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Macromedia 8 Flash, Dreamweaver and Fireworks including Serial N






Macromedia 8 Flash, Dreamweaver and Fireworks including Serial N




2007-11-11 (by passionettezĀ )


Macromedia Flash, Dreamweaver and Fireworks, full program including serial number in text file.

Files count:



255.58 Mb




billyhudson (2007-12-02)

Great download!
I prefer keygens though.

Habeebit (2007-12-04)

how about thanks. if you want a keygen, go find a keygen. don't click here and say how much better a keygen would've been.

Sempai_x (2007-12-17)

How about a keygen?
Great up.
Thanks a lot.

Oblivion_4 (2008-01-25)

Um can't you find this free by googling mac flash dreamweaver and fireworks

Oblivion_4 (2008-01-25)

oops macromedia not mac like steve jobs horrid creations lol

BrandGSX (2008-02-04)

actualy I like the SN included so
Beats having to worry about a virus in the keygen. If you want a keygen then its not hard to find one. Takes 2 seconds here or on google.

bluesskyflyer (2008-03-04)

serial does work ok with Fireworks, (didn't try dreamweaver as i have a version of that installed already). Anybody know please how to enter serial in the flash programme. I installed it but the only options it offers for registration are online or by mail? Can't see anywhere to insert a serial? That said, it doesn't come up with anything saying it's a trial version?

rickyisking (2008-03-14)

i agree wit Habeebit mabey the uploader wud like a bit of appreciation instead of bein told wat would be better at the end of the day ur not paying for this are you so u shouldnt complain if u want keygens go hear
and if thats not good enough then dont download and leave ur shity comments on peoples work
thanx for the upload

rickyisking (2008-03-14)

dont go slagin off torrentz by telling the uploader how to make it better if u think it could be beter upload ur own shit dont agree wit sayin how bout a keygen if u want 1 go hear
thanx 4 the upload

Ice_Wolf (2008-03-21)

Works perfect, thanks!
Will seed for a while.

d_gamma1 (2008-04-20)

havnt downloaded, but thanks in advanced

arestice (2008-05-15)

Thanks. As for the serial it's not hard to go google for one and get one that works for a program as common as flash.

torrentmuncher92 (2008-06-20)

thanks a lot, great torrent, very fast d/l speed

cyberbuff (2008-07-08)

Great torrent! Seeding until 1:1. Keys work perfectly.

kkthxbai (2008-07-17)

omfg - If you don't know how to get cracks/serials for either games or apps, please don't bother downloading anything.
Christ. I know +10 sites, but only use 2-3 sites :)

Reanos (2008-08-01)

"oops macromedia not mac like steve jobs horrid creations lol "
Mac is one million times better than the crappy shit system Windows, so stfu?
Anyway, thanks.
And yea, keygens do suck.

FW13 (2008-08-06)

Excellent! Thanks :)

downloader12345 (2008-08-11)

Thanks for download,
"Mac is one million times better than the crappy shit system Windows, so stfu?"
When Mac have produced a desktop operating system which forms the arms and hands of virtually all modern computing (we can call Unix and its cousins the backbone), and have produced a hugely adopted well-rounded development environment, and a killer office app, come and talk
That is, when they stop releasing half-baked selling-points-over-innovation garbage like the iPod, iPhone and Macbook air

Nitzrokk (2008-08-12)

Thanks for the download, it works great! I keyed one program after installation, and after I installed the next two they'd automatically been keyed as well. They however, cannot be registered on the official website because the serial has obviously been compromised... but who gives a shit? =D
Scanned with Avast! and no viruses/malware were found.
Fuck your Macs, and moreover fuck your iPods one thousand times over in the ass with a broomstick. Most of all, fuck your trends you goddamn sheep who loves the television.
... still a great torrent. =D

reventime93 (2008-08-16)

why dosent the serial work it sayz
This is a volume serial number. Volume licenses are not registered. Click here for more information.? i need help please

TjallingBlackCat (2008-09-02)

Forget serials or keygens, get a crack.

TjallingBlackCat (2008-09-02)

And, my MacBook Air, as well as my iPod, work fine, thanks for asking.

seercirra (2008-09-04)

if somebody were to download this and use it to create websites/put them online. and/or sell those websites, could that person be found out?
if that person were to use this to create flash apps that were sold, could he be found out?

gobit (2008-11-01)

Three wonderful programs together! Thank you very much!

Sam_Uk (2008-11-11)

If I was to create a website on the newer Macromedia; would I be able to open it on an older version in college?
Someone please respond asap.
Or email me: [email protected]

wcat552 (2008-11-27)

How the hell can a Crack, Patch or Keygen be better than a Serial. Serials (In a .txt) have 0.00% chance of being a Virus/Spyware etc.
Where a Crack, Patch or Keygen may have a 70% chance of being a Virus. :/

btbam006 (2008-12-01)

Great download, thanks. NO VIRUS! Scanned all with AVG up to date. All programs work perfect with the sn

rakesh47 (2009-01-02)

Is there a procedure to make this trial version as full version. please help me and can any1 give insrtuctions.

parrotperson (2009-01-04)

Very nice little download, no viruses as yet and as far as I know a fairly new version, my 1st time using a serial, did it in fireworks, but in flash I don't know what to do and if it did it automaticly or not, hope it works, ty passionettez, will seed for a few weeks, very happy, this should help me a lot.

tinyfirefly (2009-03-27)

So i downloaded it and installed it. and the serial went through at the time of installation, but after i started using flash, adobe's site popped up asking me to update my profile and that my serial was invalid. should i be concerned?

necrojesta (2009-04-20)

Thanks loads, dreamweaver was not needed but thank you for the great programs and the serial.

Bahrani (2009-06-19)

Cheers, great download and just does what I want. Keep safe.

MKalman (2010-01-19)

Seed please!

TheBaroness (2010-02-10)

help, Im not good with this stuff!!! I downloaded the programme and now its in my downloads folder..... what do i do now???

TheBaroness (2010-02-10)

Hi Can anyone let me know once you ahve out int the serial number it asks you to register... do I register or not???

Flaxe17 (2010-02-16)

Wow - Thanks so much to Passionettez!
Scanned, its virus free, serial (my favourite), and yeah just everything works.

Yoshistr (2010-03-05)

The flash installer will install a file called:
which is a malware that probably has an integrated keylogger and personal information stealer.
The following registry key will be added to automatically start the virus:


Removal Instructions:
Run msconfig by Start-Run type msconfig and hit Enter, go to the start up tab and uncheck the virus ajunocesofihutaf, click Ok then when it asks to restart select No.
Now download MoveOnBoot and install it, go to C:\WINDOWS\ find the file ajunocesofihutaf.dll and right click it, from the MoveOnBoot Menu select DeleteOnBoot, restart your computer and the virus should be removed.
Make sure you do another msconfig remove after rebooting as the file no longer exists and you will receive an error message unless you remove the start up registry key.
Note to uploader:
Stop spreading viruses and malware on torrents.
If you want this torrent just use the contained key do not any of the executable files especially the Flash one!

lolcats00 (2010-05-24)

wow, this is a great torrent! no problems at all except for an invalid serial, which i expected but should be able to get around. thanks passionettez!

magwhich (2011-03-13)

i got fireworks up and running but when i install flash it gets to the install bar and stops, anyone have similar problems?

chuckdm (2012-04-18)

@Sam_Uk That depends on the site. Yes, it will download and open, but if there are special comments or something in the code (Dreamweaver can annotate files using comments that aren't saved in the code itself) then those may or may not show up. So yes, it will work, but you may be missing a very, very few extras.
To everyone else: Do not download any newer version of Dreamweaver or Fireworks than this. CS, CS2, and CS3 (and whatever the fuck else they're up to now) add NOTHING except several extra gigs of BLOAT. Every useful feature ever added to a Macromedia/Adobe product is present in version 8. Upgrading to any newer version is pointless - more DRM, potentially dangerous cracks (instead of a simple corp serial), gigs upon gigs of useless bloat, niche features that NOBODY uses, and load times that will probably complete just after your funeral. Why on earth you'd run anything newer is beyond me - just get this and enjoy.

chuckdm (2012-04-18)

While I'm at it...
@Yoshistr nope, no such file. Installed, been running for 3 months, never got that file. I check my startup entries once a week on "security day" (run a full virus and malware scan, etc.) and I have yet to see that file or any other. Also, your instructions are wrong. Get precess explorer, kill the rundll process, then just remove from startup. No need for MoveOnBoot etc. But again, not in this torrent - guess something else must've infected ya.
@Oblivion and downloader12345 You're both wrong. Macs are bad. Windows is worse. Linux pwns you all. Macs are like Linux with Training wheels - a practical way for unskilled idiots to do something better than walking. Windows is like walking with one foot stuck in a bear trap - only better than being stuck in one place your whole life by a tiny little bit. Linux, however, is like a souped-up tricked-out Harley - faster, more agile, and several orders of magnitude more badass, but prone to very fatal user error if the user doesn't know exactly what the fuck they're doing.
In any case, WINE FTW!

Sergeant_Mark_IV (2012-05-10)

I'm on Windows 7 and Fireworks is working 100%. Didn't tested other programs yet. I will keep seeding it.

11ryanc2 (2014-09-19)

Working fine on Vista Ultimate SP2 x64 aside from lack of Aero. And I agree with chuckdm. Builds newer than Macromedia v. 8 just come with extra loads of bloat and DRM. Becomes a bitch to get activated as well. This is simple and to the point. If anything I find the UI more logical as well.
If anybody has issues with Win7/8 try running in Vista or XP Compatibility Mode.
Quality upload, well appreciated. Using it for most of my photo edits.


1. Macromedia Studio 8 - Flash - Dreamweaver - Fireworks - Full Working - Tested with 255.58 Mb