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Star Wars: Rise of the Empire - a fanedit of the Prequel Trilogy
Star Wars: Rise of the Empire - a fanedit of the Prequel Trilogy
Video/Movies DVDR
2007-10-30 (by boon238)
This is a fanedit... in order to download this edit you MUST already own the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy on DVD.
original film name: Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace, Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clones, Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith
new film name : Star Wars: Rise of the Empire
film studio name : Lucasfilm, 20th Century Fox
edit crew name : lewis886
Date Original Film Was Released : 1999, 2002, 2005
Date Edit Was Released : 10/29/07
Original Runtime : apprx 7 hours
New Runtime : apprx 4 hrs
Amount of time Cut/Added : apprx 3 hours
Cuts removed/added/extended :
there are around 300 cuts in this edit, and it's impossible to list them all, but i'll do my best to list the biggest changes.
-New Title & opening scroll
-gungan speech has been altered & subtitles added
-we briefly see the gungan city, but the rest of their visit is cut, as is the planet core
-last bit of waterfall deleted scene is inserted, only part showing them entering palace
-R2D2 and C3P0 show up in a couple places, but are not referenced and almost never speak.
-many many dialogue cuts, including most of jar jar's & anakin's lines in EP1.
-no virgin birth
-all sequences with other kids on tatooine are gone.
-all references to midichlorians are gone
-almost all of the lead-up to the podrace stuff is gone
-entire podrace sequence is about 5 min long
-anakin does not build C3P0
-the deleted sequence with the probe droid is inserted
-almost all references to ?chosen one? and ?prophecy? are gone. The only 2 left in trilogy are when qui-gonn dies, and when ob1 screams it at anakin at the end of the last fight. I wanted to make it as if it was something qui-gonn said to ob1 right as he died, and ob1 kept it to himself all those years, and then it finally burst out of him at the end.
-no discussions about whether anakin should be trained or not.
-no visit to the gungan hideout, no begging for help... as far as we know there are no problems between gungans and that naboo.
-removed much of jar jar/gungan & anakin lines from final battle.
-removed ending celebration scene for EP1
-removed all of opening landing/explosion scene
-added amidala addressing senate deleted scene
-removed last half of scene in palpatine's office
-removed all of meeting amidala scene in apartment
-removed all of night apt scene, assassination attempt, and subsequent chase
-removed most of council meeting following assass. Attempt
-removed scene with yoda, ob1, & mace walking/talking in jedi temple
-added jedi temple droid analyzer scene
-removed scene with anakin & padme packing to leave, and departure scene
-added hangar scene with mace where ob1 leaves for kamino
-removed talk aboard freighter
-removed arrival scene on naboo, created montage to show arrival on naboo
-removed anakin padme meeting with queen
-removed ?sand? talk and arrival at lake house
-removed picnic scene
-jango fett now is never heard to speak, and never is seen without helmet, he is just there and does what he does.
-boba fett is completely removed
-removed dinner ?floating fruit? scene at lake house & fireside chat afterwards
-removed count dooku from the entire trilogy, and all references to him
-removed workshop scene at skywalker farm, inserted some lines into yoda meditation scene
-removed droid factory scene
-removed execution scene
-removed entire EP3 opening battle sequence, fights, landing, etc. (yeah, i'm going to get yelled at for this, it looked cool... but really it served no story purpose, was just a way to get a big battle in somehow)
-removed scene after landing with politicians greeting them
-trimmed most of grievous' lines (that voice actor was atrocious and his script was worse)
-removed balcony scene before dream (padme looked kinda creepy in that one for some reason)
-added all of three ?seeds of the rebellion? scenes
-added the scene of mace, ob1, & yoda discussing in meditation chamber (trimmed for redundancy)
-removed almost all of palpatine fighting the jedi who come to arrest them. He jumps up to face them and then it cuts so you don't see the pathetic way the other jedi die. The rest of the sequence follows from anakin's point of view, so the next time you see mace/palpatine is when anakin runs in and palpatine is laying down in window with mace over him.
-removed scene of george lucas' son putting up a better fight than all the jedi masters combined
-removed scene of yoda & ob1 fighting their way into the jedi temple (yes it was cool, but i wanted to make it so the first time you really see yoda or palpatine fight is when they fight each other)
-yoda doesn't get blasted by a lighting bolt from palpatine that he should have seen coming a mile away
-anakin & ob1 don't stop to ?chat? right before the end of the fight. Ob1 jumps up and anakin jumps up right after him.
-removed ?NOOOO? in ?birth of vader? scene, and conversation about padme
-removed ?netherworld? talk between yoda & ob1
-added yoda arriving on dagobah
All in all the edit runs about 4 hours, including all 3 sets of credits that run at the end. That makes for about 3 hours that i cut from the trilogy. (more than 1 entire film)
Here is the breakdown for the episodes...
EP1 ? 1 hr, 18 min (2 clips from deleted scenes added)
EP2 ? 52 min (3 deleted scenes added)
EP3 ? 1 hr 48 min (5 deleted scenes added)
The edit is spread across 2 discs.... EP1 & 2 run back to back on the first disc, and EP3 & the credits is on the 2nd disc. There are scene selection menus and the trailer on each disc.
As i said, there are far too many cuts to list them all, roughly 300. so there are many many dialogue cuts that i didn't list.... and when i said something like ?dooku is gone? i did not bother to list all the subsequent scenes that were removed because of that.
Files count:
8348.97 Mb
flummo1 (2007-10-31)
sounds greatcpacilio (2007-11-02)
Question - why do we have to already own th star wars prequel trilogy? Do we need the original discs in order to watch the fan edit?Raistlin (DK) (2007-11-02)
its for copyright reasons, this way the uploader got his back free :)brny44 (2007-11-06)
seed pleassejasonbir (2007-11-16)
Personally, this seems pointless, I think that George Lucas did an amazing job. Leave well enough alone.mjj1 (2007-11-23)
Can some please seed this? i'm at 84.7% doneThanks :)
Paschendalist (2008-01-18)
This has got to be the most worthless, useless hunk a junk I've ever read about! Why, why, oh why would anyone want to see a cut version of Star Wars? And Episode II, 52 minutes long, what's up with that. I'm not even going to bother.Jackass.
xdaoyu (2008-02-03)
I don't know if this should be recommended for those who "worshipped every frame of Lucas's prequel trilogy", those (rather frighteningly young or dumb) fans seem the type to be most infuriated by something like this. I f'ing LOVE the concept, designs, mythos, and universe of star wars, but Lucas's ego ruined 4 of the films. I like seeing people tinker with it, although I am kind of frightened by the thought of shoving new lines for yoda in, I mean, who the hell does the voice? I'll give it a shot, though, it's gotta be damn hard for anyone to come up with worse dialogue than what made it into the theatrical releases...I'm sure it really sticks in george's ass that people are doing this. Careful, he might do a 'special edition' of the prequel to make the dialogue even more godawful as revenge...
spystyle (2008-02-26)
THANK YOU :)Fan editors rock!
theseany (2008-04-25)
Wow! I haven't even seen this yet and it sounds like the prequels were finally brought up to the standards set by New Hope and Empire. Exactly what I want: a more direct, darker depiction of the whole story. Cut the crap and you've got a winner! I can't wait to watch this.I though, "Hmm, it might be nice to see an edit like this of the original trilogy", but that would basically consist of Episodes 4 & 5 being unedited and Episode 6 being cut to about 30 minutes, and with no additions.