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SAS 9.2 original release (latest SID - Sept 2011) - reupload
SAS 9.2 original release (latest SID - Sept 2011) - reupload
2011-03-27 (by SloveniaX)
SID file = license information for SAS
NOTE: Follow these instructions carefully, otherwise your installation will fail!!!!
1. Find the torrent with the ISO file you need to install SAS ( Disregard other users' comments, some people are just plain stupid. Do not install SAS yet!
2. Set your system date to any time between Jun 30, 2008 and Jun 30, 2009.
3. Install SAS (mount ISO & run setup.exe) and use the ORIGINAL(!!!) SID file provided with the ISO (very important!) - also found in this torrent.
4. Set your system date back to the current date.
5. Click SAS License Renewal & Utilities -> Renew SAS. Use the SID file provided in this torrent.
6. SAS should be licensed till Sept 2011 and you won't need to set the date back to 2009 in order to use it. Verify this by running "proc setinit; run;" in SAS (click the small running person to run).
Caveat: It might be that the Sept 2011 SID file (=license) does not cover every SAS component in the ISO file (which might not run after you update the license info). Everything worked for me, but there's a chance it won't for you. If so, you could also use the July 2011 license info (provided in the torrent).
If you can't follow these instructions, you'll probably never be able to use SAS, so make yourself a favor and stop here.
I found all this on a Chinese forum ( - if you want to know more or are looking for a new SID file after this one expires, go use Google Translate and see if there's a new SID file posted there. Also, you might want to read that forum to help you with troubleshooting ("Run as Administrator" issue, etc.). Don't whine here if you don't know how to install SAS, use the brain cells you have and read a bit about it!!!
PS-Don't bother with the SID file that expires in 2019 and is floating around the net - it does not work!
Files count:
14.54 Kb
lingcen (2011-04-03)
sent to lingcen.chong@utoronto.casan134 (2011-04-04)
Worked!!! Thanks a Lot...lr09dk (2011-04-17)
installed correctly, thanks! Using Win7 64x.however with the renewal part, it keeps giving me an error and saying I either don't have permission to access the file location or just rejects it.
I have ran it as an admin and still the same thing.
as of now, i'm stuck in 2009 year, it would be nice to know how to fix this. however i'm happy it works, thank you
SloveniaX (2011-04-18)
I'm willing to bet this can be solved if using some sort of compatibility mode (i.e. it has to be either because you're using Win7 or because it's a 64-bit OS). anyway, have you checked that chinese forum?pkanna (2011-04-19)
Hi SloveniaX its work like a charm thanks for uploading.woundefull jobpkanna (2011-04-19)
@lr09dk : Dude althogh you are administrator, while renewing the liscence you should run it as admin istrator. Right click on the Renew SAS software, Run as administrator and update the liscence. 100% it worksmd3338 (2011-05-18)
Hi SloveniaX, can you help me with PDF Revu not working? (see the torrent comments for more info)jackysit (2011-05-31)
Does this include miner???If not, can you provide a SAS that includes SAS Enterprise Miner.
Thank you very much for your help
SloveniaX (2011-05-31)
no clue, I suggest you check out that Chinese forum, sorryxcalibur123 (2011-07-30)
Can someone please seed this. I really need this! Thanks in advance.SloveniaX (2011-09-05)
new SID valid till Dec 31 2011:bayfiles com/file/YxF/P9CEfP/December2011.txt
from that Chinese forum again (post 480, page 10) - not sure if it works (haven't tested it yet)
SloveniaX (2011-09-16)
@KMiller5155: yeah you're right, I haven't noticed this until now. as I said I haven't tested the Dec2011 file at all, I just posted what I found on that website (and I relied exclusively on Google Translate there, heh). try this file (I corrected the issue with spaces = tried to match them to how they look in the Sept SID file): bayfilescom/file/12xL/aGWXBi/December2011_v2.txt
SloveniaX (2011-09-16)
if this still doesn't work, try comparing the two files (Sept vs. Dec) yourself and experimenting with different variations of spaces... good luckprasoon271 (2011-09-16)
Dec2011 SID file works.... thanks SloveniaXSolidarnos (2011-10-06)
Thanks SO MUCH Slovenia et al for bringing this to the people!dicentiu (2011-10-14)
no Enterprise Miner in this install :(dicentiu (2011-10-15)
for Enterprise Miner, search on google this torrent:"SAS_9.1.3_with_SP4_JMP_7_Statistical_Discovery_and_E-Books"
and select the sid from Disk 2. that sid contains the 'dmine' componentbcip (2011-12-15)
@sssccc if you put the dot before com it will work...katsu-sama (2012-01-17)
Can someone please help with the new July31/2012 SID from the chinese website?I've tried altering it to match the Sept SID, but no luck.. sorry I am an extreme newb at this.
katsu-sama (2012-01-19)
@ dear_marish : Thanks a lot!!SloveniaX (2012-01-20)
@dear_marish thanks man :)here's another sid file i found with the same expiration date (i HAVE NOT checked if it works or not, so please take this with a grain of salt):
SloveniaX (2012-01-20)
ok, i should've read katsu-sama's comment first... it appears the file above might not work. if so, go with dear_marish's link...Cdragan (2012-01-24)
SloveniaX, your torrent is so far the best I've found all over the web. I'm desparately trying to fing SAS Enterprise guide 4.2 or 4.3. , for free download. I see you're an expert for this, can you give me a link where it can be downloaded for free?Tnx upfront
SloveniaX (2012-01-27)
@all - I've uploaded the latest working SID file on the bayfiles server in case NJIT figures out their license is on a publicly accessible server and shuts it down, heheh:
@Cdragan - sorry I searched everywhere and a (fully functional!) Enterprise Guide 4.1 was the best I could do... (see here:
I also explained how to use the 3.0 version, if that's what you prefer...SloveniaX (2012-02-15)
Enterprise Guide 4.2 (not an installable version though!):
Unpack the EnterpriseGuide folder in your main SAS folder and run the executable inside. Hopefully it will work for you - I had to first install MS WSE 3.0 (attached), but now it works perfectly fine with SAS 9.2 from this very torrent (and without prior installation of EG 4.1 or any similar modifications).
I'm not making a torrent out of it cause it cannot be installed the usual way. If it works for you, great! If not, too bad - don't come back here whining about it and just use 4.1! :)
Solidarnos (2012-03-16)
@SloveniaX: Thanks, you rule. I have been using this SAS version happily. I tried to renew with the latest .txt file from your bayfiles link (SAS92_99DTJM_70008639_Win_Wrkstn.txt), but got the following error: "An error occurred applying the setinit file. Please refer to the log file for additional information.C:Program
Any insight on how to get around this?
Thanks again!
SloveniaX (2012-03-19) (have you ever checked out that log file?)no clue why it's not working for you, sorry...
SloveniaX (2012-04-15)
SID file with a September 2012 expiration date (I have NOT personally tested it, although it should work), posted by Doubzstep
Doubzstep actually uploaded another SAS 9.2 torrent where he collected everything you need (the ISO image linked above, the original SID file and this new Sept 2012 one). If you prefer a one-stop solution for your SAS 9.2 needs, go check out his torrent:
Doubzstep (2012-05-09)
@SloveniaX, You wanna make a joint thread on Suprbay in order to help people with all of their SAS install/upgrade issues?Doubzstep (2012-05-10)
Okay TPB users, I have SAS 9.3, but cannot install because x64 bit needs a new SID file that I am pretty sure does not exist or is fairly rare. Should I still upload it here for everyone?SloveniaX (2012-06-06)
yo Doubzstep, I've been really busy lately, am in my lab 24/7... this is actually the first time I've logged in here at TPB in a looong whilei might come around every now and then, but I can't promise anything (plus I hate how the majority of Stata/SAS/"scientific software in general" users come and beg for help but then never say thanks or leave any feedback that could help others)... btw, can see you got your hands on 9.3, great job dude, hehehe!
falconjack (2012-07-18)
Hi SloveniaX and Doubzstep. Just registered to tell you my appreciation of your uploading SAS. Thank you!mrter (2013-05-31)
Hi SloveniaX,Many thanks for uploading this. However - are you familiar with any SID file that is still valid which I can use (or alternatively a valid installation of version 9.3) ? Changing the clock every time I use SAS is quite a hassle.
Daifou82 (2013-06-28)
Thank you!A dummy question : I don't know it will work if I install SAS on a virtual machine and set date back before the expired date? So when I need SAS just launch the machine.