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Worms Armageddon - New Edition






Worms Armaggedon New Editon




2008-01-04 (by porzoadam)


Jó kis kukacos lövöldöz?s játék.:)

Files count:



821.62 Mb




rollindts (2008-01-09)

247 seeds and no comments? is this in english? which version/edition is it?

pelleswenn (2008-01-10)

its exactly same game it was

cb92 (2008-01-10)

it's the worms armageddon with new weapons and new levels! i think it's cool!
köszi szépen, vagány egy játék!;)

caliyork (2008-01-11)

I don't understand how to use this.
can anyone help?

crapoud (2008-01-18)

can someone please tell me how to open it?

wild_dog (2008-01-18)

mount in deamon tools ?

dchiou (2008-01-22)

damn people, at least spell the name of the game correctly.
And english please, more info on the game. This looks suspiscious

Bong_Eye (2008-01-23)

dchiou get over yourself

markxing (2008-01-23)

This game is pretty boring... I'd recommend Gunbound.

TopClass (2008-01-23)

Does it work with vista???

lycen (2008-01-30)


lycen (2008-01-30)


juice81 (2008-01-31)


Andezze (2008-02-01)

How do u open it?

lycen (2008-02-04)

This is lame... Please seed, damnit stuck at 99,3% for fuck sake...
Seed you cookie eating bitches!

seeminglydead (2008-02-09)

Is there a way to play this over the internet cracked like COD4? or not? PLEASE LET ME KNOW THANKS!!!!!

midego (2008-02-10)

Seed please!

amisnaru (2008-02-11)

No crack needed 'cause the (included) newest patch makes the game legally no-CD!

seeminglydead (2008-02-15)

thanks gonna download now and hope ur right, otherwize tough luck ;p

blueboyannehem (2008-02-18)

hm...Could someone tell me if this game acctually is fun :P? does it have some kind of multiplayer or something? haha

blueboyannehem (2008-02-19)

Everytime i press the install button nothing happens ? using vista could this be the issue please guys help me ,

cogitodubitoamo (2008-02-27)

ohó a legjobb játék:)) remélem sok új cucc van

porzoadam (2008-02-27)

Burn into to daemon tools.And setup it.Enjoy:D

hayzejk (2008-03-02)

i get Fatal Error after installing and trying to run it, anyone got any ideas how to fix this please?

Sui_Juris (2008-03-07)

Thanks mate...
This works just fine :-)

mrlovalova22 (2008-03-10)

dchiou at 2008-01-22 05:10 CET:
damn people, at least spell the name of the game correctly.
And english please, more info on the game. This looks suspiscious
Only one 'D' is missing from the game title. Relax, we'll all be fine. Except you, who can't spell 'suspicious' and can't put a capitol E at the start of 'English'. Perhaps you should learn to use the language we've all agreed upon before you become irate at others for smaller mistakes than your own.
As for telling people to 'speak English', on a site based in Sweden; I'll go ahead and assume that you know how stupid that sounds. People can speak whatever language they fucking well like.
More helpfully, this release works perfectly. This IS the same game as the original 'Worms Armageddon', but with new maps, weapons and a handful of other features.

Easle-5 (2008-03-12)

Uh.. yes, you put a capital letter at the start, if you are a typing a country name. But he/she was typing.. well.. the name of the language, not the country. You "fuckbag" lol
"To the cunt taking the piss of this poor guys 'English'. You put a capital at the start of a country fuckbag, try taking a class or two"

Easle-5 (2008-03-12)

oh.. sorry, forget it :D

Easle-5 (2008-03-12)

there is also two G instead of one.
Armaggedon --> Armageddon

TheUnknown1000 (2008-03-17)

boring game...

thisisnottaken19 (2008-03-19)

thanks, works perfectly

nalleo (2008-03-21)

funkar det på vista?

Therwind (2008-03-24)

Same problem as Blueboy. I'm on vista, and whenever I hit the 'Install' button, nothing happens. Any advice would be appreciated.

Therwind (2008-03-24)

Found the workaround. If you have the problem of the installation not starting, follow these steps.
1. Mount the .IMG to Daemon
2. Choose to view files instead of run Autoplay.
3. Run SetupWA.exe
Installation should start.

david1303 (2008-03-24)

plz seed plz

kotta765 (2008-03-25)

hi i cant run the game instaler plz help

bukodijani (2008-04-12)

eddig is ismertem a worms armagedon-t de az új kiadására kíváncsi leszek hogy mien:D

bukodijani (2008-04-12)

am hello mindenkinek

radecoraccer1 (2008-04-15)

fucking mongolid laungage!! monkey laungage!!

arrrne (2008-04-19)

Thanks Therwind! I have Vista and I had the same problem as you. However, your tip worked fine! =)

PapaBones (2008-04-23)

fucking mongolid laungage!! monkey laungage!!

Umm your not English are you, because its
"Fucking mongoloid language!! monkey language!!"
And the monkey comment I assume means African language, you racist fuck; I beat you mother fuckers down in the 80's and still see un-educated skinheads walking around with their nasty smelling and filthy clothes screaming "sig hail" at old ladies at the bus stop and beating up small kids when they think that no one is watching.
Pathetic fuck get a job, and a woman that does not have 4 legs and goes oink when you clime up on her, I know she looks like your mother but sometimes that's a bad thing you pig fucking son of a whore.

cheesyatosu (2008-04-24)

When I try and mount the IMG file, Daemon tools gives me an error saying "Unable to mount image. File not accessible." Any ideas?
I try to mount the other files that are with it, but no luck... Help!

JunioreN88 (2008-04-25)

Now I have installed the game but when im going to lounch it I get "fatal error" I've tried to re-installed it but I get the same problem. some who can help me?

deathsponge (2008-04-27)

Never used daemon tools before, so i downloaded it and after a little playing about i managed to mount this game and boy does it work....... cheers for the upload, brings back memories of the original that won't work on Vista.

pnorbert3 (2008-04-29)

Remélem frankó kis kiegészít? ez, mert az alap az nagyon zsír, ez a "radecoraccer1" nev? "játékos" a hozzászólása alapján elég tajparaszt lehet :D.

queen-of-france (2008-05-05)

this didnt work for me at all

ImPrettyMuchSexy (2008-05-05)

Works great. With everyone downloading, why don't we see more people playing online?!?

ImPrettyMuchSexy (2008-05-05)

Btw, I am using XP on a single core machine. Mounted with Daemon, installed, ran without cd, worked great. Online and all.

djnforce9 (2008-05-10)

I've had no trouble installing and loading it in vista but it just plain looks terrible in-game (glitchy flickering graphics). I thought it was ATI Crossfire but it does the same thing with it disabled. What a shame.

Vilitu (2008-05-12)

Is it in English?

aarojam (2008-05-14)

everything seemed to work for me too but then i got that same fetal error that a lot of other have been getting. can anyone help me out with this. i really want to play this damn game. its the sh*t.

Deathcain (2008-05-16)

Dude - porzoadam... I rarely say this. But I think I love u :D
I forgot how much fun this game was.. already invited a friend this evening to play.. lol
btw, general question. For some reason I can't save in the game, when I make some changes.
Like getting the new weapons.. anyone able to help, or have had same problem and solved it??

gkatsos (2008-05-19)

i'm using vista so how can install it

djnforce9 (2008-05-24)

Hmmm. Seems to work fine for me now. Before I had the "flickering" problem mentioned earlier but with the newest ATI Catalyst (v8.5), it appears to be fine.
I have an ATI 2900XT (Crossfire Enabled) and Vista x64 w/ SP1.

nessung (2008-05-25)

plz someone leave a comment on how i help seeding torrents plz write it to me just leave a comment plz plz plz ..... peace

genti33 (2008-05-26)

i got the smae problem !! installed the game perfectly, then when i click launch it says fatal error... im on vista and tried loads but no success !!! what solutions to that ??

NeverWest (2008-05-28)

Seed by starting an already downloaded torrent.

Tryingtohelp (2008-05-29)

stop yelling "seed plz!" makes you look like a nutter :S

edleen (2008-05-30)

For people who have trouble with flickering graphicks, try and right-click on the exe file or the shortcut and go to compatibility and make sure to run the game in 256 colour mode, that should help out most guys :)

Thunderbeast (2008-06-03)

Kan någon jävel skriva på svenska kanske?

Niklas91 (2008-06-08)

Fucking shut up thunderbeast

ebolaviggo (2008-06-09)

seed pleaaaaasee:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Almighty_Jebus (2008-06-12)

Wonderful torrent! Downloaded around 400-500 kb/s, mounted the image file, ran the setupWA.exe. Works perfectly, I use Vista with an Nvidia GeForce 8600m GT graphics card, no flickering or anything. Thanks tons porzoadam!

Toggy1337 (2008-06-15)

yeah, works great and its in english aye ^^ If ya have problem its just because you suck.

blokker (2008-06-21)

Ebben mi az uj?Csak azért kerdezem, hogy ne feleslegesen toltsem le :)

blokker (2008-06-21)

De látom örülnek mint majom a farkának...én is letöltöm ;) Am kösz a feltöltést :)

Markiejdus (2008-06-21)

Works great for me.. Use daemon tools.
Even got Dutch.
Zelfs Nederlands

tekissza (2008-06-21)

Ez 3D-s?:)

XxXTonyXxX (2008-06-30)

thanx so much for this i almost forgot about this classic. :D

jordan89ca (2008-07-01)

game works great. Easy Install.
But Haven't played it in sooo damn long..anyone know all the controls and what not? wanna post em?

KillerKalles (2008-07-02)

Does it work with Hamachi?

asser1 (2008-07-04)

Yesyes , it works . But it is a weak game . NOt very fun anymore . ?

PhantomLord152 (2008-07-05)


demonon (2008-07-13)

I am going to enjoy this game very much!
Downloading @ 500 kB/s.
Thanks porzoadam and all the seeders.

trenton24 (2008-07-23)

Thanks you very much. a great upload.
All works, no trojans

Focus88 (2008-07-29)


Slayerzark (2008-08-02)


Slayerzark (2008-08-02)

Thx. Szeretem a worms-t.

Lotus73_371 (2008-08-05)

Anyone experienced that *.sub is not fully downloaded, even though the download says 100%.
Will the game still work??

Biowolfer (2008-08-08)


poopoop456 (2008-08-19)

is there online play for this?

genti33 (2008-08-22)

Doesnt work on Vista .. or there is an error always coming on when launching the game

eddyp07 (2008-08-27)

To play on vista, All you have to do is "Install" & ALWAYS "Run" the program on admin. privileges. Even if your log-on is set to admin. ALWAYS right click and "Run As Administrator" :-)

kehvin (2008-08-27)

I'm currently using Vista, installed perfectly, but couldn't run even with administration pass and 256 colours. Always pop out with "fatal error" stating "solution can be found in ERRORLOG.TXT file". Where the hell is that???? Who can help me???

hassel123 (2008-08-29)

pls seed as much as u can

laza0909 (2008-11-19)

Kosz Adam!

yyt19 (2008-11-24)

the .img file is too big

silentasassin1993 (2008-12-04)

Same with me I'm running on vista and it keeps saying fatal error. Any solutions?

Gal- (2008-12-09)

How do i open it??????

Ertok (2008-12-13)

Just mount with daemon tools i guess

Jysta (2008-12-18)

sooo no one found a definite fix for the error log thing huh? i did the run as administrator but it didnt help

CroIronMaiden (2009-01-04)

Works great and you stupid noobs shut up because it works ,and learn how to use dameon tools or alchol before asking stupid quiestions (2009-01-13)

hey guys, on vista i tried everything you said .. I ran it as admin, on xp compatibility etc. it still gives the same stupid error saying solution can be found in ERRORLOG.txt
does any one know how to deal with this pain?

Emaziz (2009-02-15)

Buy XP ;)

RWL (2009-02-18)

love this game. actually own it, but the kids (each one pointing at the other) scratched the disc, and I had to wipe & reinstall my OS recently.

glendbest (2009-02-18)

Seed plz

jozex (2009-02-20)

this game´s da lick! hahahaha
fuck that guy who said this game´s a lag!

ZackyBear (2009-02-26)

Downloaded fine and fast, but I've never had to run a game with Dameon before.
Can somebody tell me how without cussing me out because I'm an idiot?
Thanks in advance.

tvsocks (2009-02-27)

trust me there is not secrete website everyone but you uses that says how to get everything to work. USE YOUR BRAIN!!!
if you tried "everything" the problem would be fixed. try this re re re
and STFU about seeding if you knew how it REALLY works you would not post PLZ SEED. btw do you think ppl check the comments to see if they should seed? NO they get the game and leave

xiIix (2009-02-28)

Bout time someone here makes a good post. I second this comment. Use your fuckin brain people. I have vista and XP, works on both with no problems and no hoops to jump through. One thing that seems to work for me is that I'm not a complete and total fucking idiot. A lot of you should try this method because it works every time for me.

LeetCopter (2009-02-28)

--Vista users--
1.Mount the .img file.
2.Then click the button below autorun saying
3.something like "Open files......"
4.Then run SetupWA.exe
6.Run the game
*************DONE :D**************
--- This worked for me ---

ZackyBear (2009-02-28)

Hmm, well I said WITHOUT chewing me out, but apparently we have some illiterate people who can type but not read properly. Whatever, thanks for nothing.

xsolarwindx (2009-03-01)

Zacky, Daemon tools emulates a CD drive. What you downloaded is a CD image. All you have to do is open up daemon tools and "open" the image that you have downloaded. This is called "mounting the image". Now just go to my computer or whatever and look for a "virtual cd drive". You'll see the game in there.

ZackyBear (2009-03-05)

Why thank you kind sir. Actually come to find out, I was doing it right! But my IMG path was corrupted.
Thank you though!

BigJ123 (2009-03-17)

Vista users. Make sure you are mounting the img. file and not the ccd. file. For me the only way to do this was dragging and dropping the file onto the virtual drive in daemon tools. Before I did this I had the "fatal error" problem after the install. Also, make sure you run the setup and the game as administrator. Thanks porzoadam!

Quagmire_Jr (2009-03-18)

This program does NOT currently support Vista.
The new version,, does, but there isn't a no-CD crack for it yet..

magus1011 (2009-03-21)

Works fine here on XP SP3.

ownage321 (2009-04-03)

i have dowloaded 4 version of this game and none of them work for vista does anyone know worms armaggedon that works for windows vista.
thanks all for reading :)

Feanor321 (2009-04-21)

Maybe some of you aren't complete and total fucking idiots, xiIix, but also not everybody is a computer genius, and spends all day on a computer and spanking themselves off to left handed websites. So how about not giving people shit if they don't know how to mount an .img file, or know all intricacies of a computer. Cocksmoker

RodLARod (2009-04-29)

So I mounted up the image and installed the game but when I go to play it I get a black screen but can hear the audio. Any ideas for a solution?

xiIix (2009-05-02)

" ZackyBear at 2009-03-05 13:32 CET:
Why thank you kind sir. Actually come to find out, I was doing it right! But my IMG path was corrupted.
Thank you though!"
What do you mean "come to find out"? You mean, you did what we told you to and did some research?
Listen dude, we aren't assholes, we are just sick of seeing people not put in the same amount of effort we have in order to figure things out on our own, which trust me, wasn't much effort at all. I see no reason why anyone shouldn't be able to figure this kind of stuff out. There's an endless amount of resources all over the internet, forums with search buttons, tutorials ect. ect..
Since you obviously don't know how to locate these, I will teach you..
Whenever I can't figure something out, I simply search Google with the name of the app and "how to" in quotes. For instance, Daemon tools. Dunno how to use it? Type in "daemon tools mounting, "how to"". Low and behold, look what we get....

Everything you could ever want on using Daemon tools, or close to it at least. Way more than enough to get you going and learning the basics in any case. And once you know the basics, from there, you can do anything.
Or, for instance, maybe you are getting slow speeds, you aren't sure if you set up your client right, so you go to google, and what you wanna type is something like "optimize torrent client" or "speed up bit torrent"

See? It's not hard to just search for what you need to find. You can learn how to do ANYTHING using the internet. You could learn how to put together a god damn jet engine using google. Literally.
So when we go off on people, it's because they simply don't go into google and do a proper search on what they need to know. If you've searched google, and you've exhausted all other options, then I can understand asking us for help, but you didn't do that. To me, that is kind of disrespectful. I mean, instead of you, using up your own time to figure out what you want to do, you want someone else to use up their time and type you out specific instructions.
So when it comes down to it, we are just fed up with seeing the same posts over and over and over again. It gets old, and all I can ever think of in my head is "why the FUCK is this person not using google to find out the answer to their question?

newguy69 (2009-05-03)

lol this torrent is damn fast for me. 800k\bs a second. sweet nice up

newguy69 (2009-05-03)

fucking fast torrent

Spade101 (2009-05-03)

damn, lots of seeds. ^^ nice. Havent down'd it completely yet, but ill let you know how the install goes

drjayden (2009-05-19)

Man, loving those additional sound packs: Age of Empires, PoC.. Heh, this is gonna be fun XD

eatjar (2009-05-22)

Helló, jó kis gém meg köszi az áplódot ,de vane gy kis gondom:S
csak 640x480ban megy, ha feljebb veszem szarok a szinek esetleg ötlet hogy miert?
Sorry guys i have a problem with this game, if a play in 640x480 it works, but if i change resultion the colours will be shit:S


megablast1 (2009-06-10)

how do you mount it

Primo-Weed (2009-06-18)

Started off with a slow DL but quickly jumped!
Great upload friend, exellent work.

UnmercifulX (2009-06-25)


ryansta (2009-07-08)


lcwbut (2009-07-10)

lol' you'r funny !

starlaan (2009-07-13)

xhq wojw gvet thait torvrent supefr fasjt ujsing thvis
onl ef.gosipma thereda. G c G o G m
aggwso tjake abiove anjd paslte in browlser aind delefte atll G aind spacfes hjaha

samanoskeake (2009-07-23)

1. Mount 'Worms Armageddon - New Edition.cue' with Daemon Tools; found here:

2. An 'autoplay' should come up if successfully mounted, if not, just go into My Computer and click on the digital DVD drive to open the disk, then click on 'setupWA.exe'.
3. Install the game.
4. ????
5. Profit.

samanoskeake (2009-07-23)

I meant load the '.ccd'.
Not the '.cue'.

[Red.Kirby] (2009-07-24)

i installed the game and i get an error when i run it :/
I use vista btw

Chabs232 (2009-07-29)

starlaan go back to frikin' school buddy.
ALPHABET, ever heard about it ?

hiura (2009-08-02)

DON'T DOWNLOAD, SPYWARE DETECTED (google advance virus removal)

Zanmato (2009-08-19)

About the error on vista. You can fix it by updating your Worms to Worms Armaggedon New Editon is :) They have fixed it, now it works at least for me :P
http://wormsarmageddon.te ... ge=supp&area=upda&file=15 Download
http://m0001.gamecopyworl ... EURO]%20No-CD/Fixed%20EXE Download crack for
Hope it works now for you :)

Zanmato (2009-08-19)

weird with the links ._.

dolce.god (2009-09-14)

I use vista and got the game installed but had the errorlog.txt so I got the upgrade patch but now it keeps asking for the CD before I can play it. If anyone finds the no-cd crack please post a link - thanks

bwmcmaste (2009-11-17)

Tried two re-installs of this on Vista (x86), and it wouldn't work for me (compatibility and admin). I guess someone could try the solutions listed by others here, but I just don't feel like it. Thanks for the super fast download, and here is the dumplog:
WA caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module WA.exe at 001b:00409144.
Exception handler called in ExceptionAttacher.cpp - AfxWinMain.

Rick_Terminal5 (2009-11-27)

4. ?????
5. Profit
Hahaha!! Great South Park ref - Underpants!

midnit19 (2009-12-22)

this work online

fibbz (2010-04-30)

Tautau, where did you get your no-cd crack? I've tried a few of them without success.
Done a lot of research on this, but not sure I know enough to get it working... Mounted the ccd, installed the game, updated to, then tried to get a no-cd crack, but that's where I'm going wrong right now. Tried a few other torrents too!

McKosto (2010-05-11)

Can't get it to play. Without a patch I get an error when running it, and when i patch it, I get the no cd problem. Even after cracking it with some cracks it either makes no difference, or it executes the game, but then crashes..... For anyone who still needs cracks, no cd fixes etc, this is where I found everything, i hope it helps you more than it did me :

Angerfist_DJ (2010-07-29)

Ik works but you CAN'T SAVE

xiIix (2010-07-30)

People like ryansta need to take their computer and throw it out the fucking window. You computer illiterate fuckheads don't know shit. Guy actually thinks that he got malware after downloading 30% of this torrent. That's the most retarded shit I've heard in a while now.

29732 (2010-08-03)

i wonder is it works on wine on ubuntu..
if it dosn't, oh well, ill try to (sneakily) install it on vista as im not supposed to mess with it :P

rhobhert (2010-08-24)

it can use the power iso in this file???????

szewc (2010-10-08)

Works well, thanks!

ozols88 (2011-01-06)

great game

carbon666 (2012-01-18)

If you patch an US versions of Worms Armageddon (which are allready patched) it will cause a 'No CD' error.


1. Worms Armageddon - New Edition/Worms Armageddon - New Edition.ccd 772 bytes
2. Worms Armageddon - New Edition/Worms Armageddon - New Edition.cue 68 bytes
3. Worms Armageddon - New Edition/Worms Armageddon - New Edition.img 789.40 Mb
4. Worms Armageddon - New Edition/Worms Armageddon - New Edition.sub 32.22 Mb