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OUTCAST (pc game)
OUTCAST (pc game)
2005-03-26 (by BoredJedi)
Developer: APPEAL (no longer in business)
Publisher: Infogrames (Now flying under the Atari banner)
Year: 1999
Manual and patch is included for this game.
Great game. Works in XP. I'm replaying it again now. One of my favorite Adventure/RPG games.
Check out some info:
UPDATE (9-4-2008): I also found a higher resolution pack for this game just follow the instructions works great.
I also did a fresh XP install with Service pack 3 installed the game to drive C: and it still works.
Files count:
1073.45 Mb
BoredJedi (2005-03-27)
Hope you enjoy the game as I have. I did burn the Clone CD images on disk and installed and ran the game from them so I know they work.Manual is in PDF format found it on a internet site.
A little history:
Appeal really made a kick ass game. They were suppose to be making an Outcast 2 until they went bust. Pity the second one looked even better than this one.
Here's some previews that were made available for Outcast 2:
It was also suppose to be for the PC as well.
BoredJedi (2005-03-27)
Forgot to mention also that these CloneCd Images were made by me from my original pristine disks. They are not from any other download source. I made the copies yesterday. Just thought you'd like to know.Knarkeer (2005-03-27)
Thanks a lot for this upload. Looking forward to be playing this modern classic.BoredJedi (2005-03-27)
Ah, found the site where I downloaded the manual. Don't know why I didn't bookmark the site.Look on the left and below the Download Free trial and Get Full Version. There's a link for downloading the manual. This way you can get a head start in the game by reading it and going over some stuff before you play.
BoredJedi (2005-03-27)
Ugh forgot to say Thanks Knarkeer it's my pleasure. Maybe with gamers who've never played this game will re-spark interest in this saga and some devloper/publisher will pick up Outcast 2 and get it done. I think it's already like 80% complete and to know it's just sitting there is a killer.Boass (2005-03-27)
Heard this game is excellent. I havent tried it though, guess i should :) Thanks alot.Snuffy (2005-03-27)
I remember playing this awesome game. Looking forward to playing it again! Thanks a lot!gabbe16 (2005-03-27)
for me this is the best game ever made. and cutter slade is so coolSpyke88 (2005-03-27)
i remember playing the demo back when it was new, never got the game though, dont know why.well, its good in a way because now i can experience the game like its a new one :P
thank you for uploading the game, man!
RimaZ (2005-03-27)
Kaealy he said that the patch for xp is included so no worries.. I still have this game on original discs, however i can't get the resolution high enough to play it with nice graphics on my computer, the highest I can get is like 800x600 :S Anybody know why?BoredJedi (2005-03-27)
This is a copy of my original game disks. I bought the game like 3-4 months after it's initial release. Played the game straight thru till the end with no problem. Don't remember off hand but I think I was like halfway through the game at the time when I applied the then released patch.I did include the latest patch in the upload as well as the manual.
The patch can be run anywhere on the computer it will find the installation.
Now, I'm not aware of any problem runing this game under XP but I can't speak from experience on this since I only started playing again yesterday.
I have an AMD 2000+xp w/256mb 266mhz ddr. Ati Radeon 9600xt directX 9.0c WindowsXP SP2.
So far the game has not given me any trouble. But then again I usually don't have problems with any of my games.
I always put the computer together myself with hand picked components. That could be the reason why I don't have many problems. Unlike owners of DELL, GATEWAY or COMPAQ's. I hate commercially put together PC's. (okay rant over) :)
BoredJedi (2005-03-27)
RimaZ, they limited the graphics because at the time this game was released you needed a very high end computer to run it. Read one of the links I provided in the torrent info it;s explained more there. At the time I was very glad of that but now it's a limiting factor for superb graphics. But it's still a very nice looking game.You can tweak up your anti-aliasing and put the game in widescreen mode to make it look better.
Wonkel (2005-03-27)
Ifogrames wasn't bought by Atari, Infogrames bought the name Atari...BoredJedi (2005-03-27)
You are right Wonkel. I stand corrected I was only going by memory there and you know what things like that can lead to. :)
Infogrames which acquired Atari in its $100 million purchase of Hasbro Interactive in a deal finalized in January, expects to complete a publishing strategy for Atari within 30 to 60 days and release games under the brand this holiday season, Paul Rinde, senior vice president of Infogrames, Inc., said June 15.
BoredJedi (2005-03-27)
I have corrected the torrent information concerning Infogrames. Damn memory. I should have done a quick look up before I put anything about that.So many publishers and developers have come and gone it's hard to remember straight who did what, when and where.
gabbe16 (2005-03-27)
seriuos buy this game insted its cost only 70 crowns on maxi and its wourth your money:)targan (2005-03-28)
yess! i bought this game years ago but it didn't work..even with the patch for some reason, i had to return it and never got the chance to play it...only the demo.But now i can! thanx alot
proekaan (2005-03-28)
I remember when I wanted to play this years ago,but never got the chance...well after years of waiting I can finally play this,thanks for sharing.:smile:BoredJedi (2005-03-29)
Okay, first you need to give a little heads up like What operating system you are using, motherboard, video card etc.... Well you get the idea.BoredJedi (2005-03-29)
Did you burn the images to disk?BoredJedi (2005-03-29)
You got me there. I always use burnt CD's and have never tried running a game from just an image file especially a Clone Cd image. Think we might need help from some one who's got more experience with running games or programs from Images.Garkan (2005-05-02)
Crap. Starting playing it for the first time right now (after a download it from here, thx!) and it was so incredible nice grapic (for a 7 years old game) and atmosphere. BUT! Stupid annoying bugg stopped me to play further. It is when (SPOILER) riding the When-ha animal: It worked first, but after I closed the game (was forced to close it with alt-ctrl-delete cuase a conversation in the game freezed, pretty normal in such a game like outcast), and started it again, it didnt work to ride the When-ha! Have tried to reinstall outcast, but it still not work...BoredJedi (2005-05-02)
Garkan, have you defragged the drive you are installing it to? First scandisk it then Defrag it if you haven't done so already. I found this out while playing games over the years that some games hiccup when the drive is somewhat to overly fragmented.Garkan (2005-05-23)
BoredJedi: Okey! Havent defragged my computer in years, but thats good to know, it could help other player in same situation. :)I did finish the game and the animal wasnt so important to use. I could ride it sometimes without any problem, but sometimes I needed to push different direction (like left and then forward, or backward+right then forward) to move the animal.
It was a great game! Shame that Outcast2 was cancel *tears*
iLEZ (2005-07-15)
I actually have the original game here in my bookshelf. Never got that working correctly under XP tough, so i will DL this and seed it and see if it works better. This game is absolutely wonderful, and if you DL it and like it, well, you know what to do. It shouldn't be that expensive nowadays anyway. $9.95 on amazon for example.iLEZ (2005-07-15)
OMG how i hate the reload => repost bug. >=(SQUEE!!! (2006-01-28)
could a couple more seeders maybe jump on, I'm only dling at 1 kb/s right now.groovyjaxx (2006-02-18)
Please, cant someone moore seed this game? Or upload it again? ive been looking for this game for ages. pleasegroovyjaxx (2006-02-18)
please seed!!!Post-it (2006-06-10)
Haven't played in months, if not years. Thanks a LOT.nimboit (2006-06-28)
Alas!My all-time favorite game. I bought it, played it and lost it. But now I can relive the days of yore thanks to BoredJedi. I will seed it forever and ever!
Articluna (2006-09-15)
Whee... I actually bought the game years ago, but alas, lent it to some of my buddies few years later and I still don't have any clue which one of them he is.... :OWell, after I'm done with downloading this I can forget this problem, if I get it work that's it..
*Thanks beforehand*
Yours ~~
~~ Articluna
mewxxx (2006-11-06)
gimme gimme gimme!!seed please :E
draw123 (2007-02-16)
I did download this; and what a game.It looks better than gears of war.
It got a very amazing soundtrack
and it is the very best adventure/action game on earth.
[Sharing is caring]
BlizBob (2007-05-03)
I hope you're not quiting on me. Just yesterday There were plenty of seeds and I downloaded 100kt/s.Now there are no seeds and I'm stuck.
So seed please.
DANKY_BOY920 (2007-08-19)
i downloaded this game n then i installed it CD1 is working bt when i try to run cd2 using daemon tools it gives a loader.exe error saying"loader.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. we are sorry for the inconvenience." idk wts wrong wit it . pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sume1 help me. im dyin tyo play this game.ken694 (2007-08-23)
DANKY_BOY920 (2007-08-24)
ken694 did u burn it on a cd or did u use daemon tools coz in mine im gettin a loader.exe error. wt shud i do? plsss meDANKY_BOY920 (2007-08-24)
*help mecatchaserguns (2007-11-29)
These do not work on Nero. I tried an extraction program for img files and the 2nd cd is corrupt.Nosliw99 (2007-12-16)
please seed.Nosliw99 (2007-12-17)
I also have the loader.exe error, please help :(savagegreywolf (2008-02-11)
I've been trying for a while to get this thing to run.Right at the end of the intro movie it asks me for a disc swap and when I put in the second disc it tells me: Cannot locate the CD-ROM Please insert the correct CD-ROM, select OK and restart application
The second disc is also only 39.0 Mb according to Windows Explorer: is the disc 2 file corrupt? If so can someone please direct me to a non-broken torrent of this game, I've been really wanting to play it for a while now.
GanjaStar (2008-02-26)
You bufoons who can't get the game to recognuize cd's go here
get loader's from the downloads section, put them in the folder of the game and then start.
I hope this torrent has cd 2 without bad audio, like i got somewhere else.
GanjaStar (2008-02-26)
AH i forgit, If you cannot ride the animal (Twon HA) then use this program and set your cpu speed 50-70 percent, dont close the program and play the game. Now your animal will move.Enjoy noobs ;)
The_Carbonater (2008-06-19)
I got an error trying to start the game, my screen said that I had to change display mode to the one I was using. Help pleaseVinzent82 (2008-06-21)
Can't get it to work :(I also get the loader.exe -error.
Love this game, have completed it twice, but never under XP, can anyone help? Thx
BoredJedi (2008-09-01)
Uploader here. Damn has it been that long since I uploaded this :) Ganjastar: As far as I'm aware the audio on this rip I made was fine.As for the rest, since I upgraded my video card to the ATI 3780x2 can't get this game to work anymore either but it's more a driver issue than a game one. Even with the new release of ATI's 8.8 drivers. Star Wars podracer doesn't even display properly still either. So basically what I'm saying is that I can't give any help right now about getting this game to work under XP and newer hardware right now.
BoredJedi (2008-09-04)
I take that back about what I wrote above. I spent the past few days reinstalling XP (it was pretty narked anyway) and then installing service pack 3. I decided to give the game another try. This time I stuck installing it to the C: drive. Guess what? I just got back out from playing it and it works fine. I guess it wasn't video card drivers after all.Netot12345 (2008-10-26)
Thank you very much.Netot12345 (2008-10-27)
not this particular torrent problem, but with faster CPUs you cant ride the "horse" (twon-ha) in this game anymore, and i couldnt find any acceptable solution to this yet.Netot12345 (2008-10-29)
ok i found an acceptable solution. Search for any program to slow the PC _with hotkeys_. (i used CPUkiller). Set it fairly high. Then create a macro for your mouse/keyboard. Assign it to a button you like. I made this: ON-50ms delay-OFF by my razer mouse software and assigned it to mouse4. Then in game after pressing the direction button, press that macro button too. The game lags slightly and out Twon-ha begins to move. Thats it.This doesnt break the immersion of the game and doesnt cost performance. After a while i dont even notice it.
Generally, setting your CPU to like 50% helps too, but ALSO gives you framerates of like 10s. Which sux. This game is still a CPU hog.
mikrob73 (2008-12-04)
This is still one of the best games i ever 10 at least :)Thank you BoredJedi and thank you all for tips.
on_screen (2009-01-17)
This game is awesome, thanks for upload!But where is the intro movie? That one that is on DVD edition is absent here, game starts from Cutter's awakening.
on_screen (2009-01-17)
I apologize, intro was found on the first disc.Since you start the game with the disc 2 inserted, this is quite strange.
bobada (2009-01-28)
Thanks folks, surprisingly i was able to download and install Outcast with no problems (despite the age of the torrent)I'm getting an error 'bad audio' - or words to that effect, it just seems to be the music - i'll try to resolve this.
I'm also having problems mounting the twan-ha, cpu speed altering software on the way.
vincentmalouin (2009-12-15)
i burned cd 1 with ultraiso and when i try to install the game nothing happens.. i tried mounting the ccd file too but still the same problem i'm running xp sp3.. plz help !stsc (2010-02-23)
Thanks!krezeb (2011-01-22)
Downloaded this 3 times. Says that CD2 is corruptgolhol2 (2011-03-11)
i get "bad audio" and there isn't any music someone please find a solution...golhol2 (2011-03-11)
ah got a solution for bad audio..just set resolution to 400x300 and DoF to none
diyigaf (2011-05-24)
ive got another version for this gameit fixes the Twon-Ha problem.
search for Outcast GOG.
im seeding it
TheCanonAnon (2013-03-31)
FOR ANYONE EXPIRIENCING THE "BAD AUDIO TRACKS" ISSUE:I found this to work on mine (but it may be different for you):
Instead of mounting the ISO, try mounting the CCD file instead. Fixed it right up for me. Beautiful soundtrack, beautiful game, 10/10 seeding.