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The Ballad of Jack And Rose [V O Sub] [DVDRip] [XviD-AC3] by He










2005-08-15 (by Hexmar)



The Ballad of Jack and Rose (2005) Lenguage: English with Spanish subs. Dirección y guión: Rebecca Miller. País: USA. Año: 2005. Género: Drama. Interpretación: Daniel Day-Lewis (Jack Slavin), Camilla Belle (Rose Slavin), Catherine Keener (Kathleen), Paul Dano (Thaddius), Ryan McDonald (Rodney), Jena Malone (Red Berry), Beau Bridges (Marty Rance), Jason Lee (Gray), Susanna Thompson (Miriam Rance). Producción: Lemore Syvan. Música: Michael Rohatyn. Fotografía: Ellen Kuras. Montaje: Sabine Hoffman. Diseño de producción: Mark Ricker. Dirección artística: Pierre Rovira. Vestuario: Jennifer von Mayrhause SINOPSIS:1986. Jack (Daniel Day-Lewis) y su hija de die-ciséis años, Rose (Camilla Belle), viven en una comuna abandonada en una isla. Desde la de-sintegración de la comuna, Jack ha protegido a su hija de las influencias del mundo exterior, pero ahora, una grave enfermedad de éste y el despertar sexual de Rose plantean cuestiones sobre el futuro. Cuando Jack invita a su novia Kathleen (Catherine Keener) y a sus dos hijos, Rodney (Ryan McDonald) y Thaddius (Paul Dano), a vivir con ellos, Rose se siente traicionada y la situación rápidamente se vuelve precaria. Rose ac-túa de forma irresponsable creando el caos. Mientras todo se sale de control, Jack se encuentra atrapado y se ve forzado a tomar me-didas. PLOT SUMMARY: Jack (Daniel Day-Lewis) lives on the site of his abandoned island commune with his 16-year-old daughter Rose (Camilla Belle). Jack has sheltered Rose from the influences of the outside world, but now Rose's emerging womanhood poses troubling questions about the days ahead. A man who has lived a life motivated by environmentalism and other altruistic causes, Jack now rages at those who do not share his concerns, like developer Marty Rance (Beau Bridges), who is building a housing tract on the edge of his property. When Jack invites his girlfriend Kathleen (Catherine Keener) and her sons Rodney (Ryan McDonald) and Thaddius (Paul Dano) to live with them, Rose feels betrayed and the situation quickly becomes precarious. Rose acts out wildly, creating chaos. As everything flies out of control, Jack finds himself trapped in an impossible place and is forced to take action.

Files count:



1395.95 Mb




hyva.haltijatar (2006-02-27)

How can you turn off that spanish subtitles?
Or can you?

blingeblingebling (2006-10-08)

Could someone seed, please? Thanks.

itsduffman (2006-12-07)

OH FFS, Spanish subtitles right in the source.
Thats just dumb. Ever hear of a srt file?

kirigoe (2007-08-02)

fucking spicks, nice going with the closed captions

headtoy (2007-09-04)

ouch! no need to get nasty people... If this doesnt suit your high demands youre more than welcome to rent or buy the movie...

ImATumbler (2008-02-05)

fuck you krigoe, you piece of scum
not everyone in the world speak English
f you don't like go out and buy you prick
thanks Hexmar!