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PTC ProDesktop Pro Desktop 8.0 (Working Real).zip






PTC ProDesktop Pro Desktop 8.0 (Working Real).zip




2006-03-28 (by codic12)


PTC PRO/DESKTOP is a 3d modeling program used by product designers. this is the full version of 8.0. after downloading please seed. also dont be scared by the number of seeders. i am here.

Files count:



28.41 Mb




blargisme (2006-03-28)

"...also dont be scared by the number of
seeders. i am here."
Umm, no you're not...

codic12 (2006-03-29)

Sorry my i was messing with my firewall. im here now. kinda slow but small file size

JDurrant (2006-05-20)

Hi, but would someone please seed.
Urgent Download!

Jondot (2006-09-12)

Can someone start seeding please? I'm desperate :(

codic12 (2006-10-05)

sorry i was gone for so long, im back and seeding at about 40kbps max

toolplusplus (2006-10-17)

This is insane, there's a seeder but I'm getting 0.0kb/sec
I can seed all night at 40kb/sec if i just get it finished!
Also I'll rapidshare it in the morning and post it or something.

FAC3FULL (2007-01-22)

Can someone please seed im stuck on 22.5% and need this ASAP

FAC3FULL (2007-03-25)

please seed i've had to re-download and need this as quickly as possible

djdotti (2007-03-26)

Need urgent Seeders

kevinrulzs (2007-04-03)

I Can Seed this Program if it gets done.
i have adsl2 so i will be very fast
seed please

samski_kiter (2008-02-21)

works brill thanks

NeverWest (2008-06-21)

Whys everyone complaining? It taken 2 minutes to go to 20%. Its a great speed.

mzcoolio (2009-04-07)

Cant get this to work..
did what you said but when i click on the prod.exe it comes up with the start up screen then goes away..
help anyone?

Getsome1 (2009-05-24)

"did what you said but when i click on the prod.exe it comes up with the start up screen then goes away.."
i'm the same, the welcome screen just flashes up and then nothing else happens.

Topper42 (2009-06-05)

thanks, works perfectly

gricka31 (2009-06-11)

whats the security situation like on this? will i need to dl anything else to make it run?

Brianl96 (2009-06-16)

it doesn't work, i can only open it once, then it wouldn't work anymore

Brianl96 (2009-06-16)

you can try uploading the installer that is in the disc instead, it will help a lot more

pastrana_fan_199 (2009-12-13)

works great...Thanks!!!

isab21 (2009-12-20)

does prodesktop work on mac? if not, what are the alternatives. Thanks

mark2k869 (2010-02-09)

Thanks Fast Download WORKS PERFECTLY

f0rneus (2010-03-03)

it dosen't work i can't open it at all

theblackorang3 (2010-09-15)

taken 2 min to get too 40% the seeding is good

kovjan (2010-10-19)

codic12, thanks for the great upload, it works great!
I seeded back more than 100 times, but I'm not online all the time.
For those in Eastern Europe: if your decimal point is not set to _dot_, then you cannot apply standard ISO and other holes.

pinkesh80 (2010-10-27)

I might know the reason guys..
I had some problem (welcome screen comes then nothing)
Solution: After making shortcut on desktop... Right-click, the select "Run as Admin"......
Worked for me........

Jordan55555 (2010-12-15)

All im getting is the Start up screen when I follow the instructions on the read me. And solutions???

harryham1 (2011-02-28)

hey ya'll. just been pooking at the dates on these posts and its quite amazing.
uploaded 2006
first comment straight after
last comment 2010 December!

Mofasa2 (2011-04-17)

hey, can u use this to view pro e commericial files? ive tried but it keeps saying : command has been aborted. help :/


1. PTC ProDesktop Pro Desktop 8.0 (Working Real).zip 28.41 Mb