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Watchmen The Ultimate Cut 2009 x264 DTS-WAF




Video Movies






2011-01-15 (by sadbawang)



**************************************************************************** Watchmen (2009) **************************************************************************** [RELEASE INFORMATION] REL FILES **** : Watchmen.The.Ultimate.Cut.2009.x264.DTS-WAF.mkv (4.10 GiB) SOURCE ******* : Blue_Ray RIPPER ******* : Team_WAF REL DATE ***** : 2010-10-11 02:57:00.921 RUNTIME ****** : 03:35:26.070 VIDEO INFO *** : x264-core 104 r1713 c276662 @ 1 971 Kbps Avg FRAME RATE *** : 23.976 fps RESOLUTION *** : 1024 x 426 (2.404 : 1) AUDIO INFO *** : DTS 6 CH @ 755 Kbps LANGUAGE ***** : English SUBTITLE ***** : English **************************************************************************** [MOVIE INFORMATION] **************************************************************************** [RELEASE NOTE] ****************************************************************************

Files count:



4213.81 Mb




kechiguy (2011-01-21)

SUPERB, sadbawang! Great quality, and it came in in record time. I've seen this three times, and can't get enough. THANKS A LOT!

cartman19987 (2011-02-19)

Thanks for this! I just saw the regular version of Watchmen, then realized there was a Director's Cut, and an Ultimate Cut.

fallout11 (2011-03-06)

Better than the "release" version seen in theaters because it covers more of the original story. That said, only an okay adaptation of the graphic novel. Stuff was changed, plus more emphasis was placed in some areas and less in (more important) others, subplots and subtleties were lost. You know the drill by now, standard fair when adapting a book to a film.

Beastainc (2011-03-11)

bloody awesome, superb quality, quick download time and it was better viewing then the "Normal version" of this movie...
Loved it, thanks for providing the torrent!! : )

skweets (2011-06-12)

Thanks for this sadbawang, hope this cut is as good if not better than the original & directors cut.
Just had one question, what are the .PAR2 & smi files for??

OverlordAlexndr (2011-08-12)

the same question from the guy above me. and also another question: isn't the directors cut what the director had in mind? the perfect cut? so then what is an ultimate cut? thanks in advance, hope at least somebody hasn't forgotten about this torrent, and will write soon o7

CptAxis (2011-09-10)

Theatrical Cut: What gets released in cinemas
Directors Cut: How the director WANTED the movie to be, (added scenes, extended scenes, etc)
Ultimate Cut: Everything that was cut from the directors cut, and theatrical cut has been added, and the "Tales of the Black Freighter" scenes have been added. Tales of the Black Freighter is an animated story in the movie, a comic within the comic.

shandy101 (2011-11-24)

Amazing! Thanks.

elc2k (2012-01-19)

one of the best torrents and best movies. almost as good as LoTR in my opinion. i've downloaded this 3 times now and will watch again XD

wildcardIX (2012-06-20)

superb quality sir,thank you...

Zanins (2012-08-10)

Why is there a blu ray box art if this isn't blu ray? It's 426p...

SynXc6 (2013-07-27)

"almost as good as LoTR in my opinion." ... Not sure if troll comment or is serious.

SynXc6 (2013-07-27)

"almost as good as LoTR in my opinion" ... Not sure if troll comment or LotR fanboy.