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Resident Evil Extinction[2007]DvDrip[Eng]-FXG




Video Movies


Resident Evil Extinction[2007]DvDrip[Eng]-FXG




2007-12-08 (by FXG_team )



TiTLE......[ Resident Evil Extinction YEAR.......[ 2007 GENRE......[ Action / Horror / Sci-Fi / Thriller RUNTiME....[ 01:34:06 iMDB RATE..[ 6.4/10 (15,430 votes) iMDB URL...[ AUDiO......[ MP3 48000Hz 112 kb/s CBR (2 chnls) LANGUAGE...[ English ViDEO......[ 921 kbps XviD 23.976 FPS RESOLUTiON.[ 640 x 272 SUBS.......[ None SiZE.......[ 700 MB SOURCE.....[ NTSC DVD

Files count:



700.07 Mb




MouthForWar (2007-12-09)

Thank you, was waiting for this one!!
Nice way of replacing aXXo, two thumbs up!!

MouthForWar (2007-12-09)

Could you get 'Shoot'em Up' as well? That would kick ass!

rlhowar (2007-12-13)

Thanks FXG - Great work.. Much appreciated for the quailty torrent. The New AXXO!!!

bvsbutthd101 (2007-12-13)

theres only one thing that axxo and fxg need to work on, they need to have there resolution higher so it can play on a big screen

bvsbutthd101 (2007-12-13)

other than that everything else it perfect

RockstarSpuds (2007-12-16)

Excellent job guys, much thanks for all your work.

blackcrows39 (2007-12-17)

Jo bvsbutthd101If you can afford a big screen maybe you shouln't download this shit.
Cause it mean you can afford a legaal dvd...

bensyo (2007-12-18)

thank you!!!!!!

uncl3bean (2007-12-20)

OMFG. The message(s) from DraaxDard and dineshnagaraj came true, I didn't pass the message
on and now I am dead. That's right this is a message from a genuine ghost. Stick to 'social networking' sites you spacktards who come up with these messages. PS if you have read this message you are already dead, like in the sixth sense or something.
As for the torrent, i'm now going to download it.

Vaugloo (2007-12-22)

FXG Rock!! Thanks for keeping it real guys & giving us top quality samples (how many of us have spent hours or days downloading- afterwards receiving the password message etc) FXG have set the level (& yes AXXO must have some connection). Check out the I am Legend FXG it is awesome quality!!!!

Ravage777 (2007-12-22)

Okay lets ruin the alien mass mind crap...I read the bum rap writing of the chain e-mail-if im not dead in a week then i guess smokin ciggs aint so bad after all.........

Hei_på-deg (2007-12-23)

Terrible movie..

Carliitoz (2007-12-24)

R.I.P aXXo, What a shame ....

Fraggernoob (2007-12-24)

Great Download... Thank you FXG_Team you are my new hero...

blue squad (2007-12-29)

seriuosly the resoultion needs to be a bit bigger around 400 would be sweet this 230ish shit is not cutting it

Xytraz (2007-12-30)

operil1 seems you kinda wrong atm.
give us something up to date

Xytraz (2007-12-30)

No sub for this FXG release.
Just got some weird (tanke)
e inte FXG en ressurection utav Axxo ? :D

TatorTTot (2007-12-31)

WOW Great quality, but I guess thats expected =P
Loved the first two and the same goes for this one, can't wait till the fourth.

downloader2755 (2007-12-31)

it fucking 2600 seeedders, but still no1 seeds,,,
how dahh fuck is it possible...
seed got damit....

kcsx (2008-01-01)

It's possible because you're retarded. You obviously don't have whatever bittorrent client you're using configured right.

Jisp3r (2008-01-01)

hi, kcsx what do you mean by
"You obviously don't have whatever bittorrent client you're using configured right."
having it configured correctly will speed up a download?

Fileripper (2008-01-02)

I am not getting any seeders... what can the problem be? i have everything configured.

NotThePokerDude (2008-01-04)

who has problems with seeders? with FXG - NO WAY - I use BitTirrent 6.0 - abd I get ANY hot (1000+ seeders) film within 1-3 hours

NotThePokerDude (2008-01-04)

ALSO if you have ComCAst THAT is probably your problem.
they talk about "traffic-shaping activities" LOL fuck com(munist)Cast -
Google search: comcast bittorrent
and you will see
there are even lawsuits pending against those fuckers
as much as I hate TimeWarner - FAST torrent downloads (1000+seeders=1-3 hours average)

napotus` (2008-01-05)

awesome rip guys :) keep up good work :)

Tobbator (2008-01-05)

For all you format freaks. Buy yourself a TVIX and dont ever think of CDs or DVDs or format compatible anymore. Just plug it in to your TV and watch DVD and HD quality movies that you download from PirateBay:
(You can probably get this from your local shop, ex,, etc..)

nated0323 (2008-01-05)

I downloaded this movie fine but when I try to play it through wmp I only get sound with no picture. Any suggestions on what the problem is? Thanks

garfield92 (2008-01-06)

PLS SEEED!!.. :)

masterkimmen (2008-01-06)

Why can't I play this movie on my ps3?

rowborough (2008-01-06)

I dont want a xbox but you can kiss my cock on any friday you like big boy!!

plinny (2008-01-07)

masterkimmen, you cant play this on your ps3 because they suck, why you would want to burden yourself with such a waste of money i do not know.

MVargo (2008-01-08)

More information:

alloo (2008-01-09)

aXXo maybe gone maybe not
but the new generation is here
hail to FXG team you're amazing
thx alot

skullcrusher (2008-01-09)


creative1seed (2008-01-10)

Why does Every FXG dvd rip... WILL NOT WORK... When i steam it from my computer TO my PS3??? is there a converter i can use? the ps3 says not supported file or something like that HELP!!!!!!

Pasta747 (2008-01-10)

anyone know where i can ge the right codec for the file? can't seem to find it.

thejimstr (2008-01-10)

The quality is 9/10 for everything
but, the movie is crappy compared to the other two resident evils
Ashanti cannot act shes just eye candy

Hei_på-deg (2008-01-12)

crappy movie. wouldn't recommend it if you're over 13 years old.

necrocide (2008-01-14)

Perfect Quality Works Great- the movie itself is average but ok. Cheers guys.
To get codecs either use VLC, MPlayer or try (For 2K/XP/Vista) this codec pack will work with 99.9% of movies and can somebody please shoot this alfiemoon 12 fag.

 LegalTorrents (2008-01-16)

More Info, Movie Trailer & Wallpapers:

BLuNTeD (2008-01-18)

gotta grab this!!
thanks aXXo, i mean FXG_team!!! :D

smphe (2008-01-18)

seed!!!! plz

smphe (2008-01-18)

seed this plz !

globalair01 (2008-01-18)

I don't have a brilliant connection but I'm seeding as much as I can ;-)

groomlake (2008-01-19)

qual: ok 7/10
movie: Sucks bigtime - not worth the download

Rav3rPills (2008-01-24)

LOL. For those of you who are having trouble streaming this to your PS3, I have found a solution:
Buy a fucking 360. No, I'm not into "console wars" but this is the truth. Sell your PS3 to some 12 year old on eBay and buy a 360. I had a PS3 first... MY GOD WHAT A WASTE! Got my 360 six months back...GLORIOUS

opddw (2008-01-28)

Thx-good quality for everything.
Thought the movie was cool.

bignelly (2008-01-30)

I a loving your work FXG......with no AXXO...the world is yours!!

Mads0ul (2008-02-03)

plz seed

helpmy... (2008-02-04)

thanks please seeda

dirka-dirka (2008-02-07)

seedy mcreedy pls will seed in 1w 3d wen i finally get it

FTW2000 (2008-02-08)

Have two rules. Making movies of game linces and uncluding super models in the cast or a recepity of sucking a very long schlong in kubic meter.

FTW2000 (2008-02-08)

Name one game or comics related movie that whas any good.

larsmarius (2008-02-12)

FTW2000:SpiderMan rocked!And many more if ur a real Marvel Fan! Or generally like movies! :P
But i think U just like buttmovies.
U a little closet monster right?! :P

starfish294 (2008-02-15)

Excellent movie. She's one cool chic.

Jottan (2008-02-25)

4.0 mB/s downspeed, unbelivable

red_laces (2008-02-29)

Well there is one good movie-game and thats "riddick escape from butchers bay".

Strecker (2008-03-02)

300 was a (great) comic first and the movie is cool anyway.

locdasmoke (2008-03-03)

I thought this movie was all right, a little bit too much like Land Of The Dead a though at times...
Hitman is a great movie done after a video game, and so is AVP, Silent Hill and a few others, but yeah alot of video game movies are just hella wack... Comic movies though, they usually turn out good, except Spiderman 3 they totally fucked up the original story for it and killed Venom and in the comics Venom is suppose to live and have his own comic a few years after he was introduced in Spiderman

avril_joy (2008-03-15)

thanks :)

rambo1975 (2008-03-29)


LordBhorak (2008-03-29)

FTW2000, you haven't apparently seen the movie Sin City.

alsatian (2008-03-30)

Subtitles can be found here:

but how can i get the subtitle together with the movie? do i need a speacial program or a special mediaplayer to do this? i am mostly using VLC mediaplayer to this kind of file,if DVD i use a DVD player... sorry for bad english not my native language. and thank's on advanced:)

Nilias2 (2008-03-30)

The sound is all fuck up! Any on else have the same problem?

FloatingBrick (2008-03-31)

V for vendetta is also a good example that you CAN make good movies out of comics

T3MUL3NT (2008-04-05)

Movies out of comics generally go good, because you have an outline to follow(Sin City, if anyone read those comics they'd know that the movie almost matches the comic's in visuals and dialoge).
But as a general rule, video game movies suck. Resident Evil one and Apocalypse were mediocre, and this one wasn't much better. But its worth a watch.
Also Riddick the movie wasn't based on that crappy game it was based on the movie Pitch Black, which was the first Riddick movie(which is good, see it).

Hancok (2008-04-10)

28 days later and 28 weeks later is more like the resedent evil games then this movie. hell, I am legend is as well XD

JusticeItself (2008-04-20)

Sweet! I guess I'll be 1000000000th person saying "Huge thanks to you for stuff, FXG".
Let it be then :D
Oh, by the way, Ponta_93_dif, you put your commercial here for free, I'm gonna put in here some words for you, look further ...
F U C K O F F !

robotech52 (2008-04-28)

awesome! Just as good as the others. I hate how they keep adding more and more to the story line. Arrrrg!

no_rookies (2008-05-06)

Can someone up apocalypse? even the one with the most seeds is crawling.. Thanks FXG, good movie

Snaffer (2008-06-14)

Thanx for the subs every1

Bit_Lover (2008-06-23)

This my frist FXG movie.
Not the best one i seen. but good quality.
Thankx FXG
Works fine for me.

MALSIV (2008-06-30)

what is FXG?

a.indefinivel (2008-07-01)

I think it's the name of creator for this torrent
lol :b

MALSIV (2008-07-02)

oh my god on my torrent it says 0 seeds n 0 leechers nut WTF here 503 se and 97 le im getting REALLY pissed of now i can't download shit with this assholes WTF

Havock18 (2008-07-13)

Ty for share this movie!! :)

aaroncarberry (2008-09-04)

seed please

stormingnorman (2008-11-17)

yo all

KlownofDestruction (2008-12-04)

thank you guys, my copy got deleted by mistake and im about to buy the box set but i jus really wanna watch it again tonight
thx in advance and i will seed again

knifeparty028 (2009-02-09)

i like the first resident evil.. kinda cool

clarkymt (2009-04-12)

dont bother with this i have a very fast internet connection have been uploading at over 40kbs and have rarely got the dl speed over 20 too many people not seeding comon you sniedy bastards wtf is the matter with you people

Saryina84 (2009-04-14)

The sound was all messed up any ideas?

 Alia_Erenel (2009-06-11)

jaggedspeed (2009-07-30)

The audio on this torrent is messed up somehow, but thank you for uploading! :-)

GLMC (2010-03-05)

Works Perfectly

LloydChristmas (2010-11-18)

File is fine. Thanks!

durian555 (2011-01-04)

This studio (Constantin Film) sends cease and desist letters to leechers in Germany.
It wants them to pay about 1100 US Dollars or otherwise threatens to take them to court.
DO NOT WATCH any films of this studio like
* Die unendliche Geschichte (1983)
* Der Name der Rose (1985)
* Letzte Ausfahrt Brooklyn (1990)
* Das Geisterhaus (1993)
* Der bewegte Mann (1994)
* Das Sams - Der Film (2001)
* Der Schuh des Manitu (2001)
* Resident Evil (2002)
* Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2003)
* Der Untergang (2004)
* Das Parfum – Die Geschichte eines Mörders (2006)
* Resident Evil: Extinction (2007)
* Warum Männer nicht zuhören und Frauen schlecht einparken (2007)
* Die Welle (2008)
* Der Baader Meinhof Komplex (2008)
* Dinosaurier - Gegen uns seht ihr alt aus! (2009)
* Zeiten ändern dich (2010)
* Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010)
* Wir sind die Nacht (2010)
An article about this in german:
Constantin Film verschickt massenhaft Abmahnungen an private Filesharer im Internet und fordert 800 Euro Schadensersatz. Die Telekom und andere ISPs sollen anhand von IP-Adressen die Kundendaten herausgegeben haben.

kickedoff5 (2011-03-03)

okay I was a leecher. I got a small hard drive on a "mini" I can only seed 2 or 3. Let me back in I can't any FXG movies. Please unblock me. You guys have the best, thank you for what I do have.

_Tim_ (2011-04-27)

nice upload, thx.
Good quality, and nice downspeed (average: 2.2mb/s)

SCHWEITZERG (2012-02-19)

V: 10
A: 10
Great Torrent! Thanks!

toxicity9 (2012-06-05)

Plz seed.... Thnx...!!!

charley0 (2012-11-30)

Excellent quality for a 700 mb download, (btw, I got a good .srt file at
so thanks so much *s


1. Resident Evil Extinction[2007]DvDrip[Eng]-FXG/Resident Evil Extinction[2007]DvDrip[Eng]-FXG.avi 700.07 Mb