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2007-06-22 (by Chernokril)
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? XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO ?
?? ??
? DATE......: 02/2007 ?
? SiZE......: 39 * 50MB ?
? SYSTEM....: [?]WiNXP [?]OSX ?
? FORMAT....: [?]VSTi [ ]DXi [?]RTAS [?]AU [ ]REASON ?
? [ ]GiGA [ ]WAV [ ]CDDA [ ]REX [ ]KONTAKT ?
? [ ]EXS [ ]AKAi [ ]HALion ?
? ?
? ?
? Introduction ?
? ?
? Addictive Drums is a Complete Drum Production Studio. ?
? Our concept is this: ?
? ?
? To create a convincing drum track in any style you ?
? need 3 things: ?
? ?
? - The \"raw\" drum/cymbal sounds, recorded with a multi ?
? mic setup ?
? - The mixing process, including all the effects and ?
? the know-how of a producer/technician ?
? - The grooves, beats and fills of a good drummer ?
? ?
? Addictive Drums offers all this, in an easy to use ?
? plugin, compatible with all the major hosts out ?
? there! ?
? ?
? With the included Presets you can immediately try ?
? out different production styles and easily tweak ?
? anything in the mix to make it perfect. No more ?I ?
? have 30 plugin windows to keep track of just for the ?
? drums?. And when you?ve perfected your favourite ?
? drum sound, just save it and re-use it in the next ?
? project! ?
? ?
? Kits & Pieces ?
? Addictive Drums ships with 3 complete kits, and lots ?
? of extra drums and cymbals. The samples include every ?
? nuance from the softest to the hardest hits, many ?
? stroke variations (hihat has 12 variations, snare has ?
? 6 for example) Alternating samples through-out bring ?
? unparalleled realism. ?
? ?
? All sampled drum/cymbal sounds are recorded with a ?
? multi channel mic setup, just as you would record a ?
? real drum kit. ?
? ?
? Tune and tweak Shaping the basic sound is easy within ?
? AD?s sampler section. Controls for volume and pitch ?
? (with envelopes), levels (adjust balance of Close, ?
? Overhead and Room levels of each Kitpiece), and ?
? filter (cut the low end on hihats for example) means ?
? you can do anything from slight tweaking to major ?
? reconstruction of the sound. ?
? ?
? Mix it up - built in effects ?
? 12 mixer channels, 52 insert effects and 2 reverbs ?
? are at your disposal, giving you the freedom to ?
? create just about any drum sound you\'ve ever heard. ?
? And then some! Everything is quickly accessible, no ?
? hidden menus get in your way. See it, tweak it, move ?
? on. Drum production has never been this easy, and ?
? even our pro users agree that Pro should not equal ?
? \"impossible to understand\". ?
? ?
? Presets = Instant results The included presets make ?
? it easy to try out different styles for a track, and ?
? lets you save and re-use complete drum productions in ?
? new songs. You can create your own folders with your ?
? own presets and they immediately appear in the Preset ?
? menu! ?
? ?
? Midi files A vast library of midi files in different ?
? styles, all easily accessible from within AD gives ?
? you the building blocks to create drum tracks ?
? quickly. The built in browser lets you search by ?
? keyword (Ride, Metal), or sort by Category, BPM, ?
? Time signature. Drag\'n\'drop files the files you like ?
? to AD\'s favourite list, or drag them right into your ?
? host\'s arrangement window! ?
? ?
? Let it all out ? separate outputs AD is a multi-out ?
? plugin, meaning that every channel in the AD mixer ?
? can be routed to a separate output if you like. ?
? ?
? The AD Kits Sonor Designer (Kick, Snare, 5 toms) DW ?
? Collector\'s Series (Kick, Snare, 5 toms) Tama ?
? Starclassic (Kick, Snare, 3 toms) ?
? ?
? Extras: ?
? Pearl Signature Ferrrone snare, Pearl Masterworks ?
? Piccolo snare, Pearl Masterworks kick ?
? ?
? Cymbals: (Sabian & Paiste) ?
? 3 Hihats, 4 Rides, 9 Crashes, 3 Splashes & 2 Chinas ?
? ?
? The AD sampler ?
? For each Kitpiece: ?
? - Solo/Mute ?
? - Main Level ?
? - Overhead Level + Pan/Width ?
? - Room Level + Pan/Width ?
? - Single Sample mode ?
? - Main Pitch + OH/Room Pitch Offset ?
? - Pitch Envelope (w velocity mod) ?
? - Amp Envelope ?
? - HiPass/LoPass Filter ?
? ?
? The AD Effects ?
? For each channel: ?
? - Compressor ?
? - Dist (4 algos, selectable bandwidth) ?
? - EQ (3 band) ?
? - Saturating Limiter ?
? - Master and Bus channels additionally include: ?
? - Tape Saturation ?
? - HiPass/LoPass Filter ?
? ?
? Reverbs include ?
? - 4 algorithms (Ambience, Room, Hall, Plate) ?
? - Decay Time, Predelay, Damping ?
? - 2 band EQ ?
? - Pan/Width control ?
? ?
? The AD Presets ?
? Over 100 presets are included, ranging from pure ?
? acoustic pop, to Metal, Funk and distorted ?
? electronica mayhem. Preset categories include: Clean, ?
? Distorted, Electronica, LoFi, PopRock (Big), PopRock ?
? (Medium), PopRock (Dry), Retro, Rock, Soft, ?
? Xperimental. ?
? ?
? The AD Midi Library More than 3000 beats and fills in ?
? various styles such as Pop/Rock, Metal, Funk, Jazz ?
? etc are included. There are basic Kick+Snare beats ?
? with variations on each like \"8th Hihat\" \"w ?
? Ghostnotes\" \"4th Ride\" etc. There are also \"Songs\" ?
? which contain 4 bar Verse/Bridge/Chorus/Middle8 ?
? variations. And lots more! ?
? ?
? Note : Keygen larger than usual to support mac users ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? Install: ?
? ?
? 1. Enter your computer Id into the keygen ?
? 2. Replace Resources.xpak file with one from keygen ?
? 3. Use authorization code from keygen to unlock ?
? 4. Mac users : ?
? run the keygen on a PC and enter your Computer ID ?
? copy and replace the Resources.xpak file on your ?
? Mac then use the authorization code ?
? from the keygen to unlock. ?
? 5. Enjoy this fine Team AiRISO release !!! ?
? ?
? ?
?? ??
?? ??
??? ???
???? ????
??? ???
???? ?????????????????? ? ? ? ? ?????????????????? ????
?????????? nFO lAYOUT (c) 2006 bEARCAVE-dESIGN ??????????
Files count:
1808.97 Mb
Sam_Hang (2007-06-24)
Hi guys Files .r30 to .r36 they can't be open with winrar. anyway with ISO burner i have installed AD and done replacing stuff with keygen but don't know what to do with that authirization code. where should i put that code to unlock AD? when u run AD a kind of message come up and ask you to buy or stay with that demo.If you guys know the way how to deal with this so please rescue me. it took me 48 hours to complete download.... thanks
Sam_Hang (2007-06-24)
do not install over demo version find that .dll it worksDa_Ole (2007-06-26)
Can someone tell me how i install this on a mac ?how can I see my computer ID ?
bmswlfc90 (2007-07-14)
I installed this and everthing but i cannot find the start up shortcut so i dont know how to start the program, can anyone help please?Obi_Wayne (2007-07-16)
Same here, I even burned it onto a dvd then installed and still no exe file? How do you launch it? ANY help will be greatly appreciatedObi_Wayne (2007-07-17)
found the following information on the AD site:You cannot launch Addictive Drums as a program. It's a virtual instrument, you use it from a sequencer like Cubase, Logic, Garageband etc.
im not the most adept at computers but DAMN that info is hard to find, even on the official site.
FredC (2007-07-19)
Read the install notes carfully and it will work just fine:)Great download! Great plug-in!
Obi_Wayne (2007-07-19)
It installed ok, it was just difficult to figure out how to launch it. Im new to these musical type of applications, thanks for the tip and any more you might have is appreciated (like which host program or software you prefer and the like.:)seatrider (2007-07-26)
Excuse me for beeing stupid, but i can´t read the install notes! Looks like chinese or something. What program do i use to read it and shat encoding do i use? I can not reach the keygen.Thanks for your help!
jonnyhippo (2007-07-27)
Guys, the keygen is a rar file at the bottom of your download, i missed it first time, the instructions here are lame.seatrider (2007-07-27)
AAh, there it is!!! Thank you jonnyhippo!!!tomnet (2007-08-02)
Thanks! i looking for this :DObrigado! estava procurando por esse programa
dthibblin (2007-08-10)
I have problem to authorise the program to run with my computer.The authorisation code I get from keygen (after put in the computer id) doesnt work.
What shall I do?
janwava (2007-08-23)
Hej!!!Hoppas någon kan hjälpa mig,får inte det och fumka med den authorization code jag får i från keygen...hoppas på hjälp,vill gärna ha detta.Atletico.jai (2007-09-18)
how do i find my COMPUTER ID?? i have a PC windows vista! SNÄLLA! POR FAVOR!::)
i found the keygen and so...but i just dont get it..
i will treath u to dinner..if u help me..:)
dex323 (2007-09-18)
hey.. i rily nid help here,, how can i use this thing,,?? pls.. i rilly nid this software. i downloaded it but i dont see the link to run the program.. how do i run it?tnx.. pls. reply...molurus (2007-09-21)
Ignore most files. Just unpack the 2 rars. One is the installation, the other the keygen.FIRST install the program and run it through your daw as a plug-in. You'll get an authorize prompt, which will SHOW YOUR COMPUTER ID.
NOW, run the keygen and paste this id. The keygen will generate the authorisation code PLUS it'll save a "resources.xpak" file wherever you indicate it to.
Now, in this order: Take that xpak file and replace the one that the program placed upon installation (wherever it is, do a find), THEN paste the authorisation code from the keygen into the authorisation prompt still waiting in your daw... THAT'S IT.
holly73 (2007-09-25)
Seems like I'm an idiot. I can't get this to install on a Mac. After unpacking the rar, I get an iso file, but it says, the Mac installer is damaged... anyone?molurus (2007-09-25)
@holly73: The iso should be fine. If you double click on it you should get a folder with both the Mac installer file and the Windows exe. (you'll need Parallels or Bootcamp later to run the keygen on Windows)janwava (2007-09-28)
Varför funkar det inte????har gjort som ni har skrivit men det funkar inte,varför lägga ut något som inte funkar FY FANjesp (2007-10-01)
My god how stupid you are..embarrasing..nCrybaby (2007-10-12)
Works perfectly... And awesome sound.. :D Metal! :Dgriffin831 (2007-10-20)
dose any one know how to use this with fruity loops 5.guffguff78fan (2007-10-25)
working out just fine! thanks a lot:)simba7777 (2007-11-08)
It works great.You just have to rewrite the xpak file using the keygen. I found that xpak file in 4 different places - rewrite all of them!
tightflesk (2007-11-27)
i can't get it to work i've intalled it, but i don't know how to open it in cubase please helpAtletico.jai (2007-11-30)
Please PLEASE HELP!..i install the program..then when i got o cubase and searh it as VST NOT there!..please help![email protected]
I would really really apreciate that!
TrolliMan (2007-12-06)
I have now installed everything, but I can't make it work! What program do I need to be able to use this program?Please HELP ME!!
jazzinaz (2007-12-13)
Ok I downloaded this to mac os x but everytime i try to extract the .rar files it tells me "No files to extract". Any ideas?? [email protected] thanks everyone.jazzinaz (2007-12-13)
Nevermind i figured it out. Im such a puta bitch!goteki49 (2007-12-23)
The instruments sound sexy, however I only see 4 drums total (and a limited number of other instruments) which seems awfully low for being 1.8 GB. I only found one Resources.xpak file which I overwrote with the one generated by the keygen. Did I not unlock this incorrectly or does 40 instruments take up that much space?macphisto23 (2007-12-23)
Hello all,Somebody please help me,
I downloaded this to my pc, and then I burned the software to a dvd, I tried to install the rar file to my mac but it says it is damaged? Do I need to install the software in a certain place to get it to work? I have tried the desktop, the VST Plugins, and components but none of them seem to work. I am using garageband, so any help would be greatly appreciated to get this installed.
bgronas (2008-01-11)
Anyone got this one including the the v1.1 Update?ShiverSonic (2008-01-11)
where is the resources.xpak file on the mac? I've used spotlight to find it but it's nowhere to be found... The program works fine in Protools but I can't authorize it cause I can't find that file to replace
ShiverSonic (2008-01-11)
I FOUND IT---For those who still need the path on a mac
Volume/Library/Application Support/Addictive Drums/
Spotlight won't look there.
tr4cer_007 (2008-01-14)
Hi!I have a big favor to ask!
Could someone send me air-xlnaadkgn.rar ? because I've kind of deleted it ;(
[email protected]
ggrreeccoo (2008-01-17)
pleas SEED ppl... i downloaded this torrent about 3 days ago, and its still on 38% :S..............................thxFilbyter (2008-01-17)
Thanx, all U seeders! I downloaded the whole torrent in just a few hours.And thanx team AiROSO!
Now, just one question (I´m not too good at this) I´m supposed to put my computerID into the keygen - what is "computer ID? *blush*
Filbyter (2008-01-17)
Sorry, I found information in comments...It is working perfectly with Cubase. PRAISE to team AiROSO!!!
AlexSupra27 (2008-01-23)
Anybody knows if this program works with Reason from Propellerhead?LarryG (2008-01-25)
I have not downloaded it but if it's a VST than no it does not work with Reason.Unless you want to extract each sample from the library. But there are many other drum applications that work with reason to choose from.
LarryG (2008-01-25)
Do any of you PC users want to do #4 (get me an authorization code), because I have a Mac and send it via email?[email protected]
4. Mac users : run the keygen on a PC and enter your Computer ID copy and replace the Resources.xpak
Mac then use the authorization code from the keygen to unlock.
Chimairo (2008-02-04)
It's going to be fun trying this one out.. ive been using dfh and dfh2 and now lately edrummer with the dfh expansion. its sounded good but.. the kick was so so.. not much options to change the sound of it.. adding room level to the drums makes the kick sound awful... anyhoo will try this one out..THANX
whitethrash (2008-02-07)
It took me a while to figure it out, but heres some help to those of you that still doesnt get it:for mac:
1. Install the program
2. use spotlight to locate "Reources.xpak"
there should be about three or four of them.
3. when you use the key gen. a browser comes up, use this to find the "resources.xpak" files
then you mark them and click save. this will replace it, do this with all of them.
then just paste your new code to the authentification window.
i'm lousy at explaning this kind of stuff, if you still dont get it, add me on [email protected] and i'll explain it to you!
thanks Chernokril, awesome program!
Herr_anka (2008-02-09)
Virus warning. PC Tools Antivirus Immediately hit the alarm and deletet the keygen once i unpacked it.Does any one know how to get an uninfected keygen or crack?
rockdemon (2008-02-10)
yeah theres are virus in the keygen! how can I get another keygen???eeeeman (2008-02-21)
Any info about crack for AD v1.1.1 Update?We are waiting for ADpak Retro!!! Any info about that?
Good job AiRISO
sibby00000 (2008-02-22)
never saw a keygen, install went fine, loaded it into Acid and it says not authorized for this computer, I have 10 days to use the program before it terminates. Anybody know what I can do?dartb (2008-02-25)
^^ The files you downloaded? At the very bottom of that there will be an archive entitled "air-xlnaadkgn". That archive contains your keygen, and you'll need to use the following instructions to crack it.Repost for new page.
NOTE: Make sure you have a sequencing program (Cubase, Logic, SAW, etc.) to use this with.
1. Extract the first archive and the last. The latter is your keygen.
2. Burn the iso to disk or mount it with your program of choice.
3. Load it into your sequencer of choice (I use Cubase) and you'll get an "Authorise" prompt.
4. Click "Authorise" and it WILL SHOW YOU YOUR SYSTEM ID! Copy it! Now!
5. Open up the keygen and paste your system ID into it. You'll be prompted to save a file, save it wherever you know how to find it.
6. Copy the serial to your clipboard.
7. Navigate to "C:\Program Files\XLN Audio\Addictive Drums" and move the file in there over the top of your old Resource.xpak
8. Go back onto AD and paste the serial into the necessary box.
9. Click "Authorise" and you're a winner!
sibby00000 (2008-02-25)
just noticed your post, haven't tried it yet, but thank you so much for responding. I will follow the instructions.sibby00000 (2008-02-26)
keygen disappears when I try to open it. Ever seen that?sibby00000 (2008-02-26)
nevermind, got it working, my computer was eating my keygen, got a friend to open it on his computerGottare (2008-03-06)
How do i Load AD into my Sequencer program??Niosis (2008-03-06)
Yet another release with a poorly written guide for mac users.There isn't a resources.xpak file ANYWHERE on my computer. I searched in the directories posted by USERS, but there wasn't a file there. Just putting the resources file there didn't work.
If you have Leopard, avoid this torrent.
Niosis (2008-03-06)
This does *NOT* work on Leopard.I followed all of the directions to a T after finding the directory. (A poorly written guide from team air helped add to my frustration of finding that on a mac.)
Anyways, there was no resources.xpak file in the addictive drums directory. Saving the file there did NOTHING.
kesolime (2008-03-13)
This works with Leopard!I just followed the instuctions, yes it took a while but it worked!
So to all you Mac, try again and do it right;)
BanthaRoyal (2008-03-31)
this thing is SIIIck, install, pretty ez. thanks Chernis!!cdkelelr2 (2008-04-20)
I followed all of the steps and for some reason it still won't authorize. Any idea why it wouldn't authorize ?djsups (2008-04-24)
Does it work on FL Studio?(version 6 or 8 may be...)I meant Can i use FL Studio as the HOST ???
eeeeman (2008-04-24)
Can somebody uploud AD v1.1.1 Update+Keygen ?We are waiting for ADpak Retro!!! Any info about that?
Technojedi (2008-05-17)
I've got all files but i can't find the installer?Where can i find it?
slappen77 (2008-06-04)
Can someone please write down a serial to the program here? I can´t get the keygen to work, it doesn´t start and it is said to contain virus..Please write down a serial.
Thanks! =)
eeeeman (2008-06-06)
We are waiting for ADpak Retro!!!Any info about that?
tommytick (2008-06-18)
I have gone through this whole process and I am stuck with the keygen. I extracted the keygen from air-xlnaadkgn.RAR. I got AD loaded to the screen with the computer ID # but the keygen wont work. Can anyone help with an authorization code or a keygen that works?irates (2008-06-29)
I've installed it, but when I run it I don't get prompted with a registration/computer ID.I get a prompt that says "Are you addicted yet?"
If I answer yes, it just links me to XLN's downloads. If I say no it starts up and seems to work, but the kits pieces are limited to 1 kick, 1 snare, 1 hi hat and 3 crashes. I'm running it in Reaper. Anyone know what to do?
ThisNight (2008-06-30)
The Keygen is a trojan according to AVG. I wouldn't use it. Is there a clean keygen somewhere?Technojedi (2008-07-01)
The Keygen doesn't work.Invalid registration code.
Has someone else another serial?
celticstreet (2008-07-09)
The keygen wouldnt work for me either with avg stopping it, i just hit ctrl-alt-del and ended the process of avgrsx.exe and then very quickly opened the keygen before avg loaded back up.And also for the version 1.1.1 set your system date/clock back to 2007 and the keygen will work.
Dunno why but it does
celticstreet (2008-07-09)
dittoSampson_Simpson (2008-07-23)
Everything works awesome!!! Good Job.sp33dracerx (2008-07-24)
got everything working, avg users, you have to go into task manager and ragequit avgrsx, and hurry and open the rar, otherwise it wont work, after that just use magiciso, or poweriso to open up the iso, and just extract to a temp directory, and install it, its safe, no virusesmarfal66 (2008-08-02)
I get an error when opening the keygen, what should I do, or could anyone help me?I would greatly appreciate it.
My computer ID is 5c9ab5376540. Thanks in forward.
elliotminorfan (2008-08-12)
AND ON THE MAC OPEN ADDICTIVE DRUMS IN LOGIC (example) write the computer id into the keygen and generate the license number, but dont do it yet,
revolver24 (2008-08-30)
oh no... Keygen is not workin' for me. Will someone please help me? I'm on a mac and my ID is3a14717d1949
Please help if you can, im sorta screwed.
rxoh (2008-08-31)
Tack för uploads, men keygen filen innehåller tyvärr Malmware och kan inte öppnas. Nån som har en ren keygen till detta ?stuartyeadon (2008-09-21)
for those unable to activate this product here are your keys, according to this keygen. Let us know if they dont workrevolver24. ID 3a14717d1949 Auth: eb8749a0e6f6
marfal66: ID: 5c9ab5376540 Auth: 8776acfc946c
Hope that helps...
I know the frustration of gettin it to work. First AVG resident shield wouldnt let me open it, then I had vista DEP stoppin it all together!
Temjen (2008-09-26)
hey guys...installation was fine, but now when i open it in Cubase SX 3 or FL Studio 8, there is no sound at all...what could be the problem..???philinho (2008-09-26)
Can someone hook me up with an auth code? I'm having mega problems loading the keygen up.Id: 418bdda0ab4a
Thanks a million!
power_lutin (2008-09-26)
I'm also having trouble with the keygen. My Id is ac5f83792f87 if someone is willing to help out.Thanks in advance
Temjen (2008-09-26)
[philinho] your's wll be 39c5bbfc3e96[power_lutin] your's is c24c7a6ac99b
Temjen (2008-09-26)
though i can generate the auth codes...m having a problem,after successfull activation it works fine but the next time i open it in the host, there is sound sound at all....Temjen (2008-09-26)
Finally got everything All Right....Here are the Steps....
Install "XLN Audio Addictive Drums" ( ISO file >>> burn to disc or use Daemon Tools )
1 - Open A.D. and choose register/activation
2 - Copy I.D code and open keygen
3 - Paste I.D code and press generate
4 - The Keygen makes: Recources (xln audio resource) and asks where you want to save it...
save it anywhere you like...for example on your desktop and the keygen gives you an activation code,copy that code.
5 - Close the A.D. VST and the music host program.. open the folder where you installed A.D. and copy the resources file into that folder.
C\Program Files\XLN Audio\Addictive Drums \
Your PC will ask if you want to overwrite the the old resources file (which came with the installation).. press: YES
6 - Open your music program and start A.D. and press register/activation again.
7 - Paste the activation code there where A.D. asks for it.
8 - Press next / finish.
9 - Congrats You've a fully registered '''ADDICTIVE DRUMS'''
Temjen (2008-09-26)
Keygen for 1.0 Version
uptightkid (2008-09-27)
Wow...Addictive drums sound great. Much better than Ezydrummer.I can't opeb the keygen, can someone please run my computer id in the keygen and post the code,
My id is 19a1619380be
Much appreciated
Temjen (2008-09-27)
[uptightkid]ur Code will be cefc704c8e22
martin17900 (2008-09-27)
I also can't get the keygen to run on my computer. My computer ID is 0d8d92806b18. Can someone please tell me what my Authorisation code would be?Temjen (2008-09-27)
[martin17900]Auth code - - - 61e0094d430e
Temjen (2008-09-27)
hey guys,just by the codes it won't do. You'll need the keygen working to replace the Resources..martin17900 (2008-09-28)
Is there any way I can get the keygen to run? Even if I switch my antivirus off, I still get an error message saying that I don't have permission to open the file, which makes no sense. Anything to do with me running XP SP3?martin17900 (2008-09-28)
Temjen, could you possibly send the generated Resources file to my email address? This keygen isn't working at allTemjen (2008-09-28)
okay no probs...ur email???krgr (2008-09-28)
Can someone help me with an auth code? I'm having big problems loading the keygen up.Id: 56fc73dfe45f
Temjen (2008-09-28)
you'll also need the resources file along with the code,so probably u'll need the keygen.martin17900 (2008-09-28)
Kool man, my e-mail address is [email protected]uptightkid (2008-09-29)
Thanks to the kind person who ran my id through the keygen.Can someone please upload the keygen itself becuase it would not 'unzip' in the torrent I downloaded.
uptightkid (2008-09-29)
Temjen....dude, could you please send me generated Resources file to my email address? Is there a way to send a Private message on this forum. Do you use any music forums (e.g future producer) as I can hook you with my mail that way.uptightkid (2008-09-29) address in [email protected]cheers
Sneb_Goupter (2008-09-29)
Hi UpTightKid....I've have the same problem as well, I've downloaded this three times, but still the the same the keygen wont open. If i send your the ID code could you please return the info needed.
Regards Sneb
Temjen (2008-09-29)
guys what exactly is the problem with the Keygen?uptightkid (2008-09-29)
I can only speak for my own situation.After downloading the torrent I can extract the program file but not the key gen file.
The keygen shows up as a zip file but when I extract no file is generated. I don't get any error message.
Hope this explains my situation.
Temjen (2008-09-29)
[krgr]Auth Code - 8fd89a349e48
Temjen (2008-09-29)
can u come (2008-09-29)
Hi uptightkid...The keygen wont open, went I try windows keeps saying that I've have not got the permissions to do so.?
loesss (2008-10-05)
Keygen isn't working for me neither. :(If someone could be so kind to check for my authorization code, i'd really appreciate it.
Computer-ID: 1239fa5d6cd1
Shaunzy (2008-10-06)
any chance someone can give me my auth code?computer ID is: c670cafac30d
Thanks for your time it would be such appreciated
Shaunzy (2008-10-06)
my e-mail is [email protected], just reading through the comments and it seems i need some files aswell. seems as though you have been a great help temjen... hopefully you still go online!!lo0nie (2008-10-06)
Hi i Know its been explained but im having problems and cant work it out cant sum1 help me with a auth plscomp id : d9e330269771
karlfoot (2008-10-06)
hey if theres anyone around that can hook me up with a working keygen, would be great. same problem, no perission to access the file??my pc id: b3531fc78287
if anyone is willing to get me the authorisation code and email me the file asociated with it??
would be greatly appreciated..
[email protected]
please i really need this.
zligital (2008-10-07)
Can someone write down my authorization please ... Mine is PC Version 1.0 ....ID : 7f5670d0f376
Thanks ....
jakedacake (2008-10-13)
Helloauthorizationkey need it thanks
computer id: d04dc70a34f2
jakedacake (2008-10-15)
Its a Trojan Virus in the keygen. Avg detected itVIRUS!!!
micpyo (2008-10-17)
I can't get my keygen to work either my computer id is: e31fccb24baf[email protected]
lamerang (2008-10-19)
f325060f9a2eif someone could help me, it would be amazing.
email- [email protected]
lamerang (2008-10-19)
Could someone please help me out with the keygen, my id isf325060f9a2e
Thank You!
potephon (2008-10-20)
I'm also having trouble with the keygen. My Id is 4cc97372d142.Thanks a million!turgga (2008-10-29)
Hi! I have troubles with keygen. My ID is fc2605412b89, please help me.Thanks a lot. [email protected]
dhin01 (2008-10-29)
id 35212d63d827if someone could help me, it would be amazing,
the keygen wont open
[email protected]
moonman79 (2008-10-29)
hello! the keygen wont work. could somebody help me and give the code? my computer id is: b3cb1daa4396thank you so much!
[email protected]
tccpro (2008-11-06)
new to this. i need a key gen for addictive drums if not can i give u my computer id .and if some can get reg for metccpro (2008-11-07)
need reg addictive drums my comp id is 988239df35b1 thanksmeirmusic (2008-11-08)
Can someone please send me the codemy computer id is eedb680daa1e
[email protected]
tccpro (2008-11-08)
need reg addictive drums my comp id is 988239df35b1 thanks my emal is [email protected]shy_mindz (2008-11-10)
hey, i see a lot of peoples having problems with the keygen. Registered especially to ask if someone would be kind enough to send me an authorisation code for computer id:c077ef93c832
email is [email protected]
love you long time :P
glimps (2008-11-13)
Is it me or you people should learn to read?1. Enter your computer Id into the keygen
2. Replace Resources.xpak file with one from keygen
3. Use authorization code from keygen to unlock
5. Enjoy this fine Team AiRISO release!!!
theredfish (2008-11-14)
NEED ACTIVATION KEY i got the keygen to work but it doesnt want to use the activation code i gotcomputer code db35d6e231a8
please help
Temjen (2008-11-18)
If u want to Activate,contact me at [email protected]Temjen (2008-11-30)
is everything Dead Already..???sideproject (2008-12-01)
I also can't get the keygen to run on my computer. My computer ID is a4f72790d54d. Can someone please tell me what my Authorisation code would be?funkypoodle (2008-12-12)
I can't find 'resource.xpak' anywhere (?) to replace with the one generated by the keygen... I have read very carefully, been through the process 3 times, tried putting the generated resource.xpak into Library/Application Support/Addictive Drums but there is nothing to replace it with....The keygen works but without replacing this file the authorization code doesn't work. Anybody using OS X get this working? In the mean time I either re=install every 10 days or backup the date on my system.... Help Please!funkypoodle (2008-12-12)
never mind! I was in the users/library not the hd/ worked on the first try! this did not however unlock the retro pack, only addictive drums. If anybody has a link for a retro pack keygen I would be extremely grateful! BTW for those mac users looking for codes, use Crossover (available on most major torrent sites) to open the .exe keygen ( :crvzado (2008-12-13)
Well... AS soon as utorrent downloaded the keygen, AVG detected it as a trojan and removed it..... , soon after, uTorrent sad that it couldn't detect the file: Error.What about it????
funkypoodle (2008-12-14)
drzaius, are you running os x or windows? under os x it took me a while to find the preferences (they are in library/preferences/by host folder) the uninstallers doesn't trash this on it's own. Hope this helps ( :Shiio (2008-12-17)
Hmm, i've tried so many times now, downloaded several keygens, all of them contains virus! so i can't extract it, or open it...I'm going bonzai here!!
my comp. ID: 0fc6cf4f3a63
can anyone use their keygen for me?
Drakton (2008-12-25)
Cakewalk Sonar... Any luck? I have Sonar 7 Producer and Sonar 8 Producer and Addictive Drums doesn't show up in either version.Running Vista x64 Ultimate.
Shiio (2008-12-30)
come on, anyone?Qrackaduck (2009-01-17)
Hey it says that the keygen has a trojan... Could you make a Authorizon code for these two Computer ID's?bcb351da6c53
etmphils (2009-01-18)
Hi Im having problems on my authorization code my computer ID: ba3ea2f08c27but the authorization given from keygen didnt match w/ my computer ID:
given authorization code is 80e796f7f389
anyone pls help me on this if is there a right code for my computer ID thanks.
kukufly (2009-01-22)
hi keygen not working for me either, if anyone would be good enough to do one for me my comp id is.d52d48416b59
iiiDUSNAiiii (2009-01-23)
Hey...!!! All guys with problem running keygen bcs *windows bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit no permission bullshit*...... here is the REASON 4 YA.........
Go with your f*cking totaly antivirprocess overfullfilled windows to "safe mode" and there run keygen.... Works OK and any process has a chance to stop you in your cracking... Your authorisation code awaits you there... Even more... keygen has an icon... :-)
josebcn (2009-01-23)
It works,follow the steps,you must replace the file in the installation folder!!!etmphils (2009-01-28)
i followed all the steps advised & even on the read me file.. but still my authorization key didnt worki used this VST for only 10days.. so how will i get the right key?
rescuetherevolution (2009-01-28)
Works well so far! Thanks! =)etmphils (2009-01-29)
pls help me on this...Hi Im having problems on my authorization code my computer ID: ba3ea2f08c27
but the authorization given from keygen didnt match w/ my computer ID:
given authorization code is 80e796f7f389
anyone pls help me on this if is there a right code for my computer ID thanks.
jimmay (2009-02-25)
Great release. Downloaded and works perfectly.Great drum sounds, I was really surprised with this one.
etmphils: I'm certain you just didn't do something right. Just follow the instructions.
Netty-Swobb (2009-02-26)
It won't let me open the keygen :(Could someone make an authorization code for this comp id
josebcn (2009-03-08)
alright so i have done this with this and the ezdrummer torrent it just wont open in logic pro 8 or garageband... i download it, i unrar, i mount, i install, then i try to open it up in logic or garageband so i can get to were to type in the access code and it just doesnt show up in garageband and logicchappie2 (2009-03-24)
Can anyone upload
Steven Slate Drums 3.0
to TPB? I'm dying to try it!!!!
chaseyo (2009-03-27)
also... im using macWrattis9 (2009-03-31)
Can someone make a code for me? my ID is:01cb674e7881
chaseyo (2009-04-01)
can you please give me the authorization code becuz mine gives me an incorrect code my id is 75fd3cce02c7kenzoc (2009-04-02)
hello friends my id 860502735d5b I urgently need the activation code grazie.mia email [email protected]
GKOBE (2009-04-04)
My anti-virus showed a Trojan horse in the keygen. Someone can to send the code for me? Thankx!!!------------
[email protected]
Machine ID is NB9Q-TBLR-YF8E
GKOBE (2009-04-04)
Sorry guys, wrong information. This is the RIGHT Computer ID e8c094e57cf0.Send to --> [email protected]
Thankx a lot!
GKOBE (2009-04-08)
anyone?rlheim (2009-04-09)
Great program! I followed the directions but cant get the program to accept the keygen number. It won't authorize. Any good ideas to correct this?Comp # is cd65b8cd8b95 Generated number is af3b1989aa07 but won't work.
straterrific (2009-04-14)
Anybody try the RTAS with Pro Tools? I can't seem to get it to even recognize.Avenget (2009-04-17)
I couldn't find the keygen anywhere in the package, could anybody please email it to me?[email protected]
dopemcee (2009-05-15)
anyone having problems where its installed correctplays okay for a while and all of a sudden you lose the sounds???
like my midi controller is correct and everything with signal but the sound from the xln cuts out..
no sound..
i have to uninstall /reinstall it and it works for like an hr and cuts out again.
djdemlot (2009-05-19)
Hi, I cannot seem to get AD to start up so I can authenticate it.I have followed the instruction to the point where I have replaced the xpak files, but
everytime I go into the (cubase s3) i have to update the plugins list.
When AD appears, I click on it and get nothing.
Could anyone tell me what I am doing wrong, as I just can't seem to figure it out.
dj demlot.
markusb20 (2009-05-29)
I need an authorization code for mac. my computer ID is3736fd9fdb47
thans a lot!
etmphils (2009-06-02)
damn... etmphils its been long time in searching the right way.... i finally got it.. and its perfect.. its fully authorized...i didnt follow the instructions in replacing correct resources path...
anyway thanks...
MTI250 (2009-06-07)
washburnwg228 (2009-06-11)
works perfectly fine....just read the instructional comments provided on the first page.....thanx a lot :D...seeding now.....keep it up airISO ^_^inno0101 (2009-08-01)
please im using a mac and my code is 8837077ze4i need an me back at [email protected]
thanks alot guys
j2theosh (2009-08-02)
I installed everything, and now just need an authorization code ! My computer ID is 4f4ecd29f350 ....... Please help me, been up so long trying to figure this out ! My email is [email protected] thank you in advance !ebbles (2009-08-08)
great torrent, i got it in grace mode... but no matter what i do the keygen wont extract!? its strange because at first it would extract from the rar file and id try to open it and it would come up with the error message and then the file would disappear! ive tried disabling all of my mcafee shit and firewall and defender stuff but it still wont do anything. i was hoping somebody with a working keygen would help me get a code, my computerID is 3cc9d6d0a585Thanks
TalichniTom (2009-08-15)
My cubase wont load addictive drums, it marks it brown as unloadable. Does anyone knows what could be the problem?aaaagent007 (2009-08-20)
Hi !I'm on Mac, and I have problem with AD. When not cracked, it works perfectly in demo mode. But when cracked (i mean i used the keygen, and replaced the ressource.xpak file), i just hav no sound...
Does anyone know how to fix it ? (i reinstalled many times)
Bluhaze (2009-10-12)
I need an authorization code for mac. my computer ID isce8e45b9aa96
[email protected]
dharmik (2009-11-06)
ok lemme tell u all guys out here....theres no problem in the keygen and no problem in authorisation of the app. just follow the steps:1. open the rar file and install the app
2. open AD with ur sequencer (cubase,nuendo,logic,etc)
3. now click on authorise, u shud get ur comp id.
4. now open the keygen rar file and paste the comp id and GENERATE!!!
5. save the resource pack somewhere.
6. now copy the resourse pack to the AD folder in ur directory ( generally C/) and replace the old resource file.
7. now open ur sequencer and paste the code into the AD.
8. it shud now get authorised.
adrum (2009-11-13)
Anyone know how you can update this to 1.5? really need the e-drum support.vibestyler (2009-11-15)
i need the 1.5 crack tooRoofinator (2009-11-26)
Where is Addictive Drums folder on a mac?I can't find it to replace resources.xpak
burns121 (2009-12-01)
hey guys help me out...downloaded it and their is just one big file 1.77gb in .uif format...i couldnt locate the keygen...i might sound dumb...plz need your help...i tried to convert it into iso file...installed but again no keygen...
thesponce (2009-12-03)
Hi. I use a Mac. I followed the instructions and tried to use the keygen on a PC. The PC won't recognize it and won't open it. I'd be really gratefull if one of you PC users could use your keygen to get me a authorization number to match my computer ID: AAUEC-QQBB3-CXR
My email is [email protected]
AudioPhile25 (2009-12-08)
This works 100% perfectly. Just follow the instructions. If you can't access the keygen, disable/change your antivirus. My antivirus always deletes AiR keygens because they're blacklisted. In some cases, your a/v may move it to a vault or chest. It's also not possible to just use a key. The keygen actually 'generates' a file which you have to replace in the application's directory. So, in short, you and only you can make a 'key' to use this instrument.lestatcris (2009-12-12)
HI , the keygen is a trojan , can somedy help me and give me the auth code :My PC Nb is 00304f22f715
Thx a lot , response to this mail Plz:
[email protected]
Spiritdisease (2009-12-16)
Works fine, need a crack for the 1.5 update version thoughdesigned2play (2009-12-25)
Some of the upfaders in the user window of this program, ones for hi-hat and toms have all turned into santa claus' faces.... Not too cool....lestatcris (2009-12-28)
Pleeaaaaaassseeee:HI , the keygen is a trojan , can somedy help me and give me the auth code :
My PC Nb is 00304f22f715
Thx a lot , response to this mail Plz:
[email protected]
NYCRocker (2010-01-02)
I cannot believe out of ALL these successful Mac install no one will tell EXACTLY how to get this to work. Where does the xpak go? I have a 13" MB Pro/Snow Leopard. I have followed instructions to a tee including generating the keygen on a PC and everything goes as planned except when I enter the auth code in AD it says "authorization Failed" I assume it's because I don't have the xpak in the right place...wherever that is. If I figure it out I'll post but until then could some successful MAC user please post the whole xpak mystery please?NYCRocker (2010-01-02)
OK Mac users?it works and it's easy if you know where to find the xpak. Double click and open your Harddrive, open "Library" folder then open "Application" folder then open "Support" folder then open "Addictive Drums" drag the new Keygenerated xpak right into that folder and when it asks if you want to replace?say yes. Here's how I did the whole thing. First you download the torrent and there's a buck of files,right? I used a program called "UnrarX" that opens rar files on Mac and i got it right here:
Next I used Unrarx to open these two files only: air-xlnaadkgn.rar AND air-xlnaad.rar One is the keygen and the other is the program. Next you see the program ISO right there. Open it and the drive icon appears on your desktop. Open that and proceed with the mac installer. After installation I opened Garageband and went straight to Addictive Drums where i had to attempt to authorize without the keygen because computer ID already in place. I copied the Computer ID right in the Addictive drummer "computer ID" box. Now?this is way I did it. I pasted the computer ID in yahoo messenger and "file transferred" the Keygen exe and sent them both over to my PC. I then copied and pasted the Computer ID into the keygen box on my PC and clicked "generate". It then asks you if you want to proceed and you proceed. It creates the xpak and gives you an auto number?you'll need to send both of those back to the Mac and then follow the very first steps above. replace the xpak first, then open your audio program and enter the auto code and BINGO! ?it works.woolyg (2010-01-05)
unable to send keygen to pc... will someone plz generate e2d0ed629ddc ... and send to [email protected]... thxschecter7 (2010-01-07)
can someone please send me a code for id: 750243c47503. send it to [email protected] . Please, it will be greatly appreciated. my keygen cant even get past avg let alone nortondecorum1210 (2010-01-07)
Hi Guys.I too am unable to send anything to my pc as I dont have one. Sods law really.
Could someone please do the gentlemanly thing of helping me out please.
My machine ID is caedf65541ba. Can you send it to [email protected]. Thanks guys. You may just save my life....
erik111189 (2010-01-13)
My computer ID is dc96063d1532. Please send authorization code to [email protected]. Thanks, you made my day.timmytom7777_7 (2010-01-18)
Does the keygen have a virus? If it does where can I find a safe keygendabrorius (2010-01-19)
MAC Leopard users who still didn't get it to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are looking in the wrong library folder :)
There are 2 library folders with addictive drums in it
one is your users library folder
Macintosh HD/Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/Addictive Drums
but resources.xpak is in this one!
Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Addictive Drums
it works now :)
markygummy (2010-01-20)
my laptop wont let me extract the keygen,plz can someone send me the authorization code to [email protected]my computer id is
its addictive drums 1.1.0
plz i only have 4 days left to use it T.T
duvall375 (2010-01-22)
can someone give me the authorization code for computer ID:3580db4d7654?My Email is [email protected]
awood314 (2010-01-29)
Hi I downloaded this and I found I have a similar problem as some people...after I authorize there is no sound.
i think there was a problem with transferring of the keygen xpak file but the thing is I can't start over. every time i reinstall its fully authorized. if theres a way I could deauthorize my computer or find my computer ID and redo the keygen I think that would be very helpful
abswisher (2010-02-02)
Is there a 1.5 crack anywhere out there?! I downloaded the update and it unregistered everything.SuburbanMe (2010-02-06)
Need the 1.5 keygen!!!Same problem as everyone else, installed the update - now I can't authorize. Obviously resources file is bigger with the latest update - so a new keygen is needed.
Where are the AiR team when we REALLY need them? come on guys - your work is essential!!!
Fred4611 (2010-02-07)
I need a crack for the 1.5.1 version ( Update from the XLNaudio site )Thanks
rohagymeg (2010-02-12)
I uploaded the 1.5.1 update
bat_fastardo (2010-02-14)
Hey guys. Can anyone help a mac user with the keygen code? My computer id is: 63297c3c39ac I would be forever grateful if someone can help me this.trey410 (2010-02-16)
can anyone help methe keygen isnt working on mine
heres my computer ID
e-mail it to me, thnx [email protected]
apr0xr (2010-02-17)
I've read lots of comments and I don't seem to find anyone with the same problem as me. Everything with the keygen etc is working, but the addictive drums program doesn't show up in my pro tools. I've wrapped the plugin with ''vst - rtas wrapper'' and such but still no effect. I even installed this at a friends comp and got it to work (he uses xp, I use vista).It just ain't showing in the plugins folders @ pro tools >: ( getting really frustrating as I need the program.
Any1 knows anything or had the same prob? Would appreciate answers like hell : )
roodacris (2010-02-21)
can sumone help me, my keygen isnt workin, here is my computer i.d bcb351da6c53, here is my email adress thank youroodacris (2010-02-21)
lol here is my email adress, [email protected]6505 (2010-02-22)
Can someone please help me, my keygen isn't computer id is 4c5020b962af
my email is [email protected]
i will be very grateful if anyone can help me.
bat_fastardo (2010-02-24)
Hey guys. Can anyone help a mac user with the keygen code?My computer id is: 63297c3c39ac
I would be forever grateful if someone can help me this. Please mail to norin_empire(a)
Mixtap3 (2010-02-28)
Please! can someone generate the code for meComputer ID: a3b218b7b3bf
Email: [email protected]
LeGra (2010-03-02)
The 1.5.1 update is posted. It's well worth it!!fitness999 (2010-03-05)
Hej, har datorID: 9a660b550a4e,Min mail är [email protected]
Vill nån snäll hjälpa mig?
Mixtap3 (2010-03-05)
Please! can someone generate the code for meComputer ID: a3b218b7b3bf
Email: [email protected] (or just post as a comment)
Digital_Toshiba (2010-03-12)
Alright, everybody who's having problems updating their AD & can't get past authorizing it, RE-INSTALL your AD then update to 1.5 WITH YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION OFF!!! It worked like a miracle for me...thnx to "jessica-93" from the other torrent of this drum program here..:)generation91 (2010-03-15)
Hello, I've been looking to solve this for months but i really cant find the authorization code. If someone could please send me the code to my mail I would be forever thankful.My mail is : [email protected]
and my computer id is : eab87badfb67
Please send me the authorization code ;_; thx
drgonz1 (2010-03-15)
For Mac users!Thanks to NYCRocker and Dabrorlus... your tips combined make it work perfectly! Sweet!
generation91 (2010-03-15)
Plz help ;_________________; need the codeMy mail is : [email protected]
and my computer id is : eab87badfb67
you can also post it here I will look ;_; plz
sjungic (2010-03-20)
Please help me! My keygen ain't working.My computer id is e0363639e37f
E-mail is [email protected]
DBZCOOL (2010-03-26)
Could someone send me air-xlnaadkgn.rar ? because I've deleted it[email protected]
Demonslayer616 (2010-04-25)
Everytime i try to open the keygen it wont let me open it and my anti virus software gets rid of a trojan. Sooo i guess along with a bunch of other people, i need a working keygen. Thank you!Comp id:001b9e9ead80
email:[email protected]
J_HUNT216 (2010-05-01)
madreoce (2010-05-10)
Hey guys:For those mac users who still can't make it work:
Install Addictive drums, then open your host app (im using logic), then launch the Plugin. Click "authorize" and copy the computer id, then on a PC run the keygen.exe that came with the file you downloaded and paste your computer id and it will give you two things: an authorization code (save it) and a resources.xpak file (save it too). Close your host app and in your hard drive go to: Library > Application Support > Addictive Drums > and here, replace the resources.xpak file with the one you previously generated. Now launch your host app for ADdrums, launch ADdrums and click authorize and finally just paste the authorization code you got from the keygen.exe. It should now work.
roman.d (2010-05-14)
Hey madreoce, I tried using the keygen as you instructed but mine still didn't work.My computer id is a80057012e3b
email is [email protected]
madreoce (2010-05-16)
roman.dhey dude make sure you followed all steps such as closing addictive drums and the host program before replacing the resources.xpak. those instructions should work. good luck with that
roman.d (2010-05-19)
madreoceOk got it working, you were right. What happened was I put the resources.xpak in the wrong library folder. I put it in my personal library and not the Macintosh HD library. Thanks for the help. It works great.
Jackpaj (2010-05-19)
you say something about mac in the instalation instructions i take that means it works on a mac? just because its in the windows section thanks!plistiff (2010-05-21)
I also need the activation code please!E-mail: [email protected]
Computer ID: a8bfddeb2e25
Jackpaj (2010-05-21)
also i need of help ID is 15a0e101ab8bMy e mail is [email protected] or i am online now at [email protected]
hope to hear from some one soon thanks!!!
Jackpaj (2010-05-25)
can anyone help with the keygenMy ID is 15a0e101ab8b
My email is [email protected]
thanks for your time!
kurarpikt (2010-06-11)
could someone generate me a code?my ID: d9fb8f1cd8d0
my email: [email protected]
thank you!
paulofighters (2010-06-14)
Hey guys, can anyone send me a code please?, I have 10 days to insert the code in the version 1.1Cheers
[email protected]
kladdigt (2010-06-18)
hi!could someone help me out with the code?
ethernal id: 00:26:08:00:96:16
winks_88 (2010-06-20)
Could someone send me a code please?computer id: 03ec0101786a
My email address is [email protected]
Thanks :)
guitarist1 (2010-06-28)
Was working In GB but NOT in Digital Prfrmr, which would crash if Add.Dru. was accessed! The update derailed everything as the old code did NOT work.Silverwing- (2010-07-05)
hi, I tried the keygen. it doesn´t work :(could someone help me out please?
ID : 5b091f32b750
My e-mail adress: [email protected]
thanks a lot ;)
LordGothmog42 (2010-07-13)
can somebody help with the keygen?nMy ID is 805aea417146nnMy email is a lot!yadin (2010-07-27)
hey guys can you please help memy id:94e6f039
my gmail:[email protected]
Soul2soul (2010-07-28)
If you're having problems installing, just follow molurus's instructions spot on and what a sound, i'm amazed!FUIMN (2010-07-29)
works great so far but the keygen generator wont open. can someone generate a code for me please!? 10 days remaining...IP 75da267df40f[email protected]
jeeves111 (2010-07-29)
Hi my id is BCB351da6c53my email is [email protected]
thank you for your help!
Pidworth (2010-08-07)
Hello, could some1 generate me a key please. I'd be extremely grateful!!!ID: 052ca56621c4
Email: [email protected]
Nihoa (2010-08-09)
cant seem to get the keygen to work. someone help out?id - c6965826cf45
[email protected]
pablo2384p5 (2010-08-13)
can someone please help me out with a code:)my id is W8920GGC9GU
my email is [email protected]
thanks alot!!
bob08050 (2010-08-16)
Could anybody please generate a code for me?ID = b84dbb3ba0f2
Email = [email protected]
bob08050 (2010-08-17)
Hey Mac user who are having trouble authorizing....Use the search bar on the top right corner of your screen and type in macintosh HD, then click library, then click application support, then addictive drums. there you should see a resource.xpak file. THAT is the file that you need to replace with the file that you get from using the keygen. If you havent used the keygen, you must use the keygen on a PC then transfer the recourse.xpak file you get to your Mac and replace it with the one i mentioned before
I hope this helps
BergInc (2010-09-02)
Can someone please help me out and get me a code?Computer ID: ARBJ3Q835X
Email: [email protected]
LibertyorDeath (2010-09-13)
So I had it installed and running perfectly, I followed the steps as described by madreoce a page back. Then I updated from OS X 10.5 to 10.6.3 and now Logic no longer acknowledges the plug-in. Can't use it, any help?Larryjr85 (2010-09-17)
Could anybody please generate a code for me?ID = 5721198fd060
Email = [email protected]
trunkki (2010-09-17)
Hi. I can't find that file anywhere where I can start the program. What am I supposed to do? Thank you for help!itsike (2010-09-17)
WE NEED A KEYGEN FOR THE 1.5!!!marsxmarsx (2010-09-19)
Hello, could some1 generate me a key please. I'd be extremely grateful!!!ID: 217f5c67fd61
Email: [email protected]
ipathLOVE (2010-09-21)
can somebody get me a serial? computer ID is22e4ec9c0336
email is [email protected] thanks a lot!
jocster (2010-09-22)
The keygen won't open.Can some of you help me out please?
ID: a6b84f98cd6c
Email: [email protected]
Phlesh (2010-09-25)
I've not yet seen this problem described by anybody else, but after successfully authorising AD there isn't any sound. The VST works in the first session after activating it, but when closed and attempted to be opened in a different session there is no sound. There is an output signal but I can't hear anything. I don't think it's a retarded mistake on my part; the volume is on, other VSTs work perfectly, the VST power button is on and assigned to MIDI-out like it should be. I'm using Cubase SX3 and was actually using AD with it for about 8 months before it randomly told me I needed to authorise it, after having already authorised it when I downloaded it all those months ago. Can anybody help? I really need this to work.itsike (2010-10-01)
Any keygen for the 1.5?? Someone know how to fix the keymap on the 1.1 or how to load a map preset? thanks!jinsan (2010-10-05)
I understand absolutely everything, I've found the resource.xpak after installing ADrums on my OS X. I also can run windows so I put the resource.xpak to my windows HDD and used keygen, got the modified resource.xpak, put it on MacHDD. Now when in mac, everything is good, I found the place where the resource.xpak is located, I overwrite it with the modified resource.xpak (from the keygen). I also have saved the key code that I got from the keygen. Now I turn on Logic and scan for new plugins, and it sees it, then it starts scanning and gives me this error :--------------------------------------------------
FATAL ERROR: OpenAComponent: result: -32767,0xFFFF8001
validation result: couldn't be opened
If anyone has any idea what I'm doing wrong or what to do, I would be very grateful for your help or ideas.
bigbutcher3 (2010-10-14)
could someone generate a code for me, pls?computer id : a77120bd33d1
email : [email protected]
i'd be very grateful if someone could do this for me.
florencmarqeshi (2010-10-14)
HELLO EVERYONEI had the same problems as all of you THE SOLUTION.
Step 1:Install addictive drums
Step 2:Open ur DAW (digital audio workstation)
Step 3:Open the addictive drums vst
Step 4:Click on Authorize
Step 5:Open keygen included in the torrent
Step 6:Copy the ID to ur keygen Click generate and save the recourses file on your desctop.
IMPORTANT READ CAREFULLY:Now copy the Authorization code wer prompted on ur actual vst DONT CLICK AUTHORIZE. On your desctop u should have the resources file, wat u need to do nw is locate where u installed the vst if u cnt find it and u have windows 7 go to my computer and just search addictive drums. When u find it thats wat she sed (lol joke) but ye when u find addictive drums there should be a recourses file on there remove that one and drag the recourses file you have on your desctop once you have done that go bk to ur daw and click authorize and it should work. if you have any questions ask
flicknash (2010-10-16)
hey whr can i fnd da keygen ?? gt a downld link ?? My ID is 4efcce76195f cn ny1 pls send me da authrization code ?? [email protected] thnks ppl :)femily (2010-10-16)
Keygen had a trojan. Can anyone email me a proper one?[email protected]
Thank you!
femily (2010-10-16)
whoops forgot.ID: 4250aa81f606
sjungic (2010-10-20)
Pleeeease help me out! I'll be very thankful!My ID: 83cae1d6634e
e-mail: [email protected]
Anus_dei1939 (2010-10-26)
hey everyone coould anyone sort me out with the activation code pleaaaase:( id:38180e5af010 my e-mail is [email protected] thanks in advancehoolieshkr (2010-10-28)
Hello M'Dude....Could someone please do the keygen magic (I'm a mca user and can't track a mac friendly keygen down)
id - 27da52b7d41c
email is [email protected]
thanks in advance!
Dave63 (2010-12-05)
Hi, i downloaded it and the keygen doesn't work. Please Can You send me the authorization code or the working keygen?mail: [email protected]
Computer ID: 62737aec75a5
Thanks a lot
sdke (2010-12-07)
what florencmarqeshi says works great!!thanks man :D
charlesruiz_2000 (2010-12-09)
I need an authorization code badly! It would be greatly appreciated.Computer id: a6b84f98cd6c
Email: [email protected]
I will love you forever!
urban_pirat (2010-12-12)
my keygen doesnt work eithercan someone help me out?
ID: b482fefa671d
email: [email protected]
thanks a lot!
randymom (2010-12-13)
my keygen doesnt work eithercan someone help me out?
ID: dbfdd2acb583
email: [email protected]
thanks a lot!
cmanort92 (2010-12-19)
I also need an authorization code, please help.My ID:1c7f6de3738d
Email: [email protected]
Any help would be EXTREMELY appreciated! THANKS!
spktr (2010-12-21)
can someone please help me with a a serial my id isa6b84f98cd6c
and my email is [email protected]
thanks in advance!
monty79x (2010-12-21)
DEAR ALL,THIS IS REALlY REALLY IMPORTANT, PLZ PLZ PLZ, as it is Xmas, send me a working Key thingy. Here is my I.D :8b1632ad8b3d
my email: [email protected]
TheAznSwagg (2010-12-25)
PLEASE SEND ME THE WORKING CODE ! it's christmas eve. Please. Please send me the code to [email protected] F32ad9e4e7cfnahoowey (2010-12-26)
A few suggestions:**VERY Important**Make sure that your DAW (Cubase, Cakewalk, etc.) is running with Administrator privileges.
Right Click-Compatibility- Check Run This Program as a Administrator.
The main problem that I had was getting the Resource file generated from the Keygenerator to take. To do this I did the following:
1. Go through the process of selecting Addictive Drums from your VST instruments in your DAW and authorizing it with the Keygen (copy Computer ID, paste ID in the Keygen, generate authorization code).
2. Do not replace the Resource file with the one generated with Keygen. Save the Resource file in a new folder, exit out of the keygen and your DAW without finishing authorizing Addictive Drums, go to the folder with the original Resource file, and replace it with the Resource file generated by the keygen. Open your DAW up again and continue with the process and this time the Resource file should take.
Alternatively, you could just rename the Resource file during the authorization process to something like Resource2 (although, it did not appear to change when I did this, but it did!) and save the Resource file from the Keygen in its place with the correct name:).
If you like this program, please buy it!
Take care:)
John_Hill (2011-01-01)
LibertyorDeath (2011-01-04)
***HELP***So I had it installed and running perfectly, I followed the steps as described by madreoce a few pages back. Then I updated from OS X 10.5 to 10.6.3 and now Logic no longer acknowledges the plug-in. Can't use it, any help?
metalmutha11 (2011-01-10)
keygen wont work on my mac.anyone wanna help?
ID: 0e295bcb6c31
email: [email protected]
cheers guys
charlesruiz_2000 (2011-01-14)
I'm still waiting on a key, if anyone can do me the favor please.Computer id: a6b84f98cd6c
Email: [email protected]
I will love you forever!
Creed911 (2011-01-21)
The Keygen isnt included in the torrent anymore??Can someone who has it help me? I would be forever in your debt! This is holding back my music which isnt great....
I beg of you!
Comp. ID: bcb351da6c53
Email: [email protected]
With Regards
Pontus Sinklair
John_Hill (2011-01-25)
abhinavmassey (2011-02-02)
can anyone plz authorize my addictive computer ID : d0bdc48fd251
mail me @ [email protected]
thanx a ton...!:)
Milosvuko (2011-02-06)
Hi :((( i need some help i can do it alone..ID: 623f3512f191
Email: [email protected]
thank you
Milosvuko (2011-02-06)
Hi i need help with that i cant do it alone if somebody can help :((((( pleaseID: 623f3512f191
Email: [email protected]
edman179 (2011-02-17)
This torrent is worthless without the keygen. Would appreciate something that works.i4ig0 (2011-03-22)
I don't know why you all have problems, florencmarqeshi's tips are very helpful. And FYI, the crack is in air-xlnaadkgn.rarCabNabDab (2011-03-23)
Thank you! works perfect people!just follow the INSTRUCTIONS!!!
icebag (2011-03-29)
Finally got the balls to open the keygen ( had to shut down my anti-virus programs) and tried it out. *Authorisation failed, please try again*Dont even work. anyone wanna help me out? bcb351da6c53
nolaw09 (2011-03-31)
Hey guys, I'm almost aaallll the way there, I just cant get access to a PC to get my keygen up and running to produce one for a mac. I don't know if people actually help out with these requests, but if anyone could, I would be most grateful. Thanks in advance.mac serial: W88080NWYP3
email:[email protected]
aatm_000 (2011-04-13)
my ID: 8eb4baf89c33help guys pls....pls ....
[email protected]
IkszY (2011-04-13)
Hi!my ID: e2b730dca622
guys, please help me!!!
my mail: [email protected]
very thanx!
bennenbox (2011-04-20)
How do i get the keygen??? i can't find it in the .rar file and not in the .iso file?Does anybody know where i can find it?
bennenbox (2011-04-20)
I find him, but i detect a trojan horse... does anyone have a good keygen? or can i use this one?[email protected]
makariuss (2011-05-02)
i didnt installed this one , i just use this in a track on my DAW and it works but the problem is i cannot drag and drop some drum presets on my DAW.... anyone can help?? btw im using magix music maker 16bouz27 (2011-05-11)
Computer ID: be09ac43b127email: [email protected]
Please give me an authorization code!!!!!!!
TheGhoul (2011-05-25)
i installed it successfully but there is no sound..and i cant even play the saved tracks..pls helpmemtrixmusic (2011-05-28)
Ok, so here's my problem.Downloaded, fine. Unrar everything and open the ISO file, install with the mac installation, says everything is ok. Had my friend ready with the keygen authorization code but when i open my daw Logic, i find only the demo version which i downloaded ages ago. I have reinstalled so many times now its ridiculous, and deleted everything to do with addictive drums, but nothing.
Please get back to me if you know what the problem is :(
memtrixmusic (2011-05-28)
get back to me on this email if you have any suggestions what so ever [email protected]johnnysynth (2011-06-21)
Did I accidentally delete 'Resources.xpak" ?!tduch002 (2011-07-02)
Anyone heard of any Metal ADpak torrents yet?danzeeman12 (2011-07-19)
Could someone please help me get a authorization code. ID= fa6c12e409c8email me at [email protected]
would greatly appreciate it :)
chendrix318 (2011-07-19)
How do i find my computer ID. I've been looking for hours on how to find it. Someone pleaaase help me out.:(((
xXBluRXx (2011-07-29)
Thanks for the torrent! I have it running perfectly fine on windows 7 64xbit.Step 1 read all of this properly, and turn off your internet as a precaution.
2 open up the .rar that ends with kyg or something to that effect, the keygen is NOT a virus.
3 open addictive drums in whatever program you use (i used Mixcraft) it will tell you how many days you have left, click authorize, IT WILL GIVE YOU YOUR COMPUTER I.D, there is no need to find it.
4 copy in your I.D to the keygen, save the resources file to your desktop.
5 copy the resources file over the original one in the addictive drums folder
6 click authorize (note if you click authorize before you copy over the resources file it will just tell you it didn't work)
Kladdeman (2011-08-03)
Thanks for this one! working fine on Win 7 32 bits with Sonar Cakewalk 8 Producer edition. Just a problem to get my Roland Vdrums working together with AD i need to update to latest 1.5.1 or 1.5.2. Can i update this version? Have somebody tried to update to latest AD version? Please let me know!Kladdeman (2011-08-03)
Thanks for this! works great on my win7 32 bits and Sonar Cakewalk v8 producer edition. To get my Vdrums Roland TD3 to work with AD i need to update to latest version. Can i do this without problems? Have Somebody tried this?Please let me know!
dotToddAL (2011-08-08)
I as well did not have a keygen after downloading and mounting my ISO.... confused on why some do and some dont. I searched for a keygen for a couple days, no luck. PLEASE HELP!Computer ID: 91016fdbfe19
Email: [email protected]
logandcob (2011-08-22)
could some one please possibly send me a working serial/activation code my id is b31f0252cf76 and my email is [email protected] thanks a thanks a bunchbroadbandreaper (2011-09-20)
Anyone know the Keygen music and or where i can download it? :3geraldfrench (2011-10-12)
verry good, crack work perfecly, thankswasabi25 (2011-10-19)
aight, gonna save some of you guys...WITH MAC...
you're probably trying to find where to replace the resources.xpak... probably you're going to YOUR USER/LIBRARY/APPLICATION SUPPORT... this is WRONG... go to you HARD DRIVE... like Macintosh HD... then go to Library, then open Applaication Support, then open Addictive Drums!!!! THERE YOU GO!!! THAT'S WHERE U REPLACE THE FILE!
cheers from brazil, everybody!
1tio (2011-10-21)
i cant seem to get the write file to desktop part,can someone help me?zequinha3 (2011-10-24)
hi there, could any one help me with the keygen?ID: 39fc51108a6a
[email protected]
bjjslayer (2011-11-07)
Like everone else I need help!!!Comp ID: 6c3a311733e3
[email protected]
Mehumah (2011-11-17)
Keygen doesn't work...Can someone please send me the authorisation code?
My ID is: 1d4b090d7f0a
Mail: [email protected]
Would be nice...
Molly81 (2011-11-20)
Just a question... Has anyone that has downloaded this only gotten 40% of the program although my program says I have recieved all 100%...Most likley I am a noob... But any help would be appreciated....
Bignutz (2011-11-21)
I can't find the way to start the program ???There is no .exe file in Program files. I installed everything like in NFO but there is no program. I even successfully updated it to 1.5.1... Look at this, this is my program folder:
Help please and sorry for bad english.
lithiumlounge (2011-11-29)
wow im so lost on this one...i cant seem to find my computer id# i have the keygen up ready to go but cant find the id?davidjb (2011-12-05)
Hi, can someone help me out with an Auth code.My comp ID is : 1260ddbb107f
My Email: [email protected]
Be very grateful if someone could do it.
fc89konkari (2011-12-12)
Yo! So I downloaded this and installed the thing. The problem is, how do I start up this program? Theres no ".exe" file or anything that I could start it up with. Even my Reaper had an issue when I tried to open the VST with it!Help please!
Thanks in advance!
meeps Oo (2012-01-07)
For everyone trying to figure out how to run the program, there is no .exe. It's designed to be run inside of another program called a DAW, like Reaper or Cubase or Protools or FL Studio, to name a few. Look where it installs the .dll file VSTPlugIns folder, and add that folder to VST plugins in your DAW and you will be able to add it as an "effect" to an instrument or midi controller.Also, has anyone found a working crack for 1.5? The update contains a ton of built in maps for e-drums and would be nice to have.
edzikt (2012-01-07)
Please help!!!! I cannot open any keygen becouse of Viruses. Can sombodey send me code for my computer ID which is: e9cfa22ef70cTHX in advance guys!!
edzikt (2012-01-07)
Please help!!!! I cannot open any keygen becouse of Viruses. Can sombodey send me code for my computer ID which is: e9cfa22ef70cTHX in advance guys!!
[email protected]
beaners69 (2012-01-10)
download and install and crack worked fine...but as soon as i shut down my DAW and reopen it addictive drums wont play any sounds.I uninstalled it, reinstalled it with no problem and it worked fine until i shut down the DAW again and boom no sounds when i restated
anyone know whats going on here and how to fix it?
basix4 (2012-01-18)
I am at a loss!!!!!! I have done the usual. Got it running in Acid Pro 7 no probs. When I go to register it off-line I have copied the code....removed the resourse filein XLN Addictive and then pasted the new one from the Key-Gen. Pasted in the authorisation number but nothing happens!! Can someone please help me out?? Using W7.basix4 (2012-01-18)
I am at a loss!!!!!! I have done the usual. Got it running in Acid Pro 7 no probs. When I go to register it off-line I have copied the code....removed the resourse filein XLN Addictive and then pasted the new one from the Key-Gen. Pasted in the authorisation number but nothing happens!! Can someone please help me out??87tam (2012-01-22)
hi there, could any one help me with the keygen?ID: 1c44df15bb7d
email:[email protected]
fjcube7 (2012-01-22)
HEY! Mac user here! Could someone please help me out with the keygen for this? Please.Comp ID: 6724a6a7082e
Email: [email protected]
dharris77 (2012-01-22)
i get a message saying this when i try to install (windows 7): "setup cannot open source fileC:users\Derek\AppData\local\temp\ultra$iso/
factory sound data\factory sound.xpak. " i have no idea what to/ someone please help this happens when i try to install superior drummer and ez drummer as well.
dee1228 (2012-02-01)
My Anti Virus is being a bitch and I cant get the keygen properly on my other computer either can someone send me the auth. codeComputer ID: 2a6816698807
Email: [email protected]
thanks a bunch
s.allen (2012-02-01)
I'm having the same problem. I'm using FL StudioMy ID is: a6b84f98cdc6
s.allen (2012-02-01)
Email: [email protected]Fred-CR (2012-02-04)
I need help with the keygenID: b596312d5d8b
email : [email protected]
kasisflexis (2012-02-08)
Hello! People, please help me out!ID: f8cdbb9acf84
@: [email protected]
Thank you!
clayton87 (2012-02-13)
Hi guys,I'm a mac user. Could someone with the keygen please give me the unlock code for this ID 4574a7d4d320
Thanks I really need this ;)
my email [email protected]
ManOfSkate (2012-02-20)
I just installed this and followed the instructions and it works perfectly. There is a separate .rar file housing the keygen. Anyone who can't figure this out is a stupid fucking cunt.pinonono4416 (2012-02-24)
I need help with the keygenID: a6b84f98cd6c
email : [email protected]
pinonono4416 (2012-02-24)
I need help with the keygen
ID: a6b84f98cd6c
email : [email protected]
filippetrucci (2012-02-26)
Please, someone help with the unlock code.I'm a Mac user.
Computer ID: 1ccbb19fc647
Email: [email protected]
bmac3627 (2012-03-02)
How to do this on PC, I have successfully done all of it.1. Download torrent, open folder
2. Click first RAR file (use WINrar)
3.It will be an iso, let it unpack. Mount the ISO if needed (Need Daemon Tools)
4.Open up mounted ISO run installer
5. Use whatever DAW you have I used Ableton, run the VST
6.It will ask to authorize, click it.
7. Go back to where all the RAR files were in, scroll down to the last one that abbreviates Keygen i believe its xlnaadkgn or something.
8. Open in WinRAR, extract and run it, ITS NOT A VIRUS
9. Go back to DAW check what your PC code is, copy it, paste it in Keygen
10. Generate, save the file in x84 XLN Audio
11. Close vst in DAW, REopen,
dallas33 (2012-03-05)
computer id:76a301e842f3 please help me..mail:[email protected] thank you....
fertigo (2012-03-13)
everyone who have problems to crack this on a mac. just update this trial with this torrent:
no need for cracking.
The_Unborn_Dead (2012-03-20)
Works perfectly!timmmetjuh123 (2012-03-22)
Can't uncrack need help PLEASE!?Comp id. 0f8fef0be302
Email: [email protected]
I would really appreciate help!!:)
AlvinTheBest (2012-03-27)
Could someone please open the keygen and get a authorisation code and the .xpak I need?Comp. ID: e9cfa22ef70c
Mail: [email protected]
Smigul89 (2012-04-29)
keygen not workingComputer ID: 9727bbeb8b3a
[email protected]
GG300 (2012-05-07)
Hi guys,I'm a PC user. Could someone with the keygen please give me the unlock code for this ID :
Thanks I really need this ;)
my email : [email protected]
GG300 (2012-05-07)
Hi guys,I'm a PC user. Could someone with the keygen please give me the unlock code for this ID : b596312d5d8b
Thanks I really need this ;)
My email [email protected]
guycoop72 (2012-05-20)
a6b84f98cd6c computer id email keygen please, thanks[email protected]
guycoop72 (2012-05-20)
PCComputer ID: a6b84f98cd6c
Email: [email protected]
If anyone has a keygen, would be greatly appriciated
phoquer (2012-05-30)
Somebody please email me the auth code...PC id: 7b0dc134bca1
email address:
[email protected]
Thank you.
PS has anybody received auth codes from fellow seeders/leechers?
ampy_1 (2012-06-14)
this is what i did to make it work. it was a very frustrating 14 HOURS TO GET THIS THING WORKING but i eventually made it work and even updated it to 1.5.2. without hassle.
1. install ADDICTIVE DRUM with the mac installer by mounting the ISO image with a mac version daemon tool:
*2. open the program needed to launch AD (i.e. garage band).
3. go through the authorization process. by clicking authorize. now go back to the AD folder and find the key generator and make it work. (you can make the key generator work by using windows or the program crossover. the EASIER method is via windows as it eliminates the need of installing CROSSOVER.)
*disable your internet and anti-virus before you do that.*
4. copy the COMPUTER ID to the keygen and press generate. save the file resources.xpak to you desktop. OR if you used WINDOWS for the keygen, just transfer the file to your mac desktop.
5. COPY the authorization code.
6. Exit the AD and the launcher program your using.
a) COPY the "resource.xpak" you saved on your mac desktop, the one that was generated by the key generator.
b) go to: finder>macintosh HD> Library > Application support > Addictive drums >
c) HERE you will find a file with the same name as the one above. now REPLACE that file with the one above. if it doesn't allow you to overwrite it, just delete the older file and paste the newer one.
8. now open AD again, and go to the authorization process. input the Authorization code that was generated by the keygen.
9. PRAY.
10. press enter. Give yourself a pat on the back as you now have an awesome drum software!
Thanks to the uploader for the great upload. AND PROPS TO THOSE commenters who helped me in creating this.
florencmarqeshi, nahoowey, bmac3627 and others. ehehe! please dont be mad at if ever i missed your names here.
email: [email protected]
ampy_1 (2012-06-14)
I forgot to mention NYCrocker for the awesome guide. thanks a lot bro.eanavrint (2012-08-05)
hi i need help for keygen a6b84f98cd6cemail : [email protected]
KingsleyKoburn (2012-08-22)
problems with keygen... ID: 32ec6a42ff7apweg (2012-08-23)
Pls help keygen dosnt workI.D 7CQJ9-E1V6F-C1P
[email protected] Thnx
pweg (2012-08-23)
Pls send me code ID 3e654cd74021[email protected]
Cvogt (2012-08-28)
I've tried everything and the keygen wont work.Computer ID: 78032dedce87
Email: [email protected]
please help me
KingsleyKoburn (2012-08-29)
Sorry I didn't give my email. I would really appreciate if you could help with the keygen!My ID is 32ec6a42ff7a
Please, thanks!
KingsleyKoburn (2012-08-29)
email: [email protected]KingsleyKoburn (2012-08-29)
and au... thanks!pulfer (2012-09-01)
Hi, urgent request :AUTHORISATION CODEcomp id: 3533e8310a1f
[email protected]
zico2210 (2012-09-04)
need help with the keycomputer id: acb059954cfd
email:[email protected]
zico2210 (2012-09-04)
i went on with the new online registration method and it didnt work , the key from the keygen isnt working either. what are my alternatives?zico2210 (2012-09-04)
i tried the keygen it didnt work, tried the online registration (that was dumb of me) that didnt work. now what?epattee (2012-09-09)
Hi need help with the keycomputer id: 5caf72ceb4d4
email:[email protected]
Cluttercow (2012-10-22)
Hi! I could use some help with the authorization ID: 577626561db4
email: [email protected]
thank you
knugeren (2012-10-22)
knugeren (2012-10-22)
XLN AUDIO THAT IS...knugeren (2012-10-22)
skrudreiveren (2012-10-23)
skrudreiveren, does it really work? The key isn't working for me... The keygen seems to be broken somehow.Cluttercow (2012-10-24)
LOL I got it to work. All you need to do is copy the Resource and paste it on the Addictive Drums folder, then the key will work. (some1 else wrote that before, nobody read it though)skrudreiveren (2012-10-24)
Since I was so utterly wrong about this not working, here is an A to Z of how to install this (for the totally newbies)and make it work:1. Extract the first rar archive and the last. The latter is your keygen.
2. Burn the iso to disk or mount it with your program of choice. (I use magic disk, it's free and easy to use).
3. Then find the install file and install addictive drums.
4. After the installation is complete you need to open your audio software(cubase, adobe audition, logic, protools or whatever you use) and find addictive drums. If you can't find addictive drums inside your audio software, you should do a scan of your vst plugins. Preferably addictive drums.dll is stored inside your :program files/vst-folder or inside the vst folder withing your audio software folder.
4. Open addictive drums . Then the authorise window will be shown. In this window you'll find your computer id.
5. Copy it! Now!
5. Open up the keygen and paste your computer ID into it. Then press generate. You'll be prompted to save a file,(that's the resources.xpak file) save it wherever you know how to find it. Desktop is the easiest place.
6. Navigate to "C:Program FilesXLN AudioAddictive Drums" and move the file in there, replace the old Resource.xpak
7. In the keygen window you can see your authorisation code. Copy that and go back to the addictive drums authorisation window and paste it
9. Click "Authorise" and you're a winner!
Any questions feel free to ask.
Seizureboy (2012-11-06)
Addictive drums is coming up with missing midi plugins. It can't find ANY of the drum samples whatsoever, it can find presets, but the actual samples themselves are seemingly nonexistent for me.martin4e (2012-11-25)
it doesn't work my keygen...f3d7ff593202 this is my computer ID please tell me
the Authorization code !!!
My E-mail - [email protected]
geokakl (2012-11-27)
08ecd5aa484a[email protected]
Thank you!!!
juansyto (2012-12-01)
im am having trouble with the keygen i cannot open it. Can someone please help me out and give me an authorization code. thank you!I.D:9b2db0805b41
email: [email protected]
inflames3 (2013-01-14)
is there anyone that can help me with the keygen it doesnt work.. anyone pleasE?jadasneez (2013-01-19)
Keygen is no good, don't waste your time.reneguitar (2013-02-10)
Can't get the authorization code, please help me with it.Computer ID: 8442a241fd22
e-mail: [email protected]
reneguitar (2013-02-10)
Can't get the authorization code, please help me with it. I'm on a Mac.Computer ID: 8442a241fd22
e-mail: [email protected]
vgb1994 (2013-02-19)
Mac user here, it says Authorization failed?!?Can someone please help me
Comp ID dc575795710c
Email [email protected]
vgb1994 (2013-02-19)
Got it working now!Thanks All!
ZombieVaccine (2013-03-17)
This works fine, a great release, just wish people knew how to figure it out for themselves so there wouldn't be 380+ comments.s44012 (2013-04-07)
I Can't get the authorization code,please help me with it.
Computer ID:0a4edf67d33a
e-mail: [email protected]
Thanks~~~ very much
edixon87 (2013-04-27)
Can't get the authorization code, please help me with it. I'm on a Mac.Computer ID: 9136e612273d
e-mail: [email protected]
zanrivers (2013-06-10)
sameone please answear is it works on windows 7 64bit sp1??zanrivers (2013-06-14)
where the F### is the keygen?????marcelobertozo (2013-06-25)
Thanks, man.The keygen works great.
"1. Extract the first rar archive and the last. The latter is your keygen.
2. Burn the iso to disk or mount it with your program of choice. (I use magic disk, it's free and easy to use).
3. Then find the install file and install addictive drums.
4. After the installation is complete you need to open your audio software(cubase, adobe audition, logic, protools or whatever you use) and find addictive drums. If you can't find addictive drums inside your audio software, you should do a scan of your vst plugins. Preferably addictive drums.dll is stored inside your :program files/vst-folder or inside the vst folder withing your audio software folder.
4. Open addictive drums . Then the authorise window will be shown. In this window you'll find your computer id.
5. Copy it! Now!
5. Open up the keygen and paste your computer ID into it. Then press generate. You'll be prompted to save a file,(that's the resources.xpak file) save it wherever you know how to find it. Desktop is the easiest place.
6. Navigate to "C:Program FilesXLN AudioAddictive Drums" and move the file in there, replace the old Resource.xpak
7. In the keygen window you can see your authorisation code. Copy that and go back to the addictive drums authorisation window and paste it
9. Click "Authorise" and you're a winner!"
Kutalia (2013-11-01)
THAT'S HOW I MAKE SHOW ADDICTIVE DRUMS ON MY FL STUDIO 10 PRODUCER VERSION: click on the CHANNELS on the right top corner, than ADD ONE>MORE... . then refresh list and select addictive drums from the list ;)gregits (2014-02-02)
wayyyy easy to activate thanks to 'marcelobertozo's comment thanks for that, for all you noobs that are freaking out asking for help have a gander down on there and you'll be sorted out, thanks uploader works perfectly cheers!butterpie19 (2014-04-04)
The logic isn't reading the AU. Tried changing to 32bit, scanning and still not reading... Any help? I can find all the addictive drums files in place in the vst and components files.mauiLOVE (2014-05-25)
#1 install WinRaR on your computer.#2 Then extract the keygen & ISO file From air-xlnaad/air-xlnaadkgn.
#3 then mount the ISO with mounting software.
[Windows 8 has mounting software built in]
#4 Install addictive drums.
#5 open AD in your favorite DAW.
#6 Copy the the Computer ID number at the top of the authorize screen.
#7 Go to the KeyGen it.
#8 Paste the Computer ID in the appropriate box...
#9 press generate... this will prompt to save a file to your desktop..
{{leave the KeyGen open don't close it..There will also be an authorization code on the KeyGen copy it!]]
#10 cut and past that file into C:programs/XLN Audio/Addictive Drums.
#11 close the XLN folder out.
#12 now go back to you and past the Authorization Code into the.
authorization box in the DAW !
And if for some reason you mess up ... Don't panic just close everything and.
do these steps all over again....
and that should be it !
syscheck (2014-08-22)
Works on my Win7 64bit, using Reaper as host.GonzaloLozanoM (2014-08-28)
everything is all right. Read the instructions in the comments below on how to register. Thank you very much.arctic_rob (2014-10-29)
Thanks! Works great with Windows 8. I followed the instructions and comments. Thanks mauiLove for the detailed instructions!I also added Cubase to use it with. A great PBay DAW download.
1. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r00 47.68 Mb
2. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r01 47.68 Mb
3. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r02 47.68 Mb
4. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r03 47.68 Mb
5. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r04 47.68 Mb
6. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r05 47.68 Mb
7. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r06 47.68 Mb
8. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r07 47.68 Mb
9. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r08 47.68 Mb
10. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r09 47.68 Mb
11. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r10 47.68 Mb
12. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r11 47.68 Mb
13. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r12 47.68 Mb
14. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r13 47.68 Mb
15. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r14 47.68 Mb
16. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r15 47.68 Mb
17. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r16 47.68 Mb
18. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r17 47.68 Mb
19. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r18 47.68 Mb
20. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r19 47.68 Mb
21. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r20 47.68 Mb
22. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r21 47.68 Mb
23. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r22 47.68 Mb
24. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r23 47.68 Mb
25. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r24 47.68 Mb
26. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r25 47.68 Mb
27. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r26 47.68 Mb
28. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r27 47.68 Mb
29. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r28 47.68 Mb
30. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r29 47.68 Mb
31. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r30 47.68 Mb
32. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r31 47.68 Mb
33. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r32 47.68 Mb
34. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r33 47.68 Mb
35. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r34 47.68 Mb
36. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r35 47.68 Mb
37. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.r36 43.45 Mb
38. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.rar 47.68 Mb
39. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaad.sfv 978 bytes
40. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/air-xlnaadkgn.rar 1.21 Mb
41. XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.DVDR.HYBRID-AiRISO/airiso.nfo 12.17 Kb