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Bioshock Mac + Update 1.01 + No DVD Crack






Bioshock Mac + Update 1.01 + No DVD Crack




2009-11-17 (by carvefx)


BioShock is the "genetically enhanced" first person shooter that lets you do things never before possible in the genre: turn everything into a weapon, biologically mod your body with plasmids, hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants, and experiment with different battle techniques in an incredible and unique underwater city. You are a cast-away in Rapture, an underwater Utopia torn apart by civil war. Caught between powerful forces, and hunted down by genetically modified “splicers” and deadly security systems, you have to come to grips with a deadly, mysterious world filled with powerful technology and fascinating characters. No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way. BioShock is loaded with some of greatest, most modifiable weapons to ever blast their way into a shooter. But guns alone won’t be enough to defeat the devious AIs of Rapture. There are literally hundreds of other strategies players can use to take out his enemies. Minimum Requirements Processor: 1.8GHz RAM: 1.5GB Graphics: 128MB VRAM Mac OS: 10.5.8 Hard Disk: 8GB Drive: DVD Input: Mouse Recommended Requirements Processor: 2.4GHz RAM: 3GB Graphics: 512MB VRAM Mac OS: 10.5.8 Hard Disk: 8GB Drive: DVD Input: Multi-buttoned mouse This game does not support GMA graphics cards with shared RAM Designed for Intel processors only This is NATIVE so no, it's not CIDER or anything like that. I will seed at least till ratio 3.0 so everyone gets a chance to download it. THIS IS FRESH SO PLEASE SEED.


  1. Bioshock Mac Full

Files count:



6978.42 Mb




Nostur (2009-11-17)

OK everyone, lets seed this great game!

got1t0r (2009-11-17)

why r there so many big files??
once u download it.. what do u have to do to install it??

torrent-tracker (2009-11-17)

Thats amaziiiiiiiiiiiiing, i want that game guys , just concentrate on seeding this shit please, for god sake.

bljy (2009-11-17)

thanks guys.. thanks to uploader!

got1t0r (2009-11-17)

yes i got that but how do u do the update .. etc??

Dragonforce79 (2009-11-17)

Can anyone who downloaded this say something about the quality of this torrent ? Thanks.

Loperty1 (2009-11-17)

I've downloaded it and it works pefect :)
I've been seeding this bad-boy for the past 2 days. Gonna seed for you guys 2 night

torrent-tracker (2009-11-17)

thank you very much carvefx and thanks Loperty1 for seeding when you can, but the other guys don't want to seed, there's some transmission boys and Vuze guys , they are selfish about seeding that great game, please seeding that shit please seeding that game, when i finish to download that game i will finally kill myself and die in peace.. thanks guys seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

carvefx (2009-11-18)

Guys, I'm seeding it for another 24h and after that it will be very limited. Please SEED. At the time of this ost there are 120 Leechers and only one seeder.

n3wf0ld3r (2009-11-18)

Downloaded it from another tracker.
Works like a charm.
Will help seed tomorrow.

CSilver7 (2009-11-18)

Please SEED!! I am hoping to download this baby in 2 days...hopefully! I will be seeding till the ratio is at 2.0 after I am done!

krp2nte (2009-11-18)

Just a Transmission boy here--who seeds all his shit all day everyday--still dont have the M F'er.
Already at a 1.2 ratio---so um yeah--could you seed this shat already?!

Loperty1 (2009-11-18)

Okey, My net was down yesterday so I couldn't seed it.
But I will for sure seed 2night.

bljy (2009-11-19)

thanks guys.. its extremely encouraging to see the number of seeders shoot up from 1 to 80.. where it is right now.. cheers!

krp2nte (2009-11-19)

Thanks everyone.
Seeding like a mo fo right now!

fabiodrums (2009-11-19)

work on GMA X3100?

MachineGunner (2009-11-19)

Works great, until I try to save. Then it quits out. Can't get past that first saving screen (after you are taken through Rapture with that little pod thing).
Mac OS X Version 10.5.8
1.83 ghz intel core duo
1.5 gb 667 mhz ddr2 sram
Is it just too intensive for my computer or what?

got1t0r (2009-11-19)

can someone please explain to me which files you have to install to make the game work??
Because the are 4 dmg files...
do u install the game and then the crack or what??
If that .....then what do u with the 2 other dmg files??

torrent-tracker (2009-11-19)

thank you guys, i appreciate your effort in seeding that big Daddy, i have an idea guys...
what if everyone that have been download a huge torrent file on piratebay give one week at least of seeding at half your net connection speed all day long ??? i think it's a great idea and everyone would be happy. i know it's a huge responsability but some user give us a lot of oportunity to have some thousands of dollars software, i think that piratebay would be a better place...

Etropal (2009-11-19)

I have OS X.6.2 (Snow Leopard)
GeForce 9400M
Does it work with Snow?
I mounted, tried the patched and the unpatched version, both tell me to insert the DVD. (I mounted the NoDVD's)
Any solutions?

l_uke (2009-11-19)

ok dude, install BioShock Mac DLDVD.dmg
then install the 1.0.1 update
then the 1.0.1 NoDVD crack.
thats all you have to do.
I dont have snow yet so i cant tell you.
great torrent, works perfectly. ;)

fabiodrums (2009-11-20)

Work on GMA X3100?

CSilver7 (2009-11-20)

@l_uke Thanks for the instruction.
Just for the heads up, After you do what l_uke says you will be able to play it. Just to remember not to unmount the Bioshock Data drive. Game will say you are missing a file if you unmount!
Thanks again uploader for this torrent!

n3wf0ld3r (2009-11-20)

Works great on Snow Leopard

n3wf0ld3r (2009-11-20)

You have to apply the no dvd patch, not just mount it

Etropal (2009-11-20)

What do you mean by "apply it" ?
Thx. :)

Etropal (2009-11-20)

I am retarded, thanks a lot, works perfectly :)

got1t0r (2009-11-20)

thanx a lot!!

father_alexander (2009-11-24)

there is something i dont understand, how the hell after the first day we had 80 seeders and then we went back to 40 and now we have 70, come on people SEED!

carvefx (2009-11-25)

1.)Install game
2.)Install update
It works on Snow Leopard as I am using it right now.
Happy seeding.

proof05 (2009-11-25)

please seed people, once complete i will be seeding for 2 weeks.

DerKert (2009-11-26)

This is an excellent torrent, thank you!

arbnor187 (2009-11-27)

moryok wer did u get the call of duty modernwarfare 2 from??

arbnor187 (2009-11-27)

yo listen

arbnor187 (2009-11-28)

Ille make a video for u guys :)

arbnor187 (2009-11-28)


canada37 (2009-11-28)

please seed! ive been stuck on 81% for almost 3 days, i promise if this downloads ill seed!

canada37 (2009-11-28)

your video helped a lot. I haven't finished downloading the whole thing but i get what im supposed to do. please keep the video online until i am done? haha you dont have to but it would be such a great help XD

arbnor187 (2009-11-28)

and yes i will keeep the vid up forever
moryok is call of duty moderwarfare 2 actually working for you??

canada37 (2009-11-28)

oh man, i am so confused.. I did everything @anarbor187 said/did in the video and got everything down, but now when i open it to play it, it says: "invalid installation detected, bioshock could not run because the file 'Engine.U' is missing from install" what should i do?

canada37 (2009-11-28)

okay scratch that last comment i trashed everything and re installed. that problem was handled. new problem though :C it keeps saying my graphics card is incompatible, this might sound like a noob question but is it really? i've run tons other high res games on my mac. how come this ones different?
my gc is: intel GMA X3100 (stock with the macbook)

arbnor187 (2009-11-28)

ok canada57 iam sorry but that means that ur mac (graphics card) is uncapable of handlein the graphics on bioshock so it will not run....sorry

1234gmod (2009-11-30)

I have the same graphics card as canada but I have run other games that said GMA graphic cards would not work. i have a black macbook. Please tell me if I can run this game.

arbnor187 (2009-11-30)

Well Downloade it and SEEE

eltaho (2009-12-01)

why it so slow? =( max 30kb/s

PezDude (2009-12-02)

Works great!
Oh, the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 DOES work only there's a problem with it not working with ATI cards so at the moment it's Nvidia only... sorry.
Probably be new version with ATI support coming soon so hang in there.

Lojzav (2009-12-02)

Bioshock doesnt work for me. I've followed the vid but when I start the game, preferences window pops up, I dont change anything, click on play.
And the game quits - just disappers from dock.
Please, do you have solution?

arbnor187 (2009-12-02)

sorry thats never happend to me have you installed it?

Lojzav (2009-12-02)

Yes, dragged bioshock to applications, cracked... And nothing. Even no error message.
Perhaps bioshock doesnt like me :D

dccdanchalmes (2009-12-09)


Turpitude (2009-12-11) can't just stop leeching you meathead, u have to finish the download first.....then you become a seeder....

proof05 (2009-12-12)

What ever you do DO NOT alter or even attempt to explore the Bioshock data .dmg that is in the folder. If you do this the game will be totally fucked. Will be seeding for the next 2 weeks.

Bumbaz (2009-12-13)

Seed guys please! I'm stuck at 89,35% for two days now. I'll be seeding for months!

Bumbaz (2009-12-16)

Works great :) I'm loving this game.

jewishTOKER24 (2009-12-17)

75.00% 32.0 KB/s
we need more seeders /: i swear once mine is down DL i will seed for longer than a week. maybe it'll help others like me.

jewishTOKER24 (2009-12-18)

ok. nevermind. i have less than 9 mins to go. i'll seed for a week! thanks a ton, carvefx!

jewishTOKER24 (2009-12-18)

my graphics card isn't compatible. so. my dreams were just crushed. so hard. they're fucking god damned dust now.
i'm going to just have to wait to get my 360 elite now. seriously. fuck mac. there's always some shit wrong. you can't use this with that. this isn't compatible with that over there. this faggot doesn't have a cock big enough to fit in that fucker's hole. this is fucking bullshit. sorry, guys. had to vent. but i'll still seed out of love for carvefx for taking time out of his day to share this with all of us.
happy splicer hunting. please. please. rape one of those pissant's for me.

whywait (2009-12-19)

I keep getting the error "you can't open the application "bioshock" because it is not supported on this architecture. Can anyone tell me what's even going wrong here?

Omnideus (2009-12-22)

It means you're using a PowerPC Mac, which isn't supported. You need a Mac with an Intel processor to play this.

FluffyBeast (2009-12-23)

to all the guys wh osays it doesnt work because of their graphic cards on their macbook pro
this is your solution:
Buy a iMac
Bioshock is a game only made for intel mac's (iMac)
not for macbooks :) so everyone who download this and has a macbook, stop your download :)

FluffyBeast (2009-12-23)

btw, i'm gonna dwnld this soon... first my limit of downloads need to be set on 0, this will happen within 5 days, so then i'm gonna download :) hope this works
iMac, 2.66GHz intel core duo 2
256mb VRAM Nvidia GeForce 9400
still got 218giga HDD left
2giga RAM with 1067 MHz or something... so this should work, gonna let you guys know if i have it :)

Coolin93 (2009-12-23)

Umm you do realize that all the current Macbooks and Macbook Pros have the nVidia 9400 GPU that your iMac has. In fact my 13inch Macbook Pro has better specs than your iMac, not trying to be a dick just don't want people to be misinformed.

FluffyBeast (2009-12-23)

i didn't mean the macbooks are a piece of shit... i just wanted to say that Bioshock is a game made for iMac's only and not work on Macbooks :). that's it.
i know some macbooks are better then iMac's, but some iMac's are better then Macbooks to :)

Lojzav (2009-12-24)

So bioshock doesnt work on macbooks? Even if they have sufficient specs? It sucks, kind of...

FluffyBeast (2009-12-24)

@Lojzav; jup, Intel Mac only :)

relenar21 (2009-12-31)

pleeease seed.......I would really like to play this game!

relenar21 (2010-01-02)

Can someone tell me how the update is added? when i try to do the crack it says there was an error preventing it from being completed

davesong (2010-01-03)

fluffy, you are very confused. the "i" in iMac does not stand for Intel. All Macs use intel chips now. That includes Macbooks, Macbook Pros and iMacs!

Lojzav (2010-01-03)

Doesnt work on Macbook pro 2009 mid

DiakosN (2010-01-04)

The Crack always crashes when i'm selecting the folder Bioshock in the Apps Directory

DiakosN (2010-01-04)

will it work if i burn to a dual layer dvd?

Derfhdhs (2010-01-05)

What kind of graphics card would I need to be able to run this at high quality smoothly? I just want to know specifically so I can run out and buy it.

Shmil (2010-01-06)

The game keeps crashing when I try to load the first mission... With both 1.0 and 1.0.1 versions.
I'm using a Macbook latest gen, Nvidia Geforce 9400, 2 Go RAM, 2,2 Ghz dual core.
Any information? :'(

Shmil (2010-01-06)

It also crashes everytime I try to save the game :'(

tbone2709 (2010-01-08)

runs fine other than the fact that it has 3VIX (or something DEMO written across the screen in big red writing, and demo expired written in the top corner. But the game is playable. PLEASE HELP cos at the moment it sucks. Will seed

tbone2709 (2010-01-09)

Dont worry I was being thick. Still seeding but will buy because it is a beautiful game

fireballw360 (2010-01-10)

works like a charm! great game

kierankieran (2010-01-13)

Works brilliant on my 21.5" mac, running full graphics specs too
thanks for this great upload :D

Shmil (2010-01-22)

I can't make it work for some reason. Every time I try to save the game (including auto-saves), the game crashes. I really don't understand why.
Playing on a Mac os 10.6 latest macbook with 9400M card, 4 Go RAM...
But the problem seems to come from the savegame.

FluffyBeast (2010-01-23)

is it possible to mak a port from Crysis for mac?

imsleepyish (2010-01-24)

this installs/loads up great but i'm telling you kids, if you wanna play games you should just run windows using bootcamp and play games on that. i have bioshock running on windows on the same 24" imac and it runs waaaaaaaay better than it does in osx. i wanted to get this one cause i hate having to reboot into windows to play games but...the mac version sucks. just download xp, download some games for it, have fun. -thanks for the upload.

brwowsrs (2010-03-03)

@imsleepyish-i've been fartin around for 3 days trying to get windows on my imac snow leopard 2gb yahoo thingy and downloaded various windows o/s to install with bootcamp and wasted alot of dl cds. please help me. i want to try this game with windows. or anyone who can help me email: [email protected] .this game is awsome, many thanks uploader.

brwowsrs (2010-03-04)

I've downloaded this before and eventually got it to work, then deleted it after I reached the end. Now I can't seem to get past the "Need DVD" promp with a new download and install attempt. Still could use help with the above comment I posted too.

brwowsrs (2010-03-08)

Got it fingered out. Thanks again uploader!

brenanj (2010-03-08)

I can't get this to work... tried all the suggestions on here, when i install the update it says im running a version missing Engine.U, when i dont update and just use the 1.0 crack it pops up with the pre-game settings but when i hit play nothing happens.. if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated

brwowsrs (2010-03-09)

brenanj- it's not starting for me either. Same problem.

brenanj (2010-03-09)

the Engine.U problem went away but with the update nothing happens when i hit play still. the data image mounts and dismounts in a flash.

utron11 (2010-04-06)

Gggggggrrrrrreeeeeeaaaaatttttttttt!!!!! work well!!! thank you carvefx. Will seed till 30 GB for anyone who wanna have some fun!

45ness (2010-04-13)

WOrks GREAT! just followed arbnor187's direction:

unrealpatrik (2010-04-25)


jeffster888 (2010-04-26)

Works perfect, on a hackintosh w/ gts250 and core 2 duo. Short guide:
1.Install normally. (Copy to Applications)
2.Open the 'Crack' (bomb icon)
3.Mount DMG and run crack (1.0)
4.When it asks for a folder, just go to Applications and select the Bioshock folder.
5.Run, quit the crack.
6.Unzip the update (1.0.1) and copy 'Bioshock' to the bioshock folder (replace the old one)
7.Run the 1.0.1 crack (mount the DMG, repeat steps 3,4&5 with this one.
8.Escape Rapture :)

Mr.Deceptive (2010-05-03)

This works. However you can not open your save file. When you try to open your save file the game crashes.

tommi91 (2010-05-09)

hey can 1one help me i can't run this game just starst and quit

Etienne0123 (2010-05-09)

Works like a charm for me, i enjoy the game very much!! Now Bioshock 2 for the mac and youre my best friend. ;)

One-77 (2010-05-23)

Thanks so much. I just seed it ! Let's play !

seiriol1 (2010-06-20)

FUCK. I spent ages on this thing! everything was perfect then as i press play after hours of cracking ect.
it comes up with: incompatible video card detected: Intel GMA 950 OpenGL Engine
Any help guys? seriously?

seiriol1 (2010-06-21)

ok dont help me.
fuck pirate bay and fuck seeding this as hardly anybody else did!

Oktopuz (2010-06-24)

seiriol1, nobody helps you because you're a fckn dumbass... if you'd freakin READ the description, you'd see a big "does not support GMA graphics cards" in yer face. Retard.

dynomitedanee (2010-07-03)

wait so does this only work for mac? and what does everybody mean by cracking ive never downloaded a game before so im confused

reddragon0000 (2010-07-25)

Works great on my new Mac 10.6.4 OS. If anyone is interested here is how you install. 1) First install game 2) Run 1.0 no cd dvd crack 3) Run game and do the update 3) Now install no dvd 1.0.1 crack and BOOM it works great.
Apple 21.05
3.06 ghz duel core
Nvidia GeForce 9400m with 246

arianarian1000 (2010-08-03)


A.l.xx (2010-08-11)

Im Stuckk At 80.%

A.l.xx (2010-08-12)

yeahh Already Downloaded It!!!
Ima Seed For All Of Yall(;

iDarwin (2010-08-13)

awesome!! thanks very much! it works good

mamocabo (2010-08-24)

SEEDERS PLEASE UP!!! :(((( I download this torrent 1 week... ((((((((((

the_sarper (2010-09-01)

is there a way for me to download just the No DVD crack+update 1.01?

PornstarD (2010-09-29)

I DL'd this one in about 3 hrs but I tried every which way to install this based on several of the instructional comments posted here. None work whatsoever. I can drag the game into applications but when I run the crack .dmgs nothing happens at all. It will always say "insert DVD" etc.. what gives?

PeebriaN (2010-10-01)

Works great on my late '09 MacBook White Nvidia geforce 9400, 4GB RAM, patch to 1.01 with the actual game then install 1.01 crack :D Thanks so much, will s33d :D

Masonics (2010-12-24)

pleeeeeeease seed stuck at 99.4

Fail_OB (2011-01-04)

been downloading great at around 750 Kb/s but got to around 80% and has since dropped to about 350-400Kb/s

DarkVOX (2011-01-23)

Works great on my Macbook Pro 15".
Loading is a bit slow, but the Crack's work perfectly, and very little lag when using maxed out options.
Only issue is when you Quit to Finder, its VERY slow doing so, and then my computer lags for a bit.
It speeds back up after a minute or so.

ArgggMaties (2011-02-02)

Im seeding, If you download and dont seed this. DIE! Seed Seed Seed

ArgggMaties (2011-02-03)

Anyone here not douchebag enough to answer questions? I've done the hack it says CD is needed. Blah Blah Blah. Help and i love you

anthonyyj (2011-02-07)

seeeed please im only downloading at 10kB/s ):

anthonyyj (2011-02-07)

Seeed please stuck at 63%

lectosis (2011-02-12)

Please seed.
Torrent severely slowed down around 63%.
Thank you.

88sparow (2011-02-20)

Hey, wonking perfect. Nice game. Thank you

kyo3132 (2011-02-27)

Please up load ! I real want to play!THANK

cholopots (2011-03-01)

PLEASE SEED! stuck at 74%! please please please seed!

cholopots (2011-03-01)

seeeeeeeeeed! stuck at 91% now :(

cholopots (2011-03-01)

PLEASE help. Just waited two days for it to download, and now none of the ways anyone said to do it works for me. I keep getting errors when i run the crack and it tells me to "select the bioshock folder at the next window". HELP PLEASE. I'm new to macs, so maybe that has something to do with it...

darksinz117 (2011-03-03)

Hey does anyone know how to delete saved files..? Like i have saved the game unnecessarily and wanna delete them. It says press the delete button,which I did, but still can't delete it...Great game so far btw! TYY

ftbtef (2011-03-07)

I have a 2005 Intel iMac, my stats are:
2.16 GHz processor
1 GB memory
Mac OS X 10.6.6
ATI Radeon X1600
Will this work for me?

MacLovered (2011-03-08)

@ftbtef No. Bioshock need's 1.5 gb of ram to run.

MacLovered (2011-03-08)

and the x1600 is a kinda outdated card.

ronmann (2011-03-13)

Hey I gotta 2008 iMac 2.4 dual core 3GB ram Radeon HD 2400 but only 128MB VRAM. Anyone know if its playable with that low of VRAM?

dimkeyd (2011-03-18)

Hey! Just got my switched from windows to mac this week and would like to download this game but seem to be getting stuck:(( Seed please and help me try out my mac :D

Duardo (2011-03-25)

Excellent, will seed.
Excellent game that everyone should enjoy

Duardo (2011-03-25)

Everyone who is a Mac owner should have this game.

Durban343 (2011-04-03)

works perfect, no problems, thanks carvefx

Wuzafish (2011-04-12)

Hey, I just thought I would say great torrent *but* your information is wrong.
I have an iMac G5 upgraded to Snow Leopard 10.6.7 & I have all the lowest features such as the X1600 & 1GB of RAM. But this game works fine for me :D

stencoo (2011-04-14)

how i can play it

MacLovered (2011-04-23)

hmm thats what i got from the feral website that bioshock needed 1.5 gb of ram to run but if you say it works then ok.

r0an3v3 (2011-05-10)


TryBeforeBuy (2011-05-27)

Works fine, and downloads really fast (3-4hours) seeding for some time to come. Also the install process seems to confuse a lot of people here (me included) i can't get the update to work (engiene.U error) or something. But never mind, game runs perfectly without and on full spec.

teere321 (2011-05-30)

pleasee seed i'm stuck at 67 % seed !!

Bign00b (2011-06-02)

Thanks!! This works great on my Macbook pro, not the best graphics capability but runs smoothly, and I'm really enjoying the game.

spitboy (2011-06-04)

how to instal this please give me an instruction it'a not very clear for me

hejhejleo (2011-06-07)

SEEED !!!! :D

hejhejleo (2011-06-09)

I,m not so good at this so plese tell me how to make it work it says it cant c any dvd so it cant play and when i try to instal it says that something is blocking its instalation so please help
( sorry for my bad Englsih)

cozza96 (2011-06-14)

1. Mout the bioshock dmg, when prompted drag the bioshock folder into your application
2.mount the 1.0 crack and run it. When it says select bioshock folder at the next window,select the folder u just dragged into your applications
3. Unzip the 1.0.1 update and drag the bioshock icon into the bioshock folder and replace the icon
4.mount the 1.0.1 crack and follow the same instructions as step 2
Enjoy :)

cozza96 (2011-06-14)

^*step 3 replace the old icon

yuiop264 (2011-06-26)

what does mout or mount mean?

laxbrah (2011-07-10)

please seed!!!!!

blastoise483 (2011-08-03)

i get a warning after i open bioshock 1.0.1.Nodvd.Crack.dmg.
It says the disk images could not be opened and the reason is image data corrupted.i hav 3.06ghz intel i3,4gb RAM,256mb ATI radeon graphics

blastoise483 (2011-08-03)

n ive installed OS X Lion

BexRock (2011-08-14)

to get to work do this:
Open BioshockMacDLDVD.dmg. drag the bioshock logo into applications (will rake about 5 minutes to transfer)
Then open Bioshock.1.0.NoDVD.Crack.dmg. When the dialog box opens, open Bioshock Crack box. It will then ask you to find the Bioshokc folder (which will be in Applications remember)
Once this is successful, open ‘Bioshock.1.0.1Update.dmg‘ this will unzip the file into the folder which contains all the dmgs. its called You must copy this into the bioshock folder in applications, overwriting the original that is there.
You have now updated the game, but you now need to use the crack, or it will ask for the DVD.
Lastly, back in the folder with the dmg files, open
And do the same process you did for the first crack (remember, open the file and find the bioshock folder in applications)

Funkybeatzzzz (2011-08-15)

Be careful! I just got a letter from my isp about downloading this. Someone is watching so don't use your own isp, steal a neighbors:)

blastoise483 (2011-08-30)

@BexRock-when i try to open "BioShock.1.0.1.NoDVD.Crack" ,it opens disk utility and says Select a disk, volume, or image.i hav 3.06ghz intel i3,4gb RAM,256mb ATI radeon graphics,n snow leopard OS

Grapeflavouredpop (2011-09-03)

Wow Great torrent.
Running max with no Lag at all.
3.06 GHz intel core i3
4 Gb ram
Ati Radeon 4670
Snow leopard
downloaded at 1.2 mb/s!!

Datswatshesaid (2011-09-14)


imKun (2011-09-29)

@BexRok The DVD must be present to play but I did everything you said?

imKun (2011-09-29)

Strike the last comment, got it working like a charm and mind you, on a MACBOOK 13" so to everyone saying it wont work on a macbook, UP YOURS!

fggunner (2011-10-14)

runs on Lion?

adimasb (2011-11-01)

Anybody knows why I can't load my saved game? I'm running Lion OS X 10.7.2 on 13" Macbook Pro i5

de_Kuijer (2011-11-28)

Runs on Lion. Works great!
mid 2011 i7 iMac 10.7.2

mokuspocok (2011-12-04)

seed pls!

jkelly1988 (2012-02-13)

please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed, please seed.
thank you

colick (2012-02-16)

Runs perfectly on MacBookPro 8,2 with Lion 10.7(.0)
One of the sickest games I have played :)

yammmmmmmmmmmm (2012-04-01)

please upload bioshock 2 pleaasseeee

Atiba100 (2012-04-06)

You're a legend my friend!! much thanks

LutePussy (2012-04-07)

Corrupt File don't wor you're gay

joaolonas (2012-04-12)

Amazing game. Best ripped game for mac and im so hooked innit.
This should be number one on top 100.

FJR8234 (2012-04-30)


Twinsun (2012-05-08)

Okay, I may just be stupid about this, but, When I try to run the NoDVD Crack, it gives me an error message that reads "An error occurred that prevented the installation from completing." I have the crack file in the same file as Bioshock, along with the NoDVD launcher in the same Bioshock folder I copied to Applications. I try just running it to the Bioshock folder, I get the message. To the crack folder, I get the message. Please help.
Computer Stats:
2.13 GHz Intel Processor
2 GB Ram
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M
256 VRAM
OS 10.5.8
20+ HD

omgfb (2012-06-04)

here's how to do it: run the DVD dmg, install it blah blah blah. And when it says update, click later or no or something. Run the 1.0.1 update thingy, update ur bioshock. Then run the crack 1.0.1 .dmg and select the bioshock folder. happy gaming!

xsquall00 (2012-06-29)

Using a Mac OSX 10.6.8 Snow Lepard and it runs FLAWLESSLY with barely any lag on highest settings and resolutions.
21.5" LED display 1920x1080
2.5 GHz Intel Core i5
4 GB 1333 MHz DDR R.A.M
500GB Hard-drive
AMD Radeon HD6750M 512mb

xsquall00 (2012-06-29)

If you do the installation right, this is a great turrent and a great game I hope to see more great turrents from carvefx. :]

capajalosa (2012-07-03)

Worked on Macbook Pro 13" with:
Mac OS X 10.7.4
Procesador 2.8 Ghz intel Core i7
4Gb Ram
Im totally seeding this awesome torrent!

mylemonpie (2012-07-07)

Your ISP sent you a letter because of this download? What did it say D; now i'm paranoid

Tstone88 (2012-07-12)

Hi, i believe i have done everything correctly but when i go to play the game it says i need a dvd to play it? I have the game data with bioshock and installed the crack so i am not shore what i managed to do wrong. Please help! thank you.

capajalosa (2012-07-12)

On youtube theres plenty of videos that explain how to install it, check it out.

raptormau (2012-07-27)

Awesome torrent... I didn't have any problem during the install.
1- Mount -> Drag 1.0 -> Crack 1.0
2- Unzip and replace with 1.0.1 file -> Crack 1.0.1
Easy as that, just remember to do everything in order to avoid mistakes. You can even play with the X360 Controller if you have one and tattieboogie driver (google it).
The game has an option for 360 controller and you use the same buttons, menus and screen icons from the X360 version, awesome.

raptormau (2012-07-27)

I'm using an iMac i5 2.5Ghz, 4Gb ram, Radeon HD 6750M 512mb and OS X Lion 10.7.4. (from comment above)

lauregasm (2012-08-12)

Worked like a charm. So many thanks! Just follow the instructions cozza96 wrote:
1. Mount the bioshock dmg, when prompted drag the bioshock folder into your applications.
2. Mount the 1.0 crack and run it. When it says select bioshock folder at the next window,select the folder u just dragged into your applications.
3. Unzip the 1.0.1 update and drag the bioshock icon into the bioshock folder and replace the icon you just put into your applications folders.
4.mount the 1.0.1 crack and follow the same instructions as step 2

bapo91 (2012-08-13)

I know I am going to sound like an idiot but I cannot find the 1.0.1 update after I get it to update. am I just missing a step? please help in any way possible. I get the download to work. then I mount the bioshock dmg and the crack dmg. then I run the crack, I choose the bioshock folder. That part works fine. after that I cannot find the 1.0.1 zip folder or whatever

bapo91 (2012-08-13)

I found the problem. This torrent says it is 4 files. When I download it it is only 2

bapo91 (2012-08-14)

Sorry for all the comments. Any seeders would be great because it is really slow bitrate right now

lauregasm (2012-08-16)

Works amazing! Finished it a couple of days ago. THANK YOU SO MUCHHHHH!

raysian98 (2012-08-26)

ummmm..... it doesnt work on my 2010 iMac lion 4gb
it says i need to insert disk?????

Tottie123 (2012-09-08)

Please seed!!!!!!!!!!!

capajalosa (2012-09-14)

For the people who worries if run on ML. I installed it on Lion, and i updated to Mountain. Still runs smoothly. Awesome torrent

SupaSean (2012-10-24)

thank you! repeat THANK YOU!!
this should be on the top 100

REEKOOKEER (2012-11-04)

works great! thanks!!

Katchmate (2013-01-10)

The game works perfectly fine, but the BioShockData folder is locked so that I can't edit the command keys in Bioshock>Builds>Release>DefUser.ini. I've tried everything I can think of and used every Terminal code I know to try and unlock the folder, but nothing works. Anyone know if there's a way to fix this?

Katchmate (2013-01-10)

The game works perfectly fine, but the BioShockData folder is locked and won't let me edit the command keys in Bioshock>Builds>Release>DefUser.ini. I'm trying to add cheat commands to the F10,F11,F12,etc. keys. I've tried everything I can think of and used every Terminal code I know to try and unlock the folder, but it still won't work. I don't even have the unlock option in the Get Info window, everything is read-only. Anybody know if this can be fixed?

pandamanking (2013-03-18)

I'm having the same problem as @Katchmate. Does anyone know how to access the permissions for the DefUser.ini file? I've unlocked it in the Get Info window but everything is still shaded out

skweets (2013-03-24)

Thanks uploader but unfortunately this doesn't play nicely with OS X 10.8.3 :0(
Anyone know where to get the 1.1 or even the 1.1.1 crack update please?

bjornagainswede (2013-03-25)

1.0.1 working perfectly on 10.8.3 with NVidia
request - NODVD patch for 1.1.1

efran_ale (2013-03-30)

I am not waiting 8hrs. SEED BITCHES.

Nebiaf052 (2013-03-30)

Can you upload bioshock infinite?

sitnafup (2013-04-15)

Works Great! Thank you.

thefbi (2013-05-06)

Awesome, works great on Leopard

Harkobu (2013-05-22)

Whats the key for FERAL

Tutor524 (2013-06-09)

Thanks carvefx and lauregasm for the explanation step by step
WORKING PERFECT for my Mac Intel os x10.5.5
Love this game
please follow step by step and works fine
June 8,2013

flashaaaa (2013-08-15)

from what i see everyone seems to say this torrent works well which is great! but while im trying to download it, it stops :O anyone help?

SMatrak (2013-08-27)

Thank you very kindly good sir.
Also thank you lauregasm for the instructions.
Works like a charm indeed.

Rubenjamesfela (2013-10-23)

Please seed!!

Vl3gionnaire (2013-11-06)

I have no idea what to do or how to trace back my steps when after pressing the play button it says that I either need a code or need the DVD. Could someone kindly help me please.

SEAGS (2014-01-17)

This torrents works perfect with OSX Mavericks. (10.9) I followed lauregasm's instructions exactly and it works like a charm. Runs well with max graphics options, and does not crash! Good job with the torrent!

sheere12 (2014-02-28)

Hello! I followed the instructions and everything was great but when I try to save it the game crashes. How can I fix it? Any idea?

foxco (2014-07-30)

i did some of the steps
but it really lags bad while playing
but at least it works!thanks


1. Bioshock/BioShock Mac DLDVD.dmg 6919.49 Mb
2. Bioshock/BioShock.1.0.1.NoDVD.Crack.dmg 17.41 Mb
3. Bioshock/BioShock.1.0.NoDVD.Crack.dmg 17.40 Mb
4. Bioshock/ 24.11 Mb