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2011-11-17 (by scene4all)
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Razor 1911 proudly presents:
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Plus 15 Trainer
(C) Activision
Release Date: 2011-11-17 Platform: WinXP/ WinVista /Win7
Release Size: Small Game Type: FPS/Action
Release Type: Trainer
Game notes
Modern Warfare is back. On November 8th, the best-selling first person
action series of all-time returns with the epic sequel to the multiple Game
of the Year award winner Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
* The definitive multiplayer experience returns bigger than ever.
* Special Ops co-op reinvented with all-new survival mode.
General trainer information
Make sure to run the trainer as administrator.
Before you are able to use any of the shown options below. You need
to press F12 first to enable the trainer.
Ingame hotkeys
# Hotkey Option
F12 Enable Trainer
1 NUMPAD1 Toggle Infinite Ammo and Grenades
2 NUMPAD2 Toggle Infinite Health
3 NUMPAD3 Toggle Super Speed
4 NUMPAD4 Toggle Super Jump
5 F1 Save Position
6 F2 Restore Position
7 NUMPAD5 Super Accuracy
8 NUMPAD6 No-Recoil
9 NUMPAD7 Rapid Fire
10 NUMPAD8 Toggle One Hit Kill
11 NUMPAD9 Toggle Translocation Ammo
12 NUMPAD0 Disable Grenade Impact
13 F6 Toggle Super Throw
14 NUMPAD MULTIPLY Super Grenade Impact
15 F3 Restore Grenade Impact
16 F4 Toggle Grenade Master
17 F5 Toggle Disarm AI
Trainer notes
NUMPAD1 - Infinite Ammo and Grenades
With this enabled you will have an unlimited amount of ammo and grenades.
NUMPAD2 - Infinite Health
Hit NUMPAD2 to get an infinite amount of health.
NUMPAD3 - Super Speed
Hit NUMPAD3 to be able to run around with the speed of light.
NUMPAD4 - Super Jump
With this option enabled you can jump much higher than usual.
F1 - F2 Save/ Restore Position
Press F1 to save your current position. Press F2 to restore
your earlier saved position.
NUMPAD5 - Super Accuracy
With this option enabled you will shoot with perfect accuracy.
NUMPAD6 - No-Recoil
This option removes the nasty recoil effect from your weapons.
NUMPAD7 - Rapid Fire
When having this option enabled your weapons will shoot much
faster. Pistols will act as machine guns!. Make sure to have
No-Recoil option enabled when using this option.
NUMPAD8 - One Hit Kill
Enable this option to kill everyone you hit instantly.
NUMPAD9 - Translocation Ammo
This option transforms your bullets into translocation devices.
Shoot an enemy and you will be teleported to his location.
NUMPAD0 - Disable Grenade Impact
This option lowers the impact of any grenades in the game.
F6 - Super Throw
This option allows you to throw your grenades much further.
NUMPAD MULTIPLY- Super Grenade Impact
This option increases the impact of any grenades by 10.
F3 - Restore Grenade Impact
Press this button to restore the grenade impact back to normal.
F4 - Grenade Master
With this option you are given control over the grenade
explosions. You throw a bunch of grenades on the ground.
They will be on the spot you started throwing them.
Than wait till the enemy walks over them and
press the button to blow them into pieces.
F5 - Disarm AI
This option blocks enemies and allies from shooting
at eachother. You are the only person allowed to
shoot any bullets. Makes the protecting missions
much easier.
Install Notes
1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent
2. Run the trainer from the desktop.
3. Start the game
4. Toggle desired Options on/off
Razor 1911 Greetings
To the competition.
Razor 1911 /__\ Since 1985
Files count:
359.18 Kb
brolyy2 (2011-11-18)
hacks are available already? we need mp crack first :Drr29triller (2011-11-19)
where is a good working version. This isn't doing it for mebasherbear (2011-11-29)
Avira just picked up TR/Spy.9728.110. Some virus/spyware that they just added to their definitions todaybasherbear (2011-11-29)
can anyone else confirm or deny this? I liked this trainer and would love to continue use of itscene4all (2011-11-29)
@basherbear, Scanned with Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 and its all clean.basherbear (2011-11-30)
@scene4all thanks a lot. I figured it was some BS that avira picked up. You have a great rep here. Do you know of anyway to have the previous comments removed So they do not scare anyone away from this download?xaloponx (2011-12-15)
The trainer only works in the Campain but in the special ops really sucks, crash the game anytime even when you buy some weapons or select some upgrades.Shoopdawoop22 (2011-12-16)
I take it this won't work on my laptop. Any way around the numpad thing??edisoncwc1 (2011-12-25)
I think there is a button in the trainer called hot-key, and it allows us to change the hot-key of the trainer, just click on the option and press key you want.... (p.s. it reset every time you run the programme...)Suggestions:
all these button are unused....
edisoncwc1 (2011-12-25)
:'( How to enable the console, there used to be build-in cheat allowing us to type in cheat codes, like "god", "notarget", "player_sustainAmmo", "give all"Those cheats works for COD4, COD5, COD7,
but not for mw2 or mw3....
edisoncwc1 (2011-12-25)
if you encounter crashes when you are trying to upgrade or but weaponsHere is a wild guess:
When we are trying to buy weapon, the programme will give us that weapon and fill its ammo, so if we toggle the infinite ammo, the programme will be confused as the trainer want to lock the ammo amount while you are trying to add the ammo, and then there is a risk of crashing if your computer cannot figure it out...
Perhaps we should just "un-toggle" the infinite ammo cheat when buying the weapon (only the infinite ammo cheat, unless you want to die when buying weapon...), and then toggle it again will do...