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MacOSX Snow leopard for VmWare (2010)-included




Software Mac


MacOSX Snow leopard for VmWare (2010)-included




2010-05-07 (by Anonymous)


All you need is here, even the VMWARE 7 if dont have it already MacOSX Snow leopard for VmWare (2010) MacOSX Snow leopard for VmWare (2010) | 2,34 GB Preinstalled Mac OS X Snow leopard Universal v3.6 (10.6.2) in VMware Workstation 7 (2010). User name "svp" password "123" - Provided by the VM: RAM 1000 mb, cpu 1, HDD 30 GB. permission eakrana 1024h768h32 - Works: audio, bluetooth, network mode NAT. system itself runs on Hurray! do not hang up. - Reloaded just fine mounted either way works with darwin.iso Important! not overloaded with darwin.iso, you can only turn off and then re-enable otherwise get operating system not found but it is treated, you must again indicate darwin.iso in VMware. How to start: 1. open the downloaded preset image. 2. select Copied. 3. devices to choose CD / DVD 4. specify the use iso images, select the image darwin.iso 5. select connect at power on. - If you restart issue inscription operating system not found this is normal! as he throws the image darwin.iso just need to reiterate it in the VM and run! - - If any, or other errors detected! verify whether the parameters are setting the VM to your real hardware! or boot ART pressing F8 with the-v and look at than a stopper. VMWare Tools are right on darwin.iso, need to attach it to (in the settings of virtual machines to check Connected), with a disk icon will appear VMware tools, we click there, click on the installer, agree with everything set, reset). installed StuffIt Deluxe 2010 v14.0.0.74 You are all welcome. I am not the one that made this I just found it on a site that has a close door about there torrents. When I found out it was in the open. I uploaded it here and at as well after finding out thatdid not know about it. As soon as I get a full copy I well keep seeding myself.


  1. OSx86
  2. Snow Leo
  3. 10.6

Files count:



2859.39 Mb




kevinreturns (2010-05-08)

Ok, First of all, I want to thank you. Second, lemmie say, I WILL SEED! AND Fast as hell download speed peoples, download it :3

udhna (2010-05-08)

I have a Qn.
I have a Windows PC having Intel E7400 (Without VY) With 2 GB RAM.
How I Install Snow Leopard on my Pc?

udhna (2010-05-08)

I have a Qn.
I have a Windows PC having Intel E7400 (Without VT) With 2 GB RAM.
How I Install Snow Leopard on my Pc?

michaelcrossland (2010-05-08)

This not a install disk. It is a working copy of 10.6.x that well run in VM Ware. I thing it boots in 32 bit so any intell P4 should work to host it as for AMD I have not tested it yet well post when i know more.

naughtydougraw (2010-05-10)

can i update it?

crook71 (2010-05-12)

I get an error regarding the encoding in the .vmx file: ...\Mac OS Snow Leopard.vmx" line 2: Value "8" for variable "config.version" is not valid in encoding "windows-1251".
I am running on a win7. It seems that vmware does not want to allow windows encoding with a macos system. Or am I misreading something? I tried removing the line, the import went ok, but then I got a disk encoding error. Pls. help.

derda2 (2010-05-12)

never used vmware, installed ok but now? no iso only Mac*7z or alike.
What to do now? Thanks for help

JORdel (2010-05-12)

Yep. I got similar. Is it possible to get some short note to changing for understandable language.

JORdel (2010-05-12)

Nothing anymore. It was quite simple. Just navigate tools(below bar) there you find FLAG. All res;t use your own talent's.

derda2 (2010-05-12)

nope i get a read. error discs seems faulty?

derda2 (2010-05-12)

ok loaded but where to change to english?

derda2 (2010-05-12)

is that the newest mac? ppc still working?

derda2 (2010-05-12)

how can i copy paste from/to vista?

paranoid_penguin (2010-05-13)

Boots great but it sure would be nice to have information on how to change the language to English. Some of you have posted that you changed it then don't explain how to do it. Clicking that 'FLAG' on the toolbar does nothing.
Why would you post a torrent explaining everything in English when the OS loads in Russian?

derda2 (2010-05-13)

now what's the ROOT password?
Can i enable Opengl 3d acceleration?

merlin1976uk (2010-05-13)

well thanks for the upload, most i managed to do was install the VmWare software, when i try and load the MacOSX snow leopard it gets to the grey screen with the apple logo and then it just reboots it was saying something about a processor being in the process of shutting down or something? has anyone had this trouble and got around it?

sumaguar (2010-05-14)

To change to English:
1. Click on ?Apple Logo?, and then click on System Preferences (4th from the Top)
2. Click "Internationalization" (last icon on the top row, looks like a flag)
3. Click the button below the list (bottom left).
4. Select your language and click OK
5. Reboot or click around a bit and there you have it.

tpbl (2010-05-15)

it doesnot work for me i got some message
i am using windows 7 ultimate x86 but message says
"To run Mac OSX u need a host on which vmware workstation supports hardware virtualisation"
my config is intel pentium dual core 2.0 ghz 2gb ram
any solutions please
thanx in advance

sevanz (2010-05-15)

please help me, I've downloaded this folder
I start to powered on vmware 7,
and I got messages proccessor failure,
I use intel core i3 2.13GHz
what should I do to running this snow leopard?

sumaguar (2010-05-16)

sumaguar (2010-05-16)

Oops ignore that last comment.
Those with hardware virtualization errors, check your bios settings to make sure you have turn on hardware virtualization.
On my dell xps m1730 it's under bios -> post op.
Hope this helps.

sumaguar (2010-05-16)

Those with hardware virtualization errors, check your bios settings to make sure you have turn on hardware virtualization.
On my dell xps m1730 it's under bios -> post op.
Hope this helps.

dddx411 (2010-05-17)

This worked perfectly with my system....
Evga x58 micro
2 x Evga Nvidia 9800 GT Video Card
OCZ 1066 12 Gb of ram
Intel I7 Core 920
2 x Seagate 2Tb HD + 1 Western Digital (all 7200rpm)(Total 5Tb)
I even upgraded to 10.6.3... Without any problems...

scriptathon (2010-05-19)

The password for user 'svp' is 123

mango2011 (2010-05-21)

sound works, network works, 10.6.3 upgrade works in intel core2duo processor. more steps and screen shots helped me are here.

spartan22 (2010-05-23)

can someone help me! im able to get to the desktop where all the icons are at but the keyboard and mouse dont seem to work at all..

chad10,000 (2010-05-23)

This is flawless so far for virtual system!!! THANKS!!!

lacakid (2010-05-24)

Why when I boot it and the .png file it's all in Russian??? How do I get it to be in English???
This is a RUSSIAN image????????

Havalit0 (2010-05-28)

Hi I also get this error "A Cpu has entered a shutdown state"..
The thing is I have checked in bios that Vt-X is enabled and I have Intel i5 quad processor..
Running windows 7 64 bit..
any idea why I get this?
I can add that I succesfully installed 10.6 retail without any problems just the newer versions that screws up.. any ideas pls?

ganstaninja (2010-06-04)

i just get stuck at no operating system part i have no idea what to do an someone just tell me what to do because i read the instrustions and they r saying its normal? and i dont kno what to do when they say reiterate?

lachlanb (2010-06-07)

you all should look at the person putting this stuff up ANONYMOUS IS KNOWED FOR FAKE STUFF AND TROJANS SO LOOK BEFORE U SEED

morphirr (2010-06-09)

Just got an i5 64bit 2.27GHz 4GB Ram and it gives me the error
"A virtual CPU has entered the shutdown state. This would have caused a physical machine to restart. This can be caused by an incorrect configuration of the virtual machine, a bug in the operating system or a problem in the VMware Workstation software"
Virtualization is Enabled in Bios, what is the problem, anyone any idea how to get it to run, help?
This was originally downloaded from Demonoid

morphirr (2010-06-10)

Had A VM of OSX and I'm getting the exact same error, OSX works on my older celeron laptop. I only got this i5 laptop today, anyone know how to fix this problem??

Pash237 (2010-06-28)

Thank you! Works fine and fast, with sound and network (on Intel Core i5)

cummingsp (2010-07-24)

ok so im using ubuntu linux x86 with vmware 7.0.1 i've changed my settings but it says "VMI (paravirtual kernel support) is not supported with 64-bit virtual machines. You must disable VMI to power on this virtual machine." could somebody help? what's VMI?

10min (2010-07-26)

Database error

10min (2010-07-26)

I got a bit further by using the darwin_snow_legacy.iso, but now I'm stuck at a screen telling me to eject my Empire EFI Boot Disc and insert the Snow Leopard Disc.. I thought this was a complete package?

10min (2010-07-26)

NM, just had to press right on the keyboard, ugh. Also, for those who run 64 bit or AMD, try the darwin_snow_legacy.iso

GreenMark (2010-08-04)

what is the compressing settings and options used to achieve a 2.3GB from a 9GB image? and how long does it take for 7z to accomplished it? I'm amazed to find out this 2.30GB 7z files depressed into a whooping 9GB file size, interested in doing test.
Please advise

The1Asem (2010-08-09)

All work fine here
But what is the root password please?

ithurts (2010-09-04)

Greenmark > It's a prealocatted 10gb size vmware image.
In other words : file is 10gb but mostly empty, that's why the ratio is so low

hypno777 (2010-09-11)

It works!!! Just follow the steps given above by mango2011.

fenderbenderczi (2010-09-20)

It works on my system and I would like to try it for real on an IBM computer. Would it be possible? I'm a newbie so please try to give me a clear answer.... thanks in advance

fenderbenderczi (2010-09-20)

I mean to install it as the main OS of my IBM computer....

fenderbenderczi (2010-09-20)

I mean to install it as the main OS of an IBM computer....

r.jpirate (2010-12-29)

working good thanks

johnmcarr (2010-12-31)

@fenderbenderczi: Yes, it is possible. You have to ghost the virtual hard drive's image to your physical drive. It's a bit complicated, but it has been done successfully several times.

Fahbib (2011-01-08)

Works perfectly on VM7.1 running on Server 2008 converted to a workstation. Excellent! Password as mentioned earlier is 123. You can change the language to English, although some items remain russian (such as the calendar). I was planning to learn Russian anyway so no biggie!

bmg2011 (2011-01-24)

Going to test this out now! ANYBODY WITH A INTEL I3, I5 or I7 PROCESSER TRY TYPING "busratio=20 -v" AT THE BOOT SCREEN, IF THIS DOES NOT WORK TYPE "busratio=20 cpus=1 -i386 -v -f -x -s" AND ENJOY! BMG2011 -->

dTERM78 (2011-02-04)

I tried the above flag string (busratio=20...) on my system. No go. Still pops the CPU error once it starts to run.
Dell XPS L701X
i5 m560 - w/ optimus (intel HD gpu)
6gb ram
gaming 435m GPU

TheMoo1991 (2011-02-05)

Download SecurnAble that will tell u if u can have mac os x sl on vmware
if it ses no to hardware virtulisation you cant have it

TheMoo1991 (2011-02-05)

Download SecurnAble that will tell u if u can have mac os x sl on vmware
if it ses no to hardware virtulisation you cant have it

Concep (2011-04-27)

does this work with AMD? Please...

Concep (2011-04-28)

A virtual CPU has entered the shutdown state. This would have caused a physical machine to restart. This can be caused by an incorrect configuration of the virtual machine, a bug in the operating system or a problem in the VMware Workstation software. Press OK to restart the virtual machine or Cancel to power off the virtual machine.

natesac (2011-04-28)

I am having trouble with safari locking up on some websites, causing me to have to force quit. Also unable to reboot. I can shut down and power on just fine. but the reboot does not work. keep getting operating system not found.

rlnplehshalo (2011-06-23)

Getting 1mb/ps+ nice speed. Hopefully it works thanks;)

cerbres_child (2011-09-14)

Guys heres a guide I followed and it worked perfectly, note that if your version of windows is 64 bit or you have an AMD processor you need the darwinlegacy.iso that is included in the video. Good luck. I had a whole bunch of errors in the beginning so if you want to know how to solve them put it in the comments.

joshonl1ne (2012-05-05)

This torrent works, Install with the bios config file and you should be sweet, then follow the instructions above to change it to english. Works flawlessly!

Vid299 (2012-06-01)

Tried on 3 different computers
1- Dell Vostro 1500
2- Dell inspiron 1545
3- Toshiba Satellite
unfortunately had same problem"To run Mac OSX u need a host on which vmware workstation supports hardware virtualisation"

DaleMax (2012-10-22)

I see alot of you guys are having the same problems I was having. I’ll tell you exactly what I did, maybe that can help you.
First of all, once you extract the “MAC_OSX_10-6-2_VMWARE_7″ folder, go inside and DELETE darwin.iso.
Then unzip the darwin_snow_legacy iso and place the iso inside the “MAC_OSX_10-6-2_VMWARE_7″ folder.
IMPORTANT STEP: Move or copy (your choice, it doesn’t matter) the “MAC_OSX_10-6-2_VMWARE_7″ with the darwin_snow_legacy iso inside your Virtual Machines folder (which should be in /USERNAME/Documents/).
Open the VMX file, and click “edit settings”; in the CD/DVD drive, browse for darwin_snow_legacy.iso instead of darwin.iso.
Then you can power up the machine, itll go to the “Darth Vader” screen, you’ll see why . Use your keyboard to select “mac” and press enter and VOILA!
Reply if you have any questions
thanks pierre

DaleMax (2012-10-22)

pierre one worked for me , wow it was a long ride , I ggogled the darwin_snow_legacy.iso

DaleMax (2012-10-22)

im using vitual player 3 , and read this

and downloaded google darwin_snow_legacy.iso

DaleMax (2012-10-27)

I installed 10.6.8 combo update well

I first used this vmware but later tried vmplayer , then after the update it stopped working but sumhow vmplayer 3 updated the SN 10.6.2 to 10.6.8 vm file . so i downloaded virtual box 4.2.2 and sel. mac then MB then sel. use an existing virtual hard drive file . then this loaded and worked, update works , itunes work ,app store works thru Apples website. Im still trying to get imovie to work as its saying that i need ...quartz extreme . Any ideas how i can make this work on pavilion g6 hp laptop ?

DishionCodjoe (2013-07-26)

That means you pc CPU doesn't support it bro.