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RealFlight G4.5 + Extras






RealFlight G4.5 + Extras




2009-08-05 (by Groo_The_Wanderer)


Included in this torrent are all 4 disks of RealFlight G4 plus the three official updates that turn it into RealFlight G4.5 5 addon packs and the Dongle Emulator that lets you use a joystick instead of the Interlink controller that the program ships with. Program Description: The most realistic R/C flight sim experience is back – with plenty of all-new features to send you soaring! For starters, G4.5 includes RealPhysics 3D – one of the most accurate, realistic flight models ever created! Each aircraft, from the smallest heli to the mightiest warbird, reacts to its environment as it would in real life. Crash into a tree, and leaves fall. Crash a balsa model and you'll even see wood dust appear after the impact! And now Real Rendering™ gives you even greater detail without increasing the workload on your computer. Want to fly with a friend? No problem! RealFlight G4.5 lets you fly with up to seven other pilots at once – whether they're as close as the next room or on the other side of the world! Two-pilot flight is also easier than ever. Just connect your own radio transmitter for multi-mode flight – no need to buy another controller! Other exciting new features let you add your own headset to chat with other pilots “live,” and offer the ability to block out unwanted users! And let's not forget the features RealFlight is famous for: exciting night flying, coaching from Virtual Flight Instructors, easy push-button resets, AccuModel™ aircraft editor with over 1,500 airfoil choices, over 5,000 square miles of 3D TruLife™ terrain and much, much more! Only one question remains: why fly the rest when you can fly the best? Minimum Recommended System: Some graphical features may be disabled. Aerodynamic calculations will still be high quality. * Windows®* XP or Vista™ * Intel® Pentium® 1.0GHz or equivalent * 512 MB RAM * 4 GB hard drive space * 3D accelerated video with: 32 MB dedicated video memory Full DirectX 9 compliant (Pixel Shader 1.4 support) * DVD Drive *Administrator Access Required Optimal System: For best graphical performance * Dual core 2.4GHz CPU * 2 GB RAM * 3D accelerated video with: 512 MB dedicated video memory, Pixel Shader 3.0 support Mount or burn and follow the instructions given in the Install Instructions.txt file. SPECIAL NOTE: This version uses the US layout for R/C Controllers so the throttle is on the left and the Ailerons are on the right (this is opposite to the European Layout) It Also works very well with an Xbox 360 Controller in windows English only

Files count:



3633.46 Mb




 gamerguuy (2009-08-05)


Stefflo73 (2009-08-06)

I got probleme when i try to install this under vista 64 bit.
It says this product don´t work with 64-bits vista product.
Some fix for this.

linkadrip (2009-08-06)

I'm running a 64 bit version of windows as well as Stefflo 73 is.
realflight will work in vista 64 bit versions of windows but you wont be able to upload any of the updates or addons just the sim G4. The updates must be applied in order to run the addons and are all based on a 32 bit operating system incomplatiable with 64 bit versions..
But you can goto the swap pages and download custom aircraft for G4. I havent tried this particualr torrent for upload on my machine i used an older torrent from 2008 on here and it uploaded fine you have to use a program like dameon tools and upload it with an image iso just liek putting the diskin the machine and it should work fine buy following the instruction txt..

Stefflo73 (2009-08-07)

Thanx Linkadrip.
A new problem now. I have start the realflight without the addons or extras and it works. I have only the Esky hobby controller for a free simulator and i not got the channel to work. I se on the pictures on controller (left side on screen) but is not do it i do.
way. Must i have a real controller maybe.

max11max (2009-08-10)

Calibrate the TX in windows then run the Dongle EMU and select AutoDetect. Waggle each stick and click finish for each one, you should be ok.
Click lock calibration.
Run the sim and select Controller drop down, select G2. Then calibrate the controller within the sim..
Hope that helps..

max11max (2009-08-11)

@ Groo_The_Wanderer
Thanks for posting this, great torrent.
A note about the stick config. It can be configured for mode 1 /2 /3 or 4 so no need to have fixed US stick layout..

geoff1967 (2009-08-15)

hello, I'm trying to download this program but it stops more than it comes in.
Can anyone try to speed this thing up a bit??

andersio (2009-08-19)


andersio (2009-08-19)

Seed pleas.

alexvc2003 (2009-08-20)

was wondering..... how do i install this? got it and i dont see an exe file

andersio (2009-08-26)

Hi, i dosent have a controller but i have a regular pc joystick. How can i fix so i can stear up down and roll with the joystick and trotthle and rudder with keyboard?

sharloch (2009-08-27)

i downloaded it..
now in the instructions it says to install the game...
but which setup to use... there are three folders "Addons" "Dongle Emu 3.3" "Updates" could please any one explain it..

sharloch (2009-08-27)

it says "DLL may be missing, corrupt, or wrong version file"

sharloch (2009-08-29)

so finally it worked all i can say realflight is crap & sucks compared to AFPD please dont waste your time downloading this software..............

max11max (2009-09-04)

I have AFPD and all I can say is Realflight is 100 times better than AFPD. The only good thing about AFPD is TrueScale, it does not have multiplayer and the simple / very basic user interface is poor.
Get Realflight G4.5, only one sim better and thats phoenix..

NoWiSee (2009-09-09)

Works great when i first got it installed.
When you install the game you have to install it using a windows user with username that only contains the characters A-Z. You can not install it on a user account with scandinavian letters like äëö.
Also, if you install it on a x64 operating system you will have to skip the installation of the two first updates since both of them are x86. But the last update from 4.0 to 4.5 works on x64, so you will get it updated and you can use the add-ons.

footdick (2009-09-11)

I'm using the Esky TX too and it's not fucking working. Calibrate it with the emu.exe or whatever, then in game, and it's totally backwards and nothing works.

Strappo (2009-10-08)

Works Great!! Thx!
Just one problem. The whole game just freezes when I tap CTRL+F or CTRL+G!
One more: How the h*ll do I get the collective-pitch helicopters' rotor to start spin!? It just pitches!!

Strappo (2009-10-08)

Installing this for dummies:
Get Daemontools.
Rightclick on the red icon down to the left in windows. and hold the mouse over the first alternative in the list : "Virtual CD/DVD ROM.
Then again hold the mouse over the first alternative. "Device (something)" And then click mount image.
Now navigate into My documents/downloads/Realflight or wherever your downloaded files are.
Then mount the ".mds" files! Not the others.
Mount them from the top to the last .mdf-file.
You'll notice that the installation-window comes up when you mounted the first one. Then just wait till your computer ask for the next disc. Just mount the next .mds and click OK. Repeat the same procedure with the 3rd and 4th .mds-files.

kanonkanjag (2009-11-21)

Thank you! This works with my Esky controller for FMS.
I downloaded this torrent, and followed the instructions.
Now i can fly all the planes, but only one heli (the "Watt Not" helicopter) Im mostly interrested in helis, so i was wondering if anyone knows what to do to fly the other helis aswell? The helicopters only stand there on the ground. I can se that the servos is moving when i move the sticks, but they wont take of.
Also i could not install the uppgrades because im running VISTA 64, and since the 5 addons is compatible only with the upgrades i cant use them eighter.
But hey thank you anyways becaus atleast i can fly one helicopter and i bet that someone out there knows how to fix this.

puttiplatt (2009-11-24)

To fly helis you must reverse or unreverse "channel 7 smoke" in realflight channel mapping. Not in the emu!

kanonkanjag (2009-11-27)

Thanx Puttiplatt
Ill try that. I noticed i can fly the helicopters if i edit them in electronic - throttle servo and edit to fixed to 100% or collective

UglyPilot (2009-12-04)

Request - RealFlight G5

stonerpanda420 (2010-01-15)

OK this is working great for me but there's only one problem... all the planes are ridiculously overpowered. I get unlimited vertical from all of the planes, even the trainers. WTF

KDJ1616 (2010-01-20)

sharloch how did you get the setup icon to work? I am having trouble. I just get the same error that you commented on before. Any others want to help.

rickim (2010-01-20)

Took some time to figure out how DAEMON works but now everything is down and the program works great. THANKS

kappa8564 (2010-01-25)

I dont see any emu.exe file in the dongle folder.
Not sure what to do, i cant find it anywhere else

kappa8564 (2010-01-25)

I dont see the emu.exe file in the dongle folder. Not sure what the problem is.

kappa8564 (2010-01-25)

Im not able to get full throttle in positive position and i and figure out why. Ive tried using the signal fix in the emulator but i doesn't seem to make a differrence. If anyone has a fix or the settings that will work for the E-flite blade cp controller please post. Thanks

TonJew113 (2010-02-04)

it wont let me launch the game without one.
how do i run without an interlink controller...?
OR any controller? is it possible just to use the keyboard??
if not where do i buy a controller?

superduper1 (2010-02-17)

I'm having a problem here, when i mount the first file the installer comes up and just stays at "0k of 152k" any helps please

Ox1de (2010-03-02)

thank you so much you're the man !

luskedyret (2010-03-03)

Thanx for the upload. Will Seed. Does anybody have phoenix rc 2.5 please uppload will seed after download :)

startazz (2010-05-07)

Can anyone help me out,downloaded ok but can't get any controllers working with it as it keeps coming up No authorized interlink found make sure your interlink elite is plugged in and try again?i know what it means but can't seem to get any of my tx's /controllers to work,any help would be appreciated people.

reitz21 (2010-06-11)

what the hell. the emu.exe is recognized by norton as a trojan!!! How do i get my fms esky controller to work with this in Vista?????

frog760 (2010-06-11)

Anyone have the dongel emulator WITHOUT THE VIRUS/TROGAN? I've searched and searched and it seems that all the versions have a trogan in them.

Panoso (2010-06-11)

Does this work on win 7 ?

frog760 (2010-06-14)

Yes, works in Win 7, but you have to find the emulator without the trogen horse or get an actual realflight latest gen controller.

hottafia (2010-06-29)

i registered just to comment. THIS WORKS!
dual boot macbook on xp . follow instructions provided . some menu items are greyed out. no heli training :(
thanks groo!

cheesehead721998 (2010-07-27)

I am new to this how do i download and install files

cheesehead721998 (2010-07-27)

I am new to this. How do you unstall files?

NoGuilt (2010-09-21)

Groo Dude!. You are my new bestus friend. This is one of the best D/L's. No BS! Easy install on Win7/64 bit. Bit of tweaking on the console needed and then works just sweet.

ITguy (2010-09-26)

Many thanks for this excellent torrent!!
Just to clear up a few things...
1. Runs on 64 bit Windows 7.
2. Helicopters DO work.
Use a program like IsoBuster to burn the 4 burn CD's then follow instructions included. However it is not necessary to run the first 2 updates just the RealFlight4_50_021.exe which along with the 5 add-ons is also available as a free download from the RealFlight website but is also included in this torrent.
Depending on your radio transmitter or joystick you may have to:
In the Dongle Emulator:
under 'Keyboard Mapping'
Check off 'Enable Hotkey > Joystick Emulation'
and enter:
Flaps: F1
Gear: F2
There is NO virus in the dongle emulator. Norton is in bed with the software industry and will detect most cracks/hacks as a virus.

Schizems (2011-02-09)

Ok so i can get my left/right on the right joystick of my 360 controller to work right.
It sticks on 300% during calibration.
feels like ive tried everything anyone help?

Razorking_69 (2011-02-23)

Awsome download Dude! U DA MAN...Installed on Win 7 X86,ran Emu,Everything works Great..
Thanks Again Groo:)

Rowells (2011-02-24)

sorry guys but I get, "Cannot find import; DLL may be missing, corrupt or wrong version file "NLVSCAN2.dll", error 126"
can anyone help me please

TheRustyAxe (2011-05-11)

@ Rowells Go here and DL it. It says for rf5 but the DLL is the same nomatter what. It worked for me :)

ColWilson73 (2011-09-22)

Dont know if anyone else having this problem.
I am using Alcohol 52 on a laptop running Vista 32bit to mount the images and then run the set up from the virtual drive. Files RFV4-1 and 4-2 load fine but then RFV4-3 hangs on loading (about 1/3rd way through)
I have tried turning off antivirus and disconnected from internet with no joy. Am trying a fresh download of this torrent as I think some code might have been missed during the first load. Any pointers or hints anyone?!!

ColWilson73 (2011-09-25)

Just downloaded the torrent again and this time all appears to be loading OK.........Will be trying the dongle emulator with a Hitec's hoping.........

ColWilson73 (2011-09-25)

Had this running with a Hitec Eclipse 7 handset and a USB trainer lead. I initially had issues with the calibration and the throttle being set to 50% indicated at minimum throttle stick position. However, I altered the signal fix for X2/Y2 which has set the values to the right "feel". if anyone else wants these values will post later.
Great download, just make sure aftermarket tx'ers are calibrated fully.

clivop (2011-12-26)

Man I feel super stupid. Cant get it to work, I have mounted all the images but keep on getting the message after clicking on the first message "unable to remove read-only attribute from copied file ........\installer\setup2.exe". HELP!! Pease.

teamscon (2012-01-27)

Downloaded and installed with no problems. Scanned with 2 anti-virus all passed np.
Using a "rc tech usb flight simulator" by dynam. Airplanes work great, and after some tweaking I am able to get everything working on heli's but the turn right/left stick ... Which sucks hardcore. Think im gunna sell the simulator I have online and buy the flight simulator 6. Unless you are flying airplanes, or have a RealFlight G4 controller ... Dont waste your time. I wanted to throw stuff into the wall after messing with this crap.

piwikiwi (2012-04-10)

Works perfectly, using ESky controller and Win7.

piwikiwi (2012-04-11)

BUT: Phoenix RC 3.0 posted by Tunt3Maton is MUCH better.
Really smooth, has a nice interface and a bunch of good models included. Works easily with a USB controller through the provided emulator.

hennieabc (2012-04-13)

I need help with this. I downloaded everything and then landed up with four SQL Server Database files and four .mds files. I suppose those are the four disks that Groo is talking about. How do I mount them??
There is also an "Updates" folder with install files. I run them and they seem to install Realflight but when I run it it complains about missing dll files.
Any ideas? Please if you can help I would really appreciate it. You can email me at [email protected].

harryward (2012-09-20)

hi i was wondering how can i update it from G4.5 to G5 and so on ?

harryward (2012-09-20)

other then that i am having so much fun with this and im allso hooking up m dx6i and it will be alot better haha

as4399 (2012-12-21)

Help Please
1st thanks for the torrent!
my problem is I have mounted and installed successfully all 4 "discs" but when I go to the launcherG4 or even the RealFlight applications I get an error message that says "KEError 21051: Unknond Product Code". This happens even if I try and run as admin. I do not know where to insert the codes that were provided.

as4399 (2012-12-21)

In response to my last post directly above. I got it to work. I launched from the start menu instead of the file directory.

as4399 (2012-12-21)

New problem,
Trying to install the updates, the first one (4_00_035) a window pops up stating Unsupported 16 bit application that can not start or run due to the 64 bit version of windows that I am running. (windows 7 home premium)
Thanks in advance.

Enzo03 (2013-08-24)

I, too, am having a problem with installing the updates because the installer is apparently a 16-bit application but my windows 7 version is 64-bit.

Enzo03 (2013-08-24)

Okay so I figured out I don't need to run the first two updates, just the third one. I then installed the addon packs and finally put the emu.exe in the install directory. I set up the controller in there and then clicked launch. A window for the simulator opened up, but before it does anything else, I get a popup that says "Could not find a Controller for the participant to use - please plug one in to re-try" with the buttons "Retry" and "Cancel". If I hit Retry, the popup simply disappears and reappears again until I hit Cancel, where the program will exit. Someone help me out?

Svc291 (2014-02-28)

burn the four image (mds) files .. RFV4_1.mds , RFV4_2.mds, RFV4_3.mds, RFV4_4.mds into four separate DVD using the free software imgburn
install the game, the later info is given in the file "install instructions"


1. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/Addons/ 43.52 Mb
2. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/Addons/ 40.43 Mb
3. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/Addons/ 24.25 Mb
4. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/Addons/ 11.31 Mb
5. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/Addons/ 10.74 Mb
6. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/Dongle Emu 3.3/Emu.exe 332.50 Kb
7. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/Updates/RealFlight4_50_021.exe 987.34 Mb
8. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/Updates/RealFlight4_00_051.exe 10.29 Mb
9. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/Updates/RealFlight4_00_035.exe 9.21 Mb
10. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/RFV4_2.mdf 734.29 Mb
11. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/RFV4_3.mdf 734.20 Mb
12. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/RFV4_1.mdf 726.26 Mb
13. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/RFV4_4.mdf 301.29 Mb
14. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/Install instructions.txt 8.68 Kb
15. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/RFV4_3.mds 486 bytes
16. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/RFV4_1.mds 486 bytes
17. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/RFV4_2.mds 486 bytes
18. RealFlight G4.5 + Extras Larkspeed/RFV4_4.mds 486 bytes