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Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11
Software PC
Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11
2011-11-01 (by DeGun)
______) _____ ______
(, / /) (, / ) , (, / )
/ (/ _ _/__ / __ _ _/_ _ /---( _
) / / )__(/_ / _(_/ (_(_(_(___(/_ ) / ____)(_(_(_/_
(_/ ) / (_/ ( .-/ ( DeGun 2011
(_/ (_/
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HI ONE & ALL -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
GOOGLE TRANSLATE from SPANISH to ENGLISH ( app in English :D )
EXTRA NOTE : ************** make sure you do wot it takes TO CONFIGURE AND USE (-----> IPFILTER.DAT for VUZE or UTORRENT <---------- **********************
(see both shorcuts included ina folder)
This version is only for Windows 7 (Windows Vista MIGHT not work much less in Windows XP)
Just download the installer, install and ready, already cracked TESTED/WORKING
- Windows 7 (any version)
- Preferably Aero enabled
- Uxtheme.dll patched (this ensures that only digitally signed using visual styles)
- Some creativity
Running the installer will tell you "This program can only run on Windows Vista", so : right click the EXE
SET : run compatibility as VISTA + RUN AS ADMIN
Also the Start button on Windows 7 you have to edit in other ways as it is in explorer.exe and not aero.msstyles.
Filename: win7stylebuilder 2.1.520.exe
Size: 1.14 MB
Extension:. EXE
UXTheme Patch for Windows 7:
Windows 7 prevents unsigned visual styles used by Microsoft or other companies that have agreements with Microsoft, it automatically mean you can not use items made by fans, for that you have to patch uxtheme.dll, you can download the program automatically edit to use other visual themes:
Universal Theme Patcher INCLUDED IF NEEDED
Just unzip the. Zip file, run it and go (may need to reboot the system)
I want to thank in the first instance The_Haking_Master was one of several that detects that the program does not work because it has no activation key, well that is stored in the registry and did include this key in the installer .
Download the installer, is updated and the log window now includes activation data to avoid problems.
READ NFO ! (right click on NFO ----> open with Notepad )
leave comments at : if needed ( register on TPB )
+ vizit SUPRBAY.ORG (register for requests/report wrong/fake/infected/Porn Child related torrents etc )
DeGun aka No One / NoBody .
______) _____ ______
(, / /) (, / ) , (, / )
/ (/ _ _/__ / __ _ _/_ _ /---( _
) / / )__(/_ / _(_/ (_(_(_(___(/_ ) / ____)(_(_(_/_
(_/ ) / (_/ ( .-/ (
(_/ (_/
- windows
- seven
- style
- builder
- v 2.1.520.125
- version
- 2.1.520.125
- crack
- serial
- patch
- aero
- theme
- patcher
- DeGun
- 2011
Files count:
1.91 Mb
DeGun (2011-11-01)
Hey one & allENJOY !
condem78 (2011-11-01)
DeGunyou are my hero mate,
cant believe ive just checked and its the one the win 7 one ahh man im buzzing tonight,
top respect to you, going to start downloading now and will leave seeding forever till utorrent either gives up the ghost or the computer does
condem78 (2011-11-01)
forgot to say will let you know how install goes,respect
DeGun (2011-11-02)
to edit 7 start button try this :
or this with extra orb :
All right condem78 , hope it works out as yuh want . Good Luck
condem78 (2011-11-02)
DeGun,you wouldnt believe it mate,
but ive had it popped open in restorator and at the same time was hooked up to google translate, i know the odd word in spanish or french , but all is excellent with it ive changed all the language to english and even did the same for the string table,
so all in all, definatly what i was looking for and top respect to you mate for listening out to us and sorting it so quick,
if youd like the translated files its the most i could do seeming you and hacker2009i got it sorted so quick, genuine buzzin i am, also love the pic lakgeaaca looks a bit well alot like chronic dont ya's think,
keep the peace and respect mate
ah nearly forgot to say that ill have a look at the start orb changer, although i have got loads of them from various sites and downloads @ deviant art, i like to go in commando style and head straight for the explorer.exe and open it in rez hakker or restorator,
thanks anyways and will be keeping an eye out for future releases, also let you know when i have done my first theme,
willaimcostiganjr (2011-11-08)
hey DeGun i just started downloading your trojan records collection and am so stoked that you put it up, thanks. but i have a mac and am gonna need to convert the files and i just have no idea how so if you could help me i would be happy to seed it for as long as it needs to be seeded :)DeGun (2011-11-08)
@ willaimcostiganjrHappy to read dat :! This Trojan torrent
) is my fav ; i'm still seeding it as not many person kept it on share ... so yes it would be very good if yuh good help :D ! Thank you for your comments , download wat yuh need to convert rar for mac here :
DeGun (2011-11-08)
... links missing in above commentsearch for unrarx DOT com/
" stuffit dot com/mac/expander/ "
LilFaerl (2011-11-09)
It´s in Spanish!DeGun (2011-12-01)
INSTAL PROCESS is in spanish but the APP Runs in ENGLISH .thx for comments
NeonCat (2011-12-13)
Installer is in Spanish and so is the app. Lucky I understand some Spanish, but would definitely prefer it to be in English.error441 (2012-07-15)
how can i change it to English it installed fine but i don't understand Spanish and the program is also in Spanish great download though thanks for sharingerror441 (2012-07-15)
any way to change program to English ?ChillyCrossFoot (2013-01-09)
LIES.This whole thing is in spanish... The Instaler AND the Program. How to change it?
Yorkfield (2013-01-26)
I have to say, even after I set compatibility mode to Windows Vista and run the installation as admin, the language of the menu is in spanish and I don't see a way to change that. Anything I have done wrong maybe?ChocolateAddict (2013-01-31)
this thing is half spanish, half english. pretty retarded if you ask me.K33K5 (2013-04-01)
This works PERFECTLY if you just follow the instructions. Yes, the installer is in Spanish, but if you've ever installed a program on windows before, you ought to be able to decipher what to do. (Hint: click the button with the arrow) If you can't, go to Google translate and type in the bits you don't understand.Oh, and when you open the program, a prompt will pop up. This is what it says:
"Abrir un estilo visual existente" = Open an existing visual style
"Iniciar un nuevo estilo visual" = Start a new visual style
xanat0s (2013-05-18)
Description is bullshit, both the installer AND application is in SPANISH (with the exception of the treeview.) So if you don't understand the language, use Resource Hacker + Google Translate to hack some english into it.BlyTwo (2014-11-20)
*Windows 7 Style BuilderLocalizationsrename folder "es-MX" to "en-US" to english UI
BlyTwo (2014-11-20)
^*/Windows 7 Style Builder/Localizations
rename folder "es-MX" to "en-US" for english UI
1. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/[tuto] IP Filtering with µTorrent.URL 75 bytes
2. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/[tuto] IP-Filtering in Vuze.URL 75 bytes
3. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/hailnaadn.jpg 7.81 Kb
4. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/Images/001.png 89.65 Kb
5. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/Images/002.png 98.48 Kb
6. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/Images/003.png 62.63 Kb
7. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/Images/004.png 108.61 Kb
8. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/Images/005.png 81.71 Kb
9. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/Images/006.png 115.65 Kb
10. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/Images/lakgeaaca.jpg 16.76 Kb
11. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/READ ME.txt 3.00 Kb
12. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/UniversalThemePatcher_20090409/lang/Readme.txt 228 bytes
13. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/UniversalThemePatcher_20090409/lang/ThemePatcher_ENU.ini 3.70 Kb
14. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/UniversalThemePatcher_20090409/Readme.EN.txt 2.23 Kb
15. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/UniversalThemePatcher_20090409/Readme.txt 3.82 Kb
16. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/UniversalThemePatcher_20090409/UniversalThemePatcher-x64.exe 92.85 Kb
17. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/UniversalThemePatcher_20090409/UniversalThemePatcher-x86.exe 72.35 Kb
18. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/win7stylebuilder2.1.520.exe 1.16 Mb
19. Windows 7 Style Builder 2.1.520.125 DeGun TPB 2k11/Windows 7 Style Builder PreCracked DeGun TPB 2k11.nfo 9.44 Kb