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Pro Cycling Manager 2008
Pro Cycling Manager 2008
2008-06-21 (by bess)
THe 2008 version of the popular game Pro Cycling Manager
No activation key, needs to be cracked
Files count:
4117.04 Mb
fissette (2008-06-21)
does it works? crack?bess (2008-06-21)
No crack atm.Hoping for someone else to crack it since I don't know how.
Should be pretty straight forwrad thou, just an activation code that needs to be bypassed
titi_fan (2008-06-21)
Please seed !qwaxo (2008-06-22)
Why seed it, you still have to enter an activation code you don't havethomsen_10 (2008-06-22)
anyone who nows where i can find the activation key??thomsen_10 (2008-06-22)
someone who have a crack??602736bd (2008-06-22)
what type of files are in the .zip archive? is it a dvd image?fabiogabriel12 (2008-06-22)
Seed please...xicokamone (2008-06-22)
i thinks this is the file u´r downloading and you'll see 5 files with the same size...
but no certains...
Jaaakob (2008-06-22)
Is this torrent worth anything? I mean, is it working besides it needs a crack and a keygen?602736bd (2008-06-22)
when it is a cd dvd image file like .mdf .iso .bin..... you can run it without crack with the latest version of daemon tools because cycling manager is starforce protected and daemon toolscan emulate that shit. so again my question.. WHAT TYPE OF FILES ARE IN THE ARCHIVE? DVD IMAGE?xicokamone (2008-06-22)
there are 5 bin files of +- 800mb and one exe setup. my download still goes on 55%. then i will test it with daemon tools.xicokamone (2008-06-23)
i still think thats very weird theres no "official" release, like reloaded or razor1911...602736bd (2008-06-23)
@xicokamone please let me know if it works with deamon tools.qwaxo (2008-06-23)
The CD version doesn't need an activation code, so this is definitly the DOWNLOAD version. So I doubt it if Daemon Tools will work, since the game won't be looking for a cd but for a code you need to enterxicokamone (2008-06-23)
I think qwaxo is right and daemon will not work in herebess (2008-06-23)
INcluded in the zip file:Setup-PCM2008-DE.exe
It's the german download version (english availible).
bess (2008-06-23)
@Jaaakob,besides the activation code it's working just fine.
I also thik it's wierd that there's no official release. THat's why I uploaded it.
bess (2008-06-23)
It may still be possible (and faster) to get the game from this link:
But, the same problem here, no activation key.
(This is the official source where I originally got it from)
xicokamone (2008-06-23)
i know bess, thanks for the upload, sorry ive said it was fakeNlmichiej (2008-06-23)
@ bjarkekr: without activation code you can't play ;)So a crack availlable somewhere yet? :P
Martjeu (2008-06-23)
What kind of code is it Bess? How many characters and what kind?bess (2008-06-23)
@MartjeuI can't really say, don't have the activation code either. I guess we'll have to wait for a crack.
fabiogabriel12 (2008-06-23)
bess seed men..i'm stuck at 98.8%!!And i think that i can make it PLSMartjeu (2008-06-23)
@ Bess: how did u get your hands on these files without a code?@ Fabio: How would you make it work? And would you share it with us :) ?
fabiogabriel12 (2008-06-23)
@martheu: I'm not shure yet but i thing i can make it.If i can i will tel you how;)fabiogabriel12 (2008-06-23)
*thinksomebody110 (2008-06-23)
This do not work :/ can someone make crack?bess (2008-06-23)
@fabioseeding (so is 222 others atm).
Rauzer (2008-06-23)
so.. There isn't a crack yet?fabiogabriel12 (2008-06-23)
@ bess: when i wrote that nobody was seeding ;) thts way i wrote for you to seedNlmichiej (2008-06-23)
@ Somebody110: As told in the description; there is no activation key, so it has to be cracked.Seeding too atm, let's see if we can get this to work somehow.
bess (2008-06-23)
@fabio,please post any progress here.
Cyclostar (2008-06-23)
Only German Version ?? not multi-langage ??Nlmichiej (2008-06-23)
@ Cyclo-star: for what I've heard it's multi-language, can't give you any promises myself though... Probably bess knows.Cyclostar (2008-06-23)
When I install the game, I don't have any other choices for langage, only German :(riokorso (2008-06-23)
???? ?? ????? ?????????)mellon114 (2008-06-23)
try this one ;)
mellon114 (2008-06-23)
or if you dont one to pay 2,83try this one, you have to be patience, but it works for me ;)
Rauzer (2008-06-23)
I can't find it.. That link doesn't work fine!Cyclostar (2008-06-23)
"mellon114 at 2008-06-23 15:42 CET:or if you dont one to pay 2,83
try this one, you have to be patience, but it works for me ;)"
Stupid Fake :(
bess (2008-06-23)
The installation is in German, but you should be able to switch to english (haven't tried it yet tho). At least in theory, since there's only a generic DL version of the game.@mellon114
great job, will look into it once I get home
Nlmichiej (2008-06-23)
@ mellon114 (1): fake site@ mellon114 (2): broken link
Timme127 (2008-06-23)
Is here someone German?Nlmichiej (2008-06-23)
@ Timme127: not German, but I do speak the language pretty well if that could be of any help.nystrand (2008-06-23)
anyone found this game on dvd version?Timme127 (2008-06-23)
@Nlmichiej: Hi,könntest mir vllt später ne hilfe sein wenn ich das game gedownloadet habe^^.Weiß nämlich net genau wie ich das mit den bin-dateien machen soll bzw. wie ich die entpacken soll.Verstehst du was ich sage?piet_jansma (2008-06-23)
@ nystrandwhy would you want a dvd-version isn't any difference between the two...
xicokamone (2008-06-23)
yes, the dvd version could be possible to emulate wiht daemon toolsRobinCR7 (2008-06-23)
I Installed it but now i need an activation code:S does someone have one or can some1 help me?titi_fan (2008-06-23)
Yes, if you have a link to DVD-Version, share it please !piet_jansma (2008-06-23)
But also with the dvd-version and deam tools you will still need an activation code!piet_jansma (2008-06-23)
and for the download-version you won't be needing an no-cd crack which you will need with the dvd-version and which isn't anywhere on the internet...titi_fan (2008-06-23)
No, with the DVD-Version and Daemon Tools we won't need an activation key ;)Lazyke (2008-06-23)
I want to play this game so bad but don't want to buy it :pjust need a crack or activation code
bryan125 (2008-06-23)
anyone can tell me how it's work i download it i get it and now ? i get the fife .bin files but i try to open them with alcohol 120 ,deamon and Poweriso nobody of them works can somebody tell me how i open this .bin filesGreetz. B
somebody110 (2008-06-23)
@titi_fanI think that you think true... PCM 2007 was working with latest daemoon tolls pefectly... So we have to get DVD version
Martjeu (2008-06-23)
@somebody110:2007 crack was lost after the forced starforce security update. With download version all we need is a key(generator).
piet_jansma (2008-06-23)
yo guys, even with the dvd-version you will need the activation code, I know this because i was by a friend who bought it and who had an activation code which he must use with or without deamtools wich is no difference because, deam tools is for no-cd shit and not for activation codesCyclostar (2008-06-23)
OK let's GO.I'm sorry to post like this, but they is not enough caracter avalaible for my message.
I take a print screen.
imageshack is down:( so
If link does'nt work, say it me.
piet_jansma (2008-06-23)
lol, for a moment i thought it was a 2008 activation code :Pbryan125 (2008-06-23)
If somebody has the Activation key pls tell us we all want the game play but , what we have on that link ??? that is from 2007 we need 2008 -.-''Greetz.B
Cyclostar (2008-06-23)
No sorry :(But dl links are real :)
Cyclostar (2008-06-23)
I wrote the 2007 version of code activation to give you an idea to how many caracter we need :)bryan125 (2008-06-23)
@Cyclostar If you know the activation key pls tell us :Dgreetz. B
titi_fan (2008-06-23)
Thanks for the link, but it's also the downlodable version.piet_jansma (2008-06-23)
well there isn't starforce protection anymore but an other so the code will be different in charactersCyclostar (2008-06-23)
But where is my favourite team ?? RELOADED !!!FRANCEPower (2008-06-23)
Wait wait wait ...........henjo_freak (2008-06-23)
is there someone so crazy to fill in all the possible passwords??Fcb_4_ever (2008-06-23)
What do you have to do with the .bin files?piet_jansma (2008-06-23)
nothing just run the .exe file and it will installFcb_4_ever (2008-06-23)
Off course, but why are the .bin files in the zip file? They are useless or what? I installed the game but it's waiting on a crack or key generator.sonnyboy20 (2008-06-23)
a code to this game is likeXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXX
lets hope it helps someone :/
piet_jansma (2008-06-23)
in the bin files stands the files which are placed correclty with the .exe fileTimme127 (2008-06-23)
So,i have spoke with a friend from me and he has said,that if you use an activation code, the activation code is destroyed.That means, everyone needs a code for himself, which wasn`t access.Sorry , but i am german, i can`t speak English so well.Fcb_4_ever (2008-06-23)
You can use every code 3 timeshenjo_freak (2008-06-23)
@timme 127that's why we need a activian code program
titi_fan (2008-06-23)
If i found a link to DVD-Version, i will share it ;) please search ! :pTimme127 (2008-06-23)
3times?really?I know some people from a cycling league(german) which have the download version and a code.maybe i can do something!Fcb_4_ever (2008-06-23)
If you used it 3 times, you can ask another code. You have to send a mail to cyanide it think.bess (2008-06-23)
The three times per activation code is a solid statement, and from what I've heard it's possible to get "refills". Focus is the distributer of the game, so you probably have to mail them (not cyanide).fabiogabriel12 (2008-06-23)
@ timmer: They can ask for more codes.So try to get 1 for me too=PFcb_4_ever (2008-06-23)
that's possibleFcb_4_ever (2008-06-23)
@bessTimme127 (2008-06-23)
but in the moment,i don`t have any code.And why i should contact them with a e-mail,if i don`t have buy the game(by them)?moguipt (2008-06-23)
a dvd version in daemon tools realy workmoguipt (2008-06-23)
i am browsing a dvd version to this gamesonnyboy20 (2008-06-23)
wasent there someone who got the dvd version ? maybe the person could upload it ?piet_jansma (2008-06-23)
that doesn't work because you still need to enter activation code, have you ever seen an game who need an serial and with Deamon tools doesn't...No, because it is bullshit what you're saying.
Don't talk about things you don't have a knowledge of!!
sonnyboy20 (2008-06-23)
yeee but with the DVD version we should all could use the same serial .....FRANCEPower (2008-06-23)
The serial is just with the download version..titi_fan (2008-06-23)
Yes, the DVD-Version have not a cd activationRobinCR7 (2008-06-23)
Yes, only for the download we need a code, why should somebody needs a code if he has the cd of it, the serial is a type of cdMartjeu (2008-06-24)
@ Piet: it's true that last years dvd/cd-edition worked without a code. It just required the dvd/cd.riokorso (2008-06-24)
nado bi po ruski!titi_fan (2008-06-24)
Test this torrent: i don't know if it work
henjo_freak (2008-06-24)
can everyone seed thissonnyboy20 (2008-06-24)
what about your test is first ?titi_fan (2008-06-24)
Excuse me for the last torrent, it not workNlmichiej (2008-06-24)
That link of yours is dead titi_fan.hakataL (2008-06-24)
piet_jansma Stop saying crap, it's amazing how noobs like you pretend they're wright.Obviously the cd version doesn't need the activation code, that's only necessary to the cd version
hakataL (2008-06-24)
error in my last sentece *it's only necessary in the download versionpiet_jansma (2008-06-24)
jezus, guys you really are stupid pricks, As I said i sat down at someone and saw him install PCM 08 dvd-version and I can assure you that you still get an authentication code (which is in the dvd-box) that you must enter. So as I said stop talking crap like you know because you don't and I do!!!!hakataL (2008-06-24)
You morron that code is always the same in the cd version, that's why it wont be a problem.hakataL (2008-06-24)
in the dl version if a code it's used gets destroyed, obviously that doesn't happen in the cd version, so all we need is a torrent with the cd version and the code to that cd understand?EintrachtFan (2008-06-24)
I ask someone who got the dvd version and there wasn't any serial or key in it and the game never asked for one!So the serial/key is only available for the download version!
sonnyboy20 (2008-06-24)
if you know someone who have it .. then why is it not here ? :phakataL (2008-06-24)
I realy was intent to ask that to a french friend that bought the game but he aint online, cus the last 2 versions didnt had a code but still he said that watched his friend so i thought that it was new in this version, but having or not the code we could play the game without dificultiessomebody110 (2008-06-24)
I think like tit_fan, and lot of others, that someone just have to upload DVD version, becouse 2007 works very good with CD version and latest DTEintrachtFan (2008-06-24)
@sunny: i know him only from the internet and unfortunately he is an official beta tester from cyanide ^^ i bet he won't upload it xDCyclostar (2008-06-24)
Hmmm PCM 2007 was out the 22/06/07The Reloaded's version was out the 10/07/07
My friends, if nobody upload the DVD version, the patience is the only solution :(
Martjeu (2008-06-24)
Guess so. Nothing from that Fabio who thought he could fix this one anyway...Please hurry!! :)
somebody110 (2008-06-24)
So what now anybody who make it work?bryan125 (2008-06-24)
On Some Site's Is the release date 27-06-08 we have maybe wait for it !somebody110 (2008-06-24)
As i know 27.6 is release date in EuropeStoney08 (2008-06-24)
In a few shops the release is 27-06-08. But for the Download Version the release is since 19-06-08. And most shops have it too.I hope anybody can help us :(
Stoney08 (2008-06-24)
Sry for my poor english. I'm german^^Kristianda (2008-06-24)
Does it work, or not? :)Rauzer (2008-06-24)
The release is today. I've heard some people who bought it a hour ago!Martjeu (2008-06-24)
It is already released in Europe. I believe France had it last week. Netherlands and Belgium lag behind due to errors in the distribution field. It will surely come this week and some stores have even sold it already today (as seen on some PCM forum).What nationality is the RELOADED team? :)
hakataL (2008-06-24)
In Portugal the game is launched in the 27thStoney08 (2008-06-24)
Doesn't download :(bryan125 (2008-06-24)
Not in holland i am dutch and i was today in shop and i ask for it they don't have the release is 27-6-08moguipt (2008-06-24)
This version:
Don't work too
Timme127 (2008-06-24)
In Germany,the the dvd version release official on the 27/06/08,but lots of shops have the game already for sale!Martjeu (2008-06-24)
@ bryan125: Just because you went to one shop and they didn't have it doesn't mean it's not for sale yet in Holland. Check out this thread on a dutch forum:,42949.0.html
As you can see the game should have been at some shops last week but it was delayed. Now some shops have got it today, not all.
bess (2008-06-24)
Appears to be only German, this file should fix that problem
Still activation code problem
fabiogabriel12 (2008-06-24)
@bess: this is not being easy.Me and a friend are trying to crack it or to find a activation code but we dont know if wee are able to..sorry.We will keep tryingTimme127 (2008-06-24)
bess wath`s this for a file?
I can`t download it.
piet_jansma (2008-06-24)
if you activate it, you can chance the language in the options menu in PCM.bryan125 (2008-06-24)
But there is one problem ever body said i need a activation key but we are here with more then twenty men the key is possible for three people'we need no activation key but a another download with a crack!.
piet_jansma (2008-06-24)
no, we just need a crack or a keygen!bryan125 (2008-06-24)
A keygen we don't have anything on it because we need all a keygen three people can only use im. -.-'Greetz.B
bryan125 (2008-06-24)
Who want's the Good game with ACTIVATION KEY OR CRACK ????bryan125 (2008-06-24)
You all have to wait for 27th june on the pro cycling site is news that the game not 20th june release but 27th june !;) and.. sorry for my poor english!!. dutch :PRauzer (2008-06-24)
No Brian.. The release in the Netherlands was today. I'm very certain about that. And yes... we need a keygen, so we can all get our own key!Martjeu (2008-06-24)
You obviously can't read it either, Bryan. Like I said before: the DVD-version is out there! Could still mean we'll have to wait a while before a cracked torrent will pop up.piet_jansma (2008-06-24)
@bryanyou obvieusly don't know what a keygenerator is, retard...
thenose1 (2008-06-24)
Guys, just go to the shop ans buy this game. Cyanide made a lot of improvements, put a lot of money in the game and now the game is really worth 40 euro. By buying the game, you make it possible for them to make a PCM 2009 :)Martjeu (2008-06-24)
Relax Piet. I know we're all about to snap cause we're dying to play, but there's no reason to start bitching. All in it together :)xicokamone (2008-06-24)
i think i will buy the game, but i want to test him first, because last year was a completly waste of money... they wont fool me 2 times!!!Martjeu (2008-06-24)
I bought last years edition and now I want something in return for that money :).No seriously, I have to be sure that I can run it smoothly. I do not have the money to upgrade my hardware.
Timme127 (2008-06-24)
Have anyone from you icq?matti191980 (2008-06-24)
ja ich hab icq ,wieso?Timme127 (2008-06-24)
Ja ich hab nur gedacht,dass man sich beraten könnte,d.h. wenn jemand was neues weiß oder so kann er das dem anderen dann schnellerm itteilen.Oder einfach mal fragen ob jemand in ner online liga angemeldet ist.Einfach so halt^^.matti191980 (2008-06-24)
ich schreib was ins forum wenn ich was höre0buKKaKe (2008-06-24)
that danish lang update, is it changing ger to danish or even to english???i got friend who has german boxed dvd of the game, if he could make iso the exactly right way, it should be possible to make it run by daemon tools, btw he told me that is not neccesary to use any kind of serial number to play boxed dvd version :)
EintrachtFan (2008-06-24)
So tell your friend he should make a iso of his dvd version :DMartjeu (2008-06-24)
But we'd still need some kind of crack. The RELOADED games always add a cracked exe-file. Isn't that right?piet_jansma (2008-06-24)
yeah they do.0buKKaKe (2008-06-24)
if the iso is made right way to be exact 1:1 duplicate of original, than i think that starforce protection could be passed by a Daemon Tools or Daemon Tools Advanced, so theres no need for crack in that case ... i got a small idea how things should work out, but the main problem, i think, is to made an exact Clone (iso), there are many ways in alcohol how to do itanyway i think that it will be out by pros sooner than i can figure this out, if i would be extremely lucky it will be possible sooner than they will rls it, so patience with us :)
and forgot about reloaded, vitality or other groups, only one can satify us and its the Unleashed with their clone version, because PCM aint type of game you would like to have with crack for many rasons like milions of patches by Cyanid, some of you know what im talking about :)
piet_jansma (2008-06-24)
yeah but for pcm 07 are also cracks for the updates so thats ok.0buKKaKe (2008-06-24)
oh yea you smart ass, than find me crack for Patch for pcm07, there are cracks for lover versions, but its non working crap, belive me, i know a few things about warez and about cycling manager serie :)sonnyboy20 (2008-06-24)
maybe just make a copy of the dvd then maybe someone can crack so we can try it before the other releses will be out :)piet_jansma (2008-06-24)
you're right with the 1.3 version but for those therefor they all just work perfectly, and I know because im running now 1.02 with a no-cd crack...0buKKaKe (2008-06-25)
better play pcm06 with PPDB database, completely different experience, but hey still wanna try that 08 :)kasperraw (2008-06-25)
when i have downloaded the game, how can i then "open" it? do i need a speciel program?kasperraw (2008-06-25)
Try this crack!
fabiogabriel12 (2008-06-25)
@kasper: that will not work unless you have an account on those sites;) And it can be fake..we dont knowfissette (2008-06-25)
Have to buy this game or what? nobody knows anything!!! It is aparently to much effort so... Nice job of cyanide. chapeauMartjeu (2008-06-25)
I think it will be cracked soon. Till now the game has only been available in few places. With that, despite my crazyness about this game, I don't think it's high on most peoples priorities list.piet_jansma (2008-06-25)
@kasperDude, of course that's fake, thats just a spam site...
Rauzer (2008-06-25)
No news??Timme127 (2008-06-25)
No, but i want question a friend from me for a activation code.But in the moment it doesn`t go on,because my PC has a virus(Trojaner).I think it could be from the faked sites,which here are offer from some people.kasperraw (2008-06-25)
hm .. :S .. I thought there was crack for every game..Well, i try ask someone on some forums then.
piet_jansma (2008-06-25)
the game is brandnew dude, so it's logic there isn't YET an crackkasperraw (2008-06-25)
yeah i know now, i thought it was able to buy in January or something hehe :pCan i use alcohol 120 to open it when i have dl it ?
piet_jansma (2008-06-25)
no, there ar a number of bin files and an .exe and if you start the .exe file it will start install it onto you computerkasperraw (2008-06-25)
oh, so i dont need any program to open??I just click on the.exe file, install it and if i have a crack - then i use it and then it works?? :D
piet_jansma (2008-06-25)
yeah or some kind of keygen.kasperraw (2008-06-25)
hmm. Ok.Timme127 (2008-06-25)
So, i became a activation code,out of a forum.But the code was already used e times.What can i do now?Nothing?Timme127 (2008-06-25)
Edit: JFSH-CZFGTX-AYAN9C-DJ6R7M-SC42WWMartjeu (2008-06-25)
Guess not. Except for asking the guy that used the code for another. If he sends an e-mail to the sellers, he should be able to get another I believe.moguipt (2008-06-25)
JFSH-CZFGTX-AYAN9C-DJ6R7M-SC42WW don't work :(piet_jansma (2008-06-25)
that's what he said, retard...NKT123 (2008-06-26)
There is only german commentary in this version :(bryan125 (2008-06-26)
Sorry guys, but wait for dvd versionpiet_jansma (2008-06-26)
@ NKTHow do you know, you can chance the language in PCM incl. the commentary. So don't say that theres only German commentary because the installer is german....
NKT123 (2008-06-26)
Go to [your gamedir]\Sound\Comment and check it yorselfgg2135 (2008-06-26)
version French?coolkill (2008-06-26)
I may have the solution.I've got the DVD version but i don't know how translate into an iso one??sonnyboy20 (2008-06-26)
use allcohol 120% and maybe try some difrent settings ? :) then you can try to take out the DVD and see if it works :) or then just post a good copy of it where you can install then maybe someone can crack it :phakataL (2008-06-26)
piet_jansma stop insulting people or i'l be forced to start to humiliate you.Im sick of this noob that thinks he's a genious
piet_jansma (2008-06-26)
Retard...kasperraw (2008-06-26)
If we download this program here, we maybe could get a activation code?
Its some kind of keygen cracker or something.
Martjeu (2008-06-26)
Hellooo, it says keygens for EA-games. This is not an EA-game. So don't bother.kasperraw (2008-06-26)
hmm ok .. :(moguipt (2008-06-26)
coolkil use alcohol 52 is freeware and make the dvd version for isoMartjeu (2008-06-26)
Image alone won't help.piet_jansma (2008-06-26)
of course it will, just make iso run it with all emulations in deamon and it works...Martjeu (2008-06-26)
Ok, if you say so, give us that image! But I still seriously doubt if it'll work.Nlmichiej (2008-06-26)
Everything works if you try hard enough :P Few versions ago people were shouting the protection was uncrackable and after a while they succeeded anyway...henjo_freak (2008-06-26)
how do you do that???:DMartjeu (2008-06-26)
I'm not saying it's not possible. It just needs to be cracked and I'm not capable of that, but I just think creating an image isn't enough.piet_jansma (2008-06-26)
it is, because it's the same as an crack, really i know quite a lot of warez, cracks and that kind of stuffMartjeu (2008-06-26)
But Piet tell me this. Why is it that in every game I've ever downloaded you needed an image AND an adjusted exe-file. If I try to open it with the original exe-file it just doesn't get through the protection and it asks for the original cd-rom/DVD.piet_jansma (2008-06-26)
because, if you have an Iso you must just install it with deamon tools and keep it in deamon tools, and then it works, it's kinda and replacement of an (no-cd) crack.Martjeu (2008-06-26)
Never worked for me but it won't stop me from trying IF AN IMAGE EVER SHOWS UP!0buKKaKe (2008-06-27)
*Martjeu: there are mostly two types of released isos: 1st with crack2nd so called Clone, that means it an iso made by rulez you need to respect to get exact copy of original, and there are progs like YASU, DT, Alcohol or others you use to get run these wihout needing of crack
0buKKaKe (2008-06-27)
btw there are groups specialized for cloned versions like Unleashed and others and there are some who cracks like Reloaded, ViTALiTY, and othersmy bet is on Unleashed, somewhr next week, so just be patient :)
Martjeu (2008-06-27)
No seeding though :(cocoshannell (2008-06-27)
There is seeding, i'm getting it with 126 kb/shope it works with dt
xicokamone (2008-06-27)
2 seeders, does anyone knows if its working?cocoshannell (2008-06-27)
not me, in a few hours we will find outMartjeu (2008-06-27)
Someone who's got it yet?nystrand (2008-06-27)
i´m downloading it to be-fresh i will have it done in about 7 hours if everything goes rightcocoshannell (2008-06-27)
I'm at work, I left the downloading running at home, I will test it to see if it's working when I get home........if you have any information sooner plase post it heresonped (2008-06-27)
I found this on emule:[PC GAME Crack] Pro Cycling Manager - Tour De France 2008 (Crack NO CD + Serial).rar
Haven't the hole game downloaded so cant try the crack yet.
³ AkaBel 2008 proudly presents: ³
³ (C) Activision ³
³ Date: None ³ Game Type : None ³
³ Size: None ³ Protection: SafeDisc ³
Install Notes
1. Extract RARs
2. Install
3. Use this serial: D8DF8-ED78R-4S578-P4PUF-85GFA
4. Copy Crack over original files
~~~~~~~~ for any serial problems or try
Timme127 (2008-06-27)
Where do you found thet crack+serial,that means which server you are connected by e mule?bryan125 (2008-06-27)
Give us the link ! pls ! i can't find it !Timme127 (2008-06-27)
Edit: the serial doesn`t work by me if i type the code in.libberman (2008-06-27)
dude.. offcause its fake :D"Protection: SafeDisc "
You dont need the serial iff you have a real crack and dvd version :D
sonped (2008-06-27)
@timmeaint familiar with eMule, but in my lower left corner it says: Connected to:
bryan125 (2008-06-27)
ive got a dvd-versionMartjeu (2008-06-27)
It's the cd-version I guess, so it won't work on this torrent but on the other one on mininova etc. I'm hours away from finishing that one so I can't try it. Anyone done with that one?bryan125 (2008-06-27)
wich one from carew ?that is dvd-version !i download it everbody has to download it then it's going faster
bryan125 (2008-06-27)
The dvd-version is real game you can play it without crack you know this one is 4.02 gib and the other one 4.21Martjeu (2008-06-27)
Yeah cd DVD whatever, just meant not the download edition. I'm dowloading it too :) But it's very slow most of the time.Joor (2008-06-27)
bryan125 do you have the DVD from mininova ?Is it real ? or is it something you THINK ?
bryan125 (2008-06-27)
I have it from sumotorrent but martjeu we need more people who want's to download it because with me its also go very slowly :( but.. its real !Timme127 (2008-06-27)
@ sonped: Can you give me the link or the original dates of the torrent by e mule?Martjeu (2008-06-27)
Well, that would be nice Bryan, but what r u planning to do about it? Besides, the number of seeds are growing every minute, so speed might go up too (if they do not disconnect after finishing).sonped (2008-06-27)
@bryanwhat is it that you want us to download ?
sonped (2008-06-27)
not sure if you can use this, I found it as eD2K link.ed2k://|file|[PC%20GAME%20Crack]%20Pro%20Cycling%20Manager%20-%20Tour%20De%20France%202008%20(Crack%20NO%20CD%20+%20Serial).rar|1241391|8D5655F6AC56F5EF6B9015A04F3EAC27|h=NNKWKX4MGXLEKY3HFLR5HVY7VIKWWMNK|/
salim_dz (2008-06-27)
The emule file not work ;)matti191980 (2008-06-27)
the game not work with, we need a cracksomebody110 (2008-06-27)
@matti1919Do you have latest version of DT?
Fcb_4_ever (2008-06-27)
We will soon know wether it works or not. I am at 96,2%
henjo_freak (2008-06-27)
the same by meJoor (2008-06-27)
Everyone knows this file need a crack ..Joor (2008-06-27)
What about :Pro Cycling Manager 2008 - PCM2008(Carew76) iso(1) - is this a DVD ?
erass (2008-06-27)
have you tried to start it with yasu???Ore what kind of message do you recieve when you start the game
matti191980 (2008-06-27)
not work with yasumatti191980 (2008-06-27)
i have this version, it dont wor with and yasu. the game will the orginal cd
cocoshannell (2008-06-27)
wel, it looks like we will have to wait for the crack.........:(probavly sometime next week the crack will appear......I really want to see how this game is, I was very dissapointed with the 07 version.
cocoshannell (2008-06-27)
but brian said it's working, I wonder how?????erass (2008-06-27)
try this: right click on deamon tools and set all emulation options onFritsovs (2008-06-27)
it dosn't work if you set all options to ON in d-tools... looks like we got to wait for a crackMartjeu (2008-06-27)
Just like I said: image isn't enough :(Martjeu (2008-06-27)
Told ya0buKKaKe (2008-06-27)
if its well made Clone (iso) than you have to use Daemon Tools Pro Advanced v 4.12.0223 to fuck the Starforce, load into IDE, if this wont work than its bad made iso, i will try it in a few hours and let you guys know0buKKaKe (2008-06-27)
note: daemon tools lite isnt enough to fuck the newest starforce protection, so you need latest DT Pro Advanced0buKKaKe (2008-06-27)
would be nice if there is some more info by Carew76 about the way the iso was made :(Cyclostar (2008-06-27)
@0buKKaKe: I wait for your experience with DT Pro and IDE Drive mounted :)VanDerVaartx (2008-06-27)
how do i get Daemon Tools Pro Advanced v 4.12.0223 ??Martjeu (2008-06-27)
Lol, I'm searching for it too now. It may prove to be even harder then downloading PCM :)VanDerVaartx (2008-06-27)
hehe well maybe (-:but i found it
its in that torrent you just change the priorty sp you just downalod dt and not all the others programs
Martjeu (2008-06-27)
Not so very active though.0buKKaKe (2008-06-27)
tested Carews image, with DT Pro Advanced v 4.10.0218, result: NOT WORKING !!! it stops in half way sf check, will try later with v 4.12.0223if anybody can gather some info how was Carews iso made, would be helpful.
VanDerVaartx (2008-06-27)
weel i go got it now0buKKaKe (2008-06-27)
i uploaded Daemon Tools Pro Advanced v 4.12.0223 at:
VanDerVaartx (2008-06-27)
0buKKaKewher did you got the newest deamon tools pro?
piet_jansma (2008-06-27)
it doesn't work with deamon-tools, it has some kind of protection for it, so we now solved the activation problem, we only need a no-cd crack now....0buKKaKe (2008-06-27)
damn you, those fucking craps about crack needing are making me soo fkin angry, i just need a proper Clone, so fk up with your crackspiet_jansma (2008-06-27)
that's not true, because the problem lies in the very good protection of PCM which is able to recognize Deamon-Tools so, STFU and don't act like you know anything about Cracks and Iso's because if I read the stuff you say you don't know shit!!!0buKKaKe (2008-06-27)
oh yeah you smartass, i bet 1000bucks that there will be proper working Clone version ... so stick your crc to your assholepiet_jansma (2008-06-27)
lol, you're really stupid, maybe that works with EA Games but those don't have any protection apart from the serial, while PCM has a very good protection and an clean ISo has nothing to do with the problem that PCM recognizes if you use and emulation software, so what I already said don't talk about things wehich your 12 year old brains don't know anything from!matti191980 (2008-06-27)
has anyone becomme the game startedTimme127 (2008-06-27)
I think too, that we need a crack.piet_jansma (2008-06-27)
lol, read the comments...Answer is NO!!!
0buKKaKe (2008-06-27)
*piet_jansma: argueing with you is just a waste of time my fried, cause its obvious that you dont know nothing abou DT and SF and Clones, so please leave it ;-)piet_jansma (2008-06-27)
lol, you just lost the argument and you know it, so that's why you're backing out, fucking retard...Timme127 (2008-06-27)
I saw on some sites cracks for PCM 08,but that are sites like fullrelease or and other sites where you have to pay money for it(for the site and for the download).If someone would have a acc. ,maybe he could test it!Martjeu (2008-06-27)
And that emule crack was a fake I guess?erass (2008-06-27)
I dont know what you want i finished downloading the iso and i monted it on daemon tools 4.12.0 with yasu 1.4 and it worked fine for me^^So don´t be a bother try it.
P.S. All Emulation options must be on
hakataL (2008-06-27)
0buKKaKe it's obvious that the guy is a noob, just don't reply to him ;)Timme127 (2008-06-27)
That only works by dvd version?Ok then i will download it!Piercez (2008-06-27)
So it all works? Wich torrent did you download Erass? Damn I hope I can play it soon:).Question for the ones with experience, I know how to use DT lite, but is the advanced DT hard to use?
I mean, can a guy who dont know anything about those thingys play pcm08 tonight? :)
Martjeu (2008-06-27)
Praise the lord and piet jansma! Someone got it to work! Now gimme some speed with that download.Timme127 (2008-06-27)
yes,because i have no experience with this!^^Timme127 (2008-06-27)
Edit: which download is it?VanDerVaartx (2008-06-27)
dt pro is esay to use very simmilar to dt liteMartjeu (2008-06-27)
Yeah Rafael, apart from the Russian language it's really easy :)Timme127 (2008-06-27)
sorry but what means dt lite and dt pro?^^VanDerVaartx (2008-06-27)
well you just need to reed i info file.. and the info explain to change the lanaugeyou just go to Program Files\DAEMON Tools Pro SE\Lang
and rename the file enu.dll to ajax and restart dt and you got english languae
DGenX (2008-06-27)
erass : how do i use yasu?Timme127 (2008-06-27)
What is with the DL version?Don`t i need it any more?sonnyboy20 (2008-06-27)
it dont work here :/ with pro :(Martjeu (2008-06-27)
I know VdV, was just kidding.@ Sonnyboy: u r talking about the DVD-torrent right? and with yasu?
piet_jansma (2008-06-27)
Strange I Also Tried it with Yasu and DT all emu On, but I get the error that the CD must place original CD.......?0buKKaKe (2008-06-27)
maybe erass should post an exact way how to step by step, i tryied almost every option without any result, but its sometimes sooo close to finish checking protection :(even tryied + yasu, even i dont think it has some meaninig, because yasu is just fking with securom and safedisc protections
sonnyboy20 (2008-06-27)
yup tried alot of ways with DT pro ans yasu .. and ofc it is the dvd version :) .. but gogo guys sounds like we are close :)cocoshannell (2008-06-27)
Well, it's not working for me. I mounted the image into an IDE Virtual Drive in Daemons tools Pro and installe dthe game then the disc checking is not ok. Failed to discover the disc. my DT Pro version is 4.10.0218I will try to upgrade DT and try again. Should Iunninsall the game first?
cocoshannell (2008-06-27)
It's not working with the updatet DT Pro.I'm out of ideas. Tried options ON, OFF..........
I'm waiting for other solutions
piet_jansma (2008-06-27)
just wait for the no-cd crackpiet_jansma (2008-06-27)
yeah, but PCm has a very hard protection so you must have already knowledge of cracking games with fierce protections, if you want to crack it...cocoshannell (2008-06-28)
i don't know many things about cracking games, but to start trying cracking PCM is simply masochismcocoshannell (2008-06-28)
I was refering to me.......maybe you know more and can crack ithenjo_freak (2008-06-28)
you can do it thanpiet_jansma (2008-06-28)
@ henjohe just said he can't...
learn english for god sake!
henjo_freak (2008-06-28)
i don't have english :STimme127 (2008-06-28)
My friend and i test to make a cracked server,that we can play the game onlinepiet_jansma (2008-06-28)
can you just simple try to make a crack to get it working in singleplayer...Timme127 (2008-06-28)
No it won`t go becuase the game is too new for the knowlegde of my friend^^.He knows much ower old games, but for new games like this, he is not the right man^^.And it looks like we can`t play the game online at the moment!cocoshannell (2008-06-28)
Do you know if a keygen exists for the 07 version?I tried to activate application and it took the key that was good for the 07 version. but the said that the cd was not good. maybe with another key will's just a guess....
stelianski (2008-06-28)
where is the fucked crack! I will kill the crackers... Faster plscocoshannell (2008-06-28)
HEY TAKE IT EASY.........stelianski (2008-06-28)
nqma take it easy brat trqq po barzoMartjeu (2008-06-28)
Very intelligent, kill the crackers, that would really help us.piet_jansma (2008-06-28)
@cocoThere's already a dvd-version at which you don't need a authentification code, so that's not the problem anymore the problem now is a working no-cd crack...
stelianski (2008-06-28)
ebasi o6te li nqma krak ve ebahti igrata skapanaTimme127 (2008-06-28)
if you have the dvd version you only need deamon tolls(+yasu).then it will run!VanDerVaartx (2008-06-28)
no it dont work with dt pro adavanced and yakus..Timme127 (2008-06-28)
it works,i question some friends and they said it works.If you you know that program and other programms exactly,you can run the game with it!!sonped (2008-06-28)
@TimmeWould you make instructions on have to make it work ?
piet_jansma (2008-06-28)
that's just bullshit me and some other tried all the options with yasu and deamon tools pro and it just doesn't work. So don't speak bullshit and if you really have friends will you then ask which programs and settings they used...stelianski (2008-06-28)
YASU is for a SAFEDISC SECUROM protection. Are you a homosexual??? PCM 08 is a STARFORCE PROTECTION!!! WHE NEED A CRACK for no CD, FASTpiet_jansma (2008-06-28)
lol,PCM07 was starforce
PCM08 hasn't got starforce anymore idiot!
Timme127 (2008-06-28)
ok stop please.I can`t say anything over this because i haven`t much experience in it.But my friends think they can run it,we only need the dvd version.Because it give other ways to make deamon tools "stronger".That means we need other programms but first we need the game!but the download is by us very slow!0buKKaKe (2008-06-28)
*Timme127: sorry mate no offence, but what ur saying is just nonsense*piet_jansma: when you will finally shut up, nobody here is interested in your excrements, you know shit about this and youre just screaming like whelp.
PCM08 has a latest Starforce protection, so you better be ssssh ;-)
piet_jansma (2008-06-28)
@ mininova theres the dvd-version which I and some others have and which doesn't work with DT PRO or/and Yasu I tried every option and it just doesn't work.piet_jansma (2008-06-28)
@ 0bukakeYou can suck my cock, you stupid idiot
0buKKaKe (2008-06-28)
as i said, excrements are comming from your mouth :)))stelianski (2008-06-28)
Where is the fucked crack. I want ride with Chris Hoy match sprints... :Dpiet_jansma (2008-06-28)
the crack is in bukkake's mother, come and get it!Rauzer (2008-06-28)
Ok, it is obvious, no one here can make this game work, so stop bitching each other please.piet_jansma (2008-06-28)
It really is in the mother of bukkake just keep digging!Piercez (2008-06-28)
Really Cant understand why you'all are angry at eachother!Anywhay downloaded it without problems but waiting for crack now:( hope its here soon.
Kaspersky didnt want to allow the protection btw:) it was evil kaspersky said!
piet_jansma (2008-06-28)
I'm not angry, only Bukkake's mother, must get that crack up her ass and give it to us...vikingator (2008-06-28)
Loser Pietstelianski (2008-06-29)
ooo fuck.. givme crack pls0buKKaKe (2008-06-29)
FINALLY ITS HERE Pro.Cycling.Manager.2008-RELOADED 4,15GB !!! :)EintrachtFan (2008-06-29)
YES!!!stelianski (2008-06-29)
ooooo yeashstelianski (2008-06-29)
i want only crack ;P0buKKaKe (2008-06-29)
i will upload in 10mins, just finishing downloading :)Fcb_4_ever (2008-06-29)
10 minutes are over :DNMRoyal (2008-06-29)
why there so many seeders on this ?the reload version its multi lang, this 1 its only in german...
Timme127 (2008-06-29)
Than you very much for the crack!!! I play the game and it`s really great.moguipt (2008-06-29)
how to make the game in english?? it's possible?engern (2008-06-29)
Like moguipt I also want this in english.. Do I have to download a total new one, or is there any language file available?moguipt (2008-06-29)
thanks engernpdmb2006 (2008-06-29)
can anyone upload a english language pack for this torrent?pdmb2006 (2008-06-29)
this crack works perfect!zapppa (2008-06-29)
Which are the language files??kasperraw (2008-06-29)
If i download this crack and then the game from the torrent here, does it then work? Can i play it without burn it to a disk then?
vikingator (2008-06-29)
It also works for online?Jaycce (2008-06-29)
Why the fk is it in germen loljoapke25 (2008-06-30)
hey,he doesn't work if i installed the crack he said there''s a found an error in pcm.exe
what can i do?
PCM08 (2008-06-30)
can anyone upload a english language pack for Pro cycling manager 2008?joapke25 (2008-06-30)
and he know that i use a emulation programmJaycce (2008-06-30)
Lol i the game is a great game i played it but, when you dont understand the writing because your not germen it really sucks the fun out of this game....Im not germen and i personaly think that the game suck in the germen language.(no offence to you germens)hakataL (2008-06-30)
Guys, im a databaseur to pcm 2008 but the german game is diferent than the european game, so the local.cdb it's only for the german version, therefore the other countries version have several languages, but reloaded used the german version, so you play in german or you dont playhakataL (2008-06-30)
btw freelancer databaseur, not a cyanide one obviously :Pcocoshannell (2008-07-01)
I don't understand you, there is an english version DVD torrent, and a torrent with a crack.........why don't you try to download the english version instead of whining about language packs?cocoshannell (2008-07-01)
stupid............Akkur (2008-07-01)
Guys i hope someone can help me..Ihave downloaded it and it all works perfect, but if I play 3D i don't can see the players. They are cycling but i don't see the players.. it sux..
Pls can someone help me? Ty :)
jj_jorgensen (2008-07-02)
If you have downloaded this, use RELOADED's crack:
This game is in German - anyone have found a working language pack?
jj_jorgensen (2008-07-02)
This should be a language pack:
But i am not sure that it will work on this version - it works on the download-bought version.
celticgek (2008-07-02)
What is de serials number??jj_jorgensen (2008-07-03)
Just don't enter a serial number.. Download the crack from reloaded instead.Timme127 (2008-07-05)
I think the crack runs not if i want to play online.If i want to play a game over game center and if i am by the choose of the team,the game goes down/off!Does it give not a crack for online playing?chrismj (2008-07-05)
The game works for me with the crack from reloaded, but i've noticed that i can't do everything that's said in the game manual. For instance : i can't train my riders with the specialisation "Stage races" (the other ones are working, but not this one) also : i can't ajust the intensity of the training (in PCM 2007 : from 0% to 100%).Is it the same for you??
Timme127 (2008-07-06)
i think that normally or not?By me it`s also so like by you!But i think the game is so or?MrHassel (2008-07-07)
Cocoshannel: I can't find any english version?!and JJ Joergensen: Nope, it dosn't work in this version.. Someone found any other?
Timme127 (2008-07-15)
Hi.Works the crack too,if i have have the new patch(installed)!The patch which released today on cyanide side?Or must we have a new crack for the patch?Timme127 (2008-07-16)
We neeed a new crack!!!!!!!Because the patch has a new copyright or something like this^^(i can`t speak english so well,sorry).That means we need a new crack !!pontan94 (2008-08-02)
I have downloaded the reloaded crack but it still says that I have to enter a serial number!Can somebody help me?