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Sims 3 Ultra Pack




Other Unsorted


the sims 3 mega pack




2010-10-04 (by .BONE. )


Sims 3 All Current Expansions with store addons til september Sims 3 Sims 3 World Adventures Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff Sims 3 Ambitions Sims 3 Fast Lane World Maker compatible with fast lane all EA store items upto september keygen addons from various sites totalling 25 gig including official addons censor patch sims 3 prima guide ultimate career bundle install monkey for installing package files money and skill hacks

Files count:



23860.00 Mb




kooloka (2010-10-04)

23.3 G

abbacab (2010-10-05)


Gedday (2010-10-05)

Please :-)

Gedday (2010-10-05)

Please :-)

Russell1903 (2010-10-09)

Are you able to install this on a Mac?

SigneGR (2010-10-09)

Thanks a lot! C:

obtained (2010-10-12)

Ill seed for yall :)

Minastirith16 (2010-10-12)

I'm download this torrent file and I don't know what to do next :0 Anybody knows? :)

torrent_hungry (2010-10-12)

what are all the padding files? that say require BitComet, plz dont tell me i have to download it again through BitComet instead of BitTrorrent. do you need any of them?

torrent_hungry (2010-10-12)

@Minastirith16 you have to unpack using WinRAR ( use the one for your OS
once you have WinRAR unpack the WinRAR archive files (the ones with the lil book logos)located in the iso folder by right clicking and choosing "Extract here" (also has the logo next to it) once you do that follow the instructions in the "instructions" can yo figure it out from there? :)

Jon42590 (2010-10-12)

I can not find the cracks, The instructions say.
6. copy over cracks from crack folder

Jon42590 (2010-10-12)

I can not find the cracks. The instructions say.
6. copy over cracks from crack folder

Simmerxx (2010-10-13)

can anyone please seeeeed ? =)
Thanks !

Simmerxx (2010-10-13)

Can anyone seed please ?
Thank you guys! :)

kahunnas (2010-10-14)

same here i dont find the crack folder! Plz advice

Skleppy (2010-10-14)

This version works without crack files.
Instruction lies! xD

kahunnas (2010-10-17)

wat a waste of Bandwidth..... no cracks it doesnt work... Still many usefull packs for the sims 3

Skleppy (2010-10-17)

start mini-image NS-Sims3SP02_DC-poseden.mds

ShadowShape (2010-10-19)

This is my first comment ever,
If you are considering downloading this;
DON'T!! No cracks included, everything is in .mdf files, 1 serial is wrong. There are better torrents around.

kittychaotik (2010-10-22)

Somebody PLEASE seed this. It's been stuck at 35.6% for almost a day now...

GraceyFox (2010-10-22)

I did everything installed and cracked. Tried to play and it says can't verify that it is a valid copy of the game. Should I uninstall download manager or what else could be the problem? Plz help Me??

ghost9876222 (2010-10-23)

the crack are not there if you are sherching for them go to this site there not viris

ghost9876222 (2010-10-23)

site for the crack they work

lievevk (2010-10-23)

I have the a problem with starting Sims 3.. I have put the crack (in the fast lane iso) over the normal crack. But when I start the game I get the following message:
"It looks like you have installed an unoffical game modification that does not match your current version of The Sims 3. We recommend that you either uninstall these game modifications or get updated versions of them - otherwise you may experience crashes or significant bugs. Do you want to quit? [Quit - Continue]"
When I click on Continue.. the game starts up, but then it crashes when it is loading Sunset Valley.
What can I do? Please help.
(I have Windows 7 and EA Downloader)

lievevk (2010-10-23)

I have a problem with playing The Sims 3.. overcopied the crack (in the fast lane iso) but when I start the game I get this message:
"It looks like you have installed an unofficial game modification that does not match your current version of The Sims 3. We recommend that you either uninstall these game modifications or get updated versions of them - otherwise you may experience crashes or significant bugs. Do you want to quit? [Quit - Continue].
When I click on Continue, the game starts but it crashes as soon as it is loading Sunset Valley.
What can I do? Please help.
(I have Windows 7 and installed EA Download Manager)

Angelteen157 (2010-10-24)

game error keeps saying it cannot confirm the disc and then closes.. help! :(

joolsie (2010-10-24)

I already have sims 3 regular, do i still need to add this one?

duderino2 (2010-10-25)

This version is region 1. Only languages available are English, French (standard) and Spanish

duderino2 (2010-10-25)

Please note that this is Region 1. It also only has the following languages: English, French and Spanish

joolsie (2010-10-27)

Ok i can't find the crack, is it the starter in the fast lane iso? and also when i install the expansion packs it keeps on saying disc is not verified as valid, then it closes can someone just stop posting about themselves if you know what to do, HEEEEEEEEEELP

lievevk (2010-10-27)

Okay, so now I've reïnstalled The Sims 3 with no internet on. And this time I did not install EA Downloadmanager, but still I have the same problem:
I start the game and I get this message:
"It looks like you have installed an unofficial game modification that does not match your current version of The Sims 3. We recommend that you either uninstall these game modifications or get updated versions of them - otherwise you may experience crashes or significant bugs. Do you want to quit? [Quit - Continue]."
When I click on Continue, the game starts but it crashes as soon as it is loading Sunset Valley.
Help me please!

kittychaotik (2010-10-30)

When I run the game, it says that I don't have a confirmed disk of this and I have to close. Please help? :(

James_Parker (2010-10-30)

It works fine for me ! Thanks for the upload :)

James_Parker (2010-10-30)

Oh and for those who has EA DOWNLOAD MANAGER uninstall the download manager and the game too! And then reinstall the game and when it asks that if u want to install EA D.M just click no or cancel. ;) It will work then!

lievevk (2010-10-30)

Maybe the tip from James_Parker works for some, but for me it doesn't. I already uninstalled EA Downloadmanager and the game too. Then installed only the game.. again the same problem for me.
Can somebody help me? Or know a forum that offers help or something?
I have Windows 7, has that got anything to do with it?

James_Parker (2010-10-30)

I guess maybe The Sims 3 not fully Windows 7 compatible !

James_Parker (2010-10-30)

Except if you are running Windows 7 Ultimate with Windows Xp mode turned on. That should help u too.

VpS_Serenity (2010-10-30)

is it possible to receive a multi-language version somehow or somewhere?

banabie (2010-10-31)

what is the lost letter on High End Loft Stuff its 0vt?
plz tell me so fast as possible :) thanks

James_Parker (2010-11-01)

Hello! I guess nobody know what is the missing number or letter on high end loft stuffs key but here is another one for you :
Have Fun :)

oseogreen (2010-11-04)

I've downloaded the whole pack, but have a lot of problems, I hope someone can help me.
First of all, I can't install world adventures, the installation stops at fullbuild1, does someone know why?
Secondly I do not find the crack in the mds-file, it's only 3kb, so does someone know whats the problem?

musicfangirl19971997 (2010-11-07)

this game does not work i have downloaded it twice and it doesnt work how bad

.commentraiper. (2010-11-08)

WTF??????? I can't install world adventures cuz it says that i missing a file called
france.objectCache am I so fucking stupid so I did delete that file?

.commentraiper. (2010-11-08)

This shit fucking sucks! Please donät download it!

cmax391 (2010-11-11)

Thank you James_Parker for the high end loft stuffs key (07SS-EUZF-FIGH-TING-4FUN)
This actually works if you've done it right.
1.After install Fast Lane (the last one), open the mounted image of Fast Lane
2. Double Click on 'ViTALiTY'
3. Double Click on 'Fast Lane Stuff'
4. Copy the crack files (2 of them)
5. Place the crack files onto (C or)D:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 Fast Lane Stuff\Game\Bin This will replace the original files, select 'all'.
6. Start the game from the crack file that replaces the old one.
7. Enjoy
This is really not very complicated but the instructions should be made clearer.
Thank you so very much for this torrent!! I love the Sims!

VpS_Serenity (2010-11-12)

Stop listening to those people who doesn't know how to use a tool like DAEMON TOOLS for installing. This is working as described in english version.

James_Parker (2010-11-14)

Yes It works fine for me as well :)
And cmax391 you're welcome :)

Kunker77 (2010-11-15)

Thanks a lot!

WhatTheFaaak (2010-12-01)

once I have download the torrents, opened them and unzipped them how to I actually get to them?? The original sims 3 is saved as a mdf. file and the rest are NSI iso files? How do I actually get the game? :S please help xx

WhatTheFaaak (2010-12-01)

ignore that, I worked it out. but how i do know what the serial code is for them? :S x

WhatTheFaaak (2010-12-01)

ignore that to :L i worked it out again(y) but if anyone else if having trouble finding the serial code for the first one 6e9r-d2ty-252x-h25s-2rld worked for me :) xx

Alice327 (2010-12-01)

Hi everyone!
I have a small problem. Everything looks normal, I can start the game but then... When I start loading a city the game shuts itself down. Anyone who can help me?
Thanks a lot!

Alice327 (2010-12-01)

Hi everyone!
I have a small problem. I can start the game and everything look normal until I want to load a city. The game just shuts itself down. Anyone who can help me?
Thanks a lot!

mikem9991 (2010-12-02)

WhatTheFaaak. How did you get the game to work with MDF and MDS files? or if someone else can explain thanks :)

mikem9991 (2010-12-02)

ok Where do I put the crack file in the sims 3 main folder??

mikem9991 (2010-12-02)

and one more thing just to make sure I have the right one is it NS-Sims3SP02_DC-poseden.mds or NS-Sims3SP02_DC-poseden.mdf

daman2u (2010-12-03)

ok i have a question. when i try to install world adventures it tells me the sims 3 and adventures doesnt have the same regional code and therefore cant be installed. an ideas on what to do?
also the sims 3 is working for me without the cracks. is there any danger in that or should i just leave it alone?

highcall (2010-12-07)

to bone* can u make a torrent only for these
World Maker compatible with fast lane
all EA store items upto september
addons from various sites totalling 25 gig including official addons
censor patch
sims 3 prima guide
ultimate career bundle
install monkey for installing package files
money and skill hacks
thx u before
to daman and everybody that facing regional code
If you faced the Regional Update Error Do the Following .
A).Go to Run and type ( Reg Edit ).
B).Go to
C).On the Right side you will find a kay called (SKU) Double click on it and edit the Number chose from 2 to 7.
D).You will find a registry Key for each one of the expanstion packs too change the value of SKU if you faced same Error when updateing .
ps: 1=us
2 = uk
7 = asian

alienelite12 (2010-12-08)

I wonder, I dowload all the files, and now i have 24 files who says: Paddingfile_22_If you see this file, please uptate to BitComet 0.85 or higher...What is this???
And when i go to ISO i find all the games, and i open them i jZip. Then it opens 1 map, and inside that it is two MDS-files. How to open them?

azurehaze (2010-12-09)

Anyone know what to do when there is a Disk failure? I've tried searching for a no-cd crack but alas to no avail.

Burchnator (2010-12-15)

Okay, I am noob. Lol.
I've only downloaded one game and that was sims 2. And someone on that torrent page was kind and had a step by step on how to install it. Lol.
I did the whole "mount file" or well cd.
Can I not do that with these files as well?
Please don't laugh at me. I'm learning xD

Anyok6 (2010-12-16)

I made a COMPLETE pack, with updates, cracks, and keys. It might well possibly contain material from this torrent, but it is a complete, updated package that worked with NO region issues or any others. If you download, be sure to look at the revised instructions for the torrent, as I fucked it up when I packaged it. They are found in my comments as well as the torrent info.

Thanks .BONE. for making this available though, helped me get my full package together.
highcall, this doesn't have the hacks, guides, or mods but i will work on adding them to this in the future ^^

tpbbond (2011-03-27)

Guys, is this the US version or the MULTI (worldwide) version? Thanks.

haitian_queen77 (2012-01-15)

Great upload! Just have a question about installing the packages. What is the exact directory that they should be copied too. The ones that have the Sims icon, besides double clicking each one to load it into the game, is there an easier way (ie: placing them in a folder as well). Thanks