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PC » ALPHA PROTOCOL directplay by globe@
Games PC
PC » ALPHA PROTOCOL directplay by globe@
2010-05-29 (by globeplus)
* Hello PC great games fans ...
* Play this action-rpg game ...
* The freeware FREEARC is needed to extract the file
* GAMEPLAY (text extracted from wikipedia) :
* Combat :
Alpha Protocol is played from a third-person perspective, allowing the player to see Thorton and his surroundings at all times. As Thorton is a trained CIA operative, the tools at the player's disposal include numerous firearms, hand to hand combat using Kenpo, and spy gadgets.
In addition to the action elements, though, players also earn Advancement Points, which can be placed into any of the ten different skills in the game. These skills will increase Thorton's ability to use certain weapons and grant different abilities to him. These abilities are free to use, but require a "cooldown" period before they can be used again. One ability that has been mentioned in previews allows Thorton to scan a group of enemies in slow-motion before popping out of cover and shooting each of them more rapidly than he would be capable of normally.
* Dialogue System :
As with any RPG, Alpha Protocol features numerous characters with whom to interact. Conversations occur in real-time, giving the player a limited amount of time to respond at key "decision points" during dialogue. The dialog system in the game - known as the "DSS" or Dialogue Stance system - allows the player to choose from three different attitudes, or "stances," when speaking to an NPC. Obsidian has said that these options are based on the personalities of the "three J.B.'s": Jason Bourne of the Bourne Identity novels and films, James Bond of the eponymous film and book series, and Jack Bauer of the television series 24, although the game itself does not use these names. During dialog sequences, the player will be able to choose from options like "professional" (Jason Bourne), "suave" (James Bond), and "aggressive" (Jack Bauer), sometimes with a brief description of the dialogue choice (such as "sarcastic") taking the place of the general stance. A fourth, "action" dialogue choice is sometimes available, used to terminate a conversation prematurely. Each NPC will react differently to these choices; one character might be intimidated by an aggressive stance, but another character may find an aggressive stance to be insulting or childish. While dialogue choices will have some immediately noticeable consequences, many may not be seen until much later in game. As each conversation is experienced once per playthrough, multiple playthroughs will be required in order to experience all of the game's content; while the game contains a total of approximately twelve hours of cinematic sequences, a player will only experience around four hours during any given playthrough.
* Structure :
Alpha Protocol has a hub structure, in which Thorton must utilize safe houses in each of his hub cities in order to lay low between missions. From a safe house, Thorton can change clothing, access a weapons locker, telephone contacts, and attempt missions. Some missions are critical to the progression of the story, while others are optional. Players will be able to buy and sell weapons and equipment within their safe houses. Hub cities include Rome, Moscow, Taipei and a city inside Saudi Arabia.
Minimum System Requirements:
CPU: 2.4+ GHZ Intel® or 2.0+ GHZ AMD™
RAM: 1 GB RAM (Windows XP®,) 2 GB RAM (Windows Vista®)
VGA: NVIDIA® GeForce 6 series (6800GT or better,) ATI™ 1300XT series or greater (X1550, X1600 Pro and HD2400 are below minimum system requirements)
DX: DirectX® 9.0c
OS: Microsoft Windows XP® or Windows Vista®
HDD: At least 12 GB of free space
Sound: DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound card and drivers
***** enjoy ... *****
Files count:
5517.08 Mb
DofusOctopus (2010-05-29)
is this game worth downloading ... 5gb still a big thing .. lol even doe im on unlimited ..Corpselight (2010-05-29)
I do not think this is legit the website says release date is june firstHeretic1808 (2010-05-29)
and the skidrow release has been out for a day now, with a 100% working crack. plus ive downloaded globe@'s stuff before and it always works. i say definitely trustworthy, thanks globeplus (:Likeadidas95 (2010-05-29)
@ DofusOctopus :omg ur still whining ! actual size is 10 gig ,and globes has done a really huge job and u dont like anything ?! get life !
thanks for another good job globe :) for sure going to dl this, cuz ur torrent always works :)
globeplus (2010-05-29)
very pertinent observations my fellow users , this is a sega game and the structure of the game is alomost all the time high compression ratio , that means that you don´t get to much compression in 10 gb , i was about close 24 hours , step by step working until i get this 5.38 but with the game absolute complete , it was possible maybe 100 mb less if i cutted the languages but that it will ridiculous for not too much size , they worked the game with the unreal engine and most of the things using this engine are already nice compressed then the videos are in type of videos for sega games that have a different little structure than usual with a need of a nice coordination of the sound and picture of the video , they prefere to use this type of videos and not the more common .bik files , some files , sound for example maybe was possible a more deep work but only with the unreal engine to do the new packing of the files , basically they have the 10 gb already with a very nice compression , so it was a long work and tough , when the users with more attention to the generality of the games that comes out see a sega game , knows immediatly that probably it will be a tough task to make the work and almost the all the game is already nice compressed , another example before this one was alien vs predator , if i didn´t get by luck the possibility to divide the 3 sectors with missions it was a very long file too for what normal be a very nice pratical file , i put the marines campaign in the main file then the aliens and predators missions in part for a relativily nice size , what i mean with this is : if the users see a new sega game can expect a hard work even for who made the normal nice pratical files .globeplus (2010-05-29)
the version mentionated wasn´t complete and with problems , i din´t download it bit is easy to guess that .the uharc is a nice compressor but can´t compress as much as the freearc , only in some specific type of files can happen little oscilations in the possible compression but not enough to the generality of the files , i can give more 10 or 20 compressors names , some of them can do better but taken a much longer time to make the decompression , so analising all the factors the freearc is appropriated to the work .
globeplus (2010-05-29)
No problems running the game , no need of deleting the register , no worries with the firewall , no turn back to the menu after the 1st cinematic , no ughs constantly and without sound , just the game with normality with everything ok , i hope the hassles putting negative comments download the 9.98 gb files .globeplus (2010-05-29)
when i said negative comments , i mean negative votes , of course the 9.98 gbfile work but with some cares that sometime are not that easy but with some patience probably the user can bypass that , anyway i have all the game in normal quality for 5.38 gb .pop101 (2010-05-29)
GREAT MAN DONE A GREAT WORK.. I LOVE GLOBEglobeplus (2010-05-29)
thank you the las comments and what i mean is that certainly this file can be a valid option to download this game . thank you .Doomtrigger1 (2010-05-30)
lol the only reason why the ratings for this game are so low is because they throught this game was going to be epic like mass effect 2 and to some ppl it is this is a great game there will be patches that fix the bugs and if you are useing a shitty video card the game is going to look like crap. now I WISH THE PPL SEEDING would seed lol i dont like 5-10 kbs -_-globeplus (2010-05-30)
The beneficiates with a nice seeding in the file is always the generality of the users , for me i did a very tough work , close 24 hours in total with everything nice for the possible nice size and the user don´t need to make corrections or little tricks to use the game .AgnosticWatermelon (2010-05-30)
Does this have the lag problems too?globeplus (2010-05-30)
I don´t know what you mean by that , but normally , lag problems have the tendence to happen in some particular video cards but the game run anyway , with me the game works normal that´s all .globeplus (2010-05-30)
you are nice guys , worried in play nice the games , so i will write this new comment about the lag stuff : certtainly can happen with some video cards in some games some lag stuff , i recognise that one or another game can really have specifities suggesting a little lag problem in some gameplay but more concern lag problems we can say that users of the online xbox360 or playstation network can have more lag issues specially with the online stuff , some game producers already started showing some concern about the situation too , just to finish the comment i leave a link to the interested users in this type of issue take a look or maybe just for curiosity :http://
copy the address link in succession with your cursor than paste to the address bar to be redirected to the link and take a look .
AgnosticWatermelon (2010-05-30)
@globeplusthere was an lagging issue with the skidrow crack fix
globeplus (2010-05-30)
Thank you for explain , i didn´t get the idea straight , i know that and i have everything perfect in the file , i made the necessary corrections and putted the file ok , as i know total normality .globeplus (2010-05-30)
just to finish the before comment , if you are refering to the consecutive borring sounds clicking in the keys and in the start of the game that is corrected , i didn´t played the all game yet but the strange noises keeping the player a kind of borred was corrected , i think only in the start of the 1st video but without interfering with the game run correctly you can listen a couple of sounds but beside that the game goes with total normality .globeplus (2010-05-30)
ok , i checked the crackfix and comparing with what i already have in the file i didn´t noticed a thing , some files , the dll with extra 10 kb but inside the game , the way the game goes looks exactly the same , maybe this fix was for issues with some other situations because for this file really don´t look like make too much difference .Doomtrigger1 (2010-05-30)
the stuttering in the skidrow was because they forgot about the DRM and the new crack fixed that but ; ; the speeds are beyond slow :(Corpselight (2010-05-30)
oh i see Eu releaseCorpselight (2010-05-30)
@ deathtrooper30Go crawl in a hole and die you tink!
globeplus (2010-05-31)
to h3x0r_c0d3 : thank you for attention ansd i am shore you did that with the best of the intentions but i think they don´t have any problems with the freearc , the problems they get circunstancially is from background applications consuming ram or interfering with the extraction and many of them after the computer restart get the extraction , what they need to know is that they need the freearc that is a program like 7zip for doing the extraction and that they need close 1 gb ram to make the extraction .globeplus (2010-05-31)
This last comments makes me thinking in a possible minitool to the users that want a arc extraction in a pratical way , i tought that with the freearc program the users do the arction and can make compressions too but anyway an easy tool to make arc extractions in a nice way maybe can be useful too , ok i have now a minitool to the users of the files that have a easy use with full instructions inside the tool :GlobARCminitool (1.2 MB)
globeplus (2010-05-31)
Thank you for your nice work h3x0r_c0d3 and your intention is positive but some of the included files are not useful for some games , like that beside the idea is nice the execution don´t look too much pratical , my conscience was despertated by you to create a easy tool for the arc files , need a little work and follow instructions but after use this minitool 1 or 2 times you will ready for 30 or 40 extractions , i never thought in this because the program is freeware and work nice and the users can use it for compressions or extractions , so never ocurred me this but after reflecting in your nice effort it was time for me to do a minitool for this type of files extraction , i didn´t did this minitool for put something for myself and because must be me to do the tool but as recognise for your effort in a nice work but in the pratic not totally pratical beside the intention , so forgive me for this minitool but you didn´t give me any other option than make one for my own in appreciation for your work , maybe you can improve your tool , that is funny too and maybe me with some more time can improve mind too but i think this way after a couple of uses the user of the minitool really get all the picture and with the extraction executed in correct conditions without other background applications perturbating the extraction , this minitool will work probably in 100% of the arc files , just a little pratic and it will be ok , the conversion work inside the files when necessary will still like that because i need to appropriate the work to the file that is beeing worked but just for the normal extraction of the arc files this minitool will do the trick . thank you very much for your effort and consideration to my work and i hope you still downloading my files when you want , i always do my best shot with a correct analysis of the games , keeping the gameplay more intact as possible in a nice way , i like to get the best size possible and that make sense if you are working pratical files but i do the work without beeing obcecated in get every single mega that i can get , if to keep the gameplay more nice in the videos for example or sound or leave the languages or not i get more size , no problem , that is acceptable and the users are more happy but i do this of course analising the circunstances of the game that is beeing worked , this is the sections of the work that can oscilate a little bit in the work but one thing is for shore : the gameplay must be 100% nice and normal , no doubt !!!see you .
globeplus (2010-05-31)
After verifying with more attention the globearc minitool i find out that the extraction is perfect but the sound playing at the end of the work needed a little afination and i tested and i think that i corrected that little situation , here is the link to the arc minitool with everything perfect .http://
globeplus (2010-05-31)
globeplus (2010-05-31)
slight problem with the instructions.txt in the before globe extractor autorun , now it is corrected and perfect , link here (5.1 mb) :http://
Subzero! (2010-05-31)
burp, anyone able to explain , from what he's talking about?... lolSubzero! (2010-05-31)
and yes!, i fucking dont care. just wanna fuck ya up!globeplus (2010-05-31)
definitive version with slight corrections in generality of the instructions , GlobARC extractor autorun (5.09 mb) :http://
Likeadidas95 (2010-06-03)
well... the rip is good, but the game itself is not that good .. even IGN rating is 6.3 which is really shite ! .. but its playable .anyway, thanks for another good and hot rip globeplus ! :) i appreciate your work ..
need more hot games soon, and you wil be the right guy who will make the rips, i hope so ! :)
newmouse (2010-06-08)
Thanks GlobePlus u r a Magic Bunny.BUT this game is v. poor.
I would download it if it was down to say 2.5 GB or less total, with video & audio quality reductions.
But I'm so spoilt I won't bother with it at this 5.39 GB. @@@@
walleteater (2010-06-08)
Followed instructions, except i moved the folder to the desktop after the converter, not when it was mentioned. Everything went fine but i can't get the game to launch. Clicking the exe begins processing but to no avail. Anyone else?dnerikar (2010-06-10)
I'm not been able to extract the rip.I'm using all new Freearc.......Every time I extract the files it starts extracting the file into TEMP folder as on a name of temp file and keeps on extracting until it says u r low on space(hard disk)........and finally it terminates without a message.
FreeArc is always a trouble for me......Please help me anyone.
dnerikar (2010-06-12)
Game is now working properly. Prob is now solved.yudhistir (2010-06-13)
Hi Globe , I have a problem , I downloaded the game as well as the globarc extractor and extracted the arc file using the extractor but I cannot find globeconverter.exe , according to your instructions I was able to do the first step but am stuck on the second one :1 - extract the arc file then move the extracted file to the desktop
2 - open the game folder and go to the next path :
Alpha Protocol\APGame\CookedPC\Packages
and run the Globe Converter.exe
There is no globeconverter.exe file under the path given , how do I extract the game ? Please assist
yudhistir (2010-06-15)
Some more information , the globe arc extractor extracts the arc file only till 0.7% and then shows that extraction is completed , is there any other way to extract the arc file ?dnerikar (2010-06-15)
@yudhistirSeems to be same prob what i hv witnessed
Completely uninstalled your previous freearc version, restart your comp., Google freearc & download latest Freearc , restart again. & finally start extraction...........
It work 100% for me .........Hope it work 4 u 2
50437 (2010-06-17)
everything workx.. but i have only one problem when i choose the agent, then i choose the skills.. then a movie plays.. then it goes bak to the skills.. and this just keeps going? .. is this all this game is supposed to do ??kami2k (2010-06-18)
I have installed on xp and 7, but on both systems .exe file crashes, please helpyudhistir (2010-06-19)
@dnerikar -Thanks for your suggestion of using Freearc , I was able to extract it with Freearc and am able to play the game , unfortunately game has a lot of glitches so had to quit playing , cant afford a system crash due to a unstable game
kami2k (2010-06-19)
I have installed on xp and 7, but on both systems .exe file crashes, please helpembryoma (2010-06-20)
@globeplus ur torrents are i have xp sp2,region India. doesnt seem 2 work in xp.requires D3D10.DLL and DXGI.DLL.cud u gimme a workaround of the prob.
yudhistir (2010-06-22)
@ embryoma - Download / install latest DirectXvaibhav3 (2010-06-23)
hey i am getting a visual c++ runtime error pls help me anyone...........thx in advance
asia_rules (2010-07-02)
I have latest direct x, ati 5670 graphic card, phenom 9550 processor, but still this damn game aint working..........................HELPExe crashing.
asia_rules (2010-07-02)
i still dont understand the reason, why do we always have to copy whole data to the desktop :o??no_one11 (2010-07-03)
I extracted everything. Then ran the Globe Converter.exe and moved the Maps folder from Packages to CookedPC. When I click on the APGame.exe nothing happens.no_one11 (2010-07-05)
Ok added a Notron exception to skidrow.dll. All is fine now.Vinoth03 (2010-11-03)
The game works fine. Thanx globeplus you rockFallerup (2010-12-15)
hmmm... I've installed the game and everything worked fine, but when I run it it says: d3dx9_42.dll missing on computer. Try installing the program again to solve the problem.I run Win 7 btw.
any suggestions? Besides reinstall, which I don't think works anyway.
kaliver (2010-12-29)
reinstall direct x24300421 (2011-01-21)
Dudes plssss SEEED I DL ABOUT 30 40 kbs :Sjh-76 (2011-05-04)
does not work!!mynameisexysam (2011-05-09)
PLeaseeeeee SEEEEEDDDDD!!!!:(Homercleese (2011-08-06)
After unpacking everything and following all the instructions the game now works perfectly but I have a 35 GIGABYTE install folder!!!!Obviously the temporary files weren't deleted after unpacking. Anyone have any idea what I can delete?
Oh and Im seeding now and will continue to do so for a good while.