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Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP]




Software PC


Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP]




2011-02-03 (by webchella )


Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP] =========== ::English:: =========== Category: Programs Language: English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese, Japanese Extras: Includes Instructions and software for Hiren v13.0 spend a PEN DRIVE Hiren s BootCD v13.0 With Mini WINDOWS XP CD (bootable) + tools and instructions to create a PEN DRIVE with Hirens Boot 13.0 As many should know Hiren's BootCD from their latest versions eliminated all commercial software that included. This left many programs that made known. This version includes such programs, to name a few such as Norton Ghost, Acronis Disk Director Acronis True Image and other new tools. The following tools were added to 13.0 Hirens CD Partition Tools: EASEUS Partition Server Edition Master 6.5.1 Partition Magic Pro 8.05 (registered) Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0.2160 Paragon Partition Manager Server 7.0.1274 Backup Tools: Norton Ghost 11.5.1 Acronis True Image Enterprise Server 8.1.945 Registration Password & tools: Active Password Changer 3.0.420 (NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista) Hard Disk: HDD Regenerator 2011 (full) In miini Windows XP: - Partition Magic Pro 8.05 - Ghost32 - Ghost Explorer - GhostCast Server - OneKey Ghost 6.5.6 - Mozilla Firefox 06/03/1913 - Internet Download Manager 6.03 - HWiNFO32 v3.65 Build 1065 - Unikey 4.0 RC2 - WinRAR 4.00 Beta 3 - Total Commander 7.55a - Avast! Registry Editor - BkavHome3175 - Outlook Express Backup v6.5 - HDClone Professional v3.9.4 - EASEUS Partition Master 6.5.2 Home Edition - GetData Recover My Files Pro 4.6.8 Build 993 - GetDataBack 4.10 Hiren s BootCD changes of 13.0 compared to 12.0: Software update: 7-Zip 9.20, 5.48 Astra, Autoruns 10.06, Avira AntiVir Personal (31/12/2010) BlueScreenView 1.30, CCleaner 02/03/1343, ComboFix (31/12/2010), 1.85 CurrPorts, Defraggler 2.01.239, Dr.Web CureIt! Antivirus (31-12-2010), DriveImage XML 2.20, FastCopy 2.06, GPU-Z 0.5.0, 25/12/2010 grub4dos, HBCD Customizer 1.5, HBCD Program Launcher 2.0, HDD Low Level Format Tool (Fixed Issues with MiniXp) IE PassView 1.25, IrfanView 4.28, IsoBuster 2.8.5, patch Keyboard Should now work under x64, LicenseCrawler, Mail PassView 1.70, *** Anti-Malware 1.50.1 (31/12/2010) MBRWizard 3.0. 73, MessenPass 1.40, 1.70 MyUninstaller, OpenedFilesView 1.47, Opera 9.64, PasswordFox 1.26, PC Wizard 2010.1.961, PhotoRec 6.12b, 5.0.11 PLoP Boot Manager, Process Explorer 14.1, PST (Outlook) Password Recovery 1.15, Recuva 1.39.509 , RegScanner 1.83, Remove 1.72 Fake Antivirus, Samsung ESTOOL 3.01v, SearchMyFiles 1.61, SeaTools for Dos 2.22, ShellExView 1.50, 1.72 SmartSniff, Speccy 1.07.205, Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.6.2 (31/12/2010), SpywareBlaster 4.4 (31/12/2010), SuperAntiSpyware 4.47.1000 (31/12/2010), TeamViewer 5.0.8703 (Fixed), TestDisk 6.12b, Total Commander 7.56a, 1.84 USBDeview, Western Digital Diagnostics (DLGDIAG) 5.19, Xp 3.97.10-AntiSpy. Software added: - BulletsPassView 1.00: reveal asterisks passwords in windows / IE (Updated Asterisk Logger) x32/x64 (Windows Freeware). - Calcute 7.10.4: a compact scientific calculator (Windows Freeware). - CloneSpy 2.52: clean duplicate files to save space (Windows Freeware). - DataRescue DD 1.0: DrDD is a disk imager intended for data recovery and backup of the damaged storage devices, the main advantages are variety of selection and copy Backward Direction (Windows Freeware). - DiskImage 1.6: Create and burn disc images for files and floppy disks (Windows Freeware). - DiskWipe 1.2: Securely erases the contents of a disk replacing it with random data or leaving the drive completely blank (Windows Freeware). - Ext2Explore 02/02/1971: to explore ext2/ext3/ext4 disk / partition, can also be used to view and copy images from disk and file system (Windows Freeware). - FbInst 1.6: A tool for creating boot disks to boot from flash universal all computers (Windows Freeware). - Filemon 7.04: Monitors and displays file system activity in real time systems (Windows Freeware). - MyDefrag 4.3.1: Free disk defragment and optimize utility (before JkDefrag) for Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (Windows Freeware). - Regmon 7.04: A monitoring utility that will show you which applications are accessing your registry (Windows Freeware). - RMPrepUSB 2.1.600: Partition and format the USB drive and make it boot (Windows Freeware). - IP Router / Passwords: The complete list of default passwords and default router IP address of the router, can be useful if you have lost your manual or lost your password for the router (Windows Freeware). - SniffPass 1.12: A tool for monitoring the password that listens to the network, capture the passwords that pass through your network adapter, which runs on POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, FTP, and HTTP protocols and recovers lost Web / FTP / Email passwords x32/x64 (Windows Freeware). muejejejejje - System Explorer 2.6.1: Displays detailed system information about processes, startup, IE addons, drivers, explorer, etc. (Windows Freeware). - TFTPD32 3.51: TFTPD32 protocol is for trivial file transfer (TFTP) client, Including DHCP, TFTP, SNTP and Syslog servers, can also be used for PXE boot (Windows Freeware). - Video Memory Stress Test CE 1.21: Tests of the entire video RAM access for the space of CPU 32-bit address of a clean environment (Two Freeware). + XOSL 1.1.5: A graphical boot loader that supports multi-boot various operating systems (Dos Freeware). =========== ::Spanish:: =========== Categoria: Programas Idioma: Ingles, Español, Frances, Italiano, Aleman, Chino, Japones Extras: Incluye Instructivos y software para pasar el Hiren v13.0 a un PEN DRIVE Hiren s BootCD v13.0 CD Con Mini WINDOWS XP (Booteable) + Herramientas e instrucciones para crear un PEN DRIVE Boot con Hirens 13.0 Como ya muchos deben saber Hiren´s BootCD desde sus ultimas versiones elimino todo el software comercial que incluia. Con ello se fueron muchos programas que lo hicieron conocido. Esta version incluye dichos programas, por mencionar a algunos tales como Norton Ghost, Acronis Disk Director, Acronis True Image y otras nuevas herramientas. Se agregaron las siguientes herramientas al CD Hirens 13.0 Herramientas de particion: EASEUS Partition Master 6.5.1 Server Edition Partition Magic Pro 8.05 (registered) Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0.2160 Paragon Partition Manager Server 7.0.1274 Herramientas de Backup : Norton Ghost 11.5.1 Acronis True Image Enterprise Server 8.1.945 Password &herramientas de registracion: Active Password Changer 3.0.420 (NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista) Hard Disk : HDD Regenerator 2011 (full) En miini Windows XP: - Partition Magic Pro 8.05 - Ghost32 - Ghost Explorer - GhostCast Server - OneKey Ghost 6.5.6 - Mozilla Firefox 3.6.13 - Internet Download Manager 6.03 - HWiNFO32 v3.65 Build 1065 - Unikey 4.0 RC2 - WinRAR 4.00 Beta 3 - Total Commander 7.55a - Avast! Registry Editor - BkavHome3175 - Outlook Express Backup v6.5 - HDClone Professional v3.9.4 - EASEUS Partition Master 6.5.2 Home Edition - GetData Recover My Files Pro 4.6.8 Build 993 - GetDataBack 4.10 Cambios de Hiren s BootCD 13.0 con respecto al 12.0: Software actualizado: 7-Zip 9.20, Astra 5.48, Autoruns 10.06, Avira AntiVir Personal (31-12-2010), BlueScreenView 1.30, CCleaner 3.02.1343, ComboFix (31-12-2010), CurrPorts 1.85, Defraggler 2.01.239, Dr.Web CureIt! Antivirus (31-12-2010), DriveImage XML 2.20, FastCopy 2.06, GPU-Z 0.5.0, grub4dos 2010-12-25, HBCD Customizer 1.5, HBCD Program Launcher 2.0, HDD Low Level Format Tool (Fixed issues with MiniXp), IE PassView 1.25, IrfanView 4.28, IsoBuster 2.8.5, Keyboard patch should now work under x64, LicenseCrawler, Mail PassView 1.70, *** Anti-Malware 1.50.1 (31-12-2010), MBRWizard 3.0.73, MessenPass 1.40, MyUninstaller 1.70, OpenedFilesView 1.47, Opera 9.64, PasswordFox 1.26, PC Wizard 2010.1.961, PhotoRec 6.12b, PLoP Boot Manager 5.0.11, Process Explorer 14.1, PST (Outlook) Password Recovery 1.15, Recuva 1.39.509, RegScanner 1.83, Remove Fake Antivirus 1.72, Samsung ESTOOL 3.01v, SearchMyFiles 1.61, SeaTools for Dos 2.22, ShellExView 1.50, SmartSniff 1.72, Speccy 1.07.205, Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.6.2 (31-12-2010), SpywareBlaster 4.4 (31-12-2010), SuperAntispyware 4.47.1000 (31-12-2010), TeamViewer 5.0.8703 (Fixed), TestDisk 6.12b, Total Commander 7.56a, USBDeview 1.84, Western Digital Diagnostics (DLGDIAG) 5.19, Xp-AntiSpy 3.97.10. Software agregado: - BulletsPassView 1.00:revela los asteriscos de las contraseñas en windows / IE (Updated Asterisk Logger) x32/x64 (Windows Freeware). - Calcute 7.10.4: una calculadora cientifica compacta (Windows Freeware). - CloneSpy 2.52: limpia archivos duplicados para ahorro de espacio (Windows Freeware). - DataRescue DD 1.0: DrDD es un reproductor de imágenes de disco destinado a la recuperación de datos y copia de seguridad de la parte dañada dispositivos de almacenamiento, las principales ventajas son gama de selección y copiar con versiones anteriores de Dirección (Windows Freeware). - DiskImage 1.6: Crea y graba imágenes de disco para archivos de discos duros y disquetes(Windows Freeware). - DiskWipe 1.2: Securely borra el contenido de un disco que lo sustituya con datos aleatorios o salir de la unidad de disco completamente en blanco (Windows Freeware). - Ext2Explore 2.2.71: para explorar ext2/ext3/ext4 disk/partition, También se puede utilizar para ver y copiar imágenes de disco y sistema de archivos (Windows Freeware). - FbInst 1.6:Una herramienta para crear discos de arranque universal flash que arranca desde todos los ordenadores (Windows Freeware). - Filemon 7.04: Monitores y muestra la actividad del sistema de archivos en un sistema en tiempo real(Windows Freeware). - MyDefrag 4.3.1: Libre desfragmentar el disco y optimizar la utilidad (antes JkDefrag) for Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (Windows Freeware). - Regmon 7.04:Una utilidad de monitoreo que le mostrará qué aplicaciones tienen acceso a su registro (Windows Freeware). - RMPrepUSB 2.1.600: Particionar y formatear el disco USB y hacer que arranque (Windows Freeware). - Router IP/Passwords: La lista completa de las contraseñas por defecto del router por defecto y las direcciones IP del router, puede ser útil si usted ha perdido el manual o perdió su contraseña del router (Windows Freeware). - SniffPass 1.12: Una herramienta de monitoreo de la contraseña que escucha a la red, captura las contraseñas que pasan a través de su adaptador de red, que funciona en POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, FTP, and HTTP protocols and recovers lost Web/FTP/Email passwords x32/x64 (Windows Freeware). muejejejejje - System Explorer 2.6.1: Muestra información detallada del sistema acerca de los procesos, startups, IE addons, drivers, explorer, etc. (Windows Freeware). - TFtpd32 3.51: Tftpd32 es para el protocolo trivial de transferencia de archivos (TFTP) client, including DHCP, TFTP, SNTP y Syslog servers,También se puede utilizar para PXE boot (Windows Freeware). - Video Memory Stress Test CE 1.21: Pruebas de toda la RAM de vídeo de acceso por el espacio de la CPU de direcciones de 32 bits de un medio ambiente limpio (Dos Freeware). + XOSL 1.1.5:Un gestor de arranque gráfico que soporta multi-arranque de varios sistemas operativos (Dos Freeware).

Files count:



554.95 Mb




Gres (2011-02-05)

Instructions in english even though it's pretty simple.
1. Connect USB pen drive or harddisk (512MB or more) to the computer
2. (See image 1) Run Usb_format.exe and select the correct harddisk in the program, select FAT32 as file system och type BOOTCD_USB as Volume label. Also check Quick format and click start.
3. (See image 2) Run (as administrator) Grubinst_gui.exe from the grus4dos folder. Select the correct harddisk, click Refresh next to Part list and click install.
4. Copy grldr and menu.lst from the folder HBCD to the USB drive.
5. Mount / Insert Hiren's bootCD and copy everything from the CD to the usb drive.
6. Test your USB memory.

FAKMAN (2011-02-28)


kornkidro (2011-03-03)

thanks works great keep up the good work

ITsJazZz (2011-04-02)

I can't get the sound to work, it wouldn't detect my soundcard... is there anyone who knows how to fix this problem?

sumitbodele (2011-08-06)

Can i mount my own XP and copy it everything in the USB drive....??
will it work as in step 5...?

fridens (2012-09-17)

thx UL!
works great ....

EXKALIBUR1970 (2012-10-18)

Gracias por el aporte!

rondo_h (2012-10-23)

Thanks. Been looking for this!

vampzcore (2012-11-01)


sachin13 (2013-02-19)

awesome share
just follow the instructions of Gres (the images indicated by him are in the downloaded foler

joppshr (2013-03-20)



1. Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP][WwW.ZoNaTorrent.CoM]/Boot USB/HBCD/grldr 248.57 Kb
2. Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP][WwW.ZoNaTorrent.CoM]/Boot USB/HBCD/menu.lst 4.31 Kb
3. Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP][WwW.ZoNaTorrent.CoM]/Boot USB/USBFormat/usb_format.exe 37.00 Kb
4. Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP][WwW.ZoNaTorrent.CoM]/Boot USB/grub4dos/docs/grubinst.txt 1.45 Kb
5. Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP][WwW.ZoNaTorrent.CoM]/Boot USB/grub4dos/docs/GRUB4DOS.txt 978 bytes
6. Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP][WwW.ZoNaTorrent.CoM]/Boot USB/grub4dos/grub/grldr 230.47 Kb
7. Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP][WwW.ZoNaTorrent.CoM]/Boot USB/grub4dos/grub/ 36.22 Kb
8. Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP][WwW.ZoNaTorrent.CoM]/Boot USB/grub4dos/grub/menu-sample.lst 2.52 Kb
9. Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP][WwW.ZoNaTorrent.CoM]/Boot USB/grub4dos/grub/10.2-menu.lst 1.50 Kb
10. Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP][WwW.ZoNaTorrent.CoM]/Boot USB/grub4dos/grub/menu.lst 103 bytes
11. Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP][WwW.ZoNaTorrent.CoM]/Boot USB/grub4dos/grubinst.exe 60.30 Kb
12. Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP][WwW.ZoNaTorrent.CoM]/Boot USB/grub4dos/grubinst_gui.exe 60.05 Kb
13. Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP][WwW.ZoNaTorrent.CoM]/Boot USB/2.gif 10.05 Kb
14. Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP][WwW.ZoNaTorrent.CoM]/Boot USB/3.gif 7.23 Kb
15. Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP][WwW.ZoNaTorrent.CoM]/Boot USB/1.gif 6.72 Kb
16. Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP][WwW.ZoNaTorrent.CoM]/Boot USB/Instrucciones.txt 1.80 Kb
17. Hirens BootCD v13.0 [+Instalador Boot USB][+Mini Windows XP][WwW.ZoNaTorrent.CoM]/Hirens BootCD 13.0.iso 554.26 Mb