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Fallout 3 Full DLC Pack






Fallout 3 Full DLC Pack




2009-08-04 (by Keishikun)


This is an installer, made by me, containing all 5 of the official downloadable content addons for Fallout 3. Operation Anchorage, The Pitt, Broken Steel, Point Lookout, and Mothership Zeta. Quick and simple to use and easy to store for backup. Just run and install to your fallout 3 folder. Be sure to go to "Data Files" in the Fallout 3 launcher and place a check next to the addons. This requires Fallout 3 to be patched to 1.7 - The patch is included. Seed Please! Enjoy! --EDIT: "For those having problems with the xlive.dll; it is not a problem with the turrent. You need to upgrade to the most recent version of the windows live software. Grab it for free here:" Credit and kudos goes to Elsdragon


  1. Fallout 3
  2. Mothership Zeta
  3. Point lookout
  4. The Pitt
  5. Broken Steel
  6. Operation Anchorage
  7. Full DLC

Files count:



1586.70 Mb




wallinho10 (2009-08-05)

could you please seed some more?
thank you =D

mosbach (2009-08-07)

What a waste of Bandwith.All this does is transforms a legit copy of Fallout into useless crap.Just patch and enjoy.I like to patch your Ass with my foot and kick it all over the planet.That i would enjoy.Fucking Retard.

Keishikun (2009-08-07)

Because that rant made sense.
maybe instead of being a cock, you could explain what your issue is. However, from your incoherent ranting, im gonna guess you're just a troll.

OmniNegro (2009-08-07)

I'll chime in on this too. PLEASE tell us what is happening. Most of TPBs users are decent and kind. We will try to help you if you simply explain what is happening to you.
If you choose not to accept that this may be true then to hell with you.
Have a ncie day and I hope things work out for you.

mosbach (2009-08-07)

I followed your instructions to a t.This is not the first time that i have downloaded something. however,after patch installation it said that there were files missing in the library. Then the game would not start at all. Tried everything but it just froze. lost all my saved games and everything.that is why i am so pissed. so anyways i reinstalled and tried again. Then updated my game from legit update,just like the one you provided. And now it runs fine.Guess from now on i will get everything the legit way.Learned a hard lesson. And no am not a troll. Likewise have a good day.

Keishikun (2009-08-07)

The patch is legit, its directly from the Fallout 3 website, i just downloaded it and added it to the torrent. However, it is for the US version, and if you are using a different version it may have caused issues. Though, it should have, in no way, touched your safe files. They are not even located in the fallout 3 folder. If they vanished, its because YOU deleted them - by accident or otherwise.
Im sorry to hear you have had such an incident, but i can assure you it wasn't an issue with the patch I included. As i said, its directly from the fallout 3 website.

Keishikun (2009-08-07)

save files**

Keishikun (2009-08-07)

It is also possible if you had unofficial mods installed before patching, that could have caused a major issue with your game crashing. A lot of unofficial mods only work under certain versions of the game, and if you patch up to a new version with mods activated that are not compatible with that version, this could cause your game to crash.
Which would explain why it worked after you uninstalled it and then reinstalled then patched.
Just a thought.

wallinho10 (2009-08-07)

Hey Guys i finished this download yesterday and installed it (checked all the add-ons too). today i tried to play it but right after i turned on the reactor of project purity (the last objective in the game without add-ons) i go into a medical room somewhere in the citadel i think. but whatever i do and how long i wait; the game just stays like that =( does somebody recognize this problem and have a solution for me? thank you very much!

mosbach (2009-08-08)

Thanks for the up.No hard feelings.

Ruugab (2009-08-08)

Does this work with the steam version of Fallout 3?

InebreatedHobo (2009-08-08)

For some reason I cant play broken steel. I can level up to 30 and all the perks work yet I cant continue after the main quest line. It wont let me finish the quest because it cant secure the room so it just shows the credits then exits back to main screen. (I'm using vista/i have the 1.7 patch/i use fomm and fose/i put all dlcs in correct load order using fomm.)

mezmer1 (2009-08-08)

hey i got a problem. i downloaded it and i can't get it running. i mean that i double click on the icon and it does nothing. any ideas why that's happening?

mezmer1 (2009-08-08)

ok, i got it, sorry for bothering :)

InebreatedHobo (2009-08-08)

nevermind about that cant secure the room thing. but i still cant play brokensteel

InebreatedHobo (2009-08-08)

sorry for three posts but i also have steam version on fo3

Keishikun (2009-08-09)

A little more detail please. What exactly happens, how can you not play it?
If you use the FEV at the end, its game over and you cant continue on to the Broken Steel content.

MoreBlud (2009-08-09)

So I successfully ran patch 1.7. But when I went to the program that installs the dlcs, I chose the wrong location (I chose the data folder within the Fallout 3 folder, not the fallout 3 folder itself). I had a data folder within my data folder. When I went to correct this by copy/pasting I screwed up somehow and I currently have no idea what was supposed to go where.
During the last cutscene of F3, I don't reawaken at the Citadel, like I'm supposed to with the broken steel dlc. It goes to credits like without the dlcs.
So what do I do now?

Keishikun (2009-08-09)

You selected all the addons in the falout 3 launcher? By going to the "Data Files" and then placing checks next to them?
And did you use the FEV at the end? If so that would cause the game to go straight to "game over"
I should note, if the addons are successfully/correctly installed you should get 3-4 popups in-game saying something about new radio signals found. They usually popup about 1-5 minutes after you get in game.

MoreBlud (2009-08-09)

Amazing. I read over that part that said to check off the addons. Thank you! I'm looking forward to these dlcs.

mosbach (2009-08-10)

Just an update,i finally got everything working.Must have been a glitch in xp pro.I re-installed everything in windows 7,downloaded patch from site and then just added the mods.all works great now.

insomniabob (2009-08-10)

Can anyone tell me if this will work with a Steam version of Fallout 3? Haven't modded or installed anything to it before... kind of worried about it crapping itself.

qsagasjhssdggasgjasgjsdsj (2009-08-12)

I have a problem, and could need some help Uum, sorry for the username, I'm kind of new here. But not that new to downloading. So I got this problem, when I went to the I first I arrived at the mothership, and into my cell, everything except the charatchers changes coulours everysecond. Its like if its somthing wrong with it, I have seen the trailer and so on, and thats not what it is supposed to look like. One more thing every time i press F9, for quickload, the game crashes. Every kind of help would be nice, please take it step by step, I am not so good ad all this. Thanks!

Davardo (2009-08-14)

I downloaded this but the 1.7 Patch isn't working, it can't find xlive.dll

Yuri420xx (2009-08-19)

yeah im having the same problem ccant find xlive .dll

Elsdragon (2009-08-21)

For those having problems with the xlive.dll; it is not a problem with the turrent. You need to upgrade to the most recent version of the windows live software. Grab it for free here:

Yuri420xx (2009-08-21)

Yeah that helped. Runs fine looks good. thanks

saku234 (2009-09-01)

Does this work with reloadeds version of the game, i can not activate these expansions in fallouts data screen, what i do wrong ?

ClaudiuTTTVenom (2009-09-01)

hello ppl,
can someone please help me....idk how to get the DLC's to work..i installed them correct...installed patch 1.7....Now,i start the game...and do wat???(Yes....i checked all the DLC's before starting the game....i even tried checking just the one i wanned 2 play but nothing!!) me with this...

truthy (2009-09-05)

thx for sharing!
worked perfectly.

truthy (2009-09-05)

the patch didn't finish installing, but it was patched to v1.7 anyway (terminating the process).
I used another/older/cracked FalloutLauncher.exe to start the game, selecting the Data Files,
it's compatible to
nice upload,
i have the reloaded version btw & as soon as you r in the wasteland the new/expansion quests will appear

Brachneos (2009-09-05)

Will this work with skullptura's rip?

RaitoKunRyuk (2009-09-06)

I'm having the same problem as Jerk_Shop, when i select the DLC pack, it just freezes and nothing happens! Any help?

brettv (2009-09-11)

When I patch to 1.7 it says that my game files are not recognized or something to that effect. When I have 1.5 then it runs ok until I try to complete a quest from the dlcs...

brettv (2009-09-12)

nm, think I fixed it.

AryaNFirE2010 (2009-09-15)

Having a weird as hell problem activating Broken Steel. I have skulptura's version of the game. Patched properly and installed the files in the said folder. Opened through launcher, selected all mods, launched game. Loaded to the part where I have to decide who goes in to activate the purifier. I waited for a few seconds.. and all the quest notifications came, including the level cap increment etc. of Broken Steel. I could even send my companion in to do it for me. But the problem comes from here.. whether I go or my companion, I always get the outro and then credits. My game never continues?
Another anomaly I noticed - whenever I tick all the mods in the data files and click "ok", it resets to only having the Fallout ESP and 3rd ESP in the list (it was anchorage, then I deleted it, so it became broken steel) tick marked. Is this supposed to happen? If the other mods somehow didn't get loaded, then how did I get the notifications in-game? Please help!

AryaNFirE2010 (2009-09-15)

Got it to work, though I had to activate it through the mod manager.. wonder why?

Keishikun (2009-09-16)

@jerk_shop & RaitoKunRyuk
Sounds to me like maybe your install shield is maybe out of date or broken. If not I honestly don't know what could be causing that.. Its worked fine for tons of people so far
Could have been something to do with if you were playing with GFWL online or offline, possibly. Particular rips of the game could be at fault. I run a legit copy of Fallout3 so I'm not sure, haven't tested it on every rip available xD

Lykos09 (2009-09-16)

is this including the actual game?

larsam1994 (2009-09-19)

What do you mean by "place a check next to the addons"?

MuertenHBG (2009-09-22)

Hey, i really need som help! so fucking anoyed att this torrent now. i installed it in data not data files because a map named data files does not exist in fallout 3. but anyways so i installed everything correctly"just pushed next til it was completed" and now what? nothing fuking happend with the game. how do you choose to play the expansion packs? plus when i check the files, its just 2 files from every expansion pack a .bsa file and a sound file, then i search for it on the internet and seemed like you needed a speciel program to unpack this .bsa files so i tried but of course this program was so fucking advanced that i couldnt understand it. can someone please help me?!!!!! i really want the expansion packs. I have a legit fallout 3 with cd installed on my windows vista-64bit.

Eris1 (2009-09-23)

torrent works great, installed properly no issues, however it is indeed being tracked. 12 hours after installation i was cut off by my isp and had to get preached at for 15 minutes before they'd turn service back on.
watch your ass.

nogills (2009-10-03)

@VistaHell: You don't need a crack for 1.6 or 1.7. They don't modify the FalloutLauncher.exe. Just downlaod the crack for 1.5, install 1.7, and just use the 1.5 crack.

Vonhagen666 (2009-10-04)


Mr.TheWise (2009-10-07)

The DLC Pack worked fine for Realoded Version for me. I use Windows 7.
Install The Dlc
Run The Patch
And Use Elsdragon's link and "Download latest

anishrestha (2009-10-08)

For Skullptura Rips
-Make sure you have final fix
-Download Latest Xlive
-Install The files in torrent
-Now if in the loader,the tick gets removed after closing the launcher,download crack 1.5
-be sure to have a fallout mod manager,just as a backup
(now the part which hasnt been cleared out here,this took me a day to figure out..but the answer was so simple)
-the "download" section remains greyed but..this doesnt mean that the DLC aren't loaded
-to play DLC,just load a desired savegame and tune on the GNR (or any radio, i dunno) you will be hearing the news of the DLC and quests will be unlocked..

phsudo (2009-10-08)

Hey sorry but i'm a little new to the PC crack thing. I downloaded your file no problem but when I click on the DLC file it just loads and loads until I force it to close with task manager. The 1.7 patch works and allows me to run Fallout 3 without the DVD but other than that I cannot get the DLC

bigmiketn (2009-10-11)

ok i'm getting: "A decompression error has occured (#1024) Unknown decompression error"
after zeta - main.esm. can someone help plz?

phsudo (2009-10-13)

Haha works great now. Stupid vista approval message... great job

svennnnnnnnnnnn (2009-10-14)

a Q i actully bought the real game on steam, and i am having som Trouble with this stuff.
any1 now what to do??

svennnnnnnnnnnn (2009-10-14)

i pressed ''downloades'' and it said ''new content avalible'' but when i clicked it it clicked me back!

youngbling75 (2009-11-02)

Can any 1 help me? I launched Operation Anchorage & when I get in the Simulation Pod, for some reason the game crashed. I did everything right idk wats wrong? I already completed Broken Steel & The Pitt, dunno wats wrong with this so if anybody knows about this or having same problem, please reply back! This addon looks tiiight!

arthaskiller (2009-11-07)

When I press the goddamn DLC Installer it just loads and loads until I freak out and Ctrl+Alt+Delete it out. Is there any simple solution for this or is it just because the torrent is shit? Any answer will be much obliged. And yes, I've got the actual game and patched it to 1.7.

forexis (2009-11-22)

I am using windows XP professional still, and I have had no problem running anything to date but on this program, and I had this problem with downloading the game of the year edition for the DLC's as well. I already had the game installed and was just trying to get the updated expansion content to work on my computer However, when I click the DLC.exe in this torrent or in the goty edition, my explorer freezes up and I get nothing and have to ctrl+alt+del to close out explorer, restart my computer, etc. to get responsiveness back... Any answers?

FINsoldier (2009-11-24)

I cannot save my game anymore.
It just doesnt do it >:(

FINsoldier (2009-11-25)

Can anyone help me with this problem?!

tamerz1 (2009-11-28)

Hi can you please help me?
Whenever I try to play Broken Steel the game just crashes, I mean when i try to get to project purity with liberty prime.
I have done everything said in the instructions, and have played zeta with no problems. could you please give me any tips?
Many thanks

Leiriska (2009-12-06)

I downloaded and installed DLCs. Anchorage and Pitt worked perfectly thank you for that, but the problem started when i was going to play Broken Sleet. It appears that when i have running 3 or more DLC at the same time for examble: I had Anchorage, The Pitt and Broken Steel running. Broken Steel likely turned of Anchorage or the Pitt and all the items gathered from these DLCs vanished. So can anyone please help and tell me, how to get all DLCs work correctly whit out losing items =) ps. sorry for bad english :D

Leiriska (2009-12-06)

And because of my kindness. Game hasn't crashed even once and installing was easy. Great Torrent!

Leiriska (2009-12-06)

OK I've done some research and it seems that Broken Steel only turns off Anchorage, not Pitt, Point Lookout or Zeta. Guess I have to play Broken Steel whit out Gauss Rifle or Winterized Power Armor =(, luckily still got Auto Axe >= D

Hocey (2009-12-07)

I can't Quick Save.
The normal save-function from the menu works, but the F5-one doesnt...
It does say "Quicksaving..." up in the corner, but it just doesnt register.
Someone please help me!
Thanks in advance!

defisis27 (2009-12-08)

Worked great for me. I downloade, installed, and beat all of them with no problems. I love this game so Thank you!!

[SIC] (2009-12-18)

Hi, I have a dumb question, does this dlc work with english-UK game/patch? Thanks in advance

azrukal (2009-12-28)

hey Keishikun, I could use a little help.. I tried everything, I followed all of your instructions but nothing changes.. no radio signal and the game ends at the jeffersons memorial rotunda. What do I do to at least start one of the DLC's?

azrukal (2009-12-28)

now the same that hapened to mosbach is hapenin to me.. man you just screwed me... how do I got my characters back now? how do I play? you could at least help me because I havent got my chars or my DLC's.. can you at least help me getting one of thoose?

azrukal (2009-12-28)

you could at least try to answer my questions

furyator (2010-01-04)

Hey i just installed fallout 3 with skullptura rip and installed the DLCs i logged in and went to the radio stations that popped up about the dlc stuff and i went into moriartys tavern in megaton and walked over to the dude on the right that makes you blow up the town and game crashes... Any ideas?

herostealer (2010-01-07)

@ sveennnnnnnn
this most probably wont work on steam your only chance is to try and get all the DLC on sale via steam otherwise this wont work

zarlok (2010-01-09)

Stop seeding this piece of trash. Does not work. Probably some kind of virus. The DLC exe just sits there in the background when you run it, doing nothing-- probably a trojan. Complete waste of time. DO NOT DOWNLOAD.

zarlok (2010-01-09)

Hmm. Maybe not. Let it run for like 5 mins and finally it started doing something.

zarlok (2010-01-09)

There is no god damn "check" to click in the fuqing data file. Stupid moron who wrote the direction should be shot. Are we supposed to use some OTHER program to get this to work, you stupid fuqer?

taukoh (2010-01-13)

When i start fallout launcher and access Data Files it shows absolutely nothing, its blank and if i click ?play? then it says it?s not installed and cannot locate the DVD-ROM. However if i launch the game with fallout3.exe the game works but with no DLC. How can i make the game/launcher recognise the .esm files in the data folder?

juliocesarfs (2010-01-19)

I have Fallout 3-RELOADED, and it works fine for me.
Nice installer and thanks for upload.

patfan123456 (2010-01-20)

to every one who cant find the data files check box just download fallout mod manager

LubnanMan (2010-01-25)

works with Skulptura RIP on Windows 7 :)
1) Installed Skulptura rip according to instructions (make sure user account control is off)
2) Ran his patch thing (took about 5 hours o.0)
3) I've been playing fallout 3 for a while, decided to get this since im nearing level 20
4) Just run this installation, make sure u select the folder u installed fallout 3 with
5) when starting make sure you check all the boxes for them to work (for some reason it makes me do this everytime, no big deal though)
6) Works like a charm
oh yeah
if ur havin trouble with skulpturra rip crashing.. or this crashing for that matter, play around with the graphics settings. Some settings seem to cause it to crash on different computers

Mysterious2k10 (2010-02-19)

Great speed, downloaded it within an hour, easy to install, and seems to be working! I've finished Broken Steel, and Mothership Zeta, currently playing Point Lookout now, no problems :)
My game is a bit more crashy since I installed the patch/DLC pack, but it's not too bad, probably my shitty computer anyway.. :P
Thanks heaps!

xWiccedx (2010-03-08)

Ya this installer works perfectly fine you just have to direct it to the correct path. However after I installed this I am crashing every few minutes. W/E it works the way the uploader said it does.

Akatsuki0920 (2010-03-14)

Does this work with unleashed GOTY version?

addict9009 (2010-03-25)

it installs fine and the radio signals play. no crashes in 60+min of play.
i have the legal game.

Stuntmanner (2010-04-05)

Doesn't work one bit for me.
Whenever I choose to do the very last mission then I doesn't wake up at the citadel as supposed. I just wake up in the chamber where I did the last thing and unable to do anything but hear myself breath when I press "E".
I tried sending the girl in to do the code instead then. After the movie I were just nailed in the place where I were when the movie started. I can look around and crouch. But not jump or walk.
I thought screw that DLC then and tried going to the riverboat instead. But that just crashed my game. Anyone knows what I should do?
I had some mods in the game before I put in the DLC. I'm not sure if that has anything to say.
Thanks in advance and hope to hear something from you.

Stuntmanner (2010-04-05)

Stuff started to work now all of a sudden. Though the problem in project purity still is there. I can't seem to get the broken steel DLC to work since I'm still getting stucked after the "ending" movie.

BadBoy06 (2010-04-11)

Just a heads up: Bethesda (ZeniMax) is monitoring this torrent as we got a nasty-gram from our ISP...
(The things our kids do on our accounts without our knowledge...) ;)

RemSpain (2010-05-12)

Good job man. DLL @ 500 Mb/s. Easy install and work like a charm. I just finish Operation Anchorage and right now playing Mothership Zeta. For everyone : Good torrent.

NuttyJAK (2010-05-17)

Whenever I run the damn patch it says "The ordinal 5360 could not be located in the dynamic link library xlive.dll" WTFFFFFFFFFFF! Then everything crashes! PLZ help!

RemSpain (2010-05-21)

@ NuttyJAK
install "Games for Windows" :

i have this pack and work like a charm. Ah and install the 1.7 patch too.

lucane99 (2010-05-22)

Request for all future cracks to have alt-tab support

lazzybum (2010-05-29)

i installed the DLC to my fo3 folder, and checked the add ons in data files before running the game. How do I know its working? Is the downloads button on menu suppose to be grayed out still? Or is it just in the game somehow?
Im using Skulptura's fo3

lowe11111111111111 (2010-06-16)

can i use this in DLC in skullptura FO3 rip??

Wildbrew (2010-06-19)

I Got Vista And Downloaded Full rip Skullptura And It Worked Great Many Thanks

Armandez (2010-06-21)

I own Fallout 3 and use windows for live on it with my Xbox Live account from my Xbox 360. Can I download this torrent and use the DLC on my Live account without being banned?

Turkeytwizz (2010-07-13)

doesnt seem to work for me D;

ryyyaaaan (2010-07-18)

Download finished quickly and installation was extremely easy. Works perfectly with Skullptura's Fallout 3 Rip. For those who can't manage the DLCs in the Fallout 3 Launcher try the Fallout 3 Mod Manager.

Great game & torrent.

bk12321 (2010-07-24)

Worked for me with Reloaded, but now in-game when I go into VATS, it lags for about 2 seconds and then displays the percentages like normal. Any suggestions?

fatguy1990 (2010-08-18)

i cant find the exe and idk if the patch patched coz it patched it lik 5 secs

IZZY-E (2010-08-28)

Ok I'm a little lost on the skulptura rip. I have the game installed his way and have his patch installed as well. I updated the game to 1.7 from here and even installed this exe. It said everything was installed but I don't see anything that shows that the dlc was installed. I don't know if it is or isn't since this dlc is all wierd. That launcher doesn't work for me cuz when i launch it up the data files thing is grayed out and the launcher still thinks that i don't have the game installed. So anyone how I'm supposed to verify if I even have the dlc's or not?

IZZY-E (2010-08-28)

Sorry typo above. Anyone know how I'm supposed to verify if I have the dlc installed or not?

ChimChimtheOmni88 (2010-08-31)

Ok, I've read through more comments and forums than I care to remember and I'm still having issues. I first installed the game and started a new file just to make sure it worked, which it did. The trouble started when I install the DLCs. I've been getting the dreaded 'ordinal 5360' error message. I've installed the patch, I DLed FOMM because it's been said that this will get around it (which it hasn't), and I've tried updating Games for Windows Live, but when the lengthy download finishes, the following security warning pops up: Windows has found a problem with this file. Name: gfwlivesetupmin.exe Publisher: Unknown Publisher... This file was blocked because it does not have a valid digital signature that verifies it's publisher. I push 'OK' and nothing happens. I REALLY want to play Fallout! A quick fix would not go amiss. Thank you.

jackslash (2010-09-25)

Do not download there is a coupon malware imbedded. Atleast that what i picked up

CarbonVll (2010-09-28)

how do i play the addons i check the DLC i want to play but when i load up my game i dont know what to do???

domfontana (2010-10-28)

Do download this torrent. The other poster is mistaken.
First, thanks for the torrent. Nice job. I downloaded the whole thing in less than 10 minutes and I can verify that everything works perfectly.
Second, when you first start to install it, your anti-malware, may report a false positive. That means, it may "warn" you of a threat, but it's mistaken because there is no threat. That happens alot with torrents. Just click to Allow or Ignore it and proceed with the Installation.
Third, just follow the excellent directions that were provided here. In the decsription above, use the link to update Windows Live. It takes about a minute. Then, run the update from the torrent to update to ver. 1.7. Finally start the installer and it will install all 5 expansion packs. Install them to your Fallout 3 directory. Then, don't start the game yet. Use the Fallout 3 launcher program in your Fallout 3 directory. From there, select Data Files and a window will open. You will see Fallout 3 and the 5 expansion packs you just installed. Fallout 3 will already be checked. Just check the 5 expansion packs and close the window. Now you're all set. Start the game as usual and you will have the original game and all 5 expansions available to you.
Again great job and thank you. From the time I saw this torrent and downloaded and installed everything, it took about 20-25 minutes and I'm all done.
Very highly recommended.

Aeronomer (2011-01-08)

I agree with domfontana. I have the retail version of the game and this works perfectly. Great job.

northm (2011-01-31)

If you are running into the following problems after installing broken steel and/or other mods:
- mods not activating even after hours of gameplay
- red diamond shapes (textures/images not loading)
- cannot move upon starting broken steel
- cannot find Paladin Tristan
- lots more crashes than usual
YOU MUST upgrade to 1.5+ or 1.7. If you already have, CHECK THE VERSION NUMBER of your fallout3.exe file, it might not have upgraded properly EVEN IF YOU INSTALLED THE UPGRADE! This is especially common with You will likely find that all these problems vanish when you finally get this file upgraded.

Oroles (2011-02-08)

Thanks to the uploader for making this pack available, but I have a major issue regarding the patcher, and apparently there are many more other people having the same problem as me. I own an early retail version.
I hope you can help with this as I think you mentioned my exact issue. I have the early version of the game,, and whenever I run the updater, it just starts the game exe after loading, resulting in a non-responsive patching process. I have tried endless methods of bypassing this, as researched on the net, but to no use.
So, how can I bypass this game-starting-while-patching issue? Can anyone help? If not, it seems I'll be stuck to playing the original content only.

HP-NRNS (2011-03-20)

Works fine. Many thanks! :D

dontpKaniC (2011-03-22)

thanx alot but ive got a question how do i know that the dlcs are actualy working? do i need to finish the original game first? or is there some other way to verify that the dlcs are working?

masonhales (2011-04-10)

1mb+ dl speed. THANKS!!!

ReallyReallyDumbGuy (2011-04-13)

Well, I've got an issue where I open the Data Files and check all the boxes, but it resets to just Fallout3 being selected no matter what I do. So then I tried only selecting Operation Anchorage, and then it tells me that "Fallout 3 has stopped working."
Also, I am running the Precracked Fallout 3 Reloaded by ictorrents.

ReallyReallyDumbGuy (2011-04-13)

Hi, I'm running the Fallout 3 Reloaded by ictorrents and I've got an issue when I try to run the DLCs. I open the Data Files and I select all of them, but it always resets back to Fallout 3, then I tried only selecting Operation Anchorage, but the Fallout crashes on me.
Any Suggestions?

ReallyReallyDumbGuy (2011-04-13)

Double post, my bad.

MrAwesome123 (2011-07-07)

EVERYBODY !!! to play the mods install them with mod manager and go ingame and you will recieve the dlc quests

Radbanshee (2011-07-29)

Works like a charm. Thanks

Trevoc (2011-08-03)

HEY! If you are having problems patching to 1.7 because FALLOUT STARTS UP IN THE MIDDLE OF IT, then what you need to do is move both the fallout.exe and falloutlauncher to Data file while the patch installs. This makes it not start up and allows it to save the new changes. My launcher wasn't 1.7, but my .exe was. When I clicked on launcher, I click on data files and checked all the boxes, but I started up fallout with .exe---After about a minute or so I got barraged with radio broadcasts. This works perfectly! Thank you so much!

igifan (2011-08-17)

fallout 3 walkthrough:

BlinkyBill26 (2011-09-02)

Thank you heaps man this works great was easy as to install, your awsome

tushan (2011-09-10)

Thanks, friend. Actually I realized now how there is a limit on number of people who will still seed and old (but not so old) game. Planescape torment? Here you go. Fallout NV? Sure. But Fallout 3 is more tricky =)

Amphrax (2011-09-25)

i followed the instructions. ive done things like this plenty of times.. but the god damn dlc's keeps unchecking in data files.. when i check them and go play after pressing ok i get random crashed on high end machine. and when i go to data file and do nothing than cancle and i load i get the messege about the content is not there... freaking hell i wanna get it to work

Amphrax (2011-09-25)

Got it to work now with the mod manager.. jeez.... sorry about my whining lol, was totally annoyed

Amphrax (2011-09-25)

argh ffs... whats up with the random crashes..... anyone got a solution to this? god damn annoying

Amphrax (2011-09-25)

Adding This line
and editing this line (add if you don't have it)
Fixed my random freeze issue for win7. Add it under the [general] tag to your fallout.ini file in your my documents\my games\fallout 3

BJ_Pudding (2011-10-08)

thanks man,works great :)

FOREbODER (2011-12-24)

BIG THANKS To Keishikum & Everybody Involved In Making All This Happen & For All Your Hard Work This Year, Happy Holiday`s & Riley Looking Forward To More Great Stuff in the New Year, I Think We All Appreciate the Effort & Hard Work That Goes In To Making All This Happen Just For US. BIG THANKS

losowski (2012-07-17)

It better download fast
In the while ill read some of these shityy comments ;P
Oh and if its 100% legit, Thank you Kei.....Uploader

Joe197 (2012-07-28)

Thanks for the torrent

JoshTan20 (2012-10-28)

Can someone please tell me how to get launcher, it automatically starts the game without showing launcher!

smilyslife (2012-12-26)

the chek goes away when I press OK some help pls?

Da_Qiao (2013-03-02)

Downloaded in 15 minutes!
Thanks, seeding.

Lordvash (2014-04-07)

Thanks works very conveniently ! Nice installer too !