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Video/Movies DVDR


2006-12-01 (by mikohl )


Description: American.Pie.V.The.Naked.Mile.2006.NORDIC.STV.PAL.DVDR-iYF P R O D L Y P R E S E N T S Title...............American Pie 5: The Naked Mile (2006) Imdb................ Genre...............Comedy Country.............USA Language............English Released............2006-12-01 Source..............RETAIL Rars................94X50MB Runtime.............N/A min Extra...............N/A SUBTITLES Swedish English Danish Finnish Norwegian German VIDEO PAL Re-encoded cce:6 passes Bitrate:5609 Aspect Ratio 16:9 Audio English Dolby Digital 5.1 Menu YES@UNTOUCH

Files count:



4520.40 Mb




fireline (2006-12-02)


korde (2006-12-02)

tak skal du have

dj_mordi (2006-12-02)

greetz man !

Halmstad90 (2006-12-02)

Is this one real ???
If it is than is Mikohl my god

 vire90 (2006-12-02)

This is real, i know!!! I have download it on
the Quality is good :D
Tackar iYF för ett bra jävla jobb :D

Halmstad90 (2006-12-02)

Hoppas man hinner få hem den innan jul bara

dogs (2006-12-02)

its not the right one, anyway its not the same person playing stifler as in the last 4 ones. Not all actors are in this check the names in the cast list og IMDB.

fordf1 (2006-12-02)

seed place

Loke- (2006-12-02)

This movie makes you wanna PARTEEEY and have sex with hot college girls. There is drinking involved.

the big swed nr. 1 (2006-12-02)


Livenevil (2006-12-02)

Thanx Man!!!! Been looking forward for this!!! Big Credz to you!!
Also agrees with big swede..loke is a fåntratt ;-P

 mikohl (2006-12-02)

fookin amazin', i now have the #1, #2, AND the #3 spot on most downloaded dvdr torrents! Who's da king? Fook the rest, I shall rool y'all! =)) (j/k of course) (NOT!)

henke__ (2006-12-02)

hi thanks for this movie, but does anyone have the fourth movie american pie presents band camp, with swedish sub?

GamaSannin (2006-12-02)

gOOD TORRENT. but bad seeders. I dowload 11kb/s

Nexton112 (2006-12-02)

what does it mean when it dvd r??

lill_kodden (2006-12-02)

´seed pls

SaabPower (2006-12-02)

Nexton112: Det betyder att den e "kopierad" från en orginal DVD , Alltså Dvd kvalitet.

Nexton112 (2006-12-02)

ok tack (:

l.o.m.b.a.r.d (2006-12-02)

Tack for denne!! Men seeda! Alla

Herofish (2006-12-02)

how do you play all these files? witch media player? burn them on dvd? pls answer!

dokusou (2006-12-02)

Use winrar (or an equivalent) to extract, then you can burn it to a dvd-r.

DennisH89 (2006-12-03)

Thank you for this UL!

[KrooN] (2006-12-03)

seed plzzz

lill_kodden (2006-12-03)

wtf ja har 10st som seedar men ja får ändå bara ner MAX 15kb/sek :S:S:S:S Y????

Nexton112 (2006-12-03)

how do i burn it on dvd i got nero startsmart and i dont have a divx dvd

Fredddde (2006-12-03)


the seal giver (2006-12-04)

DO YOU GOT A PROBLEM SEEDING?! i find over 3900 seeders... and its downloading at 9.5kb/s...

c08 (2006-12-04)

Hi. Does anyone know where I can get the DVD Cover for this movie? I looked on, but it wasn't there. Thanks

Chuck Nrs (2006-12-04)

Lots of seeders but zero download speed!!! any ideas?

manga_comics (2006-12-04)

nice it work out fine to play
to burn you nedd dvd decrypt
and nero 6

LasseLiten (2006-12-04)

lots of seeders but why so bad speed

DAPHANTOM (2006-12-04)

60 seeders and 10kbit/s in downloadspeed! I meen what? any ideas?

Nexton112 (2006-12-04)

vill se den på datorn men det vill inte funka hur ska jag göra/ vad behöver jag?

Nexton112 (2006-12-04)

mitt svenska tal funkar ej

fettehard (2006-12-04)

Works great!

BlackArea (2006-12-05)

nederlandse ondertiteling ?????
nergens te vinden

eriko21 (2006-12-05)

segaste filmen :S

DAPHANTOM (2006-12-05)

big thanks //from the Phantom in the djungle

palle91 (2006-12-05)

segt!! tankar i 40 kbs, har 8 mbit up seeda!

Norwegian Farmer (2006-12-05)

Hey folks, can anyone tell me what program I can use to copy a DVD into the computer (as AVI or as DVDR)?
Appretiate it

Johnsson_92 (2006-12-06)


bondemix (2006-12-06)

seeds plizzzzz.9 kbs

Bubbanbubban (2006-12-06)

Nice upload! thnx a lot!

Jimmy W (2006-12-06)

DVD Shrink

Jazz-B (2006-12-06)

Hvordan spille av filmen ? Har 1 img-fil som bare viser språkmeny og en antipiracy-film. Anybody ?

686 (2006-12-07)

BRa kvalite, Och snabb seedning. Tack för en bra film

Leeeeroy (2006-12-07)

wtf is this?? the file says r.30, r.31, 3.2 etc-- only a few files which I can use winRAR to.

Leeeeroy (2006-12-08)

Jazz, du må extracte .img filen, så går det.

CloudFlyer (2006-12-08)

DVD shrink

Kai86 (2006-12-08)

aquire "win-rar" to extract det files... then you will end up with an "image" file, this file can be mounted in DEAMON TOOLS... then buned on to a disc using NERO... enjoy! =)

micke22 (2006-12-08) blir barna glada...

jeffkeddy (2006-12-09)

For The Past Few Weeks I Backed up around 75 of my dvds on blank dvds but just today i started to download a few dvd images ,is there somthing i need to do with them after i burn them i put them in my home dvd player and the movie plays but its in black and white and the screen is rolling up and down ,does anyone know what causes this,any help would be great,maybe im burning wrong,or different region codes,etc dont know

Herofish (2006-12-09)

how do you play this files???? i tried to extract them but when i play it afterwards it just stops at the "COPYRIGHT NOTICE". then it will not go fourther. there are 31 .rar files starting at iyf-apiev.rar, iyf-apiev.r00 - iyf-apiev.r29. there is also 64 files that the pc dondt know witch program to open it, starting at iyf-apiev.r30 - iyf-apiev.r92. there is another file that the pc cant recognize: iyf-apiev.sfv. which files shall i extract?? pls help me!! i realy need this movie!!!

jesmar (2006-12-10)

Is anyone here using BitTorrent for Mac OS X? Its taking me forever to download these DVD's. Usually days. Am I suppose to change the TCP port? Any helpful info would be appreciated. Thanks
I go to other torrent sites and I'm able to download at a fast speed, its just this one thats really slow.

Movie-BoY (2006-12-10)

hei norwegian farmer du kan bruke nero eller dvd decrypter

JiMMU_ (2006-12-10)

Varför kan jag inte bränna filmen i nero? Relokering av filer misslyckades :@

ZioR d DownloadeR (2006-12-11)

Herofish.. What player are u using? U should use VLC or Power DVD.. And u have to pack up the files to IMG files. And if you wanna burn it you have to mount the IMG file...

y222 (2006-12-11)

Can someone tell me step by step, how the hell i can watch this movie.
It doesn't work, extracting :/:/:/:/
Any help will be very much appreciated

exitoon (2006-12-13)

come on 412 times and only 10 seeds this sucks

exitoon (2006-12-13)

alla have it but no help to seed it thats sucks=(

nes663a (2006-12-13)

Pathetic speed on this...... sorry

olpgamer1 (2006-12-15)

If anyone wants to go to a party at the same frat this movie was filmed at let me know, my best friend lives in the frat and can get anyone on the guest list. PS. Basically u need to live in Canada in the GTA lol.

Snoppskaft (2006-12-15)

Seed ! pffts only 100kb / sec ! GRR , when I`m done with downloading this fucking movie I will help seeding. PLEASE I REALLY WANT THIS MOVIE!
( before my birthday next year 9 december ;P )

OldPaint (2006-12-16)

Kind of slow, I've uploaded 5.66 share ratio to my 1.47GB down 8-(

zkillZor (2006-12-19)

Varför går det inte att bränna ut filmen ? Blir så suur ..

cabugg (2006-12-19)

Well I learned my lesson I downloaded PAL and I am in NTSC area. It is a hassle to convert. Teach me to READ next time.. But I will upload until I have a share ratio of 1.0 at least.

cybersholt (2006-12-19)

cabugg,just convert it.... go to for a tut.

seraelvis (2006-12-19)

är det nån som vet var covers har tagit vägen ? eller tips om annat ställe

arGh! * Neofix (2006-12-21)

is it some way i can fuck up the copy pro. with dvd shrink?? a patch or somthing ??=)

lothr (2006-12-21)

Torrent was good :) but this movie is shittiest movie ever!!! But maybe u can't wait enything else from movie, which is number 5!!!

lessah (2006-12-24)

this movie is the biggest piece of crappy shit that has ever been made on this planet!! please don't download it because it will only ruin the other four movies that were masterpieces (except band camp)
this fucking crap sucks more than teletubbies goddamnit!

lessah (2006-12-24)


hiphopalx (2006-12-29)

SomeOne Knows how to make a Torrent??

Braxen_king (2007-01-04)

tack för ul kmr att seeda sen 100/100

Patrick38 (2007-01-09)

Hva gjør jeg når jeg har lastet ned denne filen...?

vik071 (2007-01-13)

Well, let's see this one then!
So far all uploads from axxo were examplary.

Bukten (2007-01-14)

plz seed...........!

lessah (2007-01-16)

well, axxo is great, it isn´t his fault that this movie sucks so hard.. worst movie ever, i promise

Helixa_76 (2007-01-18)

Så himla rolig film =)

KLBN (2007-01-20)

Tack UL.. dålig film dock! Jag menar RIKTIGT dålig!

lessah (2007-01-29)

ja den suger röv

goligogo (2007-01-29)

Hey guys!I was wondering if anyone could help me?
I just can`t open to file to play it in VLC!..It opens,iI choose the language and then it just stops!...Is the movie,bad or is it just me that doesn`t know how to do it...?Btw:thnx for the great upload speed:)

goligogo (2007-01-30)

Hey guys!I was wondering if anyone could help me?
I just can`t open to file to play it in VLC!..It opens,iI choose the language and then it just stops!...Is the movie,bad or is it just me that doesn`t know how to do it...?Btw:thnx for the great upload speed:)

ingvar304 (2007-01-30)

skit bra ljud och bild 8/10

lessah (2007-02-01)

awn pleease stop downloading this shit, it sucks so baad!! i'm suffering with you if you watch it, it's a really worthless movie!

tamiya_good (2007-02-03)

Very high quality english audio and include dutch sub.
Note: VL
Thank you

orlash (2007-02-12)

After downloading these 97 files, how do i get them to play and how do i join them into 1 single DVD? Help out!

gist74 (2007-02-14)

American Pie still sucks after 5 movies. They should give it a rest now..

LOSTfan92 (2007-02-14)

When i start the movie it just stops after i have choosen the language. The file i play is lyf-apiev, and its a img file. Whats wrong???

LarsBendic (2007-02-17)

How do I Shrink this?
(svar gjerne på norsk)

Crackzter (2007-02-19)

When I try to extract it, then it says that file .08 is broken..
Anyone know how to fix it?
Maybe a re-downloading of the broken file?
Answer please.

dmr89 (2007-02-23)

nu har æ laste den ned. har den i 94 deler, hvordan får jeg den i en del da ? noen som gidder hjelpe ?

G4rl1 (2007-03-14)

146 seeders... 1- 2 kb/s... why??
svar gjerne på norsk;)

Nickgram1 (2007-10-06)

Can someone please help me ?
I have downloaded the torrent now but how can i change the subtitles into Danish ?

FN1992 (2007-11-16)

Rigtigt Godt Upload

fetterey (2008-08-24)

er ny her, og har lasta ned denne for første gang, men jeg for ikke spilt den av det er masse vis av filer på 47,7 mb , du kan si at filmen er delt inn i masse filer hvis jeg spiller av en fil kommer det bare et klipp fra filmen på 39 sek. hva gjør jge for å se filmen, og forresten ser veldig mange som skriver seed, hva betyr det?