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The Godfather [PC-Game]




Games PC


The Godfather [PC-Game]




2009-10-16 (by eyezin)


...................................................................... ...................................................................... .........................: The Godfather :............................ ...................................................................... ========================================================================| Developer...............: Electronic Arts Publisher...............: Electronic Arts Platform................: Microsoft Windows Release date............: 24 March 2006 Genre...................: Action-adventure Mode....................: Single player Media...................: DVD ========================================================================| Essentially, there are two stories in the game that intertwine, the first involving the major events of the film (with the character making central contributions) and a personal story arc. Gameplay consists of undertaking and completing eighteen story missions while in the meantime performing various tasks such as taking over rival family holdings and carrying out contract hits. ========================================================================| Recommended System Requirements -> OS..........: Microsoft Windows 98, 2000 or XP -> CPU.........: 1.4 GHz -> RAM.........: 256 MB -> GRAPHICS....: 64 MB -> HARD DRIVE..: 5 GB ========================================================================| Install Read INFO.nfo (Use notepad with Terminal Font)


  1. Action
  2. Adventure

Files count:



3270.49 Mb




erra12 (2009-10-25)

dosent work

 eyezin (2009-10-25)

Yes it does, I'm playing it.

Bpatch (2009-11-14)

hey great torrent.
whats the code though for it, im new too all of this, so i can not find it in all of the files.
i got to the instal screen though please reply or email me at

blitzace20 (2009-11-16)

SEED please!!

FuzzyVSD (2009-12-04)

I installed and it doesnt work, what do i need to do to make it work ?
Should i do a disk image for it ?

Raxus07 (2009-12-05)

does the game also work with Vista???

Gnosiz (2009-12-10)

I've installed all followed all steps but when I attempt to run the game, it says "Please insert the correct DVD-ROM, select OK and restart application"
In other words, it's not working. Help, please.

yeshu9 (2009-12-11)

doesn't work.....
don't download it.......

fady16 (2009-12-15)

Ever heard of Daemon tools people?

fady16 (2009-12-15)

Works great!

Edi_CJ (2009-12-30)

Obvious u dont know how to manage this simple things,the game works,obvious,u just need to crack it...cuz its not original...

bigman1968 (2009-12-31)


anand_neo (2010-01-06)

Ive used daemon to open, wats the activation code, im using vista???
Love this game ,pls help

Dmiller5 (2010-01-18)

I know how to use daemon tools. BUT WILL SOME ONE PLEASE HELP ME. I have the same Problem as Gnosiz, when I attempt to run the game, it says "Please insert the correct DVD-ROM, select OK and restart application"
What do I do to make this work?
I mounted it with D tools but not sure if it correct file since the file is not name .ISO

ScamWoW (2010-01-18)

yo dudes just find a crack that will probably solve all your problems

ScamWoW (2010-01-19)

the crack can be found at

ScamWoW (2010-01-19)

well i did what i always do with the games that work but this one just freezes right from the start for me lol i dont know if i have to wait for it to respond again or what but it's really anoying when i download somehting for hours and it ends up not working thats a real piss off

jassujassu (2010-01-20)

it won`t work. i downloaded no cd crack form gamecopyworld dot com. if i start the game, it starts but then it shuts down saying application dosent work

greenie29 (2010-01-22)

Does it work or doesn't it?? DL and find out....If a file has more than 60 or more seeders it`s a good bet that it prob works.And if it doesn't, so what.How much other free shit have you downloaded.It`s been 2 years since i have paid for music(I still purchase artists on an indie label)Movies,PPV events......hell i even dropped all my premium channels cuz i can the shows i want free through bittorent...Almost all of us that know how to make this shit work learned through trial & error..Eyezin is taking a huge risk even posting this.. dont be a douche..

bitez (2010-01-26)

dosent work the problem is directx

ais2deep (2010-01-30)

can get it to install without it asking for the key code

nextlg (2010-02-01)

how i can get out of the car with space i get in but how i get out?

Simonmolemaker (2010-02-14)

Hi guys.
I can't play it.
I installed it.
And when i click on Run it says: Please put in the right CD
What to do?
Please help.

Simonmolemaker (2010-02-14)

I can't play it becouse it says : Put in the right cd
What to do?:)

hamidovicm (2010-02-15)

plz seed i got 3.9 kb/s ... thnx

adbax (2010-03-14)

please seed..:)
thanks in advance ..

eazyizzy (2010-03-17)

Hey I hate to sound noob but could I get some help? I downloaded, mounted image to daemontools, i get the popup to install and the next screen asks me for a cd-key so I can't even install it. Thanks in advance.

nilloc93 (2010-03-17)

i am sure it works but eyezin your are a moron
a basic format for NFO instructions are
#1 burn or mount
#2 install
#3 use (cd key here)
#4 copy crack over in the original directory
#5 play
what you have is the most retarded NFO i have ever seen, it does not state a CD key and your crack does not work due to the "cannot turn left" thing by EA

DragonF.C.Porto (2010-03-19)


KiwiCommander (2010-03-29)

What a load of crap this is.

purpledragonfly420 (2010-04-29)

ok so what's up with this? i've tried three cracks, the one from here, one from gamecopy world, and one from the free information society. i get the same problem with all of them. i get to the "all rights reserved" screen and then it goes black before closing and giving me the "godfather.exe has stopped working" error. i've tried running it in compatibility mode for xp and regular vista but i keep getting the error.

purpledragonfly420 (2010-04-29)

nevermind, it's a vista problem. if you can't get it to work in vista rename the "movies" folder to "_movies" apparently vista can't play the movie scenes or something.

maxie51 (2010-05-14)

sorry you´ll probably call me a noob but i have downloaded it and i cant open the info.nfo
it says its damaged or somthing
and when i open the .ISO file with isobuster
and open godfather.exe it says i have to give the cd???
when i open autorun.exe it says its damaged either

maxie51 (2010-05-15)

you first have to open deamen tools and than click on the cd with a "+" than open the godfather file
it opens in deamen tools thanclick twice and click "auto run" than you only have to give the code and youre downloading
btw. whats the code??

maxie51 (2010-05-15)

i cant play it, cause if i start it it says i have to give the cd (even if i start it whit D tools)

IRUBDUCKLIT (2010-06-09)

try one of theis keys top one worked for me
dont forget to copy the crack over after its installed.

Leechandthenseed (2010-06-15)

is this working???
coz no one posted a comment that this torrent is working..

Leechandthenseed (2010-06-15)

is this for real?? this game requires a 5 GB hard disk space??..haha.x)

chrismanlol00 (2010-06-23)

Okay everyone i will help the noobs. Download the torrent first. Open whatever you use to mount iso images to drives (I use alcohoul 52%, its free) Download The godfather keygen from the web. copy and paste the code into the game. It installs. Copy and paste the crack (godfather.exe) From the torrent download place to the game place. Click relplace. Launch the game and play! For me when i open it all i see is blurs of green but when its done with the credits it goes to menu (dosent take long) And wala u can play :D

chrismanlol00 (2010-06-23)

@purpledragonfly i run windows 7 and i run a suckish laptop and it works.. Ur hardrive may be old.. Check ur graphics card for updates ( for nvidia for gateway for dell ect)

miki996 (2010-08-29)

where is iso. file?can't find it plz help

Aerionix (2010-09-03)

@hasnain11: Had this issue when installing with windows7 64. solved by going to the disk and running the autorun.exe in compatibility mode for windows 2000.
good luck

JihanShabilla (2010-09-04)

great torrent

Carnage_Rampage (2010-09-23)

GAME WORKS. Did as I mentioned down below. Also, changed the compatibility to Windows 2000 and changed movies (in Local Disk C: mind you) to _movies as both had been advised. Works. ATTENTION ALL YOU HATERS: GAME WORKS, SO LOOK FOR ANOTHER SOURCE TO GET YOUR HATORADE FROM. That is all.
--IRUBDUCKLIT at 2010-06-09 00:30 CET:
try one of theis keys top one worked for me
==Top worked for me too.
--miki996 at 2010-08-29 13:29 CET:
where is iso. file?can't find it plz help
==Daemon Tools Lite: disk-tools,com/download/daemon. Then when you've got that, mount the image. Right click Daemon when it's running --> Virtual Devices --> Device 0 (or whatever is free) --> Mount Image --> click ISO. Click Autorun when it gets going. When that's done, click nothing else on that. Go back to Daemon: if you don't already have Mount N Drive already open, click that, then right click the drive where the ISO is being run from. Click Open In File Explorer. Now your ISO is running and you have the folder in front of you with all its content.
-- maxie51 at 2010-05-14 16:10 CET:
sorry you´ll probably call me a noob but i have downloaded it and i cant open the info.nfo
it says its damaged or somthing
==Right click .NFO --> Open With --> Notepad.

dothackjhe (2010-09-26)

Thanks, it works even on Windows 7. ^________________^

raiden9188 (2010-09-27)

nicely done thanks

hiltrop (2010-10-10)

I've got a problem, I've mounted the torrent with DAEMON tools, unzipt the zip files, installed it, changed movies to _movies and changed the compatibility to 2000. I've also replaced the .exe file, now my every time I try to start the game, the EA logo comes on in a little black screen in the center and it is immediatly followed with a error that says please insert the right cd press on ok and then try again.
Can anybody please tell me what to do!!!

hiltrop (2010-10-10)

Ow, BTW the uninstaller does work...

hungryman521 (2010-11-13)

Ok i have downloaded alot of torrents and so far this is the shittiest of them all, no CD-key supplied, CD crack is shit, and instructions are also really shit, You have great potential for being one of the worst uploaders on pirate bay. Thank you everybody for seeding and also thank you for the cd key. I suppose thank you for the useless torrent too.

28.kblo (2010-11-14)

tnx to uploader and tnx to IRUBDUCKLIT for cd-key
EYEZIN u r the best

jayson8889898 (2010-11-15)

this game works, serial key works, crack works, and for all those stupid peeps that says the game doesnt work, maybe your pc is shit

accesnacce (2010-11-18)

plz help when i open the game the screen goes black or nothing happens. plzzz help really want this game

alphavaldez (2010-11-28)

please help anyone..when i go to play the game the screen turns black..i really want this game.

Edzone (2010-12-03)

Hey fellas, eyezin is a useless retarded faggot who didn't supply us with a keygen. Go here to get one, it works for the Godfather and about 25 other games.

Edzone (2010-12-03)

Sorry nigggers link expired, go here, choose to download crack + keygen only.

Edzone (2010-12-03)

Hey Niggers, sorry that link's expired and shit. Go here, download only the keygen and crack.

VegasTK (2010-12-25)

Great work!!!
Speeed:4.00 mb/s

gta202 (2011-01-07)

wtf please inssert corect dvd-rom disk help

Napwnleon (2011-01-09)

To the dumbass who asked where the .iso file is, GTFO

ChrisHighwind (2011-01-12)

To those of you complaining about no CD key, perhaps you should look in the NFO file for once, I found a CD key in there, and it worked. My only problem with the game is it's not taking my gamepad, but I'm sure to find a fix for that soon. Thanks a lot!

MerseaParadise (2011-01-15)

BAD TORRENT. Game doesn't work. Avoid!

bolero.pardo (2011-02-07)

here doesnt work, say i need the correct dvd
i cracked and used daemons tools.Its probally the windows7. It says in description, only works in winxp 2000.Im gonna try the compatibility mode. finger cross

bolero.pardo (2011-02-07)

The comapitibility mode doesnt fix the problem,happend the same shit. Somebody know how to make it work? sorry the english, im from Brasil.

Kyully (2011-02-08)

Be more lazy, stupid faggot.

Warono (2011-02-09)

Good game, took me some tries to get it playable at Vista, first I had the error that some people already mentioned: getting to the main menu, seeing Don Corleone and then the error that the application didn't work. I renamed the folder "movies" to "_movies", then it didn't work yet. At last it worked: I ran the .exe as an administrator, now it works, great game, fast download, eyezin, good work :D

Tjurbo (2011-02-24)

For those newbies who doensät know hoe to install this great game, and saying "bad torrent etc, a little advice:
1Download the torrent
2Find the Torrent's folder
3Open the info.nfo with notepad
4Mount the .iso -file to Daemon
5Put the serial key from the INFO.nfo
7.Go to the game folder (program flies etc, where you installed it.
8Replace the godfather.exe, with the godfather.exe which is in the torrent files

bluekush1 (2011-03-06)

All the bitches complaining because thers nocd key u dont deserve free stuff if your not willing to do abit of work for it. your gunna cause a perfectly good uploader to leave like axxo

akaismac (2011-03-08)

OH Yeaaaah !
finally xD
thanks very much eyezin :D
very fast speed for me, installation is simple, just use ur f-ing mind & the game plays fine for me :)
Here are the steps, i copied them from an earlier post by "Tjurbo" :
For those newbies who don't know how to install this great game, and saying "bad torrent etc, a little advice:
1Download the torrent
2Find the Torrent's folder
3Open the info.nfo with notepad
4Mount the .iso -file to Daemon
5Put the serial key from the INFO.nfo
7.Go to the game folder (program flies etc, where you installed it.
8Replace the godfather.exe, with the godfather.exe which is in the torrent files
10SHUT UP & GTFO because you don't deserve to be using the p2p if u r going to complain about the torrent
at least he has done an amazing effort to give u this, wtf did u do? whine & bitch about it, that's good too haha.
Thanks again uploader. Amazing job.

IllyrianGlory (2011-04-03)

For all of you how had problems just read tjurbo instructions and will work 100% thx uploader nice game

morganthx (2011-04-05)

hey i downloaded this game and whenever i try to install it it shows "DIRECT X 9c not found, please download the latest directx from blah blah"
after that i installed the one supplied with the torrent...but still it doesnt work :(

nas000011 (2011-04-13)

HOW TO GET OUT OF THE CAR plz help nothing is working, i have changed the keys but useless!! plz help me

dcsn1p3rx (2011-04-22)

Worked for me, if it crashes for you guys just right click the program and click run as administrator. The game overall is alright, too cliche for me. I've already beaten mafia, mafia 2, all of the grand theft autos, its just to old for me. Nonelethess i like the graphics I like the gameplay I might slowly start playing this game.

DefJamV (2011-04-28)

ok for people who are struggling, simple download DAEMON tools lite, drag the iso file onto the face of the program, click the iso and run it, let it autoplay and when it asks for a CD key type in:
and then once its installed go into the game folder C:/program files/electronic arts/the godfather the game and find the 'godfather' application within and rename it to 'godfather original' and then place the 'godfather' application from the download into the directory and enjoy!

sanat99 (2011-05-04)

hey,does it works in win 7???when i run autorun.exe nothing happens....plz help!!!!!!!!!!

sanat99 (2011-05-04)

i cant find crack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dawdler (2011-05-31)

You aren't supposed to find a crack.
Mount the image. Or if you want to get rid of it, download a backup-dvd and mount that.

anthonymesakh (2011-06-25)

will this work on win xp sp 3 ??? :?

ixos_ThePB (2011-06-28)

this mgs for all fucking sutipid who write that this game not work fuck them just do this and it will work and for your information my pc is very slow my card video 32 MB and my RAM 120 MB ... so just mont the fucking ISO file into virtual drive i use Alcohol 120 then entre the sirial number its on INFO.nfo file just open it with notepad then copy the godfather.exe into the game dir and play this is it fucking stuped ! and now pealse help how i can run the game by resolution 640 x 480 cuz by 800 x 600 i can see any thing and its very slow coz my fucking PC...i wait your helps !

ixos_ThePB (2011-06-28)

this mgs for the fucking stuped who write comments that the game not work ... just mont the fuking ISO file to alcohol 120 then the sirlai its included on INFO.nfo file open it with notepad.exe then crack the game by replasing the exe file the gofather.exe into the gale dir ...this is it damn and for your informations i have a PC my video card 32MB and my RAM 120 MB i want your helps to how run the game in resolution 640 x 480 coz' 800 x 600 i can't see anything in the game and its very slow i wait your fucking helps plz help us ... Yacine from algeria.

reaper555666 (2011-07-08)

i installed everythin....i key...all done...but iam gettin a directx error...ive the latest directx but this stil shows need higher version ...WTF

reaper555666 (2011-07-08)

hey.ppl got the problem solved...ppl gettin directx problems use this cd key..

Jake030292 (2011-07-16)

that cdkey totally didn't help the directx prob :P

Jake030292 (2011-07-16)

it starts installing then stops and has a window saying "The software you are installing has not passed Windows Logo testing to verify its compatibility with this version of Windows."

Gaffel75 (2011-07-19)

I Can't find the ISO file???? wtf

fragar1991 (2011-07-26)

Demasiado bueno el juego gracias x el aporte! =D

Tafe94 (2011-07-30)

for everyone who doesnt know how to install the game:
Tools needed:
Daemon tools lite(free)
After its instalation, open it, create a new ROM and open the downloaded ISO file.
the computer wil now read the ISO file as a disc, and you can then install it.
after instalation, open "My computer", then right-click the "mounted ISO". press open, and there should then be a crack folder. copy the files inside, and paste it into the game installation folder, which is located in either

Gaffel75 (2011-08-01)

I installed the game, mounted the iso but when i open the godfather it says 'insert a cd' or somthing like that can someone help me?

BM7733 (2011-08-08)

seed guys seed pleaseeeeeee

BM7733 (2011-08-09)

seed pleaseeeeeeee, seed seed

vix8 (2011-08-21)

Daemon will not mount it
This Blows
Your Pussy Stinks!

vix8 (2011-08-21)

//Everyone has there own fix
//But none work

veeru1992 (2011-09-06)

i installed the game finished everything but ,when i start the game it says "please insert the correct dvd-rom,select ok and restart application."
please help me out cause i am just a biggner

jfdc (2011-09-07)

Cant see any of the problems people talking in this torrent,its perfect,im runnin it on a shitty HP laptop with Vista32,crack is inside,what else u want really?well done Eyezin,i ll seed this!

jfdc (2011-09-07)

Also if u got an Xbox360 controller...plug it in ;) :) :)

jfdc (2011-09-07)

Veruu : : ...either read the comments above or...
1.go to the folder u downloaded the game
2.Copy the ''Godfather'' application icon
3.go and paste it where u installed the game,replacing the file when u r asked to do so
4.u done it,u r a Corleone now, :D
People:if you r getting problems in the start scene,like sound with no visuals stuff,just after the first title,dont panic,just press space or enter,dont exacly remember which one i did,try both,and game will load in the start screen!
5.and of course keep seeding!

veeru1992 (2011-09-07)

yo i finished it but when i start the game it is not going good for 3 sec then when that paramount thing comes the screel jumps then it says error ,like it says that optimal resoluting 1024x768
what should i do i have a windows 7 professional
os. plz help me

veeru1992 (2011-09-07)

yo yo yo i did it ppl
for all ppl having windows 7,if the error i mentioned comes to u then here r the steps u need to follow
1) go to start
2)in search type run
3)select run programes for previous versions of windows
4)click next
5)then a window opens saying decting issues after it is completed select The Godfather The Game and then next
6)select try recomended settings
7)the game starts with the same problem but now u can have access to the menu then exit the game
8)then the window still remains select next
next time u wanna play directly open the application
game on......

veeru1992 (2011-09-07)

tnx eyezin a lot

Niksa1234 (2011-09-18)

great upload man thanks guys if you want this game and if you know how to work on daemon tools This torrent is the best choice believe me and when you donwload it if you have trouble with the crack dont run the game on the destkop run the game in the the godfather directory named just godfather . i hope i helped but you need to install first and then run the game in the diractory the godfather best choice is /E because its small.On windows xp works just fine if you know what to do

lyssand (2011-10-11)

The screen is flashing green... What to do?

grba11 (2011-10-14)

Game works...I will seed..:) Tnx a lot!!..

Deby666 (2011-11-04)

Fuckin virus!!!!! u peace of shit!!!

blaymoric (2011-11-23)

I love when TPB noobs like Deby666 come around thinking their hot shit because they torrent things yet don't even know what the hell a FALSE POSITIVE is..

nr1guido (2011-12-09)

i can't manage to install it, it asks for the right dvd-ROM device and i cant find it. i also used daemon tools to mount it, but it still wont work. could someone please help. im so desperate i would buy it but you cant do that either anymore.

ilovemyanniepie_tom (2011-12-27)

I signed in to an account I made when I was still involved with an idiot just to say:
To all those who cannot MOUNT and INSTALL this torrent, here is a list of instructions:
Download DAEMON Tools Lite
* I rarely use this program. It's my least favorite of all the image mounting tools on the internet, but to my knowledge, it is the ONLY ONE THAT WILL WORK.
Mount the The Godfather [The Game] Image. This can be tricky depending on which version of DAEMON Tools you have, but if you're on TPB without knowing how to do this then you're going to die soon anyway.
Right flick the .INFO file and open it with NOTEPAD. The serial number is at the top.
* This throws people off sometimes. The .INFO file, when double clicked, often doesn't work properly.
I haven't finished installing, so I have no idea if the game will actually work properly, but I thought I would post this for all those stoners wanting to pirate this game to relive their childhood, like myself.
Good luck.

ilovemyanniepie_tom (2011-12-27)

Don't forget to copy and paste your crack!

ilovemyanniepie_tom (2011-12-27)

Okay, Windows 7 64bit OS users, here's even more shit you have to do to make this work!
Follow previous steps to install.
After pasting the crack into...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Godfather The Game
Right click your new .exe, the crack, and click "Properties." Click "Compatibility" and select Windows XP SP 2 and Run as an Administrator. The opening splash screen won't work, but the game itself will.
Enjoy your nostalgia!

aych001 (2012-01-06)

Thank u all for seeding!

pipeman777 (2012-01-11)

hey why cant i use my pc controler with this game ): even after i clicked use padal

lichy1986 (2012-02-08)

Good speed, good game, great job dude.

Slappy81 (2012-03-01)

I get the directx error andi KNOW i have the latest version. I tried poweriso and deamon lite and still get the same error.
Any other suggestions?

Slappy81 (2012-03-01)

Nvm, I went the long route and burned it to a disc and ran the autorun.exe file compatible with win 200 and it started installing (directx9.0 too, lol)
Now i wonder if i need to download the "car fix" patch, LMAO

bombai1968 (2012-03-10)

guys i cant download every torrent in this website it says GET THIS TORRENT and under that it says problems with magnets links are fixed by upgrading your torrent client why plzzzz i need help :(

gur955 (2012-03-13)

I get the message that I have to install Directx 9.0c or higer. I install directx manually, it doesn't work, then I try with burning the image on a CD like Slappy81 said, it doesn't work either. What should I do?!

mkt999 (2012-03-21)


davjacobs2 (2012-04-06)

Fix For Not Starting -
In the Directory Of the Godfather The game - Rename -
Movies folder to _movies

davjacobs2 (2012-04-06)

Help -
Cant Exit Car?

kuske93 (2012-05-04)

hah,i had the same problem,just get a proper crack mate :D

kuske93 (2012-05-04)

and thanks for the game eyezin :)))

Dr.KroOoZ (2012-05-19)

How To Work :
1- Download DAEMON Tools Lite
2- Mount ISO
3- Install Normal
Here Serial :

bilal.m95 (2012-05-30)

99.5% i hope it works!!!

rallybanner (2012-06-15)

For all those having the DirectX error on windows 7 x64... After spending all night scouring the internet I FINALLY found a fix. Here it goes: Mount the ISO and copy all its contents into a folder on your desktop; When it's done copying go into the 'Autorun' folder and find the autorun.cfg; open it up and find the line that says 'DirectXVersion=9.0c' and change the 9.0c to 0; then run it in compatability for win 2000... That's what fixed it for me. Hope this helps.

rallybanner (2012-06-15)

Also, thanks for the upload eyezin!!!

Zapfinger (2012-06-17)

help it just won't start up.. i did everything ilovemyanniepie_tome said but all i get is the loading symbol next to my curser for about 5 seconds and then nothing happens and i have to kill the process via task manager.. i have windows 7 home premium 64bit and i renamed the movies folder to _movies, put the compatibility mode to windows xp sp2 and started it as administrator so wtf is going on here?!

globefan (2012-07-18)

dude you are lucky you got the symbol i dont event get that ......

indskab (2012-08-07)

Note: for people having problems with not activating the game, just go to godfather's main folder and rename"movie" folder to "_Movies"0
make sure you do the same
hope you guys happy

cerealmurder (2012-09-03)

I was able to install the game perfectly, but, the moment I start the game the startup screen (paramount logo and godfather logo) flash with black. After that I get to the Godfather menu screen but then I get a message saying "TheGodfather.exe has failed" and I cannot play the game..
Anyone else with this issues?

d7ka05 (2012-09-18)

i done everything i was supposed to do and changed the 'movie' file to '_movie' and when i open it i get to the menu screen then it lags for 2 seconds and then says 'godfather.exe has stopped working'
any help pleaaase......

tim10013 (2012-09-23)

doesnt work.. try another torrent.... its not worth the effort to fix up

tim10013 (2012-09-24)

Dont both with it find another one

BaronofXen (2012-11-16)

Guys, I downloaded the thing, mounted, and did what was told, but I found the godfather folder, one in the EA files, the other in an imaginary disk called G: and not in the torrent file. I explored the file G and saw the godfather file, I replaced both and yet still it says I need to insert a disk or ROM, and the G disk is a read only disk. Now concerning the 2 compressed zip files, both contain the same files as each other and these files are already in the EA files. So can someone for God's sake make a commentary video explaining more in detail? You would solve most of the problems. Thank You.

FD1zyx (2012-11-24)

Great download. Great game. WORKS PERFECTLY!!! Must have a little patience to install, but works Ok :)

BaronofXen (2012-11-25)

Now I know what was wrong, it was the uploader himself, that pig did not put a crack file in the torrent folder and so there was nothing to replace, thank God I found another uploader with enough intelligence to put a crack file and it worked. My opinion? Download this but download separately a crack file(search from google) and replace. Good Luck

MitchAllen (2013-01-08)

Cant uninstall the damn thing now. Error Code when i get to the last 6seconds of the uninstaller and then it Un-do the sick of games.

MitchAllen (2013-01-08)

Just delete if from your Hard drive or wherever, and then uninstall again. it removes it from the list. Thanks for the up, works great. Kinda old ass game, lost interest half way.

Lenjir (2013-01-15)

Hey guys!I installed game and I have one little problem.I can't get out from the car :D.Please help me.Thanks!

BaronofXen (2013-01-30)

It is a common problem, there is a car patch, search google.

DeadToll2012 (2013-02-24)


SerbianBoyZz (2013-04-09)

How to install, I don't see instalation here...

znooF5 (2013-06-06)

thanks to everyone who are still seeding this game
thanks for the upload

akisnikaia2 (2013-07-28)[PC-Game]


gbt021 (2013-08-17)

Don't download this thing fuck with my computer!!

Sladir (2013-08-20)

'A problem occurred when trying to transfer file "moviesclip24.vp6" from the media' Any idea what should i do ....

xAdidas (2013-09-01)

Works like a charm on windows 7 x64. All I had to do is install > put crack in the folder > properties > run as admin & compatibility for xp service pack 2.

jontee97 (2013-09-28)

what is the cd key

gantengah (2013-09-29)

thanks for the tips

Dalibor_xD (2013-12-28)

Game works... but it sucks...

kuske93 (2014-04-15)

Works great thanks!Been seeding.

melupus (2014-06-02)

hello, ok for users that dont have huge computer experience, i decided to write a step by step guide on how to run game properly.
1. get a copy of windows 7 ultimate edition
2. after windows 7 is installed and updated make sure to also update your graphic card drivers to the latest version
3. get daemon tools software and install it
4. use google and get mi-gtg.rar file
5 install game and use ADQQ-G24G-BNA6-VBNY-7RLD when installing the game.
6 after game is installed get winrar via google
7. mount mi-gtg mini image and start the exe file of the game.
this way was tested and works fine on my machine, no crack needed and no compatibility mode used when runing on windows 7 ultimate. enjoy.

Lord_Dark_Weiner (2014-10-12)

Thanks, I have no problems running this on Linux. Maybe people are having issue with the OS? But I mounted the ISO and installed. There is one "minor" effect and is not a game breaker. During load I see the guy's torso and not his face. This makes clothing a bit of a chore. Other than that small glitch everything works well. I still digging through old software bins at the mall for this one, but at least once I find it, I know it will work for my Linux box. :D


1. The Godfather [PC-Game]/TheGodFather.iso 3258.74 Mb
2. The Godfather [PC-Game]/godfather.exe 11.75 Mb
3. The Godfather [PC-Game]/INFO.nfo 6.17 Kb
4. The Godfather [PC-Game]/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes