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2010-01-22 (by thethingy)




  1. Adobe
  2. Adobe Premiere Elements

Files count:



1307.41 Mb




mahkok (2010-01-23)

Hi. Any chance you could just reveal the serial? I already got the setup and downloading another 1GB+ just for the serial doesn't look like a good deal. =|
Help a brother out, my connections is not amazing.

 thethingy (2010-01-23)

you need the right serial for the setup and the right .dll patch and the right host blocker, best deal is to help all of the other brothers out and download this and seed for a while, but if you want to take a chance and just get the serial then post another comment.

mahkok (2010-01-23)

Ya, I know what you mean, but it's like that: I got that tam/core serial generator that gave me valid keys for every single CS4 product plus Photoshop Elements 8.
On that keygen, the only "new" product missing is Premiere Elements 8, which I had downloaded from Adobe previously (the trial setup that can be activated with a valid key).
My hosts file is already blocked (the tam/core keygen did it), so I just need the a valid serial.
But I see your point here. I'll DL the torrent and seed for a month or so. Thanks for the upload mate.

blitzseed (2010-01-23)

so do i just run the exe and thats it or do i have to do some other stuff as well? or is there a crack/serial?

 thethingy (2010-01-23)


thefield350 (2010-01-24)

HI thethingy top upload mate but any ideas as to why when i install the main program after following you instructions to the letter it keeps rolling back and will not intall....any help would be appreciated mate

 thethingy (2010-01-24)

use the tool in the torrent to uninstall all things adobe, then use ccleaner to clear the registry, then reinstall.

blitzseed (2010-01-24)

"use the tool in the torrent to uninstall all things adobe, then use ccleaner to clear the registry, then reinstall. "
i have photoshop cs3 on my pc, reading this do i need to uninstall ph sc3 to install this?

 thethingy (2010-01-24)

try just premiere elements first, but genrally cs3 apps dont sit well with cs4 apps, photoshop cs4;

blitzseed (2010-01-24)

hey looks like it all worked, but whenh i go to turn off updates i dont see that box ?

 thethingy (2010-01-24)

go to help then updates, adobe updater update will run then you will get to the window to turn off auto updates.

mahkok (2010-01-25)

Finally completed! Working awesomely. Thanks.

callidac (2010-01-28)

so to be clear, if i have adobe acrobat 8 professional, i need to uninstall that before i can install this program?

 thethingy (2010-01-28)

try installing first, if u get errors or licence issues then yes get rid of acrobat 8.
acrobat 9.3.0 is here;

semych (2010-01-28)

thethingy, where is location of hosts file in win7. i can't find :(

 thethingy (2010-01-28)

on every windows pc its here;
C: windows system32 drivers etc

semych (2010-01-28)

thethingy, windows 7 x64 havn't folder "etc" in system32 drivers

 thethingy (2010-01-28)

show hiden files and folders

semych (2010-01-28)

All hidden files are shown. I've looked thorugh both licensed and cracked Windows.

semych (2010-01-28)

may be create it? or it must have another placement in windows 7?

 thethingy (2010-01-28)

its in the 64bit system 32 directory

semych (2010-01-28)

its in the 64bit system 32 directory.
NO. there is nothing (etc, hosts)

 thethingy (2010-01-28)

im not near my 64bit system just now but i do know that u can access the hosts in 2 ways but there is only one hosts file, google it 4 now and ill post a reply later 2day

semych (2010-01-28)

You can write the detailed instruction for installation on windows 7 64bit system? And i will try to find this file too

semych (2010-01-28)

google says that:
in 64bit systems it's necessary to create MANUALLY a folder etc in windows system32 and windows will automatically create the necessary files: hosts, lmhosts.sam, networks, protocol, services.
the problem seems is solved. i will check up in the evening

semych (2010-01-28)

at last i have understood. may be to somebody it would be useful.
i could not get access to a folder "etc", create it too. but in windows 7 64bit this folder exists, it's hidden. "hosts" needs to be opened directly from a notepad (enter manually full path to it).
now all perfectly works!! thanks thethingy!!!

pinkcomedy (2010-01-29)

hey man...its just an exe file...not rar only consist of exe file!!!shud i download it or not?hav u removed its crack?

 thethingy (2010-01-29)

the exe is a rar, download it or dont download it, the choice is yours.

LOCKED911 (2010-01-31)

Sigh! sorry to be a pest Thethingy but when i try to use that serial it just says that serial seems to be invalid! Errrm any ideas....? Much appreciated! =D

 thethingy (2010-01-31)

follow, Licensing for this product has expired, steps

Faasje (2010-01-31)

I installed as you said but I forgot to uncheck the auto update box. It worked for 5min but then I get an update and from that moment it didn't worked. I reinstalled several times but it won't work!
Please help me!

 thethingy (2010-01-31)


callidac (2010-02-01)

thingy, dont know whats going on here. I can run the organizer, but whenever i try to run premiere elements, it crashes while "loading windows media". any suggestions? i just need this software to burn several dvds from .avi files

callidac (2010-02-01)

also, i do have acrobat 8 but did not delete it first- i dont have the discs anymore so dont want to lose it.

 thethingy (2010-02-01)

callidac, read the APP CLOSES WITH NO EXPLANATION in this post;

 thethingy (2010-02-01)

there is no updates for this, its up to date already, i used the same folder set for all the adobe torrents, Reduced set of features will be because you dont have premiere installed also.

fwhcascade (2010-02-02)

thethingy: I believe I followed all the instructions correct. I was on step 9, turning off Auto Update. When I launch the program, I get the welcome screen. From there, I can successfully launch Organizer, but when I try to start a New Project it stalls on Loading Windows Media. Sometimes it does nothing and just stays on the welcome screen, sometimes I can an Adobe crash notification.
Any ideas? Thanks!

 thethingy (2010-02-02)

whats the error number?, its best that the item/project you are editing is on a dedecated drive and to remove all of your codecs, like klite NERO, Ulead, Line21, TS Strider, Radlight and Dirac, then try again if it fixes the problem then reinstall 1 codec pack at a time till you get the error again.

Fenn411 (2010-02-02)

OK, I must be really dumb here. I am stuck on Step 2 - install the application. Where do I find it to install it? What is it called because I can't seem to find it. Also I used the windows cleaner but it still left parts of the previous version on. How do I get rid of this? Do I use this torrent?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks

fwhcascade (2010-02-02)

Sorry, I'm not quite that much of a techie! I looked through the crash data and don't see an error number. It's quite long, so I don't want to copy and paste it here. You'll have to explain how to uninstall/reinstall codecs.
The problem though happens before I get to a project. I don't have any projects saved on my hard drive or my external drive. This is happening the first time I'm trying to launch the program or start a new project, so I don't have any projects yet.

Fenn411 (2010-02-02)

Sorry, wrong torrent, I'll post this question under Elements 8 and not premiere.

 thethingy (2010-02-02)

fwhcascade, try the "Licensing for this product has expired" steps in this torrent first;

 thethingy (2010-02-02)

download this to mount the iso to a virtual drive;
when you have installed power iso right click the elements iso and select mount then go to my computer and you wikk see a new cd drive with elements in it, go into the cd and run the setup.

gangstaboii (2010-02-02)

thethingy i need ur help i did everything step by step and shows me error 130:3.any solutions?

gangstaboii (2010-02-02)

maybe adobe air and flash effect that?

 thethingy (2010-02-02)

gangstaboii, error 130:3;

gangstaboii (2010-02-02)

no way i tried alot of things.maybe i am doing a mistake.ohh dude if u find an easier way to solve that error say....

 thethingy (2010-02-02)

gangstaboii, every error 130:3 can be solved with the steps in the toolkit, check your hosts file first as if that is not set it will never work.

fwhcascade (2010-02-02)

I tried the "Licensing for this product has expired" steps, completely wiped all cs3 and cs4, then did a complete uninstall/reinstall. Still having the same issue.
I can open Organizer no problem. If I try to launch Premier Elements from the welcome screen, it stalls for a while, then crashes. If I try to launch it from Organizer, it opens briefly, it asks what I want to name the project, then crashes after maybe 5 seconds.
Any other thoughts? Thanks

 thethingy (2010-02-03)

similar problem here;
creating another account worked

milobrown (2010-02-03)

thethingy, thanks for all your help. i'm still having a problem though. everything is installed and when I click "new project" on the "welcome" screen, it initalizes, launches, but stops when it gets to the "il engine.dll" file and just disappears. Any ideas?

 thethingy (2010-02-03)

reasons for this;
1; Outdated hardware, you should have more than the adobe recomended requirements for video editing, at least 20gb free space, pagefile of at leat 1gb. check your drivers.
2; Outdated firmware. In particular, and outdated version of Quicktime.
3 The software did not take properly when installed.
whats your specs?

 thethingy (2010-02-03)

4; File fragmentation, defrag your hard drive.

 thethingy (2010-02-03)

5; Nvidia-based graphics chipset need to be on version 195.81 or later.
6; Using 64bit windows?, dual boot 32bit as this software is incompatable with 64bit.

fwhcascade (2010-02-03)

I tried the new account thing twice, that didn't work.
In terms of specs, I've got 14GB free (although I'm going to use an external hard drive for all files), 2GB RAM, 4GB pagefiles, quicktime version 7.6.5.

 thethingy (2010-02-03)

fwhcascade, windows x86 or x64?

 thethingy (2010-02-03)

there is, click the download this torrent link and youll get it.

fwhcascade (2010-02-03)

Not sure what that means? It's not 64 bit if that was the question.

 thethingy (2010-02-03)

fwhcascade, 32bit is the operating system for this, so try defragmenting your drive and updating your video driver (gpu), if you have Nvidia gpu try just uninstalling the 3d driver, if that fails uninstall it with the toolkit and try installing again.

fwhcascade (2010-02-04)

Knock on wood, one of those two things may have done it! Program's been running for a couple minutes without crashing. Thanks for the help!

 thethingy (2010-02-04)

download it, takes about 30min, i dont keep the files once there is 10 seeders if the torrent then dies then it dies so i cant give you the serial, the patched dll you can get from the toolkit, thats 8mb, sorry

 thethingy (2010-02-04)

the exe is not the app its a self extracting rar that has all the stuff in it.

 thethingy (2010-02-05)

TheOrb666, im not just uploading the dll, pm me on the forum and ill email it to you, (same user name as pb)

requiem_lost (2010-02-06)

hey thethingy, just read some of the comments and you are definitely going above and beyond the call of duty man, solving users installation probs with links and walkthroughs..........thats dedication and i take my hat off to you.

piko96795 (2010-02-10)

thethingy...first of all thanks for this torrent. I'm trying to install this and I'm reading the directions on the Activation and Instructions folder...I'm stuck on Step 6. I cannot find the AdobeLM.dll file. can you help me...thx

piko96795 (2010-02-10)

oops sorry this was for photoshop elements 8!

zuhair25 (2010-02-10)

I think in step 6, how do u save the 'host' file after amending it, vista does not let you save the file?

 thethingy (2010-02-10)

read this;

VideoGamerJ (2010-02-10)

ran into a lot of problems (after installing of course), but i was able to figure out what i needed thanks to you thethingy. You don't get enough credit, so I'm throwing that out there. You've been a big help, not only to me, but fellow pirates as well! Cheers!

TheOrb14 (2010-02-15)

Hey thiny..
Can you please just send me the crack.

 thethingy (2010-02-16)

hey TheOrb14, no download it like everyone ealse

 thethingy (2010-02-19)

yes it is mainly 32bit as adobe dont support 64 in this release,,but as you know it can work

zorrohero (2010-02-20)

Hi, thanks for this, works fine!
Question: is it possible to edit the host file back to its original state after install?
Just wondering what happens for other Adobe products (Acrobat Reader) when wanting toupdate if it's left as is.

 thethingy (2010-02-21)

the free adobe apps dont call home, if you have any paid adobe apps then they cant call home but it doesent matter, if you change it back now youll lose your licence status, the hosts doesent block updates thats a different ip address

SheepKnees (2010-02-23)

Hello this is such a great torrent and i really need it to help me with my school work desperately but i have a problem i have downloaded and installed everything correctly (i think) by following your instructions but when i go to make a new project it gives me a message saying i should install full content and i don't know what to do also i have adobe photoshop cs4 installed on my laptop should i have uninstalled that and everything that came with it before installing adobe premiere elements 8 it would be great if you can help

 thethingy (2010-02-24)

hello there the content is here;

bart8 (2010-03-03)

hi! i already downloaded photoshop elements 8 and installed it from ur account, it worked awesome and ur instructions were easy to follow... now i got premiere elements and the instructions start with the same "If you have ANY of the Elements apps currently installed or Adobe Reader
then install Windows Cleanup from this folder and use it to remove
the old Adobe apps."
does that mean that ill have to uninstall photoshop elements? if not will they work together if i install premiere? and if i must, do you know of a way i can have both without problems?

pegu06 (2010-03-04)

You save host files without and extension.

CommittedMeat (2010-03-04)

Hey, everything works fine, but when I try to export anythong, it doesnt work...cuz the export button is inactive...

selfevidentx (2010-03-07)

JUST INSTALLED! :d for me it works great, I followed up your instructions. thanks many times!

idlebloke (2010-03-07)

Hi thethingy. Excellent, thank you. Can you confirm for me please, is there anything in your answer below that can be used in this Elements version of Premiere?
Thanks in advance
"SheepKnees at 2010-02-23 22:51 CET:
Hello this is such a great torrent and i really need it to help me with my school work desperately but i have a problem i have downloaded and installed everything correctly (i think) by following your instructions but when i go to make a new project it gives me a message saying i should install full content and i don't know what to do also i have adobe photoshop cs4 installed on my laptop should i have uninstalled that and everything that came with it before installing adobe premiere elements 8 it would be great if you can help
thethingy at 2010-02-24 02:12 CET:
hello there the content is here; "

 thethingy (2010-03-08)

yes there is

XPUNJABIX (2010-03-13)

I am Sorry but this was just terrible idk maybe windows 7 is the problem but i followed your instructions step by step but nothing happened the way it was suppose to, the file didn't appear in the hosts folder the autoblocker didn't work it just flashed and disappeared, this was terrible just wasted about 2 hours.

 thethingy (2010-03-14)

^^^^ XPUNJABIX, its unfoetunate you havent been able to follow the most basic of instructions, it regretable that you are unable to read through the torrent description to find the soloution to your issue, its probabily pointless posting the toolkit link that will fix your issue but here it is;

xXNibblesXx (2010-03-15)

i also get the error 130:3, need a crack for this, it works for the first 2 days and then it just stops

 thethingy (2010-03-16)

xXNibblesXx, lern to read the description and read me before posting supid comments;
error 1303;

OmegaApex (2010-03-16)

Hey Thingy, i'm having a problem with installing. Idk if it does the same with other installers but when I start up Setup.exe, it takes me to the beginning of an installer like usual. I click next and it begins to check my computer and all that. It then closes and brings up a "Windows Installer" with cmd commands. I've tried doing all that cleaner that you gave us and I got rid of all my adobe programs. It still does the same thing. What do I do?

OmegaApex (2010-03-16)

Oh I think I found out why... I dont think mines a x86. My computer is pretty old so I'm pretty sure that isn't it

Makeswell (2010-03-25)

ey thingy
i installed adobe acrobat from your other torrent. i plan to also install youre premiere and photoshop.
the instructions for premiere say to run the cleaner again, do i need to? will it erase the old acrobat i installed?
i also ran the ADOBE CLEAN INSTALL UNINSTALL & LICENCE RESET TOOLKIT before i installed acrobat.
THANKS :) :) :)

Makeswell (2010-03-25)

love your torrents

Gajsmaja (2010-03-26)

How come when I try to create a new project PE8 shuts it self down? Did I miss something in the installation?

 thethingy (2010-03-26)

Makeswell, skip the cleaner steps, only do them if the install fails
Gajsmaja, do the app closes steps in this;

SheepKnees (2010-03-29)

Hello again the CS4 content has just finished downloading and i have installed it, i have looked through the list but i do not know which content to download for Adobe Premiere Elements 8 to work :/

 thethingy (2010-03-30)

you have to download all of the contents as they are 1 rar file in parts, once downloaded extract the rar (self extracts) and youll get a folder with all of the contents in it, use the premier elements one.

SheepKnees (2010-03-31)

i have already done all that but i cannot find the premier elements content in the extracted file there is only premiere pro and i don't think that is the correct content

SheepKnees (2010-04-02)

i really need some help here i don't know which content to download or if it's even in the file because i cannot see one which says premiere elements and i desperately need this program :(

Flopis (2010-04-21)

Thingy... 10xs!
Given your instructions and responses, I should not have any problem installing it.
10xs again!

Yepii (2010-04-22)

Please, for this app:
1- it is possible to update?
2- the extra theme... are or not include in this version?
Many thanks

KipEnyan (2010-04-24)

Either brings up the Pre loading screen, finishes loading, and then does nothing, or finishes loading, and brings up Adobe error reporting, with no error code, but very long details.

Xenolith (2010-04-25)

hey wazzup thethingy! i've already downloaded two of ur torrents (i think, ur name was mentioned on one of em) anyways, it mentions something which states a "reduced set of contents installed (Instant movie themes,title and menu templates, etc.)" thisa problem? if there is, how do i resolve it?

Yepii (2010-05-03)

1- we could update manually here are the files from @dobe (windows)

2-In the same link, they are the ?extra themes?? -> I need this one ple@se !! when I download it from @dobe I couldn?t install it.
Do you have a link for this last one?

Yepii (2010-05-03)

It's possible to have directly the extra themes... :-)))
Just download from @dobe. Extract the file PremiereElements_8_Content_LS8.7z to one new folder. come to setup.exe and Voilà.
I have now many other themes and titles...
Hope that help you

dominatingdrummer (2010-05-10)

I'm so sorry. For the following, but people will bitch if I ask questions so I'll say this:
This torrent is terrible. I've tried to run it twice, and it did not work. When I tried to change the host information it said "Access denied."
Any help? Kinda pissed.

Pie56 (2010-05-16)

I don't have the updates in the file just a notebook saying only up to jan 10....
What apps r u talking about?????

 thethingy (2010-05-20)

dominatingdrummer, the torrent is not terable the hosts file is on your pc not the torrent so the issue is your own, perhaps you should read the torrent description

bsavke (2010-06-06)

to turn off adobe updater first make sure you have show hiden files and folders turned on (checked),than go to C/documents and settings/user name/local settings/application data/adobe/updater( 5/6)/ adobeupdater prefs.dat
open with notepad and add 0 somewhere before this is from adobe official site instruction

treacherous_hawk (2010-06-28)

hi thethingy......m a newbie and i downloaded this....i used the product key provided in the instructions but now it is asking for the product key again as that was could be because of the host file in which i cud not make any changes...i can open that and copy and paste but not sure as to how to save it to the same location again in the same format it there any other product key or keygen available for this......would be thankful....

Kyaira (2010-07-30)

Thanks so much for uploading this. I followed the instructions and everything installed fine and seems to be working well. Nice work.

jrand18 (2010-08-02)

sorry you probably may have answered this Question many times but
the serial number has expired what do i do?

jrand18 (2010-08-02)

Can Someone please tell me what serial to put in
the one recommended does not work

jrand18 (2010-08-03)

when I click on the link for the new licencing it says not found error 404 can anyone please let me know how what serial number works for premiere 8
I need it urgently

jrand18 (2010-08-03)

sorry i apologize for my last 3 comments
forget my last 3 comments
I have done every single step in the process and get error 130:3
ive also deleted the program dowloaded it again and does all the steps 3 times please helpppp

lorreydrol (2010-08-06)

Hey thethingy,
When I try to install it, suddenly an error comes on my screen and says that I don't have enough rights to install a thing. I deleted the adobe things that are lower than CS4 because i have a whole CS4 packet.
What do I have to do?

asgpk (2010-08-13)

Hi Thethingy!
May God Bless you.
I have installed Adobe premiere elements 8. 2 times
it works for me only for 5 min. but I am having an error 130:3
would you like to help me please?
in Updates folder there is no update as you told in instruction that update one by one but there is no update in that folder only 1 text file name update 2010.
please help me regarding 130:3 error

p1234567890 (2010-08-13)

Hey thethingy, great upload.
However, I followed all the steps except the updates because there were none in the file and when try to start a new project I get Error 130:3. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling countless times but nothing has helped so far. Any input on this?

asgpk (2010-08-13)

hi dear!
I followed all the steps but I am unable to fix the Error: 130:3
This product has encountered a problem which requires that you restart your computer before it can be launched.
If you continue to see this message after restartin your computer, please contact either your IT administrator or Adobe technical support for help, and mention the error code shown at the bottom of this screen.
you earlier response will be appriciated.

lightfrommoon4u (2010-08-13)

dominatingdrummer> to edit your host file you must right click the main file, etc or the above file, and when the menu pops up, choose properties. under there there are options to give special administrator admissions to the files, subfiles and folders. choose that option and wait for it to change. then you should be good to add or alter the host file.

lightfrommoon4u (2010-08-13)

Thethingy, am I correct that the adobe premier 8 does not include any of the extras that you get from a "PLUS" account, such as the title menus, etc. Is there another d/l that I can get to add these without paying adobe for them? If so, can you point me in the direction of which torrent to download.
Thank you much for all the time you've spent with your torrents. You da man.

asgpk (2010-08-13)

hi dear!
I followed all the steps but I am unable to fix the Error: 130:3
This product has encountered a problem which requires that you restart your computer before it can be launched.
If you continue to see this message after restartin your computer, please contact either your IT administrator or Adobe technical support for help, and mention the error code shown at the bottom of this screen.
you earlier response will be appreciated.

irfanil (2010-08-14)

You can download the Premiere Elements 8 DVD Content from here:

asgpk (2010-08-15)

please reply me.
I am waiting.
I have installed Adobe premiere elements 8.
and I am having error 130:3
please give me the solution

asgpk (2010-08-15)

hi dear!
I followed all the steps but I am unable to fix the Error: 130:3
This product has encountered a problem which requires that you restart your computer before it can be launched.
If you continue to see this message after restartin your computer, please contact either your IT administrator or Adobe technical support for help, and mention the error code shown at the bottom of this screen.
will be thankful to you

asgpk (2010-08-16)

hi thethingy!
how you are good.
dear you did not reply me
I have tried alot but I am unable to use Adobe premiere elements 8.
i am still having an error 130:3
even I have used your clean tool kit.
help me please!

rimrunner (2010-08-29)

Thanks a whole bunch mate! Works perfectly!

rargles (2010-09-15)

Hi. Er.
I followed all the instructions, and the organiser works fine, but I got this error:
Exception EAccessViolation in module FL Studio VSTi.dll at 00018906.
Access violation at address 1C298906 in module 'FL Studio VSTi.dll'.
Read of address 00000008.

Prove2me (2010-09-22)

Hi can anyone help me please! - Im new to all this..
Ive just downloaded it and im up to step 4 on the instructions sheet. Can you please help me on how to Run the Activation Blocker (as admin vista/7) from this folder.

Barokless (2010-12-07)

thethingy, after I have edited in premiere elements, It won't allow me to export the work. I want to manage to export FRAPS video files, also normal movies, but it just won't let me. The "Export" button is just grey and can't be clicked:/ Please help me, I'm starting to freak out..

piratecort (2011-02-07)

awesome thanks! works great

johanzuk (2011-03-22)

where I can find that serial number?

BlackOnslaught (2011-10-02)

Hello, thetingy! Like some of the guys here, I am also experiencing the "Error: 130:3". Do you know why is this happening? Please answer. Thanks.

Ba77l3Cry (2011-10-06)

during install it stops at packet for location (ie. installing key for US/Eng. then stops with error message and says i might not have sufficient authorization to use this key... is the key registered for england? or does it matter?

Ba77l3Cry (2011-10-06)

im just gonna say screw it and download A.P.E 10