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Adobe Photoshop CS6 v13.0 Pre Release Incl Keymaker-CORE










2011-10-17 (by scene4all)


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 444444444 AAA SS:::::::::::::::S 4::::::::4 A:::A S:::::SSSSSS::::::S 4:::::::::4 A:::::A S:::::S SSSSSSS 4::::44::::4 A:::::::A S:::::S 4::::4 4::::4 A:::::::::A S:::::S 4::::4 4::::4 A:::::A:::::A S::::SSSS 4::::4 4::::4 A:::::A A:::::A SS::::::SSSSS 4::::444444::::444 A:::::A A:::::A SSS::::::::SS 4::::::::::::::::4 A:::::A A:::::A SSSSSS::::S4444444444:::::444 A:::::AAAAAAAAA:::::A S:::::S 4::::4 A:::::::::::::::::::::A S:::::S 4::::4 A:::::AAAAAAAAAAAAA:::::A SSSSSSS S:::::S 4::::4 A:::::A A:::::A S::::::SSSSSS:::::S 44::::::44 A:::::A A:::::A S:::::::::::::::SS 4::::::::4 A:::::A A:::::A SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 4444444444AAAAAAA AAAAAAA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adobe.Photoshop.CS6.v13.0.Pre.Release.Incl.Keymaker-CORE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t h e c r a c k e r s o f [rAD!s] p r e s e n t t h e 2 0 k - c o l l e c t i o n Adobe Photoshop CS6 v13.0 Pre Release *INCL.KEYMAKER* Cracked by....: tam Release-Name..: CR-QYM01.ZIP Supplied......: CORE Release-Date..: 2011/10/16 Packaged......: CORE Release-Type..: Util Protection....: Serial OS............: Windows Crack/SN......: Keymaker Language......: English Rating........: [You decide!] Disks.........: 42 ..: DESCRiPTiON :.. Adobe Photoshop CS6 software delivers breakthrough capabilities for superior image selections, image retouching, realistic painting, and 3D extrusions. Experience 64-bit support for fast performance as well as dozens of time-savers throughout your workflow. ..: iNSTALL/REGiSTER NOTES :.. A few notes about this pre-release. Serials will expire after ~1 year, like all of Adobe pre-releases. It also uses different server to verify activation so unless you have the server below blocked you'll want to use hosts file patch button again. In this release it will only patch for pre-release server, not regular one. Enjoy! Add the following line to your hosts file located in C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts: Thanks for choosing (C)hallenge (O)f (R)everse (E)ngineering! ..: CORE NEWS AND iNFOS :.. - not available - lAYOUt & hEADER bY. [rAD!s] nfO UPdATED ON [2011/01/01] (c) C.O.R.E. 2 0 1 1 CRC 0B92:B21A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  1. Adobe
  2. Photoshop
  3. CS6
  4. v13.0
  5. Pre
  6. Release
  7. Incl
  8. Keymaker
  9. CORE

Files count:



1963.27 Mb




SSDfan (2011-10-17)

When you say "Pre"-Release; do you mean that it is not entirely the full version?
Or is it the FULL version????

xxx2806 (2011-10-17)

It is full version of pre-release (Maybe beta) ;)
The serial is valid if u block '' with host file or through firewall or disconnect from internet while installing and using
We can expect final release after Apiral 2012

yashaka71107 (2011-10-18)

it's work perfectly wonderful and full activated, using windows 7 ultimate 32 bit, thank you so much scene4all :)

S-E-A-G-A-T-E-S (2011-10-18)


Ivantav (2011-10-19)

Tanks, scene4all.

saif25990 (2011-10-19)

how does the keygen work? i cant seem to find the serial code in all the progs and notes provided with the download hence i can only use the 30 day trial version. any help would be much appreciated :)

khanthep (2011-10-22)

Very good

harlita (2011-10-22)

Win7 Ultimate 64x - install works great. Don't forget to patch host file (manually or using the button on the keygen). Music is nice- I'm leaving it playing. Also for people who don't know better - antivirus will detect trojan in keygen. ignore that or disable prior to install. kthxbai.

JacanoForever (2011-10-23)

Thanks! :D

lif3isfr33 (2011-10-24)

FAKE FAKE FAKE. At least to some partially fake. Its been tampered and customized by some hacker. It still works as any Adobe product out there but, to say its official? Don't think so. Plus Adobe hasn't talked about CS6 yet. CS5.5 was the latest from Adobe. Waste of d/l I provided screen shots for those who are thinking about d/ling. Nothing wrong with dl/ its just not official so I'm not touching that.

sumitchahal (2011-10-31)

Has Photoshop CS6 already arrived? The official website ( ) doesn't say so.

drksoul (2011-11-01)

It says pre-release (beta) Learn to read people..
And You can find info about cs6 here:

EluSuvi (2011-11-24)

KeyKen- TrojWare :(

EluSuvi (2011-11-24)

KeyGen TrojWare

nigelnaturit (2011-11-24)

Works a dream on win7 ulitimate, though the adjusment layer icon colour look up has got "fake" on it, also when the picture refreshers the icons blink in sequence, like its stepping through the code (system is a quad core Q9400 clocked at 3.2 GHz with 8gb of ram), but apart from that it's great.
Just one ore thing the Keygen reports a virus as do so many I had problems d/l because of it so turned anitvirus off.
Many thanks scene4all

nigelnaturit (2011-11-24)

One more thing all the plugins I used in cs5 work too, including fractalius in the 32bit vers. well the ones i have but back on so far.

bitigo (2011-11-25)

These all will work only if you patch your hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts)
Patching is done by adding this to end of the file:

AcE2iNkd (2011-11-28)


doggrell3000 (2011-11-29)

thanks scene4all and core .... ps cs6 loads and works fine . my proplem is this .... i cannot patch my host file because each time i try to enter the host file patch and save it a message pops up and says that i am not authorized to write in the host file or alter the host file even though i am definitely the administer of this computer ..( old hp running windows 8 ) .... so i have to keep reentering a new serial number from the core keygen every time i use the ps cs6 .... my question is : how can i get the host file to accept the new adobe phrase ? anyone know ? thanks ....

tom982 (2011-11-30)

1. Hold the windows key and press R
2. In the run dialogue box, type:
and press enter
3. When command prompt opens, type this command, and then press enter:
arrtib -R -A -S -H %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Then do the same for this command:
echo "" >> %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Then this command:
ipconfig /flushdns
**The spaces are essential in all of these, make sure you put them in!**
And voila, your HOSTS file is patched :) enjoy!

tom982 (2011-11-30)

P.S. Thanks for the up! Works like a charm - Windows 7 Ultimate x86.
I can't stand the splash screen though, so I've modified it to show a custom one :)

Pimbax (2011-12-01)

Going to wait for Full-Release. Non the less, good torrent.

lokatorr (2011-12-11)

Sweet Torrent, Even Tho Its Fake, Its Look Amazing, even better that CS5

n.covers (2011-12-14)

This torrent is NOT fake.
Works great! Thanks...

imunionjack (2012-01-01)

Its all working kushdee on W7 Ultimate 64bit. Ive all the normal plugins active like Redfield/ALL the Topaz including Vivacity/Red Giant/Flaming Pear/Alien Skin (Not that I use all of them but needed to check as the members on my photoshop forum use them all)
Theres some really nice refinements to this but you wont notice them till you look for them so find a good write up say the Adobe Sneak Peaks
and you will see the Adobe workers showing some of them.
The only problem Ive come across so far is I lose the thumbnails to the Layer Styles sometimes but closing/opening sorts it.
Its a very good pre release and at first I told my members not to bother swapping from CS5 but after a good looksee Id recommend you upgrading to this.
If you have any Ps related problems please msg me.
Happy new year.
Love and Peace

imunionjack (2012-01-02)

Hust one thing tho peeps, Does someone want to tell me where the Image De Blurring tool is??

PandaKousva (2012-01-09)

I've tried patching the host file through actually going into the hosts file and by running the dialogue box and it won't allow me to do any of the two. In the dialogue box it says arrtib is not recofnised as an internal or external command and in the hosts file it says I am not authorized to make changes. Don't know what to do now, please help...

Fornication69 (2012-01-13)

@PandaKousva Go tot eh hosts file in File Explorer. Right click the file and click Properties.
Remove any ticks in the checkboxes Hidden or Read-Only
After that edit the hosts file as explained.

Fornication69 (2012-01-13)

@PandaKousva Go to the hosts file in File Explorer. Right click the file and click Properties.
Remove any ticks in the checkboxes Hidden or Read-Only
After that edit the hosts file as explained.

Fornication69 (2012-01-13)

Nothing fake about this Captain Clever. Has all the new features.
It is however a pre-release as it states in the title.

Zachu24 (2012-01-19)

This torrent is FAKE
Virus scanned this and a virus came up called
Good thing I never installed this shit torrent.
Don't believe me?
Virus Scan it Yourself with Any Virus program.
Do it with MalwareBytes -.-

JeanRenoirJR (2012-01-22)

Scene4all have the right to plead not guilty until the end of this century. Great to bring creative complements to all. Thank you. /JR

sadjuk (2012-02-05)

The release is legit. Keygen may be flagged by paranoid AVs, best ignore the warnings. Generated keys do work and there was no imperative need to patch the hosts file. Back on track, PS CS5 lacks some functions this build has, therefore it's not a 'hacked' version. Tread nicely..

keithyhuntington (2012-02-08)

can't seem to get this to work right. it installs, and works as a 30 day, but as soon as i enter a key, it says not valid. i disconnect from the internet, and it says i must be connected to validate. re-connect, the key is not valid. what gives?

imunionjack (2012-02-14)

Been using this now since October and not had any problems with it at all. Ive told all the members on my Photoshop site that 'IF' they were to look on this link I noticed there was a clean copy of it :) :) The only thing Im really pissed off about is all the spin and spiel Adobe leaked out about the DeBlur plugin and Ive come to the conclusion its 1 of 2 things. ! Adobe will add it to the proper full release when it comes out or 2 Adobe will sell the DeBlur plugin as an extra so they can become even wealthier or 3 It wont be installed until a later version so they can make even more dosh! Whichever option I like CS6

ksevrakwtos (2012-02-25)

To edit the "hosts" file in win vista/7 you either do what "tom982" wrote, or if it's too difficult you reboot the laptop and press f8 while starting so that it enters "safe mode". After you edit, you reboot again

zookafg3 (2012-03-06)

Thank you for the upload, it works great!!!
I have a question, has anyone found out how to make filter - render - clouds to work? It only shows bunch of dots.

yamahar62000 (2012-03-12)

I cant wait for the full one...

hashuboy (2012-03-17)

thnx for this works like a charm no problems at all!!!!!
Full would probably be out around May/June this year i think.

hashuboy (2012-03-17)

and my system is amd dual core with windows 7 32bit ultimate and all works well!!

zookafg3 (2012-03-18)

@hushboy - I have a 64 bit system and clouds don't work, if you don't know, installing 64 also installs 32, and 32 has working clouds and no 3D, 64bit has 3D, it works great as well as the filters and plugins that I checked except filter-render-clouds or different clouds.
I know this is not a Q&A forum, but just in case anyone has any info, please email [email protected].
Thank you!

passionettez (2012-03-22)

Awesome!! Gonna wait for full, but thank you!!!

yvil666 (2012-03-23)

I have Windows8 Beta installed, but I don't think that that is the problem..hosts file is patched but I keep getting this mssg "The serial number you entered is invalid. Please try again. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support."
Can someone help?

yvil666 (2012-03-23)

Oh and its definitely connecting with the internet to confirm that number, so I don't know how blocking the hosts is supposed to prevent it from verifying the serial...

yvil666 (2012-03-23)

Oh so I see that that address is a loopback address...honestly, not sure I understand how that is supposed to work, but its not working for me.

prestige1 (2012-03-24)

it doesn't work for me :( when I click the set-up button it tell me a file is missing

iZanHF (2012-03-25)

Not a fake torrent. Cannot wait for the actual release!

anu24592 (2012-03-26)

juts tell me one thing, how the fuck he(scene4all) upload it before its official release date, which is just few days ago! ?????????????

Hashtag9 (2012-03-28)

You can download it from Adobe's official site, but Scene4All uploaded it with a keygen.

vgtor2 (2012-04-02)

KuMbh5 (2012-04-03)

can you pls post some keys here.. thanx in advance :)

rapiss (2012-04-12)

Hey this is good site with Adobe Photoshop Serial Numbers for all versions, here's the link:
I hope this helps... Try it... its worked for me

tannykhs (2012-04-13)

Why the serial have been invalid?

tannykhs (2012-04-14)

Why all the serial have been invalid?

frankvalle69 (2012-04-17)


TheLunakl (2012-04-18)

@anu24592 Because I think scene4all works for Adobe!

frankvalle69 (2012-04-18)

*raiclead you have a lot more to learn on here

exchman (2012-04-21)

how do you make it work? any key given by keygen is invalid. Hosts file is patched, but I still get a message invalid key please contact...blah blah blah

dentist2112 (2012-04-22)

I do not understand how to get past the idea of having to be online for PS to check serial. Any help would be great

xSyn-- (2012-04-23)

Where's content aware move and all of the new features?
All i see is that the color has changed.
help! D:

b_bafna (2012-04-23)

i am not able to download it ,, there is no download option pls help

zenizm (2012-04-23)

What about the Mac version??

belnics (2012-04-26)

Anyone with the keygen please. I have downloaded the cs6 but need the kegen

Sponce (2012-05-11)

This is a prerelease. Your serial numbers are becoming inactive because all the prerelease licenses are all expired now. Uninstall and upgrade to the latest cracked version. I believe TheThingy has ya covered.

leftley (2012-09-17)

AhnLab-V3 Win32/MalPackedB.suspicious 20120916
AntiVir TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen 20120916
Antiy-AVL Trojan/Win32.Genome 20120911
Avast - 20120916
AVG Packed.Multi 20120916
BitDefender - 20120916
ByteHero Virus.Win32.Heur.c 20120910
CAT-QuickHeal HackTool.Keygen (Not a Virus) 20120915
ClamAV - 20120916
Commtouch W32/Fujack.U 20120915
Comodo TrojWare.Win32.Spy.KeyLogger.~P 20120916
DrWeb - 20120916
Emsisoft Riskware.patch.Adobe!IK 20120916
eSafe Win32.TRCrypt.XPACK 20120914
ESET-NOD32 a variant of Win32/Keygen.DO 20120916
F-Prot W32/Fujack.U 20120915
F-Secure - 20120916
Fortinet W32/SPNR.08JT11!tr 20120830
GData - 20120916
Ikarus not-a-virus.patch.Adobe 20120916
Jiangmin Trojan/Genome.buyf 20120916
K7AntiVirus Riskware 20120915
Kaspersky - 20120916
McAfee HTool-Keygen.a 20120916
Microsoft HackTool:Win32/Keygen 20120916
Norman Fujack.T 20120915
nProtect Trojan/W32.Agent.141247 20120916
Panda - 20120916
PCTools Trojan.Gen 20120916
Rising Trojan.Win32.Generic.12A69A8D 20120914
Sophos Mal/Generic-L 20120916
SUPERAntiSpyware Trojan.Agent/Gen-Keygen 20120911
Symantec Trojan.Gen 20120916
TheHacker Trojan/Genome.aduze 20120915
TotalDefense - 20120916
TrendMicro TROJ_SPNR.08JT11 20120916
TrendMicro-HouseCall TROJ_SPNR.08JT11 20120916
VBA32 Trojan.Genome.ynyd 20120914
VIPRE Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Agent.aeu (v) 20120916
ViRobot Trojan.Win32.PSWDelf.229690 20120915
VirusBuster Packed/RLPack 20120916

xromarix (2013-05-15)

Not work !


1. Adobe.Photoshop.CS6.v13.0.Pre.Release.Incl.Keymaker-CORE/CORE.NFO 11.92 Kb
2. Adobe.Photoshop.CS6.v13.0.Pre.Release.Incl.Keymaker-CORE/CORE10k.EXE 134.50 Kb
3. Adobe.Photoshop.CS6.v13.0.Pre.Release.Incl.Keymaker-CORE/Read Me.txt 3.97 Kb
4. Adobe.Photoshop.CS6.v13.0.Pre.Release.Incl.Keymaker-CORE/keygen.exe 137.94 Kb
5. Adobe.Photoshop.CS6.v13.0.Pre.Release.Incl.Keymaker-CORE/ 1962.99 Mb