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Medal of honor: Airborne Demo!






Medal of honor: Airborne Demo!




2007-08-23 (by kaptenmange)


Medel of honor is back! Now we are following a airborne division through there battle in WW2 REQUIRED SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS: Î??ó OS: Windows XP (SP2), Windows Vista (32-bit; 64-bit versions of Windows Vista are not supported) Î??ó CPU (Single Core): Intel P4 2.8 GHz or AMD Athlon 2800+ for Windows XP / Intel P4 3.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 3800+ for Windows Vista Î??ó RAM: 1 GB for Windows XP / 1 GB for Windows Vista Î??ó Hard Drive: 1.5 GB or more of free space Î??ó Note: 64 bit versions of Windows are not supported Î??ó Video: DirectX 9.0c, NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT, ATI Radeon X1300 Pro, or better with Shader 3.0 support for Windows XP or Vista (Note: NVIDIA 6800XT, 6800LE, 7100GS, 7200GS, 7200LE, 7300GS, 7300GT cards not supported). NOTE: NVIDIA SLI and ATI Crossfire modes are not supported in Medal of Honor Airborne Demo. Î??ó Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card (Note: For Creative Sound Blaster Audigy cards running under Windows Vista you should expect lower performance)

Files count:



1303.83 Mb




sleeper_dk (2007-08-23)

how about seed :)

kaptenmange (2007-08-23)

I am seeding at 800 kb/s

 Knaster (2007-08-23)

Is there a German campaign in this one i aint gonna play another political correct ww2 game again

kaptenmange (2007-08-23)

No there is only one and its in Italy

RDCMrT (2007-08-23)

Why a demo ????

Zoidy11 (2007-08-23)

Does anybody have some http links on this one??

coldhaxxor (2007-08-23)

This i just the demo because the full game isn't
released yet..... thats why ;D The full game comes in november

 Knaster (2007-08-23)

kaptenmange i meant in the full game doofus ofcourse this is only one mission it's a demo doh!
I asked if there is a german "campaign" in this game! And it's probably not which means this is just another fuckin boring ww2 game

kaptenmange (2007-08-23) its every major and historical Airborne misson.(D-Day, Marketgarden i think the is like something in Afrika)

kaptenmange (2007-08-23)

And no i dont think there is a german campaign, becuse germany only did one drop and that was in Norway(no shooting involved)

kaptenmange (2007-08-23)

ANd its not u decide where u want to battel....check

psilocybe (2007-08-24)

no worries, im the only one with 100% atm, and ill leave it on at 1000kb sec upload

 Knaster (2007-08-24)

" kaptenmange - 2007-08-23 19:11 CET:
And no i dont think there is a german campaign, becuse germany only did one drop and that was in Norway(no shooting involved)"
Ehm i guess you didnt pay attention in you history class at school.
Germany had paratroopers in small scale in Poland, large scale in Netherlands, again smallscale in Norway (six companies taking Oslo) and yes there where shootings, large scale in Crete (Aegean campaign), some action in North Africa, there where even fallshirmjägers supporting germanys sixth army in southern russia.
Not to mention the rescue of Mussolini in Italy

Jiimpa_ (2007-08-24)

I would be very happy if everyone could seed this one! I'll seed when I'm done downloading!
and btw, Thanks for the upload!

Budge4 (2007-08-24)

Not too sure why it says windows 64 bit not supported either because just finished playing demo on win xp 64 bit and it ran without any problems at all (was'nt in xp compatible mode either)

Budge4 (2007-08-24)

Demo is very good, mission against Italian Blackshirts in Operation Husky. Release date is shown as 4th Sept in demo, know some shops in uk have it as a 7th Sept release. Another place to get demo is http// Was downloading at about 300k/sec when i got it earlier.

 Knaster (2007-08-24)

"Budge4 - 2007-08-24 00:01 CET:
Not too sure why it says windows 64 bit not supported either because just finished playing demo on win xp 64 bit and it ran without any problems at all (was'nt in xp compatible mode either)"
Maybe because its the Vista 64 bit thats not supported doh

Ace Busby (2007-08-24)

Why do you hate da jooz?

 Knaster (2007-08-24)


Budge4 (2007-08-24)

So why does it say halfway down readme you posted above -
Note: 64 bit versions of Windows are not supported
My mistake for thinking xp 64 bit was Windows, doh back

 Knaster (2007-08-24)

Budge4 look where i've put the arrows
"""" ????? OS: Windows XP (SP2), Windows Vista (32-bit; --------> 64-bit versions of
Windows Vista are not supported

 Knaster (2007-08-24)

And here
-------> 64 bit versions of Windows are not supported

kaptenmange (2007-08-24)

U can read it in here and on the readme filez u dl that it dosent suport 64

kaptenmange (2007-08-24)

And its becuse 64 is mostly for servers.....

Ace Busby (2007-08-25)

Sound it out.

kaptenmange (2007-08-25)

NP man....
And knaster...non of that in the fj movie u posted is true....its just some propaganda shit for the natzis.

 Knaster (2007-08-25)

No its no propaganda read your HISTORY FFS.....i fuckin hate idiots that cant use their heads

seedbitchimnotgonna (2007-08-25)

I have Vista 64 and i havent had a single problem so far. Im gonna test this none the less.

kaptenmange (2007-08-26)

U muste be a natzi to think thats history

kaptenmange (2007-08-27) not seeding eny more....i hade to reinstall my computer...

 Knaster (2007-08-27)

"kaptenmange - 2007-08-26 17:33 CET:
U muste be a natzi to think thats history"
Jeez what kind of ignorant idiot are you! You need to play less and study more.

tumba999 (2007-08-28)

kanon spel synd att det är ett demo

kaptenmange (2007-08-28)

Knaster eny one can say that is is propaganda for the natzi army. Right in the begining they say "The german army is on its way to Victory. Join the battel aginst all enemys of the empire. Join the airborn"

 Knaster (2007-08-28)

So? Is that so strange, the first one is a journal about the Fallshirmjägers! That doesnt mean it never happened. Everything filmed in action during ww2 was used as propaganda for its own people no matter if they were american, british, german etc. The point is its not propaganda anymore it's a historic document. And dont come say they are false cause i have a phd in history

MBenjo (2007-08-29)

LOLZORZ Historic discussion xD

 Knaster (2007-08-30)

kaptenmange and btw there were no "nazi army" it was the German wehrmacht although some Heer korps were Waffen SS (separate from wehrmacht with it's own officers ranks) subordinate to Heinrich Himmler sometimes operating separate and in conjunction with OKW or the operational General i command of the district in question.

 Knaster (2007-08-30)

Anepeace probably around 13 september

zwensk (2007-08-30)

Ska detta vara Unreal 3 så suger grafiken fett annars e demot ok men Bioshock me samma grafik motor ser lite bättre ut
Men måste säga att ja e väldigt missnöjd me grafiken
Trodde att UnREMo skulle vara snyggare Detta spel måste funka på max me ett GF 7800 kort

zwensk (2007-08-30)

??? Menar Unrealmotorn 3 hiho

kaptenmange (2007-08-31)

Grafiken på detta spelet är så mö bätter än Bioshock

trkac (2007-09-03)

fast mirror

 Knaster (2007-09-06)

kaptenmange är du smålänning?

kaptenmange (2007-09-21)

nej skåning