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Rosetta Stone 3.4.5 + Crack
Rosetta Stone 3.4.5 + Crack(VasiaZozulia)
2009-12-11 (by VasiaZozulia)
Rosetta Stone Personal Edition contains everything you need to give the voice inside of you a new language. The method used recreates the natural way you learned your first language, revealing skills that you already have. This approach has won numerous awards, and has been adopted by countless organizations, schools and millions of users around the world. Join the language revolution today. Only with Rosetta Stone.
The comprehensive language-learning solution that fits your life.
Learn Naturally
Learn your next language the same way you learned your first language. Dynamic Immersion empowers you to see, hear and comprehend without translating or memorizing. You already have this ability. Rosetta Stone simply unlocks it.
Engage Interactively
Get feedback to move forward. You learn best by doing, and you'll apply what you've learned to get to the next step. Rosetta Stone adapts to your individual needs and skills, because you drive the program with your progress.
Speak Confidently
Start speaking immediately. From the very first lesson, you'll speak. You'll begin with essential basics, which form the building blocks of the language. Soon you'll create new sentences on your own, using words you've learned.
Have Fun
Best of all, Rosetta Stone is addictive. With every entertaining activity, you'll feel success. You'll want to use Rosetta Stone to have that next moment, that next breakthrough. So you'll keep using it, and you'll learn more!
That's language-learning success.
That's Rosetta Stone.
No translation or memorization required.
The most effective way to learn a new language is to be surrounded by it. When you were an infant, your parents taught you this way, by intuitively associating words with images. That's the ultimate language lab, but most language-learning programs completely ignore this.
Think about all of the ways you've tried to learn a language: classes at school, tapes and cassettes, even software that uses your native language as a base for your next one. What do they all have in common? Translation and memorization.
Instead of taking a "direct flight" from your brain to your new language, translation and memorization connects you to your old language. You always have to "fly" from your brain, to your native tongue ... and then translate what you've memorized to communicate.
That might work for a few words, but what happens when you get to a sentence or phrase? When you have to change tenses? You're going to make a lot of "connecting flights." That's why those other methods are so frustrating ... and why they fail.
Enter Dynamic Immersion.
This method encourages you to think like a baby. You'll pair words with vivid, real-life images and make connections between things you know and the new language. Soon, you'll be thinking in a new language, stringing words together into phrases that you create.
Innovative technology.
Rosetta Stone places this Dynamic Immersion method at the core of a suite of software that works with you to develop your skills. The simple, intuitive interface helps to keep you engaged in the solution, while advanced speech recognition technology makes certain that you're speaking correctly and accurately. Best of all, Rosetta Stone never leaves you behind. You'll only move forward when you're ready, when you've become comfortable and confident.
Files count:
129.76 Mb
VasiaZozulia (2009-12-11)
I'm here!VasiaZozulia (2009-12-11)
You're welcome! ;)weakink (2009-12-11)
What language does it have?weakink (2009-12-11)
AWESOME!!!! Thanks V!Im freak'n stoked now.
arielba (2009-12-11)
Does anyone have Italian level 4 & 5 ?VasiaZozulia (2009-12-11)
~DorianDownRosetta Stone 3.4.5 for MAC
entire88 (2009-12-11)
@ VasiaZozulia: thank very much!! any seeders please??entire88 (2009-12-11)
@ VasiaZozulia: thanks very much!! any seeders please??entire88 (2009-12-11)
i'm sorry...there are seeds..ramblerguru (2009-12-11)
Vasia, you are the best!!weakink (2009-12-11)
Im downloading it!I cant wait to start being a geek.
Nothing better to do when its so FREAKN cold out. haha
the_dolla (2009-12-11)
Thanks for this. It does work and is virus free. Also supports lvls 4 &5.malmalmal (2009-12-11)
fuck you all this is fakeFAKE
malmalmal (2009-12-11)
omg i'm sorry this has worked i'm really sorryvery good job ~
thakssj (2009-12-12)
I'm having trouble. I replaced the crack file and then ran rosetta stone. It still locked me out of the rest of the lessons. Can someone tell me what I did wrong?oskVI (2009-12-12)
Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sifuconman (2009-12-12)
What are the differences between v 3.4.5 and v3.3.7 ? Is there a major improvement in v 3.4.5 ?sifuconman (2009-12-12)
just installed but strange that it did not ask to update Japanese language L 1 to the 2009 update which the original v 3.4.5 did.danmanchester (2009-12-12)
Many thanks VasiaZozulia!So guys is this THE one we've been waiting for? :)
@ Loopmasters, I'm still using v3.2.11 and I notice on that particular version you posted comment that you got level 4 & 5 working.
I was going to keep on using v3.2.11 for levels 1,2 and 3 of Spanish (Spain) and hope that someone could upload levels 4 & 5 eventually.
I guess what I'm asking is - is it better to use this version 3.4.5 or keep using v3.2.11? Is there any noticeable difference/advantage?
Appreciate any feedback, regards Dan.
Shaamaan (2009-12-12)
I've had this problem since I started using Rosetta... it doesn't detect my microphone!I'm using kX drivers and W7. If anyone managed to get the mic detection to work, I'd be grateful to know.
PS. I know there's a workaround; start a lesson with speech recognition disabled, and then turn it back on during the lesson... but it's still damn annoying to do so every time.
grsher (2009-12-12)
Thanks for the crack. It gave me accesss to Levels 4 and 5. I have a problem with the speech recognition. I had it before as well. I get a message saying1117
An error occured in the speech component. Please restart your browser and start Rosetta Stone again.
danmanchester (2009-12-12)
@ LoopmastersThanks very much for the info. I'll get on this version now then. All the best guys
grsher (2009-12-12)
Hello Loopmasters,I'm new to this but I've been lead to believe that I should not allow updates from RS. I see you are advising Shaaman to allow RS to connect to the internet. Isn't this a bad thing to do?
grsher (2009-12-12)
loopmastersCan I allow RS access without reinstalling?
grsher (2009-12-12)
@ loopmastersI looked at my firewall settings and saw that there are 3 references to Rosetta Stone. 2 were blocked and one wasn't so I unblocked the other two hoping this would allow access but it doesn't seem to have as I am still getting the same error message.
Everything else works great.
Thanks for the help
xxx-yyy-zzz (2009-12-13)
There is a great post on RS3 on mechodownloadAll languages P2P available so far are there
Just look for it
botni (2009-12-13)
Thank you so much.The Mac crack works like a charm.
Could I ask something else ?
German level 4 and 5 and German Audio Companion ...
00seven (2009-12-13)
Thank you VasiaZozulia!Mac crack works great!
Aubaine141 (2009-12-13)
I blocked it from the internet using McAfee, for my comfort of mind. However i found that this also blocked it from reading its own files on the computer or being allowed to check for my microphones. So allowing it access to your computer and internet is well needed.Just thought i'd share my findings with you all.
Munky42 (2009-12-14)
Finally!!! A copy of RS that actually works. I've downloaded 2 other copies of RS 3.3.5 and while the crack worked fine, I was having problems adding languages (error 9123).But, after installing this version, I have been able to add both the French and Mandarin packs. I've already started in on the Mandarin
and have had no problems yet.
(+1) and a big thank you to VasiaZozulia.
Duffman0 (2009-12-14)
Hey,First of all I'd like to thank you for the torrent. I have two questions:
1. How exactly do you add a language? I understand it has something to do with mounting CD's or something. What program works best with this(I have win 7)?
2. Is it safe to run this while my internet is connected? How do I make sure it doesnt try to update or activate(if thats the main concern)?
Again thank you so much for this. Cheers
Munky42 (2009-12-14)
I used PowerISO to mount the ISO to a virtual cd drive, but there are others available for dl on this site, I just can't remember the names of the other programs.This program is safe to run while connected to the net. You might want to disable your virus scan program (if you have one.) before you install it. Rosetta Stone will ask you to register but you can say no and it should not ask you again. Also, it will look for updates, but again, you can just ignore them.
Now, I'm not an expert. I remember reading that from another torrent of an older version of Rosetta Stone. Hopefully the same will work with this version.
Good Luck and have fun.
vitel (2009-12-14)
Thanks a lot. It's really work!Shaamaan (2009-12-14)
To all those who gave me suggestions regarding my mic detection problem.Thank you for all insight, and I will try all suggestions, but I fear the problem might stem directly from the fact that I am using kX drivers, which are pretty non-standard by their nature (albeit it's the only driver that allows me to manipulate and duplicate output as I see fit).
I did let RS access the internet during install however, especially since I did the same on my laptop and mic detection works fine there (please note; on my laptop I have the same OS, firewall and such; the audio drivers are of course different however).
I also read suggestions to try and rename the mic in the Windows sound settings to something that contains the word "microphone". No dice. Someone also suggested renaming the default playback device to "line 1", but this ended with similar results.
Please remember, that I CAN get RS to detect my voice; if I disable speech recognition before starting a lesson and then re-enabling it when it's already in progress then everything works fine. It's just that the silly app cannot detect the mic when it starts a lesson, and thus causes problems.
Shaamaan (2009-12-14)
I was also thinking about copying over or manually modifying config files, if they exist, to include the mic information or at least see if they include anything at all... however, I cannot for the love of me figure out where RS keeps the configuration info. I've checked the registry, the Program Files folder, the AppData folder as well as the ProgramData folder. No luck on either of these locations, but perhaps I was looking for the wrong thing (I was mainly looking for ini / cfg files).If anyone knows where RS might keep the various settings then please share this knowledge.
grsher (2009-12-14)
Wooo Hooo, I finally solved my speech recognition problem ( error 1117). I had installed RS sucessfully but it turned out to be a Vista related problem for the speech recognition. I found the solution on the RS customer support page under troubleshooting. Hope this helps anybody who is having a similiar problem.Eggre (2009-12-15)
Great Stuff Guys!Now get us Fluenz Spanish 3 (after user 123dutch has already uploaded Fluenz Spanish 1 & 2).
308sig (2009-12-15)
I've followed the readme file to install it.I can't add any language, Rosetta Stone can't find the CD ROM with the language.
Any clue?
danmanchester (2009-12-15)
@380sigHow are you loading the languages? Are they burned to cd or are you using a virtual cd/dvd rom drive like Power ISO or MagicDisc or Daemon Tools.
When you get to the "add a language screen" just fire up your virtual cd rom and browse to where you've saved the language ISO images, mount a language and then click continue in the RS screen and it will detect and install.
308sig (2009-12-15)
danmanchester,first of all thanks for your help.
I did try to use UtraISO and also a burned CD. Both cases did not work.
noob081 (2009-12-16)
I also am having trouble getting RS to 'see' my language disc. I mounted the .iso using poweriso and it still can't find the disc. I also tried to burn a disc but I must be doing something wrong cause it doesn't work either. Did everything that the tutorial says to do with no success.308sig (2009-12-17)
noob081,I have exactly the same problem.
Looks like a Vista problem, couse I installed a Virtual Machine with XP and everything works fine.
The_crete_reaper (2009-12-18)
Duffman0,Upon installing the program it will try to connect to the internet to register. If it cannot connect to the internet, it will ask you about registering later. Simply choose not to, and choose "Don't ask again". Also do the same when it asks to update it. From there on you can use the internet all you'd like.
edgeofchance (2009-12-19)
guys you have to mount the language iso's with daemon tools lite...poweriso is a peice of sh*t.edgeofchance (2009-12-19)
+1 ;)scott8610 (2009-12-19)
Mine is working completey fine and I just completed the first lesson of the language.The only problem is that right now I only have limited functionality.
Where do you think I went wrong?
frank9191 (2009-12-20)
Hi men, when i install RS, then i replace the .exe file, then install the language(swedish in my case) nothing appear and i have no possibilities to run it... Where i wrong? :(Asphyxo (2009-12-23)
Works great using Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit.Thanks VasiaZozulia. Awesome UL!
crassbar (2009-12-23)
Which Level 4 & 5? Possibly German? Curious if that's floating around out there somewhere.Kasionz (2009-12-23)
I'm sorry to ask what seems to be a dumb question but how exactly do you go about installing Version 3.4.5 and the different languages? I'm using Vista BTW...Kasionz (2009-12-23)
Nevermind guys...I got the answer ;)RooJo434 (2009-12-24)
This Works Amazing, thanks for uploading, this really helps me a lotscrooch (2009-12-25)
Installed the RS exe, replaced the original exe with the crack in the installed directory.Then downloaded some V3 Spanish language iso's and mounted them with daemon tools. I can browse these language iso's on a virtual F drive just fine.
Now, when I start RS it puts me directly in that add language screen. I press that while having the language iso mounted, it still says it can't find any language disks. Someone got a clue?
Running 3.4.5, language iso's are v3 from
Further running windows 7.... Advice anyone?
And thanks for the great upload Vasia, I hope I get this running.
descending_warrior (2009-12-26)
How do you overwrite the original file?descending_warrior (2009-12-26)
is it just a drag and drop thing?xxx-yyy-zzz (2009-12-26)
Great post for all RS languages is onm
LocoTree (2009-12-27)
Hi, can someone tell me what exactly I need to do after installing it? I have windows, and when I open the RosettaStoneVersion3 thing in the Crack folder it says "fatal application error #2120." What do I do? Also, when I open up the Rosetta Stone Version 3 that I installed, it opens up a screen that asks me if I want to "Add a language," "Remove a language," "Deactivate products," or "Quit Rosetta Stone." None of those that I click do anything though. I read the file that says "readme" and it tells me that I need to overwrite the original Rosetta Stone or something like that, I have no idea what that means. Thanks in advance for the help :)mbhn5204 (2009-12-28)
This works GREAT! Thank you so much.comodidit (2009-12-29)
Worked perfectly.Just a note. Running Win 7 I had to reboot after the install of RS before it would allow me to add languages. Before that it would say that there was no available language even if the disc/iso was available..
Thanks a bunch uploader.
ednum5 (2009-12-29)
@ LocoTreeNow that you have the RS3 application installed, you need to download the languages that you want to install. The languages come on CDs from Rosetta Stone, on three to five separate CDs, one CD per language level. Here on TBP they are uploaded as .iso files which are images of the CDs and can be mounted on a virtual drive such as is created by Daemon tools:
AFTER you mount a language .iso file, a folder will open with files and other folders visible in it; just close that window and start Rosetta Stone and click on "Add a Language" and then click Continue. RS will find the virtual drive with the language on it and will give you the option of installing it. After it installs it, un-mount that .iso file and mount the next language file. Click on "Add another Language" click Continue, and so on until you have all the languages or levels of one language installed that you want to learn. Unmount the last language file you used so that you don't get file access conflicts if you try to move or delete the .iso file.
Then click on Continue and follow the directions to start learning your language. Be sure you have a microphone connected and running before you start Rosetta Stone or you will get a fatal error!
portugalpauleta20 (2009-12-30)
@ednum: I am having a similar problem as LocoTree did...When I copy and paste the Crack into the Folder, and i try to open it, it says "Fatal Error: #5118". do you know how i can fix this? please tell me you do :/
portugalpauleta20 (2009-12-30)
I got it now, i just need to activate it. How do you activate it?!Sickpup120 (2009-12-31)
Thanks Vasia .......\(^_^)/........ednum5 (2010-01-01)
Pauleta, It never asks me to activate it, so I don't know how to do it, try clicking on "Activate Later" if it asks you to.Be sure you have copied "RosettaStoneVersion3.exe" to the RS program files folder "C:\Program Files\Rosetta Stone\Rosetta Stone Version 3" (Win XP) and that the shortcut you use to start RS points to that folder, not a file within that folder.
If that doesn't allow you to use the application, you may need to uninstall RS completely and install a previous version that you can then use this version to update.
Petang24 (2010-01-02)
Hey everyone, I'm having some issues with the speech recognition. The program recognizes my microphone and can set it up properly, but once I start the lesson I get an error message 1129: 1000: One or more files required for speech recognition are missing or unreadable. Speech recognition will be disabled for this session." I've tried reinstalling a couple times with no luck. Any ideas? Thanks in advance :)girugameshh (2010-01-05)
RS works great but there is a problem, it seems all the language ISO's individually need activation in order for you to learn more than the first 2 lessons. if no one can find a way to work around this and "force" the lessons to continue without an activation code, then this upload is pointless.nominal2 (2010-01-07)
thanks vasiaZozulia.people with install problems:
- try again (uninstall, install, don't let it run. copy crack. restart)
- it worked for me [windows 7], i even let the program run...
people with microphone problems:
- windows 7: run in 'administrator mode' and compatibility to 'vista sp2'.
- i tried configuring my mic...under preferences didn't work.
- i configured it in one of the lessons (it makes you) and it didn't work
- i made my voice slightly more high pitched and IT WORKED
dunno why this config worked for me, but it does. cheers.
ty again vasia
nominal2 (2010-01-07)
UPDATE:same config as before, but i tried configuring the mic under preferences using my normal voice and it worked fine.
running in windows vista sp2 compatibility mode may be the trick
dark_jedi24 (2010-01-07)
I still haven't seen any step by step directions...~Install RS exe.
~Copy to the crack file?
and thats it??? Need help, thanks
leechandseed (2010-01-07)
PLEASE HELP"9119 Application Error"
Every time I try to install a language I get that error. Please help. Thank you.
leechandseed (2010-01-07)
9119 ERROR RESOLVED!!!:I would like to thank ednum5 ( for posting the following:
Now that you have the RS3 application installed, you need to download the languages that you want to install. The languages come on CDs from Rosetta Stone, on three to five separate CDs, one CD per language level. Here on TBP they are uploaded as .iso files which are images of the CDs and can be mounted on a virtual drive such as is created by Daemon tools:
AFTER you mount a language .iso file, a folder will open with files and other folders visible in it; just close that window and start Rosetta Stone and click on "Add a Language" and then click Continue. RS will find the virtual drive with the language on it and will give you the option of installing it. After it installs it, un-mount that .iso file and mount the next language file. Click on "Add another Language" click Continue, and so on until you have all the languages or levels of one language installed that you want to learn. Unmount the last language file you used so that you don't get file access conflicts if you try to move or delete the .iso file.
Then click on Continue and follow the directions to start learning your language. Be sure you have a microphone connected and running before you start Rosetta Stone or you will get a fatal error!
My problem was that I burned the language ISO to a CD and tried several times to install the language from the CD and got the 9119 error. Then I tried DAEMON tools ednum5 suggested and it worked!
SteveO_ftw (2010-01-07)
I can't go past lesson two without an Activation Code!!!Is anyone else experiencing this? did I not use the crack right? Please let me know how you can get around this.
nominal2 (2010-01-07)
@dark_jedi24 -- there are instructions included, look harder, but basically yes. install, dont let it run, copy crack. you may want to restart your computer and then install the language too.@stevo_ftw -- post what you tried so someone here can point out what you did wrong
SteveO_ftw (2010-01-07)
Alright, I Installed RS 3.4.5 (not the crack), and didn't let run after.copied the crack from the win folder and pasted it over the original application in the installation directory, opened it, and mounted my language
All was good and well and I was rolling through the lessons and I clicked on "Core lesson #3" and it brought up a screen asking for activation. I choose activate later, like the other times, but it wouldn't let me go further. I also tried going to a different unit but those were all locked as well and asked for activation.
I've seen others address the same issue and it would be awesome and appreciated if anyone could help us out.
SteveO_ftw (2010-01-08)
Wow I tried not copying over the original and worked!!!!!! I got full access!!! It's really wierd though It got me on the homeschool programevm88 (2010-01-08)
So will this work if I let RS update itself and then apply the crack? I'd hate to lose all of my progress.ednum5 (2010-01-08)
@ evm88Generally, you should NEVER allow RS to update itself. Install any newer version you may want from whatever is uploaded here. An update may go beyond what is available here and not be cracked as yet. The level we are at now thanks to VasiZozulia should be sufficient for any level of any language you want to learn as long as it isn't Version 2.
evm88 (2010-01-08)
Thanks ednum. I've just been holding off on updating since I've gotten pretty far in the progress of my studies I just don't want to start from square one.dark_jedi24 (2010-01-09)
How exactly do I copy over the "original" file? (I'm getting "Fatal Application Error #2120)& when I do get in, am able to add the languages, but w/ limit access.
Jesus! this is frustrating! I would pay 50 bucks for someone to physically come to my house and do it for me!
Anyway, thanks in advance.
garybusey (2010-01-09)
fatal application errordark_jedi24 (2010-01-10)
@sargeThe software doesn't cost 50 bucks...
dlbrody69 (2010-01-13)
You are the Man!!!! All of my language packs are fully unlocked and the home-school deal is waaaay better..much more detailed with more options....I could just kiss ya!dlbrody69 (2010-01-13)
oh and not to sound rude...those of you to dumb to follow instructions or able to do simple computer functions should not be dicking with cracked applications....sorry just frustrates me.riftwind (2010-01-13)
I am having troubles installing this. I have tried everything... My laptop has windows 7 on it, and try to install this, even using the windows crack, and go to add a language and it just keeps telling me that there is no CD in the drive... I tried mounting using PowerISO and even burning the .iso, but to no avail... Is there a process or something I am missing?I kind of had the same problem happen on my PC, but it runs Vista... Same thing and all, tried mounting, burning, and it wouldn't work... but the moment I restarted my comp and mounted the language .iso's again, it worked just fine... Tried that with the laptop, but that did not work either. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling it... Even tried version 3.3.5, and no luck. What is up?
riftwind (2010-01-13)
And if I did not make it clear in the last post, I DID copy over the original .exe with the cracked one from the windows folder.riftwind (2010-01-13)
Ahhh, well, I tried two new things this time around... One, I tried restarting the comp after I installed the cracked .exe, not restarting it after the original .exe and then overwriting it. Two... Well, I loaded a different copy of Windows 7, one that is not an evaluation pre release copy... So it could have been either of those in my opinion, but more likely the latter... Just a little info to those of you who are trying to install this on Windows 7 and are getting the "insert CD" error ;P.dark_jedi24 (2010-01-14)
@ riftwindI finally figure out my problem... Overwriting the application... I found this really simple video. Hope this helps, and thanks to all who tried to help.
sizzorkay (2010-01-18)
@ dark_jedi24, what the hell does that link gotta do with rosetta stone? no need to spam this shit with your link if it has nothing to do with the problem ppl are havingCarloGambino77777 (2010-01-19)
works perfectly, for those of you having problems - running a simple install+crack then mounting the language iso's in daemon tools is not fucking rocket science.Cheers for the upload, top torrent, fast speed and the crack works great
hfmstde (2010-01-19)
I am now something of an expert in the installation of Rosetta Stone, having unsuccesfully installed and uninstalled this at least 8 times.I run windows 7 Home Premium, and it does have some security peculiarities which may get in the way of RS installation. Here's a summary of what I finally did in an absolutely seamless installation ending up with RS and levels 1,2,3 French and 1,2,3 Latin American Spanish.
I tried other ways without success, so here we go - this worked, and is working, and allows new levels/languages to be installed
1 Clear out any previous failed attempts - uninstall, run Regcure or Auslogics Boostspeed or whatever you like to clear any lingering registry entries. "Your Uninstaller" may be useful here. Open "Action Centre" then "User Account Control Settings", note where the slider is (usually 2), then set the slider to its lowest setting - "Never Notify". You will be told to reboot - click the reboot button
2 After the reboot, burn the Rosetta stone programme to CD. Mount the first ISO of your language. I used Ultra Iso, but there are many others just as good. I cannot be sure, but it seemed that RS "looked" at CD drives when installed, and could not seem to find them if they were not there when it was installed.
3 Using the CD you just burned, install RS program from it. It will open RS program, but that is not a problem as long as you never agree to activate or update. I found it best to install your languages before overwriting RS3.
4 Follow the prompt to install your language(s). When you are done, close RS
5 Open Windows Explorer as administrator, then open the "Crack" folder in either Win or Mac as appropriate, on your program installation CD you made earlier, copy the file "Rosetta Stone version 3" application and paste it to the Rosetta stone folder on your C: drive where the setup program has placed it. Windows will check you want to overwrite - the top option - click on that choice and you are done. Close windows
6 You should now be able to run the program - you will still get offers of activation and update. There is an update to data for RS Latin American Spanish, and there may be similar for other languages - don't take that up either unless you have a backup of what you have just done - I have not tried it yet but odds on it will knock your cracked program on the head
7 Return to the action centre and return the slider to its original position. Reboot as requested. I cannot be sure, but I think that after this if you want to install another language or level, you may have to go through this retting (in 1 above) again, before you can do it. I think the extra security in Win 7 blocks RS somehow
Can I say again - this is for windows 7 - I never had to alter security access in Win XP. There may be other ways of getting it to work, but I did have a lot of trouble getting the cracked Rosetta to find program disks or ISO's when none were installed with the genuine program, or when the security "veil" was in place
good luck
svadilfari (2010-01-20)
may i let the program update languages?Numberwang69 (2010-01-20)
I had an issue with running this app (Error 2123) and was befuddled until I came across this:
If you have BitDefender installed it kills Rosetta Stone unless you mark it as trusted.
dark_jedi24 (2010-01-21)
@ sizzorkayYou are a fucking idiot! That link is for overwriting an application, which I believe is the major problem people are having.
Please, people, if this link helped you, let this ass-wipe know that it worked!
& stop posting negative shit on here people.
Also, having great success & fun in acquiring my 3rd language. Just stick with it, & trust the RS.
jonboyusmc (2010-01-24)
FINALLY!!!!!! A RS app that actually works. I've tried about 4 different versions and this is the first that actually worked. Thanks so much!!!!!1730DTLA (2010-01-26)
I'm running Windows 7 x64 and though I'm able to install the application, apply the cracked .exe and start it, I'm not able to get it to recognize the language disk I also downloaded.When I mount the language disk .iso using daemon tools, start 3.4.5 and direct it to detect the language disk it prompts me to try again, then tells me it can't find a language disk.
The language disk was detectable by two previous versions (2.x.x).
Another thing I've got questions about is this: What happens if I decide NOT to use the cracked .exe? I notice no difference as I'm able to start the program with/without using the crack. Both ways it does the same thing - can't detect the language disk.
Langano (2010-01-26)
Totally kick-donkey-ass Vasia! 465 kb/s WTF? never experienced downloading a software that fast. you rock!piss-off (2010-01-26)
This fucker cruised at 1.3 MB/s!! Had it downloaded in under 2 minutes. Installation was a breeze. I'll let you all in on a little secret. Read the fucking text file that says READ ME before you come back and post some stupid shit like "it no works! stupid uploader!"liquiland (2010-01-28)
Hi, I'm just starting with Rosetta Stone. Got the program installed fine and have installed my first language just to see how it works. Anyway after installing the language it says that it has to be activated or I won't have access to all levels. It also states on the list of activated/not activated products that if I don't have internet connection I will be prompted to activate by phone.Well I couldn't activate online nor did I got a prompt to activate by phone...
What do I do?
Or maybe if I have a working, cracked RS I don't have to activate languages?
Would be grateful for help.
kovalens (2010-01-29)
Somebody upload Polish versions (L2,L3),PLEASE!Thanx, so much!
hamada_7ossam (2010-02-01)
Hey will this work after lessons 1 and 2? Please help me!!!!hamada_7ossam (2010-02-01)
I've tried a lot & It doesn't work after lesson 1 & 2 it asks for activation I chose activate later & nothing happens after that!!PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!
nazerofsun (2010-02-01)
Hey guys, I've been surfing the web for a while now for a solution to my problem. To be exact days! but anyways, I am able to install the program and everything works great! However, when I try to apply a language it installs only so far then gives me a error. I was lucky with the Korean level 2 but installing the first, Chinese 1,2,3 I receive error 9121 and 9114 in the same error message. Has anyone found out how to fix this? I have searched high and low. This is my last resort. I have tried installing the program from rosetta's website also and still the same thing. Might it be my ISO files? I have tried all of the mounting programs from MagicISO, DAEMON, DTLight, Vurtual (something, it had an angry sheep on it :\). When I look at the comments for the torrent I got it from, noone posted any problems. Thanks in advance!liquiland (2010-02-01)
hamada_7ossam have you applied the crack properly? It is working fine for me...halofubar (2010-02-04)
Works perfectly.For anyone having trouble with the installation, which is rather simple:
1. Install; at end of installation, UNCHECK the option to run the program before finishing.
2. Copy cracked EXE to the Program Files\Rosetta Stone\Rosetta Stone Version 3\ folder, replacing the original.
3. Run Rosetta Stone. Choose to never register.
That's it.
hammy420 (2010-02-05)
SEED PLZ!!!erans63 (2010-02-05)
To anyone getting error 9118 when trying to install languages on Windows 7 make sure you right click on the EXE and select "run as administrator" worked for me...Awesome torrent Vasiacr00sh (2010-02-05)
Awesome! Works great!rudy401 (2010-02-06)
works great....and I am happily seeding.reese08 (2010-02-06)
Thanks for the upload!So I tried to use the mac crack by replacing the the old .dat file with the one provided in this torrent, but now when i open the rosetta stone app, just a blank screen opens.
I'm using the version 3.2.1 of Rosetta stone, is there something else I need to do?
nazerofsun (2010-02-08)
I keep getting error 9121 and 9114 in the same error log when I try to install a language pack. I've tried every single thing possible! I have even gone so far as reinstalling my OS, nothing.... I'm getting ready to tear out my hair. ._. If anyone has any idea on how to fix this please! Swoop down and save me! xDjoshieboy337 (2010-02-08)
when i try to run the crack after i replace the original, i just get fatal error 2120. i'm running windows vista, someone please help.vectorod (2010-02-09)
there has been a lot of hype about this crac, but here is the reaurring problowm that no one want's to address:There are those that can't get passed the 'add a language' screen. IMO there are more that are having problems then those that are not. Granted... this is not the standard 'Trojan launcher' setup.. however... the crack is not working as intended. Would there be a kind soal out there that could throw me and ... well it seems like a lot of others... a bone please?
crack gets us to the language load in screen, but RS does not recognize the language disc.
Used daemon and PowerISO to mount and burn disc's. used on 32 bit XP, 64 bit XP, and 64 bit 7. Not sure whatelse to do.
Has anyone come up with a fix or do something that works for them?
chaotic_visage (2010-02-12)
Hey I am in the process of downloading this cause I need Spanish 4 & 5 now. Anyways I downloaded 1,2,3 and the crack I was using over a year ago. With the crack it worked as long as you never downloaded any updates.Is this still the case with cracks? Specifically this one?
iAmThe_sMegMa (2010-02-12)
SEEDERS... why have you forsaken ME!!Ronski22 (2010-02-14)
@ VasiaZozulia. Is there any chance to find Italian level 4&5 somewhere?darko999 (2010-02-17)
to all with with loading the language cds. i had this problem like a year ago when this first came out. the thing is some who ripped the cds didnt make the rip properly. i had to experiment with a couple of peoples versions of language disks to finally be recognized... try a few different downloads of the same supposed file if they have a different file size. if i remember correctly, the set that did work had a file size a few kbs of the other non-working ones. hope this helpsdarko999 (2010-02-18)
*edit to above* a few MiBs different, not kibjuliepac (2010-02-18)
It works perfectly!!!JUST PAY ATTENTION TO THE INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS! And stop complaining. The torrent works perfectly. I installed it on Windows 7.
Thanks a lot to the uploader.
I have a doubt though:
>>> Can I use this to update a previous version (3.2.11)?
g00nerjon (2010-02-22)
what vectorod saidmany posts say having trouble loading languages
im having this problem, and i do know how to apply crack, mount or burn iso images,
can anyone help PLEASE. im getting so frustrated especially as this seems to work for many peeps
Thanks in advance of any suggestions on how to load languages.
g00nerjon (2010-02-22)
It seems i may have fixed the prob.I re-installed RS app.
re started
copied crack
re started again
then was able to load languages.
hope this helps some of you.
jigglypuff529 (2010-02-23)
alright, when it's "copying new files" how come a windows pops up and says "there is a problem with the windows installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected."jigglypuff529 (2010-02-23)
i can't even get to the option of "unchecking the run program" after installation is complete, b/c "windows installer" is messed up or something. I tried deleting temporary internet files but still doesn't work.jigglypuff529 (2010-02-23)
can someone please help mejigglypuff529 (2010-02-24)
nm, my problem was that i touched some of the "services" under "run" - msconfig earlier before, so i just reenabled everything back to default, and now i have no problem with windows installer.sammyboblammy (2010-02-24)
worked perfectly on Windows XP.I used Nero 9 to burn the image of the .iso language file onto a disc and it loaded fine.
I have it hooked up for internet access and so far so good. Thank you.
chauncy22 (2010-02-24)
Can't get it to install on windows 7 64 bit or vista 32 bit. Keep getting error! Has anyone gotten it to run on these. Maybe I'm missing something. Runs perfect on XP though!BigSniff (2010-02-28)
This installed fine, but after I use it a few times it says the data base is unable to be updated and wont work again after that.How is everyone else getting it to work? I've blocked it in firewall setting, even tried using it with the internet off. I've tried every almost every copy that is out and all end up being useless after using it a few times.
greenavocado (2010-02-28)
Hi,After hours trying, I successfuly installed RS Version 3 (I stumbled through the process and would find it hard to repeat). Very happy until a few weeks later I can't play/access some of the latter lessons. When I click 'activate later' nothing happens and if i use 'X's or '1's ID it doesn't work either.
I've spent the last hour searching on here for a solution, but no luck.
It's the Latin American Spanish for me.
Would really really appreciate your help.
Many thanks...
Aloha187 (2010-03-01)
Ok ive installed this a million times.When your done copying crack.
Run it as your admin.
and turn your internet off when RS is open.
Its the only way I have gotten it to work. I think its checks for up dates then your fucked.
So yeah, hope that helps any fellow novices out there.
Thanks again!
tigers23 (2010-03-02)
I'm having problems wondering if anyone can help. i've got my language packs installed (Russian, spanish latin american) and its saying to get into level two I need to register??? Any helpjuliepac (2010-03-04)
Do you think I can use this to upgrade the version I have? I'm already in v3, but an older version! Did anyone try this? Thanks.TompsonLocal (2010-03-07)
@VasiaZozuliaWhere's the Spanish version of Spanish at?!
Do you think you'll beable to get it any time soon?
Thanks! Great work!
ldk1982 (2010-03-09)
Someone please help me, I'm going to lose it soon.Everything works fine, all lessons load (French), but there is a glitch.
On some lessons it says "loading next screen" and just stays there.
Have tried re-installing many times, same problem.
Has anyone had this problem and how did you fix it?
fuckincrazyness (2010-03-13)
on vista i got it to work a couple times. then i got : a FATAL ERROR HAS OCCURED. damn it i learned only a little bit, now the fuckin thing wont open!sentientphil (2010-03-17)
fantastic! works perfectly for me so far! Vista x64.... if anyone is having problems, try the support section on rosetta stone website... i think min spec is 1ghz processor and 512mb ram? anyway, many thanks, very highly appreciated!Maka90 (2010-03-19)
Everytime i start up RS Kaspersky comes up and says i have "riskware" is this because of the crack?iden32 (2010-03-21)
crack is clean...
pxpx (2010-03-21)
Does not work with Win 7 64-bit. I get error 2123: "There was an error in the application".I followed EXACTLY:
halofubar at 2010-02-04 05:56 CET:
Works perfectly.
For anyone having trouble with the installation, which is rather simple:
1. Install; at end of installation, UNCHECK the option to run the program before finishing.
2. Copy cracked EXE to the Program Files\Rosetta Stone\Rosetta Stone Version 3\ folder, replacing the original.
3. Run Rosetta Stone. Choose to never register.
pxpx (2010-03-21)
Errr... searched C: for tracking.db3, deleted it, excluded RosettaStoneVersion3.exe in Avast5 & rebooted. Now it works & no more error 2123. :)weescotsman (2010-03-26)
Well i did it the different but it still worked, installed and loaded all 5 lvls, i updated everything ( didnt look on here first ) copied the crack over and everything is unlocked all lvls, will start my course tommorrow.. Thx to the uploaderCub2 (2010-04-02)
thank you so muchalbertog17 (2010-04-02)
Took forever to figure out Windows 7 32bit, deleted tracking.db3 file, had to run original executable file, when firewall popped up blocked internet access to update rosetta, then copied crack now works. Was getting error 2123 2125Raider (2010-04-07)
Works Perfekt!Xp,
read the txt file, do exactly as it says...
Thanks VZ!!
ckrules2 (2010-05-02)
I keep getting the Error message for Windows 7 as well. If anyone can help me fix that, it would be greatly appreciated!2ambien (2010-05-05)
works flawlessly thanks!ficmac (2010-05-07)
***Win 7 troubleshoot***1) Torrents DL into my default download folder. When I tried to run the RS setup from the download folder I got a #??21 error. I simply copied the exe file to the desktop and it ran OK and set up fine.
2) I also DLed German levels 4&5. I used PowerISO to mount iso to D:drive, then RS saw it, unpacked and started the first course.
3) RS did not copy the data from the iso drive to the hard drive. If you unmount the iso then RS gives an error on start.
ficmac (2010-05-07)
BTW, doubleTX for this outstanding UL. 10k kudos! A champion crack!existoo (2010-05-09)
I installed this with NO PROBLEM, along with your Swedish language pack. Great torrentsahmedawy (2010-05-09)
installed Update use and no problemthanks
IsoHunter01 (2010-05-09)
so with the crack on this that means all the languages i install will work? or is it just for the program itself that is unlocked?socialjustice (2010-05-11)
ok it was working but now (i have windows 7) it wont let me open it !! it automaticaly wants me to update it!!! what happens if i update it?socialjustice (2010-05-11)
ok i turned of my internet and then let it try to update. it was unsucseful and said it will check for updates later or i can never check for updates. it works good!!iamneo33 (2010-05-14)
thanks for a great torrent... this solved my issue with 4 and 5 of usa perfectly
radarada (2010-05-19)
Thank you very much for this upload. Everything seems to work flawlessly. Normally, this would be great, but I have a small concern. Rosetta Stone is not asking for a key each time the program starts. Isn't it supposed to? Maybe I'm just confused. It works, though! Thanks again.ednum5 (2010-05-22)
This works great on Windows with all language levels, but it wil not allow me to install any of the level 4 & 5 language packs on my Mac, "This language content requires an update of Rosetta Stone." Error 3221. Anyone else getting this. The about Rosetta Stone dialog box shows level 3.4.5. Thanx, Edwardcaeneshae (2010-05-23)
Thanks VasiaZozulia, You guys are awesome and I seed - SEED outta gratitude if nothing else!!!. I need everyone's advice. I'm locked out of lessons. I've deleted everything I could find, I get it all again and still locked out. I'm on Vista. The one problem I'm having is deleting a langauge level and clearing it out of my f: drive. I'll try all your advice. Other than my incompetence, this is a perfect tor. Thanks againcaeneshae (2010-05-23)
I'm got more detail for my issue. I can't delete the langauge file nor clear out f: drive. I've used unlocker but no luck, I get this msg - 'the folder is open in another program'. How do I find this program? Thanks again. I'll be seeding.A1D5 (2010-05-25)
Great torrent, works perfectly!andreasperelli (2010-05-25)
Thanks, great upload!!!!!And it runs great in LInux Ubuntu, install in wine, mount with gmount, make your destination folder in gmount the same as a drive you "install" in wine, then it actually runs a lot smoother than under windows.
henson88 (2010-05-26)
so i dl this and the main program seems to open fine but when i downloaded a few languages it wouldnt let me add the language. it says when i click 'add language' to insert the disc. what should i do to fix this?fakts (2010-05-28)
I can't get it to work no matter what I do, here is a screenshot, hopefully someone can help
fakts (2010-05-28)
Nevermind, I figured it outDisable your firewall if you are using any other firewall than windows one, then enable windows firewall, done
Thanks uploader
amcm03 (2010-06-01)
When I click to install this an error message comes up: Fatal Application Error: #2120. What does this mean? Do I have to uninstall my existing version (3.0.57) first?amcm03 (2010-06-03)
To answer my own question, it means I didn't follow the directions. I thought I had to copy the crack application into my existing version of RS. Instead it's just copy and paste the crack file application into this download's main application. It works fine now. Thanks uploader.pirate117 (2010-06-03)
Works perfectly on Ubuntu with Winefault_zone (2010-06-05)
Worked just fine, but did not realize I need to d/l lang. packs seperateXenoSilvano (2010-06-05)
before the installation is finished untick the light box in the bottom left hand corner.go to the crack folder of your torrent download copy the .exe and paste it inside C:\Programe Files\Rossetta Stone\Rossetta Stone Version 3
Once you've done that it should ask you whether you'd like to replace the existing RossettaStoneVersion3.exe>click move and replace.
XenoSilvano (2010-06-05)
Now I'm starting to get annoyed I did everything exactly the way I was asked to do it.When I iniciate the Rossetta Program theres this little menu that comes up where it gives the options to 'add a language level', 'Deactivate Products', Quit Rossetta Stone.
I've already download a language pack and recorded it on to a DVD. I insert the DVD into my drive and click the 'add a language level' option. A new menu comes up requesting that I insert the CD (I've already done that Einstein) when I click continue>nada. Try again>nada.
Am I doing something wrong here? Is anyone else getting these same results?
XenoSilvano (2010-06-05)
I ripped something off from what someone had typed of in here go to:-
give it a try and see if it works out for you. But make sure to uninstall Rossetta before you start and read my instruction to the very letter! Best of luck!
clide (2010-06-06)
everything is .iso im using a netbook how can i be able to use this once i open its a burn disc fileXenoSilvano (2010-06-06)
@clide if you don't have a CD drive download PowerISO.XenoSilvano (2010-06-06)
@clide If you haven't got a CD Drive use 'PowerISO'.waeruo_ (2010-06-12)
Worked just fine! I have no idea why so many people are having any problems. Thanks so much!hit_this_25 (2010-06-13)
wow this is ridiculous i got the whole thing working up to loading the language then it gets an error and shuts down. i used imgburn to put language on dvd is that the prob???? everything worked up until that stepPhatomic (2010-06-15)
So i successfully installed the rosetta stone, and have successfully installed the language that i want, but then after i get the language in nothing happens... ive just got this large blank screen.what do i do?
am I supposed to click the tab that says activate product? and then once i click that what am i supposed to do? since it requires a code and I dont have one :(
help please
critic4l (2010-06-16)
@PhatomicWas having the same problem if you are running vista or win7 you have to restart your pc after installing RS..
Let me know if it works for you.
KeygenDJF (2010-06-18)
i tried to install my language packs on this after mounting them with magic iso. that didn't work so i got ultra iso and tried that too. again, none of them worked, but then i read a comment about somebody using daemon tools lite. i got that, mounted the langauge pack, and added it to rosetta stone and it worked perfectly!boardkitty (2010-06-19)
Thank you so much VasiaZozulia! Tip: just run the exe to install, and after it's done, close the program instead of using it, then go to to the rosetta stone program files folder and drag and drop the crack exe for windows or mac. it will be good to go! I use MagicDisc coz daemon and the others gave me probs for some reason. MagicDisc is great for mounting iso images tho. Thanks again!!! works perfect! My OS is XP btw. XP is the pimp shit!BluRayPro (2010-06-27)
You guys don't have to burn to disc, just download the free 'Virtual Clone Drive' search for it on google. It's a great program - better than PowerISO IMHO.Ozzy720 (2010-06-27)
Is anyone else getting the 1117 error for the speech component? I'm running Windows 7 and I've tried everything that I've read on the internet and I've even tried downloading the speech installer separately and it still isn't working. Any help? When I used to have Version 2, the speech component worked, but, I keep getting an error with ever V3 Rosetta Stone I download.Ozzy720 (2010-06-27)
Oh, okay, I've figured out why it's giving me that error, it's because Rosetta Stone doesn't recognize my built-in microphone. But still, I've tried the whole firewall jazz and driver setup that people on the internet have suggested, and still, nothing. My microphone works fine, it is just not being recognized by RS. Any suggestions?hfmstde (2010-06-29)
Thanks for this - working a dream under win 7 x86. I mounted the language ISO's using UltraISO, installed them, but didn't copy the crack over until RS had updated them (LA Spanish and Italian).johndoepa (2010-07-05)
Ok so i have been up for 2 days trying to make this work. Can someone please help me. Im on windows 7 premium 64, i was able to install but not able to load languages. I tried using power iso and daemon tools to mount but it wont pick up the iso in rosetta stone. I have downloaded every language pack i can find.SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME WITH NOOB FRIENLDLY DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS FROM INSTALLING TO ADDING THE LANGUAGES.
I need this for school and id like to learn the easy way, and the pirate way, i will seed, but someone please help me. I have tried any install comments on this page, no dice.....
Hades85 (2010-07-06)
ok I'm goin nuts now this is pissin me off.I have tried mounting the iso with every mount program out there.I have even tried burning the image to a cd and still no dice.every time it just keeps sayin unable to find cd.whats with this crap.anyone know y this crap aint workin.I need this program for work and I just aint got the money to buy it.Hades85 (2010-07-06)
ok fuck this I always use daemon tools lite to mount iso files and have never had a problem before.this is the first time a fucking program doesnt seem to be able to detect the mounted drives.I have tried every single thing that has been mentioned for ways to fix that.I have also tried several different language packs all of them from someone needs to figure out wtf is wrong with htis POS program before I go blastin to everyone that anyone who said this prgram works is a fuckin dumb shit and doesnt know wtf they are talkin about.and yes in case none of u realized it from the very first line of this post I am extremely pissed off at this fucking program constantly every damn time sayin "sry cant find the cd please make sure the cd is insterted and try again."then sry no cd was detected please close program."FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX ITsvartvalheim (2010-07-18)
so how the fuck do you add languages seeing as this torrent doesn't come with any iso's.pumkinking123 (2010-07-19)
uhhh can someone please walk me through exactly how you get this to work?Eklohmyn (2010-07-19)
This is professional and NOT Homeschool, right?Robsond76 (2010-07-20)
Excellent torrent VasiaZozulia. Thanks alot for your contribution! Very much appreciated. (: Ten Thumbs up mancheers
pezlo4750 (2010-07-22)
Thank you for the awesome upload! I followed your instructions and it installed perfectly. However when I downloaded your Spanish (spain) language levels 4 and 5 torrent, I ran into a small problem. I mounted the ISOs using VCD and got them loaded into Rosetta just fine. And they work great!....except :( when I get to lessons 3 or beyond it asks for an activation code. Same thing happens on both levels 4 and 5. I click activate later, but it still doesn't give me access to these lessons. Does anyone know where I can find activation codes for these? Or is there another way around this?ednum5 (2010-07-24)
The solution for unrecognized microphone error 1117 or 1124 in Vista or Win 7 is available from RS themselves at:
stayalertcon (2010-07-25)
Worked great for me. Follow the directions rookies. Thanks for torrent!Whyyes (2010-07-28)
Ok, people with Windows 7, I read hfmstde's comment, and against all odds, it worked, this is what I did:-I removed all the stuff blocking Rosetta Stone and Flexnet (that thing i noticed that always install with rs) from accessing the internet, like in your Firewall. Don't do that if you haven't tried doing this before of course.
-I removed every file that had rosetta and flexnet in its name I could find on my windows hdd (again don't do that if you haven't tried to install it before) I recommend "Search Everything" a great software to find stuff on your comp 10x faster than windows explorer (shameless plug over.)
-Run CCleaner and let it correct errors in your registry.
-Install Rosetta stone from the Rosetta Stone v3.4.5.exe file.
-After it's done RUN THE PROGRAM, don't crack it yet, that's right.
-It should let you install the language pack you've mounted (i used daemon tools lite) Install it.
-After it will ask you to update your language pack, let it proceed and restart when it asks if you want to register, say never.
-Then close Rosetta Stone when all the updates and stuff are over, copy the crack over and run it again.
-If it gives you and error message do this: You'll notice a file called "service_installer.exe" in your rosetta stone folder, run it, yeah it does nothing, wait for windows to ask you if you want to try to reinstall the program with recommended settings, do it.
-Try running RS again, it worked for me at this point and every other time I reopened it.
xELExThorium (2010-07-28)
~~~~~~~~TO ALL WHO ARE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH ERROR 2123~~~~I have a couple steps that helped my fix the error when using Windows 7 64x.
1.Take ownership of Rossetta Stone folder from c:\program files\Rosetta Stone
Right click on \Rosetta Stone folder->click security->click advanced->click on owner, click edit, click on your windows account, check the box replace owner and object containers, click ok and apply
2.Deleted the file tracking.db3 from c:\Program Data
3.Right click on RosettaStoneVersion3.exe from C:\Program Files\Rosetta Stone\Rosetta Stone Version 3 and click Properties, compatibility view, then check Run this prohram in compatibility mode for windows Xp sp3 and check the box Run this program as an administrator.
4.I didn't had any av or firewall installed, but I had win defender and win firewall by default and I have turned off windows firewall and disabled windows defender from start->control panel->windows defender->tools options->click on administrator and uncheck the box use this program
5.restarted the pc and worked, hope this helps.
monkeyboi85 (2010-07-29)
works great thanks for the uploadt-wizz (2010-08-04)
i don't have a cd drive on my pc. will this still work? thanks in advance.DannyGFX (2010-08-05)
I have a PROBLEMMM, I installed the program successfully, and the language pack too, but when I click the user to start it does nothing!! I have the same error with Vista and Windows 7, HELP MEEE PLEASE!! Thanks =D
Riloux (2010-08-08)
When I open the program, it asks me for a CD.Insayn (2010-08-09)
I'm having the same problem as DannyGFX. I have tried three separate .exe files and three different cracks. Have tried everything from following the read me files to a point to trying and change it up a bit by doing extras like disabling my av and firewall, and starting it up as an administrator, and changing the compatibility all the way to XP. I'm operating on Window Vista x32. Running the .exe file as admin as well, and mounting for my languages using daemon tools. Would love to get any help so I can get this working.Insayn (2010-08-09)
Having the same problem as DannyGFX. Have tried to install with exact directions from the read me file and tried and tried to install it every which different way. Have disabled av and firewalls. Have ran it as admin. Have tried and run it in a different compatibility. Have restarted system and not restarted system. Always replacing the old .exe file with the hacked .exe file.I'm operation on windows vista x32 and installing from the .exe file directly. Then installing languages using daemon tools. Any help to fix this problem would be much loved.
inblisshateon (2010-08-09)
Hi! I've installed the software and my language packs but I don't really understand what "copy the crack" means. I'm super rookie sorry guys. when I try to click on the win crack this comes up "Fatal Application Error: #2120" and I don't know what to do. Please help super rookie. Thanks!yorgo67 (2010-08-12)
I am not a noob and I still had a problem with this torrent. I believe its because this torrent did not come with the so called 'iso' file that everyone is raving about. I have the install application and the folder containing the cracks for both win and mac, plus the read me txt doc but NO ISO file. I am running a win xp, sp2, 32-bit system.woodyf (2010-08-15)
I hate to give up on this, but I am pretty frustrated.1. Turned off internet, installed rosetta stone.
2. Unchecked "start rosetta stone" and closed the app.
3. Copied the crack and pasted it in to the rosetta stone 3 folder, got the usual nonsense about overwriting, and overwrote it. Rebooted computer.
3. Used Daemon tools to mount the image from the tagalog .iso on to my virtual drive. I also burned the .iso on to an actual cd.
4. Restarted rosetta stone, and got the screen asking for me to add a language pack, clicked ok and got the message, "can't find language cd" or whatever it said. (the language pack was visible in Windows Explorer on both the virtual and the actual cd drives"
I'm at a loss to figure out what I am doing wrong. Any thoughts from anyone?
Domkratos (2010-08-16)
I had absolutely no problems with install, but there IS NOT an iso, nor any mountable/burnable media in what i downloaded.Im running windows 7. Is there anything im missing?
mingrady (2010-08-19)
@woodyf from the looks of it, your cracked main program is working correctly, the problem is with your tagalog.iso.mingrady (2010-08-19)
I am writing to report I finally got this thing working on my win7-64 bit, but not after endless trying and ample frustration. The key point is, it works.after 1st installation, I had numerous "error 2133 there was an error in the application". I tried many things I found from google, but nothing worked. I was about to give up, but I decided to give it a final try. Here's what I did:
System: win 7-64 bit
0) get one RS language(spanish, chinese, whatever) cd disk ready, make sure it's a good copy burned from a good ISO file, not corrupted.
1) uninstall the failed RS; clean every RS director including the one under ProgramData.
2) run "ccleaner" to make sure all the RS registries are deleted.
3) reboot computer
4) disconnection all internet connection: pull your eithernet cable, turn off wireless etc
5) install RS crack: follow the instruction in the torrent, install RS and its crack.
6) Grant access: find the installed RS directory under "program files (x86)", right lick to access "property"->"security", and grant "Full access" to everyone: from administrators to everyone/users".
7) reboot computer again
8) again make sure no internet.
9) run the cracked RS program, it will ask you to set up account and add a language. do that, otherwise next time you restart the program, it might have an "2133 error" just like what happened to me.
10) now reboot and bring back internet, run RS as normal.
I don't know which one of the above steps solved my problem, and that's how I got this RS crack to work on my win7-64bit after initial frustrations.
thanks ~
Lt_Pyren (2010-08-21)
Refer to what fakts said if you're getting a random error during install! Turning off my firewall + enabling windows firewall made the installation finally happen!!!SEEDING LIKE A MADMAN
mrchainsaw (2010-08-23)
I posted this message on another Rosetta torrent but I'm having the same problems with this one so I'll post it again in the hopes that someone here can help."When I try to run the setup, the installer tries to remove Rosetta files (I downloaded this torrent a year ago and never fully uninstalled and deleted it I guess) but I get an error code 2753. I run "regsvr32 vbscript.dll" and it succeeds but then I keep getting the error.
I've used Revo Uninstaller and I thought all previous Rosetta files were gone but I keep getting this error. Help please?"
charles338 (2010-08-25)
Thank you for the upload!lillisa6441 (2010-08-28)
Ok so I downloaded this torrent some time ago. I have been using it successfully and really enjoying myself. HOWEVER, it stopped working. Right when I get to lesson 3 on the first level. Not just with me but also with the people I gave it to. and it ALWAYS stops on level 1 lesson 3. Has ANYONE had this problem? I would appreciate any help you can give me.jpbray (2010-08-30)
hey i just loaded the torrent and i cant get it to work on my mac. theres only a .exe file but theres still in crack folder for mac with a .dat file. is it suppose to work on a mac as well?kbertole (2010-08-30)
so i pasted the crack into the downloaded file and got some iso's for the program. it seems to work great but is it supposed to ask me to activate the product every time i run the program? does this mean the product i am using has limited features, or am i supposed to merely skip activation every time...?bninja90 (2010-08-31)
Installed successfully with no hassle or problems on first try on Win 7 64All I did was turn off my internet before running the install (AS YOU SHOULD DO BEFORE INSTALLING ALL SOFTWARE YOU INTEND TO CRACK)
Replaced the .exe with the crack
Ran Rosetta Stone
Turned internet back on
babyjenks1784 (2010-09-01)
For some reason after installing this particular version of rosetta stone the program can no longer detect and language cds. I have tried burning the iso to disks and I have also tried to virtually mount them. If anyone can give me some help it would be much appreciated as I got this just so I could run levels 4 & 5 of Spanish Latin American and now I can't even install them.newimachere (2010-09-02)
if you are having problems runnin the regular rosetta stone one try running the rosetta stone applaction installtion right from the cracked one, i did and it worked perfect for both my imac and pc laptop and im on OSX 10.6.4andita (2010-09-02)
Awesome torrent, thanks!hexenII (2010-09-04)
Just follow instructions!!Work like a charm, already add languages, and using it.
Thanks a lot.
Pellecier1 (2010-09-04)
I am able to download the torrent access the files & install the program. I overwrite the original file with the crack but, whenever I go to try o access the program through the crack a message box pops up saying that it has experienced a fatal error. Can someone please give me a hand with this problem. Greatly appreciated...fifilafoo (2010-09-08)
On VistaHad error 2123, I did follow instructions so looked at solutions, now works but yet to see if it runs languages ok.
I did the following:
Compatability to XP
Run As admin
Restarted my laptop
I didn't delete the tracking file
thanks for this, hope this runssmoothly from now on
hexenII (2010-09-09)
Just updated Ger1-2-3, Jap1-2-3, restart program, so far, no problem, I will report ahead if something arouse.One_World (2010-09-09)
First, thank you VasiaZozulia for this. This is the best one out there bar none.OK, for those of you who have been having trouble loading language levels read on......
I'm running WIN 7 Pro on a Toshiba laptop (not connected to the internet). I DL'd this torrent. It is beautifully clean..ignore your AntiVirus if it says otherwise. I used PowerISO v4.7 to mount the image files. Rosetta Stone (RS) could not find the language files. I burned the CD's with IMGBurn and still the same problem. I tried a different RS torrent with a different crack. Still the same problem of RS not finding the language files, much less finding the CD Drive. I kept getting the same result. I spent 2 days online reading forums and came across comments about the latest version of Daemon Tools Lite(DTLite) being compatible with WIN 7. I went to their website and DL'd the latest version - DTLite4356-0091 (free). I crossed my fingers (OK, I PRAYED REAL HARD) after I ran DTLite setup. And WALLA! It worked. JALAPENO! THANK YOU HESUS!
Here's the play by play...
1. DL'd this RS v3.4.5
2. DL'd English(American)Level 1-5 (just search for your language packs their everywhere)
3. Ran RS Setup, unchecked Launch RS. Closed the Program...
4. Goto crack folder and copy the RS in that folder (Don't launch that you'll get a 2122 or some error like that) Open Windows Explorer with RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR Goto C: > Program folder > Rosetta Stone folder > Rosetta Stone 3.4.5 folder and open that. Paste
the Crack Rosetta Stone in that folder COPY AND REPLACE.
5. Now Open DTLite and find the folder where your image files are at Click on Level 1 and Open, then highlight and mount it on that drive (most probably E:) Once you see that it's mounted, then minimize.
6. Goto Start and create shortcut for RS (It's more convenient)
(** Disable Your Internet connection **)
Open RS, once it's opened, choose to ** NEVER UPDATE and/or NEVER ACTIVATE ** then click add language level. At this point it should recognize the DTLite vitual drive and add the first Level.
7. After this is done, minimize RS, maximize DTLite unmount the first image and mount the image for Level 2, minimize DTLite and maximize RS and click on Add next language level. Repeat this process for the rest of your language levels until your done. After that it's just a matter of creating a user and picking your curriculum and of you go into learning a new language. (I did this for a friend who desperately needs this...I hope he achieves his American Dream) I hope this helps some of you out there who are experiencing the same problems I went through. Thanks again VasiaZozulia for sharing this with poor people like us. CHEERS!
_Cate_ (2010-09-09)
OK... the crack has a different name than the app so when you drop it in the folder, it just adds it and doesn't ask if you want to replace it because it's a file with a different name. You just change the name of the file to match??_Cate_ (2010-09-09)
Oh man... yeah. nevermind. just delete the other and paste the crack. i don't even know how cracks work...cutieguy (2010-09-10)
it is still locked because I haven't activated it.... is this crack supposed to unlock them?cutieguy (2010-09-10)
is this crack supposed to let you unlock most of the language levels? It won't let me go on because i haven't activated it.. what's the activation code? or did I download this crack wrong?...thanks vasia!mglos (2010-09-10)
Anyone know if Czech is available and where I can get it?mglos (2010-09-10)
Does anyone know if Czech is available and where I can find it?Joe3W (2010-09-15)
How Can I install level 4-5, I installed 1-3 with no problem but no L4-5, What should I do? thanks in advance.geez_o_one (2010-09-21)
ANYONE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH THE PROGRAM COMPLAINING UNABLE TO FIND LANGUAGE CD (can't find languages from either the virtual drive or real dvd drive).SOLUTION AS FOLLOWS:
If the program can't find languages (which you've made sure are actually version 3 compatible), then
1) you need to uninstall the RS.
2) get a free program to clean up windows registry and delete adppdata local temp files, as these interfere with the program. Glary utilities works well, ccleaner probably too. You need to clean up to be able to make a clean install of RS, otherwise RS won't find any languages.
3) install RS following the instructions in this torrent. (after installing everything you may want to restart and disconnect removable storage devices, this may not be necessary but recommended as these may cause problems)
4) mount a version 3 compatible language ISO (with alcohol, daemon tools etc) or insert the dvd w/ language ISOs
5) launch RS and voilà , RS lets you install languages now.
In short, if you've tried everything and can't figure out why languages can't be found, the likely culprit is in the registry and temp files.
Choripan (2010-09-23)
Great torrent. Thanks very much VasiaZozulia!To solve the microphone detection problem:
1) Right click on the Rosetta Stone icon in the Start menu
2) Click the "Compatibility" tab
3) Set it to run in compatibility mode with Windows Vista SP2 (mine was defaulted to run in XP compatibility mode, which seemed to be the problem)
4) Start the program again, if you are lucky all mics will now show up
ednum5 (2010-09-23)
Here's a better version of the advice from the RS people about how to deal with microphone problems in Vista a Win7. Click on the links to see the phots from their website:I am receiving a 1117 or 1124 speech disabled error message.
Error 1117 and 1124 are caused by missing information in Windows Vista / Windows 7's host file. This error is an issue with Windows Defender and is in no way related to your Rosetta Stone software.
The steps below should resolve the following issues:
1. Error messages 1117 or 1124
2. The message "A speech recognition engine was not detected. Speech recognition will be disabled."
Note: Please close your Rosetta Stone application and any open web-browsers before following the directions below.
Repairing the Host File
1. Click on the Start Menu
2. Open All Programs
3. Open Accessories
4. Right-click Notepad
5. Click Run as administrator
 6. Click File on Notepad's menu-bar
7. Click Open
8. Open Computer
9. Open C: (sometimes named Local Disk C: or OS C:)
10. Open the WINDOWS folder
11. Open the system32 folder
12. Open the drivers folder
13. Open the etc folder
14. Use the drop-down box on the lower-right of the window to change the file type to: All Files
15. Open hosts
16. Place your cursor on the line directly above the "::1 localhost" 17. Type " localhost"
Note: The large space between and localhost is made by pressing your keyboard's Tab-key once.
17. Your host file should now look like the one below
18. Click File
19. Click Save
20. Close Notepad
21. Open Rosetta Stone
ednum5 (2010-09-23)
Here's a better version of the advice from the RS people about how to deal with microphone problems in Vista a Win7. Click on the links to see the phots from their website:I am receiving a 1117 or 1124 speech disabled error message.
Error 1117 and 1124 are caused by missing information in Windows Vista / Windows 7's host file. This error is an issue with Windows Defender and is in no way related to your Rosetta Stone software.
The steps below should resolve the following issues:
1. Error messages 1117 or 1124
2. The message "A speech recognition engine was not detected. Speech recognition will be disabled."
Note: Please close your Rosetta Stone application and any open web-browsers before following the directions below.
Repairing the Host File
1. Click on the Start Menu
2. Open All Programs
3. Open Accessories
4. Right-click Notepad
5. Click Run as administrator
6. Click File on Notepad's menu-bar
7. Click Open
8. Open Computer
9. Open C: (sometimes named Local Disk C: or OS C:)
10. Open the WINDOWS folder
11. Open the system32 folder
12. Open the drivers folder
13. Open the etc folder
14. Use the drop-down box on the lower-right of the window to change the file type to: All Files
15. Open hosts
16. Place your cursor on the line directly above the "::1 localhost" 17. Type " localhost"
Note: The large space between and localhost is made by pressing your keyboard's Tab-key once.
17. Your host file should now look like the one below
18. Click File
19. Click Save
20. Close Notepad
21. Open Rosetta Stone
deathcelt (2010-09-24)
got everything to load up. so far seems to work fine, one question, it is asking for me to dl an update for the languages that I installed, is it safe to update or not?VasiaZozulia (2010-09-25)
Rosetta Stone 3.4.7 Update
sirfeij00 (2010-10-01)
I was having trouble executing the application; it kept on CRASHING, but I did the following:1. Uninstalled it
2. Ran setup "as an administrator"
3. Don't open after install
4. Replaced the crack
5. Opened program "as an administrator"
Mounted Levels on Alcohol 120% and everything seems to be running smoothly.
Thanks a lot for this useful program! I am runing on Windows 7 Ultimate.
ladybei (2010-10-10)
FINALLY!!! I have installed and removed RS dozens of time, and this one works! Just follow exactly the instructions and replace the dmt file after installation. Then Voila! any language. It's beautiful. I would have paid but about $300 too pricey, so there. Fabulous. THANK YOU, THANK YOU. (will seed now)PAHansen (2010-10-11)
Srill cant get the languages activated... Still getting the 8111 error when trying the x;s and 1;s bit...Followed all directions. Experienced downloader.
kevinarnold021692 (2010-10-12)
hey having trouble i down loaded the torrent and installed rosetta stone but haven't ran it yet because when i go into the crack folder than win there is no file just a application called RosettaStoneVersion3 and when i click it i get a fatal application error: #2120please help
Hexagram_on_a_bicycle (2010-10-17)
Perfect, been using it for a month or so, works like a dream. You are amazing!nanna99 (2010-10-19)
does anyone how to cracl the activation code, cos otherwise you can only do the 2 first levels? thxcrazyhedredd (2010-10-19)
I like how people do not look at the file titled "readme" and just skip to asking for help here.limited305 (2010-10-23)
I don't know if anyone has said this yet but..I CAN TEACH YOU HOW TO SPEAK MY LANGUAGE, ROSETTA STONE
D4681 (2010-11-02)
evrything works fine but there isn't any menus or windows within RS that appear plz helpSharker9 (2010-11-12)
Hi guys I have read through a lot of the install settings but have not been able to find a solution to the mic not working!Tried on two different computers but cant set up the mic on rosetta :/ Mic works fine on skype and all other tests for mics can anyone help?
bakerja (2010-11-13)
@kevinarnold021692you need to copy and paste that into C:\Program Files (x86)\Rosetta Stone\Rosetta Stone Version 3
blast196 (2010-11-30)
@cr8zy1download, mount, and install a language
blast196 (2010-12-01)
i CANNOT BELIEVE how fast this downloaded! probably less than 5 minutes! great seeders! and this is BY FAR the BESTTTT torrent for rosetta stone out there! soooo easy! thank you so much @VaisiaZoulia for the upload!dickmdown (2010-12-01)
yo tengo un gato azul en mi pantalon, gracias vasiazozulia, you are a true gangsta.sammj1 (2010-12-10)
Will this work On MAC?BiciBg (2010-12-13)
Its asking me to add language in the beginning and I couldnt understand how it works :S can somebody explain me hwo tot get the language files?flubber_blubber (2010-12-15)
For anyone having problems installing rosetta stone on windows 7 64 bit or 32 bit or getting an "windows installer package has an error" kind of error, what you have to do is turn on your windows firewall. start -> type in services -> click the one with a gear -> go to windows firewall -> right click -> start (the service).If you get a 2120 error, it is the shortcut error. That means, you have to run the exe in the rosetta stone folder, not another copy of the exe somewhere else. Once you copy the patched exe to the rosetta stone folder, right click and create a shortcut. then move that shortcut to your desktop or wherever.
Once you install the rosetta stone software, run the program using the patched exe, mount your language iso or put it into your dvd/cd tray then follow instructions in rosetta stone. (2010-12-17)
VasiaZozulia, your a legend thanx have been trying to get this to work for ages u've made it so easy! well donetazraf (2010-12-20)
Hey how do i install this into my windows 7 because after installation i run the application and its asking me to add a language and when i click on that it's asking for a cd or DVD, and if i run the application on the cracked folder it's giving me fatal error 2120, can anyone help me install this plz!!LayaliSSS (2010-12-26)
I've installed, re-installed, updated, etc. and still keep getting the same "error 1129: 1000 One or more files required for speech recognition are missing or unreadable. Speech recognition will be disabled for this session." I believe Petang24 brought this issue up before but still no fix. Any help please?dabee47 (2010-12-28)
First, this is great...HUGE anyone else having a problem with no user option showing up? I've been using this fine for about 2 weeks, but today when I opened the program, there was no "select user" screen that popped up. All of the languages I installed are still on there, but nothing having to do with users. I can't open any of the lessons or anything now.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
jocdog7 (2010-12-30)
thank yougergo01 (2011-01-05)
hi, can someone uplad the Rosetta Stone English British level 4 and 5 please? i am DESPERATE for those! thanks, long live tpb!existoo (2011-01-07)
When I open the Rosetta I get '2123 There was an error in the application' Could you help me out?grainne (2011-01-09)
Hi Guys i wonder can you help me, i downloaded this torrent and it comes up saying add a language and asks for a language cd, now i know you may have already explained this but for those of us like me who are not great with computer terminolgy could you explain how i can get this working so i can start learning, do i need another torrent?Hyekeo (2011-01-16)
hey it says i don't have the language cd in it did not come with a disk image or anything but i did put the crack in the program folder thing ect but it won't work???physicalgravy (2011-01-20)
get a "my flash application has stopped working" when i put the crack in the program file. tried several torrents for rosetta stone and keep getting the same thing. any idea?rc1980angelo (2011-01-20)
I hate being a noob. lol. I right clicked on the RosettaStoneVersion3.exe file in the ("win" - cracked) folder. I then right clicked to paste that into the Rosetta Stone folder inside of the program files (x86) folder. When I right click to run RosettaStoneVersion3.exe in the program files (x86) folder after pasting I'm still getting error 2123. Can somebody pleaseeeeeee help.rc1980angelo (2011-01-21)
Ok. I've figured this thing out. Now my only problem is the same as the last 4 people saying "add a language". What do I do at this point? THIS torrent didn't come with a "language" folder. There's another torrent on this website that downloads a language folder at the same time as the program but it takes 3-4 HOURS to download. Could that be the reason that THIS torrent downloaded in 5 minutes? Help PLEASEEEEE.GrImMnEsS (2011-01-22)
Get power ISO... install it... mount language pack... go to rosetta stone, and it will pick up from the artificial drive on you ISO program... enjoy :)anigetthatgun (2011-01-25)
maybe I'm stupid, but all I got was cracks, no isos. Should I re download? or what...anigetthatgun (2011-01-25)
I installed exactly as said. But I am told to insert the language cd. There is no iso either. It seems as if others have been having the same problem. Yes I ran the .exe, as some people are saying is the problem. Am I missing something? I've downloaded a lot of programs before. Please help!\GGGugered (2011-01-25)
@VasiaZozulia Can you upload the italian level 4 and 5. I know you have them because there is an unseeded torrent that have the archives? Please! I would be (and many others) very grateful.asztell2345 (2011-01-27)
does anyone know how to access some of the later lessons that require activation - and is there a keygen for RS or a set of codes that work for that purpose??GrimMaggot (2011-01-27)
Can I update the languages? I know the answer is usually "No". But it can't hurt to ask.Konnan511 (2011-01-29)
I've read the last few pages and I didn't see the answer.I downloaded this torrent, installed it, copied the crack.
I downloaded the Russian Language V3 L1-L3
I mounted the Russian language L1 in PowerISO.
When I start Rosetta Stone and click add language pack, Rosetta Stone won't recognize I have a "CD" in. Any help?
I've also tried to use Daemon Tools and Magic ISO
byprohias (2011-01-31)
like many other programs this one will rely on the first available cd/dvd drive letter. most commonly D:1. sit your child in front of this post (because you are to stupid to operate your computer)
2. hi kiddies....tell mom and dad to download a good e-book while you fix this problem for them.
3. power off
4. disconnect cd/dvd drive
5. power on
6. re-assign virtual drive letter to most likely D: (no thats not a new kind of smiley)
7. install language packs
8. when your done...undo all your drive letter changing in reverse order.
9. tell mom and dad you have revoked their computer for being hopeless and that they should go take up lawn bowls
10. don't forget to thank them for downloading RS for you as they will get no benefit from this application because they are to old to learn new things particularly languages.
Konnan511 (2011-01-31)
Thanks for the help. Your condescending suggestion didn't work. I tried the virtual drive at new smiley and trident.Also, the easier way to do what you suggested was just to go to computer maintenance in administrative tools and change the drive letters that way.
I do appreciate your help, even if you are a tool.
1970chrisnov (2011-02-02)
vista 32 bit only works with magicdisc tried daemon lite power iso etc. at least for me free download thx for upezrydn (2011-02-04)
I use MagicDisk for everything (it's a free online download-Google it). I used it to install RS and everthing worked. No, don't update languages. Go with what ya got or loose it all.gabbyd6277 (2011-02-06)
@Konnan511I would suggest restarting your computer. I had the same problem with Rosetta Stone not recognizing that my CD was mounted but once I restarted and remounted it worked smoothly. :]
Hope that helps...
boogoo (2011-02-06)
I have rosetta stone installed on my laptop (windows 7, 32bit) and successfully installed languages from Levels 1-3, but when I try and install English 4 and 5 it says that my Rosetta Stone needs to be updated and isn't compatible.I was wondering if this download from VasiaZozulia can play languages with the 4th and 5th level? Has anyone had success playing levels 4 and 5 of a language yet?
(by the way, how come some languages are missing levels, for example Hebrew lv3?)
sk86566 (2011-02-09)
good work vasia, will seed.okonomi (2011-02-21)
Can you please upload French 4&5 again? I really need it :/ thanks in advancesmultronbilar (2011-02-25)
Hoe do you use the crack on mac so I don't need the activation ID?Dscosnach (2011-02-26)
im still testing the languages in the torrent below but im running this "Rosetta Stone 3.4.5 + Crack(VasiaZozulia)" application no problems so far.--------------------------------------------------------
Rosetta Stone v3.4.5 (with 22 Languages v3
etannoom (2011-02-28)
Thanks a million VasiaZozulia, works great.For those who can't get it to work, you need to download and install Rosetta Stone and the crack just like in the readme (really simple). You also need to download MagicIso. After you've done that and have the .iso file of whatever language and level you're looking to learn. Then right click the iso and go under the MagicIso options where it'll say mount whatever you have, but chances are you don't have other components to do so and it'll ask if you'd like to download those, so you'll need to do that too. Once it's been downloaded and installed then you can mount it to a drive, install it in rosetta stone (as long as you did the crack correctly) and start learning your language. Really easy process overall, IMHO, and great torrent, thanks again.
Sonic98 (2011-03-01)
Works fine for me other than only being able to change course settings from the home school settingsalbokid89 (2011-03-02)
yeah yeah whats goodie yall learn fast and quick with no hassle foreign languages the easy way!!!newuserdetroit (2011-03-03)
I downloaded this thing and everything worked great the first day then the next day it said Error 2125, database is outdated. I researched online and there were lots of posts talking about a tracking.db3 file, but I had no tracking.db3 file. So I deleted the updateinstaller.dll file and its worked fine ever since! Thanks!ReBeLi0uS1 (2011-03-06)
Installed and cracked with NO problems!! Install, then load your desired language disc. Good upload!!!redhead89 (2011-03-11)
This is downloading very fast for me. I was trying to get a different torrent of the same thing and was stuck at 10% for 5 hours.Thank you so much!!!
og10000 (2011-03-13)
Hi all i'm actually having an issue hope you guys can help because there is no info on this at all.whenever i try to install this version it gets about 75% of the way done installing before the installation ends prematurely saying that first i have to remove the version 3.0.35. but the problem is that it technically is uninstalled!
i was unable to fully remove rosetta stone version 3.0.35 before so i deleted all the files and registry items dealing with rosetta stone.
So as of right now any registry or file (with the exception of the files in this torrent) have been fully removed yet i keep getting this error.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
jimmyjojr (2011-03-19)
For those on Win7 (and possibly vista) having issues with "there is a problem with the windows installer package" error during the installation.This can be caused by Windows Firewall. The firewall MUST be turned on and running. The installation automatically tries to add a firewall rule but cannot do so if you have Windows firewall disabled. Not sure why this problem exists since other software can do it just fine.
But after re-enabling the firewall temporarily the installation worked for me.
Filthyfit (2011-03-23)
If you get a fatal error, you're clicking on the cracked exe. Read the directions: REPLACE the Rosetta Stone EXE file with the .exe in the "crack" folder.The rosetta stone exe should be located in your program files.
Hope this helps.
fletchers (2011-03-30)
Have done everything in the instructions, running W7(32bit). Have installed torrents, mounting, etc, for years now.The problem I have is not with the installation or mounting of the languages. My problem is that once I open rosetta stone I'm getting a black screen with the programs options on top but no option to start a lesson.
I have installed everything correctly, cracked correctly, mounted and uploaded correctly. Anyone else sharing this issue?
Juggalo_king (2011-03-31)
Ok so I dowloaded this torrent installed and didn't let the program open then replaced the original with the cracked version opened the program then it asked to insert the language cd rom what do i do now please reply.Juggalo_king (2011-03-31)
where can i find this mount for this language cdDoctor-Who (2011-04-01)
im a total noob at this getting fatal error 5118 whenever i try to use this, does anyone know why?
Eddya47 (2011-04-05)
Guys does this program works good or not?? I see a lot of people having trouble installing it so idk if I should download it.. anyone??Eddya47 (2011-04-05)
This crap doesn't work. Plus I should have known when it only as 129.76MIbkrimson_king (2011-04-08)
So, Im running on a mac here and the mac crack is compatible and all but I cannot get the program to let me past level 3. It says that I need to have an activation code to unlock the later levels.Is there a way to get around this?
Do I need to install the program from scratch and not overwrite the original mdm.dat file?
Please help
DaBXRoMeO (2011-04-11)
I'm running this on Mac, and worked at first. I replaced the mdm.dat file. Some lessons gave me an error, but for the most part worked fine. I ran the first update, followed the instructions mentioned earlier, and it worked fine. I ran the last set of updates, and now i get the 3221 Error. Does anyone have a fix for this yet?ThatGuyJoe22 (2011-04-14)
Hello everyone! Im a COMPLETE NOOB. Just made an account. downloaded a couple movies and Djing Programs. Now I just downloaded this torrent and it worked awesome!! really fast and readme instructions were great. now Im lost as far as how to add the languages. PLEASE help me! Im so excited to start using this.Thanks!!
ThatGuyJoe22 (2011-04-14)
Hello everyone! Im a COMPLETE NOOB. Now I just downloaded this torrent and it worked awesome!! really fast and readme instructions were great. now Im lost as far as how to add the languages. PLEASE help me! Im so excited to start using this.Thanks!!
Alaron251 (2011-04-30)
This is why stupid people shouldn't download torrents, any retard can get this working.Mayuri (2011-05-02)
Worked like a charm with no errors from using windows XP. An easy installation. You must have a MIC in order to use it so if you don't have one you must go out and buy one.Dragonpaw (2011-05-04)
Works perfectly so far!To those who are having problems
1. Install the software. (as stated in the readme located in the 'crack' folder) You will want to install the core files (important things) to an easy-to-access location. A new folder on the desktop is a perfect example of this.
3. Go to the directory that you installed 'Rosetta Stone' to. (If you see nothing more that a shortcut, you have done something incorrectly)
4. Replace the cracked version of Rosetta Stone with the version received from the installation. (win7 users may have to be Admin)
5. Thank the uploader. (Thanks!!!!:D)
6. Learn stuff.
Blavins (2011-05-04)
Installed fine, but the program is still telling me to activate the language levels. I am only getting limited access to them at the moment.The crack won't open the program for me. 2120 error, so I have to open it with the shortcut under start>programs. Maybe that's the problem?
Anyway, please help. I would very much like full access to the lessons.
goldcaps (2011-05-08)
Tested on Win XP, Vista and 7.. works perfect, just follow the directions. Thanks a bunch for the upload.Learning Russian and touching up on French. (:
jstang1808 (2011-05-08)
Any chance someone could help me with the mac crack? I' a little stumped as what I'm supposed to do with the file after installing, but not running, the rosetta stone program.jstang1808 (2011-05-08)
Any chance someone could give me a little instruction as to where I need to place the mdm.dat file for the mac crack?tlolnp (2011-05-17)
I'm having some trouble with the mac crack as well. Installed Rosetta with Wine on my mac, but now I get Fatal Application Error: 2120 when I try to run it.I've read through the thread on this and can't figure out how the crack overwrite works on a mac. Any help would be appreciated.
Scarao (2011-05-17)
For all you people who are confused, this is a front end. This doesn't include language packs, it just makes it easier to manage the ones you have.Scarao (2011-05-17)
@vasiaZozuliaYou did a great job on this, people just don't get the idea of reading files that say readme..
Irule305 (2011-05-21)
I keep getting error 8118 when I try and activate it. I cracked it but when I put the X's when it asks for activation, it doesn't work. Anyone know how to fix it?Biology13 (2011-05-23)
Thank you very much for all your help. It has worked perfectly. Now everything is about learning new languages.VictusD (2011-05-23)
i have had an older version of this torrent installed and removed. Installed this and all I have are 2 shortcuts in my program files folder. Any ideas?delario (2011-05-23)
I installed the crack, I didn't run it afterwards, then I copied the file into \Rosetta Stone Version 3 and replaced the .exe. Then I ran it and I get "The version of the file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher." Then I ran it under Win Xp SP3 compatibility, and it still doesn't work. Any suggestions?SecretReena (2011-05-24)
Works perfectly!Biology13 (2011-05-29)
Thank you very much man, it worked perfectly!!!I'll be seeding!
BiffyBiro (2011-05-30)
Okay.. I've been googling and reading through these comments for over an hour, and I'm going to throw my hands up and admit that I'm stupid, and Irish and confused. I've downloaded this torrent and installed the 'Rosetta Stone v3.4.5' that was outsideee of the folder marked "Crank." I then got to the instruction in the 'read me' to "Overwrite the original RosettaStoneVersion3.exe with the cracked one in the directory where you installed Rosetta Stone." This where I, apparently, become computer retarded. I've tried to drop the 'RosettaStoneVersion3' from the windows folder over my installed one but it said it was going to be "removing" what I had installed; is this what is supposed to happen? I just really don't understand what I'm doing..many thanks.
BiffyBiro (2011-05-30)
I can't belive I spelt crack wrong in the above post....I've gotten slightly further, but am still failing miserably.
When I try to copy the Crack Rosetta Stone over the original in the program files I'm getting error "2123";
... help?
BiffyBiro (2011-05-30)
WAIT, I think I got it. :D I'm still computer retarded but I think I got itttttttttt. To whoever was going to answer my stupid questions; thank you.orange7 (2011-06-02)
Need some help, installed and applied crack, didnt let the application open. but when i download this Languge:
I mount it with virtual drive and tried power iso, but Rosetta stone doesn't recognize it. Please Help!
BiffyBiro (2011-06-02)
heyy, was wondering if anyone could help me out? i've managed to stumble through everything but "error 1117 - an error occurred in the speech component" seems to be the final hurdle. I'm trying to use a "Microsoft LifeChat LX-2000" headset, which isn't usb; does the headset haveee to be usb? i've went into my norton firewall and enabled rosetta stone to have access, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference.thank you.
sugerfreek (2011-06-03)
I'm sorry but can anyone help out a computer retard. I really don't know what to do. I installed the app and didn't let it run. I know it says overwrite it but I don't know how to do that. Can anyone tell me step by step? xxrojac2 (2011-06-03)
can someone please upload italian 4 and 5??Shadowstorma (2011-06-05)
well, maybe im dumb or something,i installed the Programm have the .exe overwritten with the Crack .exe then i installed Japanese level 1,
so far so good yet the real problem is i can't chose the Lesson, i also didn't start the programm after the installation like it was recommended
plese help mee i'm frustrated
Alec51895 (2011-06-15)
Works fine once it actually starts working.On windows 7 I end up with a "error 2123" message, which goes away after multiple restarts of my computer. Oh well, it'll do until I find a better version.
xhizors (2011-06-16)
Works so far so good on Windows 7 64-bit.If you've gotten "Error 2125: database blah blah blah" Uninstall it, and reinstall it with YOUR INTERNET OFF. You can reconnect to your internet AFTER it asks you, and you tell it NOT to check for updates and NEVER REGISTER. And then you're done.
Kututo (2011-06-18)
Hi,Great, fast download.
However I'm getting 2 errors, first is the 2123 error, which when I restarted my laptop seemed to be fixed.
Then after installing a language it came up with the update now question. Didn't get the option to never update, only update now or remind me later option. How do I fix this?
Also got asked to register, clicked never register.
After restarting my laptop again I got the 2125 error saying 'Database is out of date, and could not be updated' how can I fix this as well?
Do I have to be offline when I want to go on Rosetta Stone?
But overall a great, fast download.
Kututo (2011-06-18)
Hi,Great, fast download.
I have however come across 2 problems.
1) I installed it while the internet was offline, and got the 2123 error message, which was fixed after restarting my laptop. How can I fix this?
2) I installed a language and it asked me to update it, I didn't get the never update option, so I clicked remind me later instead. Then it asked me to register, and I clicked never register. After restarting Rosetta Stone I got the 2123 error message saying ' Database is out of date etc.' How can I prevent this? I have unistalled and reinstalled this several times now. Do I have to remain offline when I run Rosetta Stone?
If anyone can help me, that would be most appreciated.
Overall, a great, fast download :D
Kututo (2011-06-18)
Sorry for the repeated comment, something went wrong with my laptop and I didn't think I had posted. Thanks again, and sorry.heathrisk (2011-06-25)
to VasiaZozulia: dude this programs the shit! keep it up bro.heathrisk (2011-06-25)
to VasiaZozulia: keep this up! this programs the shit, save time n money!elfoo (2011-07-04)
I'm on Windows 7 and I followed the directions exactly but kept getting and error when the program launched.I fixed the error I was given when the program started by running the program in compatibility mode. It can be turned on by the following:
1. Right click the .exe
2. Go to the "Compatibility" tab.
3. Near the top click the box beside "Run this program in compatibility mode for:"
4. Select the version of Windows below ( I used XP I think but you can try it or Vista)
5. Click apply.
6. Try running it and see if it works for you.
Hope that helps some of you.
Thanks again to VasiaZozulia for a great upload!
UseYoNikesBro (2011-07-04)
First of all, thanks for the great torrent. However, I have come across an issue. I was using the rosetta stone v3 for 3 days and then suddenly I got an error saying that files were either missing or unreadable and that speech recognition was not possible. If someone could help with this I'd be eternally grateful.m8cet (2011-07-10)
The installer wont install. I am win7 x64. Finally the comment from armchair.53 saved me..I was very depressed. People who are not using windows firewall, please be warned. Though its weird, any other firewall will be beating the shit out of u. Turn off ur custom firewall and turn on windows one. Many antivirus comes with firewall that do not allow windows firewall to be activated. They need to find some way to turn on the windows firewall and stop the antivirus one. Once again thanks to armchair.53...redrasta (2011-07-11)
What happens if you allow the application to run, i let it run by mistake before copying and pasting the crack the first time i used it ( i have done the crack correctly now)benboy_7777 (2011-07-13)
I have the languages mounted on the E drive since the past 5 times I have tried this didn't work!I have windows firewall to allow the rosetta stone files.
Here is what happened to me.
1. I downloaded the torrent.
2. I installed from the original location
C:\Users\Owner\Downloads\Rosetta Stone 3.4.5
file name was Rosetta Stone v3.4.5 (exe file)
3. After Installed I uncheck Launch application.
4. I close off and open the crack folder and windows folder
C:\Users\Owner\Downloads\Rosetta Stone 3.4.5\Crack\win
5. I rename the RosettaStoneVersion3(exe file) to match the original so it will replace it.
6. The file is replaced. I click on the crack file that replaced the original and get this error.
2120, 2111, 2119
Fatal Application Error: #2120
How can I fix this? Someone with experience. I don't know what I have done wrong. I have explained everything. Please let me know if I missed a step/did something wrong.
Thanks so much.
P.S. Most of the time I am not a noob, but we have all been noobs at one time at something. So think about this please and take a little bit of time to reply. I read on here a lot so I will probably be on.
missguidedstar (2011-07-15)
EVERYONE ELSE HAVING TROUBLE MOUNTING AND RECOGNIZING THE LANGUAGE CDs/ISOs:I was struggling with mounting the languages too...I have Windows 7 64 bit and installed and ran the Application in Compatibility Mode for XP and Administrator.
What you have to do is:
Unmount the ISO if its mounted..
1.Go to your Documents
2.Create a folder and name it LANGUAGES
3.Create a folder in LANGUAGES with the name of the language you're using. (For me, it's JAPANESE)
4.Then, copy the disc image/images (the .ISO file) to JAPANESE (or whatever language you're using.
5.After that, have your ISO Mounter (again I use DAEMONToolsLite) mount it from that location.
[For me, the path looks like this:
C:\Users\Lauren\My Documents\LANGUAGES\JAPANESE\Rosetta Stone V3 - JapaneseL1.iso
6.Try running Rosetta Stone again and see if it recognizes it.
Let me know if you have any additional probs!
benboy_7777 (2011-07-16)
I am not having problems mounting it, that was easy. I am having problems actually getting the cracked program to run. Read my Previous comment.benboy_7777 (2011-07-16)
Also when I copy the crack it doesn't have the same name so I change it so It will overwrite. The setup name is Rosetta Stone v3.4.5 and the cracks name is RosettaStoneVersion3denizzo (2011-07-17)
i was having mounting problem then i restarted the pc now it works.BootlegSamurai (2011-07-18)
i know i sound pretty noobish but how do i add languages?.archivedx (2011-07-19)
I am having a problem. I install everything fine the language goes in fine and microphone setup works fine. But once i get into the lesson it cant seem to hear me, and ideas.Garandir (2011-07-26)
Thank you very much! The one problem I've had is that when using the voice feature-thing, it stops 'listening' randomly, and I have to click the little icon twice to get it to start again, only for it to stop again. Not a big deal though.yayo828384 (2011-08-04)
Thank you very much, worked fantastic!aldwraq (2011-08-05)
please tell me how to install this one on my mac..thanks..oliwer007 (2011-08-05)
someone kwows how to fix it
MKUSH101 (2011-08-06)
What languages does this come with?oliwer007 (2011-08-06)
English Level 1 American :)alinouman (2011-08-08)
God bless you uploader. What a good torrent. Thanxcoleix (2011-08-13)
Thanks for the share, the crack worked fine, lets see if i can learn Japanese. By the way to install a language after downloading it just mount the iso, and the first time you open rosetta it asks you if you want to install it from the cd.MsJess (2011-08-14)
Anyone getting the "2123 There was an error in the application" error, try this. Find the file "tracking.db3" in the folder "C:/ProgramData/Rosetta Stone". Copy and paste it to the Rosetta Stone install directory (Program Files/Rosetta Stone/Rosetta Stone Version 3). Worked for me :o)TH3D1PLOMAT (2011-08-15)
Where is the .dmg file for Macs? All I'm seeing is the .exe file and a .dat file.TH3D1PLOMAT (2011-08-15)
Where is the .dmg file for macs? All I'm seeing is the 2 .exe files and the .dat file.coolasad (2011-08-18)
Reading the comments took me to 2002 when I first encountered crack file for EA sports Fifa.This is for all Newbies.
Open the folder in which this torrent is saved
for e.g.
Stone 3.4.5where xxxxx is the name of the user logged in to your windows operating system.
1. There is a folder named crack here and an application ie .exe file there
named Rosetta Stone v3.4.5 (Size around 120 MB)
2. At the end of installation remember to remove tick mark from "Launch this application" in the bottom
left corner
3. Run this application It will install the software in by default the following folder
C:\Program Files\Rosetta Stone\Rosetta Stone Version 3
4. Open the folder where the torrent is placed ie
Stone 3.4.5\crack\win5. Copy the file RosettaStoneVersion3.exe (around 8 mb) from this folder. DO NOT RUN THE FILE PRESENT
6. Open this folder
C:\Program Files\Rosetta Stone\Rosetta Stone Version 3\
7. Paste the above application from crack in this folder.
8. A prompt will appear asking you if you want to replace the existing file with this file. Click yes.
9. Now your software is ready. Access it from Start menu or the folder in which it is installed or from
10. You will need Language packs which are not included in this torrent. you can search other torrents
for these language packs.
11. These language packs come as images of CD Roms (.iso). you need a software to read these images.
12. I used Deamon Lite tool which is free.
coolasad (2011-08-19)
I just finished installing a language and This software works fine. Great Work by the uploader.sickcunt (2011-08-28)
IF ROSETTA STONE CAN'T FIND YOUR LANGUAGE CD/ISO:Enable Auto Play in your Control Panel!
Rosetta Stone is poorly coded by people that want to make money. For some reason the detection of language CDs/mounted images depends on the autoplay function in Windows. So enable it and enjoy! :)
downloadmeee123 (2011-08-31)
Thanks. Hope it works whatever it is lolAgribar (2011-09-10)
THXusedpilot (2011-09-18)
Thanks. Could someone please upload Fluenz Spanish 3, 4, and 5? Fluenz is much, much better than Rosetta Stone.kriptonit (2011-09-25)
What solved "No Language disc" for me. I'm running W7x64:1) Installed Virtual CloneDrive and mounted language pack
2) Changed permissions for Rosetta Stone folder, Right
and changed from System to my username3) Right click on rosettastone3.exe in program files, properties, enable compatibility mode for Vista SP2, and clicked enable "Run this program as administrator"
spok-watson (2011-09-26)
Ha Ha "Mp3 player not included"Follow the instructions for install and restarted.
Works fine for me
SaltSlasher (2011-09-27)
The rosetta stone is the trickiest of all software to work with. If you try and re-install it on the same boot, your in for a head ache. I swear you miss one thing and you screwed.Make sure you install every language you will ever want, cause going back in and adding is hopeless without completey reinstalling, and like i said, reinstallling can be slightly annoying!
so0os (2011-10-02)
i run the app and it got screwed :/Hi.Jack (2011-10-09)
Thanks to you and the seeders !19C0DY94 (2011-10-15)
Hi, when I get to the end of the installation I get this message (There is a problem with this windows installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.) then the installation process there anybody that can help me?Jobin2all (2011-10-16)
Thank u very much....Its working nice......
etienne1 (2011-10-25)
Ok so far the installation has worked just fine, didnt even need to disable my internet connection.i Am downloading the language packs right now for French, but i have one problum so far! I dont really know how to mount the image, i have never used daemon tools before so can someone please tell me how to mount the image?
etienne1 (2011-10-25)
Ok so far the installation has worked just fine, didnt even need to disable my internet connection.i Am downloading the language packs right now for French, but i have one problum so far! I dont really know how to mount the image, i have never used daemon tools before so can someone please tell me how to mount the image?
etienne1 (2011-10-25)
Ok so far the installation has worked just fine, didnt even need to disable my internet connection.I Am downloading the language packs right now for French, but i have one problum so far! I dont really know how to mount the image, i have never used daemon tools before so can someone please tell me how to mount the image?
forumsfeedback (2011-10-25)
I'm getting2125 - Database is out of date and could not be updated.
Windows 7 - worked fine for a couple of weeks.
Any suggestions?
forumsfeedback (2011-10-25)
I've deleted the tracker.db3 and I'm back in but now I'm being asked for product activation?usedpilot (2011-10-27)
Can someone upload Fluenz Spanish 3, 4, and 5? Thanks!psychiea (2011-11-08)
i dl'd this and installed it and it asks to put in the cd for the languages. How can i get languages?Madchen (2011-11-10)
Installed on Windows 7 X64 with only one minor hitch. I had the same problem as 19C0DY94.(There is a problem with this windows installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.)
Long story short. One must have Windows Firewall turned "ON" for the install to go off without a hitch.
I've since loaded German 1-5 into the rosetta Stone without a problem and it's working fine.
Madchen (2011-11-10)
Installed on Windows 7 X64 with only one minor hitch. I had the same problem as 19C0DY94.(There is a problem with this windows installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.)
Long story short. One must have Windows Firewall turned "ON" for the install to go off without a hitch.
I've since loaded German 1-5 into the rosetta Stone without a problem and it's working fine.
borajetta (2011-11-17)
I am on windows 7 64 bit. I install correctly without running, crack it. Mount using Virtual CloneDrive or DEAMON Tools and neither are recognized when looking for the language pack.It continues to say "The Language CD was not found to install. Please make sure your CD is in the drive." I cannot seem to find any menu settings that allow you to change your CD drive, so hell if I know what the program is looking for.
Any ideas?
u2tool (2011-11-21)
Works perfect on my Mac Snow Leopard. Many thanks! I'm planning on upgrading to Lion - will this work with the new operating system? Anyone had experience with that?arctic088 (2011-11-24)
I would love it if someone could help me out. I really am computer literate but this program is driving me crazy. Here's what's happening:I disconnect my internet connection. I've installed Rosetta Stone 3.4.5. Replaced the original .exe with the crack. Mounted the ISO I downloaded using Daemon Tools Lite. Ran the cracked .exe of Rosetta Stone. Clicked on "add language."
I then receive the following error: "The Language CD was not found to install. Please make sure your CD is in the drive."
Can anyone help me? I've tried it with multiple cracked versions, multiple language packs, and multiple image mounting softwares. Nothing works. What else can I do?
Austin0_0 (2011-11-25)
Ok, I installed the non-cracked version, and didn't let it run. Then I went to install the crack, and it says "Fatal Application Error # 2120." What can I do to fix this?fsfboy (2011-12-04)
THANK YOU VERY MUCH ! Works perfectly well on my Mac. I can now install the level 4 and 5 of German lessons. God bless you ! ;Dtlingbeck91 (2011-12-14)
Yeah I forgot to chose the languages when I was installing it so when i launched it there was no languages lol. at first i thought it didnt come with them until i reread the comments lol. now i gotta redownload it though xD its worth it though :) thanks VasiaZozulia. great torrent.Cloudy-7 (2011-12-22)
Great download! Works great for my german 4&5 (which i couldn't use on my other v3). Seeding & Thanks!Missus420 (2011-12-28)
Great download speed! Thought I'd never get it to work right though, on comments page 15 "coolasad" has a nifty tutorial for problem free install. No problems so far!muqali (2011-12-28)
Working, awesome! One question though, is it safe to download the updates? (2012-01-02)
Okay, I f***ed up! I installed Rosetta on my laptop, but I forgot to uncheck "launch after instalation" box and now I can't get the program working. I tried reinstalling and cleaning the registry, but it doesn't help. When I start the program it just opens and the screen is blank, I can only enter options and activate the program through there... Crack ain't helping.Some ideas, please? Except reinstalling windows. Thanx!
dylank22 (2012-01-15)
Can someone PLEASE explain to me exactly how to do this. im soooo lost. dont know where to start or anythingNekbeth (2012-01-17)
I'm using iMac with Lion (10.7), here are the steps.• Download the update 3.4.5 (in the Rosetta official website)
• Install and DON'T RUN.
• Go to your applications folder (it's the default folder on most Macs), right click Rosetta Stone App and click "Show package contents", go to Resources and REPLACE the "mdm.dat" file with the crack one.
That's it.
• Run RS and add any language. (which you can find on pirates bay)
• To add the language just open the "ISO" file of that course (it will show in your desktop), then press add language and RS should detect the file.
Thank you VasiaZozulia
jboggle (2012-01-20)
@Nekbeth: You can install this on a Mac?Could you tell me how? I'm only an aspiring pirate, it seems. Please share the knowledge! Thanks ;)
lunarose0869 (2012-01-21)
ok i need help on how to install this and make it work right, I tried installing it once and it said I needed a language CD then I tried installing crack and it came up with error 2120, please help!sfora2260 (2012-01-23)
I don't see any ISO files...??FeedThouPiratesSoul (2012-01-23)
Here's how to install:1. Run "Rosetta Stone v3.4.5"
2. Now go to crack and choose what OS ur using.
3. Now in a separate window, Go to the Install dir (for me it was in Programs (*86) then "Rosetta Stone"
4. Now copy/cut the file in the crack file and paste it.
Now it should run properly :D
Mel39 (2012-01-24)
Thank you sooooo much Vasla and a special thank you to Nekbeth for the Mac-Lion installation.Works great and updated fine.
fernando3ml (2012-01-29)
I downloaded the app and got it all running, i even had the intro video work on the app for german. when i go to begin lesson, i click start and nothing happens. none of the links will work and nothing happens. It's on the home page. I can scroll around and all but the lessons won't begin. any advice? I'm on a mac. I've loaded language and allsawilson5 (2012-01-30)
This DOES NOT WORK!!! I installed, used crack and attempted to burn the iso. But there are NO iso's... DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME!sawilson5 (2012-01-30)
This DOES NOT WORK!!! I installed, used crack and attempted to burn the iso. But there are NO iso's... DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME! I've tried everything I could think of and all it does is ask for the language cd... PURE JUNK!cojon (2012-02-07)
If you have problems after installation, y9ou need ERUNT and Revo uninstaller. ERUNT is free from their website and is the fastest most complete registry backup and restore on the planet.Revo is on TPB and one of the most worthwhile uninstallers, but you really need both.
Run ERUNT before installing, and then install through REVO, never a problem again!
ERUNT takes some time to comprehend as the info writing is poorly done, but do not let that stop you. Nothing beats it!
edwardBe (2012-02-09)
@ Nekbeth or anybodyI have the iso mounted, I know because the folder with the language files opens but RS can't see the iso as a CD. The OS does, but not RS. Thanks.
edwardBe (2012-02-09)
I forgot to mention I'm using Mac OS 10.3 ThanksBuRRR_AID_DEN (2012-02-14)
LMFAO at all the kids saying it don't work. Get some brains or you will have to stick with English for nowShefalump (2012-02-15)
I'm having a problem installing this. during the installation process, immediately after it finishes 'copying new files' a message box pops up and says "there is a problem with this windows installer package. a program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected." any suggestions?Thanks in advance.
kevinwork (2012-02-19)
I'm getting Error 9119 when i try to install a language. Plz help mekevinwork (2012-02-19)
'm getting Error 9119 when i try to install a language. Plz help meminkeymin (2012-02-19)
Every time I open it up the program it starts updating, but never does anything. I have to re-install the language pack and then install the update, but there can't be a new update every single day. Any ideas why this is happening?kalledk (2012-02-21)
If you did'nt uncheck "Run Rosetta Stone 3" before pressing finish, i won't work, and you'll get the Error 9119, which I did.To fix this simply uninstall and go to the Start Menu and write regedit in bottom field. Then run regedit.exe and make a backup file. Then search for "Rosetta Stone" and delete the two reg-entries. Then download CCleaner and go to registy and scan for issues -> fix selected issues. Now reinstall and learn some badass language! (and for God's sake; remember to uncheck "Run Rosetta Stone" before you press finish :) )
Hardak9 (2012-02-26)
Will I be able to run Lvl4 and Lvl5 language packages with this?borisagrees (2012-02-29)
thanks alot man will continue to seed. language for all!btw it is okay to update after cracked
borisagrees (2012-02-29)
thanks alot man will continue to seed. btw its okay to update after crack installcoolmccool24 (2012-03-05)
I installed this...but it doesn't really explain how to use it with the languages obtained from another source. It seemed like the install for this software worked just fine. I mounted the .isos for the japanese language pack using Daemon tools , but when I try to run them in Rosetta Stone, it doesn't recognize the virtual disk drives and just says that there's no cd.Oh, got the japanese .isos from here:
plumppork (2012-03-13)
Does anyone have an Activation Code patch for Rosetta Stone version 3.4.5? This crack works great but any new language isos I add don't work with my old Activation Code crack and I can't fully access them until I get activation codes for them. Can anyone help??DaSqurlyOne (2012-03-14)
I had troubles until I restarted the computer after pasting the crack. If it worked for me it might work for u.plumppork (2012-03-14)
Thanks for the suggestion, but it didn't work. When I go to activate with all X's it says that I've already used that code to activate other languages and that I need to enter a new code.Is anyone else having this issue? Is there a patch for this, or is the activation code patch from the earlier version supposed to carry over to this version?
DaSqurlyOne (2012-03-17)
Here is a step by step guide to loading Rosetta stone on your computer.1; Open the folder Rosetta Stone 3.4.5
2; Double click Rosetta Stone v3.4.5.exe
3; Remeber the folder in which Rosetta Stone installed in (will be C:Program FilesRosetta StoneRosetta Stone Version 3 or C:Program Files (x86)Rosetta StoneRosetta Stone Version 3)
4; EXTREMELY!! IMPORTANT!!! Uncheck the box that says "Launch after Install" BEFORE you click Finish
5; After Rosetta Stone 3.4.5 has finished installing and BEFORE it launches open the crack folder
6; Open one of the folders named mac or win (if using windows open the win folder and if using mac open the mac folder)
7; Copy the file in the mac or win folder
8; Go to the directory where Rosetta Stone installed to (the place which we remember from step 3)
9; Paste the copied file into folder. Yes you want to replace existing file
10; Close all Windows
11; Restart Computer
This will only give u the program to run the language lessons. U need to get the .iso for the language lessons separately, which can be found here on tpb. Mount image for language lesson then run Rosetta Stone. This is how I got it to work for me. I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.
DaSqurlyOne (2012-03-17)
PSGreat work VasiaZozulia!!
The makers of Rosetta Stone also did a wonderful job.
This is a program that if I had the money I would pay for.
Jhard1 (2012-03-19)
I downloaded the torrent and copy/pasted the crack. Restarted my computer and ran the program but I have no languages. The program asks me for the languages. How can I add the languages ?Jhard1 (2012-03-20)
Works awesome ! Thank you very much. Installed Spanish (Latin America) levels 1-5. Already completed lesson 1 :)Gnosis2012 (2012-03-20)
What language is this?milt654654 (2012-03-22)
I want to take the time and thank "VasiaZozulia", aplication WORKS, it WORKS!!!!, got the ISO Files for the languages, im glad i followed the instructions because if you forget to "uncheck" the "run application after installation" , you are fucked, at least that was my case because i know very little about computers and to go into the registry and fix that?, oh hell no that thing is in chinese for me , im not going therekares.m (2012-03-22)
Please help, i got this torrent and I cant understand how to use it for German will be kind if anyone can help.
bowlinwes300 (2012-03-23)
hey guys I've looked throughout most of the comments and couldn't find much on my issue. I don't know where the file is that I need to mount. I've been looking for a while now and I just can't figure it out. I am missing a language file. any help would be appreciated.terribleperson (2012-03-25)
Just a quick note: If you are using daemon tools and your language CD is not being recognized you need to add a IDE drive under Actions > Add Virtual IDE Drive and mount the CD on that drive. A restart will be required as well.EoinOwnage (2012-03-31)
When I try to install I get this message..."There is a problem with the Windows Installer Package. A program run as part of this setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor"
Someone please help!!!!!
sauerkraut21 (2012-04-19)
Hey, I have the Mandarin iso things and everything comes on, but am I missing something with these product keys I need?Did i not do something right, or are all you guys just using the 1st lesson and that's it.
Where can I get product keys or is that possible? Should I delete and look for one that won't need a key?
I'd appreciate it if someone gave me some info
WTF2u (2012-04-23)
Thank you Thank you! Ur the bestbungunners (2012-04-24)
Works great...Thank you. I followed the instructions to a "T" and after install, I went to firewall settings in control panel and unchecked this program for allowing access to the net. For people having the grey screen issue, it could be that your video card cannot handle the graphics and pictures that appear in front of that grey screen. Either way I know it works and I am passing along that info.AMD 1090t hexacore @ 3.8GHZ
MSI GTX 560ti 1GB
8GB DDR3 1333............not that you would need this kind of setup, but it doesn't hurt either.
Thanks again for this awesome program!!!
myachav (2012-05-01)
great goob thankyou for all the work it seems to work goodMisterKew (2012-05-03)
Followed the instructions... Installed No Problem.I wrote the language course ISO's onto a dvd and they load and work perfectly..
Lets hope its not all Greek to me, for much longer
Many Thanks for the upload !!
Efharisto Poli ;-)
blupaw (2012-05-06)
thanks i have looking for the shortest time and it works greatwheeledslayer (2012-05-17)
Can you upload Chinese (Mandarin) Levels 4 & 5?? If you could, that would be great!! By the way, awesome RS torrentswillytakum (2012-05-17)
This works perfectly 100%...If it doesn't work you did NOT follow the instructions...Make sure when you replace the old files with the cracked file a pop-up window will appear asking if you want to replace the files...CHOOSE to REPLACE the OLD FILES...IF THAT WINDOW DOES NOT APPEAR YOU DIDN'T DO IT RIGHT...This torrent is completely virus free and works great...That is All...willytakum (2012-05-17)
EVERYONE !!!!! If the program ask's for product keys YOU DID NOT REPLACE THE FILES go into the C:Program filesRosetta Stone>open the folder...find the rosetta stone icon and replace that file with the cracked file. a window will appear asking if you want to replace the files...CHOOSE TO REPLACE THE FILES> close the window and do a restart...IT WILL WORKjipper (2012-06-04)
YES TY SO MUCH FINALLY ONE THAT WORKED!!! Im sorry for caps its just im so happy i can finally learn the only language i really wanted too.siphoner (2012-06-07)
Wondering if anyone can help me out with my problem.Problem: I downloaded a different torrent, along with language packs for the rosetta stone. Everything works fine. I only get a limited amount of lessons unless I activate it, however. Will downloading this torrent fix that problem, or is the problem in the language packs themselves?
jin007 (2012-06-09)
Works Fine. Only the first time I tried to BLOCK from Internet I did it with antivirus software and it did not work. Thrashed the program and I had to R&R it. So I did not know how to BLOCK it in win 7?I went into my Firewall settings and Unchecked where it allows programs to connect to the internet but to the right there are two more boxes and I can NOT Uncheck both of them.
I have a lot of progress I do not want to loose so I am afraid to try to use the program while I am online so I figured Id ask about Win 7 Spacific and these two other Checked Boxes called , "Home/Work(Privete & Public"
I have one more Question. In moving from one computer to another is there any way to move and save your progress? Say your in the middle of a level and have to use it on another computer, is there a folder we can replace that stores our PROGRESS?"
Thank you man !!!
jin007 (2012-06-09)
P.S. Id also like to know how many languages RS V3 Has??? I was only able to find One Chinese not both.And what is the dif between V3 and V4 Aside from the Obvious did they improve anything dramatic?
prophetessjanet30 (2012-06-16)
For all those who received the message "Application error" "5118"I followed the following instructions off another torrent website but for rosetta stone 3.4.7 and the following instructions work
anonymous • 24 Jun 2011, 18:23
this one works great i had trouble in the beginning like im sure plenty of you had so im gone give you a good step by step help the torrent
2.install exe file (next important)
3.ok here where it got tricky for me soon as you start the installation look for when it says extracting files with the blue status bar going across the screen.
5.the blue bar will go across the screen 2 times ok. soon as the first round of blue bar starts press ctrl+alt+delete and choose start task manager as fast as you can you got to be fast with this.
7.choose the rosseta stone installation process in the applications tab to highlight it and just be ready to click end task but dont. this is what your looking for. on the secound round of the blue status bar going across the screen right before the status bar gets right to the end or a blank dos screen keeps popping up then click end task in the task manager.
9. the reason for this step is because if you click cancel it will rollback and erase all the files and folders that was installed.
10. next is the same as usual dont start program go to your progam folder on c: drive in rosetta folder replace the application file with the app file in the crack folder
11. now this is the only rosetta i can find that will load mounted iso files after these steps i tries all the rest and got rosetta to work but would not find the mounted image file
12.start deamon tools lite mount iso
13. start rosetta add language
I did up to instruction 10 and now it is working. I didnt even have to restart. If you need any help just sent me a message
Bleuenvert (2012-06-22)
What file do I replace? (I'm on a mac) and I couldn't find a file named mdat, to replace with the crack . help plse.Razze_95 (2012-06-27)
So very weird. I used this program a few months ago, but now that I'd really like to start it up, I keep getting error 2123. I tried the solution above, but it did not work.creasedeagle (2012-07-09)
anyone having the 2123 error, check this out.All I had to do was add an exception to my AVG, and the program opened fine.
Also, fuck rosetta stone for telling these customers to essentially fuck off. I no longer feel bad torrenting this product.
creasedeagle (2012-07-09)
shit I lied... it's back.jnthnpa (2012-07-12)
@creasedeagle - Yeah I had the same exact problem with another RS torrrent I downloaded. I asked him to comment but he has yet to respond to my requests for assistance...IDK wth to do now :-(VektorSP1 (2012-07-20)
@VasiaZozuliaThank you so much for this upload I greatly appreciate it. Will get to surprise my fiance with the amount of Italian I will know from this...
Thank you
Dime94 (2012-07-26)
How do we swing it so we dont have to register the product?hamid.tabrizi (2012-07-27)
I'm trying to install this application. However, after I run it, I get this message that "There was a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor".WHAT SHOULD I DOOOOOOOOOOOO??
I have Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit Operating System)..
Please help meeeeee.
iZbo (2012-07-29)
Thanks to VasiaZozulia! But I am relatively new to most of this so some help would be greatly appreciated. I have installed and am able to run but am now stuck at the language part. Other people have asked for help and the only response is similar to mount the images and blah blah. Great, thanks. But I don't know how to find these iso. And the look around they're everywhere answer helps me zero. Anyone willing to break it down into easy to understand complete steps, the kind that assume I'm a dipshit?RE4Player (2012-08-15)
To any and all who have troubles with this or languages here are the steps to install, hen the steps to install languages;Install
1. Download the torrent (easy enough)
2. Make it install into the desired location (default should work fine)
3. When it finishes the install and you have the "Finish" button make sure the box labeled "[ ] Run Rosetta Stone" is NOT checked.
4. Have fun, common errors can be that when you try to launch the software you don't use your original desktop shortcut (which seems to be the only one that works for me.)
Installing Languages
1. Look up the language you want.
2. Download said language.
3. Easiest to mount the image (Google VirtualClone Drive), to mount it right click the ".iso" file and tell it to mount it.
4. Go into the RosettaStone program and install the mounted ISO, then simple repeat step 3 with each Level.
5. As always ENJOY!!!
Goulash02 (2012-08-16)
I have downloaded this torrent, and tried opening the .exe file, it allows me to chose English for the installer language, then it goes one full bar across extracting. But then an error message comes up saying "The Windows INstaller Service Could not be accessed. This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance."I do not know what is wrong. :(
stapper01 (2012-08-16)
To those having problems with error 2123. This is the solution that worked for me (Win7 64 bit).1. Take ownership of the program (if you do not know how to this there are guides online to show you how).
2. Open C:ProgramDataRosetta Stone and drag the "tracking.db3" to desktop.
3. Immediately restart your computer. Once back up, open the "RosettaStoneVersion3.exe" from C:Program Files (x86)Rosetta StoneRosetta Stone Version 3. Do not attempt to open it from a shortcut. The program should run and bring you to the screen saying you need to register your copy.
4. Close Rosetta Stone, go back to ProgramData and delete the new .db3 there. Place the old db3 from desktop back into ProgramData. Either run the program directly from program files or create a new shortcut. This worked for me and allowed me to keep all of my progress.
stapper01 (2012-08-16)
I should also mention....Error 2123 occurs every time i restart my computer after a Windows 7 update.As a precautionary method, I make a back-up copy of the .db3 from time to time because i know that i'll have to keep dealing with this problem.
beamay (2012-08-17)
I don't know what happened but after I installed some languages, Rosetta wouldn't work. Then I restarted my comp, ran Rosetta again and there was an error or something. I clicked "Activate products" and then chose "Never activate" then exited Rosetta. Then I came here to look for a solution to my problem, found none, ran the program again, and IT WORKS!! O__O I don't know what happened.Nuboko (2012-09-02)
RE4Player has the best install tactic... go with that and you will have no issuesKickasssite4real (2012-09-04)
This did not work for me, a mac user. Thanks anywayananoymous1 (2012-09-19)
Thank you, VasiaZozulia and RE4Player!!GoPx (2012-09-20)
Could someone please help me to install the Arabic language. I have tried to install different Arabic versions on different Rosetta Stone programs and it doesn't work. For example, when I mount the Arabic CD and install it on Rosetta it installs for a few minutes and then calculated goes high like 180min and the whole computer stops then. I can install other languages like german but not arabic, please help me.I have Windows 7 64bit
killys (2012-09-22)
If you are having the problem "Fatal application error 2120" here is how to fix it:1.) Install normally, check the box to not open after installation
2.) BEFORE you replace the original RosettaStoneVersion3.exe with the cracked one, make a desktop shortcut to it
3.) DELETE the original, then put the crack in the folder
4.) Open from the shortcut on the desktop
maxterx (2012-10-05)
for me work , thanks :)simonXR (2012-10-15)
For all those complaining about this not working on mac, I'm pretty sure it's for windows. "Applications > Windows", although I believe you could perhaps use wine.cleedu (2012-10-20)
Im new to all of this so bear with me. I downloaded this, and i downloaded poweriso. when i go to where i downloaded rosetta, little disk icons show up. i right click and select to mount it with the poweriso thingys. but whenever i click on it all that pops up is a list of folders that are on the disk???? i feel like im missing a very simple stepvampzcore (2012-11-06)
thanks!!preparationh (2012-11-14)
What has worked for me when I get the error message when I try to launch RS. I logoff/login, and disconnect the internet before launching it, and it works. Then I connect back online again n/p. Now, I always go offline before launching.I have Rosetta Stone blocked in my firewall, so I don't know why it works, but it does.
wiloh (2012-11-18)
I got the error message 2123 and tried everything. I think my problem is that when i lauch RS and it gives me the error code i then proced to deleting the tracking.db3 file. But it's not there, I never gets created, i tried on my laptop and got the same error but the file was created atleast.Anti virus and firewall all not blocking it. windows7 x64.
Mihailoo (2012-11-28)
Thank you, worked in XP flawless! :)preparationh (2012-12-04)
Never mind my last comment, it had nothing to do with disconnecting. Just logoff/log in. 60% of the time, it works every time.Costas169 (2012-12-04)
thanks!knark0 (2012-12-05)
Would it be possible to put up rosetta stone (vietnamese)?marinamah (2012-12-25)
Error 2123, couldn't make it work no matter what!nerdrage12 (2012-12-29)
Easy install and works perfectly! Thank you very much!triomnislash (2013-01-02)
Just thought i'd repost this for anyone having touble installing language packs....went crazy for a few hours trying to do this and finally, THIS IS THE SOLUTION.... props @geez_o_one for the post...ANYONE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH THE PROGRAM COMPLAINING UNABLE TO FIND LANGUAGE CD (can't find languages from either the virtual drive or real dvd drive).
If the program can't find languages (which you've made sure are actually version 3 compatible), then
1) you need to uninstall the RS.
2) get a free program to clean up windows registry and delete adppdata local temp files, as these interfere with the program. Glary utilities works well, ccleaner probably too. You need to clean up to be able to make a clean install of RS, otherwise RS won't find any languages.
3) install RS following the instructions in this torrent. (after installing everything you may want to restart and disconnect removable storage devices, this may not be necessary but recommended as these may cause problems)
4) mount a version 3 compatible language ISO (with alcohol, daemon tools etc) or insert the dvd w/ language ISOs
5) launch RS and voilà , RS lets you install languages now.
In short, if you've tried everything and can't figure out why languages can't be found, the likely culprit is in the registry and temp files.
jasond93 (2013-01-30)
how do i use the cracknicoarg (2013-02-13)
THANKS! ¡GRACIAS!For any with the 2123 error select the program (the folder where it was installed) as an exception on your antivirus program (in my case Avast)
A question, can I use the level updates that offers me or it will ruin the crack?
Para los que tienen el error 2123 eligan el programa (la carpeta donde se instaló) como excepción en su antivirus (en mi caso Avast)
Una consulta, ¿se pueden instalar las actualizaciones de idiomas que ofrece o me va a arruinar el crack?
Baggins2013 (2013-02-13)
Hello Everyone,Firstly thanks for uploading the Torrent. I had downloaded the RS V3 German (L1-L5) when I knew I need this application to run the .ISO files. Hence, I downloaded it in the default folder; downloads.
However when I run the set-up for RS 3.4.5 on my PC, it gives me the following error, "There is a problem with this Windows Installer Package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.
After going through some comments, I ran CCleaner, and shut-down the P.C. too. After re-booting, I ran the application as I went through, "Ran an administrator" option by right-clicking the file. Also read the, "Read-me" file which had the following instructions in it.
Can anyone tell me how do it, "Do not let the application run at the end of the install ???"
I used ctrl+alt+del option to close before it reaches the end. But there is still no trace of any folder in, "Program Files" which is (84 bit). Is that a problem???
If I run the cracked application first, I get the following error message, "Fatal Application Error # 2120"
As I have ran out of all other options, it would be great if someone could guide me. Following are the details.
Windows 7 Home Premium
64 bit Operating System
4 Gb RAM
I believe the above information is comprehensive, if I may have missed anything please do let me know.
Beitle (2013-02-16)
Works perfect, thanXsteelersno1 (2013-02-17)
Wouldn't install on Win7 x64 machine. Installed on my back-up machine running XP. Works perfectly after Killys' 2120 error fix. App couldn't find the lessons when burned to disc but mounting with Daemon Tools did the trick. All Good. Thanx for the up.tanks_own (2013-03-01)
can someone help me understand im not exactly the most computer savy on how to run this program?jara203 (2013-03-10)
Ok, I installed the program and downloaded the Level 1 Russian disc from
The problem is, it takes too long to install, should I just wait, or is there anything I can do? I installed it in the default C drive, and i'm using W7 32 bits.
jara203 (2013-03-10)
Nevermind, I just had to disable my AV whle installing the language, thank you VasiaZozulia!!!Euripidiis (2013-04-01)
Wow oh my gosh i have been looking for a trusted Rosetta Stone torrent for a while so thank you so much for this!!! Seeding for life OwOAs for everyone else having trouble installing languages, here's what I did.
First, clean your damn computer with CCleaner. (If you didnt do this first, then uninstall ALL of rosetta stone and do this) Clean everything, from Cdrive to Registry. (Defragging is optional.)
Next follow VasiaZozulia's instructions PERFECTLY. (I cannot stress this more, it's pretty simple.)
1. Install Rosetta Stone and uncheck "Launch Rosetta Stone" at the end of the installation.
2. Go into the folder and COPY the crack for either Windows or Mac (whichever you have).
3. Im on Windows so go into C: -> Program Files (x86) -> Rosetta Stone. Then Paste and REPLACE the original file with the cracked one.
After this when you run Rosetta Stone it should show a screen for "add languages."
Before I clicked anything, I mounted the .iso files to the available drive (mine was G: ), and then had rosetta stone search for languages and it found all 3 of them and installed them.
Good Luck~!
Euripidiis (2013-04-01)
By the way im using PowerIso guys, just in case you were wondering.bobbyjj (2013-04-05)
wowGT_Fuzion (2013-04-24)
Your Firewall has to be active, or else the installation won't work.oberon900 (2013-05-06)
should I update the languages when asked?SWB5991 (2013-05-08)
IDK HOW TO GET IT TO WORK! Alright idk what im doing wrong everything is so simple. But I have a Widows 7 64-bit computer and it just doesn't wanna work for me. Like after the install I don't open it, I put the crack in the install folder, but the thing is everytime I install it it doesn't even make a shortcut to the program or anything, I've gotten multiple error codes and gotten past a few, but then it just didn't want to work at all. So is there any solutions, like this is such a simple install!!! I'm running AVG 2013 Free is that the problem?? It's getting me frustrated trying to figure this out almost all day. Uninstalling and reinstalling!!!! HELP ME OUT IF YOU WENT THROUGH THIS!!!ozworth17 (2013-05-09)
Works great thank you much!lalabels (2013-05-13)
Those that are saying that this doesn't work for Win 7 64 bit... You're totally incorrect. This IS indeed working on my Win 7 64 bit laptop.I have no idea if perhaps some of your antiviruses are eating up parts of it or I dunno... I'm using avast free and it hasn't done anything to my download.
Its all very simple...
1. download this torrent. Once finished, right click on it in your torrent portal and click "open folder" or "open directory". There you'll see the program and the crack folder.
(I don't know how each and every torrent portal works, so if you don't get the option to open the download folder from your portal, just go to your folder where ever your downloads normally go)
2. This window should show you two things... The crack folder and the actual program to install. Click on it to RUN and INSTALL Rosetta Stone. Select for it NOT to run after install. There's nothing you need to change during the installation... No folders that need changing unless you want RS saved somewhere else. Just make sure you remember where you put it or else you'll confuse yourself.
3. Once installed, go to the crack folder, and obviously if you're using a WINDOWS computer, you're going to go into the folder that says "Win". In there is the crack... Right click on it and click COPY.
4. Go to computer>(C):>program files x 86 (if you're using windows 7)... Scroll down till you see Rosetta Stone. Open that folder. The only folder there is here is "Rosetta Stone Version 3". Click it to open it.
5. Right click on an empty space in that folder and hit paste. Its going to ask you if you want to replace it and overwrite it, save both files, or do nothing. REPLACE IT. Once you do that, you're DONE.
Next you'd have to download a language pack of which you can find if you search TPB.
lalabels (2013-05-13)
Annnnnnnnd that's what I get for not reading comments on previous pages. LOLSorry to those that have already pretty much told others how to do this step by step which is exactly what I've done as well. Oh well. You know there are some that need to see something more than once to understand it so maybe I still did some good. xD lol
My only point is THIS WORKS. Period! No need to scream at VasiaZozulia to "fix it!" there's nothing to fix. >.
savantopus (2013-05-17)
Thank you to those who have helped others to get this to work such as stapper01 and lalabels. Mine works perfectly.savantopus (2013-05-17)
FYI you need to download this torrent which is the actual program AND one of the language packs.qcfinest80 (2013-06-04)
Thank you this is awesome!!!!Miakrazy (2013-06-07)
I have used this crack before. I am trying to install on another computer without success. I get the language installed, but it stays at the grey/brown screen. Any Ideas? I have reinstalled many times only to get the same thing.dmats (2013-06-08)
hey guys, i made an account here just to get some help, so I'm really hoping someone will help haha. I followed the simple instructions to install the program, including not letting it run, yadda yadda.I then loaded in my language packs, which i got from here:
I have Windows 8, so I used my built in .iso mounting utility to mount each level one at a time into the program. However, when I try to advance, I simply get a blank tan-ish screen in RS. There is no home screen, no user select, no course select; there is not even a button on the toolbar for the home screen.
Any ideas...?
dmats (2013-06-08)
haha sorry just realized that @Miakrazy posted the same issue just above me.I'm sure I speak for both of us when I ask you guys for help; I've scoured forums all over and can't seem to find a solution, so here I am at the source
Mikeb113 (2013-06-21)
For everyone with trouble with this
all details at link
drew9390 (2013-06-30)
please help im getting this. :Rosettastoneversion3.exe- Entry point not foundthen says the procedure entry point sqlite3_prepare_v2 could not be located in the dynamic link library sqlite3.dll.
drew9390 (2013-06-30)
heres what i did dowload install then copy crack still not working and i get little box that wont go away wtfdrew9390 (2013-06-30)
okay got it you have to run as admin on win7 or will not work thxsGuitarLegend327 (2013-07-19)
nksarraf (2013-07-23)
Hey guys I've read through 80% of the comments on this thread so lets cut through the crap.I installed and tweaked it to get it working (compatibility mode, run as administrator), then installed German level 1 and tested the first lesson. Worked great.
I went back and tried installing Hindi level 1
and RS couldn't locate the files. So I went back, thinking it's a bad torrent, and tried installing German level 2 (which I got from the same torrent, here -
Still nothing.I tried reinstalling and recracking RS, and now I can't even get German level 1 to install.
Any suggestions?
skyentist (2013-07-25)
i'm kinda new with this so cut me a little slack. why do i keep getting all of the "file could not be found messages? It's annoying as hell and i feel like i'm missing something here.Dany110 (2013-07-25)
Thnx :)3la000e (2013-07-30)
thankx ..... manit worked perfectly
superegg51 (2013-08-12)
Much thanks!English_Boi (2013-09-05)
So I did exactly as the instructions said, DL's it, installed it, didn't run it after it finished installing and replaced the file with the cracked one. every time I attempt to start it up it gives me a 2123 error and won't work for me. I would really appreciate any and all help with this torrent and getting it to work. I have done the first two lessons and want to get past the register screen so I can continue learning Japanese (since I'm moving there in 6 months)Shyte (2013-10-11)
So after making some stupid mistakes I got the program running and language levels installed and all that jazz.I'm running Windows 8 (which magically can open .iso files on it's own :D)
After installing the languages and clicking the remind me later button on the updates, nothing happens... Like, I'm just looking at the background page with no prompt of any kind. I don't know what do.
If someone in here already posted on this problem, feel free to call me on it. I only read like 6 or 7 pages and decided I wouldn't find the solution.
Shyte (2013-10-11)
Just kidding. Found the solution like 5 comments above me. Sorry.Shyte (2013-10-11)
Wait... maybe this isn't the solution for the Windows 8 problem...Mikeb113 said
"For everyone with trouble with this
all details at link"
Shyte (2013-10-11)
Alright, so if you to solve the problem of getting stuck at a blank background screen, you have to uninstall RS and re install it without being connected to the internet. I don't know how I missed that.Allyis (2013-10-20)
qaAllyis (2013-10-20)
KEEP getting "error 2123." I had this working a while ago, then an error started appearing and i tried re-installing it, but nothing. I have tried reinstalling it multiple times but still get error 2123. How do i fix it?mdgalax (2013-10-23)
Error 2123 is from the program not being able to access your user data or its out of date. Try turning off your firewall and running the program or reinstalling it with your firewall off. Also make sure your internet isnt on when you install it/run it. I also found this:Rosetta Stone Error: 2125 & 2123
Posted on May 3, 2013 by timlyg
This error pops up saying database out of date.
Solution (Thanks to Kev):
* find the tracking.db3 file in your appdata folder (for windows 7 its C:programDataRosetta Stonetracking.db3 (hidden folder) and rename it to tracking.db3.bak
* Restart the pc
* launch rosetta stone (all your progress has been lost now)
* close the rosetta stone application
* rename tracking.db3.bak to tracking.db3
* Launch the application again and here you go, you can use it again
For error code 2123:
Solved by simply reboot, and reboot, and reboot, until it is fixed.
BTW, adding a line in the file dynamicStoredPaths.xml, next to tracking.db3, may help:
Line added to second last line of file, before
Jimb0s (2013-11-11)
So I install this, and then install the language packs, and I try to start it back up and I get a blank yellow screen. It never asked me to create a profile or anything. This used to work! can anyone help??What the screen looks like, yes, languages are installed.
Jimb0s (2013-11-11)
IDK Why my comment got deleted, but:After install of everything, and installing the languages, Japanese, I try to open the program and I get a blank Tan screen, no user create, nothing... Help please.
Quelana1394 (2014-01-16)
Hi! I just downloaded your torrent but I can't seem to figure out how to overwrite the file with the cracked file. Will someone please dumb this down for me???mdgalax (2014-03-14)
@Quelana13941. Run the "Rosetta Stone v3.4.5" exe file.
2. It will ask for Administrator Rights. Click Yes.
3. It will unpack. Let it do this.
4. You will get a welcome page now. Click next.
5. Check off "I accept the terms in the License Agreement"
6. It will let you choose an install path. Copy the default one. Click next (don't change the install path).
7. Click install.
8. It will install. Let it do this.
9. You will get a completed screen.
*IMPORTANT* Uncheck "Launch Rosetta Stone Version 3. You do NOT want to run the program just yet.
10. Open any File Explorer. Paste the path you just copied in the address bar. (IF you didn't follow that instruction, click start > My Computer > C Drive > Program Files (possibly Program Files x86) > Rosetta Stone > Rosetta Stone Version 3).
11. Go to the file you downloaded. Open "Crack". Choose your OS. Move RosettaStoneVersion3 application file FROM the Crack folder TO the folder you just opened up in the last step.
IF you move the Crack/win/RosettaStoneVersion3.exe to the other file and it does not ask to replace the existing file, you did something wrong. You must replace the Crack/Ros... with the Program Files/... exe.
fidel_pt (2014-04-19)
I had some problems with this torrent... cause of the blank screen, but them i start running rosetta stone in compatibility mode with windows XP SP2... and everything was alright.Jooodi (2014-04-23)
Thanks! Works really well for me in Windows 7. Just follow this:1. Run the "Rosetta Stone v3.4.5" exe file.
2. It will ask for Administrator Rights. Click Yes.
3. It will unpack. Let it do this.
4. You will get a welcome page now. Click next.
5. Check off "I accept the terms in the License Agreement"
6. It will let you choose an install path. Copy the default one. Click next (don't change the install path).
7. Click install.
8. It will install. Let it do this.
9. You will get a completed screen.
*IMPORTANT* Uncheck "Launch Rosetta Stone Version 3. You do NOT want to run the program just yet.
10. Open any File Explorer. Paste the path you just copied in the address bar. (IF you didn't follow that instruction, click start > My Computer > C Drive > Program Files (possibly Program Files x86) > Rosetta Stone > Rosetta Stone Version 3).
11. Go to the file you downloaded. Open "Crack". Choose your OS. Move RosettaStoneVersion3 application file FROM the Crack folder TO the folder you just opened up in the last step.
If you get a error (2123) just reboot your PC.
ryno91 (2014-05-12)
I'm getting a error message saying " The ordinal 303 could not be located in the dynamic link library iertutil.dll." If I hit "ok" 3 or 4 times the program starts just fine. This is just annoying as hell. How can I fix this?H-wizza (2014-06-12)
HELP!So I've installed the program and its asking me to add languages by inserting a disk... Does this mean I have to take the french torrent and download the lessons onto the disk and then add to program?
0darkrus0 (2014-07-09)
okay, so I just downloaded and installed the program,=I did NOT click run when I finished the installing,
=I copied the crack content into my programfiles/rosettastone folder
=I have no image to mount to my Power iso. is that normal? or is it supposed to be that way? I also installed a spanish language pack and mounted it, but the program didnt even load up at all. no select langage, or anything.
Please help!
Revolucien (2014-09-30)
Thanks for the application, but after hours and hours of reading comments and following directions I'm stuck on the blank screen and re-installing everything wile my internet is disabled does not work... any other solutions I missed in the comments?Files:
1. Rosetta Stone 3.4.5/Crack/mac/mdm.dat 1.52 Mb
2. Rosetta Stone 3.4.5/Crack/win/RosettaStoneVersion3.exe 7.22 Mb
3. Rosetta Stone 3.4.5/Crack/readme.txt 349 bytes
4. Rosetta Stone 3.4.5/Rosetta Stone v3.4.5.exe 121.02 Mb