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[] The Joe Blow Conspiracy Show - 110709 - Gossip, Opin






[] The Joe Blow Conspiracy Show - 110709 - Gossip, Opin




2011-07-08 (by joeblowman)


OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO ***************************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** The Joe Blow Conspiracy Show - Gossip, Opinions, History, News [email protected] /* */ *** To come on the show, meet us at our chatroom! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***************************************************************************** OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO The Joe Blow Conspiracy Show - 110709 - Gossip, Opinions, History, News I. Several off-topic comments. 1. More advice for activists who are under attack. II. The Boule: black American elite Secret Society. 1. The Boule is a gay black Secret Society. * Many of these so-called popular black politicians, artists, movie starts, rappers, etc are in it. + To be a member in the Boule you have to engage in a homosexual act with the same sex. + The name Boule is a greek term, meaning "adviser to the king", but the question is "Who is the king?". + The king are the White (actually Jewish-controlled) Secret Societies. * Fashioned after Yale’s Skull and Bones (another Homosexual Masonic organization). + But whom does the Boule really serve? + The Satanic Jew Global Elite! + As long as the Black member conforms to the rules, the riches will be in abundance; if not, blackmail is part of the deal. + The majority of Black lawyers, doctors, engineers and accountants, even bus drivers are members of this secret club. * I can garentee you that your local Black Freemasons are fucking each other in the ass when they are not sucking White Freemasonic dick. + If you want to test for membership, look a Black Freemason in eye and say BOULE! 2. A few Conspiracy-researchers were finally able to expose the Boule. * Great Conspiracy Hero Steve Cokely was the first to expose the Boule. + The Freemasonic ADL destroyed his life as retalitation for going after Freemasons and naming the Jew. + Steve Cokely exposes Boule Society + As Cokely puts it, "It took a type of nigger to form an organization like this. I mean, we just got our asses kicked during reconstruction, Afrika was divided before our very eyes , damn, this was 50 years before Rosa Parks!". * Bobby Hemmit (esoteric Masonic researcher) continued exposure of the Boule to the present day. + Bobby Hemmitt "The (Gay) Boule Black Secret Society III. Joe and TKRA go through many interesting topics together. 1. TKRA has created an Internet Media Empire revolving around his show, Parity Talk! 2. We discuss how they became Conspiracy-theorists and the Conspiracy Community. * The pre-internet Conspiracy Community was vastly different than what it has become today. + Discovery of the different areas of Conspiracy Research occured by way of underground magazines. + It was not so specialized as it is now, everyone studied everything at the same time. - Paranormal, UFOs, Xeno-zoology, Religion, Alternative-history, etc. + One had to physically travel to the Underground Places and meet the Special People to get the Secret Information. - Most research was pretty boring, just reading books at the library or saving money to order them. - One never considered that there were that many other people doing the same thing. * The post-internet Conspiracy Community is a complete fucking joke. + We used to take the shit deadly seriously, not any more... - Charlie Veitch of the Love Police is the epitomy of the wrong kind of people that have joined. + The old Scam-artist Conspiracy "Leaders" were just as scummy, but they were never that good at making money, LOL. + People are trying to find the simple answers, i.e. The Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory. - Joe says it is just JEWS! + It is a lot easier and quicker to obtain this Information, but the art of Research has been lost, :(. + We do not consider Drug-addicts taking Hallucinogenic Drugs as part of the community. 3. We examine the extremely high amount of Homosexuality in Freemasonry. * In any all MALE institution, there will be a problem with Homosexuality, but they actually promote it. + There is no rule against admitting Homosexuals, and if you were not one, you eventually will become one. - Every promoter of the Homosexual Movement was a Freemason and a Jew. + At the higher levels in various Masonic Appendages, rituals are preformed which involve anal-sex. - This is what is meant by Brotherly Love. * Freemasons are notorious for conducting Homosexual Psychological Warfare Operations. + It is a type of PSYOPS where you go somewhere and they put Gay People around you then take pictures. - TKRA coined a new term for these setups, GAYOPS! 4. We have a heated argument about Overpopulation and Resource-management. * TKRA is a Proponent of these theories. + Do the math, the World Population has trippled since WW2, but maturity has not increased. - The reckless Greed-based Culture must be scaled back. + Billionaires are looking for ways to kill people to save money. * Joe is an Opponent of these theories. + He met Freemasons, even this year, who were spouting this nonsense. - "Everyone in China can not have the same lifestyle as we do, there are not enough resources.". + The simplest solution to the non-problem of Overpopulation is Industrialization of the Third World. IV. Taking Ayahuasca/DMT is not Conspiracy-theory...damn it! 1. Since the late 1990s, a new breed of so-called Conspiracy-theorists has emmerged, the Psychenauts. * They preform exploration of altered states of mind via the ingestion of naturally occurring psychedelic substances. + For example psychedelic mushrooms and DMT, and then relate their Psychedelic experiences. + Their favorite drug is called "Ayahuasca" (aya-soul/dead, wasca-vine/rope) - the vine of the soul. - In the Amazonian area of South America the Indians have a drug which they believe can free the soul from the prison of the body. - A shaman can use the drug to make a diagnosis, to acquire knowledge on medicinal plants, healing, good places to fish, places in the jungle where the fruits are ripe to pick, on how to prevent threatening disasters or to predict the future. * Terence McKenna was the first to popularize the use DMT within the Conspiracy Community. + Was a researcher, philosopher, speaker, spiritual teacher and writer on many subjects. - Such as human consciousness, psychedelic drugs, the evolution of civilizations, the origin and the end of the universe, cybernetics, alchemy, and extraterrestrial beings. + Was the only real Conspiracy-theorist among all the DMT Drug-addicts. + A longtime sufferer of migraines, he got brain cancer and knew that his tumour was caused by his 35-years of smoking cannabis. 2. The main hive forum for these drug-addicts is DMT NEXUS * Most of the forum is dedicated to how to become a drug-addict, only a very small part has anything to do with Conspiracy Theory. + Psychedelic t-shirts by MySmelf (Music/Art/Literature) Today at 11:37:53 PM + Self Aware Dogs? by christian (Hyperspace Tavern) Today at 9:42:20 PM 3. Joe dissuades people from even thinking about trying this bullshit. * DMT Abusers are usually bored upper middle class who want to destroy their lives. + What good are transcendental insights if you behave like an asshole to your kids? + Or make yourself insufferable due to the special privileges you give yourself because you've been "enlightened" by a sacred plant? + You can have 20 amazing dmt trips in a row but on the 21 time completely lose it. - Property damage, Personal injury and Police could all be yours, it is not worth the risk. + Possession by demon spirits is quite the suprise the first time it happens. Music: Geto Boys - Balls And My Word Azar Shiva - Soltane Ghalbha ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are open bittorrent trackers, so yes anyone can announce anything on them, please include them in all your torrents. udp:// udp:// udp:// Send tips to or call [email protected] /* */ [email protected] /* */------------


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44.57 Mb

