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Star Wars Battlefront 1 and Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Full Rips)
Games PC
Star Wars Battlefront 1 and Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Full Rips)
2010-09-21 (by FuCtUpPuNk )
Star Wars Battlefront 1:
run "Star-Game.bat"
let it install
run "Battlefront.exe" to play
Star wars Battlefront 2:
run "install.bat"
let it install
run "BattlefrontII.exe" to play
NOTE: on both games, install them having the folder on desktop or C:\Games
after installation there will be a sub folder called "GameData" or similar to that.
the .exe files to run the games are located in these folders
Star Wars: Battlefront encompasses battles between four main factions from both the original and prequel trilogies: the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS) of the prequel era, and the Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire of the classic trilogy. However, factions can only play their historical adversary; there cannot be any Rebels vs. Separatists or Clones vs. Empire fights. In each faction, five different classes of characters become available. Four of the classes are similar for each faction: a basic infantry soldier (a Super battle droid for the CIS), heavy weapons soldier, pilot and sniper. Both factions have a set amount of reinforcements. When the reinforcements have been depleted, the faction loses. Scattered around the battlefields are command posts. AI units and players use these command posts to spawn from after being killed. If a faction controls all command posts, they win the battle unless capture of one of these points is disrupted. Each faction has special units such as the Droideka for the Separatists, and a Jetpack-wielding darktrooper for the Empire. Several ground and air vehicles are also available to the player on the battlefield. Ranging from the hulking AT-AT, to the fast speeder bike, there are more than 25 vehicles at the player's disposal.
In Star Wars: Battlefront, Jedi heroes are featured: Mace Windu battles for the Galactic Republic, Count Dooku for the Separatists, Luke Skywalker battles with the Rebel Alliance and Darth Vader the Galactic Empire. Unlike its successors, jedi characters are not playable.
Galactic Conquest Mode
In this mode, the player uses strategy to take control of planets and dominate an area of the galaxy. First the player chooses a map configuration based on conflicts from both eras of Star Wars history. Some maps start both sides evenly and some favor one faction. Next the player chooses what faction to play as. The game is played in turns, with the player starting first. The player is able to select an enemy controlled or neutral planet to attack, (the enemy planets have two maps to conquer, while neutral only have one). After selecting what planet to attack, the player is able to activate a bonus from one of his already owned planets (if any).
Each planet provides its own unique bonus, but must be captured first before the player can use that bonus. Bonuses help the player in battle by impeding the enemy or assisting the players team.
If one side manages to win four battles (not necessarily in a row), they gain access to their faction's Secret Base bonus. The Secret Base bonuses are very powerful and change the course of a game. They can be used on any enemy planet, except for the enemy's Secret Base. The game is completed when one faction controls all of the planets on the map.
Instant Action
This mode allows the players to jump right into a battle of their choice. The players can also customize a list of battles that will then be played through in the order they have chosen, or in a random order.
Battlefront II is fundamentally similar to its predecessor, albeit with the addition of new gameplay mechanics. The general objective in most missions is to eliminate the enemy faction. Like Star Wars Battlefront, the game is split into two eras, the Galactic Civil War and the Clone Wars. Players have the ability to choose between six classes during gameplay. Four class types are common to all factions; infantry, heavy weaponry, sniper and engineer. In addition to the four standard classes, each faction has two unique classes which unlock by scoring a predetermined number of points. Battlefront II also features heroes; a special class that allows the player to control iconic characters from the Star Wars universe. Heroes serve as a bonus to players, and unlock by meeting certain criteria, such as earning a certain number of points.
Don't forget to snag a copy of my Land of the Dead torrent (you can play it online).
Files count:
597.99 Mb
abncoom (2010-09-23)
it works great no virusHaoth (2010-09-25)
what was ripped from this games?RanDoRian (2010-10-02)
I'm confused,Tried to install it, got some texts like:
This doesn't work like any other version available...
f u co*cksucker
did not install anything, at all, only played star wars sounds etc.
Did I do smtng wrong or is this just bllsht...
FuCtUpPuNk (2010-10-05)
@RanDoRian i'll be reporting you. it works just fine you are just a noob. install it from your desktop. if on win vista or 7, try running in compatibility....dont be an idiot by insulting other people for your own lack of computer skills.FuCtUpPuNk (2010-10-05)
wait nvm, i misread the comment. not reporting. my bad. when you load the toed.exe press esc. then the installation should start. if not try enter and space bar. make sure you are installing them from the extracted folder, but be sure to place that folder on your desktop.iLkc (2010-10-07)
theres a trojan horse hereJ-Razor (2010-10-12)
Does this work with vista 64 bit anyone ?RanDoRian (2010-10-18)
@FuCtUpPuNK:That's ok, This is what happende:
after I tried to install your game, appearently coinsidence made other games go bad 2 and not work anymore, so I put 1 and 2 together, and took the logical choice of deleting your game.
Your purple skull and written comment re-assurred me the games are ok, but I already bought both for 15 euros.
Thanks anyway for putting effort in to hacking codes and cracking games, ripping, etc. It saves me a lot of money, filtering out the bullshit games by playing them for free first.
Ever installed other ripped/cracked games?
In MOST of them, there are keygens and other .exe's that are picked out by virusscanners.
So just check the comments and the purple or green skulls, for re-assurance.
FuCtUpPuNk (2010-10-21)
aiight man. well thanks for letting me know. ill see what i can figure out about all that. never ran into anything like that before, but i didnt crack this. i got it else where...saw tpb n a few other sites needed a good repack of the game, so i tested it, then made the instructions.Paitryn (2010-10-23)
I had a similar problem downloaded and installed game, afterwards it asked my to press any key to continue, did that and the screen appeared with the floating box telling me fuck you i tried pressing enter esc or space bar....nothing happened clicked the mouse and it came out and did nothing else. tried using the battlefront 2 icon just a black screen...RC_Ebooks (2010-10-27)
This kid really IS "fukt up"! This thing takes over 3GB just to load, that's sick! Let's get around hisbullshit though by doing the following:
In both games, delete 1eyed.exe & 2eyed.exe UNLESS you like being flipped the bird. This prog. does NOTHING for the install.
Next, edit ALL of his batch files and CHANGE THE ORDER of called .uha files to be Unarc'd.
Start with the largest one first, tectec.uha because you want that one DELETED first to free disk space.
Now why the HELL this masturbating little VIRGIN jerkoff needs to "DUPE" Gigs of files
with _install.bat, I have NO clue but I think you do not need to be doing that, save a couple gigs right there! I will check this.
Yous should also REM out all lines in his batch files which call for .uha file deletion, otherwise you'll be right back here like I am now D/L'ing the shit AGAIN!
I don't even know if this turkey will run on my box yet.
RC_Ebooks (2010-10-27)
These 2 games are POORLY put together: It should be in a separate directory and the batch files should call to that area during build, instead he DELETES the source files as the batch goes on. So if the 1st load fails, you're fucked w/o the source files! FUCKING IDIOT!Nirvana281 (2010-11-17)
Game works, but the multiplayer doesn't.FuCtUpPuNk (2011-01-05)
@RC_Ebooks you are a dumb fag and you need to get a freaking life!!!! be happy that you are able to get games for free, or go do the emo thing. i'm sure we'd all love for you to do what emo's do best. :) cheersFuCtUpPuNk (2011-01-08)
@RC_Ebooks stop posting on all my torrents you lifeless troll. get a life.Bunseth (2011-05-24)
SEED DAMN IT!!!!!!!!Mikeman2000 (2011-06-28)
Works great! Thanks! Gotta love Battlefront. Especially Mos Eisley Assault in Instant Action in the 2nd. Wink wink.jakeazoid (2011-07-16)
SEED! Please?gyroscape50 (2011-09-09)
Contains a trojan... 2EYED.EXEgyroscape50 (2011-09-09)
contains a trojan... 2EYED.EXEpurvil (2011-10-16)
it stucks at "duping files"please help..
kyneflaretail (2011-10-17)
i tried getting the full torrent, a few times, but unforetuneately it either incorrectly downloads a good portion of the files, or they're just plain corrupt, so this torrent has gone bad.Syrith (2012-01-06)
The uploader FuCtUpPuNk is a fucking faggot. Just check his comments. That a little childish prick ^^ You might report others for calling you names but you do the same thing to others. I'll make sure to report you too dipshit. Get off the internet.eltaxista (2012-01-08)
Does anyone knows if it works on Windows 7 64 bit?regen2100 (2012-01-21)
Mse and McAfee both detected a TrojanMSE: VirTool:Win32/Obfuscator.C
McAfee: just quarantined it
BattleFront\Star Wars Battlefront 1\tswbaf\2eyed.exe->(Upack)2eyed.exe is the one that contains it, If the trojan is removed the application might not work.
Did you test this torrent first FuCtUpPuNk?
Did you even attempt to clean the file system first before uploading?
regen2100 (2012-01-21)
Mse and McAfee both detected a TrojanMSE: VirTool:Win32/Obfuscator.C removed it.
McAfee: just quarantined it
BattleFront\Star Wars Battlefront 1\tswbaf\2eyed.exe->(Upack)2eyed.exe is the one that contains it, If the trojan is removed the application might not work.
Did you test this torrent first FuCtUpPuNk?
Did you even attempt to clean the file system first before uploading?
regen2100 (2012-01-21)
srry for double post, internet lag, acted as if I pressed the enter button a couple of timesraiden311 (2012-06-21)
compressed?Nobody09876 (2012-07-11)
Thanks for posting! Ignore those negitive comments. My and my bros appreciate your torrents. =)FerrelBMW (2012-12-23)
Are you kidding me ???I scanned it using McAfee And Kaspersky AV
AND My Buddies McAfee and Kaspersky
didn`t found any VIRUS...
Scanned 2 times And Still NO VIRUS..
So anyone who got Virus Threat... Try to scan your own computer first... Cuz that virus is from your fck`n computer
FerrelBMW (2012-12-23)
Thanks to @FuCtUpPuNkGames 100% WORKS
Any Noobs who find Problems don`t mad because your fck`n computer can`t handle this games-__-
Thanks FuCtUpPuNk !!!!
damjanmen1 (2013-01-05)
MORE SEEEED! NOW!!!!!!!!!!sidious69 (2013-05-25)
i try to play, works fine for a while, then for the first battlefront it tells me to insert disc WTFSpikeBCB (2013-09-18)
How Do you uninstallno problems with the game, just trying to free up some disk space