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ABBYY FineReader Professional Edition (not need activa
ABBYY FineReader Professional Edition (not need activa
2008-01-04 (by JASON_X_666)
God vypuska: 2007
Razrabotchik: ABBYY
Platforma: Windows
Sovmestimost' s Vista: polnaja
JAzyk interfejjsa: tol'ko russkijj
Tablehtka: Ne trebuetsja
Opisanie: Sistema opticheskogo raspoznavanija ABBYY FineReader 9.0 - ideal'noe reshenie dlja tekh, komu nuzhen vysochajjshijj uroven' tochnosti raspoznavanija i sokhranenija oformlenija tekstov. ABBYY FineReader bystro i tochno perevodit bumazhnye dokumenty, PDF-fajjly i cifrovye fotografii dokumentov v redaktiruemye formaty. Poluchennye rezul'taty mozhno redaktirovat' v prilozhenijakh Microsoft Office, otpravljat' po ehlektronnojj pochte ili publikovat' v Internete.
V stremitel'nom sovremennom mire chasto ne khvataet vremeni. Zachem tratit' ego vpustuju? Vvodja dokumenty v komp'juter s pomoshh'ju ABBYY FineReader, vy ehkonomite 14 minut na kazhdojj stranice. Ispol'zujjte svoe vremja ehffektivno!
Vozmozhnosti ABBYY FineReader:
* Poluchenie i obrabotka izobrazhenija
* Analiz i raspoznavanie
* Sokhranenie rezul'tatov
* Legkost' i udobstvo ispol'zovanija
* Setevye vozmozhnosti
Dop. informacija:
1.Ustanovite programmu.
2.Pri pervom zapuske programmy Vam predlozhat zaregistrirovat' ee (EHto nuzhno dlja raboty ABBYY Screenshot Reader) soglashajjtes' v pojavivshemsja okne vybiraete registracija po faksu i vvodite ljubojj e-mail i nazhimaete vse vremja Dalee.
EHti dannye nikuda ne otpravljajutsja!
Programma polnost'ju aktivirovana i vse funkcii rabotajut.
Pozdravljaem Vas !!!
Zapustite iz papki OCR DJVU.exe
Raspakujjte v papku s ustanovlennojj programmojj, po-umolchaniju ona ustanovlena v C:\Program Files\ABBYY FineReader 9.0\ (ili v to mesto, gde ona u Vas nakhoditsja) Teper' Vasha programma mozhet raspoznavat' format DjVu.
Skachavshie - podderzhivaem razdachu.
Files count:
126.85 Mb
patrick_peters (2008-01-10)
hello,dont understand this language... what language is this?? do you have this in english too?? how does this work???
Malamut (2008-02-10)
It's a Russian language)) Translit, because thepiratebay don't support cyrillic symbols)))Spasibo avtory!!!! (Thanks!!!)
raspberry1331 (2008-03-05)
Thanks, it's working great!jstanley (2008-03-16)
Can this program be run in English and can it be registered and activated with no problems.Do you know if you need specail drivers.Thanks for any information you can offer!!
Na3aR (2008-04-13)
spasiboOldarney (2008-04-30)
merci! gracias! thank you! gotto love the internet.Oldarney (2008-04-30)
i downloaded this over 5 times trying to get it (they where all virused or no crack). i would have bought it if it wasnt 400$. thank you very(to the power of 3) much!stepushyn (2008-05-17)
bol'shoe spasibo avtory! proga rabotaet otlichnoEtherian (2008-05-17)
The readme is in an another language(of course) but it's easy enough to figure out. Works well, and I haven't seen anything about a registering, though I haven't had it for long enough to be sure.Teonenakata (2008-05-28)
ne rabotaet s Vista SP1, vidimo eto otnositsja k versii, esche ne proverjal 724... a eta v konze ustanovki govorit o nepredvidennoy uoshibke installera. esli ona byla ustanovlena do ustanovki sp1, to posle ustanovki ona opjat je ne zapustitsja.
karin1978 (2008-06-21)
Hi there,I desperately need help from anyone who could do me a bigggg..gggg favor.
I have downloaded an "ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Pros" from quite a few people here in TPB, they are working great.
However, since I deadly need to have the Thai language supported, which all of the downloads from here couldn't avail my need.
I do a further research on the ABBYY website itself, and found that i need to use the updated version to get Thai language supported.
(Reference :
I then started to download the installation file from ABBYY website, its size is 243 MB.
(Reference downloaded site :
BUT after downloading and installing the software, I got a BIG problem about product activation. I try to play around with merging some files from the TPB version with
the downloaded Thai support version, never success.
Anyone could help me out of this please? Would be truly appreciated for your help and mercy.
If anyone would be able to help me, please write me kms2547(at)h0tmail(dot)com.
Best regards,
Arrrrrrrrrr (2008-06-27)
This one seems perfect. You don't need the readme, the installer is in English (perhaps other languages as well depending on your settings) and it works. Skipped the registration and was able to start OCR'ing and the results are very good.And, scanned with AVG pro. and installed with it active and there were no trojans or other surprises found, unlike at least one of the other available torrents for this package.
Zoned87 (2008-09-09)
Would someone please, PLEASE upload the newer version of this program that supports Japanese/Chinese and Hebrew.I have tried absolutely everything to get it to work, serial hunting, cracks for older versions and even editing its registration files... the program quickly locks itself up and blocks me.... it costs $400 and I can't afford that... ; ;
Axel_Lurcher (2008-11-07)
Spasibo relizeru!gwh0211 (2008-12-09)
a vse-tki,4ego on rugaetsya na osr djvu-pishet, shto tam troyanrtfgvb (2009-06-09)
ytgjyznyjkunaljones (2009-07-20)
damn fucking languagedarkpoet1978 (2009-08-13)
Damn languages. Communicating sucks.darkpoet1978 (2009-08-13)
AVG complained about a Generic Trojan Horse in all the main setup EXEs (but not the Keygen lol).But it runs without a problem. Actually, this OCR software is so useful. This is the type of program that actually seems made for widescreen monitors...
quebec001 (2009-09-07)
translate info pls whit dll files,ex:
so no virus its ok
happykot (2009-10-16)
Spasibo afftoru! Learn albanian!ggnosiss (2010-01-08)
Spacibo!!! Nakonets ne razvodilovo.Merci! Enfin le truc qui marche reellement. Je traduis pour les francophones. Au premier démarrage du programme on vous propose de l'enregistrer. Choisissez l'enregistrement par fax et indiquez n'importe quoi. Pressez chaque fois "Continuer". C'est tout.
Dépaquetez le fichier OCR DJVU.exe. Maintenant voire programme peut lire les format DjVu.
Osorcon (2011-02-26)
spasibo 4uvak!Files:
1. ABBYY FineReader 9.0/FR90PE_ESD.exe 126.24 Mb
2. ABBYY FineReader 9.0/OCR DJVU.exe 619.46 Kb
3. ABBYY FineReader 9.0/readme.txt 654 bytes