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Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12 The Masters-RELOADED




Games PC


Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12 The Masters-RELOADED




2011-09-08 (by extremezone)

Description: Screens: Alternative: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12 The Masters-RELOADED Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12 The Masters (c) Electronic Arts 09/2011 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: EA/Shit 1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Sports Start your journey down the "Road to the Masters" with Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12: The Masters. Embark on the "Road to the Masters" as your career begins on the amateur tour and work your way through Q School, Nationwide Tour, and finally, the PGA Tour. Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12: The Masters has something for every golf fan and is the must-have title this year 2. Burn or mount the image. 3. Install the game. If you don't like wasting your time, just unzip from the root of the disc to whereever you want to install. Remember to install VC redist from \__Installer dir afterwards. 4. Copy over the cracked content from the Crack dir on the disc to the dir of the game. 5. Play the game offline. Don't allow the launcher or main game exe to connect online and don't update. 6. Don't support EA and their inferior DRM-vehicle of a PC game. Note:If you have something to offer as early releases,seedboxes,links,accounts,etc please contact us on piratepedia[@]msn/ or our website torentz 3xforum ro Seed Stats: 20-400 GiB at aprox 10 MiB/sec/20 slots per torrent Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12 The Masters-RELOADED Torrent Free Download How To Get Your Maxspeed (uTorrent) Torrent Client - Preferences - Bandwidth - Number of connections - Set aprox. 500 for each Torrent Client - Preferences - BiTorrent - Protocol Encryption - Forced Bandwidth Allocation - High (Set download/upload limit - Unlimited) Stop Other Active Torrents - Start downloading and wait for connections. Enjoy and Seed for at least 1:1 ratio. Don't forget to say thanks/leave reviews. For more info,crack only,PATCH,serial,keygen,trainers,CRACKFIX,UPDATES, system requirements,cheats,NFO,gameplay trailers,free downloads, pc iso,demos,screenshots,visit some RELEASE SITES or official web pages. Search here for any future updates/working status/etc or any other quality PreDatabase, Scene Release & Dupecheck sites. Stop using stupid av's as AVG reporting false positive viruses-disable or use Nod32


  1. Tiger Woods
  2. PGA TOUR 12
  3. The Masters

Files count:



3778.39 Mb




knox666 (2011-09-08)

ExtremeZone your the best homie! :) Thanks for another exceptional countless upload.

Mrdensson (2011-09-08)

hey extremezone, im a big fan of you, could you put a torrent of f1 2011, i would be very grateful :D thanks ^^

edgar6 (2011-09-08)

ExtremeZone u`r fuckken RAD lad !!!

jay_gotti_666 (2011-09-08)

how are we gonna like get fast speeds
if it jus came out ...cause im dying to play this game .....AND NBA 2K12

jay_gotti_666 (2011-09-08)

@Mrdensson is f1 2011 out yet?

TyMod (2011-09-08)

You fucking RULE!!! I have a friend who loves to golf and he loves PC gaming. Thought I would download this for him and give it a try myself.
Thanks man, keep kicking ass,

dumas1000 (2011-09-08)

EA has stopped (mostly) producing their sports titles for the PC. They did so starting around 2008. I'm shocked that this game was even ported to the PC.

dumas1000 (2011-09-08)

F1 has a release date of somewhere around September 21. I mostly love Codemasters racing titles and I sorta collect Games for Windows Live games, but I could not play that year's F1 game worth crap. One of the few games Windows Live games I've ever deleted. Seems if you are not a total gearhead or a hardcore sim racing enthusiast, that game is going to kick your ass. Even on "easy" mode, which wasn't easy at all.

houseofswing (2011-09-08)

the reason they started making this again is because of the success of the tiger woods online free to play game, which does tie into this game if you were to buy this. hell i was playing free online till i heard this was coming out now thx to TPB i dont have to anymore
thx extremezone

TyMod (2011-09-08)

Also I am getting about 130kbps which is pretty good since there is only 13 seeders at this point.
Also yes, EA like completly quit making PC sports titles which is stupid. Especially since with Madden 08 they sent a message out notifying people the servers will be closed down to make room for Madden 09 and that we needed to buy the game. And then BAM, never ported it. Ass wholes.... Oh well, atleast they gave us golf...

knox666 (2011-09-08)

Me have sad face see...... :( windows controller support. I play on 52 sharp see why i'm sad faced now? :/

knox666 (2011-09-08)

Word to the not so wise :/.....If you decide to update or make any changes now and/or later copy and paste your save file to your desktop then move it back into your save folder which is the out folder with save and profile. And if it does not show as a continue in the play menu. Remove the number of the save file and replace it with the number 0 with the rename funtion. Ok? ok now bye bye. :)

knox666 (2011-09-08)

disregard last comment wrong torrent :/ my bad.

ben_high (2011-09-08)

Can anyone comment on how this game plays with mouse/keyboard?

houseofswing (2011-09-08)

wow this is the same exact game as tiger woods free to play online with just a campaign mode what a joke i feel srry for dudes that pay for this...if you wanna know how it plays with a mouse sign up for free to play and try it out

Donnyb12 (2011-09-08)

While you can play a golf you cant alter your characters features, access the Pro Shop or gain xp for your golfer unless you sign in online :(

Dastan786 (2011-09-08)

Please Seed Guys.............! 12 seeders and only 9 kbs huh......! WTF......! Please Seeeeeeeeeeed........!

MichaelKnight_83 (2011-09-08)

Any know when Pes-12 release??

 PirateBoy (2011-09-08)

@ MichaelKnight_83
Release Date of PES 12 is probably 14th October. Waiting for that and FIFA 12...lets c....:)

 nystrand (2011-09-08)

doesn´t work for me it says that a error has occured please send error report or quit game.

gamesforfree (2011-09-08)

Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!.
if you want more sports games on PC .

naberlan (2011-09-08)

thanks to RELOADED againg.. downloaded from and It works

rolosdad (2011-09-08)

HMMM.. thanks extremezone always the best for games:).. small complaint tho.. install instructions arnt very helpful..couldnt find anyway to install this by mounting. launcher installs ORIGIN without installing game..had to extract data and drop crack on it. i know you gave those tips in NFO but you made it sound like and alternative but i found it was the only way to install game. thank you anyway always love your uploads.:)

redderstheamazing (2011-09-08)

cheers extremezone..............
downloading now will seed a good ratio mate...
get in the hole! :)

monu432 (2011-09-08)

Damn it looks like reloaded is back in action from the last few days thanks extremezone

zukke (2011-09-08)

Just tried the game, works perfectly. Will help seed it :) happy gaming!

merlejr (2011-09-08)

not enough seeder's seed people please ?

merlejr (2011-09-08)

going to take forever to download at 10.0 kb

merlejr (2011-09-08)

1989 leechers hummmmmmm come on people seed this game, he was good enough to put it here for ya's......

SFight3r (2011-09-08)

Hey Extremezone,
first of all... thanks alot for all the great uploads! appreciated :)
secondly, I was wondering if you're gonna upload a proper copy of 'Rise of the planet of the apes' anytime soon?

tribal86 (2011-09-08)

i try game... it works.. :)
unzip data... copy crack :) work like charm...
just hope for some new way to crack so we can get exp and other stuff :)
(maybe something like ubisoft game luncher crack)

bd201020 (2011-09-08)

Installing by unzipping the only installs the basics. No commentary etc is installed using this method. There is a 1.79Gig file that presumably contains commentary and more that is not installed making the game semi installed.

tribal86 (2011-09-08)

ok... bd201020
so we have to wait some crack with key gen...?
if you try to install game, it install Origin then you have to log in and then it ask for cd key....

redderstheamazing (2011-09-08) dwnloading at 500kbs average....
its gonna be downloaded in an hour eta....
your connection must be shite...ill seed when its done stop moaning just cos ur net connection is shite.

barnn (2011-09-08)

extremezone can you please upload the dutch So you think you can dance season 4? thanks

vrocks94 (2011-09-08)

holy son of bitches......the game just works fine.........extremezone rocks!!!!!!!!

bd201020 (2011-09-08)

@tribal86.. Yeah I'm not sure really. The 1.7 gig file that is not installed when you only unzip the is probably Commentary and perhaps the new caddie thing. Unzipped the missing file is actually 3gig which is the same size as the game folder so It probably holds a lot of stuff.

Flanker-B (2011-09-09)

This game is actually not a port form any of the console versions. The pc version is based on the free Tiger Woods PGA tour Online.

merlejr (2011-09-09)

redderstheamazing bite my ass you geek, my connection is just fine, goes to show you, you dont know what your talking about......

redderstheamazing (2011-09-09)

@merlejr...yeah yeah dizzy yank cunt, connection is that shit its took you how many hours to get the game to download and then youve come back on here to figure out how to install it you fucking little nonce.......
and i wont bite you're (ass) ass is a donkey u dizzy yank cunt.....speak english the word you are refering to is ARSE!!!!
fucking yankee bellend licking scruffy little cunt.

majuaraan (2011-09-09)

winmac now there a term i haven't heard in awhile

merlejr (2011-09-09)

redderstheamazing you are such a moron, got to cuss someone out on the net cause you aint shit in person, id rip ur head off and shit down ur neck, signed 1%'er

merlejr (2011-09-09)

p.s. ya pre historic buzzard breath cock sucker i d\l at 1.7 mb not 500 kbs

redderstheamazing (2011-09-09)

@merlejr....good for you sonshine......i download a lot faster than 500kbs u penisfaced cunt, im saying ur net connection is shite cos there was enough seeds to have good speeds evenm when you made you're comment ya dumb little cunt.....10kbs is the kind of speeds that u dwnload at for dead torrents u little upstart cunt......see what happens when you mouth off for no good my head of pal i dont fucking think so u stupid cunt, im 6 ft 2 14 stone build like a fucking brick wall, and im a fucking cruiserweight boxer you silly little nonce.....anytime you wanna knock on my door be my guest....cheeky little cunt.

nandypiep (2011-09-09)

works just fine i used unrar thanx
Can this be played using a xbox 360 joystick for windows?

nandypiep (2011-09-09)

tanx i wil try this

merlejr (2011-09-09)

redderstheamazing you little sheep sticking fag, im 6' 4 260 lbs, you dont scare me you little donkey dick sucking fag, id meet you anywhere any just name the fk'n place and i'll bust that cocksucking mouth of your's and still shit down your neck and not think twice about it, you bad ass wanna im done playing your little cuss out game online. come to Arizona if you have balls enough to...and look me up, ...1%'er

jburp7 (2011-09-09)

ive never seen 2 men be such pussies before.

filterfish (2011-09-09)

this works on a mac right?

filterfish (2011-09-09)

that a yes then lol does says mac on the pic

AndrusKas (2011-09-10)

game keeps crashing when i click "launch game"
it says: Oops! The Game crashed

SamHefron (2011-09-10)

Love it, the Mac version runs perfectly.

jvezirian (2011-09-10)

Hey Extreme....
Followed the instruction like you said, just created a folder Tiger Woods 2012 and extracted the Data file there, copied the crack folder there (always do that to keep a backup copy) and then copied the contents into the game and launched using shortcut to the cracked .exe.
Works great!!!!!
What about "Tiger Woods PGA TOUR(R) 12 The Masters.pkg" file, what gets done with this, do we install this file?
Can the file be installed or was it extracted with the data file.
Game works and plays great, but there are no choices for the player other than a few faces, and the shitty red
Anyone else follow the unzip method, but have been able to get additional content, or do you have to go online using the game face program, which I cannot access since I block this program from web access.

WesLeonEXE (2011-09-10)

i got the game working. its a lil boring, but it works 100% great upload.

gnetix (2011-09-11)

Game works great for me! I'm using Windows 7 32bit. Thanks for the game guys although I gotta say the putting SUCKS on this one. I actually like everything else though. Just like the putting on some of the older Woods games.
@hurka79, just extract the like it says in the description and you're good to go. That's what I did anyway. I tried to install first and seen the Origin thing. Decided not to go that route is possible ;)
Thanks again EZ!! You guys are great!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KKKSan (2011-09-11)

4. Copy over the cracked content from the Crack dir on the disc to the dir of the game.
The content is the file TWORuntimeStandAlone.exe where AVG say that it is a tr crypt.xpack.gen virus ?

AntiVir 2011.09.09 TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen
ByteHero 2011.09.10 Trojan.Malware.Win32.xPack.i
Emsisoft 2011.09.11 Trojan.Crypt!IK
Ikarus T3. 2011.09.11 Trojan.Crypt
I dont like it.

filterfish (2011-09-12)

jvezirian the "Tiger Woods PGA TOUR(R) 12 The Masters.pkg" file is the mac install

MercuryMay (2011-09-12)

@ KKKSan
It's a false positive.. read the description. extremezone is one of, if not the most trusted uploader on the scene.
This is why noobs shouldn't torrent games...

SJCarline (2011-09-12)

I went the extract route as well on win7 x32 bit and it does work.....
For anyone who played TW2008 and expect this to be some awesome graphically immersive golfing experience...Its not....More like a brushed up version of 08. Game mechanics are the same and it doesn't look much better than 08...more like if 08 was still being updated to this day TW2012 looks like that would have.

filterfish (2011-09-12)

wishes someone would upload a cracked hard copy

roadwaffle56 (2011-09-13)

Nice upload! Thanks for it!

bjorn198030 (2011-09-13)

Where i can find the key for this game?

bjorn198030 (2011-09-13)

You must activate to play this game?

Virtualizer (2011-09-13)

lol.. You sound like someones whore... Been someones bitch at prison much? /;)

Virtualizer (2011-09-13)

@merlejr lol.. You sound like someones whore... Been someones bitch at prison much? /;)

trecandy (2011-09-13)

Is this the full game?
I must have set it up wrong because I can't seem to get it to remember my progress.
In fact each time I close it all data is lost.
What am I doing wrong?

Jimmy54669 (2011-09-14)

It's asking me for a product key. I looked on the iso...including the cracked folder. I don't see a keygen. Someone please help.

beanshr (2011-09-14)

Works fine, but where's multiplayer?!? I wanna play with my friends on one computer and there are no options for that whatsoever :(

Tyson212 (2011-09-14)

Okay...I'm seeing a lot of people say the same thing about the same issue I'M having also, but NOBODY is giving any help....
@ extremezone...a little help would be nice since no one else is bothering...
I know the instructions said to do the unzip thing, but from what I've read, going that route only gives a shaved down version of the game. I don't care about getting online, but I don't want 45% of the actual game either.
So the question is, IS THERE A KEYGEN?? Because it's asking us for a product key to install the game...
Is anybody gonna help with this question? Because a lot of people are having this issue...
Thanx in advance...

bjorn198030 (2011-09-14)

There's no option to play with a contoller,only with your keyboard+mouse and where's the product key?????

Dastan786 (2011-09-14)

Guys who to instal this one, after installing Origin software it stuck????? Help me guys.... I need this one badly...... Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee........... :(

filterfish (2011-09-14)

there is no keygen the protection is ea/shit as it says in the info and you have to play offline which means you cannot upgrade anything lol

syp77 (2011-09-17)

this is a rip off game go play Tiger Woods online for free same fricken game

ryanpaule (2011-09-20)

it asks for product key, what do i do from here thx

Akkedis777 (2011-09-21)

i cant install without origin?how do i get it right?

Smoka70 (2011-09-23)

lol @ the flamers!
Relax boys no need to fight!
But if there is a fight....where n when i wana watch!
n as ever nice up extremezone u the dogs bollox....

budsatawny (2011-09-25)

screen goes black when ran, monitor says no support using 37" polaroid lcdtv w/1080p any clues?
AMD 720 be , ati hd 4850 , 4 gig ocz ram ddr2 1066 , win 7 ultimate all new drivers and windoze updated. the game, at least the sound still works though. Anyone got any ideas?

colinb74 (2011-09-29)

Thanks Extremezone for another great torrent! Just finished playing for the first time :) Works just fine if people follow instructions!

djantondex (2011-10-03)

ok for people havin trouble following instructions u dont av to do enythin but this first go to c/program files and create folder called Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12 The Masters then mount the iso using power iso or sdimalar program then DONT RUN open insted inside iso u will see a file data zip open that then drag all contents into the folder u created in c/program files PGA TOUR 12 The Masters done games instaled then go to iso again crack folder n copy crack into same place presto works uploader thanx

ninja78 (2011-10-03)

mount iso file. then open to view files. make a desktop folder named Tiger Woods 12. open DATA folder. single click one file or folder. then hit CTRL-A to select all. drag all the content to your new Tiger Woods 12 folder. after all is copied to folder. open computer, then open Local Disk. then open Program files(x86) folder. now drag Tiger Woods 12 folder to this location. go back to the crack folder. copy crack and paste it to the Tiger Woods 12 folder in Programs folder. right click TWOruntimeStandAlone and make a shortcut. drag shortcut to desktop. double click shortcut on desk top to open and play the game. this bypasses ORIGIN completely. the game is only single player. if any of you want to bitch about it then buy the game to gain full online content.

ninja78 (2011-10-04)

DO NOT TRY TO UPDATE. you will have to delete the game and reinstall it. I tried lol and it was an ultimate fail. I knew better but it was kind of an accident. never try to register or update a game unless you bought it or have a serial key.

xyhic (2011-10-06)

Whats up with reloaded torrents on pirate bay both this and dragan age 2 by reloaded got tagged by some MIAA who then contacted my ISP which they sent some pretty mean letters

KJ4RNV (2011-10-20)

Thanks Extremezone... I'm not one to waste time either! Just mount, copy to..., install VC redist and replace TWORuntimeStandAlone.exe and send a shortcut. However I sigh... Didn't break 100 at Augusta the first time :-)

 Baphom3t (2011-10-23)

game freezes up on me in the first Q-school hole 6 tee-off. Any fixes?

sqwarp (2011-11-22)

i followed all the instructions and when clicking the TWOstandalone exe file it says error there should be a data file next to the exe file... is there anything i can do to fix this????? :)

pnoku (2011-11-29)

If you guys happened to have extra US$20.00 laying around, please donate to me. I could come up with the rest for purchasing a genuine copy and play on Origin.
No problem with the installation really, just unzip and play; do not update, do not connect to Origin, but then you would lose out half the features of the game.
DRM games sucks. Should boycott them.

vegemite1 (2011-12-07)

The reason virus detectors flag the crack as infected, is because... it is INFECTED

 iolo_is_alive (2011-12-28)

First off the game sucks on PC, read any reviews. AVOID.
****** VIRUS WARNING ********
Then it puts a pretty nasty fucking MBR virus on your computer as well. Impressive job by the virus writer as well, had to use a Fedora Live CD to boot and wipe the MBR (since Bootrec /FixMbr didn't work like the old fdisk /mbr).
FYI if you need to do this:
fdisk -l ( that's an L ) as su (sudo)
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/[your drive here] bs=512 count=63
For example (for my primary drive)
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=63
to wipe the whole mbr (you can then boot off Vista/Win 7 and run your boot record fixings).

hc32king (2012-01-15)

Tiger woods 13 coming bitches. I'm gonna get it for ps3 because pc sucks!

Desperx (2012-02-09)

Got an email from my internet provider this morning and i have been turned in to the government.. This has happened to me 2 times now . I suggest no one download this or you may risk the fine im risking.. :(

teparis74656 (2012-02-10)

I need help. I can't install the game. Is there a keygen I can use? What do I need to do to get this working? I'm un the US.

airone77 (2012-02-22)

AWC.dll load failed when i want launch the game , does anyone could help on this pls....

airone77 (2012-02-22)

Also how can i remove origin ?

klip1 (2012-03-24)

13 yet reloaded? im sure your busy... :-)
xbox only and it doesnt even look worthy.
12 was just such a sham :-(

UKGuy64 (2012-03-25)

2 days download time what a joke! all that crap about speeding up download don't work!

iLirian (2012-06-02)

It didn't install the game, it just install origin

iLirian (2012-06-02)

Works gret just follow the instructions of ninja78
I love this game

jawsome2 (2012-06-24)

need help with part 3!

iLirian (2012-07-26)

Only install "ORIGIN''

CAPTAiN_24 (2012-08-27)

u FUCKiN rock....
Keep up the GREAT work.

athlete44 (2012-08-30)

Product key is NOT working. I have done every step and gotten to Origin and am ready to install. Have already burned to a CD, it is saying invalid product key. PLEASE HELP!!

brownnotesuicide (2012-08-31)

torrent works perfectly!
be warned, as everyone knows, most of these games do not work online...same goes with this one. With that being said, this games requires you to be online to create your character, build up his/her stats, and buy clothes/clubs/etc. Gets old REAL quick. Good for a quick golf fix, but that is about it.

vegemite1 (2012-09-12)

Almost ALL of RELOADED's cracks contain a virus.

McflyMcMurderface (2012-09-22)

@vegemite1 You know, that might have a chance of working if you bash a relatively unknown group. But, you're attacking RELOADED. I highly doubt that your lame and untrue accusation will convince anyone.

McflyMcMurderface (2012-09-22)

And, like the complete douche I am, I forgot to give my sincere thanks to extremezone, for uploading this for us all. So, thank you, extremezone.

HawtHunk710 (2012-09-29)

cd key?

Zs3h (2012-11-12)

can you plz seed! downloading at 2kb/s!!!

Killa904 (2013-01-16)

Does anyone know the code you need to install?

kingjim007 (2013-02-24)

PGA 07 is a much better game for those wanting a good golf game. Kudos to extremezone, but this game is shite.

lafrtheraider (2013-02-24)

Much thanks extremezone, game works great!

slinckkey (2013-06-08)

any way to install without installing origin?

CosmicM (2013-06-27)

to install :
1. burn the image
2. copy "data" file to pc and unzip it
3. copy crack to folder
4. open the game by clicking on the crack file
very easy

Saitekman (2013-08-24)

Yep I agree, best way is to perhaps make a new folder yourself in Program Files (86) and call it whatever you want (for example Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12. Then extract all files to that folder. Basically at that point the game is installed, so there is nothing to run setup wise. Then copy over Crack and over write "TWORuntimeStandAlone" and say yes. That way it bypasses Origin and all of that non sense. As always block game in Firewall with Advanced Settings and make new Outbound rule to block TWORuntimeStandAlone.
NO - you will not be able to play Online with other people, NO you will not be able to access the proshop. You want all that, buy the game.

anka1234anka (2014-02-10)

hur gör jag?
brände.. skuLle köra inst ENLIGT BESKRIVNINGAR och får upp något origin???
skulle bara vara att installera, kopiera in craCK. oc sen spela.
tacksam för hjälp

sdub999 (2014-04-22)

@Saitekman You say buy the game if you don't like the online features being unavailable? If I only could! The game is just not available. I go on Amazon and there is one version for $75 that says the online code has already been redeemed and another for $350 that says it's new. Who's going to pay that kind of money for this? The state of PC golf games is sad indeed. No legitimate PC title has been released in years. :(


1. Tiger.Woods.PGA.TOUR.12.The.Masters-RELOADED/reloaded.nfo 3.99 Kb
2. Tiger.Woods.PGA.TOUR.12.The.Masters-RELOADED/rld-tw12.iso 3778.20 Mb
3. Tiger.Woods.PGA.TOUR.12.The.Masters-RELOADED/Tiger.Woods.PGA.TOUR.12.The.Masters-RELOADED-zamunda.jpg 183.02 Kb