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PC Race Driver GRID - direct play -ToeD
PC_Race Driver GRID
2008-05-29 (by Subzero!)
The One Eyed Dude
provides you with
.: Race Driver GRID (c) codemasters :.
:. ripped ...nothing .::::::::. added ...experience .:
:. about .:
Challenging players to become the number one race driver in a new world of
exhilarating motorsport, Race Driver: GRID will take players on a tour like
never before; to beautifully realised racing locations through Europe, the U.S.,
Japan and beyond. Race Driver: GRID will feature the most extensive range of
events in the series, combining official circuit-based championships with ...
Race Driver: GRID's road races and urban street competitions.;title;1
.: install :.
1.: unrar with latest winrar or use 7zip!.
2.: double click: > rdg-start.exe < ( must be done )
3.: double click: > MakeDesktopIcon.exe < and run game with it.
S p e c i a l I n f o N o t e :
Some virus-scanner recognize the header of a packed exe
( rdg-start.exe )
as a lame virus, (coz its thebyte by byte check error of em!.)
Its almost certainly a false positive alert from overly protective heuristics
you can read more about in your VirusTool-Manual or VirusTools-WebSite!.
(heuristics). >>> thank you for reading!.
your favourite WebSlave....> ToeD'o8
Files count:
4523.71 Mb
Subzero! (2008-05-29)
HapPy WeekEnD... ;)erkz (2008-05-29)
thnx for the torrent 1 eye and sub...could some1 point me towards a mass effect torrent plz!!!!!!!!!!!
UPL (2008-05-29)
Great game!Played it a few hours yesterday.
Keep em comming mate!
RawSnake (2008-05-29)
Thanks alot Subzero for this one and happy week-end to u as well :)2gud4u (2008-05-30)
1 seeder? 299 leechers? Cmon guys seed ffs! Im getting 10kbps lmao!!!ooStevo (2008-05-30)
We're gonna be here for a loooooooooong time.Kowalski1977 (2008-05-30)
I like your normally like your work Subzero/ToeD but hasn't skullptura released a rip already and also under 2gig, I still haven't downloaded it as of yet as I'm getting Mass Effect atm but is there any difference between Skullpturas version and yours considering they claim to have "nothing" ripped as well? As I say I love your work and have downloaded quite a few of your releases I just want the fastest and smallest working version for the obvious reason to choose downloading ripped games in the 1st placeAlanWake (2008-05-30)
Cmon people, seed!leverton86 (2008-05-30)
Well this appears to be taking a hella long time. Look forward to the complete download - just hope its worth the wait. Anyone managed 100% yet? Happy d/lingspacey41 (2008-05-31)
when you reset the graphics options it crashes anyone no why?. I cant run at 1920x1280 so it looks good but isnt smooth. Can you reset the graphics outside of the game and are gamepads supported?Subzero! (2008-06-01)
i'am sorry peeps, but due to the fact that my son has disconnected the connection, while i was watchin' a movie... we got stuck, but now everything is fine, sorry, that was not the way it should be!...cheers!. he toke the consequence ....1 week No Gaming at ALL, plus some extra work for the ScHoOl... cheers!
Subzero! (2008-06-01)
thanks alot, really appreciate this kind of helping!.-ToeD'o8
Subzero! (2008-06-01)
@Kowalski1977skull's version = batch install (takes some time!!!)
toed's version = Unrar + Play! ( no waiting! )
AlanWake (2008-06-01)
Works like a charm, thanks!ooStevo (2008-06-02)
well for the record skullpturas release works perfect.Downloaded fast and took 15mins to rebuild.And yes,it does support gamepads.tommo8993 (2008-06-03)
can you please do sins of a solar empire please_dempa_ (2008-06-05)
it dosent work for me :Swhen i double click makeadesktopicon.exe it dosent happend anything :S
what is wrong?
ps. sorry for my bad english i hope you understnad
Subzero! (2008-06-06)
makesure your graphic card supports PixelShader 3.0 ...Naxou (2008-06-06)
Im seedeing so seed u others toooo!!!!!!!barath90 (2008-06-08)
hello mate i have done all the steps u have mentioned but still can't play the game because when i click the grid icon in the desktop it says application failed to start because OpenAL.dll was not found.Any hep would be appreciated.
JoniKolin (2008-06-08)
please help me! I cant play because when I click the grid icon in the desktop it says that the file "OpenAL32.dll" doesnt exists. sorry about my bad english..Subzero! (2008-06-09)
something else below...
makesure your gfx-card supports pixelshader3.0
JoniKolin (2008-06-09)
thanks about your help, but now it says "d3dx9_37.dll" :( ...Subzero! (2008-06-10)
missing d3dx9_37.dllwww_rapidshare_com/files/120567578/dx37-dll.rar
unrar and copy both .dll files to your gamefolder! ;)
lamefrag (2008-06-13)
Omg i installed all, now he says insert disc wtf to do now??Subzero! (2008-06-20)
1.: unrar with latest winrar or use 7zip!.2.: double click: > rdg-start.exe < ( must be done )
3.: double click: > MakeDesktopIcon.exe < and run game with it.
PrecisionPacker (2008-06-23)
When I play, the video is very jumpy... ie. While racing, the buildings will somehow be on the track and I go right through them. I'm not off the track, it's just like it's lagging, but it's not, the video is messed up. How do I fix that?Subzero! (2008-06-23)
updating or maybe downgrading videocard drivers (check the codemaster support forum for the game).this could be also caused by not updated codecs or stuff like this, this game needs EVERYTHING up-2-date!. servicepacks, aswell as hotfixes, netframework, directx, ahwell even everything you could think off!.
aarp (2008-06-27)
Hey guys, I need a little help installing. After I launch makedesktopicon.exe it makes the shortcut along with something called tmp.crc on my desktop. When I click the shortcut, it says I need to find Grid.exe. When I click on grid.exe in the folder though, it says the application failed to start because OpenAL32.dll was not found. What do I do?Restrected (2008-06-29)
follow the link, and download and install the small 500KB file it gives you. and you will not have anymore problems running this game, like this missing and that missing.
hope this helps.
aarp (2008-06-29)
Thanks so much!Sp4nK_OS (2008-07-02)
Thanks. I suck at this game.usmcmarine (2008-07-03)
hey, uh. anyone know how to apply the 1.1 patch to this download of Grid?i downloaded the patch but it tells me that no version of grid is installed on my computer...
so.. how would i go about installing the patch then.. download the 6gb one?
shimoto1212 (2008-07-04)
Works like a charm :)the only problem i encountered were 2 missing DLLs but that was really easy to fix.
(just download them using google)
shimoto1212 (2008-07-04)
@ aarpjust download and install the OpenAl that subzero provided here and it should be ready to start if you get another dll error just download it using google and paste it in your extracted grid folder.
filskov (2008-07-27)
hmm. i can play it fine , with no probs, but my bigbrother have some problem with it , every time he drive in gride world , and then he are finish ther come a explore crash. what can i do ?iampower (2008-08-01)
Skullptua/gizmolio ripped this one down to barely 1+ Gigs. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying that ToeD sucks or anything, Most of my game torrents have been downloaded from Dopeman (Before he retired), ToeD and Skullptua/gizmolio, The three best rippers at the sceneSubzero! (2008-08-27)
difference might only be skull's version needs some more minutes to de-compress. other than that, no difference... besides size ;) hehe...guillinator (2008-08-28)
helloi need your help subzero ...
i do evrything :
1.: unrar with latest winrar or use 7zip!.
2.: double click: > rdg-start.exe < ( must be done )
3.: double click: > MakeDesktopIcon.exe < and run game with it.
then when i want to start it
i get a error like it cant be started because openal32.dll cant be found ...
what do i need to do ?
i hope you can help me
greetz guilli
guillinator (2008-08-28)
now i fixxed that and now i get same error but with XINPUT1_3.dllHEEEELP
Subzero! (2008-08-31)
go here
Bambi-Slam (2008-10-12)
Not a fake, not a virus. But it is a suck shit crack. Missing 2 DLLs.Plus game is fucked. Worst driving game EVER.
best graphics ever, worst controls ever.
Get Race WTCC 07 instead
415RU (2008-10-12)
d(.) RUSificator ot ND
BlackDragony (2008-10-29)
Okei. I need help. I have downloaded and done just like it says on the stuff. Comes with error openal, but installed it, and error inpurx or something, installled that, d3dx9_37.dll, installed it but still not working. What should I do? The AVG is poping up all the time saying Trojan Horse:S Help please.Antoniio (2008-11-19)
You need newest Direct X .... U Stupid fuck... And the games is really good :)baldboy31 (2008-12-13)
this is shit dont downloadBlackDragony (2008-12-19)
I have the newest DirectX you stupid! So still something fucked with the game.sonicchaos (2009-01-25)
Hey, um, Bambi-slamy-girly-shmurly-pupsy-dupsy fagg, you're not a gamer, so screw you. "worst controls ever"??? you only need 4 buttons, asslicker. what the heck are you doin' here any way. And guess wha'?? yeah stupid idiots, i'm going to download just because you said not to do so... Suck some and go play fifa, chimps!sukraj (2009-03-12)
seed plz running on 3kbps seed seed seed thxNoScooperCoD4SWEDEN (2009-06-21)
SEEEEEED!NoScooperCoD4SWEDEN (2009-06-26)
Zeed`?bompidom (2010-06-08)
!!! WARNING !!!The start file (rdg-start.exe) contains the virus Trojan.Zlob! This is a dangerous virus.
Scanned by Norton Internet Security 2010.
motostu93 (2010-11-12)
I have read all the comments and still havent been able to fix my problem.when i click on the desktop icon i get a window that pops up and says:
The procedure entry point alSource3i could not be located in the dynamic link library OpenAL32.dll
I read over the comments and downloaded the OpenAL32.dll file and put it in the game folder and i still get the window when i try to run the game. I also installed and ran the OpenALL program and it says install is complete. but after doing all the that the game still doesnt work. I just get the window that pops up when i try to open the game.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
KaranS94 (2011-05-15)
when i start the game it shows the trailer and all, then the screen goes black but the game says enter your driver profile. pressing up and down keys works coz you can hear the sounds. There is just nothing on the screen. HELLPP!Files:
1. PC_Race Driver GRID 275 bytes
2. PC_Race Driver GRID 4523.70 Mb
3. PC_Race Driver GRID 898 bytes
4. PC_Race Driver GRID Productions.nfo 204 bytes
5. PC_Race Driver GRID 4.86 Kb
6. PC_Race Driver GRID 1.31 Kb