back and laughs , mission accomplished .I could not care less for monkeys becoming smarter and using the thumbs better , all that is just Fluff ! Sure things chance , man , animals , machines . . . i have no problem with that . . in fact i know that from first hand experience as i have changed / upgraded some 10 PC already .
Like i said , Evolution has nothing to do with Man and Apes , that is just the recruitment line to get people in . It has everything to do with God . And that is why it must be combatted at every turn . Hell , get yourself as many chimps as you like , i don't care ( don't blame me if they bite you face of . . .) . All i care is that you obey God ( as does he ) , now if you believe that we are monkeys and that he did not exist , how exactly will you serve him ? Hence the anger and the hate . Knowingly or not you too the devils side in the great war . Hence the curses !
Please be consistent , you either want all Christians gone from the world in 30 years or you don't care and it does not bother you . But not both at ones ! At least i am been consistent , it is beyond me how you can basically have two contrary ideas in you head at the same time and hold both to be valid . Is like saying that 2 + 2 = 4 and 5 at the same time .
Things change but God made them all .
justsomekracker (2009-03-06)
I never did change my stance actually. I said that in 30 years christianity would not have as big of a following as science prevails. I never said I wanted christianity gone, just that it's likely this will happen with the dying of the older, more conservative generation.But you seriously have a contorted view on evolution. It is not about disproving the existance of god. Evolution is about the observation of change present in populations throughout generations. It's about heritable traits being passed from one generation to the next, improving the chances of survival of the species. The idea of humans evolving from apes was only a secondary thought. It was noted that animal species evolved from similar species throughout the ages and the same concept was then applied to humans.
Evolution was not created to disprove god or explain how humans came about. If you had ever picked up a fucking science book you would have known that, but unfortunately your mind has been far too corrupted by the holy filth of the bible.
The bible is good for teaching people morality, but that's as far as I'll go. Being forced to believe in a supreme being closes one's mind to what the world around them has to offer.
FurryHamster (2009-03-06)
You missed my point totally and you have fallen hook line and sinker for the Devils lies . Like i said before Christianity will still be here in 30 to haw many years you wish and so will all the other religions , as false as they might be .Fucks like you have preached science for centuries yet we are still here . The supreme irony about science is that God allows it to be researched in order to better the lives of the Faithful . We will take your knowledge and your ideas , we will purify them and we will use them for God 's will .
That bullshit would be scientific version will never dominate the lives of most men on this planet or any other , never has , never will .
Your mind is the one that has been corrupted and now i hope that you keep all your crap load of ideas , that you may be damned for believing a lie . I no longer wish that you change .
I do hope that you to enjoy all this world has to offer ! When you will burn in hell , the suffering will only be that much greater knowing that lost it all .
God will purify the Earth by fire and will create a new heaven and a new earth , and not one miserable doubting heretical filth like you will be there !
Do go sin some more !
justsomekracker (2009-03-06)
I swear with every post you become even more ignorant. god doesn't "allow" science. Science occurs because we're here and curious, not because some make believe ass hole says it's okay. But seriously you're probably like 15 spreading the filth of the bible on this website. Why don't you go get a blowjob from your priest and cry yourself to sleep you little bitch.god will never make a new world because he doesn't fucking exist.
But do explain this one to me. How come the bible says the earth is only a couple thousand years old when it has been PROVEN through carbon dating to be several billion years old??? Explain that one you ignorant fuck.
FurryHamster (2009-03-07)
Interesting fantasies you have there ! Do share them with the world , show all what a depraved fuck job you are .The world is not billions of years old and it has not and will not ever be proved . Another lie like so many others . Ok , fine believe you want to believe in that carbon shit method go right ahead .
Don't forget to post more curses and sin daily .
ras_yo (2009-07-25)
I did know before, that god is not the good one...;o) Thanks for that up.
Furry youre a thorn in the ass and the best proof for christians stupidity and the lack of thinking-ability. Hope you to reach reality again, but I think you wont make it ... ;o)))
Skipperslilbuddy (2012-04-26)
God is a murderous tyrant, who in his sick twisted mind not only had the bright idea of wiping this earth clean of the people he created in his own image (He murdered even babies and the elderly) He also has people believing it was an act of love to let his own son die and not do anything to stop it!! OK granted, A So-Called God dieing, rising then living the easy life in heaven for eternity Is Meaningless and not much a sacrifice. It's much harder to live in a world where the Christian God Rewards blind faith without regard to logic or reason, but yet Punishes everyone for eternity in Hell for simply wanting proof he exists!!!YOUR GOD IS FUCKING PSYCHOTIC!!
and unlike god, Satin never killed anyone.