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2008-03-12 (by st341th)
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So I can not select my DVD-RW drive and I can not burn anything?!?!?!?
I installed Nero with the included key and ran the NeroPatentActivation.exe and rebooted. Nero does not let me burn a disc unless I use Nero Express.
On the computer in which I did a virgin install of Nero, it was a new Dell Inspiron with Windows Vista Business (but not the OEM version of the OS). The DVD burner is a Lite-On OEM.
After trying to install Nero on my computer (which was also after failed attempts of trying to get and working), I wasn't able to get my older Nero Ultra working (which it worked for over a year using a keygen). It had the same disabled Burn button like in However, on the Dell, I was able to get Ultra working after uninstalling
For those who have problems, I suggest you follow these instructions and then try reinstalling
many thanks
dont believe me...try converting divx to dvd...
though i have not great experience at computre but i did felowed all the nessery steps , good luck with whom it work with.
at the time i want to make a dvd a pop win says i need to download ,,,,,,,
Use this key instead 7K2K-OO27-11OS-E99S-SOC7-1OK9-1BO7.
This will give you a corporate edition of Nero 8 Ultra Edition HD
Files count:
702.37 Mb
turbosaci (2008-03-14)
I have an error message that this version of nero will work only with the recorder it has been bundled with...So I can not select my DVD-RW drive and I can not burn anything?!?!?!?
st341th (2008-03-14)
Did you use the provided serial?astig2 (2008-03-16)
Thanks, st341th! Quality work. Clean torrent. No hassle installation. Very reliable. Serial and NeroPatentActivation.exe worked fine for me. Thanks again, Team Stealth!selflove (2008-03-18)
The program did not work for me. I think it may have to do with my getting blacklisted with a previous version and a serial number. I cleaned the serial from the registry with the keygen that I used before. I uninstalled my old version of Nero and looked in HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and removed any reference to Ahead or Nero.I installed Nero with the included key and ran the NeroPatentActivation.exe and rebooted. Nero does not let me burn a disc unless I use Nero Express.
selflove (2008-03-18)
I tried installing this on a different computer, which I never installed Nero before, and it did not work. The program installs but the burn button (and menuo option) is disabled so you cannot burn anything.st341th (2008-03-19)
We will look into the matter but it's highly unlikely a fault of our release and more likely to be a fault of Nero. Very mixed comments of both success and failure to burn are being reported from other scene groups aswell. Thus far it appears to be a hidden firmware trick previously missed when we released this, preventing people with OEM RW's from using the Retail version. If we can determine this is the cause then an OEM serial will be provided in due course.selflove (2008-03-19)
On my computer, I use Win XP Pro SP2 with two retail Pioneer DVD+-R drives.On the computer in which I did a virgin install of Nero, it was a new Dell Inspiron with Windows Vista Business (but not the OEM version of the OS). The DVD burner is a Lite-On OEM.
After trying to install Nero on my computer (which was also after failed attempts of trying to get and working), I wasn't able to get my older Nero Ultra working (which it worked for over a year using a keygen). It had the same disabled Burn button like in However, on the Dell, I was able to get Ultra working after uninstalling
fabribek (2008-03-19)
There is supposed to be a "Nero 8 Clean Tool"
For those who have problems, I suggest you follow these instructions and then try reinstalling
fabribek (2008-03-19)
Can someone post the Nero Patent Activation killer on a fileshare server or as a torrent... I don't want to download the entire RAR file for just that file.Thanks!
st341th (2008-03-19)
abb1 (2008-03-22)
it be very nice of u if u can guilde me through the procedure of how to get rid of activation patent.many thanks
willhunter (2008-03-23)
doesnt work..and i am not new to nerodont believe me...try converting divx to dvd...
abb1 (2008-03-23)
well guys i did every possible way in my knoldge it didn't work.though i have not great experience at computre but i did felowed all the nessery steps , good luck with whom it work with.
at the time i want to make a dvd a pop win says i need to download ,,,,,,,
Insel_Affe (2008-03-25)
This Release really is the real deal guys, Couldn't be easiers works a charm.ole_object (2008-03-30)
The key didn't work for me but like some of you, I had tried the ShareAll version first so it may have blacklisted my PC. Embrace has a newer keygen out that does work. I launched it and clicked Clean to remove all existing serials from Nero. Then pasted all new ones from the keygen and now it works.songwang (2008-04-06)
Hi, ole_object. Where can I find the newer keygenst341th (2008-04-20)
Problem Resolved.Use this key instead 7K2K-OO27-11OS-E99S-SOC7-1OK9-1BO7.
This will give you a corporate edition of Nero 8 Ultra Edition HD