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2006-09-24 (by dahojds)


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ THE END IS THE BEGINNING ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POSTMORTEM presents a TopWare Interactive production Dream Pinball 3D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 09/2006 Prot.: Activation Count: 1 DVD Genre: Sim Lang.: Multi5

Files count:



497.59 Mb




tomrum (2006-09-24)

thx - but text auf deutsch...

christian166 (2006-09-24)

its good if you give the cd-key to

wildman69 (2006-09-24)

Can't play it whitout a Cd-Key. Post it here dahojds

FSDude (2006-09-24)

Pull the .exe from the postmortem folder on the cd. Works fine for me.

wildman69 (2006-09-24)

I did that FSDude but it still ask for the cd key when i start the game.

zabby (2006-09-25)

this shit dont work.... why the hell post somthing without giving us the cd key ???? post the cd key so we ca use this game

jizac2 (2006-09-25)

Thanks for sharing... The game works fine for me 100%.
Install game.
after it is finished installing [b]Dont open it.[/b]
Go to the postmortem dir and copy the crack from it, then paste it into the installed game's dir. overwriting the existing file.
Now open the game and it shouldn't ask for any bloody serial... hope it helps you Mr. Mrs. & Ms n00b.
If you opened the game before installing the crack your fucked and have to start again by uninstalling rebooting and reinstalling & doing the crack thang the correct way..

dahojds (2006-09-25)

copy the crck into the installed directory and just click on the ok button and it gonna start.

ZhaavardZ (2006-10-06) game

qriff (2007-04-15)

 Murlok (2007-07-08)

Working sometimes

 Murlok (2007-07-09)

If you have dl crack completed go to another place for better seeding Crack working on other torrents also!

AMD freak (2008-07-19)

Why is this one 498MB?
I got one on the hook right now and it's only a 150MB dload (7z archive)
nOObs... lmfao

pca2 (2008-08-02)

you big fool,what is the key??))

jerejere12 (2008-12-15)

seed please :)

xiIix (2009-01-23)

Mount the image, go to the cd/dvd drive and fine the crack folder in said image, copy it to the install folder, stsart the game. Doesn't matter if you started it without the crack, you don't have to reinstall. Just find that crack and overwrite the exe in the install folder.

Timewarpone (2011-03-07)

I had no problem finding & installing the crack. My issues are with DirectX. I am running Windows 7 (32bit) with a DirectX 10 video card. Everytime I try to run the program I get a message that the program can not find DriectX 9. I thought DirectX 10.0 was backward compatible? Thanks

mc024 (2011-06-11)

hello everyone
1. mount or burn the image file.
2. install the game.
3. dp3d copy the file from the folder POSTMORTEM and paste it into the game installation directory overwriting the existing one.

jawsmtv (2011-08-29)

thanx, work fine.. other point...if you have a intel graphics video card or whathever, you need to activate the vertex processing on your driver programs on control panel or in the small icons on toolbar desktop ... (sorry for my bad english) Spanish= si tiene una tarjeta de graficas intel o la que tenga, nesesitas ir a la configuracion de la tarjeta de graficas para activar el vertex processing o prosesador vertex.. si no lo activa no le funcionara bien..