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2009-03-09 (by AiTB )
info, sample, subs, links
Files count:
714.55 Mb
Piotrsongo (2009-03-09)
15.39 MiB :lol: :lol: :lol:/bestdivx-farcry.avi 699.15 MiB :D
/the.unit.415.hdtv-lol.nfo 3.88 KiB :lol: :lol: :lol:
GAZZA2008 (2009-03-09)
3878 and no a=? v=? movie=?GAZZA2008 (2009-03-09)
Leechers: 3878 and no a=? v=? movie=?GAZZA2008 (2009-03-09) (2009-03-10)
uwe boll should suck cocks and stop making movies! thx for the upload anywayfipred (2009-03-10)
F**** me! or Uwe again...For better or worse i gonna try it. thks for the share!Tremors12 (2009-03-10)
Uwe is the worst director ever!tha_konna (2009-03-10)
i just hope the guys who make films from videogames would just STOP DOING THEM :D they are awfullyshittybad... they're never successful but still they make them... i just don't get itguarino2002 (2009-03-10)
I heard of this movie a long time ago, and hoping to god Uwe wasnt going to get the green light for this movie. Atleast this time he didnt have any somewhat decent actors to have in the movie and bring down their name even further like his other abortions. SCREW UWE BOLL!!!!!sHaDoWeXiLe187 (2009-03-10)
real... v9 a10havnt watched it fully yet..
here's a list of the next movies Uwe Boll's gunna fuckup.. guess what? the jackass is doing another movie from a game... BloodRayne 3..
# Zombie Massacre (2010) (in production) (producer)
# Sabotage 1943 (2009) (in production) (producer)
# Blackout - The Film (2010) (pre-production) (producer)
# BloodRayne 3: Warhammer (2010) (pre-production) (producer)
# Max Schmeling (2010) (pre-production) (executive producer)
# Janjaweed (2009) (pre-production) (producer)
# The Storm (2009) (filming) (producer)
dhvua (2009-03-10)
vsartory at 2009-03-09 20:28 CET:uwe boll should suck cocks and stop making movies! thx for the upload anyway
i think uwe boll sucks cocks TO make movies. im gonna ask uwe boll to direct my "viva pinata" movie and when he shows up to read the script ill promptly shoot him in the face. after he sucks me off of course.
Stevee82 (2009-03-10)
I guess i just feel obliged (in case he is reading this) to say that Uwe Boll, your movies SUCK.STOP buying up the rights to these games, let someone with talent have a go.
volcom_7 (2009-03-10)
this movie is a fucking waste of time!!!h3ll1s (2009-03-10)
The worst movie ever! If you loved the game, as i did, don't watch this movie!!!Viltan- (2009-03-10)
why do they let uwe make these shitty movies? well the only movie he directed that was good was Postal because postal is wierd and funny :))joimen (2009-03-10)
boycott Uwe Boll!!!Femess (2009-03-10)
Uwe Boll, go and fuck yourself!rexer73 (2009-03-10)
Its quite funny, its come to this I know its going to be bad but how bad I just have to see :)Pantss (2009-03-10)
rexer73 LOL exactly what I'm doing LOL; can't help itfipred (2009-03-10)
Its not that bad. Not good but I seen plenty of worse movies.BigSniff (2009-03-10)
Hey guy's, you don't have to stop your torrent client as soon as you finish the download.Upstream bandwidth has no effect on viewing quality.
Thanks to the 2 people seeding at a massive 0.2kB/s and to the peer with 12% giving me the most, 9kB/s for a grand total of 9.4kB/s :D
ANG369 (2009-03-11)
What a surprise... A film based on a video game turned out to be a complete waste of time and bandwidth.GRIMMY09 (2009-03-11)
if my fellow members are so thick to download really bad copys of really shitty movies then dont complain , go to some computer courses and learn more about what your doing before you start slagging off members who are just trying to help.DustiFinga (2009-03-11)
Mr Boll may make shit movies, but they are the best shit movies ever.Having just returned from the movies, to see Watchmen, I'm looking forwards to watching LOLBOL's latest excellent shit film as Watchmen was just shit.
Long may Uwe LOLBol's shit rain down on us, like a golden brown shit shower of shit on a shitty day at half past shit in the morning. Shit!
DustiFinga (2009-03-11)
P.S. Thanks for this Shit, AiTB. You da shiz.CSuk (2009-03-11)
Ta muchly 4 the UL...!Uwe Boll does suck as a director....the thing is, in 20-30 years time he's gonna be a 'Cult' must have/must watch guy and, all because he's the B-Movie King (as in BAD... BOLLOCKS and BANAL) of the present time decade. Look at Russ Meyer back in the 60's, 70's! He was a lousy director but today he has a huge cult following. Boll reminds me a lot of him for sopme reason :)
omegastar013 (2009-03-11)
i haven't seen many uwe boll films but i did like tunnel rats.Rottberto (2009-03-11)
@hyperscopeActually they were. They were called Trigens, and they made the last half of the game suck arse.
homey007 (2009-03-11) W (2009-03-11)
HEHHE leave the computer on over night and then you have 59 in ratio.... piratebay is funny.docz47 (2009-03-11)
Rofl hade no idea there was a movie to.IMDB gave it 2.7 Must be a best seller :P
NeverWest (2009-03-12)
FAR CRY1? tHATS A FUCKING GAME?Cheveh (2009-03-12)
@ NeverwestYeah far cry 1 is a game, origonally on pc, i think i have it lying around here somewhere, basically a blokey sails into an island full of mercs and theres scientists genetically engineering apes, then theres the xbox version which i never played when the lead charcter got the genetic engineering-ness.
FarCry 2 had no connection to Far cry 1, They just kept the name to link it to the makers and that 'it sounded cool'.
vsartory (2009-03-12)
NeverWestyea it was and it was fuken boshty as owt! not like this movie. dunno why they had to sell the name to this krautfucker asshole to fuckup the franchise. well the basic idea was aint that strong at all for the game either but at least it was enjoyable. u should try it owt geezer
in0va3 (2009-03-12)
Far Cry SynopsisA hardened seaman and a dogged reporter become trapped on an island with a mysterious scientist, a ruthless band of mercenaries, and a vicious pack of unidentifiable creatures in BloodRayne director Uwe Boll's seventh video game-to-screen adaptation. A team of mercenaries has been attacked on a remote island in the Pacific Northwest, and as mysterious reports begin to emerge from the chaos, a veteran Seattle newspaper editor sends top reporters Tom Moore and Valerie Constantine to the scene in hopes of getting the scoop on the story. Shortly after arriving on the island under the guidance of ship captain Jack Carver (Til Schweiger), the trio is attacked by mercenary commander Maria Sanchez. Though Tom is killed, Valerie and Jack manage to stage a daring escape and quickly begin to bicker over their plan as Maria's murderous soldiers fast begin gaining ground. Despite Captain Jack's plan to locate his friend Emilio and get off of the island as quickly as possible, reporter Valerie remains determined to investigate the strange situation and get as many details as possible for her upcoming story. Later, when Jack, Valerie, and Emilio are captured and taken to the secret lab of genius scientist Dr. Krieger, Valerie is extended an invitation to join the doctor in announcing his latest findings to the world. Though it finally seems as if Valerie has gotten just the scoop needed to make her story, the situation quickly turns chaotic when one of Dr. Kreiger's creatures escapes from the lab and sets out on a murderous rampage.
opfazonk (2009-03-12)
yeah it's true: my people are not far away from being capable of make any movies except for porn... xDi pray to god that he may give us a 2nd rolland emmerich ;-)
Celph-Titled (2009-03-12)
thanks for the up.10/a
stevo_666 (2009-03-12)
a "far-cry" from a good movie.......................sorry i just had to :Pxanaxatticus (2009-03-12)
how the fuck does UWE BOLL get money I have never felt true sympathy for an actor as I felt for Jason Stratham and Timothy Dalton In- "In the name of the king- a dungeon siege tale" that was a fucking travesty. Blood Rayne looked okay but again it was not even teenage lesbian soft porn it could of been/ or should of been. Granted this is a free down load. thnx for the upload AiTB and there is'nt much outhere to DL but I refuse to waste my bandwidth on his Cunnee's excuse for entertainment. I would rather be anally molested by freddy krueger with a splinted baseball bat while roseanne arnold masterbates me with sandpaper in the basement of the pawnshop in pulp fiction than watch another UWE BOLL film.fipred (2009-03-12)
Uwe is a far less criminal compared with the fps gaming genre. Its like amen in church or the never ever ending story about uber soldaten projects gone wrong again and that never ending evil scientist.thaOz (2009-03-13)
i honestly have to download this movie because i know it will suck but i still have to see it just to know it so i don´t regret not knowing tobubba1631 (2009-03-13)
this movie sucksolle.bolle (2009-03-13)
this movie is a good action movie with spectacular fire explosion effects, and i think Uve Boll did OK job!To all the idiots posting shit advertisements: burn in hell, fucked idiots - nobody is gonna visit your shitty weblinks or whatever :L besides, i am reporting you to piratebay administration so that your logins are getting banned!
ripon_bloke (2009-03-13)
Movie pretty goodA-10
No problems WHATSOEVER
Harbles (2009-03-14)
Great quality upload, Thanks! Uwe Boll. Fuck off. that twit has single handedly destroyed an entire genre of movies. You'd think that after countless intenet blammings and repeatedly winning Razzie's that he'd clue in... fucking doltmoryman (2009-03-15)
Thanks for the up. Concur with others however, this film fails.qwazeq (2009-03-15)
can somebody seed that please!!!i'd like to watch this film but it's going very slow...
thefrozen999 (2009-03-15)
why they don't make such spendid DVD rips for good movies?This is a very bad movie...and such great quality????Not fair.Kill Uve Boll!!!,,Uve Boll, what have you done to my game?''rc71 (2009-03-15)
He's makingWarcraft for 2009
SoCRaTeZ (2009-03-16)
Since when is Uwe Boll making Warcraft? Last I heard Blizz told him to bugger off and they werent going to let him ruin Warcraft like he has other games.Uwe_Boll_Blows (2009-03-16)
Problems I had with this movie:Most Cliché movie ever
Not much diversity in the dialogue
Kept on saying "you won't find any facility more advance than this in the world" erm, i don't give a shit. "it's so cold" yer you said that already.
Was this a comedy? i couldn't tell at some points, sort of seemed like a light hearted action thriller, without the thrilling bit.
If any vehicle got scratched, it just blew up.
What the fuck is up with the 1980's horror movie background music, fucking synth and strings to the max!
The bit in the cabin, I don't wanna ruin it, but there was not alot of build up for that really, i was just confused.
So, one of the things gets hit with a turret machine gun and doesnt move, then one gets shot with a pistol and struggles to keep momentum. Errrr what?
Generally the whole movie flowed worse than Marmite/Vegemite.
That is all.
Ps Uwe Boll Blows
Uwe_Boll_Blows (2009-03-16)
Sorry! I didn't say thank you to the uploader, keep it up man.PeaCe
jayroen (2009-03-16)
Great quality/audio, movie sucks though, horrible playing, worthless story.hoopajoob (2009-03-17)
the games sucked and they were better than the movie. horrible acting but a good uploadjojjos (2009-03-17)
Thanks for the upload!! Great quality.A good movie too, despite other comments. Ok sure maybe some excess explosion with the boat chase, but that's not unusual in action movies, and yeah the cabin seen was a bit like, wtf!? Where did that come from!!?? But overall a good movie and the car explosions were way more realistic than any 80's early 90's action movie. The acting and dialogue was ok, albeit a bit cheesy sometimes but perfectly acceptable. Yes true, it's not much like the game. But movies based on games are often little or nothing like the game.
Fine Uwe Boll is not the best director but I have seen much much much much much worse movies than his! Even some high budget block busters have been worse!
Christykitsune (2009-03-17)
This film -BARELY- just follows some parts from the game. What? Jack carver does'nt get the gene stuff? No he does'nt. and theres some really super white super soldiers in it.I dont see those in Farcry. The only originality this had with the game is the characters, and possibly the setting of an island. The Couple you see at the begining on jack's boat are probably for comedic value, but they SUCK so much at acting it's just not funny. The woman is annoying as hell. "I WANNA SEE WHAAAAALES GEORGE" Godamn.
It still barely had parts from the game. The only two plus points for me was the dude who plays Yuri from Command and conquer red alert 2 was in it as the scientist. And Hammond from SG-1 is too. For like five minutes. Don't bother watching unless you want to laugh your ass off at the piss poor plot and story/acting.
The Visual effects are very good, which is also one plus. They are'nt shitty like you'd think. So this redeems the film slightly. However my taste and prefrences are not everyones. So if you want to watch it, Go ahead. Uwe boll should really change his name to Ew Bollocks.
Aero107 (2009-03-17)
why does the german fag sound like a chinaman?imevildude (2009-03-19)
I got some weird fucked up shit going on here! I downloaded this fuking movie i run it on windows media player and it runs but it only plays the sound and the screen has shit on it like the movie is music I also tryed quick time and power dvd but its still displaying this shit like music need help here!tikkig0d (2009-03-19)
its a common issue for retards, you need to download a codectikkig0d (2009-03-19)
if all else fails try avs, google it its a free dlqwazeq (2009-03-19)
ok-quality of that film is perfect I'd say, A/V - 9/9, but the story itself is below any critic...if you brainless moron watch it.saddythedaddy (2009-03-19)
Hey evildude just download k lite mega codec pack and install and try downloading vlc player,this fucker plays almost anythin bro.good luck!!rc71 (2009-03-20)
I think there are some MPAA grievers posting on this one.The movie is fine. It's more boring than bad. It's better than any scifi Channel original flick.
I still wouldn't recommend it. It's boring.
Did I mention it's boring.
BigSniff (2009-03-21)
"I wanted to die fast you know, like by a shark"Best line in the movie
dinobillington (2009-04-05)
I was actually looking forward to this til I saw it was Uwe Boll that directed it now i'm not going to bother, he is to movies what cancer is to the human body he just fucks them up!NeMeSiS213 (2009-04-11)
seriously this movie SUX.i just finished watching it and i already feel sorry for wasting my time and my bandwidth.a failure of epic proportions...lyzzard (2009-07-10)
It's pretty bad...
Timmy.Ho (2009-10-08)
Please SEED!I've only got another 7.5% left to complete :(
brad1101 (2011-05-15)
audio and videoLowryderstrain (2011-05-17)
No DHT.? You kidding me?looser