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The Karate Kid DVDRiP R6 XViD-KiNGDOM (Kingdom-Release)




Video Movies


The Karate Kid DVDRiP R6 XViD-KiNGDOM (Kingdom-Release)




2010-07-01 (by hiest)



************************************************************************************ Torrent Title : The Karate Kid DVDRiP R6 XViD-KiNGDOM (Kingdom-Release) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Release Length (2h 01m 47s) Storyline Work causes a single mother to move to China with her young son; in his new home, the boy embraces kung fu, taught to him by a master ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cast Jaden Smith ... Dre Parker Jackie Chan ... Mr. Han Taraji P. Henson ... Sherry Parker Rongguang Yu ... Master Li Zhensu Wu ... Meiying's Dad Zhiheng Wang ... Meiying's Mom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Movie Info Genre Action | Drama | Family | Sport Language English Total Size 1.18 GB Source The Karate Kid 2010 DVDRip XviD - ASIANATIC Thanks ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video Specs Container: AVI(.AVI) Video Codec Type: XVID Video Codec name: XviD ISO MPEG-4 Avg. Bitrate: 901 Kbps Encoding: 2 Pass Resolution: 640 x 296 Quality Factor (QF): 0.299 Frame Rate: 29.970 fp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Audio Specs Audio Codec: mp3 Bitrate: 192 Kbps Sample Rate: 48.0 KHz Channel Count: 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMDB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Glad to see ya back around KB. Cant wait for ya to get back in action. :D Continuing the legacy of great quality, KiNGDOM releases... ;) Seen this on another site, it was and still is a bit blocky. I tried to fix that as much as possible raised the gamma and a few other minor things. This does have asian subs hard coded like the cop out release.This is not DVD Quality, but is better than what is out and the audio is nice. take it or leave it. ;) I am looking for some new sources cams,direct audio,dvd or vhs screeners or any thing else you can provide Contact us @ [email protected] /* */ Greets: KingBen, tiato - All of Kingdom & UKB, STG, IMAGiNE, The GRiM, KK, paulx1, Secret Myth, Ho's, and all else I Respect, you know who yall are ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screenshots =====================================================================================

Files count:



980.88 Mb




jra6969 (2010-07-01)

wow whats the A/V?

kiledunn (2010-07-01)

wow thanks but will wait till the hardcodded chinese subs are removed

jra6969 (2010-07-01)

wow ty so much

 hiest (2010-07-01)

hey u shut the hell, if i have not uploaded this torrent then some other dickhead would upload...

snilloc (2010-07-01)

Being dumb here. What does R6 mean??

vgc71 (2010-07-01)

video - 7
Sound - 9
its very watchable way better than a cam . its good if you cant wait for the propa dvd rip

snilloc (2010-07-01)

@ eXXXpect. Thank you

hawkinau (2010-07-01)

ok so now u have had you bitch fight how about using the comment section for what it is intended,
Constructive info re the torrent I.E Quality V/A ?????

hawkinau (2010-07-01)

thanks vgc71 now I wil D/L it and seed and thanks to the uploader

 neon (2010-07-01)

nice share hiest :)

 hiest (2010-07-01)

Another Release of The KK with no subs

hawkinau (2010-07-01)

just looked at the sample V7 A8 video is excellent on a small screen and a bit blury on big screen but watchable, dont try it on an O/H projector screen lol
thanks uploader

dwightwhite (2010-07-01)

it seems to be missing some of the movie

Eagles2176 (2010-07-01)

will smiths sons balls look nice on the front cover=)

infotechwarrior (2010-07-01)

it's downloading at 5kbps what's going on lol

Sephirtohsclon (2010-07-01)

thx hiest

mcjiralo (2010-07-02)


BlackandBad (2010-07-02)

THanks for the upload
There is a small part missing at about 16:00 minutes about 10 seconds

libertaswv (2010-07-02)

Holy shit, SoftWarez....You might be on to something! Lemme get this straight..... You're saying that someone got a file from one site, then made it available here, right?
I don't think any of us ever considered that the material on tpb might have originated somewhere else....Could it really be? Is it even possible?
I'm shocked... Shocked i say!
I just hope you're on the case bro. With any luck, you're going through everything available through tpb and helpfully labeling each uploader as pussy/nonpussy, based on the file's provenance.
Hopefully people won't get the idea that maximizing distribution points benefits everyone....'cause that would be wrong.
What a valuable service you've provided, SoftWarez....What an astute observation.
What a freakin genius.

groundbreaker59 (2010-07-02)

Well said libertaswv, ROFLMAO

mannens34 (2010-07-02)

awsome movie 10/10 THANKS!

Mrx35 (2010-07-02)

Thanks for the upload hiest

superbanned (2010-07-02)

WAIT? stealing "TORRENTS"? lol..wahahah. im choking on irony! The same as gangster rappers telling people not to steal music....

rhys_dvduk2001 (2010-07-02)

thjis version is a good one but missing some parts as this one is just over 2 hours but the other copy i downloaded was just less then 2h15mins aparently cut for china but that sounds like shit to me as you can get loads of uncut films from there

ndame121 (2010-07-02)

wow it shows 10000 seeders but i get 15 and download at 100 kb/s what the fuck average download speed for my torrentz is 1.o mb/s

ndame121 (2010-07-02)

wow still downloading at 100 kb/s uploading at 120kb/s thats just great

infotechwarrior (2010-07-02)

why are the dowload speeds sooooo friggin slow maaaaan??

pooloop (2010-07-02)

i clicked ndame121,what torrents?thanks is nice or a/v for others...

infotechwarrior (2010-07-02)

@ pooloop i think ndame121 is trying to say everytime he downlaods a torrent the speed is at 1.0mb/s. Consider yourself lucky your getting 100kbps ndame i'me getting 30kbps damn it. My uploading speed is twice as fast lol. Seed you fuckers SEED!

ndame121 (2010-07-02)

yo guys really slow download speed plz seed!

ndame121 (2010-07-02)

im not sure but i think its a miracle as soon as i wrote that comment my download speed when from 100 kb/s to 550kb/s whooot thanks seeders

novamdm (2010-07-02)

Shut up about the fucking speeds you are getting. There are over 20,000 people seeding or leeching, your whines here have no effect. Most people just click it and let it download, and whatever their client decides to upload and at what speed is not under their direct control.

PyroThing (2010-07-02)

Has multiple pieces missing "spoiler material"... scences with jackie chan and the chinese school children. Its like this version is made to make everyone think chinese are all nice..... lol

xtenuatar (2010-07-02)

@ knewgen2008
lolol. u make me rofl

elax666 (2010-07-02)

Thanks 4 sharing!

sirus_the_virus (2010-07-02)

Thanks for the upload. much better than a cam. still a bit blurry through the 1st half of the film. only downside is that the subs are in chinese or something so you cant understand what anyone is saying when its not in english? definitly worth a watch if you cant wait though. thanks again to the uploader

Br1xXx (2010-07-02)

Quality SUCKS and it features japanese or chinese subtitles.. not worth downloading

tixan (2010-07-02)

Will watch it because of Jackie Chan :D
The kid will probably suck big time and that picture is just so nasty! Is that his dick? Isn't this a family/kid movie? Lol

Oudmayer (2010-07-02)

tixan : ROFL ! :D I agree!

Jayzen_Freeze (2010-07-02)

Kid cant act worth shit..How did he get the part?

RawThang (2010-07-02)

@Jayzen_Freeze: cuz he's black duh. same reason all the disney movie voices are black actors. they're taking over the world!

strangr2 (2010-07-02)

@Jayzen Freeze - DUH! his dad is Will FREAKIN Smith....
oh - um - you were being facisious...
good one...

oXXoBio (2010-07-02)

hi, hiest.. can you tell me how to hide real IP address while uploading torrents?
I tried TOR but its slow. Can I rely on HSS anchorfree? Could you please suggest any other reliable and free way to hide our ip while uploading torrents?

gatansatan (2010-07-02)

This really sucks, dont download this crap

will_ecc (2010-07-02)

Good version before DVDrip except for lack of English subs.
But, *spoiler*
.yaw taht selur eht kaerb ot tneduts eht detcurtsni retsam eht taht wonk t'ndluow reweiv eht ,seltitbus hsilgnE tuohtiW .devomer si enecs siht tub - gel eht ni semit elpitlum mih gnittih yb selur eht gnikaerb yb os seod eH .gel s'retcarahc niam eht erujni ylsuoires ot mih stcurtsni retsam s'tnenoppo s'retcarahc niam eht erehw enecs latovip a si ereht ,dne eht raeN .devomer era strap emos ,detide ylthgils si noisrev sihT

henry76 (2010-07-02)

Thanks :)

Feel1ng (2010-07-03)

Why is there chinese sub?!

away1 (2010-07-03)

A = 7
V = 5
Very poor quality for a DVDRiP. Better than CAM but still ......

pimpncritic (2010-07-03)

Hiest, any word on the last airbender?

dsgjsd2 (2010-07-03)

Zhe the Will Schmidt kinder?

dsgjsd2 (2010-07-03)

Und neimas wax auf und wax soforten? Und mister Miagi?

Suchalamename (2010-07-03)

Trailer Was better than This Shit Seriously

fiberglassman (2010-07-03)

really good quality sound and picture are perfect they have chinese subtitles at the bottom of the screen throughout the movie but it is small writing and u dont notice after a couple mins.

hulkslim (2010-07-03)

The sound sucks!! Streamed it to my TV and the static was terrible!!

terbo559 (2010-07-03)


7thSense (2010-07-03)

what's with that kiddie porn pic?

hannahrob (2010-07-03)

wont even bother to download. Some films just leave alone huh

tinapurnama (2010-07-03)

bad sound... not sync after 30mins... not worth downloading.

Dr_B2 (2010-07-03)

average quality .. but horrible movie

Dr_B2 (2010-07-03)

thanksalotppl (2010-07-04)

The Karate Dick.....I mean kid.. karate kid

koho (2010-07-04)

Thanks hiest! This is a Chinese region dvdrip, better video than any cam. There are no English subbs for the Chinese dialog. I just ran a cam in the background.. Someone should probably just make a sub file.

neolectric (2010-07-04)

A: 8
V: 7
M: 6
--Slightly lower than VHS quality video, Good audio but clips out at loud bassy times. Overall quite watchable.
Only drawback is that it's got asian subtitles, so when people are speaking chinese, you don't know what they are saying.

Mr.Brow (2010-07-04)


terbo559 (2010-07-04)

of course the movie sux if a small african american boy takes over as the karate kid and kicks everyones ass.

terbo559 (2010-07-04)

too fake how a small african american boy kicks asians ass

MrSmartyPants (2010-07-04)

Will Smith's kid... What an obnoxious little p r i c k. Saw him on David Letterman. What an ars. Must be really full of himself now. The movie's a dawg also. Nothing like the excellent original one. Long live Pat Morita...

23patD (2010-07-04)

Does anyone knows where I can get the torrent of the following movies? :
- That night (2005) with Emily Deschanel;
- You are here (2006) with Amber Heard.

ZoolooCH (2010-07-05)

Audio: 6
Video: 6
And you need English subtitles it you don't speak Mandarin.

marcio82 (2010-07-05)

the quality is good,since the movie has just debuted, but the subtitles in chinese are very boring.
a qualidade é boa pra um filme que estreou a pouco tempo no cinema, mas as legendas em chinês que atrapalham

masterofmasters (2010-07-05)

i downloaded watched it good quality trust me v8 a9

K.Ruck (2010-07-05)

M 0
A/V,,,,,don't bother.

tREX.ashu (2010-07-05)

a 6
v 0
full of pixels man !
cant watch !

tREX.ashu (2010-07-05)

yeah and the chinese subs
also audio bad !
trust me !
not watchable !

eyejosh (2010-07-05)

A: 5
V: 6
it skips at the beginning

chrisisawesome1213 (2010-07-05)

Wow, 4 Minutes

 hiest (2010-07-05)

Check this out fellow pirates!!!

Asagrim (2010-07-06)

Quite watchable, very decent quality, it won't get blurred in the fast scenes, so you can still enjoy the fights.
For the movie itself: 9+ out of 10. The best movie in its genre i have seen in years!
Don't let the previous comments' prejudice influence you!
Haters will hate!

ml01172 (2010-07-06)

It's really like in the sample, meaning blurry and dark. Might suffice someone else, though... I'm not that inpatient.

hello40204 (2010-07-06)

movie time is 140 mn . what happened to the remaining time . this movie got cut short .
has anybody made any more comments on others uploads . i am surprised

pritpal87 (2010-07-06)

I really need this movie thanks for this. shared with GHYAN

libertaswv (2010-07-06)

will the 'found a better copy' troll please shut the fuck up? Logging in with different accounts does not make us think you're a crowd.
Stop it. Shut up.

stiegler (2010-07-06)

geeze idiots are you guys high?
this is NOT DVD-rip and it is the worst quality i have seen in a long time.

ehima77 (2010-07-06)

taht good and nice thanks

raydha (2010-07-06)

this is not dvdrip quality..
very bad quality

Elite_117 (2010-07-06)

Nice copy...
To bad its chinese subs -.-

tschuring (2010-07-06)

The only way this is a DVD Rip is if it was a DVD of a cam. Advertise it for what it really is. It is a cam with Chinese subtitles.

dolphane (2010-07-06)

I got so tired of hearing the inane banter of idiots that were complete anyone that has not downloaded here you go:
A: 8
V: 8 (in comparison 10 = dvd)
very watchable. However, everyone is wondering why there are minutes missing in all the releases. this is the answer:
This is the Chinese version of the movie, and China is not a democracy. They took out everything that they though made China look bad, or even less powerful than the almighty usa. as ridiculous as it sounds...that means alot of the fight scene parts where Dre (Jaden Smith) gets great hits in, or even makes jokes with Jackie. Some of the best parts are taken out, imho, and my kids made me take them to see this three times in the theatre so i should know lol. Great movie though. Also, props to hiest for uploading.

natho30 (2010-07-06)

thx dwnload --1.7-2.0 mbs

Dorin07 (2010-07-07)

I saw this movie 3 times and still want to see him.Thanks

FreedomsCage (2010-07-07)

OK Quality

pogsnet (2010-07-08)

Good but not so good.
I rate 5 o 6 hard to decide. maybe 5/10 on this good action on the tournament but only on the tournament the rest are junk.
Kickboxer from VanDamme is much better, much much better than this.

Steve_2_the_0 (2010-07-08)

Great job. A - 8 V - 8 M - 8... I liked it. Ignore the opinions and watch it for yourself. You might be surprised. :D

Derderderr0o (2010-07-09)

Some of the other torrents have a problem with:

Icewolf007 (2010-07-09)

Pretty good movie but it seems like i have seen it before somwhere but with ralph machiornA8rnV8rnKeep up the good workrnneeds english subtitles not chinese

anonrain (2010-07-09)

God, I have no idea what they\'re saying when they speak Chinese since there are no subtitles...

Sharak23 (2010-07-11)

Very watchable. For a cam, V7 A8. If youre going to scrutinize it, you could say that the video could be less fuzzy... but its not too fuzzy at all its just not DVD quality... but then again, its a cam. Kind of like watching a VHS. Thanks!

Esmad3 (2010-07-16)

This has nothing to do with the original. It\'s not even karate. Ofc it isn\'t, I mean the original Miyagi was japanese, this takes place in china, and Jackie Chans art is Kung Fu. Besides, these are little kids. The original kid was 16, an age where u can actually and believably hurt someone without having your dad around to help. Never in ten trillion years would this little pipsqueak be in a movie like this if it wasn\'t for his daddy.

Tamarind777 (2010-07-18)

I am sorry, but it's hard to watch Will Smith's kid, he's is just such a horrible actor. Even in the very opening of the movie he is so unconvincing. It just looks like he is "trying" in every scene he does. I know he is a kid, but give him time to study and train before you invest so much in him as an "actor." Furthermore, his dad is not a good character actor either, but is good personality comedian since he is just naturally funny. Acting funny and "being" funny are two different things. When is funny he is being himself, but I don't think he can act out such a role without injecting himself into it.
Sorry for the yammering, but it's just my two cents. Take it easy on me, I am still a huge Will Smith fan. But his kid? Hmmm...I don't think so.

mk16 (2010-07-20)

great quality copy pitty about the subs but other than that great copy thanks for the upload

T.NL.P.K (2010-07-22)

hard burn subs my ass lol
removed them whit
all to AVI haha
great quality
greetz The.NL.Pirate.King
o o o before i forget
A8.7 V8.9
keep up the GOOD WORK

T.NL.P.K (2010-07-22)

hard coded subs
dont let me laf hahahahaha
i just removed them whit
all to avi they are gone
great torrent keep up the good work
greetz The.NL.Pirate.King

malirustam (2010-07-25)

Stop bashing China you moron, they are keep the USA solvent. And the USA is the biggest terrorist state in the world and has dozens of terrorist state puppets, like Israel, Egypt and Columbia.
Stop terrorism : BOYCOTT Israel and USA

AdamSin (2010-07-29)

It goes both ways douche bag. Yeah america is the terrorists. We still stone people, cut their heads off, and all that dark ages shit.Honestly.... your english grammar means you arent from here obviously. Everybody hates us for some strange reason. WW2 who won it for all of europe......? world war one.... who won it for all of europe......? vietnam? we didnt win but who bailed out france? afganistan? russa failed, who is winning? Spain got bombed who is fighting for that reason with their people dying while spain sits around and crys? Fuck you idiot. tough people tgalk online nobody will ever bring us down

whatever89 (2010-07-29)

Boycott America? Can you recommend any good Bollywood movies?

flextm71 (2010-07-30)

I'm sending a nuke to all you USA bashing fuck bags! Suck my American made cock!

filthier (2010-07-30)

malirustam at 2010-07-24 20:52 CET:
Stop bashing China you moron, they are keep the USA solvent. And the USA is the biggest terrorist state in the world and has dozens of terrorist state puppets, like Israel, Egypt and Columbia.
Stop terrorism : BOYCOTT Israel and USA
For your info dumb ass malirustam, it is Colombia not Columbia you got 2 ur geography and Colombians aint no terrorist dumb f@%*k!!!
you got a lot of readin so whe you stop wanking cach up with history or politics.

mxdogboy (2010-07-31)

pretty bad quality to be calling a DVDRip. I'd give 6/10 for vid.

dsgjsd2 (2010-08-02)

And what ground breaking anti china knowledge will the Will Schmidt kinder expose? But getting caught censur even kinder eggs... Not even tricky dicky would fall that low.

Madmovies (2010-08-03)

This is just a poor quality CAM. Dont waste your time.
Here a good DVD Rip

dustinob43302 (2010-08-04)

Stop with all the yelling people, this is a torrent site not a hate site. Can't we put our ethnicity and place of birth aside and stop fighting that way we can focus on the torrents and not people's hateful words?

wakotheklown (2010-08-04)

Great upload, just wish you would specify that it had Chinese transduction at the bottom. Thanks though

norm8 (2010-08-06)

Hey AdamSin,
"WW2 who won it for all of europe......? world war one.... who won it for all of europe......?"
I can recommend a host of very informative history books so you can brush up on your obvious lack of knowledge on the subjects of "USA saves the world and USA saves the world again" Christ, is it any wonder you people are disliked.

6larry9aids (2010-08-07)

stfu already i want comments on the movie not some retards arguing about whos the terrorist. Aint nothing cool about winning wars that kills millions of people. the same goes for terrorists! so any comments on the movie?

audi_gal (2010-08-09)

movie has chinese subtitles FYI..thanks for the download

Hestudengarage (2010-08-16)

Full support to the US from Denmark!!!!!
Love you guys and love your work :D i say lets nuke all the arab countries, thats the only way to make peace in this world... hate all there hate to the west. If you hate the US and Europe so mutch, then fuck home to your little dirt cave... and dont send ppl to our universitys and dont take our work... If you come here, and live by our rules, you are welcome... but if not... fuck off... if we wanna draw pictures, we do it... if you dont like it, dont read our papirs. We dont like you bombing us, or burning our flags... i dont understand why the fuck we help you guys... ohhh yes... because not all of you are fuckfaces... But i say lets get all the west haters in one place and bumb the crap out off them... and then build a world with love and take care of all the good guys... i dont care if they are muslims, christians or hindus. if they are extremists lets kill them. and lets help the rest. And when we are bombing, lets kille all prisonors too... OMG that will be a nice world to live in... And if enybody do a crime, that cant be paid with a fine, they are gonna get executed... Build a world with love, Support our troops, build up a world together without religion.
Love from Denmark!
and by the way... i not racist, im actually from India my self. and love all the good ppl from arabia and all other countries... But hate the bad guys. and most of all... Hate all that hates the USA.

JUSTdefy (2010-08-19)

i think this american/england thing is outta hand. both countries are great.

englishPride (2010-08-24)

adamsin dont think that usa won the war for us my grandfather and his fellow englishmen were fighting the war for 4 years b4 you americans joined. all america done was help speed things we still would of won on our own. and as for you american hating pr$$ks go f$$k yourselfs only us english can hate america we have a mutual understanding.

canadianbacon (2010-08-25)

actually russia won the war, you got your ass kicked by a tiny country like vietnam, afganistan and irak are just invasions not wars...ww2 wasnt fought in ur back yard but miles away...usa stands for u suck america...worlds biggest bullies that have never won a war of their own...not even against canada...fucking americans...all of you.

aXis3 (2010-08-26)

This one is a little poor quality.
Here is an orginal BlueRay rip of Karate Kid by RiddlerA

Check the snapshots and sample. u r gonna love it..........

aXis3 (2010-08-26)

The BlueRay rip is just 594 mb only....
check this snapshots,u r gonna love it...
go to this link and download it, superb quality

baibhav24 (2010-09-05)

whatever89 - Im for India. What kind of bollywood movies you looking for?

anonymouswanker (2010-12-06)

MPAA WARNING: was hit on

hiest may be a suit