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Eric Hufschmid - Israeli Tricks & Their Upcoming False Flag Atta
Eric Hufschmid - Israeli Tricks -Their Upcoming False Flag Attac
Audio/Audio books
2010-03-29 (by Hufschmid_Jr)
The Criminal Zionists Are Showing Signs Of Failures!
There Are Now MILLIONS Of Us Who Know About These Criminals And Their Tricks.
They Are Now Failing In Their False Flag Operations.
We Have The Opportunity To Put This Crime Network Out Of Existence Once And For All.
So Help Us Find More People Who Are Fed Up With The Corruption!
Don't Let Them Fool You With Truthful Statements!
Kids, This Lesson Might Help You Avoid Becoming A Victim Of Their Newest And Upcoming Tricks.
Alex Jones, Henry Makow, Jeff Rense, And Other Zionist Agents Are Trying To Put All The Blame For The World's Problems Onto The Bankers.
Yes, They Are Telling You The Truth That The Bankers Are Involved In These Crimes, But They Are Deceiving You By Not Also Telling You That There Are Possibly Millions Of Other Zionist Involved With These Crimes.
Don't Fall For This Trick!
More Truth Seekers To Investigate:
Daryl Bradford Smith
Muhammed Rafeeq
Adam Austin
Brendon O'Connell
Mishko Of The Voice Of Reason Radio Network
David Duke,All Of The White Nationalists, And All The Nazi Groups
Israel Realize That They Have Been Exposed.
They Are Starting To Worry That The Military May Take Action.
www. 911 MissingLinks .com
A Partial Transcript Of The Audio
Even though criminals and Zionist Jews are still dominating most nations, and even though the majority of people are still ignoring the corruption and spending their lives titillating themselves like stupid animals, the Jewish crime network is finally showing signs of real deterioration.
I think some of the Jews have been preparing for their destruction since at least 2004, and so I thought I should explain what I think they're doing. This might help you avoid becoming a victim of their newest and upcoming tricks.
The city I live in, Santa Barbara, has a free newspaper called the Independent, and its cover story this week is about the September 11 attack. Unlike the usual idiotic attempts to defend the official story and ridicule the conspiracy theories, this article gives a more fair treatment of the conspiracy theories.
However, the article doesn't mention me or Christopher Bollyn, and nobody from the newspaper contacted me. Instead, they promote such people as David Griffin, Richard Gage, and Steven Jones.
Many years ago I pointed out that I was being ignored by the 9/11 investigators, the Holocaust investigators, and so on, and that the so-called truths groups were promoting Zionist agents, such as Dylan Avery and David Irving. The criminal Jews responded that I was jealous that I wasn't the center of attention, and that I was accusing everybody of being a Zionist agent because I was paranoid and envious.
Quite a few years have passed since then, and I'm sure those of you who have been following my website since those days can see that I wasn't jealous or paranoid. However, if you have just recently discovered my website, you may not understand what I'm talking about, so let me first review a few concepts.
To begin with, we are NOT fighting the Jewish crime network with bullets or swords. Although I'm sure some physical fights occur occasionally, most of us are fighting with the Jews over the information that people are exposed to.
The Jews have an enormous crime network that spans many nations, and they're getting control of television companies, magazines, newspapers, and radio stations. They're also infiltrating schools so that they can promote their propaganda on both teachers and students. You can visualize the situation as thousands of Jews with giant hoses, and they're scattered around the world and spraying the people with a sweet tasting poison.
The Jews are using the media to titillate the people, and they secretly mix in propaganda that gives the people a distorted view of Jews, 9/11, the world wars, Zionism, Israel, the Apollo moon landing, and the Holocaust. The only way to counteract this diabolical activity is with the truth, but the truth will seem harsh and cruel by comparison to the entertainment that the Jews provide. Furthermore, before you can spread the truth, you have to know what it is. Who among us has the truth? Who among us can we trust?
Also, it's important to understand that a person can provide you with the truth, but he is not necessarily honest. I wrote about this concept years ago. It's possible to deceive you with the truth if you are provided with only a portion of the truth.
Also, a person can use truthful statements as bait to lure you over to him and away from people like me. You can visualize that situation as a person putting a worm on a fishing hook, or a pied piper who is luring people into following him into a trap. Just because somebody provides you with some truth doesn't mean that you can trust him.
You can't even trust a person who offers to help you financially, or who wants to repair your broken automobile. The successful con artists are those who first gain your trust, and that requires they spend some of their time and effort, and possibly some of their money.
It's sad to think that we have to be this suspicious of one another, but until we have enough people to completely crush these crime networks, this is what we have to do.
I've been pointing out for years that almost everybody in this so-called truth movement, and peace groups, the veterans groups, and other organizations are actually con artists working for the Jewish crime network. They try to gain your trust and then deceive you. Many of them are saying almost exactly what I say, which makes it difficult for people to see a difference between us.
For example, Jeff Gates, who has the website, was interviewed by Daryl Smith on September 3, 2009. Here is a brief excerpt in which he is explaining that before a person can be deceived, a con artist must first gain his trust:
Jeff Gates: Before you can deceive you must first create a sense of trust. So, if you're going to wage war by way of deception, which is the operating credo of the Israeli Mossad, the intelligence and black ops operation - the operation literally worldwide - you've got to create a sense of friendship and trust.
Jeff Gates appears to be just like me. He appears to be an honest man who is trying to help you understand the tricks of the Mossad, but I think he's just another Zionist agent who is exposing this trick only to fool you into trusting him. You can determine that he is working with the criminal Jews in several ways, such as by looking at his website and noticing that instead of promoting someone like me, he promotes the American Free Press,, and Daryl Smith.
Also, notice who promotes Jeff Gates. For example, Jeff Rense has posted some of his articles, but Jeff Rense won't give me any publicity.
Years ago when I pointed out that the truth seekers were ignoring me, many people fell for that trick that I was jealous, but I'm pointing out a very important clue that identifies the crime network.
If you need more evidence that Jeff Gates is working for the criminal Jews, all you have to do is read his articles. Sometimes the titles alone identify them as Zionist propaganda. For example, his article for September 12, 2009 has the title:
What Role Did The U.S.-Israeli Relationship Play In 9-11?
Files count:
18.30 Mb
regendates (2010-04-08)
do not download - contains virusFuckZion (2011-12-19)
regendates is a jewish scum who lie,he doesn't want you to see this movie....jews lie all the time,they try to fool you!FuckZion (2011-12-19)
great's clean,no virusesFiles:
1. Eric Hufschmid - Latest Israeli Tricks & Their Upcoming False Flag Attack 2009Sep20.mp3 18.30 Mb