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The Ultimate Mormon Information Pack






The Ultimate Mormon Information Pack




2007-01-14 (by Soarin777)


The Ultimate Mormon Information Pack: The Printer's Manuscript(in jpg) The 1830 Book of Mormon (in jpg) The Joseph Smith Papyrus (in jpg) the Kinderhook plates Joseph Smith's Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar Various Tracts for Mormons Audio Files include Dr. Walter Martin, Ed Decker, Jerald Tanner and others! The Church Handbook of Instructions (which includes instructions on how to leave the LDS church)

Files count:



2028.75 Mb




Soarin777 (2007-01-24)

I would venture to say that examining both sides of an argument is wise. I would not discourage anyone from reading information published by the LDS Church. I have in fact provided hi resolution reproductions of an original document which will prove valuable for textual studies of the Book of Mormon. The "Opposers" have a myriad of web pages which assert that the BoM has been changed from whast was originaly written. This claim is either true or false. Refuge is often found for LDS in vilifying the printer for altering what Joseph Smith wrote in the Printer's Manuscript.
Well, Here they are: the Printer's Manuscript in Joseph's own hand and a reproduction of the original Book of Mormon (which is available at any LDS book store). Check for yourself and see if the printer can be blamed for the later changes in the Book of Mormon. Here is the material, let it speak for itself.
In reply to DeltaZ, as an "Opposer" (which is more fair than what I am usually called by LDS) I submit the evidence. I put it to anyone to go to or and find the Printer's Manuscript (if they are brave enough to have it up there). Go to these sites and see if the problems posed by Walter Martin are answered. Do there answers sit well with you? Would you trust your soul's destination to the superficial gloss on This "Opposer" would rather that decision be well-informed before time runs out.

SImon Rommell (2007-02-07)

Funny someone posted "The Ultimate Mormon Info Pack"
Here is some background on the "Genius" authors of the Anti- Mormon Authors
Walter Martin (not a doctor he does not deserve this title, self appointed) He is actually a well known liar see

Ed Decker- was excommunicated from the LDS Church for cheating on his wife multiple times, OOPS! wow I love this exposing "MORMONISM" whos purpose is to deceive.
search the source directly
Question to opposers
1. Does Christ have a glorified ressurected body?
-if not then what happened to it (accordint to the KJV he has it anyone says otherwise is "teaching another doctrine other than Christ's"
2. Will we all be ressurected and have glorified body's ? - The Bible says so what about you?
Please post your response- IF YOUR BRAVE ENOUGH

Busenbark (2007-02-27)

If "The bible today means exactly word for word what it originally was written to mean." Then why are there more than one version of it? Was it the King James translation which was correct? Are we ignoring the fact that it was Constantine and those under him that chose what would and would not be kept in the Bible, not prophets and apostles of Jesus Christ? It is easy to rip any religion apart, yet I would challenge any of us to attempt to 1/100th the good which has been done by the LDS church in our modern world. They're contributions to society both in times of disaster in brotherly love are undeniable facts. Whether or not their gospel is the one and only gospel of the lord will always be up to debate - just as it is with any religion on earth - however their codes of conduct are undeniably Christian. It is easy to point out "errors" such as the allowing and disallowing of the preisthood to blacks, however the same is true of most any major religion - even the Catholic church has begun to open it's doors to homosexuals - they sought out and asked Anne Rice to rejoin their ranks despite such irreconcilable differences as her staunch support of homosexuals. Really though, why is it that we have so many people ready to rip apart and protest the mormon church and so few mormons protesting or trying to poke holes in other denominations... Catholics, Protestants, Methodists, Jehova's Witnesses, etc.? Why do we feel the need to attempt to disprove something that so many hold so dear to themselves and which works as such an overpowering force for good in their lives and in the lives of those around them? I think it is sad, how some peoples priorities lie not in teaching or service but in attempting to disprove something that millions of people use as a guiding light in their lives. I feel sorry for them, I really do.

Spacy Bickerson (2007-03-13)

Mormonism is obviously a cult.
Amazing how many people are taken in by it.

neofaith (2007-03-15)

I'm not Mormon, but I have to admit. They all seem to be very nice people and I have been amazed with how kind and polite they are to others.
Their religion may be full of holes and made up stories, but if thats what makes them happy and teaches them to be kind and hospitable to everyone and to have strong family values, I see no reason to talk badly about them.
Take a look at the Muslim religion. now thats a fucked up religion.
Shalom :0)

Busenbark (2007-03-19)

I could see how Mormonism looks like a cult, especially when it first started up, a bunch of people from upstate New York following one man - Joseph Smith - around the country. A man whom taught them to love and serve other people, to let go of harmful substance such as alcohol and tobacco and to ask to God for forgiveness of our sins and to read their scriptures, to try to come closer to God and Christ every day, many of them letting go of family ties that disapproved of their new religion. You could call early Mormonism a Christian cult in the same way you could call early Chrsitianity an obvious Jewish cult. A bunch of people following a man - Christ - about the country side as he walks from town to town preaching and praying, teaching them how to be better people and of Gods love for them.
I mean come on, look at all the evil the Mormons have brought into the world! Such as the 1.1 million pounds of relief supplies: 2,700 sleeping bags; 3,200 tents; 25,000 blankets; 38,000 hygiene kits; 7,000 school kits; 500,000 pounds of food, including 9,500 food boxes; 42,000 feet of plastic sheeting; and medical and first aid supplies that were sent out to help the victims of the El Salvador Quakes. Or take the frightening example of its $3 million donation to the Measles Initiative, going to help save the nearly 800,000 children who die from measles around the world each year. I mean good Lord, how could anyone be convinced that a non-profit organization that has more than 12,560,000 members worldwide and puts out millions of dollars a year in humanitarian aid is anything other than an engine of evil headed by the devil himself?!

Busenbark (2007-03-19)

I, myself, am not a member of the Mormon church - I'm agnostic, however my wife is a faithful member and I have never found any problems with the church that weren't anything more than a few disgruntled people licking their perceived wounds and peddling their opinions to anyone that will give them the time of day. Seriously, even if Mormonism are "full of holes and made up stories" I am curious to hear one evil thing - verifiable - thing that the church has done that is not just as true of the church of god in the bible or the Catholic church of today? Honestly, I want to see some proof of the evil nature of the Mormon church and am very open to the idea of discovering the wrongs of this church that my children are being brought up in. So please, share with me, but please, as a graduate student I am anal retentive about sources so only provide me with evidence I can research for myself and make a real case with. Any takers?

z0rch (2007-07-01)

I don't see the church as "evil", as you put it, but yes I can see unsavoury things. My girlfriend of over a year is an active mormon, and seems adamant that when she gets married it will be in the temple and any children of hers will be raised in the church. There's nothing wrong with that in itself, however I was raised as a Catholic (although am no longer practicing) and so, can see the differences in the running of the two faiths. I don't see why there is a specific rate which must be paid to the mormon church (10% of your income), why not let people use their judgement and generosity, the bible tells us that helping those in need is right, so we do it. The bishop in her ward actually advises the youth not to read about the church from non-church sources(e.g. the internet), even not to watch certain films. This seems odd, these people were brought into the church by their parents, they should get the chance to see both sides not just be indoctrinated from one side.
The reason my girlfriend will only consider getting married in a mormon temple is that she genuinely believes getting married anywhere else means there will be no eternal life together, as only in the temple can souls be bonded for this life and the next. Surely all the other christians in the world would beg to differ, saying their beliefs are wrong seems... narrow minded? The mormon church is also quite agressive in pushing their cause, sending out missionaries (who must wear suits at all times, except for one recreation day a week) to speak to members and re-enforce the beliefs of the church, preaching to anyone who listens. I realise many religions do have preachers who try to spread their word, it just seems very regimented. Really what I'm trying to say is, why mormonism? Other forms of Christianity don't infringe on people's lives so much and push forward their own views so fiercely, and they do equally as much good in the world. I'd rather see it as people's own free choice to worship as they wish, and to help because they want to, not because of being born into a church and being seemingly brainwashed into only seeing one possible religion as the true one. Then again, maybe I'm a victim of the same thing, I do tend to lean towards Catholicism as my religion of preference. This is a difficult topic, as a whole the organisation obviously does do many good deeds in the world, I just think as much good can be achieved in different ways which don't attempt to undermine freedom of thought or the value of other Christian denominations.

Busenbark (2007-07-28)

The church members are asked to pay a tithe (10%), however this is not a requirement, you will not be stopped in the hall by your bishop if you haven't paid your tithing in a year. On the same form that members fill out to pay their tithing there is also an option for a "fast offering" to which the church directs members to "try to be generous" when they can - the 10% is more of a guideline than a hard-fast rule.
I can understand your confusion over the discouragement of the youth searching out both sides of the issue - but at the same time you must understand that the internet is saturated with anti-mormon material. A quick search of Mormon on The Pirate Bay alone brings up only a few pro-mormon sources and close to a dozen anti-mormon ones. The church has become such a lightning rod for persecution that I think it is understandable that we would want to protect our youth from these nay-sayers they will likely have to face for their entire adult lives.
It does seem ethnocentric to say that all other churches beliefs are wrong, but a quick glance at the marriage vows given in a wedding outside of the temple it's not hard to spot the "in sickness and health" part is only "until death do you part." The mormons believe that the power to seal a marriage beyond the grave was restored to the prophet Joseph Smith and that this power is exercised to this day in the temple - thus the preferred term of being "sealed" in the temple, rather than "married", they are more than married for life - they are sealed for time and all eternity.
The missionaries are a commonly misunderstood people, it is their job to spread the word of God and they dress in dresses and suits in order to look their best while in the direct service of The Lord.

n8h (2007-10-08)

Questions for NoneBeforeNoneAfter:
1 Does it make you feel better about yourself bashing on others? WWJD?
2 Do you even know what the hell you talking about? I can tell your just repeating what others have told you. (Maybe your filthy rich pastor?)
3 Why don't you actually go up to some mormons and ask them your questions? I'm sure they'ed be happy to answer you.
4 Why don't ask God about these doubts you apparently have. I'm sure he knows! (James 1:5-6)
5 If your a true Christian, why don't you invite the mormon missionaries over for dinner and have a nice little discussion? That is, you do have questions right? (And apparently you know VERY little about them for how much you claim to know)
6 What are you trying to prove? That your better than they are? That you know more than they do? That your going to go to heaven first? (Math 7)
7 Did you know that your actually convincing me to be mormon for how much those of you that are AGAINST it remind me of Satan? (Satan is more effective twisting truths than making up lies)
8 Why am I saying all this if I'm not even a member of their church? (Maybe it bothers me when people think they know what there talking about when they don't.)
Mormons are the coolest people I know.

jimn9879 (2007-11-16)

I will keep seeding this torrent because I think that sharing important information is vital. If you download, please join me in seeding. If you can't for obvious reasons, that's great too! Occasionally, I may be down, but keep trying!

sirkolls (2008-02-07)

If you want to learn about mormons, go ask a mormon. If someone wanted to learn something about you, would you want them asking everybody else, or would you want them to ask you? Give them a break. They're not bad people.

wolfgangr51502 (2008-03-03)

The DNA evidence has proven the BOM fasle, archeology has proven it false. I love how mormon supporters think that if someone that exposes mormomism as false has ever done something wrong that somehow renders what they say as false. Mormonism has more holes in it that screen door.

wolfgangr51502 (2008-03-03)

FACT!!! Mormons use Christian terminology hoping most won't research the meaning they pour into the words. They say they believe in Jesus, but get to the root of who they say Jesus is. Yes they will say the son of God. BUt will they tell you they believe Jesus is the spirit brother of Satan born of a heavenly mother.. Only when you define the terms Mormons use will you see the way mormonism is presented is full of holes.

torhorker (2008-03-04)

Yes Christ is a spirit brother of Lucifer (Satan) and yes there were both born of a Heavenly Mother. And yes Mormons do believe that. If you have anymore questions, the Missionaries in your area would be more that glad to help you sort out your confusion. Look em up in the book under The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

7ft4ins (2008-04-08)

The sites Mormon apologetics site 'Farms' and any other Mormon owned research sites never respond to my questions. I only ask simple questions like "how did a 13th catholic monks (Gallentius) mistranslation mistake end up in the Book of Mormon when it was supposedly written many centuries previously?". The Mistake is the name 'Jehovah', a name that was badly translated because in Hebrew the Jewish scribes would not put the full name Yahweh (God's real name) on paper. They would instead put the Hebrew letters You 'he Vaw 'he (YHWH) in the text, and underneath the letters where the vowels are in Hebrew, they would put the vowels for the title Lord. Those vowels were there to suggest when reading from the Torah "Say 'Lord'". But Gallentius a bad translator from Hebrew to Latin around 1270-1290 created the conflate name which is now translated Jehovah. An easier way of understanding this is say we take the consonants of Germany, and the remove the vowels , and substitute the vowels of Portugal we end up with a country called 'Gormuna'! get the picture. Well translators from Latin (Which the earliest illegal English Bibles were translated from) copied the same mistake, and eventually it ended up in the King James Bible, and the rest is History.
Now God knows we are sincere, and it isn't a sin to pray to Him calling Him Jehovah, He knows our hearts, but more recent Bible translations (since the 1900's in some cases) remove the mistake Jehovah and replace it witrh God's proper name Yahweh.
But since the Book of Mormon is allegedly the most perfect book according to many Mormon 'prophets' (despite it's 4000+ corrected mistakes and changes) they still have Jehovah in there?, and how could it have been in there since the Book of Mormon was supposedly finished in the first or second century and that mistake hadn't been made?. Also if Joseph Smith translated it (by the power of God he claimed) from 'Reformed Egyptian Hyroglyphics' (of which there is still absolutely no evidence, and the Jews that went to America supposedly wrote in, which they never would never defile their hands with) on golden plates which there is no sign of (and their atomic weight in gold according to the dimensions supplied would have made each plate as heavy as a manhole cover!, so was Joseph Smith superman claiming he carried a large pile of them under his jacket and ran five miles chased by evil spirits)and really no one else ever saw or handled (the testimonies in the front of the Book of Mormon have all been later either changed and renounced, and every one has named admitted later they never ever saw the 'golden plates'), why doesn't the Mormon church just admit the Book of Mormon is just one big book of mistakes? There's even a French word in there, someone wishes another 'Adeiu!' (good bye) and the french language didn't come about until around 700ad, again from latin!. There's soooo many mistakes in the Book of Mormon it's a joke to read, honestly, but 'Farms' and other Mormon websites refuse to look into my question no matter how politely I ask it, because it's just another nail in the book of mormon's coffin, a book not of God, so bad it's insulting to say He inspired it or translated it for Joseph Smith.

Le Furg Mister (2008-04-08)

Nice, Great Mormon drama up in here! I'll be interested to see this stuff. Thanks a bunch.

wagnerite (2008-07-21)

Well one of you fellas be ever so kind to seed for me. Please. Thank you.

Dicedude (2009-01-06)

After all the arguing, it looks like this torrent is dead. Could someone please seed? Thanks!

AtamaN_Krasno (2009-03-11)

seed please!

Kryteris (2009-08-07)

Yes.. Pay, Pray, and Obey! Is a problem in the Mormon Church. Being obligated to give a Tithe of 10%, which is pretty much your entire savings in todays economy is just wrong. If you don't pay that tithe you cant go to the temple, receive the "blessings" there which enable you and your spouse or family to live together for all eternity in Heavenly Fathers Kingdom. Bahh! The LDS church keeps all tithe records private. *This sounds like a dam good business plan to me, residual income.. What a concept!
I have no problem offering a full tithe to say missionary fund, local church, or welfare! But to give my life's savings to an invisible, unverifiable cause is too much.
The truth of the matter is Leadership in the past have made some mistakes, rather correct them and face the consequences the church has to decided to ignore it, and hope nobody finds out on a grand scale. This is the wrong answer. They need to come clean, straight forward and honest. Histories accounts are too undeniable, regardless of "spiritual scholarship" or not.
The fact is , Joseph Smith was a Prophet, and very flawed Prophet. But undeniably a Prophet of God.
You would be an ignorant fool not investigate the Life and Gospels that Joseph Smith offered. Study both Church History, and unbiased Historians accounts and decide for yourself. The good news is you can be Mormon, accept it for what it is, flaws and all.. and still live an active healthy life in this church. Good Luck to you all!
Ps. Don't mind too much about personal integrity if you have a few upsets here and there. The LDS church does too! Don't sweat it!
I suggest reading..
LDS.ORG! There is alot of great sources here.
"Written by LDS members" -historical books.

Mormomism for Dummies, Very informative.

"Non-Members" -These are a more difficult read if you are LDS.

***You will also find alot of other mormon related history books on amazon, I suggest these first because.. alot of those others are very biased! By.. ex'd-mormons, or with ill intention.

jimn9879 (2009-10-25)

I keep sharing this torrent because I think that everyone should be able to get as much information as they can about components of faith. I am troubled whenever any religious organization actively prevents or discourages active or potential members from personal research from independent sources. I am highly suspicious whenever I hear ?if you want to know about ReligionX, ask a ReligionX member? or ?all information except that which is published by ReligionX is unreliable or is the product of evil intentions.?
Believe what you want, but scholarly works whether in faith or science always lead to a greater understanding of ourselves, our environment, and the infinite. We wouldn?t have been given such great mental gifts as reason, memory, independence, imagination, passion, etc. if we weren?t expected to understand ourselves, each other, and the universe.
I constantly have peer download connections on this torrent. I have now shared over 200 copies of these files. Just for fun, I often look at the domain name of the peer who is downloading this torrent from me: about one half are from Utah and surrounding high-LDS populated states. A large number are outside of the US.
I will keep seeding this torrent because I think that sharing important information is vital. If you download, please join me in seeding. I understand if you can't share for obvious reasons. Occasionally, I may be down, but keep trying.

roxspyder (2010-01-08)

Wow, I am amazed to read all of this and see all the people who think they know so much about the Mormons, They know more about the Mormons than the Mormons know about themselves. It is so sad to see how truely good people are beaten up, mocked and made fun of, because their religion teaches them to be good people, to try their best to be like Christ. Yes that is reason to be mean to them, because they want to be more Christlike. French in the Book of Mormon???? Show me, I would like to see it myself. Talk is nothing more than talk, why dont you people that are slamming the mormons, and are saying that they know all about the Mormons, but dont, back it up. Show everybody proof. I personally would like to see where it is MANDATORY to give tithing to the church. It is not, and never has been MANDATORY to pay tithing. The church being a business???? Tithing is not mandatory, yet that is basically the only thing, other than fast offerings, that is asked of the members. It is asked of, not demanded, or mandatory. Yet, all the money, food clothing, shelter, man hours that is donated from the church to survivors of earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and other disastors. Do you think there is a profit in all those donations????
If you want to know why you have a toothache, would you go see a proctologist??? No you would go see a dentist, If you want to know about the Mormons, go ask a Mormon. Otherwise you probably might just get lies and false information.

iSze (2010-04-05)

Everyone here as just confirmed that the Mormon Religion is true. How could a group of people who've proven they know relatively nothing about the Mormon church have such incredible against it, unless some evil power is working behind the scenes to tempt them? Thank you for confirming the truth of this religion, ye haters. Douchbags never prosper.

Dadutta (2010-08-11)

mormonism is anti-christian blasphemy

13letters (2011-04-29)

Did you know that there are multiple Mormon denominations? The second largest sect isone is called The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. When Joseph Smith was killed in Carthage Illinois, most of the members left with Brigham Young and settled in Utah and became what is now known as the LDS. A smaller group claiming to be the "The True Church," continued with Joseph's Smith's son Joseph Smith III as their prophet. Technically speaking, they continue with a long line of so-called prophet's descended from Joseph Smith himself.
You should check it out. It's really quite disgusting how cults mock Christ and The Gospel and can't even keep their stories straight.
Sola Christos (One Christ)
Sola scriptura (One Bible)
Sola Fide (One Truth or Faith)
Sola Gratia (only Grace)
Your works can't get you into Heave. Only Christ can get you there. Let him carry you. He will laugh and cry with you. You can't do it without him. Cry out to God for salvation and you shall be saved. Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life! No one can come before the Father without Him(Jesus Christ)!

WilhelmTHE3rd (2012-07-22)

1. Does Christ have a glorified ressurected body?
2. Will we all be ressurected and have glorified body's ?
No and No.
Are these honestly considered important questions?

WilhelmTHE3rd (2012-07-22)

And it's funny to hear other Christian mock Mormons as if their religion was somehow unique.

WilhelmTHE3rd (2012-07-22)

And whatever you do, do not invite missionaries into your house. They never leave. I think they get bored of going door to door, but sooner or later hospitality reaches it's limits.

WilhelmTHE3rd (2012-07-23)

"How could a group of people who've proven they know relatively nothing about the Mormon church have such incredible against it, unless some evil power is working behind the scenes to tempt them?"
This is a dangerous way to think. Not everyone who disagrees with you, whether you understand their motivations or not, is evil or somehow under the power Satan.