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Half-Life + Half-Life - Blue Shift + Half-Life - Opposing Force
Half-Life + Half-Life - Blue Shift + Half-Life - Opposing Force
2009-06-07 (by bugijs)
Half-Life + Half-Life - Blue Shift + Half-Life - Opposing Force Just run the EXE and there you have it Half-Life + Half-Life - Blue Shift + Half-Life - Opposing Force
Files count:
420.57 Mb
Anime85 (2009-06-07)
i realy got the half-live box xDroguedvd (2009-06-08)
Thanks man. hopefully this works. downloading at a decent pace for a small file such as this. please, some more seeds.hex666_ru (2009-07-18)
wake up seedersemeister1 (2009-07-30)
Whenever I try to load one of the games it asks me for a CD key, and I can't find a keygen that gives a 25 character key for this.HARD11 (2009-08-13)
hehh :) Half-Life 4 ever :DT.O.X.A.[HD] (2009-09-20)
lysergamideman (2009-10-05)
Can this be played in storyline mode with a freind over hamachi?? I really want something i can poly co op, i downloaded another simalar package but i can never get me or my freinds server to conect over hamachi. Using hamachi over the internet also, we are not on a true LAN.jacksmith15 (2009-10-22)
does this work on vista? i keep receiving an error that claims that the is not enough available memory, which is wrong as i have 6gigs of it, but i suspect this is because of the way the vista works the memory. Is there a way to update it or add it to steam to update? as i'm fairly sure an update would solve this?HARD11 (2009-11-06)
gman: its time to choose dr.freeman, in mod: its time whááááyyíííááá ×?Joeyz97 (2009-12-03)
anybody else half life keep crashing after u get to certain spots?Xx4c1dxX (2009-12-06)
I had the same problem with the CD key, Search for Halflife 2 cd key, and you might get lucky. At least it worked for me... Worked for steam too!! = oQotsaer (2009-12-22)
I have the same problem as Joey Z. Everything works fine until the room where you first get the shotgun. It loads when you walk in fine but when I attempt to leave the game crashes while loading again. HELP?roonz (2010-01-06)
>>SepsyIt says that you dont have enough memory on your comp. delete something and youll get some space
trakerman (2010-01-07)
Thank'S man, great pack, the real ''Half - Life Classic Box''.Janktrio (2010-01-08)
Okay, for anyone having problems where the game crashes whenever you exit a certain area, simply switch your weapon to carry the crowbar. I don't know why but as long as you carry a crowbar the game won't crash at loading screen. Have a nice day!Jreyes2265 (2010-04-28)
Successful Install!Hopefully someone can answer this!!!
At one point in the training game section, my character won't move for some reason?? It's the part where I go up the ladder, and I think I am suppose to jump off and land on something?
Could someone let me know what's going on?
Sterski1 (2010-06-16)
Found a solution to the rendering problem. What I did was i went into the in game options and changed the renderer to D3D. After that, the game ran perfectly with no need to remember to equip my crowbar all the time.ilikechoco5 (2010-06-18)
need help. im at we got hostiles and everytime i go into the elevator it says loading then freeze up and theres a helecopter sound and i get damage until i die. i did the crowbar thing and the D3D and its still doing it.gigazillarex (2010-09-22)
THX DUDE REALY WORKS!!floodlock123 (2010-10-05)
This really works!just open the extractor and it does the rest, then click on hl and it perfectly works!
dragster8787 (2010-10-16)
Tnx 4 da DL, realy fast.TY
Tony_28wl (2010-10-28)
@Tony_28wlyou can install mods the same way you would do for the steam version. when you are done click the "Change Game" button in the menu
THELVON27 (2011-01-07)
great - thanks for the uploadWhit3_Addict (2011-02-28)
Whit3_Addict (2011-02-28)
stalker59 (2011-03-27)
Jande228 (2011-03-30)
Blue Shift wont work for me for some reason . . .Draco089 (2011-04-06)
Works fine, but you cant update and get TFC or CS... If anyone figures out how let me know =)i will continue to seed =D
(blue shift and opposing force work great!)
Rlad78 (2011-04-19)
Win7 32-bitGames won't even start up...
See_der (2011-04-25)
My computer dont install it I click of this than comes a small window and than it close it I have win Xp sp3rbhrtje (2011-05-02)
Good job! 1.1mb/s!!And easy to install!
Osmodivs (2011-06-01)
I am using Ubuntu 11.04 64Bits, emulating Windows with Wine1.2 (WindowsXP) The game works fine, but it crashes when a "sound error" occurs, like when i pick up a shield, the game crashes and gives me this message: Fatal Error. SV_StartSound: volume = 362What ever that means, is crashing the game, and with no shield, I don't think i am gonna get far...
Vikingr (2011-06-09)
its doesn't working on w7 64bit!!it says that avaliable memory is less than 15mb.
P4RIAH (2011-06-17)
If you are getting the 15MB memory error you need to right click the hl.exe file and select "Properties". Then click the "Compatibility" tab and check "Run this program in compatibility mode". Click OK and enjoy Half Life.Works perfectly in Win 7 x64 with the above modification.
RogherNahasa (2011-06-22)
All working and you can play online!If the game stop working change the configurations of render to D3D as Sterski1 said.
Grant64330 (2011-08-13)
works on win 7 x64, and for people getting the 15mb error, run it in compatibility mode for xp sp3 and as administrator, that did the trick for meFckMySlf (2011-08-20)
When I want to start a new igame, it says "could not connect to server".Any solutions for this?
pzykotik (2011-08-23)
Game crashes more often than I can fire bullets. Better find another one.MePhIsThO (2011-10-02)
Fast dl, but game has sound crashes. I can't even take a hazardous suit.barutazaru (2011-11-02)
hey guys, you all are saying multiplayer works, but its still says cannot contact master server, am i doing something wrong? and it is unblocked from firewallastridge (2011-11-14)
running win 7 32 bitwill this game work if i run it with proper compatibility
gf_portal (2011-12-09)
I installed mod invasion,after few minutes playing it crashes.gf_portal (2011-12-09)
answerPichubrohers18 (2011-12-28)
how can i get multiplayer to work? it says cant connect to master server.UnderKiller (2012-01-02)
since teh game was posted teh master server was changed a couple of times, so search the web for the latest master server ip for these 3 games and then look for a the cfg files containig the ips (dunno witch are they) and replace teh ip accordingly, the ip should be stated on a line called MasterServerIP or somtin like that, this way u should be able to play on cracked servers(most of the servers are cracked) without worry, in case u loose conection to master server again repeat what i said aboveajj487 (2012-02-01)
Sadly developers console dosen't work. :(Sundis123 (2012-03-20)
For the ones gettin an error message looking like this: Fatal Error. SV_StartSound: volume = xxx.It's because for some reason the game will crash if you set the HEV suit volume on more than half. Same for Blue Shift and Opposing Force. And if it crashes and say that you need more memory when you start the .exe file you need to run it in Windows XP Service Pack 3.
maxy1 (2012-04-14)
when i start any game it say "could not connect to server" please help....:(maxy1 (2012-04-14)
this what appear in console when i start a game in any half-life:Could not establish connection to Steam servers (steamclient2).Bogus key length on CD Key...
Bogus key length on CD Key...
Invalid authentication certificate lengt
help please!!:(
redthepanda (2012-04-16)
can people please seed i have been wanting this game for a long long timegf_portal (2012-04-22)
I canot play online.And what is master server else ?gf_portal (2012-04-22)
Listen up games.I dont know why the game wont work 4 you.
For some reason or fake,but the problem is in your pc.It works excellent.Of Course you canot update.It is normal,caz it`s not steam its non steam version.Try to move it to steam apps/your account name 4 example bla bla bla and put it in that folder.Try.May it work?
AsiaRich25 (2012-05-03)
Great torrent, downloaded in 7 mins, clean files. I did have a problem with it saying I have "less than 15mb memory" which is apparently because I'm running Windows 7 64bit with over 2 gb ram but I fixed it by running it in compatibility mode for Windows XP service pack 2.fslaker (2012-06-27)
How about Half Life Decay....does anyone know a good torrent?
TheAnnonCannon (2012-06-27)
FOR PEOPLE WITH TROUBLE ACTIVATING THE DEVELOPERS CONSOLE:For blue shift/opposing force, right click the respective windows batch files, and click "edit". It should open it up in notepad. Before it says "-game gearbox" put "-dev -console" Then save it. Make sure to keep it saved as a .bat, and keep the file name the same.
luke666 (2012-08-20)
Does anyone get this really shit country music playing in opposing force? anyone know how to turn it off, it totally ruins the game.joqas (2012-08-20)
i installed right and everthing, but when i launch any of the games, it says that my memory is less than 15Mhelp me please
ditempest (2012-09-18)
While this thing worked fine yesterday. Today it won't launch. Obviously no change were made.Khay8 (2012-11-01)
GREAT WORKFor people with win 7 64bit
getting the 15 mb error
Go to hl.exe and right click it
click properties
go to compatibility
then check the box for run this program in compability for
ANd it works :D!!!
TFH6478 (2013-03-12)
I'm having the same problem as CaptainSyn, in which whenever I enter that elevator in "We've Got Hostiles", the elevator just stops moving and I take damage, while helicopter whirring is heard. Any solution?Wapowerful (2013-03-22)
How do you use the cheats?T.BON3 (2013-03-24)
someone PLEASE help me! im gettin real frustrated with this, and i really wanna play. when i run the game in windows xp SP 3 compatibility it still doesnt work. (same as with any compatibility mode, i tried them all.) and i also ran all as administrator. i dunno wtf to do here and am starting to get a little impatient.thanks.
Wolf_lone (2013-04-23)
Amazing torrent! Amazing game!!Narco91 (2013-06-20)
This torrent doesn't work for me. All of the games crash when a sound file is loaded and used. (when I put on the suit it crashes, also did a map switch and pistol cheat, and when firing the pistol it also crashes. tried this with every weapon.)The game works when I mute it and disable my sound device. I think it might be my cheap-o sound card.
mcmillanmax (2013-07-14)
When i go to C:Downloads to open this the icon is a little piece of paper with the corner folded (so unknown file type) and it asks me what program i want to open it with and i cant open itplease help
f0xvuk (2013-11-18)
If you can't play on net just unblock firewall. It's works great.f0xvuk (2013-12-09)
Torrent working fine, now I have Half-Life box!tpbcrazy (2014-07-13)
wonderful packing, wonderful games and wonderful upload.all 3 runs smooth and perfect, no lag, no glitch no problem.
thank you very much mate!
Wolf_lone (2014-09-24)
Tanx a lot man! Your work its appreciated.todirius (2014-11-21)
Hopefully this is version or previous, need to bunnyhop! Bought it on steam but they took out the bunnyhop a while ago it seems, can't bring my self to play it without being able to move around fast.Files:
1. Half-Life Setup.exe 420.57 Mb